04x03 - Pretty Red Balloon

Complete collection of episode transcripts for seasons 1 - 7. Aired: September 2008 to February 2015.*

Moderators: Maggiemay19, Maggiemay19

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A famous "psychic" outs himself as a fake and starts working as a consultant for the California Bureau of Investigation so he can find "Red John," the madman who k*lled his wife and daughter.
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04x03 - Pretty Red Balloon

Post by bunniefuu »

You all set for tomorrow?

12 o'clock sharp, we're ready.

You're talking about lunch?

That sounds civilized.

You got the memo.

We're talking about the mandatory seminar on budget protocols.

Oh, have fun with that.

You're coming too, Jane.

You're joking, of course. I don't do seminars.

Oh, you do when they're mandatory.

No, I'm a consultant.

Too bad.

They're checking attendance. You have to sign in.

Oh. Okay then. Um...

"Patrick Jane."

Just, uh, copy that down for me.

Forge your signature?

That's against the rules.

Is it?

I'm not gonna tell anyone.



I understand your precarious emotional state, given you've just gotten your job back, and your sensitivity to the bureaucrats that are watching your every move.

They are.

Yes, but that's your thing.

I gotta be me. I can't change who I am.

No, but you can change where you are tomorrow at 12:00.

It's not gonna happen.

You think this is funny?

We got a missing child— Marin County.

Snatched from a school bus stop two hours ago.

The mother asked for us specifically.

Rigsby is gonna meet us downstairs.


Van Pelt, set up a command post here.

Liaise with the Marin sheriff. Tell him we're on our way.

It's good to have her back.

Mm. Yes, it is.

Our missing boy— 9 years old, only child.

Another kid was walking to the bus stop, and he saw a vehicle peeling out with our boy Conner Flint in it.

The man behind the wheel was wearing a hoodie.

Description on the vehicle?

Big and dark. The kid's only 8 years old.

Could it be a custody kidnapping?

The woman was widowed two years ago.

Her husband died of cancer.

Looks like there's family money, but there's no ransom demand yet.

Start with the bus stop?

Yeah, you and Cho.

Jane and I will question the family.

What's the mother's name?

Elizabeth Flint.

(Turns off engine)

(Police radio chatter)

(Gasps) Patrick! Ohh. Thank God you're here.

Hello, Beth.

(Beth sighs)

I have everything ready for the reading.

I'm gonna do everything I can to help, Beth, I promise, but, uh, I need to you know, I'm—I'm not a psychic anymore.

What? Wh-what do you mean?

Well, I mean, I'm not...

Well, I-I never really was a psychic.

No, I'm not no, what are you— what are you saying?

No, I-I know thatyou are.

Look, you... (Sighs)

Please. Please help me find Connor.

You—you have a connection with him...


So let's— can we get started?

Um, I have this locket, and it—it has his picture in it.

Excuse me, ma'am. I'm sorry.

Patrick, I'm so happy you're here.


Would you excuse u for a moment?

I'm glad you're here.

I-I'm sorry.


(Exhales deeply)

She's an old client.

Uh, yeah.

This is a mess we don't have time for.

That boy is out there somewhere, and this psychic stuff is a distraction.

I think you'd better leave.

Can't say I disagree.

Hello. Is Beth inside?

And you are...

I'm Agent Lisbon. We're with the CBI.


Nathan Glass.

When Beth called me and told me about Connor, I came over right away to see what I could sense.


I'm Beth's spiritual advisor.

A psychic?

Yeah. She's expecting me. Excuse me.

Second thought...

(indistinct conversations)

(Police radio chatter)

(Speaks indistinctly)

Forensics found the kid's phone in the bushes over there.


Has the amber alert gone live?

Yep. No tips yet.

Deputies shut down the surrounding streets right after Connor went missing.

There's some unpaved trails in the woods that maybe a vehicle could get through.

We got checkpoints up, but...


Cho: Hey, Van Pelt, we get a ransom demand yet?

No, and I don't think we're going to. (Sighs)

There have been two other abductions in the bay area with a similar M.O.— young boys snatched while waiting for the bus— but there were balloon animals found at those scenes, and they think that's how the guy lured the kids.

What happened to those boys?

ME estimates both boys were strangled approximately 12 hours after they vanished.

Which means Connor has only about eight hours.

(Indistinct conversations)

I talked with Connor about safety all the time.

You know, i-if a stranger grabs you, just kick, punch, scream, anything to get away.

You know, I-I... I told him.

Shh. It's not your fault. You taught him well.

Everyone who knows you knows that you're a perfect mom.

How well did you know Connor?

Beth and I have been working together for two years, since her husband passed over.

I feel like I've watched him grow up.

Connor's such a great kid. He's kind and funny and smart.

Beth, uh, did Connor always take the bus to school?

It uh, my brother.

Um, he thought it would do Connor good.

Deke Hutton. He lives here.

Um, yes, ever since James died, and—and I-I agreed with him about the bus.

You know, I-I didn't want Connor to grow up sheltered, and Jonathan supported it, too.

Jonathan is my, um, my grown stepson.

He's, um, Connor's brother.

You know, he— actually, he owns this house.

He's letting Connor and me stay as long as we want.

Nice guy.

And where are Deke and Jonathan now?

Um, they're with our—our bankers.

If— if this is, uh, a-a ransom-type thing, I— we would need to have a lot of cash.

Yes, if it is.

You— you you can find him.

You—you and Nate, you can work together.

I know that you can—

I know you can see where he is, so...

(Voice breaking) Sowe can bring him home.

Mr. Glass, would you excuse us?

Beth, don't worry. I'll be outside, okay?


Beth, please have a seat.


Okay. Just breathe and relax.

(Inhales and exhales deeply)

I need you to hear this, okay?

I'm not a psychic.

I never was.

I was a con artist.

I took your money, and I told you lies.

No, they—they weren't lies.


No. No. You— you know they weren't.

No, i-if you're— if you're not a psychic, then—then why are you working with the police?

Ma'am, Mr. Jane is working with us because he is an excellent investigator.

He is gonna be very helpful in this.

I promise.

I understand.

I-it must be a terrible burden— the gift you have.

Of course you have to deny it.

I mean...

Even St. Peter denied who he was three times.

Beth, there are no such thing as psychics.

This man Glass...

It must be awful...

He's a fraud, too.

Knowing what's gonna happen.

I mean, if—who's gonna live and who's gonna die, but please, please...

Please don't deny your gift.

Not now. No. You have— you have to help me.

You have to help me find Connor.

Here, look. I have this locket, and it has his— his first haircut.

Look at this. Touch this. See if you can get a sense.

If this is from his—

No, Beth.

This is from his first haircut...

(Voice breaks)

And... touch this.


Mrs. Flint.


My son—no! My son is missing. My son is missing!

(Voice breaking) You have to— you—you have to find him!

You have to.

Mrs. Flint, please just— let's just sit down for a minute, please. Here. (Whispers indistinctly)


Calm down, okay?


It's okay.

Patrick, I don't...



Sources inside the Marin County sheriff's department confirm that Connor Flint, age 9, was snatched from his school bus stop this morning.

No ransom demand has yet been made.

A CBI spokesman told this reporter that all leads and tips are being pursued and that police are looking for a possible suspect.

However, when we asked them to give further information about who that suspect might be, they refused.

Woman: After a stealthy investigation...

Yeah, because they'd go nuts if we told them we suspected a guy who's m*rder*d two other boys.

You know they're calling this guy the "Balloon Man"?

Media. Vultures.

(Turns off TV)

Hey, I'm checking into pedophiles released before the first k*lling, looking for any escalating v*olence.

Nothing so far.

Good. Anything from forensics yet on trace from the bus stop?

Yeah, they said it's gonna take at least 24 hours.

(Sighs) Okay. A serial offender.

This changes our whole play.

We've got to work all three cases to find this guy.

I can check everything the local cops did in the first two. Maybe they missed something.

Work fast.

(File rustles)

Mr. Flint, when was the last time you saw your little brother?

Uh, this morning at breakfast.

We like to have breakfast together—

Beth, Connor, Deke, and me.

Connor had—had French toast. Everything was fine.

I-I... I can't believe this.


How's—how's Beth doing?

Mm. Not great.

How long ago did she marry your father?

Um, 12 years ago.

How did you feel about that?

I like and respect Beth, if that's what you're getting at.

She's no wicked stepmother.

I care deeply for her and Connor.

Well, if you care so much, how come you let her throw her money away on this, uh, psychic?

Never bothered you when it was you, Mr. Jane.

Yeah, I heard about you.

You nearly squeezed Beth dry.

And you are...

Connor's uncle, Deke Hutton.

Mm. And you should have gone to jail, you miserable sleazebag.

Well, nice to meet you, too.

I'm not sure that I'm a sleazebag.

That's enough.

Miserable— we're here to find Connor, got it?

Yeah. Sorry.

We're trying to put together Connor's morning.

From what we understand, you dropped him off at his school bus stop, right?


And you left him there alone?

(Sighs) Yeah.

He wanted it that way.

He wanted to show his independence.

The other kids on the bus would make fun of him if he had somebody waiting with him.

It's such a safe neighborhood. He's always been fine.

So it was routine for you to, uh, leave him alone there?

Yeah. I told you. He wanted it that way.

Beth agreed.

If you think you're gonna pin this on me, then you are very much mistaken!

Typical addict— misdirected anger, persecution complex.

Excuse me. I'm not an addict.

Uh, yes, you are. You both are.

You the shiny skin, the dyspepsia.

Some deep emotional need not being fulfilled, I would guess.

Are we done here?

Just getting started.

Thank you. We are.


(Clears throat)

(Deke) Jerk.

Nice work.

Rigsby: So I dug up a few possible witnesses in the first two cases.

We got a power company guy on a job near the first k*lling, a teacher whose car broke down on the second, and the neighbor of the second kid, like that.

Long sh*ts. We'd do better using that psychic.

I thought you liked all that spiritual stuff.

What about your psychic cousin Yolanda?

Yolanda's real. That guy's a fake.

Good luck.

You, too.

Mr. Walton, we understand the day the first boy vanished, you were checking a downed power line on Martindale Road.

Yep. That's what my records say.

You know, funny story about that.

They told me it was a damaged overhead conductor.

Turns out it was a blown transformer.

(Chuckles) Can you imagine?

I mean, I could have taken out the entire grid.

Think back. Did you happen to notice anything on your way to or from that job or maybe this child?

I'm not sure. What's the kid's name?

(Papers rustle)

Reggie Miranda.

He was the second victim.

Your car got a flat tire on Teer's Hill.

You remember seeing him at the bus stop?

Well, that wasn't a flat tire per se.

More like, uh, I told my girlfriend that, so we'd be stranded, she could get a little friendlier, which she did, if you know what I mean. (Chuckles)

High five. (Chuckles)

Come on. Give it up.

As I was leaving, there was this black SUV, nearly ran me off the road, which reminds me of another funny story...

(Sighs) Black SUV.

Power company guy says there was a ding in the front bumper.

Great. That narrows it down.

Well, I think I can help you.

Take my hand.

I want a baby more than anything.

Shh. I know. Just...



(Exhales deeply)

In the beyond, Beth, I see your baby.

He's the light of your life.

He? It's a boy.

Yes, a boy.

(Exhales deeply)

His name is Connor.

Connor? That— that's my father's name.



A beautiful baby boy.


That was Connor's favorite when he was a baby.

You know, he doesn't play with it anymore, but I just— I can't throw it out now.

You understand.

Yeah. Here.


You know, Deke thinks I'm an idiot about you.

I mean, Jonathan probably does, too, but he's too nice to say so.

You know, but they weren't there.

They didn't—they didn't see your powers at work.

There was nothing to see.

Women that are trying hard to have babies often succeed, and when they do, there's a 50/50 chance that it's a boy.

It was just a good guess.

No, you knew.

And what was I to say, you were never gonna have a child?

Nobody wants a gloomy psychic.

You had a child. You lost her.

I-I read about it in the papers.



(Whispers) I'm sorry.

(Whispers) Yeah.

Is that why you deny your gift?


Look, is Connor dead, too?

Please. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry about before, but please just tell me.

It's just us right now, but Beth, I-I can't tell you.

You have to tell me. We're just—


Beth. Oh, thank God.

I had a flash, and, uh...

Lisbon: Mr. Glass, I told you to stay downstairs.

Beth, I think I saw Connor.

It was just a flash, but, um...

Oh, please, Beth, don't listen to this nonsense.

(Beth) No, where is he?

Where—where is he?

Is—is he alive?

I don't know. It was just a split second.

I need a vessel or...

Connor's favorite.

From when he was a baby, of course.

Of course. Nice read.

Mr. Glass, let's go.

No, please, Agent Lisbon. Please just—

No, Nate, tell me. Tell me. Go ahead.


Beth, it's all right.

(Normal voice) I'm here. Mm.

(Sighs) I need you to think with me, okay?

I need you to think of Connor.

He's filling your heart.

He's filling your mind, okay?



Yes, I see him.

He's very still.

He's dead?


(Chuckles) He's alive.


Connor, wake up!

Can you hear me? ! Your mother's here!

He's saying...

"I love you, mo mo."

"Mo mo." "Mo mo." That's what he calls me.


He calls me— he calls me "mo mo."


Oh, God.

I can't believe he's alive.


Thank you.

Yeah. (Sighs)


Mm. Amen.

Jonathan! Jonathan.

Jonathan, he's alive. Connor's alive. Nate sensed him.

Oh, Nate sensed something all right—money.

What, you think Glass was faking?

Of course he was.

Money-grubbin' bastard.

No, no, no. It was Connor. He—he called me "mo mo."

That—that's his nickname for me.

N-nobody knew that.

That's exactly how the trick works, Beth.

You use a detail that no one could possibly know, except Nate Glass did know.

He's been in and out of this house for two years.

No, no, I How much money have you paid him since your husband died?

And how much more will you give him now that he can sense your son?

And then if Connor dies and Glass can contact his spirit, what won't you give?

Hey, don't say that. Don't you dare.

You're sick. Nate would never do that.

Of course he would. Believe me.

(Chuckles) He would.

No, you don't know, Patrick.

Apparently you don't know anything.

My son called out for me.

He's alive, but you won't believe it, because you can't stand what you are, so you just run away from yourself, and you hate anybody like you, and you hurt anybody who cares for you.

That doesn't mean I'm psychic.

It just means that you're gullible and desperate.

What is wrong with you that you treat people like that?

Oh, you should have seen me ten years ago.

(Birds chirping)

It's beautiful, huh?

It's all state forests that way.

Nothing but bears and deer and elk.


You're pretty good. I'll give you that.

Not great. Just... pretty good.

What can I say?

It's a gift.


See, here's the thing, Glass. I played the same game myself, so normally I wouldn't tell you not to run your little scam.

Well, it's not a scam.

Hush. It's a scam. We both know it's a scam, but you stepped over a line.

This is police business. There's a child's life at stake here.

Yeah, that's why I'm here.

You don't want to push me.

Back off this woman. Get out of here right now, or you're gonna regret it.

Yeah. I can understand your frustration.

You had the vision, and you lost it, and I... I can't think of anything more horrible.

You got a lot of nerve.

Maybe I've got you pegged all wrong.

Maybe you're a kidnapper, too.

No, he's not the Balloon Man. I talked to Van Pelt.

During the first two abductions, he was in New York and Atlanta giving the presentation in front of 100 people.

Actually, it was 200.


Excuse me.

Jane, we don't have time for you to have a feud with this guy.

I-it's like your conscience is battling your old self.

There's no upside.

You think that's why I'm here?

That's intriguing.

Well, we have to go. A boy's life is on the line, and this man could take another kid and k*ll him.

Yeah. Let's go then.

So I've been trolling pedophile chat rooms.

There's this one guy, Charlie95— something's up with him.

He's a little too eager to chat about the first two boys.

Are you tracking him?

Yep. IT says any minute now.

Tell me you've got something better.

Been looking into this black SUV.

The power company guy saw, cross-checking to see if any registered pedophiles own one.

It's thin.

Yeah, it's thin.

We're not gonna make it, are we?

Jane, feel free to jump in any time.

I'm thinking.

(Telephone rings)

(Inhales deeply)

The second boy, Reggie— it's bothering me. (Sighs)

If he'd have gotten to the bus stop just three minutes later, he would have arrived at the same time as his classmate, and Reggie would still be alive today.

Is that bad luck?

Or planning.

Maybe the k*ller was watching for the perfect moment.

But how could anyone have watched the first kid?

His bus stop was in a cul-de-sac.

It's not visible from the main road.

I've got a picture of the first crime scene somewhere here.

Charlie95 is Brady Walton, the power company guy we questioned.

It can't be a coincidence.

It isn't.

The k*ller was watching from above.

Walton is the Balloon Man.

Oh, my God. He was right here.

We had him.

Get Cho on the phone.

Tell him we're moving in immediately. Let's go.

(Lowered voice)

Walton's registered four g*ns, including an AK.

No telling how many he's really got.

(Lowered voice) Good to know. Here's how it's gonna work.

Van Pelt and I are gonna take the three-four corner.

You and Cho are gonna take the one-two.

Now be careful. The kid could still be in there.

You ain't gettin' me!

Not gonna happen!


Lisbon, we're pinned.

We're pinned on the two side.

Take the three corner.

Let me know when you're in position.



Rigs, I got a clear path to the front door.

Stand by.


(Casings clatter)



It may be too late for me, but I ain't going to prison!

I ain't going quiet!

(Panting) Van Pelt, are you in position?

Van Pelt?

Van Pelt?

Van Pelt?

Screw you, bi—

Ohh! (Grunts)


Everybody okay?

Find the kid.

Cho: Lisbon!

(Panting) I'm all right. Walton's down.


Walton, stay with us.


Where's the kid? Tell us. Where's Connor?

(Strained voice)

How would I know?

He's lying. Gotta be.


Boss, the house is clear. The kid's not in there.


(Cell phone rings)

Hey, Jane.

We got Walton.

The kid's nowhere to be seen.

Tell Rigsby to look in his left pocket.

There should be a note.

Rigs, is there a note in your left pants pocket?

"The Balloon Man didn't take Connor."

Okay, so how did he do that?


So videotape puts Brady Walton at a 7-Eleven across town while Connor was being snatched.

Damn it.

Yeah, Walton k*lled those other two boys, but he didn't take Connor.

We've got a copycat.

So Jane was right.

Jane was right. (Sighs)

I gotta find Lisbon. She's not in her office.

Hey, Grace, well done anyway.

You took down a seriously bad guy.

Another day, another dollar.


You okay?

Yeah. I feel pretty good actually.

I'm starting to enjoy sh**ting people.

(Telephone rings)

(Chuckles) Gotcha.

No, you didn't.

Yes, I did.

You didn't get me.

I did.

Walton has an alibi for Connor's abduction.

Patrick: Mm. How did you know?

Well, something was just, uh, a little off.

The other kids Walton k*lled were older.

They had dark hair.

That's it?

Just a good guess.

Why the hell didn't you tell me?

Would you have done anything differently?

Probably not.

Walton was bad.


Then there's no need to be cranky.

So who took Connor?

Don't know. I'm still working on that.

Is he alive?

I hope so.

So we're back to square one on this one.

First principle—motive.

Why would somebody vanish a 9-year-old boy?

To hide evidence he was beaten, maybe?

Abuse? Meh. No.

This has the whiff of something more tangled, more interesting.


We dismissed it because there was no ransom demand, but there's other ways to get money.

Connor inherited half of your husband's estate, isn't that right, Mrs. Flint—$20 million?

Uh, y—uh, yes.

It's being held in a trust until he turns 30.


And, uh, who inherits if Connor dies?

He's—no, he's just a little boy.

He's not supposed to die at all.


According to the terms of the trust, you get everything.

Are you saying that I— that I k*lled my son?

The thing is, we looked into everybody in the family's financials.

Jonathan's worth $30 million, but you need money, don't you, Mrs. Flint?

I-I don't— I don't know what you mean.

I-I don't know what I'm doing in this room.

According to the bank, you have $100, 000 in credit card debt.

You've spent everything your husband left you and then some.

I've made some— some bad investments, and I-I'm just not very good with numbers.

I always relied on James for that.

Could you please sit down?

Thank you.

That must have been really stressful for you, your financial situation.

It's—it's very embarrassing.

I mean, I couldn't even tell Deke.

(Knock on door)

Uh, could you excuse me?

(Lowered voice)

Her family's here with a lawyer.

We gotta charge her or kick her.

Maybe you snapped.

It's understandable.

One weak moment, and you saw a way out.

If something were to happen to Connor, all your problems would be over.

If something happens to Connor, my life will be over.

(Voice breaks) Please, please just help me find my boy.


Are you okay?

I'm fine. I'm fine.



What did they want?

Well, they a-asked me a lot of questions about money.

It was just stupid.

Lisbon: I think mom's clean. What are you thinking?

Patrick: What was I thinking?

I was thinking, uh... love is strange, and I was thinking about a sandwich.

Uh, you know who else is profiting from Connor's abduction?


Nathan Glass.

Uh, he alibied out for the first two kids, but not Connor, and maybe he took him to cement his relationship with Beth.

Well, he's certainly heartless enough.

We'll get him in a room.

No, he'll just clam up.

What if we can get him to lead us to Connor?

That would be nice.

Boss, forensics came back with the labs on Connor's school bus stop.


Nope. The only weird thing is, there were traces of white fir pollen in the spot where they think that Connor was grabbed.

There are no white firs there. Just pines.

All right. Thanks.


Yes. Got it.

(Telephone rings)


Thank you, Caroline.



Let's get out of here.

Any news?

No, uh, listen, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for everything that's happened.

(Inhales and exhales deeply)

What's the matter?






Wait, wait. No, Patrick.

When Uh, n-nothing happened at all.

Something happened.

(Inhales deeply)

Are you... (Gasps)

No! No, no.

Are you sensing something?

No. No.

Liar. Liar.

I see...

There's a face.

What's wrong?

It's Connor.

It is?

Oh, my God.

Jane, what are you doing?

I don't understand.

He's standing right there in front of me.

(Panting) Lisbon.

What is it?

Lisbon, I don't like this. I don't like this.

What's going on?

No. There's someone there. I see someone.

Oh, wait. Wait. There's someone.

(Strained voice)

Are—they're following.

They're gonna catch me.


His abductor?

Oh, come on. This is crap.


(Breathing heavily)

I can't do it.

I can't do it. He's just a little boy.


Connor. Connor.

Yes, yes. Connor. Connor. Where is Connor?

There's a—there's a light, and it dances.

It just dance— it dances on the water.

It's dancing on the water.

Oh, God.

It's so beautiful.

Connor. Connor's near water.

It's a—it's a strong smell, like, uh... spicy, like Christmas, uh, trees.

Pine trees?

It's like pine trees, but different.

(Strained voice)

Oh, and the bad— there's a bad smell, a bad taste.


Gunpowder. Yeah, it's gunpowder.

It's bad.


(Exhales deeply)

And you can almost see the house.

He's just surrounded.

There's wood, wood and trees, andand...


Uh, he's in a cabin.

It's not a cabin. It's a...

No, it's like a, uh, it's smaller, like a sh—

Ohh. I'm tired.

Jane. Wake up.

Jane, wake up!


(Pants) What happened?

Lisbon: I don't know.

I was gonna ask you that. That was weird.

No, I-I knew you could sense him.

Please don't touch me.

I knew you could sense him.

Don't touch me.

Get all of your neighbors... and volunteers.

Karl, I want you to call the sheriff's department.

Cho will lead the search of the state forest.

We'll start at the Flint property line.

One hour. Let's go.

Come on!

(Pants and sighs)

See, that's how you do a psychic reading, huh?

(Clicks tongue)

(Blinds rattle)



(Birds chirping)

Drop the knife! Do it now!


Are you deaf?

Drop it, Flint!

I wasn't gonna hurt him, I swear.

Get on your knees. Put your hands on your head.

(Opens latch)



(Sighs) Connor.

Connor, I'm Agent Van Pelt. I'm from the CBI.

I'm here to help you.

Are you okay?



(Jonathan) I was just there looking for Connor.

This is all a big misunderstanding.

You wanted Connor dead.

You grabbed him and then made it look like a child m*rder*r did it.

Which part are we misunderstanding?

But you couldn't bring yourself to k*ll your baby brother face-to-face, so you left him in that duck blind— no food, no water, no chance.

No, that's not true.

Why would I want Connor dead?

I don't need his money.

Love. You are in love with Beth.

(Lisbon) What are you thinking?

Uh, I was thinking... love is strange.

Jane called this one right.

He was in love with Beth, only she didn't see him that way, so how was he gonna change that?

k*ll her kid and then be there to comfort her, pick up the broken pieces.

No! I always planned on g—

Always planned what, Jonathan?

What did you plan?



I had always planned to go get him and bring him back.

Play the hero.

Put on a mask, kidnap Connor, then go find him later, rescue him.

And then Beth is filled with gratitude and falls into your manly arms.


That's a dumb plan.

I was going to bring him back!

So what was the knife for?


I didn't...

Planning is easy. Reality's a bit harder.

What if Connor recognized you?

What if Jane is psychic?

Better just to make a clean break and k*ll the kid, right?

He is.

Jane's psychic...

Isn't he?


We followed you. You led us to Connor.


No, no, no. That's impossible.

The stuff Mr. Jane said, that he saw Connor, the it was all accurate.

How the hell did he do it? !

Mom. Mommy!

(Chuckles) Hi.

(Crying) Hi, baby. Oh, baby, you're home.

You're home. You're safe.

Yeah, welcome home, buddy.


Ohh. Mm.

Look at you. Oh, my God.

Ohh. I'm just happy, okay?

You want some French toast?

I made you some French toast.

French toast is for breakfast.

It's a special occasion.

Come on.

Come on. (Sniffles)

Congratulations, Mr. Jane.

Oh. Yes, yes. Uh...

You son of a bitch. You trying to steal my action?

Mr. Glass, nice to finally meet you, and you got no action.

You're a disgrace to the profession.

That contact you faked with Connor— weak, weak.

Bite me. That gag was seamless.


You see how she fell for it?

(High-pitched voice)

"Ohh. Mo mo. Mo mo."



Thanks. That should do it.

Excuse me?

And, uh, stop.


(Nate, high-pitched voice) "Ohh. Mo mo."


"Mo mo." (Laughs)

(Beep) Bye.

Don't leave.

I won't. We'll be right over there.

(Sheets rustle)

So... (Sighs)

You gonna tell me how you did it?

Everything you said came true, but it was a trick, wasn't it?



Well, um... being held not far from home.

Uh, the police shut down the roads immediately after Connor's abduction.

The lake— there's always a body of water nearby, always.

Trees, leaves, earth— there was, uh, white fir pollen found at, uh, at the bus stop, and where could you hide anyone in a forest?

Hunting blind, hence the gunpowder, and I was watching Jonathan's face the whole time.

I could see whenever my guesses landed.

(Sighs) Of course.


You know, all those years ago, when you were a psychic and... you were lying to me, telling me about my future—

Yeah, I'm—I'm very sorry about that.

Don't apologize.

You tried to tell me.


You deceived me, sure...


But you gave me hope.

Thank you for that.

Good-bye, Patrick.

Bye, Beth.


Cheer up.

Oh, I'm cheery.

You heard her. You gave her hope.

I didn't give her hope.

I sold her hope.

I think hope is worth it at any price.

What, are you running for office now?

Okay, you know what?

(Chuckles) (Chuckles) Uh, you're a wicked charlatan... and you're going to hell then.

That's more like it.

I'll save you a seat by the fire.

Oh, I'm not going to hell.

Oh, you're not?


You've made other arrangements, huh?

Lisbon: Mm-hmm.

(Engine starts)

Patrick: Yeah, where are you going?

(Gearshift clicks)

(Car alert chimes) Do you really want to have this conversation?

(Seat belts click) You ready for some, uh, theological talk here?

(Grunts) I don't really want to have that conversation.

I thought you wanted to feel better and not worse.

Yeah, I'm gonna recline and have a little sleep.

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