01x04 - Shorthanded

Episode transcripts for the TV show "</SCORPION>". Aired: September 2014 to April 2018.*
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An eccentric genius forms an international network of super-geniuses to act as the last line of defense against the complicated threats of the modern world.
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01x04 - Shorthanded

Post by bunniefuu »

Walter: My name is Walter O'Brien. I have the fourth highest IQ ever recorded: 197. Einstein's was 160.

When I was 11, the FBI arrested me for hacking NASA to get their blueprints for my bedroom wall. Now I run a team of geniuses, tackling worldwide threats only we can solve. Toby's our behaviorist. Sylvester's a human calculator. Happy, a mechanical prodigy. Agent Cabe Gallo's our government handler. And Paige? Well, Paige isn't like us. She's normal and translates the world for us while we help her understand her genius son.

Together, we are Scorpion.

Toby: C-note says he cuts down the alley.

Sylvester: Theory? He stopped.

With fear there's this impulse to freeze, an innate belief one can avoid detection.

You ever catch a kid with his hand in the cookie jar?

I'm in for a hundred.

Agents are moving in.

(tires screeching)

Got him. (murmuring triumphantly)

Hey, uh...

No, no, no, no, no!

My analysis was right.

He was about to go in the alley.

Operative words: "About to."

Pay up.

So far, we're batting a thousand.

So far.

Glad we could help.

Uh, we did more than help.

Without us tracing the IP address of that Chinese national, you'd still have military intel leaking like a sieve.

Maybe it's time that we got some publicity on this?

Not likely. It's hush-hush.

Ah, it's always hush-hush, huh?

It's the nature of the governmental beast.

Going away?

Yeah, we took a private job.

A Vegas casino... the Crimson.

They've been losing money on their high-roller blackjack tables.

They just want an analysis.

Same-day trip.

Can I have a word with you, in private?

Listen to me: you're not ready to go out on your own.

You only have a few cases under your belt.

We've delivered results every time.

With government assistance.

How well was Scorpion doing before I came along?

Classified Homeland Security jobs don't allow us to show people what we're capable of.

But I've got an investment in you guys, and I don't want it compromised.

I've had an investment in this team for years.

I see its potential.

Now, we agreed to work with the government, not for the government.

We can take private jobs, so we are... whether you think we're ready or not.

Toby: Tick-tock, people!

We're burning daylight here!

Hey, Diana Ross, they have hand soap there.

Not anti-bacterial.

Toby, I need you to run a point on casino employee background checks, from the garage.

From the garage at the Crimson?

No, this garage.

I'm sorry... for a second, that sounded like you were saying I can't go to Vegas.

I'm telling you I need you here.

Guys, maybe we can talk this out upstairs.

This is a private job, Cabe's not involved so I am the boss, and I don't want anything to possibly jeopardize our contract.

Oh...oh, me being involved jeopardizes the gig?

I'll stay.

No... you want to avoid the flight, your gambling is a liability.

You will become distracted in Vegas, and we need to put our best foot forward.

Walter, come on... you waited till the last minute to tell him about this?

I knew this would happen.

This job is a big deal for us.

It's a big deal for all of us.

Sylvester doesn't want to fly, I'm anxious as hell about leaving Ralph with a sitter while I'm in a different state... you are worried about Toby.

We're all anxious.

But we're all going as a team, okay?


You know what? You can be the one who gives him a loan at the craps table.

♪ ♪

Toby: Oh, do you hear that? Do you know what that sound is?

Happy: Daddy losing the mortgage payment?

The sound of money, soon to be my money.

You know they have magic shows here.

Maybe we can go see one.

Ugh. I'm not gonna go anywhere with you in that shirt.

I can't help it if flying makes me sick.

That shirt makes me sick.

Oh, when we're done, I am gonna make my own magic at the card tables.

You wanna bet?

I'll give you a bet: You resist gambling while you're here, I will give you my paycheck for this job.

But, if you make a single wager...

I will get yours.

Yeah, you think you're smart betting me I won't bet.


I'm in, 'cause the only thing sweeter than winning cash will be winning it from you.

We're on.

Mr. O'Brien?


Renee Connelly. We spoke on the phone.

Oh, hi. Nice to meet you.

Uh, this is my team...


We're excited to get started.

We're excited to have you.

My father Bob was very impressed by your proposal.

Specifically, your statistical game theory and analysis of behavioral patterns.

Now, we're really hoping you can help us find out why our highest-take tables are down 1.8 percent, when we have a house edge of .28% with a standard deviation of 1.15.

You know your numbers.

Been in the family business since I was 15.

Know it like the odds of a dealt straight.

Both: 254 to one.

Remind me to keep you guys away from our tables.

No, no, no, we're here to work.

We'll just get settled in our room and start.

Did you book a room?


Oh, no, no, we have that all taken care of.

My dad's been trying to get a 50,000-square-foot expansion off the ground... concerts, private events... he's spread himself so thin, you can see right through him.

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

We can't really afford to lose a dime at the tables.

Okay, guys, while your suite's being prepared, we have reserved this cabana for you.

All meals are on us, so just make yourselves at...

(phone rings)

Hold on one moment, please.

Okay. Thank you.

Oh! Wouldn't want these to go to waste. Mmm!

It's mojito, it's very good.

Guys, can we dial it down a notch, please?

Paige, help me out here.

What? I'm a single mom.

I'm never coming back here.

Okay, guys, my dad's in a meeting, but I can get you up to the penthouse now.

Yes, please. Thank you.

Yes? Okay. Right this way. Lead the way.

What do you think?

Well, this is subtle.

I'm so happy.

Woman: If you need anything, Miss Connelly said you should call her personally, and she'll take care of it.

Thank you.

I have waited for this my whole life.

Can you take a quick pic, so I can text it to Ralph?

Oh, wait... here.

(camera clicks)

Sylvester: I don't believe it.

This bed is sterile.

Let's see what's on the no-pay-per-view.

'Cause it's comped... get it?


Dude... we're here to work, remember?

Now, there's 1.65 times 10 to the 365th power decks in a six-deck shoe.

We need to know all of them to find out why the Crimson is losing money.

Only you could turn blackjack into math homework.

I like math homework.

(dials phone)

Hi, Renee.

I was wondering if we could meet with him sooner rather than later?

Yes! Yeah. Great. Thank you.

Okay, guys, let's uh... (chuckles) let's go.

Yeah! Wouldn't want to spend more than two minutes in the luxury suite. Let's go.

That's $100 a square yard.

How much are you losing per day, at the tables?

Fair enough.

Now, to avoid the cost of re-wiring your ceiling cams, these pressure pads, going under the carpet, will be linked to a Brownian motion program I developed.

It's based on the principle that people naturally move in random patterns.

Well, what if they move around in non-random patterns?

Then they're ripping you off.

Tell me: where the hell's my money gone?

Walter: Sylvester?

Okay, 11 players at three tables, some multiple hands, player success rate is above standard, but the wage rate hasn't deviated, since face card turnover's low.

Okay, so no card counters.

Toby, what about dealer collusion?

I'm not reading any distraction behavior.

Dealer shuffles look standard, per normalizer.

No second deals, high-low pickups, or card swaps.

Walter: All right, pattern from the pressure pads shows randomized movement, so no one seems to be signaling a player from a distance.

I'm sorry, do you have any other angles on that table?

Move cameras 14 and 15 to high-roll blackjack two.

Can you zoom in his hands?

Zoom in on that.

(scoffs) That dealer right there.

Him... he's the reason why you're losing money.

Mr. Connelly, what's going on?

I didn't do anything, I swear.

Yeah, Ronny, uh...

I got an expert here who says your table's been losing us money.

I got a family, I need this job.

I wouldn't steal.

Oh, no... no, no.

He was telling the truth.

He wasn't stealing.

Can I see your hands, please?

Yes? Uh... thank you.

Yeah, yeah.

Now, despite Ronny's stature, he has below-average sized hands, which result in small index fingers, which result in slow dealer speed.

Which results in fewer deals per hour.

Which results in cumulatively large losses.

I'm losing money 'cause this guy's got small mitts?

Yeah, but I just saved you a fortune in future losses.

You just have to fire this gentleman.

What?! It's nothing personal.

You're just not fit for jobs where hand speed, dexterity are paramount.

You're a detriment here.

I'm sorry, Ronny.

Mr. Connelly... (stammers)

Please... (stammers)

This isn't right! This isn't fair!

Hey... quick rundown. Mm-hmm?


You were rude to Toby at the garage, insensitive to Sylvester's fear of flying, and uncaring about that dealer's livelihood.

We were hired to solve a problem, which we did, like professionals, which we are.

Walter: So we've upgraded your security software.

You should be more secure than you were yesterday.

Mr. Connelly: Terrific job. You know, it's rare these days somebody actually delivers on everything they've promised.

Thank you.

Well, that's very kind of you.

Call us whenever you need us.

We will.

Okay. Hey.

Thank you.

Great job.

Sylvester: Well, I can't wait to leave.

The smoke in these places makes me dizzy.

We've got some time before the plane departs.

I'm gonna go hit up some slots.

No, no, no, you need to remove the pressure pads.

Paige: There's enough time for her to both, Walter.

The job's over.

Let your team have some fun.

Okay, fine. I'm sorry.

Go have fun, I'll pack up.

I'll go with you... I told Ralph I'd play a couple games.


But if she's a cooler, I'm peeling off.

Hey, they face the loosest slots towards the entrance to draw in players, so...

I'm like a blind man at a peep show.

What's the point? Mm.

(slot machine blipping)

Toby: Grandma won a $40,000 progressive jackpot.

Isn't that nice?

Guys, those two men in baseball hats, they're going against the grain of the crowd movement.

They're up to something.

Toby: Rigid body language, heads down, checking phones, clearly anticipating something.

Be cool, guys.

A robbery's about to go down.

Man: Everyone on the ground!

(people shouting, screaming)

Happy: Watch out!

Stay down! Stay down!

Stay down! Don't look up! Stay down!

If I see eyes, I'm putting a b*llet in them!

It could have been me.

Thank you.

Don't get sappy about it.

I calculated the trajectory of the b*llet and muzzle length, relative to the position of your torso.

It was physics, not heroics.

And you knew it would only graze the guy behind me?

I didn't calculate his position.

I'm a genius, not Superman.


This is Detective Lou Rake.

Oh, hi, Detective.

Yeah, how you doing, Mr. O'Brien?

Good. Tell me what you saw.

Uh, yes, before the gunmen entered, there were two men, baseball caps, casing the money cart.

So, we know the masked men entered through the main lobby.

The odd thing is, the exterior cameras didn't see them leaving.

No sign at all.

They could still be in the casino?

Well, unis are doing a second sweep, but it's more likely they left another way.

How is that possible?

You tell me.

You're the ones that came here, got involved with the security system just before the robbery.

Oh, are you kidding me?

Mr. Connelly, you can't think I have anything to do with this?

Those cameras you asked to be turned on a table created a temporary blind spot.

Oh, I was just doing my job.

Now I'm just out ten million bucks.

You... what did you see?

Uh, uh, uh. He's already vomited once today.

He was face-down on the floor like everyone else.

What could he see?

That's it. That's it.

We were all on the ground. No one moved except for the robbers. We still have those heat sensors under the carpet.

But the software shows footsteps coming into... this room at the time of the robbery?

There has to be a back exit.

No. It's a storage room.

One door.

Why would they come in here?

Well, maybe to put on your invisibility cloaks?

For the last time, we had nothing to do with the robbery.

Security Officer: Uh, sir?

We were able to isolate something on the casino's mics.

Oh, play it, play it.

Yes, sir.

Walter: Be cool, guys.

A robbery's about to go down.

No, no.

I was just...

No, I know, you were just settling your crew before your pals came in with g*ns.

That's ridiculous.

No, you went up to the control booth, you scoped out the room, you repositioned the cameras, and you were able to call the score a second before it happened.

I observed abnormal behavior patterns, and I warned my friends.

Well, pardon me if I have trouble believing that.

Now you're gonna stay here.

I'm gonna get a warrant to search your room.

You know what, you don't need a warrant, and when you don't find anything, I expect an apology.

All right, let's get to it.

Everything checked, everything.

Oh, not the bed. It was so clean.

(indistinct radio transmission)

Maybe we should call Cabe.

No, absolutely not. Under no circumstances are we calling Cabe.

Stop being stubborn.

This is serious.

They're not gonna find anything.

We didn't rob anyone, remember?

Detective Rake.

Rake: Step away, please.

Thank you.

Oh, the serial numbers match the lot from the cash card.

Whose bag is this?

It's mine, but I didn't take that money.

So it just magically appeared the way those robbers magically disappeared?

I have never committed a crime in my life.

Well, you did hack into NASA.

Shut up.

Cuff him.

You can't arrest him.

Actually, I can.

Oh, don't hold your breath for that apology.

You're under arrest, Mr. O'Brien.

Excuse me.

This is ridiculous; I'm calling Cabe.

I am your employer.

I'm telling you no.

We're a professional company.

We can handle this without calling Cabe.

You're in handcuffs.

I have a plan; don't worry.

Mr. O'Brien, I understand you waived your public defender.

Correct, yes. I-I don't need one since this court can't provide me with a fair trial.

You see, it's my constitutional right to a jury of my peers.

Which means you'd need to find 12 residents of Clark County, Nevada, with an IQ of 197 or above, and I've spent some time in Clark County.

I can tell you that's not gonna happen.

Not good.

There's no option but to release me.


Bail is set at 500,000. (gavel bangs)

Your Honor, on what grounds?

I consider your enormous IQ a contributing factor to flight risk.

Next case.

Uh, this is insane.

Your Honor, Your...

Toby, go get my bail money.

Toby, win my bail money.

Toby, the bet's off. Toby!

Toby, the bet's off!

(sighs) I'd skip the black light app in here.

Ignorance is bliss.

Okay, so we've got to figure out how we're spring Walter.

You heard him; I'm gambling him out.

No, I've seen you after a two-day crap bender.

You get nuts and lose judgment, and I do not trust you doubling down on Walter's freedom.

Speaking of which, we only have, like, two hours until County Clerk Office closes at 5:00.

He'll be held in there all weekend, and the longer he's in there, the better the chance the evidence that could clear him will be lost or destroyed.

Why is that?

If anyone could find out who framed him, he can.

Why do you think only Walter can solve this?

I mean, who ruined you?

My dad.

It was rhetorical.

If we bail Walter out without figuring out who set him up, he's just gonna go to trial eventually and get convicted.

We need to find out who framed him.

Wrong. This is triage.

We need to get him out before anything else.

I disagree.

I'm not sure.

Well, I'm not surprised.

Oh, my God, enough!

You guys have been without Walter ten minutes, and you're already at each other's throats.

Can you win the money fast enough, yes or no?

I got 112 bucks. Sylvester?

I have $80, but if I'm counting cards to avoid detection, I need to keep my bets small.

It could take all weekend to raise the cash that we need.

Which is why you are gonna moneyball the sports book.

Start memorizing players fast.

If you and I can somehow see the surveillance footage outside our suite, maybe we'll spot who planted that money in Walter's bag.

This is ridiculous; I'm completely innocent.

I know. You're the 43rd innocent person I've booked this week.

And I didn't steal no jewelry.

I'm innocent, too.

Like this guy.

Well, that's not true.

The cuts on his knuckles are straight, probably from smashing a window or a display case, but the ones on his fingertips, they're jagged.

The kind you get from the sharpened edges of an uncut diamond.

You been picking up precious stones sometime recently?

I'll k*ll you!


I'll k*ll you!

Whoa. You're dead!

You're dead!

You're dead, smart ass!

Well, Mr. Geologist, if I put you in the gen pop with him, he'll tear your head off.

Looks like you bunking in the drunk t*nk.

That sounds lovely.

All right, ladies, I was able to pull the film, but I only did this to make a point.

(computer beeps)

No one in or out of the room from the time you left until we came back to search for it.

You said you had a point to make.

Yeah, you're all in on it.

We only found cash in your pal's bag, and you turn on him, I'll talk to the D.A., get you a deal. You don't, I'm gonna go after each and every one of you.

Absolutely not.

Look, that window. The angle's from a different floor from the floor we were on.

Give me that picture we took for Ralph.


She posed in our suite. Our floor was perfectly aligned with the tiger's eyes on the casino across the street. The angle on this footage is by its mouth.

This camera was on another floor.

Someone spliced these tapes.

I'm gonna have to look into this.

You do that.

(whispering): That was so badass.

Whoever framed Walter is desperate enough to fudge film and then give it to the cops.

The problem is, Vegas is full of desperate people.

Check it out.

A public hearing announcement for the Crimson expansion building permits.

Renee said her dad was spread real thin financially.

Sounds pretty desperate to me.

Happy: Hey, are the permit applications for the Crimson expansion public record?

Great. We'd like copies of everything you have.

Oh, look at Texas over here.

Oh! Seven!

500 on the over.

(indistinct TV announcements)

You're beautiful, but you don't have an eight.

Well, this is fun!

50 across the board on the nine horse. (grunting)

What's the fourth quarter spread on the New York game?

Got my face with an ace!

Oh, my God!

25... No, 50.

Give me a club so I can beat you with it.

Who plays nine-eight suited?

Eight grand on Cuppa Coffee.

(whoops) Gonna hurt my rotator cuff from repeating this motion over and over.

Come on, Cuppa Coffee.

Come on, Cuppa Coffee. Come on.

Let's go, Cuppa Coffee! Let's go!

Come on, Cuppa Coffee!

Got to the whip! Go to the whip, Cuppa Coffee!


(groans) Okay.


I'm okay.

I'm okay.


Thank you very much.



Uh, excuse me, excuse me.

Uh, yeah, I think I'd be better off with the jewel thief.

I'll tell the concierge you're unhappy with your accommodation.

(door slams)

Okay, so we've got $250,000, which is half of what we need.

All new games are starting, and they're gonna be over past 5:00, which is too late to bail Walter out.

I'm radioactive in the poker room.

No one's gonna go near me now.

I was on fire, man.

That's great, but what do we do?

We only have 40 minutes left.

I can double it at the roulette wheel.

Toby, I don't think that's a good idea.

Toby, you cannot read a roulette wheel.

Like hell I can't.


I thought you guys were gambling down the street.

Toby said this place had better odds.

Sylvester, we think we found something.

We found records that Bob Connelly's massive expansion has been held up for months due to permit issues until very recently.

You think he paid someone off?

This is Vegas.

The payoff was practically invented here.

The guy's tight on cash; his own daughter said so.

It's possible the robbery is really an insurance scam to cover the cost of a permit bribe.

Where's Toby?

That's a bit of a problem.

What the hell are you doing?

Look at how she holds the ball, so gingerly and lightly.

She's a gentle soul.

It's fascinating.

We'll get the rest of the money another way.

She always drops the ball opposite a red.

Maybe her first car was red or her mom always wore red lipstick.

Either way, I got this pegged.

No, you don't. Let's take the money we have and get out of here.

Okay, Paige.

I got this.

No, no, no. No, no. Toby.

Toby, Toby, To... (Toby groans)



Dealer: That's it. No more bets.

I don't even want to look.



(grunts, sighs)


Good to see you again, Ronny.

Of all the gin joints, Einstein has to walk into mine.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Officer: O'Brien.

Lawyer's here to see you.

Thank you.

All right. All right.

You don't have the bail money.

We almost had it. I thought I could get us there at the wheel.

You lost it all on one bet?

We're not going to be able to get you out for the weekend.

Hey, you're the one that sent me in there.

You had to show off, right?

Win too much too fast, probably got iced out in the poker room.

The one time I need you to come through for me, Toby.

We almost had it.

I could feel that we almost had it.

I've heard your pathetic gambling w*r stories for...

This wasn't intentional, Walter.

We have a legitimate company, Toby.

A chance to grow something.

A chance to show...

Show who? Hmm?

Show who? Cabe?

Your father figure that you've just been shaking your ass for since he wandered into the garage.

"Oh, look at me, Dad.

"I'm on the high dive. Look at me, Pop.

I can run my own company."

Save your psychoanalysis for your patients.

How many times have I literally and figuratively had to bail you out?

I'm not the one who got you into this mess.

I'm the one who had to dig through a Salvation Army bin so I could pass as a lawyer and talk to you.

To tell me what? That you messed up again?

You're just always right.

And you love telling everybody that you're right, reminding people that you're right, showing everyone, "Hey, hey, I'm right."


I'm not always right.

I thought I could count on you.

I sure wasn't right about that.

Sylvester, where are we now?

The potentialities of exonerating Walter are terrible.


There's a lot of negative vibes in this room right now.

I think a beer might help.

What would have helped was you not gambling away the bail money.

You know, everyone's acting like we were applying for a bank loan.

We were gambling. There's risk involved.

No, we're not going through with this again.

We've already let Walter down once.

A second time isn't an option.


Are you our new Walter?

You brainiacs can't agree on anything, so I'm stepping up.

Toby: Okay.

What's our plan, boss?

(sighs) Okay.

Bob Connelly was overextended, so it's possible either he or someone working for him put the money in... in his bag.

If we can prove he was in the red, it might establish motive to frame Walter.

That is an interesting theory, but we can't hack into Connelly's financial records because Walter just had to go and install his security overlay.

You can't hack your own software?

Toby: Uh-uh.

Sylvester: No, it's Walter software.

We could follow the steps, but it's millions of lines of code.


There is another way.

I might be able to sniff into their network.

We would have to attach a remote-frequency jump drive with a VPN to Connelly's computer and one to my laptop, and then they could speak to each other.

They could transfer data.

The Crimson thinks we just robbed them of $10 million.

Can't just walk in through the front door.

Then we won't use the front door.

You cost me my job.

I now regret that decision.

I hit the scotch.

I got busted for public intoxication.

To be fair, that part is your fault.

Let's see how my small hands look around your neck.

Apologies in advance.

I'm feeling sick.

I'm pulling your focus with my fingers.

Foreground/background optical adjustment's affected greatly when intoxicated.

Thus causing the onset of spins.

I'm gonna barf.

(sighs heavily)


Just take long, deep breaths.



I know you hate me, Ronny.

But you're gonna have to keep your hands off my neck.

I can evaluate your skills, help to set you on a better career path.

(stifled retching)

Okay. Oh, no, no, no, no.

(gags) Oh, God.

(Toby sighs)

Oh, gosh.

That's hundreds of feet down.

Happy: Hey, project manager, don't lose the receipt.

I doubt I'll ever have use for a crossbow again.

I don't want to sound like Sylvester, but I'm terrified.

Like you said, we can't go through the front door.

Won't exterior cameras see us?

I calculated a 12-degree-angle blind spot.

So don't swing your legs too much, skinny.

I don't see a harness in that duffel bag.

Earbuds in.

You're not terrified right now?

I did the calculations. No problem.

Oh, gosh.

Hey, when I grow up, I want to be you. Good luck.

Luck doesn't exist.

Math and science does.

Paige, just keep Sylvester in the loop.

Sylvester, we're a go on the roof.

Copy that. Be careful.

Toby: Ah. Okay.

Oh, my gosh.

Hey, that's... that's good. That's really...

Good job.

Come on.

Let's go. I'll go.


I can help you.

(Toby yells) You're all right.

You're okay. Don't look.

Okay. Oh.

I really don't want to die in the middle of a dry spell.

It was just one bad run at roulette.

You're gonna be okay.

I'm not talking about gambling.



I'm gonna go now.


(Paige whimpers, Toby yells)


Toby! Don't swing your legs.

Oh... Oh, no.


Toby: I got it.

Oh, my liver.

My bad. I calibrated the line for my weight. (groans)

Come on.

Ladies first.

I've been baking all my life.

I... I never thought I could make money at it.

Well, follow the distribution and marketing schedule I gave you, and your scones will be everywhere.

What's a guy like you doing in here?

A casino was robbed. I was framed. In a nutshell.

I'm in real trouble, Ronny.

Vegas will do that to you.

Sad thing... this is the second time my hands cost me a job.

I came out here to be a magician.

But all the great masters all had long fingers so they could manipulate the cards better.

I could never get to the next level.

I loved magic.

There's this one guy, Great Scott.

He used to play the Crimson back when it was the, uh, Oasis Queen.

He used to disappear from the stage and reappear on Las Vegas Boulevard.

Blew my mind.

That's it.

That's it.

When Great Scott did his show, where was his stage?

Well, the Crimson was remodeled 30 years ago.

That's before Connelly bought it.

Yeah, but I'm pretty sure that the stage was in the northwest corner of the casino.

They got a big storage room there now.

Ooh, that's how they got out.

I need to get this information to my team.

Sorry to tell you, but you're locked up.

Not for long.

That rayon shirt, it's highly flammable.

Uh, can you tear off the sleeve?

My aunt gave this to me.

Tear off the sleeve, please.

You're not gonna get in any trouble. Come on.


Come on. Come on.

Come on, come on, give me...



I wouldn't do that if I were you.

What are you doing?

It has chlorine in it.

Your pants... they got a metal button on them?



I know we're in jail, but I'm not taking my pants off.

No, I need the metal button. I need to rub metal on metal.

Create friction. Come on.

(sighs) All right.

Come on, come on, come on.

All right. Wait.

Don't breathe in the chlorine fumes.

Ronny: What are you doing?

The fumes will warp the pins in the tumbler.

Just listen.


(lock clicks)

Just say you were sleeping the whole time.

Hey. I owe you one, Ronny.

New theory about why you insisted I go first, and it involves you being a perv.

Oh, would you, please?

I'm a doctor.

All gluteus maximi look the same to me.

I mean, that said, I've had worse views.


(grunts, groans)

My kidney.

Sylvester (over earbud): Hurry. Security is inside.

They might be on to us.

Security's coming.

Happy, go. I'll...

I'll distract them.

Guard: Over here!

He's over here.

Sylvester, the jump drive's in.

You can initiate the download.


Checking the signal.

And I'm in. I'm in.

Okay. The computers are talking to each other, and we are getting the files from the casino.


You're parked in a loading zone.

Move it unless you want to get towed.

Oh. Oh, uh...

Um, I don't drive.


Move the car now.


The drive's showing that the transfer has been interrupted.

What's going on?

A mean lady made me move my car!

(horns honking, tires screech)

(elevator bell dings)



Well, hi.


How you guys doing?

Talk to me, Sylvester.

I'm almost back in front of the hotel!

It's the pedal on the right, Grandma.

(horns honking)

I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Okay.

Whoa. Sylvester?

Walter, you're out?

Sylvester, you're driving?

Yeah, I have to get to the hotel for the wireless signal.

Okay, move over, move over.

Come on. No, seat belt, seat belt.

All right, all right.

Happy: Okay, it went through.

Good job.

Walter: Thanks, Happy.


What the hell are you doing out of jail?

What are you doing in the Crimson?

I'm trying to clear your name.

Except now that Toby's gone, looks like I'm gonna be in jail soon enough, 'cause I've got no one to pull me out.

Okay, I can hear voices outside the door.

I'm cooked.

You almost took a b*llet for me; figured I could take a zip-line for you.

Let's go.

Oh... (men shouting)

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Okay, okay.

All right, all right, all right.



(tires screech)

Walter: Hey! SYLVESTER: There they are!

Come on, come on, come on! Guys, come on!

Quick, quick, get in! Get in, get in, get in.

Okay, let's go. Go, go, go!

Walter, how did you get out?

Ronny. You were right, he wasn't such a bad guy.

Call Toby, we can go pick him up.


For all we know, he's hiding in a broom closet.

His phone rings, we can give away his location.

Toby's a street rat; he'll track us down.

He'll be okay.

What's he doing here?

Yeah, caught him sneaking through the ventilation shaft.

I'm just trying to help my friend.

Yeah, tell that to the cops.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

I've had enough bad P.R. with the armed robbery today.

Last thing we need is the press picking up some guys crawling through our vents.

You're gonna let me go?

I'm gonna have you dropped off in the desert, and you can walk back to L.A.

That sounds good.

I'm not really dressed for that, but that...

Okay. All right.

All right, based on what I heard in jail, the odds are there is an inside man who knew about the secret tunnel.

All of Connelly's accounts are financially stable.

Even if he did have to pay someone off, he would've been able to get a bridge loan... easier than faking a robbery.

Sylvester, pull up the blueprints for the casino.

There's a service entrance they would have used to exit that tunnel to their getaway car.

An employee key card's needed to open that door.

So the person that swiped their card to prop open the door before the robbery is the inside man.

We have all the casino's files.

I-I can just pull up a log of all the swipes.

Toby: When this is, uh, all over, and the real robbers are caught, you are gonna feel bad.

Mm, mm, mm.

That's not gonna happen.

Don't be so sure; guilt can be a powerful emotion.

Hold on a minute, what's not gonna happen?

You're not gonna feel bad or the real robbers won't be caught?

You know, Renee, we're pretty far out right now.

I think a seven-hour walk will teach me my lesson just fine.

So you're a genius?

Right now, I'm not feeling like one.

Renee, I'm not really understanding why you would steal from your own casino.

You don't know anything about me, or why I did this.

I don't?

You started working for your dad when you were 15; woman trying to prove herself in a misogynistic business.

Grew up in that place assuming that one day...

Ah! Right there.

It's a subliminal desire to distance yourself.

I hit a nerve right when I said you "Grew up in that place."


That's maybe because it's no longer the place you knew?

Because your dad... is expanding, hmm?

And he's not including you in that expansion.

I have dedicated my life to his casino... to him... and he's giving control to the new venue to some... some guy on the board of directors?

Wow, I was right on the money there.

My partners and I are gonna take the $10 million that I deserve and build our own venue... better shows, better events... and we're gonna drive the Crimson into the ground.

And you... you're gonna send a text.

(cell phone rings)

It's a text from Toby.

"Security just dropped me off in the desert.

"I need you to pick me up at 115 longitude, 35 degrees latitude... directly under Orion's Belt."

I told you, you and casinos don't mix.

Get out the car now!

Time to do some digging.

Hold on. He's supposed to be locked up.

There's something wrong. There's something's wrong here!

(siren whooping)

(officers shouting)

On your knees! Down now!

(siren whooping)

On your knees!

Get on your knees!

Get on your knees!

Told you guys you weren't ready to go out on your own.

How the hell did you know I was in trouble?

Walter called.

Said you texted about meeting underneath Orion's Belt because it isn't visible this time of the year.

Walter figured it out?

All right, turns out Renee's been laundering money for the Jotas for years through the casino.

She's the one that had access to the security film.

Remember when you wouldn't apologize to Walter?

I'm sorry.

For the record, you were a great Walter.

So, uh, you're not gonna say "I told you so"?

Didn't say that, jailbird.

Speaking of jail, I am gonna need you to make a call to get one of my friends out.

A friend in jail?

Long story.

I'm gonna give him a cut of my pay, for a business he's starting.

Happy: Any thoughts on how we're getting home?

I'd prefer it if we didn't fly.

Fine. Get in.

I am glad that my criminal informant managed to break this case open.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Your informant?

I was the sacrificial lamb that made it possible for Happy to get Connelly's computer, not to mention save everyone's life.

(scoffs) Where are you going?


Well, I'm not riding five hours listening to you kids argue.

We're in the middle of the desert.

There's a bus depot four miles west.

Suggest you start walking.

We barely have any money.

Then I suggest you take on another private client.

That's a joke, right?

Really? Okay.

A woman hires us

'cause she wants to prove something to her dad.

We take the job 'cause you want to prove something to Cabe.

And I almost blow the job

'cause I want to prove something to you.

Prove what?


You want to know what the worst thing about what you said to me in that jail was?


You were right.

(chuckles): Come on. No.

We're both too smart to pretend otherwise.

I've been a screwup my entire life.

Bookies and loan sharks... you've pulled my fat out of the fire more times than a fry cook.

You have your weaknesses and strengths, but you're an asset to the team.

Yeah, I'm not talking about being an employee.

I'm talking about being a friend.

All I ever wanted to do was show you I was worth your effort, that I could... that I could be counted on the way I count on you, and I can't do that.

You zip-lined down a hundred-foot drop to help me tonight.

That's a better friend than most people ever have.

You know what? You were right.

When Cabe found me, I was a kid.

He'd send me computers, codes to decrypt.

I never really connected with my dad.

And Cabe filled a void.

So when he said I couldn't do something, it bothered me.

More than I realized.

Well, I think we're out of time for this session.

I have an idea. How much money have you got?

12 bucks. Why?

You give me an hour at the tables, I'll have first-class airfare.

Let's do it.

I met some showgirls in an elevator tonight.


I'm just saying.

♪ ♪
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