01x01 - Pilot

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "White Collar". Aired: October 2009 to December 2014.*

Moderator: cheride

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A white collar criminal agrees to help the FBI catch other white collar criminals using his expertise as an art and securities thief, counterfeiter, and conman.
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01x01 - Pilot

Post by bunniefuu »

White Collar Season 01 Episode 01

How are you doing?

I'm good, how are you doing?

I'm fine.

Only 5 bucks, man.

I'll give you $3.


Take good care of her. I'll be back in a month.

Thank you, sir.

Drop. Three.

Drop. Two.

Drop. Four. All pins down.

Preparing to open.

Three, two, four... Wait!

What happened?

I said wait. You didn't wait.

10, 000 man-hours to get this close to the Dutchman, and you blow up my evidence.

Agent Burke, how did you know it was gonna do that?

Three, two, four. Give me your phones.

What's it spell?


Yeah... FBI.

Apparently, he knew we were coming.

You think so, Copernicus?

Somebody want to tell me what this is? Huh? Anybody?

Nobody knows what it is? Great.

Look at you.

How many of you went to Harvard?

Don't raise your hands. Don't.

Ah, Diana. Look at this.

Apparently, our boy has a sense of humor.


Neal Caffrey escaped.

What's this?

US Marshals are requesting your help.

My help?

Director Thompson asked for you personally.

Me? Why would he want me?

Probably because you're the only one who ever caught him.

Agent Burke.

I'm Thompson, US Marshals.

Appreciate the help. You were the case agent.

Yes, I was.

So you'll agree that this is an unusual situation.

Why would Neal run with three months left on a four-year sentence?

That's what we're wondering.

This is Warden Haskley.

Agent Burke, FBI.

You're the guy who dropped the ball.

You, of all people, should know what Neal Caffrey's capable of.

I know I spent three years of my life chasing him and you let him walk out the front door.

Gentlemen, might I remind you that Caffrey has a four-hour head start?

Caffrey came out of the e-block staff bathroom dressed as a guard.

Where'd he get the uniform?

Uniform supply company on the internet.

He used a credit card?

He used my wife's American Express.

We're tracing the number in case he uses it again.

He won't.

Hey, pretty boy!

How did he get the key cards for the gate?

We think he restriped a utility card, using the record head on that.

You should have given him a CD player.

He walked out the front door, hot-wired a maintenance truck in the parking lot.

We found it abandoned near the airport.

We beefed up security just in case he tries to get out that way.

We're not gonna catch Caffrey using roadblocks and wanted posters.

He shaved his beard just before he escaped.

Neal doesn't have a beard.

The inmates are photographed each morning as they exit their cells.

I hardly recognize him.

I think that's the point.

This morning?


Run the series back.


That's it... when he stopped shaving.

I want to know everything that happened that day.

He had a visitor.

Kate Moreau. Know her?

Yeah. I do.

No audio?


She comes back every week like clockwork.

She's not thrilled about this visit.

How soon can we get a lip-reader in here?

I'll save you the trouble.

"Adios, Neal. It's been real." Did she come back next week?

She never came back.

Okay. Let's find Kate.

I see Kate moved out.

She leave you a message in that?

The bottle is the message.

It's been a while.


A few years, give or take.

You carrying?

You know I don't like g*ns.

They ask me, what makes a guy like you pull a boneheaded escape with four months to go?

I guess you figured it out.

Kate says "adios" to you at prison, then gets busy with her disappearing act.

Her trail ends here.

But you already know that.

I missed her by two days.

Still... It only took you a month and a half to escape a supermax.

Damn impressive.

All clear. Subject identified and unarmed.

Roger that.

Are we surrounded? How many?

Including my agents and the marshals?

All of them, I think.

What's the message?



They're gonna give you another four years for this, you know.

I don't care.

That's the same suit you were wearing the last time you arrested me.

Classics never go out of style.

You know what this is?

No idea.

I got it from a case I was supposed to be working on before they yanked me off to find you.

You think you'll catch him?

Don't know.

He's good.

Maybe as good as you.

What's it worth if I tell you what this is?

Is it worth a meeting?

What are you talking about?

If I tell you what this is right now, will you agree to meet me back in prison in one week?

Just a meeting.


It's a security fiber for the new Canadian $100 bill.

Put your hands where I can see them.

Let's go.

One week.

Got him.

What's got the belt-and-suspender boys all riled up?


Me? What'd I do?

Caffrey was right.

That stuff from the bank vault... Security fibers for the new Canadian 100.

I'll be damned.

Apparently, the formulation is still classified.

The Canadian secret service is very curious to know how you figured it out.

This should be fun.

You may have started an international incident.

How did you know?

Come on, Peter.

It's what I do.

How upset were the Canadians?

Oh, very.

Well, as upset as Canadians can get.

All right, so, I agreed to a meeting.

We're meeting.

I know why you call him "The Dutchman".

Like the ghost ship, he disappears whenever you get close.

How do you know anything about him?

You know my life. You don't think I know yours?

Did you get the birthday cards?

Nice touch.

You've been after the Dutchman almost as long as you were after me.

I'll help you catch him.

Really? Really?

How... how does that work?

You want to be prison pen pals?

You can get me out of here.

There's case law, precedent.

I can be released into your custody.

Nice. This is... this is very nice.

But you're right... I do know you.

And I know the second you're out, you'll take off after Kate.

Peter... I am not gonna run.

GPS tracking anklet.

The new ones are tamper-proof, never been skipped on.

There's always a first time.

Think about it.

Sorry, Neal.

Nice try.

Lights out, Bobby. Shut 'em down.

Neal, you got to turn that off.

Get one more minute, Bobby?

Okay, one more minute.

Is it midnight yet?

Yeah, it's midnight.

Shut up, bitch!

You coming to bed tonight?


What's wrong?


Oh, don't tell me it's Neal Caffrey.

I've been competing with him for three years.

He'd be out today.

You considering his offer?

Of course you are, or you'd be in bed with me.

Can he help you find him?

Neal's smart.

You know how much I like smart.

Is he as smart as those Ivy League co-eds they throw at you?

He's almost as brilliant as the woman I married.

Ooh, good answer.

So, what's the problem?

This is not the way it's supposed to go.

You get caught, you do your time.

There's more to this... more to this than some lost love.

Some side angle he's playing.

So you're suggesting he escapes a maximum-security prison, knowing full well that you'd catch him, just so he could trick you into letting him out again?

It's a working theory.

Yeah. Keep working.

Is it so hard for you to believe a man would do that for the woman he loves?

Neal just bought himself four more years in prison. For what?

For what?

If you were Neal, you wouldn't have run for me?

Let me see it.

You understand how this works?

Yeah, I'm being released into the custody of the FBI under your supervision.

I let this thing chafe my leg. Anything I'm missing?

Yeah. If you run and I catch you, which you know I will because I'm 2-0, you're not back here for four years.

You're back here for good.

You're gonna be tempted to look for Kate. Don't.

I told you... The bottle meant "goodbye".

Then leave it at that.

This is a temporary situation.

Help me catch the Dutchman, we can make it permanent.

Where are we headed?

Your new home.

This is Neal Caffrey. My office called earlier.

There you go... "snake eyes".

Thank you.

Can I talk to you for a second?

Hang on. A little farther down.

Do I have to stay here?

Cowboy up, all right?

It cost $700 a month to house you on the inside, so that's what it costs here.

For the money, this is as good as it gets.

You find something better, take it.

What about clothes?

I'm wearing my entire wardrobe.

You like thrift stores.

There's one at the end of the block.

No, don't start. No protests.

This is what you wanted, isn't it? Huh?

Look at it. It's no... oh look at her.

You don't get that in prison, do you? No, not at all.

Listen, your tracking anklet is set up so that you can go anywhere within 2 miles of this place.

Here's your homework.

Remember... Two miles.

I'll see you at 7:00 a.m.

I've come to donate these.

Men's suits.

Those are fantastic.

They belonged to my late husband... Byron.

He really did have great taste in clothes.

May I? Thank you.

This is a Devore.

Yes. He won it from Sy himself.

Won it?

He beat him at a backdoor draw.

Your husband played poker with Sy Devore?

He certainly did. And so did I.



The guys would even let me sit in once in a while on a hand.

And I was good.

I' m glad to see you appreciate these.

I was hoping someone would.

I've got a whole closet full of them.

A whole closet?

Well, actually, it's a guest room, but, uh, but I haven't used it for anything except storage for years.

Byron used to wear that one whenever we went dancing.

The neighborhood was... Let's say it was much nicer then.

You live nearby?

Not far.

I'm here for Caffrey, room 11.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

"Snake eyes".

Nice guy.

Left you a note.

You've got to be kidding me.

Good day.

Thank you.

I think I have the wrong address.

You must be Peter.

I'm looking for Neal Caffrey.

He's upstairs.

You're early.

We're shagging a lead at the airport.

We got a hit on "Snow White".

"Snow White".

The phrase you decoded from a suspected Dutchman communiqué to Barcelona.

You moved.

Yeah. It's nicer than the other place, don't you think?

Yeah. I don't remember the other place having a view.

I went to the thrift store, like you suggested.

And June...

Lady with the dog. We met.

...was donating her late husband's clothes.

We hit it off. She had an extra guest room.

You said if I found a nicer place for the same price, I should take it.

I did say that.

All this for $700?

Yep. But I help out around the place.

Oh, sure. Feed the dog.

Yeah. Wash the jag.

Watch her granddaughter from time to time.

She's got you babysitting?

How's it going?

Morning, Neal.


She's an art student.


Go get dressed.

You mind?

Hey, grandma.

Good morning, Cindy.

It's perfect.

Even the freakin' coffee is perfect.

That's not jewelry on his ankle, you know.

He's a felon.

So was Byron.

You look like a cartoon.

This is classic rat pack. This is a Devore.

Sorry, Dino.

Will you stop with the hat?

Come on. Let's go.

You're upset.

Sour grapes.

What was that?

Look, you tell me which rule I broke, and I will thumb it back to prison myself.

For starters...

I work hard. I do my job well.

And I don't have a $10 million view of Manhattan that I share with a 22-year-old art student while we sip espresso.

Why not?

Why not?

Because I'm not supposed to.

The amount of work I do equals certain things in the real world.

Not cappuccino in the clouds.

Look, I will find out where June buys her coffee if it's that important to you.

It's not about the coffee.

I think it is.

No, it's not.

This is what gets you into trouble.

This is the start of those something-for-nothing schemes that lead to the frauds that got you locked up.

I think it's some sort of Italian roast.

Get in the car.

Okay. Who's that?

That's Diana.

Diana is my probie.


Probationary agent.

She does everything I don't.

She's very good at her job, and she can do way better than you.

You must be Neal Caffrey.

Nice hat.

What have we got?

His name's Tony Field.

Customs flagged him coming in from spain in response to our "Snow White" bolo.

Customs playing nice?

The usual chest-pounding... He's in their custody, not ours.

Less paperwork for me. What's he carrying?

Oh, you're gonna love this.

"Blanca Nieves y los siete enanos"?

"Snow White and her seven little men."

This is what triggered our alert?

What do we know about this guy?

Says he's a rare-book dealer.

Anything wrong with his paperwork?

No. He brought in the same books in the same quantity on three previous trips.

He declared them each time.

All right, Dino. Are we wasting our time?

They're not limited runs or special editions. Can't be worth much.

So why go to all the trouble of flying them in?

Good question.

He sure is nervous for having all the right paperwork.

I want to talk to him.

I'll set it up.

Hey, boss, I'm grabbing some coffee. You want some?

Yeah. Anything but decaf.

Diana, I'll take mine straight.

Neal, the coffee shop's outside.

You are way out of your league.

Oh, harmless flirting. It's like a dance.

Ah, there is no dance.

You're not even on her dance card.

No dancing for you.

Um, she digs the hat.

Um, she'd rather be wearing the hat.

Peter Burke, FBI.


Oh, they're really kicking it up a notch.

So, you're a book dealer.

Yes. Well, as I have told everyone here, repeatedly, my business is the import and sale of rare books.

How rare can they be?

You've got 600 of them.

Would you like me to go to the crime lab?

Help you dust for fingerprints?

I get it. 'Cause I'm telling you how to do your job.

So, "Snow White"... in Spanish?

"Snow White" was not created by Disney, detective.

There are a few stories that predate "Steamboat Willie".

I'm a federal agent.

And you mean folklore of the virginally pure queen?

Like Alexander Pushkin's "Tale of the White Princess and the Seven Knights"?

Is that what you mean?

What are the books for?

I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk to my client.

Constitution and all.

Were you chasing the ambulance, or did they give you a ride?

Huh? You must have thumbed it.

No dance, huh?

Not for you.

I thought the FBI had a policy.

That's the military. We don't ask. We don't care.

Where's the customs inspector?

Neal was right. The books aren't worth much.

You could pick them up for a few dollars on eBay.

Hey, why didn't you tell me the guy lawyered up?

The second he makes that call, I can't talk to him.

He didn't call anybody.

Then how did his lawyer know that...

I need paramedics in here now!

Nobody frisked the lawyer?!


We've got a dead book dealer, a k*ller lawyer, and a bunch of worthless books.

All right. Come on.

As a reformed professional counterfeiter, what is the Dutchman's interest in these?

Published 1944 in Madrid.

This is what he's after.

The top sheet?

More than that. This is a piece of 1944 Spanish Press Parchment.

That's what he wanted.

Good. This is good.

He's gonna counterfeit something that was originally printed on paper like that?

That's what I would do.

Tony made three prior shipments with these.

Two blank pages per bookis 600 sheets.

Too many for paintings, not enough for currency.

I bet our deadbook dealer knew.

Diana, where's that wallet?

It's right here.

This is where he went the day before he left Spain.

Yeah, I do remember him.

He came by several months ago and then again last week.

This is what he came to see.

The Spanish Victory Bond.

He took several photographs of it.

Said he was gonna write a book. It's a shame he's dead.

This Bond does have a fascinating history.

It's a Goya.

Yes. Beautiful, isn't it?

Oh, look at that.

A perfect fit.

You're starting to earn your $700 a month.

You said it had a fascinating history.

Quite. It was issued during the w*r.



Yeah, the U.S. Issued it to support the Spanish Underground in their battle against the axis.

Very few have ever been redeemed.

There's speculation that entire boxes were captured and many of them are still hidden away in the caves of Altamira.

Whole boxes of these?


Boy, that would be something, wouldn't it?

This is the only surviving copy.

Except it's a forgery.

No. That's not possible.

What are you talking about?

It's the ink. This is iron-gal dye mixed to match period colors, but it hasn't dried yet.

You can still smell the gum arabic.

Uh, no. This has been here since 1952.

It's been here less than a week.

Okay. Tony makes two trips.

The first time, he takes a picture of the Bond.

His second trip in, he steals the original and replaces it with this copy.

Can we confirm that?

The timed ink-identification test puts the age of the Bond at approximately six days, which coincides with Tony's visit.

We're pulling surveillance video to back it up.

Good. So the question is, why go to the trouble of making a really nice forgery, on the right kind of paper, just to stick it back in the archives?

Is the Bond still negotiable?

It's a zero option, so it never expires.

What's it worth?

$1,000 face value.

Drawing 9% interest.

Compounded for 64 years.


What he said.

Quarter of a million. Not chump change.

And he's got 600 sheets of the stuff.

$150 million... Give or take.

He'd be a rich man if he could pass them off.

But it still doesn't tell us why he would take out the real Bond and put in a forgery.

I think it does.

What if he claimed he found boxes of the original bonds?

Dragged them out of those caves in Spain.

Yeah. How would they be authenticated?

They'd be taken to the archives and compared to the original.

Which he's already switched out with one of his own copies.

So of course they're gonna match.

Oh, this is good. This is really good.

All right. Let's think about this.
It's Elizabeth.

Would you believe me if I said I was pulling upright in front of the house now?

You lost track of time. It happens.

I hope you didn't make dinner.

Did you forget who you married?

I am smarter than that.

So, how's Neal doing? Satchmo.

He met Diana.

Oh, a woman who can resist his charms.

Bet that's taking some getting used to. Is he helping?

We're onto something here, El.

So I won't wait up.

I'm leaving. 10 minutes. I promise.

20 at the most.

I know.


Chew your food.

You sound like your father.

Big plans for the weekend?

Uh, you know, I got to fix the sink, catch the game.

With Elizabeth?

Yeah. Yeah, she's into it.

How cool is that?

She likes to watch the Giants.

Even on your anniversary?

I see this stuff coming from six months out, and then I take it right in the teeth every time.

Relax, man. You still have a few days.

No. This is what happened last year.

I said I'd make up for it with something special, not just a corner booth at Donatella's...

...and a rompin the sheets.

Skip the dinner.

We've been married a decade.

That doesn't cut it anymore.

Okay, Romeo, let's... let's problem-solve.

What's she into?


No. No. Existentially.

What makes her feel alive?

I'm drawing a blank.

How could you not know?

When you were chasing me, you knew my shoe size, what time I woke up in the morning.

That's the job. Very different.

So, a relationship isn't work?

Oh, no, no. You don't get to lecture me on relationships.

My wife didn't change her identity and flee the country to get away from me.

Yes, yes, yes.

That was harsh. I didn't... I didn't mean that.

Yeah, you did. Did she really flee the country?

I don't know.

France? Did she go to France?

I don't know.

What am I gonna do?


No more relationship advice from this side of the car.

Call Dr. Phil, okay?

I saw the best mind of my generation get run down by the drunken taxicab of absolute reality.

What the hell, Mozzie?

Sitting in the dark, misquoting Ginsberg?

The light's how they find you, man.

Hey, you know, you can't just help yourself here.

How'd you get in?

I used this.

I knocked.

I introduced myself to June. She's great.

Did you get a load of that granddaughter?

Thanks for coming.

What was I gonna do... not come?

Can I see?

Can you pick it?

No way. No way.

You flew too close to the Sun, my friend.

They burned your wings.

Where's Kate, Moz?

Where'd she go?

She's a ghost, man.

She did an outstanding job of melting away.

Well, keep looking.

Check France.


I know, okay? It's probably nothing.

Just... look everywhere.

There's something else.

I need you to help me figure out who created... this.

It's superb.

You know the worst thing about art forgery?

You can't take credit for your work.



What do you like?

What's special?

You haven't changed. I've changed.

Yeah? This is Burke.

It's Jones. Caffrey's anklet activated. Is he with you?

No. I'm coming.

El, I've got to go. Neal's outside his radius.

Agent Burke, are you still there?

Caffrey is with me.

Are you sure?

Yeah, yeah.

Good morning, honey.


You're on my couch?

Yeah, I came to talk to you.

And, uh, frankly, Peter, I have to say I'm surprised you have such an amazing wife.

Yeah, I like her. Get off my couch.

Honey, we're just chatting.


How did you get here?


You activated your tracker.

You're in my house on my couch with my wife.

Oh, hey, Satchmo.

Now you're petting my dog.

Did you really put Elizabeth under surveillance before you asked her out?

Peter, I underestimated you.

You told him?

He said he wanted to make sure that I wasn't seeing anybody else.

Honey, I think it's cute.

I think it's adorable.

I'm putting you back in prison.

I know who the Dutchman is.

Enlighten me.

Curtis Hagen.

He's an art restorer... one of the best in the world, but his own work never took off.

He's particularly good at Goya restorations.

That's what this is, Peter. The Bond is him showing off.

Interesting theory. How do you prove it?

He signed it.

I think we might have noticed a signature tucked in the corner.

Show him.

Look at the pants on the Spanish peasant.

What do you see?

It's the initials "C" and "H".

I don't know. That's... that's a stretch.

This Bond is a masterpiece.

If I'd done something this good, I would have signed it.

The forgeries you caught me on, I signed them.


Look at the bank seal under polarized light sometime.

Hagen is doing a church restoration on third street.

We can stop by on our way in.


Meet me in the car.

I'm gonna say goodbye to my wife now.


It was nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you after all these years.

This is it?


You can't come in. We're closed for restoration.

Sorry, father.

Could we just... could we just have a moment? Thank you.


Please, father. My best friend is having a crisis of the soul.

He's a married man.

And he has the most devastatingly beautiful assistant at work... a very provocative woman.

He's been tempted.

More than tempted. I have details.

It's very common with men his age.

Unfortunately, very common.

And I... I want to confront him about this before he tears apart his life.

He has a lot of faults.

I mean, don't get me started. He is a mess.

But he's very spiritual.

I know this is the place where my words will have the most effect.

This is the City of Churches.

We're closed. Surely, there's another place.

This is where he was married.

Five minutes.

Oh, thank you. Thank you, father.

Sorry about that. We got five.

Did you just lie to a priest?

Do you think Diana's attractive?


Then we're good.


Real nice.

So, if this Hagen... guy is as good as you say...

How come I've never heard of him?

You only know the guys who get caught.

You know the second-best criminals.

What's that say about you?

It says there's an exception to every rule.

Look... "C" and "H".


Right here.

Right there.

"C" "H".


What do you mean, maybe?

That's a "C" and an "H".

Can I help you, gentlemen?

Your face... it's familiar.

Maybe I've seen it on the news or perhaps on a "most wanted" web page?

Neal Caffrey.

Forgive me if I don't shake hands with an art thief.

I was never arrested for art theft.

Not arrested, but, as I recall, you're known as quite the renaissance criminal.

So you can understand my concern at having you in my space.

And you are...?

Just a friend.

Well, friend... This church is closed.

Did you see it?

Okay, you've got me curious.

We'll check him out.

Listen to the spirit, son, not the flesh.

I'll do that.

What's... that about?

Shut the door.

I need your help with this.

Is this the information on Hagen?


Diana's on her way with that.

This is your wife's Visa bill.

Yeah. I got it all.

Her eBay bids, video rentals, library books.

Thank you, patriot act.

So you're stalking your own wife?

Want to compare notes?


You figure out what she likes?

Yep.It's all in the summary.


"Nancy Drew Mysteries".

Scented candles.


Old jazz.

Anything Italian, except anchovies.

Yeah, I don't think you're gonna find your answer tucked into a list of her eBay bids.

Then help me out here, all right? You're the romantic.

I mean, what's the deal with the bottle?

It's an '82 Bordeaux.

Yeah. Costs 800 bucks a pop.

It does when it's full. I got it empty.


Look, when Kate and I met, we had nothing.

I got that bottle, and I used to fill it up with whatever cheap wine we could afford.

And we'd sit in that crappy apartment and drink it over cold pizza and pretend we were living in the Côte d'Azur.

How'd that work out for you?

It didn't.

'Cause that bottle was a promise of a better life.

What Kate got was a guy locked away for half a decade.

You make Elizabeth any promises, Peter?

Or do you think what she really wants is oleander candles?

Hey, Diana. What do you got?

Hagen is leaving the country.

He booked a flight through a private charter company in Barcelona for the 19th.

One week. Damn it, Neal. Seeing you must have tipped him off.

He's going to Spain. That's something.

Is there any connection to our books and the bonds or the m*rder?

Hagen's impressive as hell.

A lot of international holdings, but he keeps himself out of the muck.

You get every available agent on this.

You know the good ones. Steal them if you have to.

I want to know every single thing about this guy, and I don't want any excuses.

Anything gets in your way...

...forge your signature.

Always do.

That's what I want to hear.

If you're right about Hagen, we have one week to connect him to the Bond.

If we lose him on the 19th...

Neal, if we lose him, you're back in.

I can't save you.

You're late.

Hey, give me a break.

I'm a working man now.


We were right about Hagen.

Of course we were right.

And I was stupid and impulsive, and he saw me.

I have one week to link him to the bonds.

One week or what?

I go back.

No, no, no, no.


Did you find anything about Kate?

Apparently, if a tree falls in the forest, it does make a sound.

I may lose her again, Moz.

Lose her? I just found her.

So did he.

So did he.

Remember when you told me not to look for Kate?


Neal, you're putting me in a tough spot here.

These were taken four days ago at a San Diego ATM.

She's going under the name Kate Perdue.

You know what "perdue" means in French?

Yeah. It means "lost".

Yeah. Makes you wonder, right?

Is she lost to me or without me?

Stop it.

I just need a couple days, okay?

A... after this Dutchman thing is over. A couple days to go to San Diego.

You could send an agent with me. You can come with me.

Stop it!

How many times are you gonna screw up your life for this girl?

I hate to break it to you, buddy, but she dumped you... with prejudice.

Exactly what is your plan if you find her?

I know there's more to our story, okay?

She disappears in the dust... No, that's not an ending.

Come on, man.

We've all been there.

It gets easier.

Not if she's the one.

I brought this to you. Doesn't that count for something?


We made a deal.

I gave you something good here, and you're about to blow it.


You're right. You're right, Peter.

I'm a smart guy.

I should know when I've been dumped.

You figure out your anniversary plans yet?

I'm getting close... very close.

So you got nothing?

Nothing. But I'll find it.

Hey, um... I'm gonna go grab a smoke really quick.

Didn't know you smoked.

Ah, it's a nasty prison habit. I've been trying to quit.

Jones, keep an eye on him.


Bum one from you?

These things will k*ll you.

That's what I keep hearing, but I'm not dead yet.

But these filters... They're good.

Not for me, you understand.

I tear 'em off.

You need a light?

You should try the patch.

Two years and counting, my friend.

I hate the tan lines.

You don't smoke.

What was I supposed to do... fire off a flare?

So, you tear off the filter?

Yeah. But I'm hard-core.

I found my bottle.

I found Hagen.

You first.

This is a warehouse down by the docks.

Hagen runs it through a shell corporation out of Guatemala.

We didn't know about this. How did you?

I don't think you rely on rumor as much as I do.

Let's go.

Do you hear that? You hear that?

Hear what?

Kind of rhythmic "ssh, ssh".

That's a press. Damn it, Peter. That is a printing press.

He's printing the bonds in there right now. You can hear it.

How long till they're done?

A multicolor print job as complicated as the Goya... test proofs, ink formulation, perfect registration... he'll be running it for days.


Yeah, boss.

I need recording equipment down here immediately.

You got it.

Come on.

I am on board.

Hagen is our guy.

But we still don't have enough for a warrant.

We know the bonds are there. Just open the door.


Well, you should read this... "Warrant law".

All I've got is sound coming out of a warehouse and no way to link him to the Bond.

I've got to talk to your friend.


Come on, Neal. The guy who gave you a cigarette.

I have no...

What... you think Jones is an idiot?

I have to know how he connected Hagen to the warehouse.

Come on, Neal. And you got to trust me.

Okay. Okay.

I'll bring you to him... first thing tomorrow.




What's going on?

He ran.

What is this?

Hi, there.

What are you doing? You can't be here.

Oh, I... I'm taking a photography class over at the Annex, and pictures of rusty sheet metal are a sure fire A.

Take him in.

Jimmy! Go get Hagen!

What exactly is going on here?!

Why'd you bring him inside?!

He was taking pictures.

Open the door! You're a dead man!

That sounds like inch-thick lexan.

Keys are on their way.


You shouldn't have signed the bonds.

I'm no stranger to vanity myself, so I understand the impulse.

I'm gonna k*ll you.

I hope whatever they're giving you is worth it.

It is.

You are a particular kind of bastard!

Gentlemen, we have a fugitive hiding in this building.

Knock down those doors.

Grab the bonds! Come on! Let's go! Everybody, come on!

Quick! Let's go! Move it!

Come on! Let's go!

Get in there!

Do not move!

Get them up in the air!

This is what the law calls an exigent circumstance.

Any of you Harvard grads know what that is? Huh?

No hands?


Exigent circumstance allows us to pursue a suspect onto private property without obtaining a warrant.

And to seize any and all evidence that has been discovered in plain view, regardless of the connection to the original crime.

Remember me, friend?

Oh, there's your lawyer.

You know, you're really bad at this escape thing.

What can I say?



You should arrest me.

I'll let the cigar go, but you are a fleeing suspect.

Is that the original Victory Bond?

Why, yes.

Yes, it is.

You know, this makes me 3-0.

Maybe I'm not trying hard enough.

Be careful.


All right we're almost there..


I think I'm getting seasick.

Just a little farther.

This is good.

All right.

All right. Now, I want you to keep your eyes closed.

I promise.

All right.

Okay. Open them.

Honey, you know how every year, I'm always promising you that we're gonna go...

...to the Caribbean.

This sort of what you wanted?

Well, I... I think if I keep my eyes closed, I can actually imagine us being there.

Ooh, and it's getting warmer.

It is.

Come here.

Okay Screw top.


It's a little cheesy, but it's... but it's sweet.

Maybe this will help.



I found the time.

We have a week and two plane tickets and a seized villain Sarteneja.

In... in where?

Oh, in this really incredible beachfront villa that the bureau seized from this narco-trafficker.

It's amazing.

Okay. It's... enough.

Just... just tell me it's nice.

It's nice.

I love you.

I love you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Do you think we can pull that heater in a little closer?

Yeah. It's cold.


Can't beat that view.

Did Elizabeth like it?

She loved it.



Italian roast?

Going on vacation.


Yeah, we'll be back in a week.

Still wearing that suit.

Yeah. I love this suit.

Did they make a decision?

Figured if we didn't, you'd end up making one of these on your own.

I'm official.

You're a consultant, and I own you for four years.

You okay with that?


You'll be here when I get back?

Where else am I gonna go?
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