01x10 - Representative Brody

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Homeland". Aired: October 2011 to April 2020.*
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"Homeland" follows Carrie Mathison, a Central Intelligence Agency operations officer with bipolar disorder. Season 5 takes place two years after the previous season and is set in Berlin, Germany, with Carrie no longer an intelligence officer and working for a private security firm.
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01x10 - Representative Brody

Post by bunniefuu »

President Reagan: Air and naval forces of the United States launched a series of strikes against t*rror1st facilities...

Reporter: Pan Am Flight 103 crashed into the town of Lockerbie.

Reagan: He has sanctioned acts of terror in Africa, Europe, the Middle East.

President George H.W. Bush: This will not stand, this aggression against, uh, Kuwait.

Reagan: This relentless pursuit of terror.

President George H.W. Bush: We will make no distinction...

Reporter: The USS Cole was att*cked while refueling in the port of Aden.

This was an act of terrorism.

It was a despicable and cowardly act.

The next samba we're going to swing for you is one of the good old favorites.

Until something stops him.

Woman: I'm just making sure we don't get hit again.

Man: That plane crashed into the World Trade Center.

Thousands of people running.

We must and we will remain vigilant at home and abroad.

(speaking Arabic)

Saul: What the f*ck are you doing?


Carrie: f*ck! I missed something once before.

I won't... I
can't let that happen again.

Saul: It was ten years ago.

Everyone missed something that day.

Carrie: Everyone's not me.

Previously on

You're telling me the f*cking CIA thinks I'm working for Al-Qaeda?

I think you're working for Al-Qaeda.

We were wrong about Brody.


I was-I was wrong.

This weekend, this time that we spent together, it was real.

Hey, Carrie, f*ck you.

I pray every day that you never lose sight of what you committed to do in Issa's name.

"The house must be strong to keep them safe."

That's truly excellent.

Walden: A drone m*ssile hit and destroyed part of a compound in the mountains of Northern Iraq.

The images being broadcast of the bodies of 83 dead children allegedly k*lled in the strike, we believe to be false,
created by the t*rrorists for propaganda purposes.

The vice president-- the man most instrumental in the drone attack that k*lled young Issa-- is going to ask you to run for political office.

Say yes. That will be a signal to Nazir that you are still committed to do this.

Aileen just ID'd Tom Walker.

He's the t*rror1st.

Tom was dead.

That's what they told me.

Carrie: What we need to do is find him before anything happens.

Zahira: Walker-- he meets with a man to do business.

He drives a car with the diplomatic plates.

Saul: That's it on the left-- home of our Saudi diplomat.

What if Mr. Zahrani doesn't give us anything anytime soon?

We'll figure out an elegant way to lift and interrogate him.

(saxophone playing jazz riff)

Saul: What do we know? Very little, that's what.

But in our line of work, sometimes very little is just enough.

Take Mansoor Al Zahrani.

Mild-mannered second secretary
of the Saudi embassy.

Seen here going to work three days ago.

We surveilled him 24/7.

We've listened to every phone call he's made in the last week.

We pawed through his professional life, his financial life, his personal life.

In short, we turned him upside down and we shook real hard.

Two items of interest fell out.

Item one--

Al Zahrani's in debt to the tune of about $750,000, all due to investments even I'd know better than to make.

Item two--

Al Zahrani's gay.

He's got three wives, ten children.

He's a devout and conscientious Muslim.

Yet, every Thursday when everyone thinks he's out jogging in Rock Creek Park, he's in fact, visiting this bathhouse off Dupont Circle.

We managed to get inside during his most recent visit.

As you can see, he's a naughty boy.

I believe that item one and item two will get us what we want, which is for this son of a bitch to tell where Tom Walker is and what he and Abu Nazir are plotting.

Most of Al Zahrani's debt is carried by a private equity bank called Market Security.

As I said, we don't have much, but we definitely have something.

(jazz playing)

William Pritchard?

That's me.


I'm Carrie Mathison.

You're really a spy?

Uh, an intelligence officer actually.

This is very cool.

Can I tell my wife about this?


Even cooler.

As I mentioned on the phone, we're interested in one of your clients-- Mansoor Al Zahrani.

Yeah, I pulled his file.

Makes dismal reading.

How'd you like to cause him some pain?

I'd rather have the money he owes us, but short of that, pain might be satisfying.

What can I do?

We'd like to borrow your bank.

You sure I can't tell my wife?

(vehicle doors closing)

(knocking on door)


Sergeant Brody?


We need to check your house, sir.

What the f*ck?

We're Secret Service, sir.

(door opening)

Sergeant Brody, sorry for the intrusion.

Everyone's a little on edge because of your sn*per buddy I'm afraid.

I have to ask-- is Walker as good a shot as they say he is?

Yes, he is.

Too bad for us.


Clear the room.

I'm very impressed with the way you've handled coming back to the real world.

Thank you, sir.

Representative Richard Johnson-- mean anything to you?

I watch the news.

How would you feel about running for his seat in the upcoming special election?

I would consider it a honor to work with a man who's actually fought the w*r on terror.

Who's lived among the enemy, and understands them.

What do you think?

You interested?


I'm interested.

Good news, good news.

I'd need to talk to my wife first.

Is that a problem?

To be honest, it could be.

Well, we need her on board.

She's half the story.

w*r hero returns home after eight years' imprisonment to his beautiful, loving wife.

I'm sure you'll be able to convince her.

(clicks tongue)

Agent: On the move.

(door closes)

Al Zahrani's got diplomatic immunity.

That may not mean much to you people, but to us mere mortals in the State Department, that's a serious issue.

We're not dragging him to Tunisia.

We're not waterboarding.

We'll be very polite and gentle.

I just want to ask him some questions during his lunch hour.

The CIA's not even supposed to be operating on American soil.

It's against your own charter.

This is the FBI's job.

Saul: Al Zahrani's running a t*rror1st cell out of the Saudi embassy.

He and Tom Walker are planning an attack on the United States.

f*ck the charter.

He doesn't mean that.

Yes, I do.

You don't know if this thing will work.

You grab the guy...


You entice the guy into the bank, and then what?

You got a couple of hours maybe.

We figure two at the outside.

You have two measly hours before the Saudi embassy starts missing him.

What if he doesn't turn?

Being gay in Saudi Arabia is like being the Antichrist here.

I'm aware of our cultural differences with Saudi Arabia.

If Al Zahrani doesn't turn and we blow the whistle on him, he can look forward to losing everything.

I mean everything.

I see no compelling reason not to do this.

Were you not listening?

I just gave you ten of them.

I'm going to the secretary on this one, David.

And I will be appending all of my objections right on the f*cking order.

Append away.

Carrie, I want you to run the interrogation.

Shouldn't it be Saul?

Al Zahrani will be thrown if it's a woman.

Might give us some leverage.

David's right.

Everything we know about Al Zahrani's in here.

Are you sure you're okay with my doing this?

You're the right person for the job.


I'm fine.

Remember what you said to me way back about getting the truth out of these guys?


You're trying to find what makes them human, not what makes them t*rrorists.

Sounds like good advice.

Better get started.

Oh, Jesus. You scared me. Sorry.

Kids get to school okay?

Yeah, with the usual hysterics.

Chris is convinced he's the worst athlete in the entire eighth grade, and Dana's convinced she's a lesbian, 'cause boys disgust her.

What's going on?

While you were gone, I had a visitor.


Vice President of the United States.

In our house?

It's a mess.

I doubt he noticed.

What did he want?

You remember Congressman Johnson?

That poor bastard we saw on the TV at Gaines' house?

He's resigning, and they want me to run for his seat.

I knew it.

You said no, right?

Well, I said I'd talk it over with you first.

You're actually considering it?

You can't be serious.

Well, what else am I gonna do?

Hell, stay in the Corps and go back to Iraq? Brody, we're just getting our lives back on track.

We're just getting our marriage back on track.

And you want to go into politics?

We'll never see you.

It'll be like you're leaving us all over again.

I'll carve out plenty of time for you and the kids.

No. Absolutely not.

You cannot do this.

I think I can make a difference.

Do you want our family to be dragged through the mud by every newspaper and cable news channel in the country?

Because that's what's gonna happen-- they're gonna dig for dirt until they found it.

You don't know that.

Me and Mike.

You and that CIA lady you f*cked.

Don't be naive.

It'll all come out, every last gory detail.

I got to go change.

I seem to have become one of those women who takes her kids to school in her pajamas.

Virgil: Wives.

Three-- Zahra, Hala and Yasmeen.

He met Zahra when they were both 15.

An arranged marriage, of course.

He had his first five children with her.

(groans) Um...

Farid, Suhail...

Gamila, Huda and Wadiya.

How can someone be 15 and married?

What could a 15-year-old possibly know about the intricacies of a relationship, about taking care of a family?

More than you do?


(phone ringing) (sighs)


Hey, it's me, Brody.

You there?

Yeah, I'm here.

I need to see you.


It's personal.

Well, when?


I-I can't.

How about tomorrow night?

What's wrong with tonight?

I'm working.

Yeah, she's working.

Who's that?

Uh, nobody.

It's a... a neighbor.

You sure you can't make it tonight?

Yeah, I'm sure. Sorry.

Okay, tomorrow.

When and where?

We could go to that bar.

Why don't I just come to your place?

Oh... Okay. Sure.


I'll text you the address.

Okay, great.

See you then.

Hot date?


So you're texting your address to a plumber?

It's none of your f*cking business who I'm texting my address to.

So you think we have enough?

You think Al Zahrani will turn?


Well, you know as well as I do, there's guys who roll over and beg and mercy, and then there's those other guys who get all heroic, and are willing to die for the cause.


He's here.

Are you good?

Eye contact, please.

I'm good.

Good. It's good that you're good.

Good is a good thing.


Eviscerate the m*therf*cker.



They told me I might find you in here.

Working on your jump shot?

Something like that.

How's the jaw?


I'm sorry, dude.

I was way out of line.

No. I deserved it.

What do you want, Brody?

I'm telling you, man, this whole coming home thing is tough.

I hear you. I'm either parading around like a toy soldier or doing the f*cking laundry.

I need to be of service.

I need to do something that matters.

I've been asked by Vice President Walden to run for congress.

You f*cking serious?


Jess doesn't want me to do it.

She's exercising her veto rights.


I think she's afraid of being in the limelight.

You want to do it?

I got to do something.

Either that or I keep being pulled back into f*cking Iraq.

It's messing with my family.

I get these moods.

I'm no fun to be around.

Hey, Mikey, you and, uh..ou and Jessica..ou didn't do anything wrong.

And I can't blame you for whatever happened.

You thought I was dead.

And I know you guys got close.

And I'm sure it's not easy for you to say good-bye to each other.

And, um, this whole situation is entirely f*cked up.

Talk to Jessica.

Tell her how much this means to me.

I got to get my family back together.

And, um... she'll listen to you.


Hey, something else.

You took care of my kids.

I'll always be grateful.

Pritchard: Right this way.

We'll get it all sorted out.

Mansoor Al Zahrani, I'd like to introduce you to Eli Soodik and Carol Sweetzer, my top loan officers.

They'll lay out the details of your debt restructuring.

I'll leave you to it.

I'm around if you need me.

Carrie: Security.

It's an unfortunate necessity these days.

Security for what?

It's not like you're going to hand me cash after all.

Please sit down.

Let's begin.

We have some questions we'd like to ask you.

We don't have much time.

We need to get you back to your embassy by the end of lunch hour.

You're not loan officers.

Who are you?

I would like to leave now.

I'm afraid we can't allow that.

You're CIA?


Whoever you are, you can't hold me.

I'm a Saudi diplomat.

I have diplomatic protection.

You know what, I'm going to call my embassy right now.

This is outrageous.

I will not allow it.

My ambassador will go straight to the White House and you will both lose your jobs.

Why don't you take a look at these photographs.

Then you can call anyone you want.


I will not betray my country.

Of course not.

Sit down please.

You owe Market Security $750,000.

Your salary at the Saudi embassy is $170,000 a year.

You've sold all of your stocks in the past three years.

You have no savings.

You have no other real estate holdings.

Is that a fair summation?

Your point?

You're spending more than you make.



Is that a crime?

No, not in and of itself, but it is curious to note that you are somehow meeting all of your financial obligations.

What's in Geneva?

Cuckoo clocks.

Why have you traveled there six times in the past year?

Business for my government.

Well, our friends in Switzerland inform us that on the morning of last Saturday, you had breakfast at the Beau-Rivage Hotel with a man named Faraz Sabbaq.

He handed you an envelope.

You then carried this envelope to the Clariden Leu Bank on Rue Francois-Versonnex.

20 minutes later you exited the Clariden Leu Bank without the envelope.

You should know that Swiss officials had their eyes on Sabbaq, and then you of course, because he is a trusted courier for Abu Nazir.

I don't know Abu Nazir.

Abu Nazir gives money to Sabbaq, Sabbaq hands money to you, you deposit the money in a Swiss bank and use it to pay your bills.

Why lose everything for a cause you don't even believe in?

You're obviously not a zealot.

You don't believe in radical Islam. You love the West.

No more questions.

I am done talking to both of you.

Do you really want me to share these photos with your wives, your children, your parents, your ambassador?

Go ahead.

Tell everyone you want.

Tell them all, I don't care.

I suck cock and I love it.

Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy.

My wives already know.

They don't care.

They love me.

So f*ck it, huh?

And f*ck you.

Put me on CNN.

I'll admit to everything.

Now I would like to go back to my embassy.

Sit the f*ck down!

I'm not finished!

Oh, I think you are. Mr. Al Zahrani, I'd like to remind you...

You love your children very much, don't you?

Do you have a favorite?

No, of course not.

I think Janine is your favorite.

She is a very remarkable young woman, but all of my children are remarkable.

Not one of your other children is a sophomore at Yale majoring in political philosophy.

Not one of your other children was a National Merit Scholar.

Not one of your other children has spent two full days with you at the Phillips Gallery, happily looking at your beloved Impressionists.

We would deport her.

And we would make sure that she was not welcome in England, or Germany, or France, or Italy, or even all-forgiving Scandinavia.

We would make sure that she had no choice but to go back to Saudi Arabia and get fat and wear a burkha for the rest of her miserable life.

What do you do for Abu Nazir in return for the money he gives you?

What do you do for Abu Nazir in return for the money he give you?

I keep my ears open.

Tell him what the Saudi government is thinking.

General information.

You met with Tom Walker at least three times at the Mount Olivet Mosque last week, correct?


Tom Walker is working for Abu Nazir?


Was he meant to sh**t the president from the roof of a house near Ronald Reagan Airport?

I don't know anything about that.

Where is Tom Walker now?

He's lying low.


I don't know.

What's his current assignment?

I don't know.

When will you know?

When Abu Nazir decides to tell me.

What the tradecraft for setting a meeting with Walker?


I put my child's drawing of a red heart in the window of my living room.

When would the meeting take place?

The next day at noon.


Farragut Square by the fountain.

Saul: Mr. Al Zahrani, I'd like you to go back to your house now, put that drawing in your window tonight.

Tomorrow afternoon, I'd like you to proceed as you normally would to meet Tom Walker.


So I'm bait?

You're bait. You're free to go now.

What happens to me after all of this?

Go about your business, live your life. We say nothing to Saudi intelligence about your connections to Abu Nazir, you say nothing to Abu Nazir about our little get-together. You work for us now. Welcome to the CIA.

Oh, damn it! Ow.
(doorbell ringing)



Hi. Come in.

No, it's better if I stay out here.

Oh, okay.

How have you been?


Brody came to see me.

He did?

Apologized for slugging me.

He said he doesn't blame either one of us for anything.

I mean, Christ, he even thanked me for taking care of the kids.


I know.

He's trying, Jess, he's really trying.

He told me about being asked to run for congress.

Told me you were against it.

I'm just thinking of the family.

What's best for the family.

Jess, right now, Brody's a marine without a mission.

He's a lost man wandering around in the fog.

This thing, really means a lot to him.

He wants to be of service.

He wants to do this.

Let him.

He'll be a better father, a better husband.

He put you up to this.

Yeah, he did.

So what?

He's right.

That's unbelievable.

He comes to you and now here you are, on his behalf?

It's a little incestuous, isn't it?

Why don't we all just take off our clothes and get in bed together?

Jess, come on.

I got to go.

(door opens)

(mellow jazz playing)

(doorbell ringing)

Hi there.


Come on in.

Miles Davis.

Do you like jazz?

I don't know anything about it.

Here we go.

Oh, no thanks.

I really just came around to ask you something.

I need you to be honest.


Does anybody at the CIA know about our weekend up at the cabin?


You didn't tell anybody?


You sure?

Yeah, I'm sure.

Is there any way they could find out?

Not unless I did tell them.

Which you wouldn't do.

Believe it or not, I value my privacy.

Why the concern?

I've been asked to run for political office.

Political office?

What are you talking about?

Vice President Walden wants me to run for Congressman Johnson's seat.

Really? Wow.

Well, that's....

That's surprising.

I don't want to do it if there's even a chance the media would find out about us.

I can't do that to Jessica.

I've been shitty enough as it is, and she deserves better.

And she's going to get it.

Jessica will never know.


I should get back home.

Yeah, I'm beat.

It's been a rough day.

You promise me this will stay between us?

I promise.


Good night.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪
♪ ♪
♪ ♪

Off to work we go.

(engine starts)

Virgil: All right, we're about 20 minutes out.

Excuse me.

Saul, any sign of Walker?

Nothing yet.

We got 15 of our people in the square.

And Carrie's running point down there.

Remember, everybody, Walker is armed and dangerous.

We don't want a firefight.

We're here to nab him, not spook him.

Saul: Don't move until Walker's in the grab zone.


I know the protocol, Saul.

This isn't my first polka.

Saul: Whit, how you doing?

sn*per One in position.

Virgil: We're passing National Cathedral.

Traffic is loosening up.

We should be there any minute.

Any sign of Walker?

Quadrant report.

Man: North. No Walker.

Man 2: East. Nothing.

Woman: West. Nothing.


Man 3: South. Nothing.

Okay, we're here.

Virgil: Al Zahrani's moving into to Farragut Square, southwest corner.

I got Al Zahrani.

Where the f*ck is Walker?

Carrie: I'm looking.

I'm looking.

Carrie: Zahrani's approaching the fountain.

Bait is set.

Ten o'clock.

Possible Walker.

He's... got a green watch cap.

Black fleece.

He's carrying a briefcase.

Target in range.

Saul: Whit, don't get trigger-happy.

You're just there in case this whole thing goes to shit.

Looks like he's headed to the fountain all right.

Nobody makes a move until Walker's in the grab zone.

Carrie: I can't see his face.

I need visual confirmation.

Finklestein, you're up front.

Go for a clear view.

Finklestein: Roger that.

Carrie: Franklin, Patrelli, approach him from the east.

Franklin: 10-4.

Patrelli: On it.

Saul: He's approaching Al Zahrani.

I want that positive ID now.

Carrie: Shit. Finklestein?

Finklestein: I'm trying.

Franklin? Patrelli?

Franklin: It could be Walker.

It's hard to tell.

His head's down.


Patrelli: Black male, six feet, clean-shaven, athletic.

I can't tell.

He's carrying the briefcase in his left hand.


Walker's right-handed.

What about his watch?

Can anybody see his watch?

Saul: It's on his right wrist.

I don't like this, Saul.

Should I engage?

Saul: Negative.

Carrie: What's in the briefcase?

Saul, what's in the f*cking briefcase?

Saul: Wait for my command.

Whit: Copy that. Shit.

Sorry. Pull back.

Pull back.

Get everyone out of here.

(buttons beeping)

Carrie: Everyone, get out of here!

(car alarms blaring)

(phones ringing)

(car alarms blaring)




(high-pitched ringing)

(no audio)

(ringing continues)

The expl*si*n occurred during the busy lunch hour and k*lled five people, wounded dozens, and shut down the city Metro line.

(door opens and closes)

FBI special agents have joined D.C. police in cordoning off the area.

It was a su1c1de bomber-- a t*rror1st attack right here in D.C.

We don't know that.

It's just unbelievable.


Hey. Listen.

It's probably just some crazy guy who learned how to make a b*mb on the Internet.


The most important thing is not to panic.


Where are the kids?

They're doing their homework.

Are they okay?

They're scared.

All right.

I'll go and talk to them.

Hey. Did you think any more about the, uh, politics of it all?

Mike delivered your message.


I told the kids about the vice president wanting you to run.

You told them?

We discussed how it would affect our future, that there would be publicity and scrutiny and gossip... (sighs) but in the end, we all agreed that we wanted you to do it.

Just to be clear, are you saying yes?

Just promise me I won't lose you again.

I promise.

Then yes.

It's a yes.

(rhythmic beeping)


Thanks for coming out, folks.

(camera shutters clicking)

Dr. Steiner says you're going to live.

All you got was a really bad concussion.

No more head bashing for a while.

Cut back on the drinking.

Otherwise, you're good to go.

Get some really good dr*gs and a week's rest before you head back to the glue factory.

I'd love some good dr*gs and a week's rest.

Lucky you.

In case you're wondering about the bomber-- black guy with the briefcase-- his name was Samuel Everett.

Homeless guy.

Walker met him at the shelter.

Must have paid him to go meet Al Zahrani.

How did Walker know?

Who warned him?

Same person who slipped Hamid a razor blade so that he could slash his wrists.

And the same person who warned Raqim Faisel and Aileen Morgan that we were onto their safe house near the airport.

You were right.

Abu Nazir has someone inside the U.S. government.

Reporter (on TV): We take you now live to the Capitol steps where the vice president is set to make his announcement.

Sergeant Brody is exactly the kind of congressman we need.

His strength of character is beyond question...

Turn it up.

And he is resolute in the fight against terrorism, which struck at the heart of this nation's capitol just yesterday.

He will be equally resolute in the fight against runaway spending and profligate management at the highest levels of government.


Brody: It gives me great pleasure and pride to stand here today before you having been given the generous opportunity to serve.

You know, what I really came to understand lying in a dark hole for eight years in the Middle East was that service for your country is the highest calling.

Sacred and profound.

(applause, cheering)

(turns TV off)
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