01x13 - Warm and Dead

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Fire". Aired: October 2012 to present.*
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Chicago Fire follows the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working for the Chicago Fire Department at the firehouse of Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25.
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01x13 - Warm and Dead

Post by bunniefuu »

Shock at 360.

Clear! You're k*lling him!

Previously, on Chicago Fire...

My mom is up for parole, and I'm trying to help her get out.

I just didn't want you to think I was blowing you off.

You don't have to worry.

I'm not gonna tell anybody at work.

This is our thing. Nobody else's.

You don't get to come back, married and pregnant, saying that you miss me.

You walked away.

Did you start that fire?

I didn't do anything wrong.

Who the hell are you?

What are you doing with Ernie?

I said, what are you doing with that kid?

I've never seen anyone return to full duty after this surgery.

Rene, she's transferring to Madrid for her job and found a great rehab unit.

How long you staying?

I'm moving there.

[Elevator dings]

Oh. [Laughs]

No. No, no, no, no, no, no.

Come on.



Do you mind taking our picture?



Apartment fire. Ten-car pile up.

Hand caught in a machine.

Okay, all right.

In Madrid, it is going to be, um, tapas, tapas, dance club, and, um, Catholic church.

You think I can dance?

Well, I can dance and you can just watch.

That, I can do.

I've never done that before.

Oh, yeah?



Well, then I guess this is gonna be the first of many new things then, huh?



What is it?

I met this doctor.

A doctor?

Not like that.

I just, um... well, I put out some feelers to my medical contacts and, um, it turns out that the Chief of orthopedics over at River Forest Hospital is pioneering some kind of experimental spinal surgery, and he wants to meet you.



You know what? Maybe this will help you get to Madrid even sooner.

[Phone rings]

Chief Boden.

Do you remember me?



What's going on?

You okay?



Talk to me.

Where are you?




[siren blares]

[Horn blasting]

Hardware store. Not good.

Cruz, Mills, vent the roof.

Hardware store's got propane tanks, accelerants.


Go, go, go!

[Siren blares]

Dispatch 35, Battalion 25's on scene.

Copy that, 25.

Got one down. [Metal clangs]

Herrmann, take his legs.

[Overlapping chatter]

No pulse.

Not breathing.

Fire's out, Chief.

Looks like another dumpster fire.

What's up?

The door's jammed.

I told Chief we needed to grease this puppy before the weather turned.

And what, he ignored you?

No, he told me to do it, but I forgot.

I've been preoccupied.

Weren't you and Cindy using protection?

We've got four kids, Mouch.

I was counting on my sperm being too tired to make the swim.

Well, I'm gonna head inside and check the levels on the hot chocolate.

Yeah, I'm gonna provide back-up.

You know, my grandmother had this garage door that was always stuck 2 feet off the ground.

So one time I tell my brother Nick, I say, "go inside and grab some butter."


We got a rule.

You tell a story that we've all heard a million times, we raise our hand, you gotta shut up, no questions asked.

That's actually impolite and insulting.

Like that's on us. [Laughs]

I haven't heard the story.

Mills, let's go.

Where are you guys going?

Oh, I asked Cruz to give me driving lessons.

I'm actually next in line to drive 81.

You know that. Lieutenant?

Not now, Otis.


Hey, I... I got this dog here, if anyone wants it.

Don't even think about it.

Had a dog over at 80 when I was there.

Still have the teeth marks in my ankle to prove it.

My dad says he's gonna throw it in the river if I don't get rid of it.

I'll take it, or at least I can find a home for it or something.

[Dog whimpers]

He likes bacon.

Well, there's that.

Does he have a name?

Aw, dad, can we keep it?

Huh, can we? Can we? Can we?

Keep what?

The dog.

[Dog yipping]

The kid's dad was gonna drown it if we didn't take him.

He can't stay.

I got a call at 67 over at Morningside.

They need relief for the next two shifts.

I'll do it.


That's the slowest house in the city.

I'll do it.

Oh, what the hell?

You've got a medical furlough, Severide.

That means you're medically required to be out drinking.

Yeah, well... this may be more than just a furlough.

I'm moving to Spain with Renee.

Between your history with us and your father's distinguished career, I can get you arson investigation.

Or the academy. Your choice.

I appreciate it, Chief, I do.

But I'm leaving.

Kelly... just sleep on it.

I have.



You okay?

You were right about Ernie.

He called, said he was in trouble, and then he hung up.

Right before we responded to another dumpster fire.

I don't know where to find him.

You tried to help him, Chief.

Did I?

You reached out to him.

You invited him in.

Kelly, I saw him with this man... everything about it felt wrong.

And you handed it over to the police.

And what have they done, huh? Nothing.

Hey, I must have misheard cap, because he said something about you going to Spain.

Yeah. I was gonna tell you this morning, but... I missed you.

How long have you known this?

A day. Maybe two.

[Alarm blares]

Truck 81. Ambulance 61.

425 Lake Street.

Infant sh**ting.

[Engine starts]

[Siren blares]

My baby!

My baby's been shot.

[Cocks g*n] Baby!

You called the cops?

You've been shot, baby.

Put down that g*n.


Whoa, take it easy.

Shut up and stay away from me!

I'm not going back to jail.

We're not the cops.

This was self-defense.

Of course it was.

You stay where you are.

Are you gonna sh**t me for helping your mom?

[Pounding at door] Fire department!


Tell 'em to stop bangin'!

Tell 'em to stop, or I'm gonna blow a hole right through that door!

[Taser buzzes]

Dawson? Shay?

You can't carry a taser.

Yeah, well, tell that to Baby.


Baby here, uh, cold-cocked his mom and then tripped and bumped his head.


Where in code of conduct book does it say you can't carry a taser?

Page one.

Oh, I should totally read that someday.

Hey, Otis, remember to bring some reading materials with you to Morningside.

10 bucks you sell more Morningside T-shirts to tourists than you get calls.

Wager denied.

[Both laugh]

Yo, Dawson, hold up.

Yo, I'm sorry about before.

It's just that on shift, it's...

Oh, stop it. It's all right.

It's just... you know that it drives me crazy.

We'll figure it out.

Text me after you get some rest.

Sounds good.


[Horn honks]

Do you wanna get breakfast?

Yeah, sure, absolutely.

Wow, look at you.

You look like you're about to pop.

Yeah, a few more weeks.

Thank you.

I heard if you eat eggplant, the baby comes right out.

I moved out.


I told Daniel it wasn't gonna work... ever.

And, I, uh...

I moved back in with my parents.


Yeah, I know.

I mean, it's exactly where I imagined my life at 30, back with Barb and Gene in my room, with the No Doubt poster.



And don't forget pregnant.

Well, I know what you're thinking.

What's that?

That the way I live my life finally caught up with me.

That's not what I'm thinking.

And you would be right.

Anyway, um, I just came back 'cause I wanted to say thank you again.

I mean, you were a friend to me when I did not deserve one.

Forget Gene and Barb. Stay with me.

No... that's not why I came back.

No, end of discussion.

And you don't wanna get on the wrong side of my abuela. Trust me.

She's got this look that she'll throw you when she's aggravated.

[Both laugh]

That means tread lightly.

Yeah, I can see that.

I'm gonna speak up for my mom at the hearing today.

And how does your sister feel?

Like I'm a traitor.

She's spoken against my mom's release every year, which is all the board needs to hear to deny parole.

Ugh. That's a tough one.


You want me to come with you today?

Ah, you never know how long these things are gonna go.

It could be a few hours before we even get inside.

I'm coming.

[Mug clanks]

Chief, you have a call.

It sounds urgent.

Okay, stand by.

Here he is.

This is Chief Boden.

I'm in trouble.

Ernie, where are you?

Uncle Ray makes me do it.

I know.

Just tell me where you are.

He'd k*ll me if he knew I called you.

I will not let that happen.

Ernie, please, let me help you.


Just tell me where you are.

In front of some store on South Halsted and Marquette.

Okay. Don't move.

I am on my way.



We take parts of bone and cartilage from one vertebra and fuse it onto the next.

And then we inject your own platelets into the area, which increases healing.

Recovery time could be four weeks instead of one year.

How come I didn't hear about this from my other surgeon?

This isn't covered by an H.M.O.

It's experimental.

I'm not gonna lie to you.

There are real risks here, including partial paralysis.

Partial paralysis?

I am so sorry.

I, um... I guess I didn't realize how risky it was.


If I'm gonna risk anything, I'll risk it on you and me in Madrid.

Is there anyone present who would like to speak either on behalf of or in opposition to Nancy Annalyn Casey's request for parole?


My name is Matthew Casey.

I'm Nancy's son. I'd like to speak, please.

In four years, you've never spoken before, Mr. Casey.

Why now?

What's changed?

Well, uh, when I was seven, I, uh, I stole a baseball mitt from a sporting goods store.

I got caught, and the owner wanted to call the cops, teach me a lesson.

But my mom came down there and, uh, got him to agree to let me work off the cost of the mitt by sweeping his floor.

And when my sister crashed the family car, my dad wanted to kick her out of the house.

But my mom talked to him, worked it out where Christie could work off the repairs by cleaning dad's office.

What I'm trying to say is that my mom understood punishment, but she also understood forgiveness.

She did a horrible thing that she regrets terribly, and she's paid the price with 15 years of her life.

But now it's time for forgiveness, from all of us.

We lost both our father and our mother that day.

So, uh... so what's changed?

Well, I have.

I forgive her now.


Thank you, Mr. Casey.

Thank you.

Would anyone else like to speak, either for or in opposition to Ms. Casey's possible parole?

All right, then, Ms. Casey.

We'll start with a simple question.

Do you feel remorse for your crime?


Yes. Yes, I do... every day.

Hey, there, fellas.

I'm Brian Zvonecek.

I'm relieving here for the next couple shifts.

[Door shuts]

[Keys clank]

I said hey.

I know what you're doing.

Oh, yeah? What am I doing?

You're not pissed at me because I didn't tell you first.

You're pissed off because you don't want me to go.

Clarice is moving in. She's gonna need your key.

[Chuckles] This guy, he has a heart attack coming down the stairs.

I mean, his heart stops and everything.

I think heard about that.

Yeah, yeah.

And we had to put the paddles on him and...

[Clicks mouth] he pops right back up, like, no big deal, you know?

I mean, he completed training.

I think he's over at 94. [Laughs]

Gave him the nickname "Dead Frank."


I know where I heard that story before.

You're the guy with the podcast.

We love that podcast.

Herrmann, right?

He put you up to this.

No, nobody did.

[Alarm chimes]

Truck 67, assist the invalid.

Hey, Brian.


Why don't you drive?


Yeah, I'm getting tired of it.

Been looking for someone to take over.

[Engine starts]

It's weird without Otis here.

Who am I supposed to jag?

Don't look at me.

And Severide's gone too.

I mean, he's as cocky as they come, but if you were lying in the street, he'd give you the shirt off his back.

If you're lying in the street, why do you need his shirt?

You know what I mean.

How many times I gotta tell you to stay out of the first watch crate, Mouch?

The tempt me with these marshmallows, lieutenant.

What am I supposed to do?

Give me one.



You hear anything?

Not yet.

It could be a couple days.

Fingers crossed.


Chief, maybe we should rethink the dog, eh?

Time 51 got one.

Plus, it would really piss off Mouch.

No way.

Peter Mills, where is that dog?

Um, I found a home for it.

You did?

Thank God.

[Alarm chimes]

Truck 81, Ambo 61, Engine 51, 78 Racine, apartment fire.

That's Ernie's house.



I'm going up.


Spread out!


Ernie, call out!



Ernie, call out.

Ernie! Ernie!


Ernie? Can you hear me?

I'll get you out of here.

Come on. Stay with me.

[Murmurs, grunts]

I'm gonna get you out of here, Ernie.


Okay, stay with me. Stay with me.


Ernie. Ernie.

[Dog whimpering]

What is that?

I lied.

Uh, I... I couldn't find anyone to take her.

And I couldn't bring her to my place.

Sorry, guys.

Oh! Come here.

[Both murmuring]


[Murmuring to puppy]

[Whispers] Hey. Do you wanna say hi to Chief?

[Cell phone ringing]



[Whispers] The parole board.

I know you like my nose. [Murmuring]

[Whispers] Look at that. What's that?

Who's that?


Ahh, jeez.


What are we gonna call this mutt?



Half pooch, half couch.

[Both laugh]

Peter Mills, we're gonna need some bacon.


Thank you.


They granted her parole.

Hey, congratulations.



Well, there is one condition.

She has to move into a stable household.

Meaning with me.


[Door closes]

[Siren blares]

[Tires screeching]

[Horn honking]

[Siren blaring]

[Both grunting]

Come on! Come on!

[Tire iron clatters]

[Sirens approaching]

A little boy?

A little boy?

Step back! We got it.

Nice work.


These older houses are a tight squeeze.


You know, I come from a family of doctors.

But the first time I saw a firefighter jump into a truck and roar off, man, I knew I wasn't going to medical school.

I wanted to drive a fire truck.

Your parents okay with that?

Nope, but I am.

[Laughs] Good for you.

Hey, you know, this spot in our house is gonna be permanent.

You should put in for a transfer.

What, are you serious?

Hell, yeah.

I've laughed harder this week than the last two years.

[Both chuckle]

You should see this place in the summertime.

Girls everywhere, all wanting a picture with Chicago's finest.


It's the best house in the city.

Public defender is saying battery, citing you personally and the department at large.

If they wanna have that discussion...

You're having it now.

I apprehended a suspect in an arson and m*rder case, a suspect with an A.P.B. out on him who the C.P.D. did not have enough manpower...

Do you wanna go back and take the cop's test?

Because it's not too late.

Ah, come on now, Wallace.

No, no, no.

These are my bugles.

I'm going on furlough.

When I get back, you can tell me if I should put 'em back on again.

[Bugles clattering]

Chief, I just wanna let you...

Not now.

[Car door closes]

I'm a stupid ass. I know.


And I'm sorry. I should've...

I should've camped outside your room to tell you first.

You're my best friend, Shay.

Next time...



No next time, I swear.

I'm glad you're getting yourself healthy, even if it means I have to let you go.

No one's letting go.

Come on, let's go in.

I'm cold.

All right, yeah.

Hey, you know, tasers are totally against the rules.

Yeah, I know that. It's page one.

All you.

All: Surprise!

[Cheers and applause]


Hey. Hi.

I'm not sure what we're gonna do without you.

[Exhales] Cheers.

[Background chatter, laughter]


Look, I promise you that I understand, you know, this is just an opportunity for us to be roommates.

Nothing more...

What was that?

I love you.

I've always loved you.

I love you too.


You sure you wanna do this, Peter Mills?

I've been waiting all day, baby.

Wanna sneak out of here?

Your place, ten minutes?

You're on.



Kick flips?

No, you.

No, you.

I'm telling you, guys, it wasn't that bad.

[Audio muffled, fading]

Sorry. Have you seen Kelly?

Yeah, he's over there.

Or, was...


[Engine turns off]

[Distant laughter]

So it's 15 degrees, and there was this homeless guy that used to hang around in an alley behind the house.

And we find him, and he is frozen solid.

I mean, he's a block of ice.

So I call the morgue and I say, "listen.

We got a frozen dead guy, and you gotta come and pick him up."

And they say, "well, he can't just be dead.

He's gotta be warm and dead before we'll come and get him."

So we dragged the homeless guy across to the apparatus floor, and we wait for him to thaw out, for about ten hours.

Anyway, eventually he got warm enough and dead enough to actually be dead, so they came and got him.

You still telling that one?

Well, I'll be damned.



How you doing?


You want something to eat?

Oh, nah.

I'm good, thanks.

Uh... [Deep breath]

I'm leaving the C.F.D.

What happens when you and this Renee get tired of each other, and you find yourself in some godforsaken country with nothing to show for it but a pension?

I don't know.

This doesn't look so bad.

Trust me.

You're worried about partial paralysis?

How about full paralysis?

'Cause that's what this is.

There is no replacing Rescue Squad... but you already know that.

That's why you came out here, so I could talk you out of going.

Look. I know I wasn't there for you like I could've been or should've been, and I'm three wives removed from your mother and I'm in no position to give you advice.

But you're scared, Kelly.

And you know why you're scared?

'Cause you're not ready for this.

Bennie, you ready?

She's counting on me. I promised her.

She'll get over it.

Disappoint anyone... hell, disappoint everyone, but don't ever disappoint yourself.

It's good to see you.

You too, pop.

[Background chatter]

[Distant siren]


What's going on?

I'm, uh...

I'm gonna get the surgery.

Oh, Kelly, come on.

It's... it's just not worth the risk.

I mean, we'll do it right.

You'll come with me.

You'll recuperate in Madr...

You wanna stay.

I should've known. [Chuckles]

I was that close to not even telling you.

And you would've come with me to Madrid.

And... the sky would've been the limit for us.

Hey, hey.

What you did might be the most important thing anyone's ever done for me.

Thank you.

Well, uh... I guess now we're even.

Yeah. We're even.

[Knock at door]



Can I please see Jimmy?


He's not your son.

The hell he ain't.

I raised him from the time he was three.

Never used the word "stepson."

Not once.

I need to see him.

[Dog barks]

Hey. Ralphie.

How are you? I miss you, boy.


[Murmurs emotionally]

[Tap on glass]

You ready?

Yeah. I'm ready.
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