02x02 - Beirut is Back

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Homeland". Aired: October 2011 to April 2020.*
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"Homeland" follows Carrie Mathison, a Central Intelligence Agency operations officer with bipolar disorder. Season 5 takes place two years after the previous season and is set in Berlin, Germany, with Carrie no longer an intelligence officer and working for a private security firm.
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02x02 - Beirut is Back

Post by bunniefuu »

President Reagan: Air and naval forces of the United States launched a series of strikes against t*rror1st facilities...

Reporter: Pan Am Flight 103 crashed into the town of Lockerbie.

Reagan: He has sanctioned acts of terror in Africa, Europe and the Middle East.

President George H.W. Bush: This will not stand, this aggression against, uh, Kuwait.

Reagan: This relentless pursuit of terror.

President George H.W. Bush: We will make no distinction...

Reporter: The USS Cole was att*cked while refueling in the port of Aden.

This was an act of terrorism.

It was a despicable and cowardly act.

The next samba we're going to swing for you is one of the good old favorites.

...until something stops him.

Carrie: I'm just making sure we don't get hit again.

Man: That plane crashed into the World Trade Center.

Thousands of people running.

We must and we will remain vigilant at home and abroad.

(speaking Arabic)

Saul: What the f*ck are you doing?

Carrie: f*ck!

Carrie: I missed something once before.

I won't... I
can't let that happen again.

Saul: It was ten years ago.

Everyone missed something that day.

Carrie: Everyone's not me.

Previously on Homeland...

I think her lithium levels are too high.

That is for her and Dr. Rosenberg to decide.

What's going on?

We need your help.

Estes: Do you recognize her?

Fatima Ali, first wife of Abbas Ali.

She's refusing to speak to anybody but you.

If you're gonna ask me to go to Beirut, just ask me already.

Roya: David Estes is briefing you tomorrow morning on homeland security.

There's a safe in his office containing the encryption key to a database of potential targets.

Brody: If you need these, you must be planning to hit one of these targetsnd a justifiable act of retaliation.

He's talking about turning Tehran into a parking lot.

Tad: Well, what if I told you my dad is undersecretary of state?

Yeah, well, what if I told you my dad's a Muslim?

No, seriously, I want to know why she would say such an insane thing.

Because it's true.

That's not supposed to touch the floor.

This..his can't happen.

You have a wife, two kids.

You're a congressman in the running to be vice president.

It cannot happen.

You get that, right?

Yeah, Jess, I do.

Your mom threw my Koran on the floor.

It's desecrated.

So I'm burying it out of respect.

How was your flight?

Carrie: A little bumpy.

They may have made you, Carrie-- gray jacket, yellow stripes crossing El Barghout.

I can lose him, Saul.

If you run, you'll only make it worse.

If they arrest me, this mission is blown.


(dogs barking)

(women praying indistinctly)

Salam alaikum...

Salam alaikum...

Salam alaikum...

(whispering indistinctly)

Carrie: Salam alaikum.

What are you doing here?

I was supposed to come to you.

There was a change of plans.

No one told me.

The man you talked to-- Saul-- he was followed yesterday.

I remembered you always come to Friday prayers.

It seemed safer to meet you here.

You dyed your hair.

And your eyes.

They're contacts, which are k*lling me right now.

He said you're not in the CIA anymore.

That's right.

So you can't speak for them.

Fatima, they just flew me 6,000 miles to talk to you.

What do you have?

Eight years ago you told me there was a reward for Abu Nazir.

Abu Nazir?


$5 million.

That's right.

And you'll fly me out of here to the United States?

I have a cousin in Detroit.

I'll get you there.

I need you to promise me.

I promise, absolutely.

Fatima, tell me what you know about Abu Nazir.

He's meeting my husband tomorrow, here in Beirut.

You can k*ll them both.

(jazz playing)

Well, I just had some distressing news.

Israel's air strikes against Iran's nuclear facilities-- only partially successful.

Yeah, I heard there were rumors.

The rumors are true.

One of the sites is too deeply buried for Israeli ordinance.

They need a bigger b*mb.

Our hosts here have a penetrating bunker buster that will get the job done, but they just told me the president's blocking the export license.

The president himself?

Our commander in chief, so-called.

Well, it's not exactly a secret that Israel has been trying to get our bunker busters.

The cry on the Arab street would be "U.S. bombs Iran."

You really give a shit about the Arab street?

They yell "Death to America," whatever we do.

The president is not protecting this country.

He is just riding out his term, and if that means leaving a nuclear Iran for the next administration to deal with, what's he care?

It falls on me.

I was thinking you could help me with this.

How do you mean?

I'm going to see the secretary of defense tomorrow.

I'll find a discreet way to get this done.

Secretary is a marine.

You could help convince him of the urgency.


You with me?

Of course, yes.

This meeting is strictly off book.

No one can know.


I may have something for you.

What do you mean?

Remember you were asking how you can help Brody, raise his profile?

I met a young man yesterday.

23 years old, lost both his arms in Iraq.

Oh, my God.

Yeah, exactly.

He's part of a group of wounded veterans.

No one wants to see this stuff.

They have trouble getting press.

You, on the other hand, everyone wants to see.

Anyway, they have a fund-raiser coming up, and I, I thought that we could host it together.

You taking this on-- this would be good for the vets and for Brody.

I've never had to do any real fund-raising before.

Only bake sales.


Don't worry, I'll show you how it's done.

Oh, there he is.

Is my husband still off, working the room?

Yeah, I think he'll be a while.

We should go.

So will you think about it?

I'll do it.


Come by the house tomorrow after you pick up Dana from school.





Thank you.

Cynthia wants me to work with this group that helps veterans.

She does?

Yeah, she wants me to, um, work on a fund-raiser.

Is that okay?

You know who's hosting this party, Jess?

They make bombs.

You really want to help veterans, you take out everybody in this room here.


I think she's here.

Thank God, buzz her in.

Call Estes, tell him she's here, and the embassy-- tell them they can call off the search.



Where the hell have you been?


We've been busting our asses trying to find you.

I got clear of that guy who was following you, but there were militia everywhere.

I had to lay low until daybreak.

Well, we'll talk about it later.

Fatima is scheduled to arrive within an hour.

I need to get you briefed.

Not necessary.

I already met her at her mosque.

I remembered she's a regular for Friday prayers.

After you signaled you'd been made, it seemed safer to meet her there.

Carrie, our backup plan was to regroup here.

(laughing): I'm here now.

(laughing): You're missing the point.

Which is what?

I was told this was about an attack on America.

Forgive me, I thought it would be better to meet her sooner rather than later.

Well, we were supposed to meet her together so you could talk to her and I could assess her reliability.

Meaning you don't trust my judgment?

Meaning the entire point of the protocol was to keep your judgment out of it.

We need to arrange another meet here maybe by tomorrow.

Well, that'll be too late.


Her husband Abbas-- he's got a meeting tomorrow morning on Hamra Street with Abu Nazir.

That's what she told me.

I got to get these things out of my eyes.

They're k*lling me.

When did she check in?

Less than an hour ago.

We have a Skype connection ready for you.

Saul asked for Special Ops to be in on the call.

He say why?

No, but Ryan is waiting in your office.


Scott, what have we got?

It's just us two on this side.

Saul asked to keep the circle small.


Okay, you're there.

Carrie, very good to see you.

You had us all worried.

Carrie: I heard.

Go ahead, we're listening.

I talked to Fatima a couple of hours ago.

It was highly interesting.

Her husband Abbas, the Hezbollah commander-- she says he'll be meeting in person with Abu Nazir.

Abu Nazir?

Yes, tomorrow right here in Beirut.

The meet will be on Hamra Street.

I asked operations to cue up the architectural folders for you.

Scott, you might want to take a look.

It's a dense residential area.

So a drone strike is out of the question.

Right. Which means we'd need our people on the ground.

Wait, hold on a second.

These-these drawings you're showing us, they're full of holes.

That's what I wanted you to see.

Area's been controlled by Hezbollah pretty much continuously since the civil w*r.

A lot of it was destroyed then and has been rebuilt, but..hat it looks like now, except for what we can see on the satellite overheads, we'll just be guessing.

So my guys could be walking into anything?

Just to be clear, are you suggesting that the meet is a sham designed to lure us in?

If it were, you couldn't find a better place.

No, that's not what's going on.

Iran has been threatening blowback against the United States if anyone att*cked its nuclear sites.

Well, four have been reduced to dust.

So they're getting ready to do just what they said they would through Abu Nazir.

Let me ask, uh, how does she know?

Your asset, Carrie, how did she get on to this?

She overheard her husband talking on a satellite phone.

Discussing a plot against America?

Arranging to meet Nazir.

While what, wandering through his living room?

No, she overheard it; he was speaking with Abu Nazir.

Whose voice she verified how?



Saul, she seem credible to you?

I'm not really in a position to say.

Uh, I met with her on my own.

At Jumah, morning prayers.

Wait a minute, so, Saul, you heard none of this?

No more than you.

Carrie: Her husband does horrible things to her, David.

She wants out. She asked for $5 million and a flight to Detroit.

This is not some setup; it's real.

Hey, just so I understand, an informant married for years to a Hezbollah commander turns up out of the blue promising Abu Nazir to an ex-agent known to be obsessed with the man.

It's not out of the blue.

No, it's in the middle of an international crisis where Iran is looking for a way to discredit the United States.

They'd like nothing better than some kind of Blackhawk Down situation in a city we're not supposed to be in in the first place.


We're gonna have to get back to you.


ID, please?

Thank you, ma'am.

Here you are.

Thank you.

(Dana exhales)

Well, f*ck me.

Please don't talk like that in there.

I mean, what a dump, eh?

Jessica: Come on, you can do it.

All you have to do is behave for one hour.

A whole hour?

Man, you've got to be kidding!

Hey, Dana, Dad said that, um, you saw him praying.

What was he doing, exactly?

Dana: Exactly?


It was actually kind of weird.


(doorbell rings)

Thank you.





Cynthia, I'd like you to meet my daughter, Dana.

Oh, Finn's told me all about you.

(laughs): Well, that's disconcerting.

Not at all. It's nice to meet one of his friends.

Dana was hoping she could find someplace to do her homework.

Oh, come in.

The library is just upstairs on the right, okay?

Thank you.

Make yourself at home.


I want you to meet the junta that actually runs DC.

We've already decided who the keynote speaker for this fund-raiser should be.


Your husband.

You think you can get him to do it?

(birds chirping)

(laughs softly)


(whispers): - God!

What's your problem?


Well, what are you doing here?

Oh, uh...

I live here.

No. I mean, sneaking up behind me like the walking dead.

I just said hi.

It's a standard greeting.

You can be a real assh*le, you know that?

I can?


You're, like, uh..amous at school now, you know?

For calling Tad a douche?

No, I mean..veryone does that.

I mean, the whole "my dad's a Muslim" thing.

That's a brand-new kind of crazy.

(quietly): Yeah.

The dean called my mom.

She must've thought it was pretty funny.

Actually, she thought it was pretty unfunny.

Yeah, I can see that, too.

What the hell are you doing?

Just trying to picture you in a burka.




Saul: I'm trying, David, I'm trying to verify any part of this woman's story.

I'm coming up blank.

And our best intel puts Nazir in Afghanistan.

Look, Special Ops will do what they're told, but I got to be honest-- everyone here is worried this will end with ambushed American soldiers being dragged through the streets of Beirut.

Everyone here, too.

Estes: Everyone except Carrie, right?

She still trusts her source?

Saul: I don't know what Carrie's thinking right now.

After our conference call she said she had to rest.

Look, Saul, I'm, uh...

I'm gonna need you to make the call on this, whether to proceed.

So it's my decision?

Well, yeah, you're on the ground there.

(laughs): That's an act of f*cking courage.

Hey, you were supposed to be with her the whole time.

Keep her on a short leash; that was the plan.

Hey, for the record, as long as we're covering our asses, I didn't want her here in the first place.

Saul: She's not well.

What did you think would happen?

I don't know, David, I don't know if this woman's for real or if Carrie wants her to be for real.

(Saul continues indistinctly)

(erratic breathing)

(erratic breathing continues)

(erratic breathing continues)

(hits door)

(breathing rapidly)


(rapid breathing continues)

(breathing slows)

(breathing rapidly)

(rapid breathing continues)

(breathing deeply)

(breathing rapidly)


(breathing rapidly)

Saul: Carrie? (sobs)

Couldn't find you.

Come on in.

We don't know who's watching.

It's not lost on me why people don't trust my judgment.

Why you didn't even want me here.


It's not fair, I know, for you to have to be the one to decide.

It f*cked me up, Saul.

Being wrong about Brody, it really... it f*cked me up.

Because I have never been so sure..nd so wrong.

And it's that fact that I still can't get my head around.

It makes me unable to trust my own thoughts.

Every time I think I see something clearly now...

...it just disappears.

(Carrie sighs)

We have a chance to get Abu Nazir.

I know you want to think that.

I won't risk American lives on a hunch. - And I would not ask you to.

I recruited her, Saul, right here in this city.

And it's been eight years, I know--

I know a lot of things can change.

But I helped her through an abusive domestic situation.

I practically saved her life.

And I remember, I remember knowing at the time that one day..he would be ready to leave here, and when that time came, she would be on my side.

The-the way I am now, I wouldn't trust me, either.

But the Carrie who recruited her...

...that one I believe.

Sir? Saul Berenson just called. We're on.

The operation's a go.
Damn it!


Yes... sir?

What is it?

I've lost my car keys.

I got a meeting off campus.

What meeting?

I don't have one on my schedule.

Betsy, could you please just help me here?


So, what would you like me to do with your 5:00?

He's out in the lobby.

Will you just..ell him we'll have to reschedule. Thank you.

Yeah, you could tell him that, but then you'd have to take pretty much endless shit about how you're such a big shot now that you don't have time for your old friends. Nice office.

I'm going to the Pentagon.

You want to ride with me?

So... Congressman.

Oh, don't even.


Walden's future running mate.

Possible running mate.

Me and a hundred other guys.

What can I do for you?

It's about Walker.

Oh, God.

The subcommittee report came out a couple weeks ago on his death.

Read it?

I avoided reading it.

Well, maybe you should take a look.

It says Walker was a lone sn*per.


No, no, not okay, it doesn't make sense.

Look, Walker was the best shot of any of us by far.

Mm-hmm. - He wouldn't have missed the vice president.

Except he did.

Three times.

Only to land a by-the-book k*ll shot on Elizabeth Gaines, some lady who, as far as I can tell, doesn't even matter.

You have to admit..he report doesn't make sense.

So what does make sense?

I don't know, but...

Look, there's something more going on than just Walker and his r*fle.

So what are we talking here, a conspiracy?

The Freemasons? The Illuminati?

It's not just me Brody. All the guys in the platoon... - Which guys?

All of them-- Lauder-- we've been talking.

Lauder, it's the alcohol talking.

He's got a problem, I admit it.

Look, forget about whether Walker was in it alone or not, don't you even want to know who f*cking k*lled him?

Because there's no answers in there, and no one seems to give a shit.

You've got a clearance now.

I'm just asking you to take look at the classified stuff behind the report.

What if there is no classified stuff behind the report?

Just check into it.

Set our minds at ease.

All right, maybe you're right.

I'll make some calls.

Thank you.

The mission against Nazir and the husband is capture or k*ll, depending on how this goes on the ground.

What about Saul and Carrie?

They'll stay under wraps in the safe house until the action on Hamra Street is underway.

At that point they'll have 15 minutes to pick up this informant and get her to the extraction point.

The beach? - Yeah, everything goes right, there'll be a helicopter waiting for the three of them.

Everything better go right.

That's what I promised the President to get him to green-light the operation.

Galvez: Satellite support is up on monitor two.

Thank you.

That's it?

Galvez: Yes, sir. Hamra Street.

Where the meeting with Nazir is supposed to take place.

That's our forward team position, Red One.

They're on the ground, the mission is capture.

Where are the sn*pers?

The sn*pers are Red Two. Please.

These are the views from their scopes.

Range is 400 yards.

They'll take out Nazir if the capture team fails.

The snatch team has infiltrated an empty office down the block.

If Nazir shows up where he's supposed to...

Less than two minutes.

Why'd you stop calling, Saul?

Dr. Rosenberg said I reminded you of work.

That was having a..eleterious effect on your prognosis.

Yeah, that sounds like him.

Ever think we'd be doing this again?

I hoped.

I know, I know.

Don't get used to it.


Okay, we're ready.

JSOC and the Pentagon are looped in.

Keep traffic to a minimum.

Hold on a second.

Yes, sir.

Sorry for the wait.

No, it's okay.

Heard the secretary of defense may have left.

No, he's still here.

There's something you'll want to see.

Special Ops has an operation underway.

Right now, in Beirut.

You don't mean on the ground there?

That's exactly what I mean.

What is it?

Either a major clusterfuck..r a big honking victory.


Here you go.

Okay, there.

We've got movement Right on time.

(shouts in foreign language)

Why are they stopping there?

All right, we've got six tangos west of target area.

Roger, we see.

(shouting in foreign language)

Okay, we've got another vehicle.

Ryan: Six more tangos, east this time.

They've got us pinned in.

How could they know our guys are there?

Because the informant f*cked us.


Shh, quiet.

Ryan: Red One, stand by.

Ryan: We might be okay.

They're just clearing the street.

So they don't know we're there?

No, no, but we're still way outnumbered.

The capture team will never get Nazir out of there alive.

Pull it, pull it.

Ryan: Abort capture.

Red One, stand down.


Red One is standing down.

Ryan: Red Two, stand by.

Red Two standing by.

What's going on?

There's too many hostiles.

They just switched the mission profile from capture to k*ll.

k*ll who?

Who are they clearing the street for?

Abu f*cking Nazir, God willing.

Yeah, I thought you'd be interested.

We've got another vehicle.

Ryan: Red Team Two up.

Two's up.

sn*per: Counting two additional targets.


That's Abbas, the informant's husband.

Who's that with him?

That's Al-Razi.

That's Nazir's lieutenant.

We want to take 'em out now?

No, they came together.

They must be waiting for someone else.

They must be.

Sir, do you want to take 'em out?

Wait, wait, wait, wait, just...

Ryan: Okay, heads up.


This will be it.

Red Team Two, fire discipline is two sh*ts each.

Targets are two in robes.

Ryan: Stand by for third.

Holy shit, it's him.

sn*per: Awaiting confirmation.

Ryan: Primary target is center.

Sandman, fire.


(yelling in foreign language)

Carrie, Saul, we need to move.

Please, we need to move!

What happened?


Did they get him?

Hurry, Carrie.

We got to move it.

Let's go.

Walden: What the f*ck just happened?

We had him right in our sights.

He turned around..omebody warned him.

The son of a bitch.

Get Estes on the phone right now.

Saul: Yeah.

We're almost to the pick up.

I'll call when they're in the air.

Two casualties, both on their side.

Abbas and Al-Razi. g*nf*re's died down on Hamra Street, it looks like our guys made it out.

What about Abu Nazir?

He got away.

Then we've got to loop back and find him.

It's Hezbollah turf, we've only got four people on the ground.

We're lucky they got out when they did.

The important thing now is getting you and Fatima out of here.

Hey, your source came through.

You were right.

I won't have you call this anything but a victory.

Is anyone in the apartment?


Give me your keys.


We just missed Abu Nazir.

Get in the car.

The man he was going to meet lived in this building.

Back in the car! - We can't leave without seeing what's in there.

Back in the car.

Carrie, get back in the car.

Saul: Carrie! Carrie! Carrie!

(speaks in foreign language)

(speaks in foreign language)

(men shouting in foreign language)

(men banging on car)

(men shouting)

Fatima: We should go. We should go.

We wait. We wait!

(distant, overlapping shouting)


We need to go.


Quick! Drive! Drive!

Saul: Get out! Get out!

Drive. Drive.

(tires squealing, engine revving)


(speaking foreign language)

(distant shout)


(shouting in foreign language)


(men shouting)

(speaking foreign language)



(rumbling footsteps)

(speaking foreign language)



(panting, overlapping chatter of men)




(Carrie groans, man grunts)


(man shouting)



I got you. Follow me.

(distant shout)

There! Now!

(tires screeching)

What the f*ck, Carrie?

What the f*ck?!

Out of here.

Are you okay?

(tires squealing)



Nazir sends his gratitude.

How did they know?

An informant.

We think it was Abbas's second wife.

I'm a congressman.

You get that, right?

A U.S. congressman.

I cannot be texting secret messages while I am surrounded by the f*cking Joint Chiefs!

I know it's been difficult.


I'm not your guy.

We just took a hit.

We lost two in Beirut.

Your role is more important than ever now.

I've done my role.

(breathing loudly)

He needs you.

I'll stay in touch.

(car door closes, engine starts)

(rock music plays quietly in the background, crowd chatter)

(sighs heavily)

Lauder: I want you to stand right here when you come back.

The honorable Nicholas Brody!

Just calm down, okay?

Hey, I'm happy to see him.

He's my congressman.

You vote for me, Lauder?

Next time.

Being I'm so impressed with your constituent services.

So... what did you find?


They don't know who k*lled Walker.

And there's nothing in the classified materials that sheds any light on it.

But you looked?

I told Mike I'd make some calls, and I did.

Well, gentlemen, am I f*cking clairvoyant or what?

Okay, enough, enough.

I said... I said this guy was going to come in with jack shit, which is exactly what he's done.

What do you want?

I want to see you flex some g*dd*mn congressional muscle and get to the bottom of this thing.

There's nothing to get to the bottom of, Lauder.

No? What about Walker never missing a shot in his entire life, and that day, suddenly missing three?

What about that whole f*cking gavotte on the steps of the State Department being a damn distraction...

For what?!

Nothing else happened.

If that was the distraction, what was the main event?

That's what we were stupid enough to think that we'd find out from you!

Mike: All right.

All right, both of you.

Settle down.

Walker is dead.

That's right.

A brother marine.

And it is f*cking unbecoming, your lack of interest in the truth of his demise.

You want the truth?

Walker broke.

He gave up everybody's position including yours, all of you here.

I was there.

I heard it.

And I know you're all waiting for some other explanation that somehow keeps Walker the guy you knew, but the fact is, Walker is not the person you think he is.

He stopped being a marine the day he turned traitor.

Walker may have lost his mind, but he did not lose his aim.


Shut up, Lauder. Just shut up.

(lock clicks)


Hey. It's getting late.

Lights out soon, huh?

Yeah, in a minute.


By the way, um, mom is going to ask you to speak at this fund-raiser thing, and she's pretty serious about it, so... I'd say yes if I were you.

Thanks for the heads-up.

Who are you talking to?

No. You're right.

It's none of my business.

No, it's okay. It's just..fter everything that happened in school, you're not going to believe it, but, um...

Finn Walden.

The moron?


Okay, I guess I was wrong about him.

I made a mistake.

It happens.

You okay?


Good night, sweetheart.

Well..ust be a relief to be home.


I mean, yeah.

I know you must have heard this from everyone and their brother, but thank you.


A beautiful house, by the way.

Ah, it's not mine.

Take care.

(door creaks open)

(keys jingling)

(clock ticking)

(clock chiming)



(seagulls cawing)

Saul: Anything?


I have some names and addresses, but nothing seems to be of any importance.

I think it's just the wife's junk.

Let's ship it off to Langley, see what they can find.

(keyboard keys clicking)

You look exhausted.

Get some rest.

I'll pack it up.



My name is Nicholas Brody, and I'm a sergeant in the United States Marine Corps.

I have a wife and two kids..ho I love.


By the time you've watched this, you'll have read a lot of things about me.

About what I've done.

That's why I wanted to explain myself.

So that you'll know the truth.
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