01x05 - The Mystery of the Terminal Tenant

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Mysteries of Laura". Aired: September 2014 to March 2016.*
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A single mom NYPD homicide detective cracks case after case while raising wild twin boys and locking horns with her less than helpful police detective ex-husband.
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01x05 - The Mystery of the Terminal Tenant

Post by bunniefuu »

(Unlocking door)

Woman: Mark! Mark? (Sniffing) Mark, something up here is leaking schmutz through my ceiling. Mark! Are you here?


(Both grunting)

Okay, okay, someone's gonna lose an eye.

Um, how come I don't see underwear?

Remember, last time you went to daddy's, Principal Velasco has made it very clear commando equals no, no.

Yes! Thank you.

Daddy's sofa-bed hurts my butt.

You tell daddy that he should sleep on the sofa.

He certainly has had enough practice.

Daddy only has icky juice.

I can't help you out there, honey.

You two pack more for an overnight than a grown woman.

Sit on this. I need your help.

Here we go. Yes!

Why can't daddy have a sleepover at our house?

I will explain that to you in 20 years.

Boys: Our house! Our house! Our house!


No more daddy sleepovers.

Excuse me?

The boys come home exhausted, unbathed, missing eyebrows...

Eyebrow! It's just the one.

You want quality time with your sons... New deal.

We're nesting.

Is that like spooning?

Definitely not. You come to the house, I go away.

Wait, so you want a weekly vacation from your life?

Why not? You take a daily vacation from yours.

Well played.

Look, this is what's best for me, which is all that really matters.

(Laughs) You do realize you just said that last part out loud.

But it also happens to be what's best for the boys.

Fine, and I'm assuming you don't wanna stay at my apartment.

God, no! You have icky juice.


(Sighs) I booked a hotel room.

It only cost me 75,000 Duane Reade points.

(Phone ringing)

It is booked.


Be at the house at 6:00.

Ethan's dad is dropping off the boys.

Don't be late.

We're on it.

Did you even hear what I said?

Eyebrow, nesting, 6:00 sharp, Ethan's dad.

I got it. You got a body at Sixth and Avenue A.

Do not expect an I.D. anytime soon.

Corpse was dissolved in sulfuric acid which contaminated DNA and which also dissolved co's fingerprints and facial features.


Gender neutral pronoun.

Went to a touchy-feely college.

You had a childhood?

Thought you came out of the womb with a five o'clock shadow and a lab coat.

Even money is on this being the apartment owner, Mark Harris.

This could be 5'10", 160 pounds.

I should be able to salvage the teeth to compare dental records.

Otherwise, it's gonna be a bit difficult to determine without skin, sexual organs, full cranium.

Way to bring the party down.

You see something?

I see nothing.

Where's this guy's stuff?

My house is straight out of hoarders.

Lillian as in Gish, Greenberg as in Hank.

Your references are even older than mine.

Who's this one?

My partner.

Hubba hubba.

Back at you.

Mrs. Greenberg, when was the last time you saw Mark Harris?

Friday. He always takes out my trash cans.

Sweet boy! It's just him and me.

The third unit's owned by some skanky trust-fund girl, who's away in Europe all the time being a whore.

Her mother must be proud.

Okay, so no sign of forced entry, TV and stereo's still here.

Nothing like robbery.

Victim probably knew his k*ller.

What else can you tell us about Mark?

Uh, for the longest time he was a hermit who didn't say boo.

He worked at home, he never went dancing.

Must have gone for a lot of hand lotion if you know what I mean.

I wish I didn't.

Finally, he met a darling girl, Corrine.

Might this be the happy couple?

Yes, darling.

Suddenly, he became a social butterfly.

And he had lots of parties here.

You would never know it by how neat it is.

Looks more like a hotel.

You're obsessing.

Most of us like a clean house there, pig penny.

No need for name calling, jerko.

All right, total ray of sunshine.

Tech's telling me they got more prints and DNA in here than Penn Station at Christmas.

Mark's bed didn't exactly pass the black light test.


And goodbye to early check-in at my hotel.

Finding a needle in that dirty haystack could take us all night.

We might luck out and get a hit.

Speaking of.

Can I hit that?


(Inhales deeply)


Just... just one more. Come on.

The apparent victim was quite the low-profile New Yorker.

My great-aunt Milison has more of an Internet presence.

You can follow her on Instagram.

How you doing on dental records?

15,946 dentists in Manhattan alone.

Well, start making some calls.

On it.

Did you rearrange the desks?

It's a Feng Shui thing.

The new floor plan really promotes the free flow of creative energy.


Laura doesn't like sitting by you.

Crime scene techs pulled a print off of a steak knife in Mark Harris's apartment.

Could be the m*rder w*apon, assuming he was diced before he was pureed.

Someone's been watching too much food network.

Matches two. Carlo Corelli, priors for fraud, lewd conduct, petty larceny.

Last known address is in Hackensack.

Track them down.

Boom shakalaka!

Carlo Corelli tweeted a mere nine minutes ago, "at site, bring cash, no cameras."

Sounds potentially incriminating.

Tracing the IP address.

Oh, no. I can...

254 Bond Street. Forwarding to Laura.

Show off!

(Dance music playing)

(Speaking Spanish)

As they say, there's a lid for every pot.

Whoa! (Laughs)

NYPD. Which gentleman is Carlo?

Over there.

Billy: Hey!

Excuse me, I gotta...

You might wanna ease up on the carbs.

All right, let's go, let's go, everybody home.

Get home safe.

Talk to us about Mark Harris.

I've never even heard of that individual.

Carlo, please.

We found your fingerprints all over his steak knife.

Where were you last weekend?


I throw these functions regularly.

It's all on my website, averychubbyaffair.net.

Dot com was taken.

What planet is this?

If you don't believe me, you can quite easily check.

So, you're on parole.

Hmm, barely, past curfew.

Thus my attempted exit stage left.

So when we check, we're gonna find that you weren't anywhere near Sixth and Avenue A.

Sixth and A?

Mark H.

Yeah, Mark H.

You do know him.

Only via the Internet.

Last month, I hosted a week of these gatherings at his apartment.

So, is he one of you?

Haven't a clue.

I just rented his apartment off of nypadexchange.com.

NY whose... what?

It's a peer-to-peer apartment rental website.

If you're going out of town, you post some photos of your residence and a stranger will rent it from you.

No, really!

What planet is this?

Who would let someone they didn't know stay in their home?

It's the trust economy.

But agreed, I would never let my place be rented.

All kind of deviants out there, hmm.

Really, bro?

We're on Mark's NY Pad Exchange page.

And head back to the apartment and go through everything, and see what you can find over there and I'll call you back.

How many renters did he have?

Both: 84!

Are you kidding me?


And any one of them could have copied Mark's keys, let themselves in and given him an acid bath.

Okay, most likely suspect would be this weekend's renter, namely one, Cody Roberts, who is particularly suspicious because A, he has a porn name. Cody Roberts.

But also B, no profile pic, no personal info on the site, zero web presence, he is a ghost.

No Internet presence just like our victim.

Could be a coincidence, but unlikely.

We've searched all Mark's files.

No rental agreement paperwork.

Not surprising.

Nobody under 40 prints out hard copies anymore.

I so knew that. My peeps.


I was 30, like, five minutes ago.

Long minutes. (Clears throat)

All right, so, what are we theorizing?

Cody rents the unit, possibly to use it for something more illicit than an anything-goes party.

Maybe he catches Cody in the act, Cody takes him down.

(Keys jingling)

(Door opens)

(g*ns cocking)

NYPD! don't move!

Whoa! don't sh**t. I... I live here.

Mark Harris?

This is insane.

I'd rented out my place dozens of times just to make a few extra bucks.

I never thought...

And you were away all weekend?

We just caught the jitney back from the Hamptons.

Cody was supposed to leave tonight.

Yeah, well, judging by the remains we found in that bathtub, it looks like Cody checked out for good.

What do you know about him?

Uh, not much.

Um, he picked up the keys on Friday.

He seemed like a nice guy.

We only spoke to him for a minute.

Did you notice anything suspicious?

This is random, but a black Escalade was parked across the street.

A woman was inside watching the block.

Figured she was spying on a cheating husband.

Long shot, but we'll check it out.

Do you notice anything missing or out of place?

Here, bedroom...

Not missing...

I clean a drawer out for renters to use.

This must be Cody's stuff.

(Doorbell ringing)

Hey, dad.

Hey, boys.

Ethan, you wanna come check out my room?

Hey, Ethan.

I'm so sorry we're late.

Uh, you're not Ethan's dad.

Uh, no, no, I'm Ethan's mom.


Jake! No worries about being late.

I was just doing some laundry.


It is so refreshing to see a man actually take some responsibility around the house.


Not like my ex.

He flaked tonight, last minute as usual.

And I had to race to get the boys from soccer.

Well, I'm just learning the divorced parents shuffle myself.

Well, I also blew it and didn't have a chance to feed them.

So, they're probably starving.

No sweat.

I'll just order some pizza, why don't you and Ethan join us?


Okay, sure. Thanks.

Amazing news! I found Mark's dentist.

Better news! We found Mark alive.

Never mind then.

Background check on Cody Roberts came up goose eggs.

Prints were lifted from his possessions, aren't on file, could be a fake name, an alias.

Oh! Hello, little clue.

Melody Buddies. Oh...

No, it's one of those mommy and me music classes.

Tomorrow's 9:00 A.M. class is circled.

Maybe Cody's a divorced dad, kid's in the class.

I think I'll be sick tomorrow.

I swore that I would never go back.

Laura, come on.

It's a bunch of little kids singing and dancing. Can't be that bad.

You, my friend, have a lot to learn about the joys of parenting.

Now if you'll excuse me, my king size hotel bed is calling.

A cop?

That's incredible.

Captain, actually.


It's just a job.

My ex is a plumber.

He unclogs toilets.

That's just a job. You... you save lives.

Well, yeah, I try to.

It's so dangerous. Don't you get scared?

I'd like to say no, but I am human so, yeah.

And I just try and remember, it's not about me, it's about making the city safe for my kids and yours.


Thank you.

For the kids.

(Upbeat music playing)




Hi. (Giggles)

Goodbye, Cartoon N etwork. Hello, bravo.

And heaven.


Worst invention since Gymboree.

But I came prepared.

Ear plugs? What don't you have in that bag?

Oh, I snagged all kinds of free stuff from the hotel room, here.

Want that?

You know you have to pay for all this, right?


Oh, yeah.

Oh, well.

Pretty loose definition of melody and buddies.

We need to time share those ear plugs.

No, I got you covered.

Straight men stand out like a sore thumb at these classes.

It's all just moms, gay dads and nannies.

Good to be me.

(All singing)

Brutal, huh?

(Chuckling) Tell me about it.

You, um, waiting for someone?

You too, huh?

Cody better hurry up and get here. My ears are bleeding.

Is that an ear plug?

Oh, I ain't playing.


Nothing a little Christy won't cure.


Is that a friend of Cody's?


You know, crystal?

Meth! Oh!

Keep it down, newbie.

Sorry, sorry. I'm just... I'm crashing really hard.

Just... Cody better get here fast.

Well, Cody's not coming.

But you're coming with me.

I was just so tired.

Lunch boxes, morning drop-off, the baby's endless stream of diapers.

I was losing my mind.

Anyway, then one day I met Cody.

And he said that he had something to make all that go away.

Babysitter and a maid. Oh, no.

Crystal meth.

Okay, you can mock, but it's amazing.

Weight loss, endless patience, constant euphoria.

Cleaning the house never felt so good.

Little mother's helper.

I've got to admit, it sounds great.

Until you remember that it's an illegal addictive drug that ruins lives.

Okay, tell me about Cody.

Where did you meet him?

He showed up one day at class.

He was sweet. He even had this s-s-stutter when he was n-n-nervous.

I trusted him. So...

When he offered me a sample, I thought, why not?

He said all the moms are doing it.

Smart sales pitch.

So, did you ever see him anywhere else?


But one time, I got stuck in a PTA meeting and I had to miss the class.

I was totally freaking out. I thought I was gonna chew my lips off.

Anyway, uh, so I texted him.

And he said that just this once as a special favor, I could score from his partner.

A partner? Okay, what's his name?

I don't know, I never saw the guy.

How did you get the dr*gs?

There's a Rollerblade rental place out in the Rockaways near Beach and 118th.

You rent a pair of rollerblades, size six and three-quarters.

That's not a size.


I'd like to rent a pair.

Size six and three-quarters.

So you rent the blades, then what?

He gives you a locker to put your street shoes in.

You put 200 bucks in the left shoe.

You go away and come back 20 minutes later,
you've burned 500 calories and there's a week's supply in your shoe.

So, wait at the locker and bust the drop.

Piece of cake.


Man: (Shouts) Hey!

(Girls screaming)

Excuse me! Excuse me!

(g*n cocking)


Hold it, hold it. don't move!

I said don't move!

Don't make me sh**t you. Come on, man!

Get down.



Okay, you are under arrest, sketch.

You have the right to remain silent.

Wait! You're the police?

Oh, thank God.

Who did you think we were?

Jimmy's muscle.

Thank you.

Who's Jimmy?

A freaking psychopath and the biggest meth dealer in the city.

Well, if you are just a penny ante dealer slinging crystal on the beach, why'd Jimmy want you dead?

'Cause Cody was my partner and word in the street was that Jimmy had him whacked, so I figured I was next.

So you blew up your house?

Yeah, it was a booby trap. It's pretty sick, right?

That is a word for it, yes.

I mean, you know, it gave me a chance to escape if Jimmy's people showed up.

But instead you're being arrested for selling meth and arson.

Exactly, you see, it was just a simple misunderstanding.

Is there a brain in your head?

Tell us about Cody.

He was Jimmy's best dealer 'cause he didn't look like a dealer.

So, what did he look like exactly?

You know, normal, no tats, no scars, just kinda nerdy like.

So, safe. No wonder the meth moms gravitated towards him.

That was Jimmy's idea, you know.

An untapped market, Jimmy made a lot of dough.

If Cody was so good, then why did Jimmy want him dead?

Cody wanted out. Quit the game, go straight.

But you don't quit Jimmy and live.

Where do we find Jimmy?

Hey, look, I don't know who Jimmy is, much less where he is.


Okay, slick, listen.

You even want a shot at a plea bargain, then I'm gonna need more than that.

All I know is Cody picked up the liquid meth from a cook at a bodega downtown.

All right?

Laura: Looks like Cody's partner told the truth.

This isn't your typical mom and pop shop.

I'll keep you posted.

I'm low on peanut butter and bubblegum mouthwash, but I'm feeling this isn't the place.

You got that right. I have a g*n in that wooden shop in there.

Laura: Oh!

I'm guessing that isn't Sprite.

Liquid meth.

The old Breaking Bad days where you cook it from scratch are old school. Now, you just pour and fry.

Like my pancakes.

Shall we?

All units, we're moving in.

Laura: Excuse me? We're gonna need to take those. Bloomberg's out of office, but his w*r on sugar isn't over, so...

Is there a problem here, mamacita?

(Speaking Spanish)

Okay, hey. Hey, easy, muchacho.

Who're you calling boy, guera?

Who're you calling guera, boy?

What's a guera?

White lady.

Fair enough. Okay, I'll tell you what. Let's put the name calling aside.

We need to confiscate those bottles.


Big mistake.
(Sirens wailing)


Hands behind your back. Behind your back.

Punching a cop?

How much meth are you on?

Bite me, guera.


I am so sorry, detective.

Excuse me?

I tried to pull back, but I had to make it look real.

Am I missing something here?

Alejandro Padilla, DEA.

I'm long term undercover.

If I hadn't clocked you like that you and your partner could've blown my operation.

I'm calling the New York division to confirm.

Give them operation code tango-X-ray-Victor-five.

My handler will give you all the confirmation that you need.

Who's your target?

The biggest new meth supplier in the city, goes by Jimmy.

What about a last name?

That's all I got.

I've been working this group for six months, haven't laid eyes on him.

We are looking at Jimmy for homicide.

Not surprised.

People who cross Jimmy have a way of disappearing permanently.

Do you have any leads?

I just got word today that the weekly shipment is coming in tomorrow.

If Jimmy shows up for the drop, we bust the entire ring.

And just maybe, Cody's k*ller.

You checked out.

And your office approved a joint NYPD-DEA operation to hit Jimmy's meth shipment tomorrow...

On one condition.

Which is?

We get dibs on Jimmy and the box.

m*rder trumps meth.

I got no problem letting you get first shot.

(Clicks tongue)

I'll avoid the arrest of you and your crew and get you back on the street before the meet goes down.


But I have a condition too.


Hook me up with that sexy redheaded detective.

Don't even think about it.

(Handcuffs rattling)



(Door bell ringing)

Nora, is everything all right? Is Ethan...

No, he's fine. I just dropped him off at his dad's. But...

Big surprise, my ex was acting like a complete jerk.

Come on in.

I'm just so upset and I was in the area and I really needed to talk to somebody who...

Gets it?


Believe me, I do.

Dealing with exes is a special kind of hell.

I mean, you love them, they're the parent of your child, but sometimes you wanna...

k*ll them?

Cuff me now, detective. I'm as guilty as charged.

Can I get you a drink?



It's just not okay for him to say these things to Ethan about me.

I mean, I may not be as thin as his anorexic spin instructor, but...

I mean...

Do I look fat to you?


You look great.

The next man in your life is gonna treat you much better than your ex ever did.


Hey, hey. Are you all right?

I'm... I'm fine. It's just...

You're a really nice guy.

I'm not used to talking to someone like you.

I'm sorry.

No, there's no need to be.

And you're gonna be okay.


No, I...

I... I can't do this. Not in Laura's house.

It used to be your house.

For easy access.

Nora, we are not having sex.

My boys are upstairs.

(Cell phone ringing)


Is everything all right?

Yeah, we're all good.

You don't sound all good. I'm coming home.

No, no, no.

You'll wake the boys up.

Well, good. 'Cause I need some hugs.

Laura, look, just... just enjoy the hotel.

Have another massage on me.

I... I've got this. We're all good.

If you say so.

Okay, bye.



Hey, buddy.

Hey, daddy.

You okay?

Why were you wrestling with Ethan's mommy?

Don't be silly. You're dreaming.

Ethan and his mommy were here last night.

Oh, okay.

Okay. Come on, let's get you back to bed.

I'm gonna bust him and then I'm gonna k*ll him.

Then I'm gonna tap dance on his grave.

Tell me how you really feel.

Jimmy sells meth to moms.

Over-worked, under-appreciated, stressed-out moms.

Hanging is too good for him.

Couple of nights in a swanky hotel has done wonders for your stress levels.

There's some things that room service and a high thread count can't cure.

Oh, truck's pulling in.

Looks like something is about to go down.

Okay, all teams, hold your positions, wait for the hand-off.

Officer: Roger that.



Okay, now. Go, go, go.


(Sirens blaring)

Move it!

Let's go!

(Tires screeching)

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Turn around!

Let's see it!

Turn around!


Laura: Yes!


Hands behind your back.

Grab the woman.

Blonde hair, sunglasses, white coat, on your eastern perimeter.

(Sirens wailing)

(Tires screeching)

Officer: Stop right there!

Get down.

Jake: How did you know the kingpin was actually a queen?

Who but another woman would know that bone-tired, exhausted moms were an untapped market for crystal meth.

Oh, I can't wait to get her in the box.

That came out wrong.

I know what you meant.

But Jimmy is lawyered up and isn't saying squat.

Oh, damn it.

If I can't question her, I could still put her in a line-up.

We got a witness that I don't know about?


The guy who rented his apartment to Cody Roberts said that he saw a woman staking out the building the other night.

Maybe he could place Jimmy at the scene of the crime.

It's a Hail Mary, but it's all we got, let's try it.

(Laura clears throat)

(Mark sighs)

I won't bring anyone in until you're ready.

Do you need some water?

No, I'm okay.

This whole thing has just really shaken me up.

I can't stand to be in the apartment anymore.

What was in the tub.

I can't stop thinking about it.

Him. Ugh!

I think we're gonna get away for a few weeks, sit on a beach.

Think happy thoughts.

Sounds like a great idea.

Ready when you are.

Are you sure she can't see me?

I promise.

She will not see your face, she will not know your name.



Okay. Bring them in.

Officer: Line up against the wall, please.

Do you see anyone you recognize?

(Stammering) Number...

(Clears throat)

(Stammering) Number two.

That's... that's her.

She's the one I saw.

He even had this s-s-stutter when he was n-n-nervous.



Uh, we just have some paperwork to fill out and a few questions to ask.

Of course. (Clears throat)

No problem.

He picked Jimmy out of the lineup.

Good call. Looks like we found ourselves Cody's k*ller.

Jimmy's guilty of a lot of things, but not k*lling Cody.

I don't understand. He picked her out of the lineup.

We have motive and opportunity.

What am I missing?

The right victim.

Jimmy didn't k*ll Cody, because Cody is sitting next to my desk, right now.

Do you really think that unassuming guy is a criminal mastermind and a ruthless k*ller?

He crushed at selling meth because he's an unassuming guy.

I think Cody's old partner did say he was something of a nerd.

I know he wanted out, a vacation from his life.

But you don't quit Jimmy and live.

So Cody decides to stage his own death, assume a new identity, he scrolls down NY pad exchange and finds the perfect victim.

Which was Mark, a loner who looked sort of like Cody.

No social life, no web presence and his only neighbor was a half-blind old lady.

And because neither had a criminal record, we couldn't use his prints to prove that he was lying about his identity.

Which explains the acid bath.

Cody deliberately erased all identifying features to cover his tracks.

He figured that we would ID the victim as Cody and the k*ller as Jimmy.

And Cody walks away with a new identity.

And his scary old boss behind bars.

Flawless plan.

But Cody couldn't get rid of his own flaw.

His stutter.

So, how do we prove it?

Let's see how well Cody knows his doppelganger.

What kind of questions?

Police department order 14-3 mandates we ask all witnesses to complete a quality control survey.

Waste of time, but...

I gotta ask or our funding gets (Clicks tongue) Cut.

Bureaucracy sucks. Help me out.

Ask away.

What is your mother's maiden name?



What hospital were you born in?

St. Francis.

Which city were you born in?


Where did you attend junior high school?

Roslyn Middle.

Who was your sixth grade teacher?

Mrs. Buxbomb.

What exactly does this have to do with quality control?

Oh, you can take it up with city hall.

Buxbomb... That's a name.

Listen, I... I really wanna help you out, but I have a flight to catch.

Have a nice trip.

What're you so happy about?

Max checked out all his answers, he nailed every question, and maybe he is who he says he is.

Who was your sixth grade teacher?

I don't know. Some blonde lady.

Exactly. No one remembers that minutia right off the bat.

Cody has every detail of Mark's life down pat. Too pat.

You're forgetting one very important detail.

Mark's girlfriend Corrine...

I mean, how does she fit into this theory?

She must be Cody's girlfriend.

Who became Mark's fake girlfriend to study his life.

Or maybe that's just a bunch of crazy talk.

And she's just an innocent pawn.

(Scoffs) I don't think so.

"I don't think so" is a long way from proof beyond reasonable doubt.

Not a problem.

There's one way to prove it beyond all doubt.

Detectives, may I present Mark's dentist, Dr. Chang?

Thanks for coming down, Dr. Chang.

Hey, my pleasure. I've never been in a police precinct before.

Wow, you've dodged a b*llet.

I can't tell you how many dentists I've arrested for getting a little too friendly with their anesthetized patients.

Oh-ho, not me.

I use nitrous, you know, laughing gas.

More fun than a barrel of monkeys.

If the monkeys don't have a crippling dental phobia.

So you brought Mark Harris' dental records?

Right here.


All right, is this Mark?

I think so. It's been a few years, but...

I pay more attention to the chompers than the face.


I think someone is self-medicating on laughing gas.

Well, this is the first time in my career that I've been asked to compare autopsy dentals with a guy who's alive and well.

Or is he?

If the corpse in the tub was the real Mark Harris, then the X-rays you took should be an exact match.

Well, they are not.

Sorry, Laura.

Dr. Chang: He's right.

These two mouths are as different as our hairstyles.

This doesn't make sense. I am certain this guy is an impostor.

Sorry it didn't work out.

Come see us for your next exam.

We specialize in treating dental phobics.

And we have Pac-Man.

(Sighs) I think it's time to throw in the towel.

I mean, for your theory to hold, Cody would've had to somehow switch out those dental records.


Son of a bitch!


He did.


Corrine, you naughty girl!

The apartment has been completely cleared.

Looks like Cody's on the run.

All right, all right. Thanks.

Got an APB out on both him and the girlfriend.

Homeland put them both on the no-fly list.

Max, where are we on financials?

Credit cards and bank statements are both frozen.

Gonna be hard to run with no do-re-mi.

Woman: Yoo-hoo, I need a detective.

No, the redheaded lady detective.

Maureen O'Hara with a g*n.

Over there.

Mrs. Greenberg.

Oh, there you are, pretty lady.

Are you okay?

No, I'm certainly not.

I got to the checkout line at D'agostino's, I put my hand in my bag and my wallet was missing.

Maybe you left it at home.

I'm not an idiot. Someone lifted it.

Does Mark have a key to your apartment?

Yes, for an emergency. Just like I have his.

Although, a lot of good that did.

We have an APB out on Cody Roberts.

But no one looking for Lillian Greenberg.


Already on it.

Here we go.

Lillian Greenberg's credit card statements.

Lot of cat toys.

I'm an indulgent mother. Sue me.

Lookie here, an hour ago she purchased two tickets on a Greyhound to Boca, tonight.

I certainly did not.

Such a bunch of yentas in Boca.

Here we go.

We'll stake out port authority for our boy Cody.

Hold your horses. You might be able to catch him sooner.

He's going from ATM to ATM in his neighborhood pulling cash from all her accounts.

Get away cash.

Don't leave home without it.

Officer over PA: Put your hands where we can see them!

Hell of a solve.

Gotta admit, I doubted you big time.

What else is new? Thankfully, I ignored you.

What else is new?

Uh, Sammy is picking the boys up at the house in 15.

On my way. I'm in sweet little boy withdrawal.

So, nesting?

I'm over it.

Thank God.

Nora on two.


Hey. How are...

You left what in my ex-wife's house?

Who's up for ketchup and pickle sandwiches?

Both: Ew. No.

Everyone's a critic.

Delivery man.


Oh, I was... I decimated your fridge so brought Chinese food.

That's so thoughtful.

Well, you know me.

I do know you.

Which is why I'm confused about the Chinese food.

Boy: The pink monster will eat you.


The pink monster will eat you.



Pink monster is not a play thing.

You were playing with it in my dream.

That was a nightmare, actually.

And I suggest that you forget about it.

Laura: Dinner's ready.


Moo shu, going once, moo shu. Going twice.

I only want the outside!

Me too.

Only eat the outside? The healthy stuff is on the inside.

The healthy stuff is disgusting.

Well, if you eat the healthy stuff, look what you get afterwards.

Fortune cookies!

Jake: Fortune cookies!

Duck sauce.


Who's ready?

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