02x15 - Keep Your Mouth Shut

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Fire". Aired: October 2012 to present.*
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Chicago Fire follows the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working for the Chicago Fire Department at the firehouse of Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25.
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02x15 - Keep Your Mouth Shut

Post by bunniefuu »

Listen, you didn't hear this from me.

I don't know the whole story, but Keeler's got a hook in somebody higher up the food chain.

They're telling us to cut him loose.

You do something, Erin, or I will.

Let's go, Dawson. You're falling behind.

I just gotta get through this damn test in seven minutes.

I'm sorry.

Maybe it just wasn't meant to be.

Deep down, are you a firefighter or not?

Three-month suspension.


Did you tell them the whole story?

I requested Dawson to replace me.

Lieutenant Casey, I'm Rebecca Jones.

I'm the new candidate on Truck 81.

What's the prognosis?

Can we take you off the injured list?

[Chuckles] Yeah.

Just don't expect me to break any pass receiving records.


Look on the bright side.

You're going back home to 51.

It's a stroke of luck your old spot opened up.


Going back to my old house with my tail between my legs?

Come on. Nobody's looking at it that way.

I am.

Look, I want to be a firefighter, Matt.

I got a taste of it, and I liked it.

I get it.

I do, but Chicago is damn lucky to have you on board that ambulance.

Is this about Jones joining Truck?

No. Not even remotely.

She busted her ass to get where she is.

Good on her.

[Door opens]

Hey, Dawson. Back in the saddle, huh?

Eh, it's temporary.

Aw, damn straight, mama.

You're gonna show 'em how it's done next time.


Hey, good morning, Lieutenant.

Oh, please. He passed the test.

All right, let's wait and see if the promotion ever comes through.

Ha ha ha.

I'd be more worried about this new candidate.

Hey, is she ever gonna grace us with her presence today?

Yeah, I'm sure that this chick is awesome and all, but having a woman around is really gonna change things.

Oh, gee, thanks.

You know what I mean.

Having a woman in the Truck?

You don't know what goes on in there.

The jokes we crack...

The smells we produce.

I can imagine.


No, you can't.


You can't.


Hey, you want to go do inventory?

I bet you miss that.

Oh, how I missed it.

Truck 81?

I'm your new candidate.

Jones. Rebecca.

Either one's fine.

Welcome aboard, Jones.


Listen, I know what you guys are thinking.

A woman on Truck?

What is the world coming to, right?

That's not at all what we're...

Yes, you are.

And I don't blame you.

Women can be [Whispers] a pain in the ass.


Look. I have three brothers.

I'm no delicate flower.

I'm not expecting special treatment.

And just to show you I can be one of the guys, I brought doughnuts this morning.


They were delicious. [Sighs]



So there are no doughnuts?


You want to go fill the t*nk before we get any calls?

Good idea.

Hey. Be safe out there, babe.

You too.

Candidate Jones.

Good morning, Lieutenant Casey.

Ready to meet the chief?

Hey, have you spoken to Detective Lindsay?



They nail Keeler yet?

Turns out Vince Keeler is cooperating in some big-joint investigation between A*F, FBI, Smokey the bear.

What does that have to do with Katie?

Bureau Chief won't let Voight's unit touch Keeler without rock-solid evidence.

Doesn't sound like anything short of a confession's gonna do it.

So he...

I know, Otis.

He just gets away with kidnapping and as*ault?


Lindsay assures me CPD is not giving up.

They're doing everything they can.

In the meantime, I think it's best we just... move past it.

You know?




I'm gonna need a little help with something.

Personal favor.

Name it.

I'm not talking about moving furniture or building decks.

And with your recent legal troubles...

Spit it out.

Vince Keeler's gonna make a clean getaway, and I can't live with that.

I'm free tomorrow night.

As a candidate, you're here to learn.

That means keep your eyes and ears open and your mouth shut.

We're gonna spend some time today drilling various tools, show you where things are stored.

When we go to an incident, I want you glued to my hip.

I stop walking, I want you bumping into my ass.


Yes, Lieutenant.

Ms. Jones, I know I speak for the entire house when I say that 51 is proud to welcome a female firefighter.

I will see to it that you are treated with the dignity and respect that you deserve.

Thank you, Chief.

In return, you will treat this job with the dignity and respect that it deserves.

Of course.

You impressed a lot of people at the academy, Ms. Jones.

But out there, that's real life.

It's not a training exercise.

It's not a pop quiz.

There are no shortcuts here.

Meaning, sir?

Just what I said, candidate.

If you learn nothing else today, know this.

You can always take my word at face value.

[Alarm sounds]

Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61.

That's us.

Person trapped.

Shake a leg, guys.

You're in my seat.

That's my seat.

Out of my seat.

[Siren wails]

Hey, does main know 61 isn't here?

They'll catch the call over the radio, probably beat us to the scene.

[Siren wails]

Did you call an ambulance?


There's somebody stuck in the clothing drop.

I heard 'em calling for help. I think it's a kid.



Fire department. You okay in there?

They were in there a few minutes ago.

Well, maybe they climbed out when you weren't looking.

I don't know.


Hey, anybody home?

Okay, get your skinny ass up there.



I don't see anybody in here.

Let's call off Squad and 81, save them the trouble of coming out here.

I don't know.

I don't like the feel of this.

Let me take a look.

Dawson, what are you doing?


I got her!


She's not breathing!

[Sirens wailing]

Dawson, hot packs coming your way.

Any respiration at all?

Barely. Agonal breathing.

All right, the guys are gonna get you out of here in no time, okay?


What happened, hon?

You climb in here looking for some warm clothes?

Where's Dawson?

I'm in here!

Start warming up that IV just in case.

This was all her idea. I had nothing to do with it.

Guys, we've got to get this girl outta here.

We got this. Herrmann.

Let's get the saw.

Where's she going?


It's a lot heavier than the ones we trained on.

Candidate, is your name Herrmann?

I was just trying to help, sir.

Blade's all jacked up.

Clarke, grab our saw.


[Metallic clang]

Jones! Stand over here and don't touch a damn thing!

It's gonna be another minute, Dawson.


Shay, where's that IV?

Here's the IV!

[Saw motor revving] Okay?


I need blankets and a backboard right now.

Let's move!

On it.

So I'm thinking tomorrow night.

And listen, I... I know it's a lot to ask you.

You shouldn't feel obligated, but we could use you.

What about Mills? You gonna ask him?

No. No boy scouts.

I guess 30 days in the lockup wasn't enough for you?

Let's just not get caught.

Lieutenant Severide, how's it going?

Hey. Welcome to 51, Jones.

Thanks, I...


I believe the kitchen trash is getting full.

What am I dealing with here?



She's smart, she's aggressive, she's talented, but... she also has a truly massive chip on her shoulder.

She might make a great firefighter someday, but it'll take more patience than I had.

I... I tried to bounce her from the academy, but her big-shot daddy put the kibosh on that one.

You're telling me this now?

You just asked now.

Oh, hey, Connie.

The union is sending over some paperwork for me.

I'm gonna need you to sign for that.


[TV in background]

[Someone snickers]

You're poking the bear, Mouch.

We've warned you about that.

Get outta here. Connie loves me.

Oh, hey, Jonesie. Just a heads up.

If lunch isn't on the table at 12:00 sharp, the natives start to get restless.

And by natives, he means himself.

Duly noted.

In the meantime, Lieutenant Casey said I'd be running drills today.

I'd love to get started on that.

Don't all jump at once.


Got a lot on my mind right now.

Okay, so who's gonna drill me?


I'm not touching that with a 10-foot pole.

10? I heard it was more like 4 1/2.


Hey. That is inappropriate.

Seriously, guys, I thought this was supposed to be a busy house.

It's called "downtime."

Well, I don't feel like sitting on my ass.

Could someone at least show me where the weight room is?

You got energy to burn?

Right this way.

Here you go. All right.

Showers haven't been scrubbed since Mills made Squad.

Should be quite the workout.


That was a nice save, Dawson, seriously.

I was ready to cancel the alarm.

That girl wouldn't have been discovered for days if you hadn't have been there.

Stop patronizing me.

I'm serious.

Seriously patronizing.





How'd your... how'd your first call on Truck go?

[Chuckles] You're funny.

Your boyfriend tell you about me dropping the saw?

Uh... [chuckles]

I don't know what you're talking about.

Right. [Laughs]

Look, I'm really sorry that you didn't make the cut, Dawson.

I am, but that's not my fault.

No, I never said it was.

So I hope you're not using your sexy time with Lieutenant Casey to talk trash about me.

Because if you are, you and me, we're gonna have a problem.

[Clatter, splash]

Why didn't you tell me you were studying?

I'm offended by that.

I didn't want to make a big deal out of it.

Besides, I figured I was just gonna fail again.

I guess I underestimated the power of negative thinking [laughs]

Well, it is a big step forward.


You ready?

I'm not eager to leave 51.

But then again it's feeling a little crowded on truck, if you know what I mean.

Well, your promotion may not come through for a few months.

Can you wait?

I've waited this long, haven't I?

Yes, you have.

[Pat] Good job.

Go on, get outta here.


Smells good.

What... what is that?

It's salsa, sort of.

Uh, you know, usually, you cut the tomatoes into more than three chunks.

But, hey, you know what?

I'm sure it's gonna be great.

Yeah, we'll see.

Is there any chili powder around?

Yeah, in the cabinet behind you, but go easy on it.

Some of the guys have sensitive stomachs.

Chief Boden.

Got it. Thank you.

I smell Mexican food.

What... where... my couch.

Our couch.

Where's our couch?

You poked the bear, Mouch.

Come on.

She said Boden needs a waiting area outside his office.

So she appropriated my couch?

Our couch?

This is a violation.

She stepped way over the line here.


You should say something.

I'm going to.


Chow time!

After lunch?

I'll do it after lunch.

Guys, you don't need to spare my feelings.

Well, it's, uh... it's not bad.

No, it's not bad at all.

But it's not good.

I don't know what to tell you.

I was always a tomboy growing up.

I barely knew where the kitchen was.

I told you guys I can still be the cook.

Cruz, you drive Truck. It's an important job.

I can do both.

Not necessary.

Jones graduated at the top of her academy class.

I'm sure she can figure out a little basic home ec.

Am I gonna be judged for my efforts on the job or behind the stove?

It's all part of the job, Jones.


Jones, when you're finished up in here, the showers need cleaning.

No, they don't.

Excuse me?

No, they don't, sir.

[Mouthing] No.

What I meant was that Herrmann already asked me to scrub the showers, so...

I'm asking you to scrub them again, candidate.

Lieutenant, I think I have a little problem here.

I didn't know that Gabby Dawson was dating Lieutenant Casey.


Nothing against her or anything, but for whatever reason, she's got it in for me, and now he's riding my ass.

And I know that you and I haven't always seen eye to eye, but...


I know.

I shouldn't go outside the chain of command, but I really don't have a chance here.

Could you maybe talk to Lieutenant Casey?

Jones, you're at the Squad table.

Hey, Severide.

Your dad's here.

I need to know... exactly what these guys did to her.

It was bad.

So that's it?

This Vince Keeler scumbag just gets away with it?

No, he's not gonna get away with it.

But if CPD's afraid to move on it...

No, I'm... I'm not gonna let them wash their hands of this.

There's a detective in Hank Voight's unit that's been helping.

One way or another, trust me, he's gonna pay.

I can make some calls.

I got it, pop.

Go back to Kenosha.

Kelly, I want to help.

I... I... I don't want your help.

Could've used it a week ago when... when Katie went missing.

But, you know, you... you mosey on down here a day late and a dollar short...

Her mother asked me to stay away!

I had to respect that!


Now it's been a few days, and I want to see Katie.

Katie's gone.

What do you mean "gone"?

She left town. She needed to get away.


There's... there's... there's nothing more to do here, pop.


Go back to Kenosha.

She gave me this the last time I was with her.

St. Christopher's medal?


Keep me safe when I drive down to see her.

After all I've done, she's the one looking after me.

[Alarm sounds]

Truck 81, Ambulance 61.

Person stabbed. California and West 26th.
[Sirens wailing]

Sounds like we're here for crowd control, so all hands on deck.

Protect the medics.

Jones, where you gonna be?

Glued to your hip, Lieutenant.

That's right.

Let's go.

[Overlapping chatter] Take a step back.

Let the firemen through. Please, no pushing.

Crowd control. Great.

[Elevator bell dings]

This way, courtroom number four.

[Crowd murmuring]

We're in the middle of a m*rder trial.

Victim's father snuck a knife through security and stabbed the defendant.

He's bleeding out.

I told you. Cut me loose.

Cruz, get a hold of him.



All right, his lung's hit.

Could develop into a pneumothorax.

Get me an occlusive dressing.

We've got to get him out now.

Oh, man.


The key. It broke off in the lock.

There's cops all over the place.

Somebody's got to have a key.

These are maximum-security cuffs.

A standard key won't fit.

I'll call over to the jail. They'll have a key.

No time. He's losing too much blood.

Otis, get the bolt cutters from the truck.


On it.

Shay, get me an IV and oxygen.

Herrmann, give me the halligan.


Hold him.


Guys, we're losing him.

If he dies on our watch...


Herrmann, Jones, search the halls for a co2 extinguisher.

Fast as you can.

I'll go this way. You go that way.

Yeah, aye, aye.

Hey, look out! Look out!

Excuse me.


Hey. Look out! Look out!

Excuse me.

Excuse me!


Hit the eyebolt.

That's enough.


Okay, let's do it!

On three. One, two, three.

Make a hole!

Comin' through!

Oh, yeah, Otis, we don't need 'em anymore.

Oh, okay.

Yes, you got there faster.

Big deal. I didn't realize it was a race.

You don't have to make excuses, Herrmann.

I have a long stride, and I've been doing a lot of training recently.

There's really no reason to get defensive about this.

I'm not getting defensive.


'Cause it's not like I'm going around telling people you got schooled by a chick.

That wouldn't be cool.


You saved the life of a homicidal maniac.


Alleged homicidal maniac.

Jones, can I have a word with you?

Jones, I'm gonna give you some friendly advice.

There's only two things you need to know in order to succeed here: Do your job, keep your mouth shut.

I was just busting balls, Lieutenant.

I'll repeat number two. Keep your mouth shut.

The guys busts balls all the time, but a woman can't join in?

Not a woman candidate.

I can't afford to be a wallflower...

You're talking.

Look, I've been unfairly...

You're still talking.

Lieutenant, I...

Why are you still talking?

Atta girl.

You need to see the chief?

Ah. Well, I...

Have a seat.



She's barely on shift for ten minutes before she breaks a $40 saw blade.

Can't cook to save her life.

So I should tell her father that she's doing great?

Pssh. Yeah.

Tell him she's the bee's knees.


Thank you for the update, Casey.

All right.

Oh, hey, I...

I heard you and Donna hit a bump in the road.

Forget I brought it up.

Except... you know, when... when I woke up in the hospital, saw what a close call I had, I started to realize how much of my life I wasted fretting over all the stupid little stuff.

Y... you can't see beyond the horizon.

You don't know how much road you've still got lying ahead of you.

Sorry, Casey. Chief, you got a minute?

What's up, Mouch?

She is really off the reservation this time.

I mean, a waiting area?

You don't need a waiting area.

Unless it was your idea.

I had nothing to do with it.

Of course not.

What are you, a dentist? No.

You're a firefighter.

Chief, you gotta say something to her.

We need that couch back.

The guys are really worked up over this.

Mouch, my entire relationship with Connie is based on asking her for as little as possible.

But... but she's your assistant.


Anything else?

I guess not.


[Back-up beeping]

What's up?

What's up?

You've been quiet today.

Thinking dark thoughts?


Puppies and unicorns.

Hey, guys. He's not moving.

Oh, yeah, there's some guy half-blocking the driveway.

That's Vince Keeler's car.

Hey, Severide.

Hey, there's a cat stuck up in a tree.

I thought you might want to check it out.

Hey, why don't you come out?

I want in.

What's up?

I love that girl, Kelly.

You took her out for a milkshake.


She's a sweet and beautiful person, and that son of a bitch took something from her.

So whatever your plan is, I'm in.

Leave it alone, Otis. There is no plan.

So let's make one 'cause he's walking around free, and he's rubbing our faces in it.

So I'll be damned...



What's up, Erin? [Clears throat]

Just wanted to bring you an update.

Did you get Keeler?

Sorry, no big news yet.

But I told you we wouldn't give up, and we haven't.

Voight's been softening up the bureau chief, and I'm figuring out who the hook is that Keeler has in the department.

Okay, well, let me know if anything changes.

I appreciate you stopping by.

Kelly, do I need to put a tail on you?

Get something straight.

I will haul your ass in and lock you in the drunk t*nk if I catch even a whiff of revenge.

Erin, I don't... I don't know what you think I'm... I'm gonna do or are doing...

I get it, but as bad as things are for your sister right now, you think they're gonna get better if her brother gets brought up on as*ault or worse?


Can I help you guys?

It's about Jones.

What about her?

She ain't a good fit, Casey.

She's cocky.

And entitled.

A foxy gal, I'll grant you that.

She breaks balls with her superiors, and she thinks she's untouchable because of who her dad is.

We just want to let you know if you decide you want to do something, we got your back.

Her dad tries to pull rank, we'll bring the full force of the union to bear.


It's her first day.

Longest day of my career.

She's a handful.

She's just trying to hold her own in an old boys' club.

Give her a chance.

You guys holdin' a book club meeting in there?

The boys are a little resentful of Jones.

I told them they need to give her a fair shake.


Because if she were a man, they probably wouldn't be throwing around words like "cocky" and "entitled" half a day into his first shift.

[Chuckles] And in this little hypothetical, does the man also cheat his way through the academy?

I figured you'd be on my side here.

Why? 'Cause I'm a woman?

Matt, the guys are right.

She is entitled and cocky.

I thought you didn't harbor any resentment toward her.

I don't.

I'm just saying that the facts are the facts, and I assumed that you understood what kind of recruit she was.

Look, I wasn't gonna say anything, but she came at me this morning because she thinks I ratted her out to you, which, granted, I... I sort of did... but I didn't know that you were gonna be her Lieutenant.

W... wait, what do you mean she came at you?

She... she threatened you?

Don't worry about it. I can handle myself, okay?

The important thing is that you make sure she gets a fair shake.

Gabby, take a deep breath.

Don't condescend to me.

Why are you taking this out on me?

I... I'm just trying to make the best of a situation that I didn't create.

I didn't request Jones for Truck 81.

I certainly don't want the responsibility of sending a woman into harm's way.

Oh, so she can't take care of herself?

Now you're defending her.

What about me?

Would you worry about me if I were on Truck?

I worry about you every time you get on that ambulance.

All right? So, yeah.

A truck was gonna be that times ten.

So you're relieved I did make the cut?


You don't want me to be a firefighter.

You know what? I give up.

Whatever I say, you're just gonna take it the wrong way.

Fine. Then don't say anything.


I tried to get flowers, but... anyway.

I owe you an apology.

You have your hands full taking care of Chief Boden and this firehouse, and I piled even more on your plate.

The truth is, Connie, I think I bit off more than I can chew with this union gig.

I am drowning in it.

Most guys don't try and stay on the job when they take office.

I don't know what I was thinkin'.

Things were goin' just fine for me.

Why did I have to ruin my life?

Man up, honey. You're a firefighter.

[Alarm sounds] Engine 51.

Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61.

High-rise fire. Michigan and Huron.

[Sirens wailing]

So they rolled out Squad right away.

Does that mean this is a working fire?

Don't know yet.

But any call in a high-rise, we have to take seriously.

If it is a fire and it gets out of hand, that's bad.

[Sighs] I guess 'cause I'm a woman, I couldn't possibly be objective about a female candidate.

I'm just supposed to say, "you go, girl," even though I know for a fact that she is a cocky, entitled cheater.

Did she seriously thr*aten you?

Damn right she did.

Okay, sweetheart, tonight, you and I are gonna unscrew the legs on her bunk.

[Chuckles] See?

You understand me.

Wow. This is a real party.

[Overlapping chatter, commotion]

People are reporting smoke on 18.

That's a law firm.

Anyone workin' late?

I don't know, but I got bad news for you.

Elevators have been acting up.

I put in a work order on Monday.

Otis, recall these elevators.

Lock 'em off. We're takin' the stairs.

North stairwell, fire attack. South, evacuation.

Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad, fire attack and search on 18.

Engine 67, lobby control.

Truck 63, rapid ascent team and evac.

Jones, get a spare bottle for yourself.

I'm coming up?

You and I are gonna help engine.

Grab a high-rise pack.

You wanted to be a firefighter...


[Breathing hard]

Come on, buddy. Let's go.

Jones. Hose pack and air bottles.

[Dull roaring]

Jones! Mask up.

Come on, move! Come on!


You're gonna be fine, Jones! Just stick with me!

Go where I go, okay?

Mouch! You take the left!

Casey, you go right, I'll go deep!

Herrmann! With Severide!

Fire department! Call out!

Jones! Get him outta here.

I'll find the others.



Hey! I got him! I got him, I got him!

I'll get him from here!

What do we do? Do we get him oxygen?

Yeah, he don't look too good!

But I'm gonna get him outta here!


Hey, hey, hey! Hey, look at me!

You're doing great, all right?

You're fine! Keep doing it!

Get back with the Lieutenant!


Jones! Give me a hand.

[Woman coughing]


Here, I got her.

[Coughing] You're all right.

You're all right. You're all right.

Hey, is the Bulls game still on?

I think so.

You like basketball, Jones?

That's the one with the little orange bouncy ball.

And just like that, all is right with the world.


If I go back to my desk, are you gonna run and tell your father on me?


Nothing like a little baptism by fire, huh?

You acquitted yourself very nicely back there.

Thank you, sir.


You looked like the kind of firefighter we want here at 51.

Of course, you need to perform in the kitchen, so I asked Mills to compile some of his easier recipes.

Okay, thanks.


Hopefully, his handwriting isn't too sloppy.

I understand you have dyslexia?

You're gonna do just fine.


Somehow, I think it's gonna take more than jalapeno poppers.


How about a two-bedroom in Wicker Park?

New kitchen, whirlpool tub, two parking spaces.

Huh, not bad.

See if we can look at it.


Are we good?


We're good.

[Background chatter, music]

And then, get, you know, punched in the face.

It just got to be...



Vince Keeler's car was found outside his gym, keys in the ignition.

His cell phone was dumped in a nearby storm sewer.

Nobody's heard from Keeler since last night.

It seems he's gone missing.
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