02x20 - A Dark Day (1)

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Fire". Aired: October 2012 to present.*
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Chicago Fire follows the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working for the Chicago Fire Department at the firehouse of Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25.
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02x20 - A Dark Day (1)

Post by bunniefuu »

[Knocks on door]

[Door opening]

Come on in.

What did I do now?


You are acting lieutenant today.

O... kay.

It's my fault. Casey and Dawson, they have this charity thing over at Chicago Med.

I forgot to file the paperwork for him.

I've already got Rafferty covering for Dawson.

You gotta tell me ahead of time, Chief. I got to get prepared. Mentally, I got...

Right, got you covered.

Thank you.

Close the door.


[Man over P.A.]

Please make sure you register at least 30 minutes before the race begins.

[Sighs] Really?

Goat shirts?

Those are collectors' items.

Yeah, garbage collectors.

You guys gonna run the 10k?

Uh, I am. Casey chickened out.

I'm more of a sprinter.

Heard you're gonna introduce the commissioner later.

Yeah. Not sure how that fell on me.

Well, a ceiling fell on you while you were saving a baby, baby.

[Clatter] I got it.

Hey. It's... it's Kim, right?

Yeah. Hey.

Hey, you... you need some help?

I... I kind of have no idea what I'm doing.


She was part of the team that got Diego back.

On it.

Firefighters bailing out cops is a long tradition.

Oh, okay.

Well, when you need a police officer to...

I've got nothing.


Who's this?

Oh, this is my niece Zoe.

How old are you, Zoe?

I'm nine.

Really? Let me see your driver's license.

I'm nine too.


Well, uh, you're the designated driver because she doesn't have her license.


Imogene, don't bother them.

They're setting up.

Oh, no, it's totally fine.

Do you want to go see them unload the animals for the petting zoo?

Go ahead.

Stay where I can see you.


Hey, you're the new pediatrician, right?

Yeah, Holly Thelan.


Nice to meet you. I just moved here from New York.

Well, welcome. Thanks for volunteering on your day off.

Yeah, my pleasure. I'll see you guys.

Hey, I guess I'll go get started with registration.

Have a good race.

I'll be rooting for you.

[Indistinct chatter]

[Over P.A.] Dr. Flores dial 123.

Oh, hey! Dr. Arata.

Gabriela Dawson.



[Clears throat]

Do you happen to know where the race registration is?

Race reg...

Uh, I'm sorry, Dawson.

I'm kind of busy saving lives.

Oh, be nice, Dr. Arata.

They're doing the race registration over in "A" wing.


Thank you.

I'm gonna talk to Gabby. You got this?

Yeah, no problem.


[Girls laughing]

Wait for me!

Hey, I like the balloons.


[Glass shattering]

[People screaming]

[Sustained high-pitched tone]



[People screaming]




Come on!

[All coughing, moaning]

Help! Help!

Somebody, over here!


Girls, can you hear me?

Are you hurt?

My head.

My tummy hurts.

Hey. What's your name?



I need you to run around to the other side of the hospital... and check to see if ICU is intact...

Hey! Hey!

Oh, my God! Zoe!

Imogene got knocked in the head.

Zoe said her stomach hurts.

This man just passed out.


Im, talk to me, sweetheart. You know where you are?

I'm at the race.

That's right, honey.

Are you okay, baby?

What happened?

I don't know. I don't know.


Oh, my God.


I think she might have a cracked rib.

Hey. E.R.'s gone.

We'll use that tent as triage.

Okay, good.


Im, grab on to my sweater, okay?

Ow! It hurts.

Everyone, this tent will serve as triage!

Start moving people off the street and out of the rubble!

Anyone that can help us, help us!

Can you move?

I think so.

[Both grunting]

[Siren wailing]

You got this, Herrmann. Lieutenant.

Every bit of training we've had was for today, boys.


[Chatter on emergency radio]

Raferty, grab everything off the ambulance.

Chief! Chief!

Big expl*si*n, no idea of the cause.

You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Triage in that tent. E.R. took it hard.

All right, people are gonna be trapped up on those higher floors.

Okay, you, Otis, and Mouch... you get the aerial moving.

On it.

Exterior oxygen and fuel tanks are on the other side of the building.

This couldn't have been an accident.

A b*mb?

The structure's unstable.

Where's Dawson?

Oh, God. She went inside.

Dawson's in there?

I think so.

We'll get her.


Let's go.

Cruz, Mills, stay back!

You did b*mb-tech training with Squad, right?


Tell me what you think.

[Sighs] Car bombing.

It looks just like Oklahoma City.

Exactly what I thought.

Okay, so what do we know?

If there's one car b*mb, there's probably a second.

We're on it.



Let's go.

You check the structure.


Stay there!


She... she said the pain's getting worse.

Imogene is my sister.

I think she has a concussion, but she's responsive and alert.


Kim, is this girl yours?

No, I'm her aunt.

I've been trying to call my sister.

I can't get through.

She says she has stomach pain.

We got to take a look in there somehow, now.

I'm gonna head in and see if radiology is up and running.

All right, I'll go with you.

If there's more injured inside, I want to help.

I'll work here.

You radio me as soon as you know a C.T. scanner is up.

You got it.

Girls, be strong.

Im, take care of Zoe. I'll be back, okay?

Okay. [Zoe coughs]

Zoe, squeeze the pain into me. I can take it.

[Indistinct chatter over radio]

Fire department, call out!

[Debris falling]

I got you.

Got her?


Got her.

Call out!


Call out!


Hey! Dr. Arata, right?


Did Gabby Dawson come in here? Did you seen her?

Dawson... I did.

I left her at the nurses' station.

She on this floor?


Hey! Casey, there's a ton of pockets in here.

We'll find her.


If you can move at all, get away from the exposed wall!

Move back towards the center!


Gabby! Anyone! Call out!

Sir, you had a head injury and you need a cat scan, okay?

[Debris falling]

[Gasps, groans]

[Sighs] Are you okay?



Yeah, it's... it's just a little scratch.

If you need...

No, I'm, uh...

I'm good. Just... let's keep going.



Look for a rental car or a van parked near the building.

It'll have a rental tag in the front windshield and one of those license plate borders.

[Radio beeps] Copy that, Chief.



You hold your men back.

We believe it's a car b*mb.

We're searching for a possible second one nearby.

Ain't no reason to have more men unnecessar...

Wallace, I'll be damned if you think you're gonna keep us out of here.

Okay, we got sector one and two, here and here.

You move your men to three and four.

We got triage going over in the tent.

I just got word from the other side of the hospital.

They are undamaged.

Okay, let's go, men.

Don't look back tomorrow and say you could've done more!

[Radio beeps] Cruz, talk to me.

Nothing yet, Chief.

Yo! Over here!

Rental car. There's a blanket in the back!

[Grunts] Nothing underneath.


All clean. Let's keep moving.

[Breathing heavily] Yeah.

[Radio beeps] Rafferty.

[Radio beeps] Go for Rafferty.

Okay, we got a working cat scan in the trauma wing.

On my way.

Let's see what's going on with Zoe.

I'm coming too.

No, sweetie, you should stay here.

She's my friend, and I'm coming.


Guys, I need a lift.


Up here!

Don't move! We're coming!

Don't even breathe on those walls.

Roger that.
[Men speaking native language]

Hey! [Man groans]



Seriously? What's your problem?

We need to get this man out of here.

Here, take it.

[Man groans]

Hey, listen!

A lot of people need to get out of here, all right?

Casey, get back!

Casey [Coughs]

[Grunts] I'm okay.

I'm okay. [Coughs]


Hey, stand back.

No, you get back!

This is Alim Al Safir, ambassador from Syria to the United States.

Ambassador Safir was here in your city's protection.


And if he's dead...

Capp, Tony, get this guy to the to the "A" wing.

You got it.

[Grunts] Severide!


There's plenty of room under the debris, the way it's fallen.

I'm going in. If Gabby's under there...

Casey, I don't know if that's safe.

You guys get stuck under there... we won't get stuck.



[Breathing heavily]


Dr. Thelan.

Dr. Arata.

So, it's your tummy?

She says the pain's getting worse, fast.

Hmm. Let's see.


We're gonna take a look.

Everybody clear out, please.


I'll be right outside.

Come on, Imogene.

I want you to stay very still.

All right?


It's okay.



Dawson's missing.


Apparently she was near the blast.

All right, I'm gonna go help.

No, no, no, no, no.

The guys are doing everything that they can.

We do our jobs, no matter what, right?

I guess you're right.

I'm coming with you.

Im, just stay here, okay?

Is Zoe gonna be okay?

She's has the best doctor in the city with her.

I'll be back.

[Building creaking]

Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God.

Please hurry.

How you doing?

[Breathing heavily] I could be better.

Bad day at the hospital, huh?

Please don't joke.


Anybody else here in the room with you?

No. Clearly.

You'll be all right.


[Creaking, crack] Please!

All right, listen, lady...

You got to relax.

It's "doctor."

My apologies, doctor.

But if you don't relax, I'm gonna call you a lot worse.

[Aerial whirring]


This is the way to go.

All right, swing her out!

Swing her out. [Grunting]

Got her!

I checked everything in both lots, and I got nothing.

[Breathing heavily]


We found our second b*mb.


Northwest parking lot, close to the hospital.

Steve, when's that b*mb Squad gonna get here?

Ten minutes.

I'm on my way.

[Debris falling]




Gabby! Anyone! Call out!



If we don't find a space big enough to turn around, we're going to have to do this backwards.

I know.

Well, it might not be the smartest course of action.

We're going to be smart about this now?


Keep going.

It hurts.

I know, honey. I'm sorry.

It hurts so bad.

I'm sorry.

Can I speak to you for a moment?

Your niece has a crushed liver. She's bleeding internally.

I need to operate before she bleeds out.

Oh, my God.

Do you have authority to give consent?

Consent? I don't know. I...

That's good enough for me. We'll get her ready.

Make a hole!

Nurse, we'll take that gurney.



This man...

He's in bad shape.

He's not in bad shape. He's dead.

Cruz, grab me your center punch.

[Horn blares]

Cruz, Mills...

I'm gonna ask you to leave the area.

Forget it.

Not a chance.

[Timer ticking]

It's on a timer.


Can't see what it's set for though.

Yeah, this is amateur hour... b*mb making 101.

Which means?

Which means that it could go off at any moment.


Can you?


Careful, Mills.

Hey, Tone!

Where's Severide and Casey?

Down there somewhere.

All right, let's spread out. Let's go, guys.

Dig 'em out.


I see someone!

Call out if you can hear me!


It's not her!


She's dead.


It's not Dawson!

Oh, thank the sweet lord.

For anyone who's not tagged...

It looks like all these people have been seen.

Not here. Down there.

Let's go.


Okay, it's 8:29.

If this thing is set to go at 8:30pm...


Respectfully, shut up.

[Breathing heavily]

Cover your ears.

Are you serious?

[Breathing heavily]



Amateur hour.

God bless that Rescue Squad training!


Come on! Come on!

Here we go, Chief.

[Heart monitor beeping]


Have suction ready. This isn't gonna be pretty.


Bowel retractor.


The liver looks even worse than it did on the cat scan.

I can't find the bleed.

Uh, give me a clamp for a pringle maneuver.

[Sighs] Uh, she's stable for now...

But, uh, she's getting worse.

There's nothing left of the liver.

I can't stop the bleeding.

What... what does that mean? You can fix her, right?

You can transplant a liver, but you... you can't fix the damage in one...

I'll donate right now.

You have the same blood type?

I'm, um... I'm "A" positive.

No, your niece is "O" positive.

It wouldn't work.

But I've tried... I've tried calling my sister, and I have tried calling my parents, and no one's picking up.

She's only nine years old!

You know what?

Uh, stay here.

Gabby! Anyone! Call out!

[Debris falls]






Call out!


[Softly] Help.




Come on, come, come.


[Distant metal clanging]

Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

I hear something.

Keep going!

The space up ahead is too small.

You can do it. I'm right behind you.


[Radio beeps] Hey, Herrmann?

Can you hear the banging?

Hey! Quiet everyone!

k*ll that torch!

[Indistinct chatter over radio]

[Faint metal banging]

[Radio beeps]

Is that you, Severide?

[Radio beeps] No.

[Banging continues]

That's from over there!

[Indistinct chatter]

We need a medic out here.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Take a rest. I'm gonna go back out front.

I promise I'll radio with anything they find.



[Breathing heavily]

I'm gonna head up to check on Zoe.

All right. I'll, uh... I'll come with you.

[Clears throat]

Hey, trouper.

You were gone a long time.

Yeah, we were just trying to help who we could.

She's hurt, isn't she?

Worse than we thought.

She is... very.

Good thoughts, you know?

If that's all you can give, give good thoughts.

Yeah. Good thoughts.


[Gagging, coughing]

Imogene! Imogene!

Hey! We need help over here!

I need a line.

Get a line in her... 2.5 Diazepam I.V., push.

What is it?


We need that broken arm out of two!

She was fine. She was talking.

She was near the expl*si*n?


It looked like a concussion.

Pupil's blown, got to be an epidural hematoma... blood swelling the brain.

Get her a C.T. and an open operating room immediately!

I'll do this.

[Speaking native language]

Out of the way.


"O" positive. Yes!

[Speaking native language]






You came.

How bad?

It's just my head, but I think I'm okay.

You okay?

Damn, Dawson. You look like hell.


I'm not 100% sure I'm not dreaming.

For real.


Hey, guys, Casey and I have Dawson.

She's alive.

[Cheers and applause]

We're not out of the woods yet, boys!

Let's get this concrete off of them!

I got your message. How is she?


You got to believe, okay?

You just got to believe.


It's "O" positive.

That's good, right?

We'll start prepping.

It's a chance.

It's an adult liver, but we just use the left lobe.

[Overlapping chatter]

I see 'em!

Everyone careful now!

All right.



Something must have happened to it in the expl*si*n.

It's warm. [Slams table]


The, uh, liver seemed to be damaged, maybe in the expl*si*n.

I can't use it.

I'm sorry.


Drop the basket.

Ready to get out of here?


I love you.

Lift her up!

[Cheers and applause]

Welcome back!

All right!

Yeah! Hey!

Good to see you.

Hey, mama.


[Cheers and applause]

Hey, Lieutenant!

Ladies first. [Laughter]

Hey, boys.



The ambassador to Syria was checked into Chicago Med for a liver transplant, Alim Al Safir.

That's his security detail over there.

[Speaking native language]

Hey, friends.

I'm aware of your sidearms.

I have one of my own.

We're diplomatic protection within our legal right to bear arms in this country.

Not today.

I'm gonna take your weapons from you.

This isn't a question.

If you do anything that makes me the least bit uncomfortable, I will end you.

Do you understand?

We're diplomatic protection from the Syrian Arab Republic.

We will cooperate any way we can.

We're gonna want first crack at questioning.

I'll wait my turn.

Just know it's coming.

[Heart monitor beeping]

[Instrument whirs]

[Sighs] Come on.

Come on.

Pupil's unresponsive.


Come on, girl. Give me something.

[Siren wailing]

Hey, Chief, commissioner's here.


Fire commissioner.

Deputy District Chief just brought me up to speed.

Dark day, sir.

That, it is.

Listen, I am informed that you and your men from Firehouse 51 were first on scene and saved dozens of lives today.

Yeah. Plus one of our own.


You can fall back, let some relief do some digging.

We think we'll stay.

[Overlapping chatter]

[Over radio] Shay, we got Dawson.

She's okay.


Hey! We need a doctor over here.
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