02x14 - Virgin Skin

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Fire". Aired: October 2012 to present.*
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Chicago Fire follows the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working for the Chicago Fire Department at the firehouse of Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25.
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02x14 - Virgin Skin

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, how you feeling?

It's the first day, I feel 100%.

She said tonight's the night.

Jones, Dawson, go!

I saw her cheating.

Apparently one of your guys went toe to toe with Vince Keeler.

He's not gonna play fair.

[Gasps, screams]

Hey, Kelly Severide.

Where's Katie?


Where is she?


Hey! Where the hell is she?

I know you know something.


Huh? Where is she?

Come on, let him go!

Where's my sister?


Come on.


She's been missing a day and a half, Erin.

What the hell is that guy doing walking around free?

I know. Come here.

Look, you didn't hear this from me, but we're tracking his phone, his car, every move that's gonna lead us to Katie.

If you push, he pushes back, and we never see her again.

[Engine turns]

Memory loss, dizziness, bleeding from ear... that's all to be expected with a cracked skull.

So, uh... I'm good?


Your skull and brain are severely compromised, and they could be for the rest of your life.

I feel fine.

Until you get hit again.

This doesn't just go away.

If you were a football player, they'd be talking to you about retirement.

[Panicked wheezing]

Let's go, Dawson. You're falling behind.

[Timer beeps]


You got to break seven minutes on test day or you don't pass.

Hey, you shaved a few seconds off.

That's great.


Dawson, what's going on?

Nothing, we're good.


Look, beat me up and down this course, Jones.

Just know I'll never cheat.

Don't worry, I'm not ratting you out.

You just keep riding your dad's coattails.

[Siren wailing]

[Horn honks]

Pallets collapsed on Marty, our operator.

We tried to get to him, but his shirt got caught.

You okay?


No matter what, we need you with us right now.


Casey, recon and secure him.

Got it.

Squad, assist truck.

I'm with Casey.

Mills, Capp, rig a stokes basket.

Yeah, on it.


Where are the controls?


Mouch, get a handle on that.


Herrmann, Otis, give me a hand!

[Machinery whining]


Shut down that belt!

Stay with us, Marty.

Watch your head.

Not enough leverage.

His shoulder's gonna separate if that thing starts up again.

I'm trying to disconnect it.

Please, I don't want to lose my arm.

If I loosen the roller assembly, we can slide him out.



Casey, grab the railing. Hey.

Grab it with your free hand. Come on.

Mouch, stop that belt now.

I almost got it.

One, two, three.


[Power down hum]

His skin's turning gray.

We can get him out, but it'll take time.

Sounds like crush syndrome.

Mouch, you sure you got control of that thing?

It's not pretty, but yeah.

Clarke, Casey, we're gonna back him out nice and easy.

Copy that.

All right, Marty, this is gonna hurt like hell, but we got to do it.

Backing up on three!

One, two...


We got ya.


I'm just glad your head wasn't in it.

CPD's on to something, but until Katie's found, I'd like...

Not another word.

You do what you got to do.

Clarke has this under control.

Appreciate it, Chief. Thank you.


We're gonna get her back.

I should've been there.

I'm sorry, Kelly.


This isn't on you, Otis... really.

Let's just find her, okay?

Kelly. What are you doing?

Nothing, I'm... I'm good.

Well, you look like a man on a mission to me.

What's up?

I'm gonna find my sister. I have an idea.

Call the cops. Let them handle it.

Shay, if you were missing, would you want me to sit around here waiting for...

No, I'd...

I'd want you out there. I... I just... be careful, would you?


Hey. How's he doing?

Like us all.

Wishing he could do more, and feeling useless.

Listen, I know we made dinner plans so you can meet my friends, but it can wait.


No, let's keep it.

I could use something normal.



So you're not nervous to meet my friends?

Not until just now.

Why would anybody target a firefighter's sister?

I mean, we're the good guys.

Sometimes the world is upside down and there's no reason why.

Big dog's out today.

Deputy District Chief Lionel Jones, Rebecca Jones's dad.

That right?

All her brothers are lieutenants too.

CFD runs in her blood.

Probably explains why she's aced every test.

Huh, yeah. I'm sure that's it.


Yeah, hey.

Oh, the fireman.

I need your help.

I'm sorry, I ca...

Come here.

I need your help like you needed help when Keeler was beating your ass before I jumped in.

My sister went missing after that.


Keeler came by the next day, and he took her.

Dude... hey!

My sister is gone.

He will k*ll me, man!

Listen, listen.

You have my word, Tommy. Nothing came from you.

Who do I see?

Jack Gatens was there that night for Keeler.

Okay, now Gatens lays low, so the cops might not know him.

But Keeler can't scratch himself without Jack, okay?

He'd know.

Where's he stay?

Next to a money store.

Okay? Polk and Western.


Where's Katie?

Oh! Uhh!

You want me to ask again?

Ask away, boy scout.

[Grunts, groans]

I can do this all morning, but this ends now.

Where is she?

Next one doesn't miss.

[Line dialing]

Lindsay, I know where she is.

It was Keeler, the guy from the blackout.

You're sure?


I could see under his hood when... when he was...

When he was what?

Kelly, can I talk to her alone for a minute?

I love you, Katie, okay?

Mrs. Nolan, she's... she's okay.

Her life was going along just fine until you came into it, just like Benny, wrecking everything that's good.

Maybe if you'd paid your daughter a tenth as much attention as you did the volleyball twins, you'd actually know her.

What'd he do to her?


It's bad.

Is she...

She's okay.

She's banged up, but she's okay.

You should go see her.


She, uh... probably needs some time, so... maybe later.

How's it going?

Seven minutes.

I just got to get through this damn test in seven minutes, right? How hard can that be?

I mean, it's not like I've actually ever made it before.

Stop. Hey, hey.

Look, you can do this.

Thank you.

Oh, hey, how was your check-up?

Everything's perfect.

You just have to concentrate on what you have to do at the academy.


So I come running out, stripping my gear off, and I mean all of it, and as I'm standing there buck naked getting hosed down, I look over, and there is a live news camera looking right at me.

Ge-oh, no.

[Chuckling], they blurred out all the important parts for the 10:00 broadcast, but you get the picture.

10 bucks says that that raw footage is still on the Internet, babe.

All I need is for my boy Jimmy to see that.

You have kids, Wallace?

Yes, a stepson, previous marriage.

You were married before?

Yeah, I was.

Twice, actually.


Um, can you imagine the trouble that we would've gotten into if we had camera phones when we were kids?

Girl, don't even start.

Hey, Clarke, another drink?

No, I'm good. Thank you.

How about you boys? Some more milk?

Yeah, if you don't mind.

You know, this is a bar.

It's not a Chuck E. Cheese.


Jeff's had enough. We should go.

No. Tonight's on me.

All right, I got the tip.

This is a small tab.

Baseball tickets, seriously?


You know, some people tip with actual money so that other people can pay for things, like rent.

Okay, let's go, guys.

See you on shift.

Yeah, thanks a lot.

Hey, do you have any idea who those guys were?

Clarke's boy scout buddies?

That was Brent Seabrook and Duncan Keith from the Blackhawks!

Great. So they're cheap too.

Are you... they...

We are all relieved that Katie is safe, but this Keeler, long as he's out there, we need to stay vigilant, so be aware of your surroundings.

[Alarm blares]

Ambulance 61, person in distress, 2200 West Franklin.

So I heard you're thinking about having a lesbo night at Molly's.

Eh. Yeah, I'm having second thoughts.

I mean, lesbians are notoriously light drinkers.

You really got to pack 'em in to break even.

Hmm, I did not know that.


You just seem unusually interested.

I am not interested.

Are you thinking about coming out to me, Rafferty?

Because if you are...

Just drive.

Over here, quick.

What is your name, sir?

His name's Jacob.

All right, Jacob, do you have a history of asthma, COPD, medication, inhalers?

No... No... No.

None of that.

All right.



We're just trying to help you, okay?

I told you no... no 911.

No what?


He's praying.

He prays a lot.

Jacob, are you declining treatment for religious reasons?

Okay, I understand, all right?

And I respect your beliefs.

I do, but, look, the law says that if we're called, we've got to check your vitals.

You don't want us to get written up, do you?

Okay, all right.

All right, Jacob, just let us do this, and we'll get out of your hair, all right?

Breathe slow, slow.

All right, I'm hearing rales. He's filling with liquid.

Okay, Jacob, Jacob, you're experience pulmonary edema.

Do you know what that means?

If you don't let us help you, you will die.

[Gasping] It's his... it's his will.

Do something!

We can't, okay? We don't have consent.

Jacob, look at me. This is what's happening, okay?

Your lungs, they are filling with fluid, all right?

You're drowning from the inside, and in one minute, your heart's gonna stop.

Do you get me?

This is the last minute of your life.

Let us save you.

All I need is a nod.

Okay, okay, that's a nod. Get a line in.

No, Rafferty, I don't think...

He wants to survive.

Ma'am, we just need you to hold him down for us, okay?

All right, line's in.


Draw 80 milligrams of furosemide.

I can't get the nitro in.

[Monitor beeping]

He's going into v-tach. We got to get him down.

Help me lower him?


One, two, three.

Now, get that pillow under his head.

Ready, push it now.

All right.


Okay, let's get you some air, sir.

Some people need help, even when they don't realize it.

Uh, not so fast, Christopher.

This just in from headquarters for you.

For me?

Says "Christopher Herrmann" on the front, doesn't it?

That it does.

Hey, just wanted to say how happy I am Katie's okay.


Say, um...

Gabby said she's been struggling with the timed test.

Didn't you at some point or another?

No, I set the course record.

Actually, pretty sure that was me.

Yeah, yeah, right.

No, she's... she's holding her own.

You'd be proud.

All right, good.

How you feeling, by the way?

Doc said I'm 100%.

[Alarm blares]

Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61.

[Horn honks]

Please, my daughter's trapped in there!

All right, we got one in the back, possible neck trauma.

All right, backup ambulance on its way.

Otis, stabilize her.

Truck, get all extinguishers ready.

On it, Chief.

Hi, what's your name?


Nicole, I'm Brian.

Nicole, I'm gonna wrap this around your neck, okay?

It'll keep you safe.

Okay, good. Careful, careful.

Now, Nicole, if you don't mind me saying, your hat looks a lot like a snowmobile.

How about we remove it for you, okay?

[Metal warping]

[Both grunt, shout]

Uh, we gotta move this thing now.

Mills, grab the chains.

Yeah, on it.

Hey. Hey.

I'm not going anywhere, okay?


[Grunts] Chief, we got fuel in here.

Mouch, Herrmann, cover Otis.


Come on, let's get this thing moving.

All right, we're hooked!

Hey, you ready, Otis?

All right, Nicole, this party's getting a little boring.

What do you say we blow this joint?

All right, nice and slow!


Otis, get out of there!

Here we go.

You're okay.

Careful with her.
[Knock at door]


Hell of a job out there today.

I know the last few days have not been easy.

About that...

I think I need a couple hours.



Hey, you wanted to see me, Chief?

Hey, yeah, come on in.

Um... it's safety day over at the elementary.

You ready for that?

Yeah, yeah, set up. Ready to go.

Good. That is a good thing.

It is.

I, um... saw Donna earlier.

Things okay?


Too okay.

[Laughs] Too okay?

Relationships... always end up screwing that stuff up.

It's in my DNA, I guess.

I haven't even spoken to Jimmy in months.

So call him.

I'm sure he'd love to hear from you.


Yeah, Jimmy. Wallace.

Uh-huh. How you doing?

Yeah, I know, I know.

I know I been pretty... pretty out of touch.

Yeah. We'll talk.

Oh, Shay, I almost forgot.

How was your first night holding down the bar?

[Chuckles] What?

Okay, new rule: cash tips only, not things like tickets to outdoor hockey games in March in Chicago.

Oh, these are for the NHL stadium series at Soldier Field, center ice.

I will gladly relieve you of those.

Not so fast. The tip was left at Molly's.

Partners get first crack.

Those sell for like 800 bucks apiece.


Bidding starts there. Who wants them?

This lady needs a new pair of shoes.

Too rich for my blood.

Fine. I'll just sell them online.

Then I'll make a date with Jimmy Choo.

Jimmy who?

Who tips with tickets like those?

Oh, Clarke's buddies, Duncan Keith and Brent Seabrook, that's who.

Wow, aren't you full of mysteries?



Hey, what's going on?

I'm under review.

Jacob, our devout friend, he just filed a complaint.

You saved his life.

Yeah, well, that detail doesn't really seem to matter.

Well, we're gonna appeal.



I'll shout it from the rooftops if I have to.

Let's just see how this plays out.

Final time trial starts now.

[Overlapping shouting]

[Timer beeps]

Next obstacle.

[Grunting] Uh... Uh!

Uhh! Stuck!

Damn it!

Here, I got it.



Aah! [Panting]

[Cheering] Yeah, good job, Jones!

Let's go, Dawson. You lost time.

Move it. Come on! Go! Go!

You got it, Dawson! [Grunts]

Come on, Dawson, let's go!


Come on! Go! Go!

You got it, Dawson.


I'm sorry.

Dad. This is Gabriela Dawson.


Don't get up..

I'm sorry to see you didn't pass.

Thank you, sir.

Well, CFD's not right for everyone.

Best you know now what you're capable of.

That's what I've been trying to teach my daughter.

I'm sorry about that.

He didn't want me to pass either.

He thinks that the only thing female firefighters are fit to handle are male firefighters.


What an assh*le.

Tell me about it.

That's why I cheated.

I can't let him win.


You're up early.


Fourth grade progress reports know no master.


Listen, I don't want to pile it on, but my parents are in town Sunday.


I just thought things were going so well, why not?

Things are going well. They are.


That's because I'm really good at this part, the beginnings of relationships, but eventually I always find a way to... destroy them.

The past is the past, Wallace.

Yeah, 10, 20 years ago, I'd have told myself that too, but I've seen the pain I've caused.

Two marriages, a stepson who barely wants anything to do with me.

I got a lot of baggage, Donna, and I can't put you through that.

I won't.

Don't you think I can decide that for myself?

I'm sorry.

Three-month suspension.

Wait, what?

Did... did you tell them the whole story?

I told them what happened, that I didn't wait for consent.

But it was more complicated than that.

No, it wasn't.

Anyway, it's done.

Okay, what about an appeal?

I requested Dawson to replace me as P.I.C.


I've spent the last six months trying to bring my fiancé back from the grave.

I need some time.

Okay, but there are better ways than getting your ass suspended, you know?


But you and me would have eventually gotten into a huge fight sooner or later, you know, ending in an ugly divorce, and the whole thing.

True. You're probably right.

Okay, well, I'm gonna give you a hug now.


[Laughs] All right.



You're gonna want to see this.


I'm moving into position.

How is your sister?

She's hanging in there.

What happened to your hands?


Car's pulling in.

Here we go.

We'll wait for your move, Erin.

Go, go, go!

[Siren whoops]

Hands on the dash!

Chicago PD!

Get 'em out! On the dash!

Let's see your hands.

Driver and passenger, open your doors!

Open 'em! Hands out!


Passenger, open the door!

Put your hands out where I can see 'em. Up!

Turn around!


That was for Katie.


[Chatter on police radio]

I'm just here for a few minutes.

It's okay.

Actually, I owe you an apology.

The other day, I was the mother of a very badly hurt 21-year-old daughter.

No, I understand, and I'm sorry too.

What I said...

Was right.

I'll admit I have not always been the most attentive mother, but that is gonna change.

That's good to hear.

Kelly, before you go in there... there's something else you should know.


Hey, sis.

So... heard they're busting you loose tomorrow.

Yeah, all the way to Colorado.

It's good, really.

Like, my mom was sincere.

Every time I close my eyes or I try to read a magazine or just do anything at all, it all comes flooding back.

Time away is the right thing, Kelly.

You tell Otis?


Take care of him for me, okay?

[Electricity crackles] Yah!

Whoa! You got that?

Yeah, I'm all right.

And... shazam!


Hey, buddy, look who's joined us.



Glad you made it.

Grab a hammer.

[Overlapping chatter]

You're gonna retake it.

I don't know.

Maybe it just wasn't meant to be.

Listen, you're disappointed.

That's gonna pass.

Deep down, are you a firefighter or not?

You're a firefighter?

[Clears throat]

Not yet, but just wait.

What's up, bud? Here you go, Nathan.

Thanks for coming, Kelly.

Yeah, are you kidding me?

I wouldn't miss it for the world.

So where are those supposed to go?

We got a surprise for you. Come on.

What is it?

You'll see.


All right, everybody, gather 'round.

Hey, guys, come on down here.

How y'all doing?

All: Good.


A few weeks ago, our firehouse was in danger of being shut down, and it would've been if this little man hadn't come by armed with nothing but a thermos of soup and an idea.

When we found out that your school had lost its library, it was on our own, to build you a new one.

[Cheers and applause]

You did this for us?

Yeah, we all did.

That's awesome.

Well, come on! Come in and have a look.

Hey, that library's gonna need new books, you know.

Yup. Bye-bye, Jimmy.

A couple beers, please.

Beers, huh?

Ooh, the boy scouts are really stepping out.

All right, all right.

Here we go. Raffle time!

Okay, here we go.

And the hockey tickets go to 1-2...






Yeah, yeah. 12-9.

Oh, well.

Well, okay.

Well, I want to thank you all for coming and raising money to buy books for the new library.

You know, sometimes people need a little help, whether they know it or not, so... thanks.

Hear, hear.

Yeah. Oh!

Right. A little bird told me that Herrmann's lieutenant test results came back.

Care to share, Christopher?

Oh, okay. No?

All right, um...

I got a 70... which means I passed!

[Cheers and applause] Hey!


Hey, yeah, oh!

Well done, man.

Kind of. "C," c-plus.

[Phone vibrates]

[Overlapping chatter]

That's right. Good enough.

Thanks for your enthusiasm.

Congratulations, brother.

Oh, yeah.


So Jeff's filled us in on everything you've been doing for the school.


We talked about it, and we think you deserve another tip.

Now, don't go selling those ones.

These are for Molly's owners only.

We'd like you guys to be our guests at the game.

Thank you, guys.

Seriously, thank you. That's so sweet.

You bet.



I just had to get off my foot.

You okay?

Yeah, more than ever.

I'm ready to do this.

Listen, um... after the fight with Keeler's guy, my ear started bleeding.

There was some swelling around the first injury.

Doc cleared me for work, but she said next time I might not be so lucky.

Why didn't you tell me?

I didn't want to take away from your focus on the academy.


This is just a job.

What we have is everything.

I know.

Never again. Promise.

Gabriela, Lieutenant Casey?

Lieutenant Casey, I'm Rebecca Jones.


We just got our assignments, and I'm the new candidate on Truck 81.

Oh! Welcome.

Kelly, listen, I don't know the whole story, but Keeler's got a hook in somebody higher up the food chain.

So what?

So they're telling us to cut him loose.

Tell them they can go to hell.

I did.

But he's still walking.

You do something, Erin, or I will.
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