02x06 - Joyriding

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Fire". Aired: October 2012 to present.*
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Chicago Fire follows the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working for the Chicago Fire Department at the firehouse of Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25.
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02x06 - Joyriding

Post by bunniefuu »

Been slow the last few weeks.

Previously on Chicago Fire...

Come up short again, and you'll be serving beer out of a tent.

If Arthur finds out I'm a cop, then I'm a dead cop.

Can I come back to the firehouse?

Anytime you want.

Maybe there's a way to get her into a minimum-security facility.

Let me make some calls.

I have some friends at the state's attorney's office.

The official Randall McHolland for union president campaign poster.

[All cheering]

We're taking Sullivan down.

Why don't we clear the air, Shay?

There's nothing to talk about.

Well, there is if you're still pissed at me.

How'd you get mixed up with these gossipy b*tches?

The state believes that Firehouse 51 is worth saving.

It's your leadership that we're unhappy with.

I'll do whatever it takes to save 51.

My resignation.

I'm taking over 51.



This thing's broke.

What? Hey.

That's not helping.

What's going on?

Someone doesn't know how to make coffee.

Guys, does anybody have any advil on them?

Man, you got to have something better than Munter's brown roast.

Yeah, we got Starbucks.


About two blocks down on the north side of the street.


I'm going running.



I don't know if you remember... I'm Beth...

Benny's wife. Yeah. Yeah, of course.

I know Benny's been hanging out with you.

And he won't return my phone calls.

The boys miss him.

They need to see their father.

I'm a little confused.

He told me he was going back to Kenosha every weekend.

He hasn't been home in months.

Look, I'm sorry to dump all this on you.

No, it's... it's... it's... I'll...

I'll talk to him.

Thank you.

Hey, Chief. It's Kelly.

Listen, I got to stop by O.F.I. and see my old man.

I might be a few minutes late to shift.

Anyway, I'll explain everything to you when I get there.

I'm sorry about this.

Have Clarke cover for me.


Right. So I will need your signature just here and one more just here.

I need to be assured that this means that 51 is safe.

Yes, it does.


You're doing the right thing, Chief.

Now, I figure it'll take a few weeks to put it all together.

I understand.

In the meantime, I would appreciate it if you would help us make this transition as efficient as possible.

I'll help any way I can.

You're gonna walk away with a very nice pension.

[Engine revving]

Whoa... what...





Hey, buddy. What's your name?


Nathan, I need you to close your eyes and cover your face. Can you do that for me?

You can open your eyes now, Nathan.

Can you wiggle your toes?

I think so, yeah.

Good, good, good.

But my arm...

Listen, just stay tough for me, okay?

All right, hold on. I'm gonna get you out of here.

Come on. Good girl.

Good morning, Lieutenant.

That was Lasky down at headquarters.

It looks like McLeod is making her final decision today about which house she's gonna close next.


He thinks it's between us and Firehouse 17.

Oh, man.

This has got to be weighing pretty heavy on the Chief.

I just wanted to remind everyone, today is election day for the union presidency.

Polls will be open all evening starting at 5:00 P.M., so I urge you all to exercise your right to vote, unless you plan on voting for Greg Sullivan, in which case, forget what I just said.


Listen, Otis and I have been going over this and going over this, and we think that we need to involve the cops at this point, you know, in an official capacity.

I told you guys I'd take care of it.

Antonio is...

Okay, no offense, but I feel like we need to go beyond Antonio at this point.

Reach out to the higher-ups, get somebody with a little bit more juice.

I think maybe you guys just might be overreacting a tiny bit.

If we just stick to the plan and pay what he wants...


Did you have something in your eye, or did you see Game Day explode into smithereens?

Listen, if Arthur's willing to go that far with them, you don't think he would do the same to Molly's?

Has anyone seen Severide?



So messed up. I had to take the bus here.

One, two, three.

I can't!


I can't... stop! Stop! My leg!

I can't!


Okay, okay.

All right.


All right, okay.

Let's take a look at this arm.

Ow. [Groans]

Nathan, I'm not gonna be able to get you out unless I try and pull this out.

It's gonna be just like ripping a band-aid off, okay?

It's gonna hurt at first, and then it'll feel much better.




All right... Okay.

Damn it. Damn it.

I think the rebar nicked an artery in your arm.

Listen, bud, I got to do something to get this bleeding under control.

You got to stay tough for me, okay?

I gotta pinch off this artery.


Okay. I... I got it.

All right, there we go. It's done.

It's done. It's done.

There we go.


Somebody help us!


Hey, there he is.

How you feeling champ, huh?

Okay, okay.

Okay, all right.

I was just trying to be supportive.

I know. I'm just...

I'm nervous about this debate.

There's not, like, a chance that more than five people are ever gonna hear this thing.

I'll have you know that more than 600 firefighters have preregistered to hear this debate.

That is the biggest audience I've ever had.

Okay. Hey, that's great.

Just be yourself.

Be better than yourself.

I've got some great news.

Let's hear it.

I just found out a little something interesting about Sullivan.

His ex-wife is taking him to family court for failure to pay his child support.


And it isn't the first time.

Are you serious?


We got to hit him with this hard, Randy.

Yeah, I don't know.

Randy, I know you're all about maintaining your integrity throughout this process, but trust me, we've got to hit him with everything we've got.

She's got a point, buddy.

[Knock at door]


Detective Helling...

Area north.

How can I help you?

I need to have a word with a few of your firefighters.

What about?

Wait. So you're saying we're suspects in this?

[Scoffs] Unbelievable.

Is it?

An old bar goes up in flames, you three buy the place at a great discount, I'm sure, fix it up.

Then Game Day comes along.

Suddenly, business ain't so good.

They call the cops on you.

You call the fire marshal on them.

That's what we call an escalation.

From there...

Did we have a professional rivalry with Game Day? Absolutely.

But would we ever consider in a million years torching the place?

Absolutely not!

We're good "salt of the earth" people.

You ask anyone.


Just wanted to let you know where we stand.

I'll come back with some follow-up questions if I have any.

Hey, Clarke, have you seen Severide?

Chief said he had some family business and to cover for him.


So I talked to my friend.

He said he's reviewing Heather Darden's case personally.

He said minimum security's a real possibility.

That's great. Thank you.

Mm, no worries.

All right.

Hey, buddy.


Thanks for coming.

Ready to do a shift?

Are you sure that's okay?

[Scoffs] Are you kidding?

We're lucky to have you.

Somebody blow the bells. We got a V.I.P. here.

All: Hey!

Before you say anything, you're not suspects, okay?

Oh, no?

'cause someone forgot to tell that to Detective Helling.

He thinks we burnt down the competition.

I'll make sure he's set straight.

I'm on this, Gabby.

Yeah, tell that to Game Day.

I was with Arthur when Game Day went up.

Now, whether he gave that order ahead of time, I don't know... I didn't see it.

We are so close here.

I just need him provoked.

What what are you asking?

The next time he comes to collect, tell him no dice.

What are you gonna do?

Just tell him no dice.

I hope you know what you're doing.

This is it.

Is this where you sleep?

Sometimes, yeah.

He's the lucky one.

I got to sleep out here with the riff-raff.

You should try catching a couple of winks next to Mouch.

It's like the foghorns of bar harbor all going off...

[Alarm blaring] 51, Squad 3...

Catch you later, kid.

I gotta go.

We'll do something fun when I get back, I promise.

[Siren blaring]

Please, my wife!

You got to help her!

We just need you to back up so we can do our work, okay?

She's still alive.

She won't be for long if that steel moves.

It's like a house of cards.

The bike is the only thing stopping it from crushing her.

We got to stabilize this truck.

Can't move an inch.

Got it.

Mouch, chalk the wheels.

Otis, k*ll the engine.

Capp, bring the jaws. Tony, I need some cribbing.

Herrmann, I need that other set of jaws.

On it!

Hey, let's take a look at you.

Come on.

[Jaws whirring]

Okay, that should hold it in one piece.

Hop in, Capp.

Go nice and easy.

[Capp gives indistinct order]

All right, now.

Now! Now!


It's going, it's going!

Okay. On my count.

One, two, three.

Wow. Right?

Hey, Nathan, do... do you got a phone?

It's in my backpack.


I put it down.

Um, listen, Nathan, you've been incredible so far.

Okay? Superhero.

But I got to ask you to dig just a little deeper, okay?

I need you to pinch this artery tight yourself, just for a few seconds.

Okay, just think about it like you're holding a piece of spaghetti.

I use a fork for spaghetti.

Attaboy. Okay. [Chuckles]

You got me there.

Here, just use your hand.

Use your hand there. Yeah...



There you go. Pinch that.

I know, I know, I know, I know.

It hurts so bad.

I know it does.

Just hold your hand as still as possible, okay?

I'll be right back.

You're doing great. You're doing great.

Hi. This is Kelly Severide. Leave a message.

Hey, Kelly. Chief Boden.

Just checking to see how much longer you think you're gonna be.

Probably gonna get a relief Lieutenant here if whatever you got going's gonna take much longer, so just, uh... let me know.



How we doing, bud?

I don't know how much longer I can hold this.

Okay. Hold on.

Ah, damn it.

Hey, oh, hey, hey.

I'm sorry.

No, no, no.

You... you're doing great.

Hang in there. Stay tough for me.

There you are.

I was gonna show you how to dry the hoses.

Is someone else wearing my dad's coat now?

Uh, no.

Nobody else is wearing it.

It was, um... it was damaged in the fire.

That's what I figured.

He's still a very big part of this house.

Yeah, everyone keeps saying that.

Hey, that was some quick thinking out there with the jaws, man.

Yeah, how'd you know to do that?

Had to improvise.


In Iraq we were under-equipped most of the time, so we had to make do with what we had.

Yeah, I... I read about some of the "MacGuyvering" you guys did to upgrade gear.

Last thing you want, get caught with your pants down.

I guess that's the reason I like what we do.

A firefighter needs three things to survive... water, common sense, and balls.

Hello, there.

Greg Sullivan. Appreciate your support.


Greg Sullivan, running for union president.

Looking forward to your vote tonight.

Mr. Sullivan.

I'm Isabella Thompson. We spoke on the phone.

And aren't you even prettier in person?

If you'll follow me into the briefing room, we can get started.

Into the lion's den I go, huh?

Halstead's an undercover cop?

How long have you known about this?

Not long. And I'm... I'm sorry that I didn't tell you guys.

It's just, he wanted me to protect his cover.

He needs us to provoke Arthur so that he can make a case.

It's showtime.

Hey. Greg Sullivan.

Next question goes to Mr. Sullivan.

Mr. Sullivan, if elected union president, what would you do to better the lives of the firefighters in this city?

Well, that's a great question, Brian.

I'm glad you asked it.

As your union president, my first order of business would be to put an end to the crippling interference by state officials and do away with policies, like the mandatory wellness program.

That's actually a pretty good answer.

And on to you, Mr. McHolland.

I would have to say that I am in agreement with, uh, Mr. Sullivan here.

All right, um, I'm gonna throw a little curveball at you guys.

Uh, Mr. Sullivan, um, if you could be any kind of animal, any kind at all, what would you be?

Well, I know what I wouldn't want to be.

I wouldn't want to be a Mouch.

I'm... I'm sorry.

Oh, a Mouch.

You know, half man, half couch.

It's Mr. McHolland's nickname at this firehouse, am I right?

I don't see how that's remotely...

I mean, you must admit that nickname does not inspire leadership.

In fact, it implies the opposite... laziness, slovenliness.

Do you care to respond to that, Mouch?

Uh, Mr. McHolland?

I don't feel the need to dignify Mr. Sullivan's remarks except to say that the nickname that he's referring to is a term of endearment given to me by my coworkers out of friendship and respect.

Well, I guess that's to be expected from Firehouse 51.

Excuse me?

Well, isn't it true this firehouse has had its share of scandal in recent years?

Sexual harassment lawsuit, a questionable on-duty death, not to mention the fostering of a serial arsonist within its ranks.

I don't know who you think you are, coming in here and badmouthing our house.

Just being honest.

Well, you want some honesty?

How about your own personal...


You know what? Never mind.

I've said what I need to say.

And we're out of time.

I'd like to thank our two candidates and remind everyone that polls open promptly at 5:00 P.M.

We're gonna need an act of God now.

Hey! Hey, help!

Over here!

Hey, Nathan. Nathan, hey.

You with me?



I need you to pinch this tight again for me, okay?

Come on, you can do this.

You got it. A little more.

There you go.

I'll be... I'll be right back.

Hey, I need help! Hey, help!

Over here.





Hey, Nathan!

Hey. Wake up, buddy.

Wake up, buddy. You got to wake up.





Thanks for meeting me.

Have you told the house yet?

No, I have not.

I'm telling everyone next shift.

You want me to come by and introduce myself as the new chief after?


I didn't campaign for your job, Wally.



But I want my son to stay safe.

So, when it was offered to me, I took it.

I'm giving up my job to save 51.

I know.

And you've accomplished your mission.

They're closing 17.

Can I have your attention, please?

Word just came to me... they're closing Firehouse 17.

I don't mean to be insensitive, Chief, but does that mean we're safe?

I've been told we are.



I had no say over my replacement.

Yeah, but Benny...

Will you please just wait until I announce it next shift?

I don't need to disrupt the union vote.

It's... it's Mouch's night.

I'll tell you what I do need... for you to be a leader... now more than ever.


How we doing, Nathan?

You hanging in there?

Hey, buddy, you still with me?

I'm here.

Don't give up on me, okay? I want you to promise me.

I've seen guys a lot bigger and a lot stronger than you give up, and once they do, you're done. You're gone.

There's nothing I can do for you.

So I want you to promise me, kid.

I promise.

Yeah, good... good man.



What is it?

Why didn't you... look at this.


So what were you doing joyriding this thing, anyway?

My father... he's in construction.

He promised me over and over again, ever since I was little, that he'd teach me how to drive a loader.

That was before he left.

So I figured I'd teach myself so if he ever came back, I could show him that I didn't need him.

I know the feeling, bud.

My dad was a firefighter, and now I am too.

But I did it without his help.

Is it hard?

No, it's the best job in the world.

Look, I'll tell you what.

As soon as we get out of here, I'll take you down to the firehouse, and we'll go for a ride in the truck... how's that sound?




Last chance.

I can call the union secretary right now and send out an email blast to the entire C.F.D.

I'm sorry, but no.

I don't understand.

This is the one-yard line.

The last thing anybody heard is that podcast.

I always said I was gonna run this campaign on the issues that affect firefighters.

Personal business is off-limits.

Now, if that means I lose...

Yeah, it does.

I mean, what have we been working for here?

Look, if you want, I'll take the hit.

The email doesn't have to come from you.

This isn't Washington, Isabella.

I think he means it.

Fair enough.

I'm gonna go home and get some rest.

Thanks, Randy. I've enjoyed it.

Best of luck tonight.



I sure do love me a woman in uniform.

Hey. What you doing here?

Oh, I was in the area.

I thought I'd swing by and check out your digs.

Oh, you did, did you?



That's my partner, Gabby.

This is Devon.

We got a lot of inventory here, so...


When can you get out of here?

My shift goes until tomorrow morning.

Well, you get a break or something?

Mm, not officially, but...

[Alarm blaring] Ambulance 61...

Woman in distress...

Hey, why don't you come on a ride-along?

For real?


We do ride-alongs all the time.

Hop in back.

Hey, with all the eyes on this house, you really think it's a good idea to bring people on ride-alongs?

What, I can't have a friend here?

[Scoffs] You know what, Shay?

Whatever you want to do.

[Siren blaring]

She showed up here about 20 minutes ago, acting all kinds of crazy... slapping her own face, chewing on her hair.

[Shouting indistinctly]

I can try... aah! Ah! Ah! Ah!

I want to be the boom.

Oh, you have to feel the weather to be the boom.

Think it's bath salts?

You better prep 2 milligrams of midazolam.

People smoke bath salts like amphetamines these days.

Ah! I want to be the boom.

Hey, ma'am. Hi.

Hey, there.

We're here to help you, all right?

Just calm down. Tell me your name.

You want to take it from me? Take the boom in me?


No, just want to help.

You fingerprint me?

And you want to take it off me.

[Laughing] Oh, my God.

This chick is flat whacked.

Don't laugh at me!

You wait... and you take it!

Easy, all right?

Everything's gonna be all right?

Okay. Hold on, hold on.

It's gonna be all right...

[Screaming] ... [Moaning, grunting].

Shh, shh.

You're okay.


[Woman muttering]

Okay, let's get her on the backboard.

That was wild, man.


Hey, Nathan.

How'd you start this thing, buddy?

There's no key.

Nathan. Hey.

It's easy.

You span the two contacts with something metal.

What'd you use to do it?




Hey. What's up?

I thought only cops had badges.

Nope. We do too.

Wear 'em on our dress uniforms.



What happened to my dad's?

Your mom never took you to see it?

Come on, I'll give you the nickel tour.


[Giggling, chattering]

Um, I don't know if you ever spoke to Kelly today?

No, I haven't.

Well, you tell him when you see him... missing today's shift was unacceptable.

I expect a phone call and an explanation.

Of course, Chief.

Carry on.


Rise and shine, Griffin. Shift's over.

We gonna eat breakfast?

After we run an errand.


Kelly, you here?


[Door opens] Kelly?

No, it's just me.

Have you heard from Severide at all since yesterday?

No, not since he went jogging.

Give me your car keys.

Thanks, buddy.

I'll be back.


No, come on.



Good morning.

No one was here, so I figured I'd just serve myself.

Well, you have to leave... right now.

I want my money.

What if I can't pay?

You know, all things considered, I like to think of myself as a fair man.

I believe in taking people at their word, offering second chances, that kind of thing.

Now, you take the owners of Game Day...

I gave them a chance to pay.

They refused.

I gave them a second chance, and once again, they refused.

[Bottle shatters]

Then... they had that bad luck.

Hey, Arthur, there's no need to...

Shut up!




Drop the g*n. You're under arrest.

You son of a bitch.

Put the g*n down, Arthur.

I swear to God, I'll make you eat it.


Don't move.

Were you shot?

Would you mind taking my cell phone out of my pocket and putting it to my ear?

You got to dial 911.

This is Detective Jay Halstead, badge number 51163.




Answer me, damn it. Wake up, bud.

[Engine cranking]

[Engine turning over]


Brachial artery bleed.

I don't know how much longer he can hold out.

We've been at it all night. Hang on, buddy.

We're almost there, all right?

Don't give up on me, okay?

Got it.

[Cell phone vibrating]

This is Randy.





Okay. Thanks.


I, uh, lost.

Was it even close?

We ran a good campaign.

You really did, Mouch.

And who the hell cares what the numbers were?

You got every vote where it counts...

Firehouse 51.

And I know that I'm sure as hell proud of you.

We all are.

Thanks, guys.

[Sighs] You lucked out, cowboy.

It's pretty much a through-and-through.

You'll need some stitches, but otherwise you're fine.


You two okay?


I got to say, this didn't turn out the way I thought it would, but you got the job done.

Yeah, and I caught a b*llet in the process.

You say that like it's a bad thing.

You know, since you were shot on a job, that pretty much means you get to choose your next detail.

Intelligence. I want intelligence.

Yeah, well, we'll see what we can do about that.

You know... this doesn't have to change things for us.

I wish that were true.

What do you mean?

I mean that when we first met...

I didn't sign up for this.

My brother and sister-in-law have the best relationship I've ever seen... except for when he goes undercover.

It changes people.

Maybe if the circumstances were different.

Maybe one day they will be.


What the hell happened?

I saved our damn bar. That's what happened.

That she did.

There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for another.

This badge case stands as a memorial to our fallen firefighters and paramedics, who gave their lives in service to the citizens of Chicago.

It's okay to cry here.

I have.


Kelly. Kelly.

Mom, this is him.

This is the man who saved me.
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