01x08 - The Mask

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gotham". Aired: September 2014 to April 2019.*
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The origin story behind Commissioner James Gordon's rise to prominence in Gotham City in the years before Batman's arrival.
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01x08 - The Mask

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Gotham...

Listen, there are things I need to do.

If you stay, I stay.

Zsasz: My name is Victor Zsasz.

I'm here for Jim Gordon. Everybody out.

There's not a single cop in this city who'll help you.

I won't help you.

I'm not leaving.

You don't have to join me.

I figure I'm doomed anyhow.

I might as well join the good guys.

Mooney: I ain't looking for no girl. I'm looking for a w*apon.

Excuse me.

You want to start a w*r over this punk?

The little guy amuses me.

Falcone: Why go to w*r over trifles?

We'll let you have him. Our gift to you.

(panting quietly)

Oh, God, oh, God.







(foghorn blares)

(helicopter blades whirring)

(seagulls screeching)

(coffee spills)


Hell of a way to start the day.

I mean, I just cleaned this.



Uniforms found the body.

No wallet, no ID, no watch.

He got beaten up pretty good.

I'm guessing the cause of death is that gigantic gash in the side of his neck.

You think? What's all the black on him?

Ink? Paint?


Good morning, Ed.


Going by overall coagulation, I'd say time of death is midnight. But... he's only been here for a couple hours.

Rats have just started on his ears.

Sneaky little buggers.

So, not a mugging.

Muggers don't move the body.

Abrasions on his knuckles... put up a fight.

Yeah. Look at the suspenders.

I'm guessing he's some kind of finance guy.

Maybe it was an abduction ransom thing gone wrong.

He resists, ka-chunk!

Do you want to talk to the uniforms that found the body?

Uh, you do it.

We should canvass the area, though; a lot of homeless around here.

I'll get some unis on it.

I'll handle it myself.

Hey, Joe!

Go smoke somewhere else, huh?

Come on, Jim, that's what we got uniforms for.

Let them do it.

And I'd rather handle it myself.


I'm guessing I should run all the prints?

Yeah, Ed, run the prints.

This one, too?

Yeah, Ed, that one, too.

It wasn't even a proper yacht.

No, it's more like a dinghy.

Can I help you?

What a lovely brooch.

Thank you.

May I have it?


I have a friend who would love that.

Excuse me?



I'm sorry.

May I please have it?

You shouldn't have.

I wanted to make a gesture.

I hope, in time, we can be friends.




Why not? What's done is done.

I'm so glad you feel that way.

Don Maroni wants us to clarify terms.

Well, it's business as usual.

Maroni still has his dr*gs, his unions.

He pays tariff for the ports.

If he needs favors from the cops or the mayor, Don Falcone will consider it.

And, of course, the families still share Arkham.

And there is to be no blood spilled on either side.

Not a drop.


Maybe just a drop.


(clucks tongue)


Look at you.

Timothy, do you know this fellow used to have your job?

Carried my umbrella and thought it an honor.

Now look at him.

Has a seat at the table.

Things change, eh?

I've been blessed.

Perhaps I should open your gift.


My goodness.

That is beautiful.

Now I feel awful.

I didn't get you anything.


Thank you.

Hmm. Sweet.

That was uncalled for.

I brought you into my family and I treated you like a son!

And you betrayed me.

For which I suffered.

Not enough.

When I order some fool k*lled, I expect him to stay that way.

Your boss, Don Falcone, expressly said...

Yeah, yeah, yeah, he wants peace.

He's the only reason why your ass is still alive.

And if I were you, I would pray for his good health.


Oh, I do.

I do.


'Cause remember... things change.

Convey my respects to your don.


Peace... friend.

(school bell ringing)

(children talking, laughing)

Alfred: Come now, Master Bruce.

Had to happen sooner or later.

Is this really necessary?

Homeschooling is just as effective.

I can show you the data.

You need to be around children your own age.


'Cause you do.

You know I despise that sort of answer.

Don't you miss your mates?

Not really.

I've always found them kind of childish.

Well, that's what they're meant to be, aren't they?

That's what they do.

Don't you want to be like a normal kid?

I'm not sure.

Define "normal" and make a good case for it.

You're going to bloody school.

(bell tolling)

Now start walking.

Good luck, lad.

Gordon: Very sorry for your loss, ma'am.

Can you think of anyone who would want to hurt your son Coleman?

No, sir. Nobody.

He was a good boy.

Yes, ma'am, I can see that.

No arrests. An honest young man.

What did he do for a living?

Uh, he worked in a coffee shop.

When we found him, he was in a suit.


He was looking for a job in finance.

He was very ambitious.

First in our family to go to college.

(crying): Who would do this, sir?


We'll do our best to find out, ma'am.

Gordon's finishing up with the mother.

So far, nothing off the severed thumb and none of the city's ERs have seen any thumbless guys.

You think he went black market?

That's next on my list.

How's Gordon?


How would you feel if every cop in the building ran out on you?

And now they all treat him like he's got the plague, 'cause seeing him reminds them of what cowards they all are.

I'm sorry, Cap, I...

I didn't mean you.


You're right.

But he's gotta get over that.

Can't do this job alone.

Lucky he's got you.



So beautiful.

As soon as I saw it, I thought of you.

Such a good son.

Put it on, put it on.



Wh-What happened?

Who did this?


It's just a scratch. It's...

Is your mother a fool?

No. Someone is being mean to my boy.


It's a tough business.

The restaurant business is so tough these days?

Why is that?

My success makes other people envious.

So tell the boss on these people.

This person isn't scared of the boss.

Not like they should be.

I don't know why.

I know.

When I was in school, Magda Himmelfarb was so mean to me and teacher did nothing.


Because such a good dancer I was.

And Magda, with her nice hair and her big bosoms, a carthorse.

I meant... why did the teacher do nothing?

Why you think?

"Private lessons," they said.

I put stop to that.

You told on them?

Oh, no.

I denounced Magda's father to secret police.

(trap snaps, rodent squeals)


Three weeks he's been turning up his nose at my traps, and now, now, today, a smidge of Camembert and Mr. Rat, he cannot resist.

No. Oh, can you?

Can you, my little greedy baby?

I found out your secret!


Everybody has a secret.




They teach you that in med school?



Is that Kenny Suffield?

Smash and grab guy.

Also a real hound with the ladies.

Who shot him?

I don't ask.

Well, me and my partner doing all the rounds of you black market sawbones.

Guy we're looking for would've come in early this morning missing a thumb.


You'd tell us if you knew, wouldn't you, Doc?

I mean, that's the deal, right?

You give us info and we let you keep operating?

That's a pun. Operating.

Bullock, black ink, just like on the victim.

Oh, Doc.


He came in about 3:00 this morning.

Didn't give a name, but this dropped out of his pocket.

Sionis Investments.

What'd he look like?


Suit, suspenders.

Just like our dead guy.

Sorry, Doc.

This is Gordon. I need an ambulance and a black and white at 1856 Wilton.


Just... wait a second.

Just get me Alvarez, will you?

Alvarez: Bullock, Bullock, what the hell, man?

I got a deal with that guy.

Deal's off.

But I told you everything.

Yeah, after we caught you in a lie.

He always lies. You just squeeze him.

You're screwing the rest of us.

Oh, yeah?

How's that feel? You like it?

Hey, enough, enough!

I get it, I get it, huh?

None of these sons of b*tches had your back when it mattered, but where was I? I was there, remember?

Falcone, the Mayor, blaze of glory?

Be nice for my sake.

I am being nice.

Haven't you learned your lesson?

We're only alive because Falcone let us live.

You got to go along to get along, Jim.

No, I don't.

You think locking up Doc Scumbag there is gonna make a difference?

I'm on your side. I proved that.

Yeah, you did.

So I'm asking you, please, let the doc out and tomorrow, you and I will go check out this Sionis Investments together.

All right, partner?

Sorry, Harv.

This ain't right, Harvey.

Alvarez, put a zipper on it!

(door closes)

(g*n clicks)

(gasps) Jim.

Barbara, what are you...

I heard someone come in, and you didn't turn on the light...

So you got out my spare?

You were late! I got nervous.


Not the best idea to be handling a firearm when you've been drinking.

I'm sorry.

Look, you've been through a lot.

It's over now.

I am scared, Jim. Everywhere I go, I can...

I can feel that monster, Zsasz, stalking me, and I...

He's not a monster.

He's just a man.

I won't let anyone hurt you.

How can you promise me that?

Tell me it'll be okay.


Tell me there really aren't any monsters.

Just... lie if you have to.

There aren't any monsters.

When are we gonna get out of here?

That's up to you.


(sighing): Hey.

I didn't think you were up.

Look, last night was just nerves... and way too much to drink.

I said I wanted half your life, and I've got it.

Leave the g*n.

I wish it wasn't like this.

Do you really?


Ignore me. I'm just tired.


Catch some bad guys.

(softly): Okay.

(door opens)

(glove snaps)

Forensic examination by Edward Nygma, 8:42 a.m., GCPD morgue.

The room is approximately 19 degrees Celsius.

I ate half a cranberry muffin earlier, saving the rest for later.

What do a dead man, a cruise ship and emu have in common?

Correct, nothing.

Ever more curious.

Medical Examiner: He what?!

Nygma, how many times have I told you to stay the hell out of here?

But I discovered something.

You'll discover your butt in the street if you keep doing this.


Your loss.

You sloppy ignoramus.

Hi, Bruce.


Brucey, how you doing?

Tommy, hey.

I'm well, how are you?

You know, chilling.

So, uh, your mom and dad got k*lled, huh?


You see the whole thing?

The blood and everything?

I'd rather not talk about that.

I was just interested.

I've never seen a real dead body.

Was there guts?

I'll be going to class now.

(bell tolling)

Forgive me, Mother, for I have sinned.

Mooney: Funny.

It feels weird, meeting here.

You don't want anyone to see us together.

Falcone has his eyes everywhere.

So, where are we?

I cook for him, I sing to him, we go on walks.

I don't know whether I'm his maid, his lover or his mother.

Or all three.

He cares about you.



Have you been inside his private office?


A few times.

Inside the right bottom desk drawer is a ledger.

Copy the last two pages.

It'll be locked; you will need a key off of his key ring.

(scoffs) How do I get that?

Behind you is a vial. Give it to him.

He'll sleep like the dead for two hours.

It won't k*ll him, will it?



Liza, you haven't caught feelings for the old man, have you?

Not at all.

No, it won't k*ll him.

k*lling him now would only create chaos.

I need to siphon his strength.

So when the time is right, taking over his organization will be like slipping on a glove.

What if one of his men catches me snooping?

Then you're probably dead.

You leave first.

(indistinct chatter)

Man: Right, right, right.

(overlapping chatter)

I'm under a lot of pressure.

(overlapping chatter continues)

Something tells me we came to the right place.

You think?

Mr. Sionis will see you now.


Richard Sionis.

James Gordon.

This is my partner, Harvey Bullock.

How can I help you detectives? I don't have much time.

You know this man? Coleman Lawson? He might have interviewed for a job.

Sorry, no.

Any of your employees miss work yesterday? Any of them show up today with an injured right hand?

I don't take roll call, Detective.

You mind if we check?

Perhaps you can tell me what this is about?

Coleman Lawson was k*lled two night ago. The man who did it had your firm's card in his pocket.

Well, there's a thousand ways he could've gotten that.

What's with all the warrior baloney?

It inspires me. High finance is tough business. In order to succeed, you have to be a warrior.

No, you don't. You have to be a good businessman. Warriors fight wars. It's different.

So you fancy yourself a k*ller? Have you k*lled people, Mr. Sionis?

Only metaphorically.

So all this is just juvenile play acting.


Thus speaks a man who's seen actual combat. You've k*lled people for real, haven't you?

True K*llers are easy to spot.

Yes, they are.

Why all the masks? A shrink would say you're hiding something.

To the contrary. A mask hides the face, but frees the soul. A mask speaks the truth.


How come so many of your employees have scars and injuries?

Our touch football games get very rough.

You're a liar, Mr. Sionis.

Such fire.

You must miss the b*ttlefield desperately.

I imagine k*lling gets quite addictive. You m*rder*d Coleman Lawson, didn't you?

Prove it.

We will. I'd give you a good cop routine, but it's not in my tool kit.
(indistinct chatter)

(water running)

GCPD. (turns off water) Turn around slowly. Let me see those hands! (toilet flushes) Don't move!

(both grunting)

You should've waited for me.

(door closes)

(school bell ringing)

(indistinct chatter)

Hey, Brucey.

It's Bruce.

No "Y."

No parents, either, so I can call you what I like.

Please, get out of my way.

Snobby little jerk, isn't he?

For an orphan.

You're being very unkind.

I don't understand why.

Boy, you're a weirdo.

Your mother must...


Don't talk about my mother.

Oh, really?

Oh, is that Timothy?

(chuckles) We met at Fish Mooney's, hmm?

I'm the fellow who used to have your job.

I was hoping to ask you a few questions.

I don't know any...


They'll be time for that.

First things first.


(blows landing, Timothy grunting)

Bullock: Most K*llers leave their prints at the crime scene, but not you, no.

You left your whole thumb in the dead guy's mouth.

You got style! I like you, kid.

This is your last chance.

Once we walk out that door... it's over.

It was self-defense.

Bullock: Of course it was.

Wasn't that what I said, Jim?

Didn't I say it was probably self-defense?


Gordon's getting the rest of his statement.

Apparently it was part of the hiring process.

Sionis told the top three candidates to fight it out.

They weren't supposed to fight to the death, but...

This is unbelievable.

They all signed confidentiality agreements, so they're accomplices to whatever happens.

Do we know where the fight was held?

Some old office building. The windows were boarded up.

And he was taken there blindfolded.

Yes, Ed?

Printer toner.

Do you know what he's talking about?

The medical examiner's report said it was black ink.

But I did my own examination, and it was printer toner.

Also, I pulled staples from his shoulders.

And found graphite chips between his ribs.

Your man was k*lled in an office.

Yeah, we're kind of past that, Ed, but thanks.

Is there something else?


It made me think of a case from a year ago.

Young man, business suit, esophagus lacerated from index card shoved down his throat. So, I did some digging...

How many other bodies were k*lled with office supplies?

Four... in the last three years.

Get that man to sign a confession. Now.

I think we have a problem.

I explained to Detective Gordon, as counsel to Mr. Adams I'd advised him against speaking further.

Also, any statements he has made will be considered having been made under duress.

Uh-huh, and how much is Sionis paying him to take the fall?

Good day.

He showed up before Adams could sign his statements.

We got to figure out where Sionis is staging these fights.

I'll run all the buildings he or his company owns in Gotham.

This make any sense to you?

No, but how's it any worse than the Goat or the Balloonman?

When did this become normal for this city?

What changed?

Maybe nothing. Maybe it was always just below the surface. Only needed a spark.

Like Thomas and Martha Wayne being k*lled?

I'm not blind, Gordon.

I know you're still looking into it.

But how could their deaths have caused all this?

Why were they so important?

I think it's what they represented.

A different Gotham.

Decent, hopeful.

Whatever it was, it's gone now.

When Zsasz came for you, I should've stayed.

I told you to go.

That doesn't matter. I should've stayed.

Now, let's get this guy.


(door opens)

Tad late, Master Bruce.


Oi. What happened to you?

I'm perfectly fine!

What happened?

Someone spoke disrespectfully about my mother.

Oh, did they now?

Well, I hope you broke their bastard teeth for them.


He's much bigger than me, and I...

I'm not very good at fighting. Didn't hurt him at all.

Not at all?

Don't tell the school.

Not bloody likely.

Bullock: Take a look at this.

Sionis owns half of Gotham!

All right, we'll split up.

Focus on the buildings that are abandoned or under construction first.

This son of a bitch is not getting away!

I'll say one thing... he has your number.

What are you talking about?


You may not have put down Cobblepot, Jimmy boy, but you got a demon in you.

You can call yourself a soldier, but all this fighting Falcone, fighting other cops, you love it. So, when you find something that seems remotely possible, call me.

(cell phone ringing)

Barbara, everything all right?

Fine. I just, uh, I wanted to check in.

Can we talk later? I'm kind of in the middle of something.

Of course. (laughs)

I love...

(clicks, dial tone droning)

(phone beeps off)

Man: Hey!

Boss wants his tea.

It's almost ready.

(lights buzzing)

(rattling nearby)



Anybody else here?

(Taser clicking) (grunts)

That... would be a yes.

All right, cream and sugar.



Uh... hi.

A girl's got to shop.

(siren wailing in distance)

This... is your father's watch.

Don't you lose it now.

Tommy Elliot's house.

Don't you be scared.

I'm not.

I'm visualizing what I'm gonna do.

'Cause you if you don't want to do this, there's no shame in it.

There would be immense shame in it.

(buzzer rings)

What the hell are you doing here?

We have unfinished business.

Listen, if you think you're gonna tell my parents...


Are you crazy?!

Don't talk about my mother!

Alfred: Master Bruce!

Point well made, I think.

You all right, mate? Any broken bones?

He-he tried to k*ll me!

That's right. He did.

He tried to k*ll you.

Just you remember that next time you see him.

And you remember that I let him try.

Now, let's get some ice on those knuckles.

What do you fancy for your dinner?



Superb choice, Master Bruce.

Jim, where the hell are you? My list crapped out. Call me.

Nygma, Gordon hasn't called in, has he?

No. But if the detective becomes the mystery...

Sionis (over loudspeaker): Wake up.

Detective Gordon?

Wake up!

So, three of you applied for a position at my firm.

I explained then you can use anything here as a w*apon and the last man standing gets the job.

However... tonight is special.

You see the man without the mask?

Whoever kills him... is the victor.

Listen to me. I'm a cop.

So far, none of you have broken any laws.

Let the games... begin.

(bell rings)

One last chance!

Nobody move!


And I'll throw in a million-dollar signing bonus.

Ah, crap.


I need help checking these addresses.

Gordon might be in trouble.


I'm gonna remember that next time your wife calls, asking where you are, you putz.


Listen up, man, can I have some help?

Now, listen up, you sons of b*tches!

So, you don't like Gordon!


He can be a total asshat.

But he is still a cop.

And not one of you, not one, stood up when he needed it.

That ain't happening twice.

I need help checking these addresses.


Give me a couple.


But you cover with my wife, right?








It's over.

(sword unsheathing)

I knew you had a k*ller in you.


So... where are your brother police?

Did they abandon you?

I don't need them.


Seems I'll have to give myself the million dollars.

(sword clatters on floor)

Essen: Jim?

(footsteps approaching)





You're welcome.

♪ If I die ♪
♪ And my soul be lost ♪
♪ Ain't nobody's fault but mine ♪
♪ Ain't nobody's fault ♪
♪ But mine ♪
♪ If I die ♪
♪ And my soul be lost ♪
♪ Ain't nobody's fault but mine. ♪

You'd better have a good reason for being here.

Did you get what I asked for?

I want out.


He's gonna find out.

Maybe not today, but soon.

Is it worth it?

You are rich.

People are afraid of you.

Is that not enough?


It's not.

I grew up not too far from here.

One bedroom, cold water.

Just me and my mama.

I used to sleep in a bed behind a curtain.

It's where I would hide when she entertained men.

And that's where I was when he k*lled her.

One of Falcone's men.

Didn't like the service.

I hid there, silent, until morning.

With my mama two feet away from me.

That night, I made a promise.

To get revenge.

To never again be powerless.

To never let any man, any man, be over me.

This is about keeping that promise to that little girl.

So, what's this about?

(chuckles under her breath)

This is a thread.

I pull this and Falcone comes undone.

You're scared.

But I won't let anything happen to you, and that's a promise.

I want you to say...

"I believe you, Mama."

I believe you, Mama.

That's my girl.

Oswald: The thing is, when I had your job, had someone asked me, "What is Miss Mooney's secret?"

I could've answered.




I think you're holding back on me.

Okay, I...

I might've heard her with Butch.

Talking about what? Whom?

Fal... Falcone.

She said, "Our... our friend with Falcone."

That's it.

She was whispering. Please.

She has someone close to Falcone.

Of course.

Thank you.

No one can find the body.

We are at peace after all.

No! No, please!

No! No...!

(distant siren wailing)

(low chatter)

Bullock: Alvarez and Collins are bringing in Sionis' minions.

Pansies tried to rabbit when they saw you cuffing their boss.

You okay?

Essen told me you made a speech.

I wouldn't call it a speech.

Said you called me an asshat.

I did call you that.

Thank you.

For having my back.

Now and before.

Just try not to be such a pain in the neck.

Makes my day harder.

You know, you were wrong.

What you said earlier.

It's not that I love fighting.

But I'm not afraid to, either.

And if we don't fight for this city, who will?

I'm not gonna stop, Harvey.

Falcone, the Mayor, every cop I know that's dirty, I'm gonna get them.

You should know that.

Go home, Jim.

You were listening tonight, weren't you?

You gonna get in trouble, old woman.

Heard you telling that girl stories.

A lie with a heart of truth is a powerful thing.

Go on, it's late.

(phone rings)

(answering machine beeps)

Hey, it's me. I'm coming home soon.

Everything is gonna be better, I promise.

I love you.

Hey, Gordon. Got a minute?

Can it wait? Kind of on my way out of here.

Some unis brought in a perp. Claims to know you.

Oh, yeah? What's the charge?

B and E, some fancy store uptown. Pretty professional job. Kid didn't even trip the alarm.

Kid? Boy or girl?

Girl. Said to ask if you been down any sewers lately.

Hey, Detective.

Miss me?

I enjoyed it. I enjoyed hurting him.

Of course you did. He deserved it.

I'm so angry all the time. Will that ever go away?

That I don't know.

Alfred... can you teach me how to fight?

Yes, Master Bruce. Yes, I can.
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