03x04 - The Magician

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arrow". Aired October 2012 - January 2020*

Moderator: SageLexington

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Spoiled billionaire playboy Oliver Queen is missing and presumed dead when his yacht is lost at sea. He returns five years later a changed man, determined to clean up the city as a hooded vigilante armed with a bow.
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03x04 - The Magician

Post by bunniefuu »

My name is Oliver Queen. After five years in hell, I have come home with only one goal-- to save my city. Now others have joined my crusade. To them, I am Oliver Queen. To the rest of Starling City, I am someone else. I am something else.

Previously, on "Arrow"...

Oliver: I'm going to find whoever did this.

There's something about Malcolm that both you and Oliver need to know.

Malcolm is--


I don't want to hurt, or get hurt, and you seem like someone who could teach me how not to.

You are my family.

I need you.

Looks like you're going home.

Did Thea seem... different to you?

Where is she?

Where is Sara?

She came here for the League two weeks ago.

We've not heard from her since.

There's something I have to tell you.

Sara's dead?

I'm so sorry.

It was an arrow, wasn't it?

How do you know that?

Where's her body?



We buried her in her grave from seven years ago.


She knows something.

I want you to follow her, but be careful.

I have to meet Thea.


Sorry I'm late.

Late is your "on time," Ollie.

So much for my promise that things would be different, right?

Relax, it's fine.

Dinner is on me.

With what money?

Aren't you broke?

Um... aren't you?

Not so much, actually.

When I decided to come back, I had no idea what I wanted to do, and realized I kind of missed the club.

And turns out, a lot of other people do, too.

I have investors.

And they're going to help me buy back the Foundry from Queen Consolidated.

I'm thrilled for you, that's fantastic.

You seem changed.


After last year, I... don't see any other way it could have turned out.

And that's it?

You're not... seeing someone, or...

Hoping Roy didn't put you up to asking that.

No. I'm just trying to figure out why you're so different.

How about just being my big brother instead?


[Indistinct chatter]

[Cell phone beeps]

Target's on the move.

He's headed north.

He's stopped.

Maseo: What's he doing?

He's buying ice cream.

He doesn't look like a t*rror1st.

The best ones never do.

Why does Waller want me to take this guy out?

You ask too many questions.

Follow orders and eliminate the target.

Or is this one your best friend, too?

Oh, so I'm just a g*n that she can point at things she doesn't like?

That's exactly what you are.

He's moving.

Best not to waste time, then.


[Speaking Arabic]

You have my condolences.

And that of my father, Ra's al Ghul.

I don't want your condolences.

And I definitely don't want your father's.

She died with arrows in her chest.

Do you think that would have happened if she hadn't met you?

You were the one that showed her the darkness inside.

You, and your father.

I know you grieve.

But so do I.

I didn't show Sara the darkness, Laurel.

It was already inside of her when we met.

When I found her, alone, starving and terrified, I protected her.

I took Sara into my heart and I loved her with all of my soul.

And that jacket...

I gave it to Sara as a gift.

You are not fit to wear it.

Roy: She's moving.


She went to visit Sara's grave and now she's on the top floor of some dump on Amsterdam.

Could be where she's crashing.

League of Assassins safe house or something.

Text me the address.

[Nyssa sniffs]

Are you ready to talk?

We have nothing to discuss.

[Sheaths blade]

The trail for Sara's k*ller has gone cold.

And I could use your help.

Whereas I don't need yours.


We've gathered evidence, we're working leads.

You're visiting cemeteries and hiding in League safe houses.

I am not hiding.

And this is not my safe house.

It was Sara's while she was in Starling.


These were her favorites.

[Sets can on table]


You said Sara was in Starling for the League.

That suggests her target is also her k*ller.


Except it wasn't her target.

Sara came to Starling to confirm rumors-- whispers, really--that an enemy of the League was here.


Malcolm Merlyn.

He's alive.

Season 3 Episode 04
The Magician
Original Air Date on October 29, 2014

Merlyn was a member of the League of Assassins.

My father released him from his obligation to us with the understanding he would abide by its code of conduct.

You guys are professional K*llers.

That is a pretty low bar.

Merlyn's Undertaking violated the League's principles.

When you k*lled him, we considered the matter settled.

But then we received word from a reliable source that Merlyn faked his demise.

What source?

Oliver's mother.

Yeah, well, Oliver's mom wasn't exactly known for her honesty.

No offense.

I just can't believe that a guy everyone thinks was dead suddenly... isn't.

Neither did I.

Then we found these.


Sara took them two weeks ago.

Didn't the police, you know, find his body?

Merlyn had resources all over Starling.

I'm willing to bet one of them was in the coroner's office.

Since learning Merlyn was alive, the League has hunted him all over the globe.

Running down every rumor, following every whisper.

And one of those whispers put Merlyn back in Starling.

She tracked him here.

We are going to retrace her steps.

You said you found evidence on her person?



We found a blank piece of paper in Sara's boot, but why would she be carrying a blank piece of paper?

Do you have a flame?


My father had a notebook with hidden writing just like this.

The notebook he received from Merlyn, I imagine.

This is ghost ink.

One of the means the League employs for concealing secrets.

It's Sara's handwriting.

Notes from her surveillance of Merlyn.

Oliver, there's not much to go on here.

There's a couple of things.

Jansen, question mark.

Dad help, question mark.

Sara reached out to Lance.

If Lance knew Merlyn was alive, don't you think he would have told you?

Only if she told him.

What matters is what he told her.

And how do we find that out?


So, gentlemen, word of advice-- next time you arrest a bookie, please make sure the chief is not one of his clients.

Now, that's what the chief told me to tell you, ok, but as far as I'm concerned, you just keep doing your jobs.

First round tonight's on me.

Please, get out of here.

Buying rounds?

Ah, buying love.

The fastest way to a cop's heart is through his liver.

How you feeling?

I'm fine.

Do you have a minute?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I have to talk to you.

It's about Sara.

She, um...

She called me.

She said that she was looking into something.

Something called Jansen?



Uh, yeah, someone.

Ken Zhi Jansen.

I hooked her up with his last known address.

Sara was here.

She asked me not to say anything to you, and I should have.

Maybe I should have, I'm sorry.

It's ok. She was-- she's in a mysterious line of work.

Oh, yeah. One I hope you're not getting mixed up with.

No. I'm just doing Sara a favor.

And her?

I'll be right back.

What are you doing here?

Oliver told me of his plan to involve you in the hunt for Sara's k*ller.

I have a handle on it.

Your father doesn't know, does he?


He doesn't.

And he can't.

He has a heart condition.

He has the right to avenge his daughter.

That is none of your business.

Sara was everything I hold dear in this life, which is every bit of my business.

And what would she say if she was here now?

Hey. I almost didn't recognize you without your Halloween costume.

Is Sara back in town, too?

No, she is not.

But she told me to tell you that she misses you very much.

The address I gave your sister for Jansen.

Now she promised me there wouldn't be any, you know, assassinating.

Is that still the case?

I assure you, Mr. Lance, the only objective here is justice.

This was the next lead Sara was going to follow?

Jansen's a Buddhist monk.

Nine years ago, he was facing deportation to China.

Merlyn bankrolled his defense.

And Jansen returns the favor by giving Merlyn asylum in his garden.


We should divide our forces, take our flanking positions.

I agree, but not--

Never understood what Sara saw in her in the first place.

Split up, but be careful.

Copy that.

John: Oliver, we found Jansen.


I have eyes on him.

Whoever's up there is not Jansen.

Jansen sensei, I am Nyssa, daughter of Ra's al Ghul.

Heir to the demon.

You will tell me where I can find Malcolm Merlyn or I will k*ll you where you sit.

Hello, Nyssa.

Where is he?!

What's going on?

Did you find Sara's k*ller?

We have a suspect.

Malcolm Merlyn's alive.

Sara was here looking for him.

We think he found her first.

And where is he now?

We're working on that.

He got away from us earlier tonight.

But not before I hit him with an arrow laced with particulate nanotechnology.

Felicity wrote a program that tracks the nanites using GPS.

The tracer arrow.


You had a shot at Merlyn and you didn't k*ll him?

I tagged him.

With a flesh wound!

He's marked.

There's nowhere in the world he can go where I can't find him.

And when you do?

I'm not a k*ller anymore, Laurel.

Merlyn is.

He k*lled Tommy and 502 other innocent people.

How many more people are going to have to die before you put him down?

Do you think that's what your sister would want?

Yes. I do.

Let me speak with her.

Merlyn may try to contact Thea.

I'm on it.

The tracer arrow program...

You have Felicity monitoring remote from Central City?

No, she told me an idiot could run it.

I will try very hard not to take that personally.

I'll be on the streets.

Talk me in when you have his location.

Copy that.


It's done.

Nyssa: Laurel.

I just found out that Malcolm Merlyn isn't only alive, but that he k*lled my sister.

I'm sure you can understand why I don't want to talk right now.

I understand.

I loved her, too.

Sorry for your loss.

I promise Sara, and I promise you-- we will find Malcolm Merlyn.

Apparently you already did.

And Oliver should have k*lled him.


If Oliver catches up with Merlyn, he's going to let him live or let him go.

You can't let that happen.

You need to get Merlyn.

You have to do whatever it takes.


Grand reopening's not for another three weeks.

Well, looks like you've still got a lot more work to do.

Need some help?

Ah, thanks, but don't really think that's a good idea.

Just as friends.

And former co-workers.


Bonsai green, October mist, or avocado?


John: Merlyn stopped.

I've got his position.


Air conditioner factory.

18th and Nelson.

You want me to share this with Nyssa?

No. She's liable to put an arrow in him before I can get any answers.



This place is empty.

He's not here, Diggle.

Malcolm: Hello, Oliver.

You're absolutely right.

I'm not at the-- what is it, the air conditioning factory?

It's a very neat trick you have, but I'm sorry it didn't work out.

When I find you...

You absolutely will.

We need to talk.

But I prefer a venue less conducive to conflict.

Nelson Plaza at Coldwater and Fifth, bottom of the stairs.

It's a very public place; you'll want to leave your mask behind.

I think this should remain between the two of us, so if I even see one of your associates, I promise you, you will not see me.
Malcolm: Hello, Oliver!

How are you?

You've accomplished a lot with this city, I see.

I'm not here to discuss Starling.

You think I k*lled Sara Lance.

How else would you know she's dead?

These streets were mine long before you laid claim to them.

This is still my city.

I chose this place because crowds equal invisibility.

Besides, I understand you're not k*lling people these days.

Seriously considering making an exception.

Ra's al Ghul has placed a blood bounty on my head.

Why would I try to get it lifted by k*lling the love of his daughter's life?

It's illogical!

Sara comes back to Starling.

You come back to Starling.

Sara's m*rder*d.

I came back for the simplest and most noble of reasons--


Six months ago, during the siege, she was almost k*lled by one of Slade Wilson's Mirakuru soldiers.

I protected her!

You're lying.

Thea made it out before the attack.

Unfortunately, she didn't make it out.

But you wouldn't know that, because you were out being-- what are you calling yourself these days? "The Arrow."

That was the night I realized that Thea needs me!

Stay away from her.

Don't worry.

I've kept my distance.


But the world is a dangerous place.

And you're too distracted to protect her.

You're a k*ller.

Yes, I am.

But I swear.

I swear to you on Thea's life...

I am not Sara Lance's k*ller.

From the look on your face, you need something stronger than coffee.

You ok?

Yeah, are you?

[Sighs] Back in Corto Maltese, I promised you there would be no more secrets.

No more lies.

And I'm trying to honor that.


I learned something last night that's going to be difficult for you to hear.

I think that it's what mom was trying to tell us the night she died, right before...

The night of the siege, you were at the train station.

Yeah. I...

It wasn't fun.

I got att*cked by one of those crazy masked things and he tried to strangle me.

But he got shot by a cop, I think.

Did you see him?


Why are you asking?

It wasn't a cop, Thea.

It was Malcolm Merlyn.

He's dead.

How do you know this?

One of Sara's friends saw him.

She's sure.

If he was going to try to contact you, he would have done it by now.


Thank you.

For telling me.

[Cell phone beeps]

It's, uh, one of my investors. I--

Are you ok?

Yeah. I'm--

I'm fine. I-- it's like you said; If he was going to contact me, he probably would have done it by now.

Where's Oliver?

Out, taking care of some family business.

As if there weren't more pressing matters at hand.

He's not doing nothing. He tracked down Merlyn last night.

Did he k*ll him?


He swore to me he didn't k*ll Sara.

And you know all of his words are lies.

I believe him.

Because he swore to me on his daughter's life.

We had heard rumors Merlyn fathered another child.

We couldn't confirm them.

You know who it is.

I do.

If you put me through the effort of finding out on my own...

I might have to exact a price from whoever it is you're protecting.

It's Thea.

My sister is Merlyn's daughter.


And that is the reason he came back to Starling City.

Because she did.

He's protecting her.

And that is why you spared Merlyn. Twice!

It had nothing to do with that.

He explained to me-- in his own twisted way-- that he loves her.

And then he swore to me on her life.

And I swore an oath of my own that I would see Sara's k*ller brought to justice.

Nyssa... Nyssa!

Oliver, wait.

We have to stop her!

Do we?

Listen, I understand why you can't k*ll Merlyn, all of the reasons.

Maybe he k*lled Sara, maybe he didn't.

He didn't.

Either way!

The world is a better place without Malcolm Merlyn in it.

You made a vow not to k*ll.

Nyssa didn't.

Where's your wife?


She needed to be someplace else.

Ah. She doesn't like me.

You're wrong.

She hates you.

She's not happy that I'm here.

Neither am I.

I k*lled a man today.

I don't even know the reason.

Sometimes it's better that way.

What, blindly following orders is better?

I'm not blind, Oliver.

I'm focused-- on what's most important.

You should do the same.

It's not our place or our burden to know why we carry out our missions.

I didn't realize having a conscience was a burden.

[Keys jingle]

What are you playing?

A reading game.

Oh, yeah? Do you mind if I try?

I want to work on my Cantonese.

My dad said I shouldn't let you use my computer.


Why don't we make a deal, then?

You don't have anything.

You're a bum.

Well, this bum has something that you don't have.


You know that stash of candy that your parents keep in the cupboard above the fridge?

I'll swipe you two pieces.




Fine, five.

Give me the computer.

I need a meet with Waller.

How did you--Akio!

It's not his fault. I need a meet.

Make it happen.

Waller's going to want a reason.

Ferris Air flight 637.

She'll know what I mean.

Thanks for your help.

I mean, you really didn't have to do all that.

I like painting.

It actually helps me turn my brain off.

Feels kind of zen.

You know, I actually wish you were still trying to get into my pants, because this whole zen helpful Roy thing is really freaking me out.

Get away from him.

I'm not here for him.

Roy: Thea...


Thea, are you here?


So Malcolm Merlyn is alive, and Thea's father.

Anything else you haven't told me?

What did you get at the precinct?

Not much.

But I did get this off a traffic camera.

It was recorded 10 minutes ago.

After I struck out on anything related to Nyssa or Thea, I just looked for strange.

Well, that definitely counts.


She never said much about the League.

But she did say that their communication system was a little outdated.

Smoke signal.

Nyssa's sending Malcolm a message.

I don't know about the cipher, but I'm willing to bet my wallet that means "we got your daughter."

Doesn't matter.

Video gives me her location.

You mean "us" on location, right?

No. I need you to secure the perimeter.

Can't risk Thea seeing you.

Copy that.

She already knows I know about the Arrow.

Not with a dose of League tranquilizer in your system.


This is my fault.

I told Nyssa to go after Merlyn.

I told her to do whatever it takes.

It's ok.

I know you're not a k*ller.

But he is.

Whatever else he means to you or to Thea...

Know that.

I'm going to get free of this, and when I do, I'm going to k*ll you!

Nyssa: I apologize for involving you in this.

My quarrel is with your father.

My father's been dead for years, you crazy psycho bitch.

Not Robert Queen.

Your true father--

Al Sa-Her. "The Magician."

Known to the uninitiated as Malcolm Merlyn.

Then you know what he's going to do to you when he gets here.

I know he'll die.

My father taught me ways to cut a man to make his death last for days.

Sounds like father of the year.

My father may be the demon... but yours is the devil.


Apparently we both handle grief differently.

Malcolm: There's a misunderstanding the three of us need to clear up.

A conversation I am eager to have... over your rotting corpse.

Nyssa: Do it, Oliver.

He k*lled Sara.


He will corrupt your sister.


There is blood on my hands.

Almost too much to contemplate.

But none of it is Sara's.

k*ll him!

I did not k*ll your beloved!

Your father doubted Sara's loyalties the moment you brought her home.

You know your father.

What he is capable of.

He will k*ll without hesitation.

Do you really need me to tell you what he would do to the degenerate who would steal his daughter's heart?


Nyssa doesn't believe me, Oliver.

If you don't believe me...

Listen to her.

k*ll me.

You may not have k*lled Sara...

But you're still a m*rder*r.

What are you going to do?

Arrest me?

I could have SCPD here in three minutes.

And in half that time, I will escape from whatever prison they put me in.

You know that, so does she.

We were trained by the League; No prison can hold us!

Not even your one on Lian Yu.

Which leaves you with only one option.

To break your vows... and k*ll me.

k*ll your sister's father.

[Nyssa groaning and gasping]

Is Thea ok?

I just spoke to her.

She's fine.

Doesn't know who took her or why.

I may have deserved that.

You deserve worse.

Um, what's going on?

Merlyn didn't k*ll Sara.

Which means whoever did is still out there.

You're a fool who insults the memory of a woman he once loved.

I will honor Sara's memory by finding and punishing the person who did this.

The real person.


So as long as Malcolm Merlyn is in my city, the League will make no move on him.

He's under my protection.

You would incur the wrath of the League of Assassins?

I would do... what I have to in order to buy the time necessary to find out what really happened with Sara.

You have made an enemy tonight.

One with a long memory.


Are you sure?

If I wasn't sure, I never would have let him go.

I promise.

What did I miss?

Amanda: I hate Hong Kong.

And I hate transpacific flights.

And do not even get me started on the topic of being summoned by one of my operatives.

Ferris Air flight 637.

Paris to Hong Kong nonstop.

You prevented that flight from being shot down over Lian Yu.

Were you watching me?!

Via Keyhole Hexagon satellite.

How else was I supposed to know you possess the capabilities I require?

That business with the freighter last year...


Are we done?

Just getting started, actually.

Adam Castwidth the man you had me m*rder.

He was Edward Fyers' handler.

And he worked for you.

You're out of your depth, Mr. Queen!

I don't think I am.

I think Mr. Castwidth had a USB drive on him detailing everything.

I think he knew that you told Fyers to sh**t the plane down.

And I think that you wanted him silenced!

And the world thinks you dead, Mr. Queen.

The convenient thing about dead men is that no one tends to believe them.

Yeah, well, what about dead men who make arrangements to get the information on that USB drive in the hands of every blogger and journalist in this hemisphere.

If anything happens to Maseo's family, then you're going to spend a long time testifying in front of the senate sub-committee.

The world's a much more complicated place than you realize.

Edward Fyers thought he was to sh**t down that plane to destabilize the Chinese economy.

In truth, I wanted to take out a single target.

So you blow up a plane full of innocent people to take out one man.


To take out one woman.

Chien Na Wei.

Two years ago, we had our only chance at her.

And you saved her life.

And now she's in Hong Kong.

I need to know why.


Laurel: I thought you were going back to your father.

I thought I owed you a good-bye.

I intend to make good on my promise to Sara.

And to you.


It kills me that he's still out there.



It kills me.

It pains me as well.

I see you've been training...

And wearing the jacket.

If you're going to stand there and tell me I'm not strong enough or tough enough, please... don't.

Back at the cemetery, I would have.

But since, you've reminded me that the strongest metal is forged in the hottest fire.

And what's that supposed to mean?

Don't forget to turn your hips.

It's where the power comes from.


Sara, on voicemail: It's Sara. Leave a message.

Sara. Sweetie, it's, uh, it's me.

Look, I know you said only call this number in an emergency.

And it's not. It's not.

Everything's fine.

But I--I just...

[Sighs] I just want to hear your voice.

Look, I know wherever you are, you're looking after yourself.

But, you know, that doesn't mean I don't worry.

So, you know, you don't have to call me back or anything, just, I just want you to remember-- that I love you.

Are you ok?

It's not my first time being kidnapped.

That's not what I meant.

I never imagined you and scrubbing.

Unless a spa treatment was involved.

I spoke to Detective Lance.

He doesn't think that woman's going to bother you again.

Why did she come after me in the first place?

Maybe she thought the Queens still had money.

I wish.

But thank you for checking in on me.

I'm always going to watch out for you.


Sorry, guys, I didn't mean to interrupt.

I was just leaving.

Take care of yourself.

I thought you had guys for that.

It's kind of zen.

But you've got that same worried look on your face my brother had.

And really, I'm fine.


I just wanted to make sure you're ok.

And I wanted to apologize.

I'm sorry I couldn't stop her.

You tried.


Those were some nice moves back there.

Whatever you're doing with the Arrow is clearly paying off.

You know, maybe I should apply for a job here as one of your bouncers.

I think I got that covered.

But I could use an assistant manager.

For real?

I need somebody who knows the place as well as I do.


Purely platonic.


[Cell phone vibrates]

Oh, it's my designer Kurt.

I should probably take this.


Malcolm: Are you safe?

I am now.

Is that woman gone?

For now.

And your brother?

He's completely in the dark.

He doesn't know a thing.

But thank you, Dad.

For what?

For taking care of me.

I promised you, Thea.

I will never let anyone hurt you.

The rumors were true.

Malcolm Merlyn is in Starling City.

Man: There is a sadness in your voice.

Ta-er Al-Sahfer.

She has fallen.

Sara Lance is dead.


Struck through the heart with an arrow.

At Merlyn's hand?

It appears.

I have vowed a blood oath to avenge her.

Al Sa-Her will face the League's justice.

But for his crimes against our code.

But Sara--

Was never truly one of us.

And what of Queen?

He has sworn to protect Merlyn at any cost.

If that is true, then Oliver Queen courts w*r with us.
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