02x14 - Natural Born Wesen

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Grimm". Aired: October 2011 to March 2017.*
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"Grimm" follows a homicide detective who learns that he is a descendant of a group of hunters known as "Grimms", who fight to keep humanity safe from the supernatural creatures of the world.
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02x14 - Natural Born Wesen

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Grimm.

The Captain is the one who woke Juliette up, okay?

Which means he's the one who saved her life.

Just saw the Captain looking through your desk drawer.

The Captain took something that belongs to me.

If they have no control over what's going on, if it's all about this spell, there's no reason to do anything crazy.

I brought the key. Here.

I'm giving it back to you. It's why I called you here.

Is it gonna help Juliette remember me?

It's the first step of what you're gonna have to go through to break the spell between Juliette and the Captain.

And what's the second one?

It involves all three of you.

That's it?


That's it. Nick.

It's part of the process he has to go through.

What process? I don't understand any of this.

Juliette, he's gonna be okay.

He doesn't look okay.

We have to call 911.

They can't help him.

This is crazy. You're all crazy.

It's the only way to stop what's going on between you and him.

You didn't explain to her what we have to do here?

How can I explain something I don't fully understand?

I'm calling an ambulance.


No, no, you can't do that, Juliette.

Listen, you know I'm Nick's friend, right, and I would never do anything to hurt him.

He asked you here for a reason.

Nick is doing this for you.

I don't understand why he has to go through this for me. I know.

A lot of this we're never gonna fully be able to explain.

Tell me the part that you can explain.

Remember that cat that scratched... oh, my God, I don't want to hear anything else about the cat.

If anybody else tries to blame all of this on the cat, my head is gonna explode.

You know what he's going through.


How long did it take to come out of it? I don't know.

I didn't even know where I was until I woke up.

You know how you have feelings for Captain Renard and you can't explain where they came from?

Like you just woke up one day, and you were crazy about a person you barely knew?

Is that about right?


There are a lot of things in the human body, hormonal and chemical, that can trigger these inexplicable, emotional nuclear meltdowns.

And what we're dealing with is sort of a "pheromone gone wild" fiasco.

All we're attempting to do is to reverse the pheromoniacal behavior before something even worse happens.


Okay, he's coming out of it.


Nick, can you hear me?

Can you hear us?


Don't get up too fast.


Okay, great.

So that's it?


There is one more thing the two of you have to do.

Come with me.

And there's one more thing you have to do too.

Probably best if they don't know about this part.

I wish I didn't know about this part either.

Monroe. Almost ready.

You got that last ingredient?

Yup. Just getting it now.

What is that?

Just a flavoring to cut the bitterness.

Can we just get this over with?

This better work.

Now what?

Hopefully this will eradicate the intense desire you two have for one another and put you back in a more normal and even emotional state.

But we'll have to wait and see.

Well, I'm not waiting here. I'm going home.


[Door bell jingles]

Well, I think the alone was a step in the right direction.

I'm gonna make sure she stays alone.

[Door shuts, bell jingles]

And if this doesn't work?

I wish I knew.


[Muffled deep voice]

Well, hello Monroe... Deposit?


Yes, ma'am.

How's the clock business?

The hands of time put pennies in the pocket.

Ancient Chinese proverb.


Get down!

Get down.

Hey, you...

On the floor!

Everybody down!


You! Come here, sweetheart.

Don't move!


Stay down.

Down on the floor!

I said, "get on the floor."

Get everything!



Come on, grab the bags. Let's go!

Time's up! Let's go. Let's go.

Come on, wrap it up! Come on.

Let's get out of here! Stay down!

Everybody, stay down. Keep your heads down.

Let's go.

[People exclaiming] Get down!

[Overlapping chatter]

What'd I tell you?

What'd I tell you, huh?

That was insane.

Both: Mm.

It was too damn easy.


Just shut the hell up and stay down so I can see.

Can you see this?

Candy from a baby.




So this is what the Captain took?


What does it open?

I don't know.

But it's something people are willing to k*ll for.

Look. You ink the sides of this, press to paper... it makes a piece of a map.

Now apparently there's six more of these that people are hunting all over the world.

You need to collect all seven to complete the map and find whatever it is they hid back in the 12th century.

You know, if I hadn't seen what I've seen, I wouldn't believe any of this.

Neither would I.

All right, let me get this as straight as I can.

The Captain is a member of a royal family.

He's also partly one of these hexenbiest things that Adalind used to be but isn't anymore because of you?

In a nutshell.

Yeah, that's where they gonna put us if this thing goes on much longer.

Where you gonna keep that key now?

Around my neck.

Playing it a little close.

The next person who tries to take this from me is gonna have to k*ll me to get it.

Well, let's hope it doesn't come to that.

What about Juliette?

I don't know.

I hope she's gonna be okay, but right now I'm just trying to give her a little bit of space.

[Indistinct echoing voice, growling]


They were all wearing these masks... horrible, so realistic.

What kind of masks?

I don't know.

Wolves maybe.

But they weren't the cheap kinds.

These were, like, real. Real skin, real teeth.

I'm sorry. I've just never seen anything like it before.

Will you excuse me?

[Siren outside, police radio chatter]

Okay, there were three robbers.

Heavily armed, came in sh**ting.

They were all wearing some kind of animal masks.

Surveillance cameras?

Yeah, securing them as we speak. Monroe?


I am glad you guys got the call.

We got this.

You were here?

Smack dab in the middle. This is bad.

We got to find those guys, like, right now.

Those masks they were wearing were not masks.

They were full-on wogied when they blew in here.

You're telling us everyone in the bank could see them?

Yeah. They were doing it on purpose.

What were they?

One was a skalengeck and the other two were blutbaden, which personally, I take great offense at.

So they obviously knew what they were doing.

Oh, dude, it is way bigger than that.

Bigger than robbing a bank in the middle of the day?


They broke the gesetzbuch ehrenkodex.

The what?

The gesetzbuch ehrenkodex.

It's also known as the code of swabia.

It is the most important law of honor that we have.

I mean, you break the code, you put all wesen in danger.

There was a huge meeting like 400 years ago.

Representatives had to come from all corners of the known earth.

Look, this is a huge Grimm thing too.

You've probably got something about this in your trailer.

Here's something. Looks like it dates from the council of Walenstadt of 1521.

It's in German.

Yeah. It says right here, "it establishes guidelines to ensure the safety and well being of the wesen community."

Bottom line, very bad things happen when wesen reveal themselves in order to take advantage of normal folk.

The great witch hunts of the 16th and 17th century... you think those were witches they were burning? Uh-uh.

Bunch of knuckleheads like in the bank today got that ball rolling back then, and for 300 years there was hell to pay.

And if you think that can't happen again, here today, think again.

The fact that these guys were wesen when they robbed the bank is gonna make it impossible to find them.

No prints, nobody to I.D. them.

Hello, except me.

Yeah, and your testimony about two blutbaden and a skalengeck should go over really well with a jury.

All right, so how do we find them?

The way they hit the bank, I get the feeling this wasn't their first costume party.

Okay, let's see if we can find any recent cases where masks were used.

When this gets out it is gonna spread fast, and a lot of wesen are gonna freak.

And when you get the wesen community freaked, somebody is gonna know somebody who knows somebody who knows something.

So I'm gonna start asking.

[Deep, echoing voices]

[Cell phone rings]


[Stops ringing]

Witnesses saw them heading east on Stark, and north on Naito.

And security cameras from an insurance company and a jewelry store confirm that was the escape route but from that point on, we have nothing.

Vacant lot two blocks away. They could have had the getaway vehicle parked there.

Got what you were looking for.

Two other robberies within the last month, using the same "animal mask" scare tactic.

An auto supply shop in Eastport Plaza, and a convenience store in Troutdale.

Oh, so they're moving up in the world.

That is one heck of a mask.

I'll circulate a copy of that to stores that sell that sort of thing.


I'd like to see you in my office, please.

You still having feelings for Juliette?

You want to go there first?

I do.


Truth is, not as much.

I'm truly grateful for that.

I think we both know why I felt that way, so don't take this personally. I'm trying not to.

You and I need to be able to work together if you're gonna stay on in this precinct.

I have no intention of leaving.

Well, good, 'cause I don't want you to.

There are things far more important than what goes on here.

What do you want from me?

You hold a great deal of value to a lot of people, including myself.

I've protected you in situations you're not even aware of.

You want a bouquet?

You need to understand your place in all of this.

If you and I could overcome our differences, we will make history.

And if we can't?

Well, then history will bury us.

How much have you told Hank?

Pretty much everything.

And he's on board with that?

He's working it out.

Okay, probably better that way.

What about Adalind?

She wants the key. For my brother.

Why don't you give it to her?

Because I trust you more than I trust my family.

There's way too much at stake to let either one of them have it.

[Cell phone rings]

And the families, they'll stop at nothing until they get their hands on those keys.

[Cell phone rings] And you.

I kind of got that impression.

Are we done?

For now.


Hey, Nick, I think I'm on to something.

You ever hear of the junkyard dog bar?

Over in gresham?


It's sort of the salt lick for less than legitimate wesen.


If anybody knows who these guys are, it'll be somebody in there.

Don't do anything until we get there.

Yeah, you don't have to worry about that.

[Deep, indistinct voice]

[Voice continues]



What makes you think anybody's gonna talk?

Trust me, the codex has been broken.

They'll be lining up to stop those idiots.

Well, it's worth a shot.

Let's go.

Whoa! Whoa!

Guys, wait. This is a wesen bar.

You gotta "wogie your I.D. at the door."

I can do this alone. I'll be out in ten minutes.

What if you get in trouble?

If I run into a problem I can't deal with, I'll be walking right out that door.

[Car door opens]

[Rammstein's buck dich]

Man, I love this place!

Whew! Hey, can I get a hefeweizen?

Such ambiance.

Did you hear about that bank robbery today?

I gotta be honest, the thing I like about this place, you come in by yourself, you sit down, you strike up a conversation.

Hell of a bank robbery today, huh?

What about it?

Scared me to death.

If you know what I mean. Breaking the code?

It's not good for any of us, right?

Piss off.


Guy at the bar talking about the code.

I don't give a damn about any code.

Me either.

Ooh, you owe me, baby.


Hey, wait. Which guy were you talking to?

The guy with the green jacket.

That guy was in the bank.

Buy you a drink?

Mm, twist my arm.

That's cute.

So, um, did you hear about that bank robbery today?

[Bottle thunks down] I did.

Pretty crazy, right?

I think what they did was pretty ballsy.

Are you kidding? They... they broke the code.

That's not ballsy. That's cowardly.

Hey, what did you say?

As I recall, you're the one who was cowardly.

What do you say now, big mouth?

I'm glad I found you guys.

Because the cops have been all over me to tell them what I saw.

Kept my mouth shut. I think that's worth something.

Like what?

Oh, I don't know.

You know, a little piece of the action.

I mean, not a big piece, just a commensurate piece.

How about a little piece of this, huh?

Oh, my.

[Glass shattering]

His ten minutes were up two minutes ago.

Let's give him a couple more.

Just in case he's making some headway.



Fight! Fight!

[Panicked screams]




Police! Break it up, now!

Shut that music off! Hey, get your hands off me!

What'd you say to me? Hey, you're not going anywhere!

They're the ones.

He started it. He grabbed my ass!

I did not!

Hey, everybody shut up.

Get out your I.D.s.

Or not, and we can take you to jail.

You said he grabbed you. Would you like to press charges?

We can all go downtown and talk about it.

No need. Let it go.

Any property damage?

None that I can see.

Anybody want to press any charges against anybody for anything?

Well, then I suggest we all go home.

Starting with you.

Lucky for us a couple of handsome Detectives were cruising by.


I think maybe you should just go home.

Ohh, gee, Detective, you're no fun.

We're just getting warmed up.


[Cell phone rings]


I didn't think I should stick around.

I'm headed for the spice shop, but that was them.

On my way.

[Electricity sizzling, mechanical rumbling]

[Indistinct, echoing voices]

[Metallic squeak]

These are bad times, you know?

People out of work, can't pay their mortgages.

All it would take is a few more clowns with the same idea, and I can't even think what would happen.

You sound just like my brother.

And that's a good thing?

Freddy made a lot of mistakes, but when it came to doing what's best for the wesen community, he never wavered.

He used to say, "above all, our job is to protect each other."
[Door opens, bell chimes]

Did you arrest them?

[Door closes]

Based on what?

They were the ones that robbed the bank, man.

I recognized the tall one when he wogied.

Can't present that to the D.A., but at least we know who they are.

Cole Pritchard and Krystal Fletcher.

Both have records and they live together.

There was another guy.

He was, like, stocky with a beard.

I think he slipped out when you guys came on.

That was the third guy?

I think so.

I mean, he was with them. So what do we do?

Not much we can do until we get evidence to tie them to the bank.

We're gonna check out their address first thing in the morning. Nick...

You know, this is a pretty serious situation.

If you can't get the hard evidence you need, you might just have to put the badge aside and deal with this as a Grimm.

There's a lot of attention on this.

We've got to try and take them down as cops first.

You didn't tell them about the council.

The wesen council?


God, no.

I'm hoping it doesn't come to that.

Can you believe that loser tried to shake us down?

You should have k*lled him right there, baby.

I would have if the cops hadn't shown.

And Gus crawled out like a little baby.

They were cops.

So what?

They had me right in their hands and still had no idea who I was.

Nobody can touch us.



Come on, show me what you got.

All right, this is inside the bank.

That's out.

Okay, it looks fine.

You done good, gussy. You seen these, Krystal?


I love big, fat-ass banks.




Come on.

I'm gonna put you to bed. We got a big day tomorrow.



We gotta work this out, Cole.

[Squealing and giggling]


[Grunts and laughs]

This is Pritchard's address.

Doesn't look like anybody's here.


Ugh, that stuff looks toxic.

No place like home.


[Whimpering] Oh, don't hurt me!

Don't hurt me.


What are you doing here?

I... I live here.


No. I just do what the monsters say.

What monsters?

He said he'd cut my tongue out.

He said he'd cut my tongue out if I ever told anyone about them.

Does the monster have a name?

They don't want anybody to know.

When do the monsters come here?

Whenever they want.

A woman, two guys? Uh, one's stocky.

That's Gus. They call him Gus.


I've already said too much.

We won't say anything if you don't.

We got a deal?


[Receding footsteps]

Think they're still using this place?

If they still think it's safe.

At least we got a name.

Could be our third man.

But Gus without a last name isn't much.

If he's been hanging with Cole, he could be a known associate.

Yeah. Let's check it out.

[Metallic droning]

[Cell phone ringing]

[Droning continues]

[Ringing continues]

Screw it.

[Ringing continues]


[Ringing stops]




Hi. I, uh, don't mean to bug you.

I just...

Wanted to make sure everything is okay.

Everything's a lot better.

Thank you for calling.

Thanks so much.


Then, uh, good night, Juliette.

Good night, Nick.





[All panting]

Everybody on the ground!

[Panicked screams and machine g*n fire]

What are you doing?

Leave the money, Paul!

[Machine g*n fire]

[Horn blares, car tires screech]



What is that?

Quinoa blueberry pancakes.

With a spinach, basil and walnut puree maple syrup.

I know. It sounds a little weird, but taste is a small price to pay for health.

And I figured, you know, it's our first sort of breakfast as roommates, so why not pull out all the stops?


I'm okay with just some coffee.

French press Honduran high Mountain roast, ready to go.

But come on, a pancake isn't gonna k*ll you.

How can you be so sure?

Well, I'm still here.

Hey, Nick, um...

You ever heard of the wesen council?


Yeah, it's sort of a council of justice, you know, for wesen.



[Cell phone rings]

And they take breach of conduct very seriously, among other things.

How seriously?

Oh, you know, just "penalty of death" seriously.


I'm just saying.

If this thing should escalate... Where?

On my way. They hit another bank.


[Cell phone rings]





You spying on me, old man?

I'll cut your tongue out.


Step back, please.

Coming through!

Deja vu all over again. Same M.O., same everything.

Only this time, they upped the ante.


From what I hear, you guys are gonna be watching a rerun.

Hey! Get that news van out of here!

[Squeaking and scraping]

Whoo, ha!




Man, we scored big-time.

We got more than we did last time!

Baby, we're so rich!

Yes, baby. Shh. Here you go.

[Both laugh]

You screwed us. You shot two people.

Feel better?


Well, get over it.

You're scowling, Gus.


Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

Close it up. Come on.

Lighten up, gussy-boy. You're taking it too serious.

We're having fun. Right?



[Indistinct arguing]

They did it again!

Oh, my.

And did you hear about the copycats?

Dissolve this in water.

It'll help relieve some of the stress.

I'll be right with you.

And how much longer until they realize they're not wearing masks?

What are we going to do?

We can't just do nothing.

We need to protect our families. Everybody calm down.

Just hold on.

The Portland pd has got this under control.

This is not a job for the police, we need the council.

That's what Freddy would have done.

Calm down. Everybody calm down.

There is need to panic.

We'll be chased from our homes.

That's not going to happen.

Freddy knew who to talk to.

And so do I.


Now, please, do not be afraid.

Go home to your families, there's nothing you can do here.

You trusted my brother, you can trust me.

If Rosalie says she can do it, I believe her.

We have no choice.

I wish Freddy was still here.

[Overlapping chatter, door closes]

I need your help.

So that happened this morning in the southeast, and we got this one a half-hour later.

This is getting out of control fast.

Nick tells me you know what's going on.

Let's just say I've been initiated.

Welcome to the club.

We need to get on top of this, or we're gonna have a riot on our hands.

I was really young the last time this happened.

I remember, my parents, my aunts and uncles were panicked, just like now.

They wouldn't let me or Freddy go outside.

Not even near a window.

The only one who wasn't panicked was my dad.

I don't know what happened, but after about a week, my dad walked into the shop and said it was over.

That's it? He just... Said it was over?

Next day, everything just went back to normal.

[Lock clicks, hinges squeak]

I never knew exactly what happened.

When Freddy turned 18, my dad told him something.

I tried to get Freddy to tell me, but he never would.

Until my dad died, then he finally told me.

He said that our father had an uneasy alliance with the council.

They did things that he didn't agree with, but he did what he had to do.

And Freddy took over for my dad, and I was supposed to take over for him if anything ever happened, because he never had any kids.

I just...


I didn't think it ever would.

This is it.

Freddy told me that our dad served on the council at one point.

Before we were born, I think.

This letter is from Freddy's contact...

De groot.

How do we know they even still deal with this kind of thing?

We don't, but I have to call.

You want me to do it?


They knew my father, they knew Freddy.

They'll know me. It's my responsibility now.

[Phone rings]

[Sleepy groan]

Hallo. Wie is dit?

Hallo.Spreekt u engels?

Yes. Who is this?

My name is Rosalee calvert.

I'm the daughter of George calvert and the sister of Frederick calvert.

I'm reporting a violation of the gesetzbuch ehrenkodex.

[Grunts] Wait a minute.


I think I got something on Gus.

Last name Campbell.

Two years ago, he shared a cell with Cole Pritchard.

Our guy?


They did a month together in county.

Got a last known address. Worth a social call.

It's gone viral, baby!

Oh! Look at me! I'm a movie star!

Oh, you look beautiful, babe.

[Squeals] Oh...

We're all over the news. Cops are all over the place.

We gotta lay low.

Let me explain it to you so you understand.

Everybody's talking about us 'cause the cops don't have a damn clue.

Tell him, Cole.

Everybody's watching.

They're just waiting to see what we're gonna do next, wishing they had the balls to climb out of their repressed little holes.

[Scoffs] You serious?

We gotta show them it can be done.

This was supposed to just be a couple of easy scores.

Oh, it's just the beginning.

You see, what you're feeling is power, gussy.

I mean, real power!

That's why we're gonna go out there and do it again tomorrow.

And then the next day, and then the day after that.

Ooh! Tell him the part where we show the world what we are.

Yeah, well, you show them.

'Cause I'm done.

I'm taking my share, and I'm getting out before you get us all k*lled.

Don't you walk away.

[Cracking] [Groaning]

Come on.

Cole! No, Cole!

Ah! Guh!


Cole, stop. You're gonna k*ll him.

Cole, stop!



Cole, you son of a bitch.

You can't have all the fun.


[Squishing] [Moaning]


It's clear.

Suspect is dead. ...I'll say..

This is the same stuff we saw at the factory.

Call it in. We're going to the old Cuthridge factory on frontage road.

Send backup.

Copy that.

This is wu, I got a 12-49.

[Bell clanging]

It's gone viral, and the infection is spreading.

Every generation requires a reminder that our safety is fragile.

Deal with it... Now.

Yes, sir.

[Car doors close]




All the more for us, baby.

Yeah, that's right.



Don't you think it's time you cut out his tongue?



[Machine g*n fire]


[g*n clicks] Damn it!





[Both grunting]

Oh! Ah!



Nice mask. Uhh!





Agh! Hold on! Hold on! Hold on! Take it easy.

I didn't know you were a Grimm.

You can't k*ll me, you're a cop.

You gotta arrest me, it's the law.


Looks like we got all the proof we need.

[Handcuffs clinking]

You're never gonna prove we were in that bank.

Yeah, you got nothing, man.

You won't be able to prove a thing.

You don't have a chance.

Captain Renard, what can you tell us about the masked bank robbers?

The arrests have been made, and the fugitives are being brought into the precinct now.

We will have to wait for confirmation of identities.

Captain Renard, do you...

They're coming in.

[Overlapping questions]

We're just the beginning of what's coming.

[Laughs] You tell them, babe.

You'll never be able to stop it now.

Nobody will.

And there's not a damn thing you can do about it.


We'll be out before the end of the night.

Yeah, we will.


[Panicked screams]



Get him!

Blutbaden were behind this. Not surprising.

Who did we use?

Local hire.

I trust the word got out.

Yes, sir. The press was there.

Ah. Any problems since?

Not a one.




[Metallic droning, indistinct voices]

[Electricity sizzling]

Who is this? You answer me!

Who is this?

[Droning continues]
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