01x08 - Love Hurts

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NCIS: New Orleans". Aired: September 2014 to present.*
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A spin-off of "NCIS" that is set in the Crescent City.
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01x08 - Love Hurts

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

(dog panting)

(dog panting)


Nice doggies.

Good boys.

(barking, growling)

(barking continues)

(dogs barking)

You got owned, b*tches! (laughs)

(dog whining)

♪ NCIS:New Orleans 1x08 ♪
Love Hurts
Original Air Date on November 18, 2014

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪
♪ Bang, bang, bang, bang ♪
♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪
♪ How, how, how, how ♪
♪ Hey, hey ♪
♪ You gotta come on. ♪

So, wait, this is...

Lasalle: Storage warehouse for Mardi Gras floats.

Think of it as long-term parking for voodoo queens and demonic court jesters.

Yeah, a month out of the year, it's a hub of activity.

The other 11 months, it's a home for dogs, vagrants...

And apparently, guys stealing copper wires.

I cannot wait for my first Mardi Gras.

Oh, it's fantastic.

You never seen anything like it.

I don't know. Summer after my sophomore year of college, I worked at an amusement park, they had a piano-playing pig-- "Pigeracci."

Pigeracci would fit right in.

We got to stop meeting like this, Loretta.

Isn't that the truth.

NOPD's been processing the scene.

Petty Officer Jonathan Bell.

(camera shutter clicking)

Yeah, flag writer for Admiral Hume's office in Belle Chasse.

Uh, Hume is in charge of Naval facilities for the Southeast Region.

Sebastian: I'll take that.

I'm just cataloguing the evidence.

My girlfriend Melissa keeps pushing me to get out into the real world some more, so I kind of volunteered for assignment.

There's a girlfriend, Melissa?

Cause of death?

Shot in the heart, about 10:00 last night.

Two .45-caliber shell casings.

And three b*llet holes.

Two in his back, lower flank...

...one center mass.

(camera shutter clicks)

One possibly an exit?

I don't think so.

These two wounds look to be roughly... a centimeter in diameter.

The k*ll shot-- larger.

Bigger caliber.

Two separate weapons?



Wait for an autopsy.

Lasalle: Roses over here suggest he was meeting someone.

(shutter clicks)

Ah, not just anybody.

I found this in his pocket.

Engagement ring?

If it was robbery, the box would be empty.

Brody: So... marriage proposal gone horribly wrong?

I think his first mistake was probably the setting.

Or... she just doesn't like roses.

I don't think it's about that-- I found that in his jacket.

"12 Roses, 12 Reasons."

Poor guy. Must've been nervous.

List of things they have in common: "Love of carnival. Passion for zydeco music. Favorite book, A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving. Whenever I'm having a hard time, I think of you and realize we are perfect for each other"

Sounds like the lyrics to a Celine Dion song.

Oh, not that I'd know.

Cell phone?

Yeah. All right.

That should tell us plenty about what Petty Officer Bell's been up to.

Follow up with the family, Admiral Hume's office.

Find someone who can give us a name to put with these roses.

Chris Lasalle!

Chief Petty Officer Phil Martino!

How you doing?

All right.
Good. How are you?

Good to see you.

Special Agent Brody.

Hi. Nice to meet you.

Pleasure. Special Agent Pride.

I met Phil and his son when I was visiting the children's hospital.

Thought he was the clown meant to entertain the kids.

Only I wasn't wearing a clown suit.

It was an honest mistake, but, I mean, come on, right?

Not gonna touch that.

How is little Robbie?

He's about the same.

Thanks for asking.

I assume you're here about what happened to Petty Officer Bell.

You knew him?

I trained him. He was my replacement when I left Admiral Hume for an assignment with Admiral Fleetwood. In fact, I had to tell Jonathan to stop doing such a good job.

He was making me look bad in retrospect.

Given the tragedy, I'm covering Hume's desk until they can find a replacement.

Well, uh, I'll let you get to it.

Hey, let's grab a beer when you got a minute or two.

I'd love that.


Only thing harder than a sick kid is a parent with a sick kid.

Petty Officer Bell was an outstanding young man, both personally and professionally.

Hard-working, meticulous.

He managed my schedule-- set up meetings, dinner reservations, and... told me what time to work out.

We're looking into his personal life at the moment.

Specifically, who he might have been romantically involved with.

Uh, that would be Maria.

Happen to have a last name and address for Maria?

Last name's Garcia, and I think she was living in Los Angeles, but they were in the process of moving her out here.

Do you know if they were having any problems?

Why? You think she shot him?

He was crazy about her. Said she was his soul mate.

I didn't know her, but they seemed to be very much in love.


I'm sorry. Excuse me for a moment.

Okay, so... Maria Garcia-- at best, a potential witness. At worst... Suspect numero uno.

Find her... so we can figure out which one it is.

There are 25,000 Maria Garcias in Los Angeles County.

We logged into California's DMV database, but so far no matches to her picture.

We're checking into airlines, bus lines, hotels to see if anyone with that name came to New Orleans recently. But...

Takes time.

We took the contacts from Bell's cell, and we left messages via phone, e-mail and text.

We're working with her providers to try to come up with a billing address.

Okay, so I dug deep into Bell's digital life, and I got access to his online social media.

Couple of interesting things.

Number one, he changed his status to "in a relationship with Maria Garcia."

Well, considering he was about to propose to her, not really news.

No, the news is, moments after he changed his status he started being threatened online by some surly local dude named Rodney Abbott.

Define "threatened."

"Stay away from Maria or I'll cut out your heart."


Oh, not only that, this Rodney Abbott also changed his status recently to "in a relationship with Maria Garcia."

Well, getting involved with two guys in the same city seems a little risky.

A love triangle gone bad.

Is a love triangle ever a good thing?

I've made it work from time to time.

Pride: Okay, so...

25,000 Maria Garcias in Los Angeles.

How many Rodney Abbotts in New Orleans?

(door creaks)


Rodney Abbott?

Who wants to know?

NCIS. You got a minute?

Not really.

You do now. It's a warrant for cyber-threatening Petty Officer Jonathan Bell.

Pride: We're gonna take a look around.

Brody (quietly): Looks like a thrift store took a crap in here.

I'm recording this.

In case you guys get all brutal on me.


Go on.

Get up against the wall.

Hands out where I can see 'em.

I got this.

You know a man named Jonathan Bell?

I don't gotta answer that.

No, you don't "gotta."

But I'm suggesting it's in your best interest.

(wry chuckle) Hey, King, I found something.

.45 caliber-- same as the m*rder w*apon.

Two b*ll*ts missing.

And we found two shell casings-- imagine that.

Now we're more in the area of "gotta."

Brody (over speaker): Why'd you do it?

He was messing with my girl.

Maria Garcia?

I told him to stay away, and he didn't, so... bam, bam!

Two sh*ts-- that was the end of that.

Who's behind that glass there?

I know you're back there!

Sit down.

How's it going?

I think we should get a 72-hour psych hold on Mr. Abbott there, but... we may have just set a speed record for solving a case.

About that.


While you're getting that psych hold, Loretta has some news.

Don't think Abbott was your k*ller.

He confessed.

Science doesn't care about the lies men tell.

Sebastian said the ballistics matched.

They do.

And Rodney's fingerprints are on the shell casings.

They are.


Remember I told you it looked like he was shot by two different caliber b*ll*ts?

Turns out to be the case.

He was shot three times-- twice by Rodney's .45, and once... by a .30 caliber.

Likely a r*fle, based on the tissue and bone damage.

I found this embedded in the spleen.

Abbott only confessed to two sh*ts.

Here's the important part: The .30 caliber is the shot that k*lled him.

Abbott's two b*ll*ts came after Bell died, after there was no blood flow.

Abbott shot a guy who was already dead?

And your .30-caliber k*ller... is still out there somewhere.

You lied to us.

What are you talking about?

I told you, I shot the jerk twice.

I'll take a lie detector.

The coroner's report says that... your sh*ts were fired postmortem.

That means after his death.

I know what it means. You don't think I know what it means?

It's hard for us to tell right now what you know and what you don't.

I know lots of stuff you don't think I don't know.

Okay, then... tell us who k*lled Petty Officer Bell.

Look... I met Maria for drinks.

She begged me to help her get away from what's his name.

He was "suffocating" her.

Her words.

She told me she thought he was gonna pop the question.

At a storage warehouse?

Maria had a thing for Mardi Gras.

It was one of the reasons she wanted to move out here.

(chuckles): I mean, come on.

So on the nose.

Besides, it didn't matter where that guy got down on one knee, 'cause Maria, she was always gonna say no.

(wry laugh) So then I... I went over there to tell him to get lost.

He was already dead when I got there.

So you shot him anyway?

Well, I felt like he deserved it.

I mean, it's not a crime if someone else k*lled him first, is it?

We need to talk to Maria.

Well, I already told you, Maria, she didn't have anything to do with this.

Well, then she doesn't have anything to sorry about.

We just want to talk to her.

Where is she, Rodney?

Brody: We think Rodney's covering for Maria.

He may have followed Maria Garcia to the warehouse, saw her sh**t Bell, then he puts two slugs into Bell's corpse to make it look like he did it.

Seems like he'd rather take the rap for a m*rder he didn't commit than give her up.

Now, that's love-- in a John Hinckley, bat-poop, wacky sort of way.

That's a theory.

One I'd like to talk with her about directly.

(phone chirps)

Text from Maria's phone carrier.

Bill went to a P.O. box, paid for with cash.

Order to discontinue phone service was put in this morning.

What about Rodney's neighbors?

NOPD showed Maria Garcia's photo around.

No one's seen her.

Same with Petty Officer Bell's apartment.

No sign of Garcia.

She's going underground.

Sebastian: Her Instagram was just deactivated.

Same with the Twitter account.

She just deleted all her remaining online accounts.

Well, that's all right.

I'll find her.

Nobody gets away from Double P, baby.

Double P?

Yeah, that's my nickname.

Nobody calls you that.

I do.

You can't give yourself a nickname.

Why not?

You just... you can't.

It's a known rule.

You're breaking a known rule.

Wait a minute.

You're supposed to be helping me-- why is there a ape on your screen?

A, it's not an ape, it's a yeti, all right? And B, I am helping you-- I just also happen to be having a conversation with my girlfriend about the Ape Canyon conspiracy.

Well, A, I would very much like to lay eyes on said girlfriend; and B, this is the way the conversation should go.

Is there a such thing as a yeti? No.

Well, we have a different point of view.

No, you don't have a different point of view.

You're just wrong. There's a huge difference.

(computer beeping)

Oh, wait a minute.

I knew she'd make a mistake. Yeah, she's back online.

Well, track her IP address.

That's what I'm doing, Captain Obvious.

All right, stay on there, baby.

Just a little longer.

Yeah, that's it.


Right on, right on.

Keep on going.


Yes! Got a IP address.

She's on her cell phone, just by Chartres and Dumaine.

Okay, I'll call Pride.

Call Pride.

I just said I'm gonna call Pride.

We're at the corner of Chartres and Dumaine.

Patton (over radio): She's traveling westbound towards Madison.

I'll go this way.

You two head up Decatur.

Patton: Signal shows that she should be right there in front of you.

I don't see her.

Gotta be there.

I got both of your phones on the screen.


Only one person on the phone-- it's a guy.

Is he texting?

Pride: He's... typing.

Then that's your guy.

You sure?

He's got to be using Maria's phone.


Pride: He's headed down Madison.

Lasalle: NCIS!

Cool! Cool!

Keep your hands where I can see 'em.

Ooh, take it easy.

Brody: I'll circle around.

Pride: Hands against the wall!


Where is she?


Maria Garcia.

Is this a joke?

Do I look like I'm joking to you?

Where is she?

She's nowhere.

I made her up.

There's no such person as Maria Garcia.

Maria Garcia is a figment, a ghost, a completely made-up person.

Her pictures.

Stolen from a Brazilian Web site for amateur models.

Her love of Carnival, her passion for zydeco, favorite book?

All stuff I created.

He's a catfisher.

Person who pretends to be someone he's not by creating a false online identity and tricking people into a relationship.

Why the hell would you do that?

What's it matter to you?

Hey, wait a second.

Rodney said he had drinks with Maria.

Rodney Abbott?

Dude is delusional.

He stumbled across my profile for Maria online, and I could not get rid of him.

He sent me Photoshopped pictures of him and Maria like they were a real couple.

You mind taking these off?

'Cause I've done nothing illegal.

Not so fast.

Why don't you tell us where you were last night around 10:00.

Around the corner at the coffee shop on Dauphine.

Anyone corroborate that?

The barista knows me.

Plus they've got security video in there.

You could check it if you don't believe me.

Get him up.

So you had nothing to do with Petty Officer Bell's m*rder?

Bell's dead?

That surprise you?

What else do you know, Marco?

I don't know a damn thing.

And if you're not going to arrest me, I want to go home, or I want my lawyer.

Lasalle: See how nervous Drayer was?

There's no way he didn't know something about Bell's m*rder.

He created Maria Garcia specifically to attract Petty Officer Bell.

What kind of person proposes to someone they've never even met?

It happens more times than you think.

Remember that Notre Dame football player?

He was engaged to a woman... turned out to be a man.

Same thing as this.

People are willing to ignore all the warning signs for the possibility of love.

Bell wanted to be in love-- that's what he was up to.

Rodney Abbott is 12 varieties of... mixed nuts, but...

Drayer's none of those.

So why catfish Petty Officer Bell?

Attention. Money. Information.

Call Sebastian-- find out where he's at with Bell's computer.

We need a reason to bring Drayer in.

Everybody's got an Achilles heel. Find his.

Marco Drayer's digital footprint is very small.

He likes living below the radar.

He's a self-employed computer security specialist.

Man like this, I got to respect.

And yet he got on the radar to con Petty Officer Bell.

Patton: No. What I'm saying is, this is a first.

His catfishing scheme.

The only other time Drayer pops up on the Internet is as a member of Stealth, the anti-military "hacktivist" group.

They're like the group Anonymous, only less anonymous.

"Achieving peace by going to w*r with the military-industrial complex"

You think Bell's death was part of some anti-military plot?

I have no idea. But what I do know, that there was a anti-military hacktivist that was catfishing a guy in the Navy, looking for some information to do... something.

James Walker, the founder of Stealth, is doing time at Oakdale.

He was convicted of DDoS att*cks that temporarily shut down a bunch of military Web sites.

Maybe he can give us some Intel to help us lean on Drayer.

I'll call Pride, see if he'll join me to meet Walker.

I'm gonna go meet a buddy, Chief Martino.

He was Bell before Bell was Bell.

Maybe his path crossed with Drayer's when he worked in Admiral Hume's office.

I've never heard of Drayer, but, I mean, that doesn't mean anything-- military Web sites are targets for lots of groups.

Think this ties in with Jonathan's death?

We don't know yet.

Jonathan was a good kid.

You know, he was helping with Robbie's charity.

I didn't even ask him to-- he just showed up and donated his time and helped us raise money.

Hey, did Robbie ever get that... Replica NCIS badge?

Are you kidding me?

He wears it constantly.

He tried to arrest the neighbors the other day.

Tell him I'll give him a call when I'm in a fix.

I will, I will.

He'd love that.

He'd probably wait by the phone.

Man, you know, the kid was dealt a tough hand, but he's always got a smile on his face.

And you?

It, uh... it's a struggle. Kid requires a lot of care. But, um... I put him to bed at night, I watch him sleep, and I-I can't imagine my life without him.

Guess once you're responsible for another human being... things change.

You understand that.

My brother's issues aren't physical.

It's no less real.

Yeah. Well... I feel like I've done everything I could do for him. That's when I started going to see the kids at the hospital. Felt good to make 'em smile.

You know, hope is still alive, my brother.

That's right.

Hey, I'm gonna throw another name at you.


An alleged associate of Drayer's, back in his Stealth days: James Walker.

James Walker? I know that name.

That guy's dangerous.

Pride: James Walker-- hacked into the D.O.E. Web site and stole personal details of 100,000 employees. Shut down PayPal after it stopped processing donations to WikiLeaks. Hacked the U.S. Sentencing Commission Web site, and after lifting secured information, transformed the site into an interactive video game of Asteroids.

You know, as much as I love hearing my credits...

I already know what I'm here for.

What do you guys want?

We want to know what Marco Drayer's involvement was.

What did Drayer do now?

He catfished a Navy guy.

That does not sound like the Marco Drayer that I know.

Why don't you tell me about the Marco Drayer you do know.

Why should I help you warmongers?

I'll give you the short version. Soon as we leave here, the first call I'm gonna make is to a guy named Andy Leeds.

Is that name supposed to mean something to me?

Should. You'll be appearing before him in two months to ask for parole. What do you think, James? You want me to say bad things about you?

You guys are trying to blackmail me so you can pressure Drayer.

I told you he'd get it.

You guys ever hear of the Conficker virus?

What about it?

Drayer had a major hand in creating it. Caused a lot of damage.

If you say something to Leeds, I'll give you enough dirt to make Drayer sing like a canary.
There he is.

Lasalle: Well, it looks like he's skipping town.

Lasalle: Drayer!

Here's a warrant for you.

King: Going somewhere?

I don't know what's going on here.

I didn't sign up for this.

What'd you sign up for?

Look, I was paid...


Shot came from the roof.

Check him.


Brody, cover us.


There goes our best lead.

I'm gonna cross the street.

You cover me, meet me on the river side, top of the roof.




(g*nshots continue)

Pride: Clear!



Look here.

Pride: .30 caliber?


Same that was used to k*ll Petty Officer Bell.

No surprise-- ballistics match.

Same g*n that was used to k*ll Bell was used to k*ll Drayer.

And I'll bet you dollars to donuts that the sh**t is the one who hired Drayer to do the catfishing.

Okay, so Drayer tricks Bell, starts a relationship...

Bell knew the admiral's day-to-day schedule-- who he was meeting with, what he was doing, where he was going.

But Admiral Hume was a facilities guy. I mean, what kind of sensitive information would he have that someone would k*ll to get ahold of.

That's the question of the day.

Till we know the answer to that... request a security detail for Admiral Hume, and coordinate with the P.O.F.O., make sure that we're looped into the admiral's schedule.

I'm on it.

(phone beeping)

Sebastian's got information.

Sebastian: What we've got from the Drayer-Bell online chats.

It's just the usual stuff people chat about when they're dating.

Your usual and my usual are probably not the same.

You know, stuff like what they did that day, TV shows they watch, what funny stuff they saw online.

Is that what... you and your girlfriend chat about?

I'm not being catfished.

I didn't...

I may not have met my girlfriend in person, but I've skyped with an actual female human being.

I just asked what you talked about.

Casual question.

(chuckles): But since you brought it up, I...

How come you've never met Melissa?

Um... because with people-- new people... new people of the possible girlfriend variety-- they're the scariest people in the whole wide world.

And distance keeps you safe?

Knowing what I know now-- separated, possible divorce--

I'd still go across the quad and ask a 19-year-old Linda Walters to go see Creedence at the Orpheum.

I cracked the encryption on Drayer's computer.

Chalk up another "V" for Double P.

Boy, this Drayer was good.

This guy designed a cryptographic attack so that the output of the infected cryptosystem could be computationally indistinguishable from the output of the corresponding uninfected cryptosystem.

Then he used a asymmetric encryption to implement the cryptographic back door.

What do you mean by that?

Which part?

All of it.

The only thing you got to understand is "back door""

Which is what I said.

Yeah, except I'm saying it in English.


Drayer used Maria Garcia as a way to get Bell to talk all about himself.

And in doing so, and getting personal, Bell gave Drayer hints that allowed Drayer to decipher Bell's passwords.

And with passwords came the ability to put in this back door.

So any communication that Bell had with or for Admiral Hume...

Marco Drayer had access to?





I've been thinking why Drayer was leaving town in such a hurry.

And clearly, something spooked him between the first time you encountered him and when he was shot.

Which made me think about his last meal.

Contents of his stomach?

Likely dinner the night before.

Veal, crab cake, crawfish, brandy-infused Creole tomato sauce.

It's the specialty sampler plate at Arnaud's-- it's fantastic.

You must have it.

If I'm Drayer, freaking out, worried I'm a sitting duck, I am not...

I am not... casually having a lovely meal in one of the city's most elegant restaurants.

Unless I'm there for a purpose.

Pride: So, this is the security video from Arnaud's?

Brody: Yes.

I went to the restaurant and had a little chat with the maitre d'-- he remembers seeing Drayer, who went in without a jacket, which is required, so they lent him one.

Maitre d' said he had dinner with this woman, who paid in cash.

She look like an assassin to you?

Pride: Don't know.

Drayer sure seems agitated.

But we'll let Bruce tell us.

You, too, with the Bruce?

When in Rome.

Claudine Bouchard.

Wanted for m*rder in Colombia.

Brody: Suspected of k*lling heavily protected witnesses and five innocent bystanders.

Collateral damage doesn't seem to be an issue with her.

Witness was supposed to testify against the cartel.

After that, Claudine left Colombia, flew to Amsterdam, then vanished.

Well, now she's un-vanished.

So this Claudine Bouchard... hires Drayer... to break into Bell's computer, steal some kind of information about Admiral Hume.

Once she gets it...

She kills Bell, then Drayer-- both loose ends.

If she did what we're saying she did...

God only knows what mayhem's next.

Hang on... Pride, take a look at this.

A woman in her line of work is not going to use a credit card and leave a paper trail.

So the card in her wallet...

...I'm guessing is a key card to her hotel room.

Can't tell if that's a "C" or a "G."

You can search "blue card key" or hotels that start with "C"...


Crescent Palms.

Kind of place you check into when you don't want to be noticed.

Call Chris.

Tell him to meet us.

Room 207. Front desk identified the photo.

Said she went upstairs about an hour ago, hasn't been seen since.

Bring the bag.

(lock blips, clicks)


She's gone.

Turn this place inside out.

Got something here.

Serial number's still on it.


Pride: Test it.

Aluminum powder.

With aluminum powder... and some kind of a triggering device, all you'd need is ammonium nitrate and you could make the same kind of b*mb that McVeigh used in Oklahoma City.

Where's Admiral Hume and the security detail?

He's hosting a dinner at Arnaud's.

For who?

Admiral Fleetwood, the head of SOCOM.

Just the two admirals?

Plus representatives from various South American countries.

They're forming a task force to stem the flow of dr*gs into the States.

You're saying Bouchard hired Drayer to find out about a dinner reservation?

A highly classified dinner reservation for a task force that's trying to put the cartels out of business.

You think Claudine Bouchard...

Is gonna blow up that restaurant and k*ll everyone inside.

Brody: Need the b*mb squad there as soon as possible.

Got to start blocking off streets around the restaurant.

(siren whooping)

Out of the way, out of the way!

Come on, come on, pick up the phone!

(low, indistinct conversations)

I'm getting a recording saying the phone is not in service.

Same for security detail.

I'll call the restaurant again.

(tires squealing, engine revving)

I'll bet Claudine Bouchard used her dinner with Drayer to do reconnaissance work in advance of her assassination plan.

Come on!

(siren whooping)

Restaurant phones are a recording.

We're two blocks away.

(siren whoops, engine roars)

Clear the restaurant. I'll take care of Hume.

Ladies and gentlemen, if I can have everyone's attention.

We need you to calmly rise from your tables, head in this direction to this exit. Please, up.

Admiral Hume.

Agent Pride.

We have an emergency situation.

No time to waste.

We need to get everyone out, calmly and quickly.

We need to go, sir.

All right, gentlemen, let's go.

This way.

Thank you, sir.

Let's go.

b*mb's by the kitchen near the main gas shut-off valve.

There's a mobile phone jammer.

That's why our calls couldn't get through.

All right, finish clearing the restaurant.

Don't move anything.

Keep moving. Let's go.

Let's go.

Let's go, Admiral.

Anybody seen Chief Petty Officer Martino?

Clear the area, clear the area safely.

Quickly. Careful.

Clear the area. Appreciate it.

Thank you, men.

That's it. It's clear.

You sure?

Yes. Dishwasher said he saw a lady with dark clothes and a hat heading onto Dauphine.

Claudine Bouchard.

Martino. Hey.

Nobody's seen him.

Are you sure?

He could still be in there. I gotta go find him.

I gotta go! He's in there!

All right, but hurry!

(tires screeching)

Okay... clear to the end of the street, then lock it up.

Pride, we got to find her before she's far enough away to trigger the b*mb.

Go. Go. Talk to me!



Pride, got her.

She's headed west on Bienville.

Excuse me.

NCIS! Stop!

(tires screech, horn honks)

Phil! Hey, we gotta go.

You didn't hear the commotion?

French Quarter, man-- what the hell's going on?

Lasalle: Let's go!


Don't move.




(car alarms wailing)




(sirens arriving)

(Lasalle chuckles)

So, how many medals they gonna give you for those bandages?

(chuckles) You should check your phone.


Check your phone.

Thank you for the badge, Agent Lasalle.

Thank you, Chris.

You would have done the same for me.

(chuckles) Probably.

Hope's alive, brother.


Hey, guys.

Special Agent Pride, I would like to introduce you to...


I've heard a lot about you.


And that's Agent Lasalle.



That's Agent Brody right there.

Hi. Nice to meet you.

That's some guy who doesn't believe in yetis.

(phone ringing)

It's the restaurant.

Our dinner reservations.

Excuse me.

What do you think?


Oh, big-time.

Then you're doing good.

Mm! I gotta say, she's not at all...

What I expected.

I know.

She's... pretty.

She is.

And she seems really sweet.

She does.

Patton: Man, I say she kills him or empties out his bank account within a week.

Okay, two weeks.

(scoffs) Okay, a month, tops.

Where you at, brother?


We're not open till 7:00, hon.

I'm not here to eat.

I'm looking for someone; think he works here.

Cade Lasalle?


God, I love that man.

I gotta say, if I didn't have a husband and two under a home, I would throw myself at him like a schoolgirl on prom night.

You a friend?


Yeah, I see that now.

You know when he'll be in next?

Oh, Cade up and left end of summer, must be three months now.

He leave a forwarding address?

(sighs) He didn't even say good-bye.

You know, he still has a cashier's check in the back office-- I can grab it, if you want.


When you see him, you tell him little Lena misses him, will you?

♪ ♪
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