03x20 - Redacted

Complete collection of episode transcripts for seasons 1 - 7. Aired: September 2008 to February 2015.*

Moderator: Maggiemay19

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A famous "psychic" outs himself as a fake and starts working as a consultant for the California Bureau of Investigation so he can find "Red John," the madman who k*lled his wife and daughter.
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03x20 - Redacted

Post by bunniefuu »


(Knob clicking)

(Lock clicks)

Stay where you are and put your hands in the air.

(Dog barks and whines)

(Sirens wailing in distance) My safe. Did you open my safe?


(Figurine shatters)


(Sirens wailing)

(Tires screeching)


Hands behind your back.

(Handcuffs click)

On your feet now. Get up.


(Police radio chatter)


(Man grunts)

(Police radio chatter)

Thanks Just a couple bucks, buddy. Help a guy out.

Just need to know if you saw anything, sir, anything at all.

Ooh. Ooh.


(Mouth full) I don't know.

Maybe if you tell me what you're looking for, I could help you out.

I don't know. Loud noise, g*nsh*t.

Did you see anyone unusual?

Anyone acting unusually?

Maybe I did.


Or maybe I didn't.

You give me a couple bucks, maybe help me remember better.


You got 2 bucks?

No. You?

Looks like a robbery gone bad.

Victim's name was Ted Fisher. He owned the place.

Something's off here.

The alarm was set off during the break-in, and the k*ller still took the time to tear the place apart?

Watch the blood. Rug's pretty soaked.

(Camera shutter clicking)

(Indistinct conversations)

And if the k*ller broke the door entering, why is the victim over here with his back turned?

Something's off here. That's very astute, Lisbon.

There's more here than meets the eye. There you are. Where have you been?

I haven't been anywhere. I was out back checking escape routes. Really? Any clues?

Only that the m*rder*r didn't find what he was looking for.

And... how do you know that?

Because this whole room has been torn apart.

You find what you're looking for, you stop the search, right?

So part of this room would be untouched.

Unless he found it in the very last place he was looking.

Do you know the probability of finding something in the last possible place?

It's extremely improbable. Hmm.

I'll see you two back at the office. Why are you in a hurry?

Well, as much as I enjoy these lovely surroundings, Lisbon, we have a job to do.

Am I wrong?

Bye. Bye.

(Liquid pours)

Hey, sir. What are you doing here so late on a Friday night?

My house was burglarized. I caught him red-handed.

Whoa. You want one of my people to question him?

No. Sac P.D. Can handle it. It's a slam dunk.

Come Monday, when court opens, the man who broke into my house will be very sorry that he did.


Donny culpepper.

What a surprise to see you here.

Monday I go before a judge.

You got till then to get me outta here.

Yeah, well, um, that could be a little problematic.

Otherwise I will tell everyone how you hired me to rob your boss' house.

Well, that's just snitching. Isn't that against your...

Code of honor?


I paid you very well on the understanding that you wouldn't get caught.

Did you at least get what I wanted?


I looked everywhere. Got into his safe. Nothing.

Just some old coins, a watch, and a tupperware, like, tub thing.

Tupperware. Did laroche say anything when he found you?

He wanted to know if I got into the safe.

What'd you tell him? Nothin'. I threw somethin' at his head and took off.

Yeah, you really blew this. I thought you were a professional.

Don't talk down to me. If you don't get me outta here, By Monday, you're the one who's gonna have to pay for it.

Trust me on that.

(Cell phone ringing)

Trust. Yeah, really off on the good foot with trust, are we?

Hi. Where are you?

I thought you wanted to get working on this case.

I-I do. I just ran across the street to the, uh, fruit place to pick up some fresh fruit.

Flavonoids...lt's very good for logical reasoning and visual memory, you know?

Very interesting. Get here quick.

Yep. I'm on my way.

The clock's running, starting now.

You close your eyes and count to a hundred.

(Door creaks)

Thank you.

(Door closes, lock clicks)

Fisher owned the repair shop about a year and a half.

Seemed like a good citizen... Volunteer work with underprivileged kids and the homeless.

Dig a little deeper.

Find out what he did before he bought the shop. Will do.

Hey, boss. Just talked to fisher's girlfriend.

She was at the morgue, I.D.lng the body.

Kinda upset, but she agreed to meet us at the apartment she shared with Fisher. All right, let's go.

Okay. Agent Lisbon, a word?

I just discovered that you investigated my burglar for a m*rder about a year ago... Donny culpepper.

Culpepper? Donny culpepper. I remember him. He threatened to k*ll me.

You're gonna have to narrow it down a little bit more than that. The jewelry store case.

We picked him up, found him in the hot tub. I wonder if there's a connection.

Uh, he's a criminal. He does wrong things. Yeah, probably just a coincidence then.


Yeah. Probably.

I'll let you know.

Is there a connection?


Absolutely not.

(Elevator bell dings, doors open)

Oh, damn. I forgot something. Uh, I'll meet you there. Forgot what?

(Elevator bell dings) Uh, my, uh, frumbahollymorgansterning.

Miss blue?

I'm agent Lisbon.

This is agent Rigsby. We're really sorry for your loss.

Just have a couple questions for you.

Okay. Sure.

Just a few small things. Where were you last night?

When it happened?

Um, home, asleep.

I had the early shift at the animal shelter.

Do you mind if we talk inside?


Did Mr. Fisher work that late very often?

Sometimes. If he had a big project he had to finish.

But it's not like work was his life or anything.

He was in balance.

Right. And, uh, how long ago did you meet him?

Um, about a year ago. We met at yoga.

That's... weird.

I'm sure I locked that.

Stand back, ma'am.



Jane was right.

Looks like somebody wanted something Fisher had.

Call it in. Put somebody to watch the shop.

If Jane is right, maybe they'll go back there.

Okay, you got it.

I can't believe this level of hostility.

There's nothing here worth stealing.


Ted and I weren't really into material stuff.

He spent, like, eight years in the peace corps.

(Woman gasps)

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, excuse me.

I'm sorry. Ma'am, can I ask you a question?

Oh, I'm sorry. I don't mean to be intrusive.

I live upstairs. There was a break-in here. Did you see or hear anything?

No. A break-in?

I was at the market.

Did they steal anything?

Thank you for your time. Uh, if you think of anything, you can give me a call at this number. All right.

Okay. Thanks.

Sac P.D. Put a man on the store.

Check on the girlfriend.

She's got no real alibi other than being a hippie.

Something bugging you, boss?

Behind us. Dark late model sedan.

I'm pretty sure I saw it outside the repair shop.

I think it's following us.

Got it.

And there it goes. It's probably nothing.

Just a look-alike.

Maybe. Run the plates. See if you find anything.


You're new to me. Uh, who...Who are you now?

Detention enforcement officer O'Donnell.

Guarding the prisoner up to and until transport.

Gung ho. Good to see.

Well, welcome, O'Donnell.

I'm Patrick Jane. I work with the CBI.


No worries. Uh, did you...Did you lose this?

A quarter. I don't think so.

Well, it's less of a quarter, more of a good luck piece, really.

I mean, take a closer look.

Look at the way the light hits it.

Shines and gleams, like liquid sunshine.

Keep looking at it.

It's kind of soothing the way it shines, isn't it?

You can feel your worries and responsibilities just... fading away.

You might even want to close your eyes and just have a little sleep.

My Uncle had a buffalo nickel.

He was always gonna sell it and buy a ranch and all that, but he lost it in a poker game.

So not yours, huh?

No. Maybe check upstairs.

Will do. Thank you.

I checked up on the girlfriend. She seems clean.

No priors, committed pacifist.

People I talked to say she and Fisher were close.

All right. Let's keep an eye on her, though.

Okay. Hey. I pulled a message off the victim's cell phone.

Think you wanna hear it.


(Man, middle eastern accent) Fisher, you dog! You think you can get away with this? I find you, Fisher! You're gonna pay for what you done! You hear me, Fisher? ! You pay!

(Line clicks) He doesn't sound very happy.

What's the accent? I sent a copy down to Pete in forensics. He can tell us.

He's a genius with accents. What time did the call come in?

11:45 last night. Coroner puts time of death between 11:00 and 2:00. Bingo.

Maybe. I'm working on getting the subscriber info for the number from the phone company right now.

Good. Oh, boss, one more thing. I've been looking into Fisher's past and hit a snag with the peace corps thing. What kind of snag?

Well, they've got no record of Fisher being a member going back ten years. I'm having them check to see if it could be a clerical error or spelling mistake.

Talk to the girlfriend. Find out where he was stationed. All right.

Are you taking a vacation from this case or what?

Huh? No.

Boss. I put the license of the car that you thought was following us in the system.

It was rented from the airport three days ago.

Corporate account to some shell company I couldn't track.

I just got a fresh hit. The car was ticketed a half-hour ago just two blocks away from the victim's repair shop. Nice. Let's go.

You coming or what?

Are those bulletproof vests?

Yeah. Uh, think not.

Good luck. Okay.

(Truck horn blares in distance)

(Whispers) No light.



(Whispers) Locked.

(Glass shatters in distance)

(Clatter, floorboards squeak)


Drop your weapons! Put your hands on your heads!


So yesterday you were bumming change.

Here you are today with a $1, 000 handgun, nicely maintained.

You can understand our puzzlement.

Sir, my name is Cole ruger.

I have a license for that and a carry permit.

Okay, Mr. ruger, what do you know about the death of Ted Fisher? Nothing.

Fisher was a buddy of mine. That's all.

You and he were in the peace corps together?

Hmm. No.

We worked at sagaris together.

What is sagaris?

A security firm.

We provide services the regular army isn't equipped for.


You and Fisher were mercenaries?

Private security contractors.

Where did you do most of your contracting?

All over. Mostly Iraq. Fallujah, Basra.

(Pen clicks) Where were you when Fisher was k*lled?

Ted called me two days ago and said he was in trouble.

He needed help. Whatever it was, he couldn't say it over the phone. And you just dropped everything, no questions asked, headed here?

That's right. Wouldn't you?

Where were you coming from?

I was overseas.

What did Fisher tell you when you got here?


He was already dead.

I was too late.

At which point you disguised yourself as a homeless man to get close to the crime scene.

I was trying to gather intel, figure out who k*lled Ted.

Which is why you broke into his store with a loaded handgun?

I was staking out the place.

I heard a noise inside. The back door was open. I went in.

I encountered that woman. She was armed.

So I drew my w*apon. Like I said, it's fully licensed, and I have a carry permit.


Agent, I wanna work with you guys to find out who k*lled Ted.

Whatever I can do. So as soon as you cut me loose... Cut you loose?


I haven't committed a crime.

Or should I call my attorney?

Okay. Obviously, you're not the victim's neighbor, and I need you to explain this.

My name is Vivian griswold.

I had nothing to do with the m*rder of Ted Fisher.

A client hired me six months ago to observe Mr. Fisher.

What kind of client?

What exactly do you do?

I work for a company providing corporate intelligence and covert surveillance.

A private sector spy. Who's the client?

Mm. (Clicks tongue)

Can't tell you that.

What I can tell you is that it involved a major theft from my clients, overseas, two years ago.

And Fisher was connected how?

He was a person of interest.

Mr. Fisher left his job shortly after an investigation was launched.

His reasons for leaving were... questionable.

You said you had Fisher under surveillance.

So... where were you the night of his death?

I had information that led me to believe that Mr. Fisher would be at a different location.

Obviously, that was bad information.

I guess.

So... how did you come to be in Fisher's locked shop carrying a w*apon?

I was surveilling the shop when I heard a noise inside.

The back door was open, and I went in.

Finding an armed man inside, I drew my fully licensed and permitted w*apon.

That's all.

Now... my lawyer is already on the way over, but wouldn't we all rather skip the formalities?

You getting anything?

Well, they're both professional liars.

Beyond that, I can't read either of them. They're both good for the m*rder, so each gives the other reasonable doubt.

We need to come at this from another angle.

(Blinds rattling) Just got off the phone with Pete in forensics.

He says the accent's Iraqi, probably from Baghdad.

Any luck tracking down the caller?

Prepaid cell phone. No subscriber info.

I tried calling it, but the minutes must be up. Great.

LaRoche: Agent Lisbon.

I just got a call from the state department about your case.

What should I know? The state department?

What'd they say?

Our victim, Fisher, was suspected of getting too close to shady Iraqi businessmen.

A theft may have occurred.

Nothing could ever be proven.

They would like to be kept abreast of developments.

We've got a threatening call from somebody who may or may not be Iraqi and two suspects in holding who've got experience with counterintelligence.

And you have strong leads?

Something for me to tell Washington?

Nothing concrete, sir.

Early indicators say that it's revenge for whatever happened in Iraq. Hmm.

What about you, Mr. Jane?

What dazzling insights have you gleaned?

Uh, I've got nothing.

Hmm. That's disappointing.

Off your game somehow? Distracted?

Mnh. No, not at all.

Sorry to interrupt, boss, but I just talked to the girlfriend, Heather blue. She's frightened.

Says someone is prowling around her apartment. Let's go and see her.

I wanna ask her about that peace corps thing anyway.

Jane, are you co...

(Whispers) Damn. Problem?

(Normal voice)

Not at all, sir.

Keep me informed. Okay.

These people are lying to you.

Teddy was in the peace corps. I told you that.

We checked.

Ted Fisher worked for sagaris private defense from 2000 to 2009, since he first got out of the army. He was a mercenary.

No. He wasn't.

Not possible.

Heather, you called us here because somebody frightened you.

(Inhales deeply)

Oh, well, uh...

Yeah, I was watching TV when I heard the noise.

He was trying to come in the back, but when I yelled, he ran. Did you get a look at him?

No, I just saw the glint of the knife he was using to cut the screen.

You can't remember anything else about him? Size? Hair color?

Um, uh, he was wearing a hooded sweatshirt, I think.

A little taller than me, maybe.

Are you sure it was male?

Could it have been a woman?

I don't know. Maybe. God, my heart's going a mile a minute.

We've assigned you a protection detail.

Nobody's gonna hurt you.

You really want me to believe Ted lied to me?

The whole time, he was lying to me?

I'm sorry.

O'Donnell. How goes it?

Fine. As long as they keep bringing food every couple hours, I'm good. Yeah. Well, I brought you a chair.

Just opens up, and...

There. Great.

Yeah, it's my pleasure.

Just glad to know we got a good man like you on the job.

Just and ease your way into it. That's... Just ease your way down. (Chair squeaks)

Okay. There we go. Uh, yeah.

Okay, fantastic. Um, I'll check on you later on. Okay.

(Squeaking continues)


Whoever was trying to get into the apartment, it wasn't ruger or griswold.

They were only released an hour ago.

Well, maybe they have someone else working with them, or the girlfriend is having some very bad dreams.

Okay. Do you have any intention of actually taking part in this case?

It's all under control.

Wait. You know who the k*ller is?

The what?

Oh, the k*ller. No. No, I misspoke.

What's going on with you?

You've been acting strange since this case started.

Strange. (Chuckles)

Strange how?

Strange like...

(lmitates eerie sounds)


Boss, Rigsby's...

Got something.

Oh. Just got a call from the guys in evidence.

Fisher's phone's was ringing. It's been going off every half-hour.

Where did the call come from?

Same number... Prepaid cell phone.

I thought you said the cell phone angle was dead. He must've put more minutes on it.

(Telephone rings)


This is Cho. Yeah, we're all set here.

How are you guys coming along?

Cho's talking to the phone company so that when the call comes through, we can triangulate off the cell towers, figure out exactly where the call came from.

(Telephone receiver clatters)

(Cell phone rings) Okay, I need you to keep him on the phone for at least two minutes.

(Clears throat) Hi. This is Patrick Jane.

Listen, I know who you are. (Middle eastern accent) Shut up! I am coming to get you.

I don't know who you are, but I will make you pay for this!

No, you shut up. You listen to me.

I know what you want. The only way you're gonna get it is if you meet me in person. We got something to settle here.

Outside the repair shop in one hour. You be there, you get what you want. If you don't, you'll never see it again. Simple as that. What was that?

I said 2 minutes. That was hardly 30 seconds.

Well, I just thought it'd be simpler to bring him to us.

It's okay. Thank me later.

Now the strangeness we were talking about... Never mind.


(Blade whooshes)

(Cell phone beeps, train horn blowing in distance)

Uhh! Oh!


(Grunts) No! (Grunts)

(Middle eastern accent)

Hey! Don't...

(Handcuffs clicking) Where is that bastard Fisher? No!

Let me go! Where is that bastard Fisher?

My name is Omar Hassan.

Okay. Why were you so angry with Ted Fisher?

My father worked for the Americans, helping to establish a free and Democratic Iraq.

He and Fisher worked together.


Before my father was k*lled.

How'd he die?

b*mb, two years ago.

Fisher was involved in his death?

No, but when it became clear that my father's life was in danger, Fisher promised he would take care of my family if anything happened to my father.

And Fisher told you this?

After my father was k*lled, Fisher quit his job.

He...He wanted no more of k*lling.

He promised to help get us to America and that the $2 million would be waiting for us when we arrived. That's a lot of money.

The state department thinks Fisher was engaged in criminal activity in Iraq. Is that where the money came from?

No. It came from my father. It was our family fortune.

Your father put a lot of trust in Fisher.

He believed he was a good man.

He... He stayed under our roof.

He... He broke bread with us.

So Fisher helped to get the visas necessary to come to America, and your family arrived four days ago. Is that correct?

And what happened when you met up with Fisher?

We were supposed to meet two nights ago, but he never showed up.

You thought he double-crossed you, that he stole the money, and that's why you cut the screen and tried to break into the apartment.


What about Fisher's friend, Cole ruger?

Did you ever meet him or did Fisher ever talk about him?

No, I-I don't know him.

What am I to tell my mother?

My sisters?

I mean, we have nothing now.

Yeah. It's a tough break.

I'll be right back.

(Pen clicks)

The kid doesn't seem like a k*ller.

I'm not sure the revenge motive works. Mm.

What are you doing? What is that?

None of your business.

Are you even listening to me? Every word. Let's go catch this k*ller, shall we?

How are we gonna do that? The k*ller was looking for the Hassan family's $2 million.

The rest is easy.

(Blinds rattle)

(Telephone ringing)

And now you want me to ask you what the plan you worked out is, don't you? No. I just want you to round everyone up and get 'em to the repair shop. Everyone? Who's everyone?

Uh, well, let me see. There's the girlfriend and Omar there and, uh, griswold and ruger. I think that about covers it.

Ruger and griswold... They've already been released.

And from what I've seen of the two of them, we're not really equipped to track 'em down. Oh, no. It's gonna be easy.

Easy? Ruger bought a plane ticket out of the country... Mm-hmm.

The second he left the CBI. Griswold disappeared even after we put a tail on her. Ruger is not leaving the country.

He is after the money. You heard Omar.

He'd never even heard of ruger.

Ruger worked with Fisher, but I bet they weren't friends. And griswold?

Well, she's after the money, too. I expect they're both trying to get into the repair shop as we speak.

You just have to round them up. Call me if you need any help.

Wait a minute. You're leaving again?

What is going on with you?

When have I ever steered you wrong before?

I mean, when have I ever really steered you wrong where I've done something that didn't work out the way we wanted it to?


Okay, fine. Let me put it this way...

When have I ever intentionally screwed things up so that we couldn't solve the case?

No. Not that I know of, at least.

Uh, that's right. Thank you. Have a little faith, Lisbon.

Okay, Jane said they're here somewhere.

Let's take a look.

(Exhales deeply)

Probably not the homeless guy.

No, ruger tried that one before.

(Clicks tongue)

How about the food guys?

No, too short.

How about the truck?

That's it. Yep.

Hey, guys, I got this. Yes, you do.


What do you want?

I'm not breaking any laws.

(Sighs) We just wanted to ask you into the repair shop.

It would be a big help for us.

All right. No problem.

Very nice.

(Truck door closes)

One down, one to go.

See anything?


(Cell phone rings)

Jane: Cho, how's it going?

We found ruger in a delivery van, but griswold's nowhere in sight. Are you near the repair shop?

Yeah, right out front.

Okay, from where you stand, what is the best vantage point to see the shop? He wants us to look for the best observation post for watching the shop.

How about way over there?

That building right across the street? There's a building across the street. Rooftop's good.

(Grunts) Do you have a pen and some paper?

(Closes microwave door)

What's up?

What are you doing?

Throw me a pen.

A pen?


Nice catch.

Horrible throw.

You're welcome.

Oh, you've gotta be kidding me.

(Yawns loudly)

Hey, O'Donnell, snack break.

Oh, thanks, buddy. No problem.

It's about time.



(Plastic crackling)

(Hisses) Oh!


(Door creaks)

(Lock turns)

Look, you gotta put this on. We don't have a lot of time.

You're gonna use this to get out through the door.

Wait. What are you talking about?

Well, you asked me to get you out of here.

That's what I'm doing...Helping you escape. Now hurry up. Escape? I'm not escaping.

You think I want to spend the rest of my life on the run?

No. You get the charges dropped. That's the deal.

Hey, whoa, whoa. I'm not a lawyer.

I can't make charges just disappear, but I can get you to Mexico...

(Lowered voice)

Set you up with a little starter money.

Mexico? Who the hell wants to go to Mexico?

What? You get me out free and legal, or I start talking.

I'm pretty sure the dirt I got on you will be worth a "get out of jail free" card. You're very annoying.


Are they the ones?

Are you going to arrest them?

Oh, hi. You must be Heather. Thanks for coming by.

Ted Fisher was a good man who kept trust with the Hassan family.

He was m*rder*d over $2 million, which is somewhere in this room.

$2 million?

Ted didn't have $2 million.

Uh, yes he did. They could tell you.

How do you know it's in this room?

Because we've checked every other location connected to Fisher and so have you. That's why you're here.

Hasn't this room already been searched, both by the k*ller and by the police?

Yes, but they...I'm sorry...

Weren't creative enough.

It could be in bearer bonds hidden in the bills or invoices or files or more likely, in the form of jewels hidden somewhere inside these electronics.

Whatever form it's in, we're gonna find it right now.

Come on in, folks. These people are gonna take everything and pull it apart until they find the hidden treasure.

Yes, piece by piece, until we find it.

Thank you, folks. If everybody could just step outside and let these people do their jobs. Thanks. (Jane) Thank you.

(Indistinct conversations)

They didn't find anything.

No cash, no jewels, no bonds. Nothin'.

Huh. What am I going to do?

(Omar) My family is ruined.

All my father did was for nothing.

What a waste of time.

I'd agree with him, except it's this kind of incompetence that makes people pay me to produce results.


These people have all been lying to you.

I was right about Teddy.

You were wrong.

Aha. I figured it out.

I know exactly where the fortune is.

Oh, ho! (Chuckles)

Where is it then?

Where's the money?

You're on top of it.

Under the carpet?

No. It is the carpet. Touch it.

Pure silk, hand-knotted.

It looks like a dirty old carpet.

Oh, yes, it's very old. One of the reasons it's so valuable.

Wow. I gotta phone this in.


Let's talk about this.

(Cell phone beeps)

If you did call it in, the legal mess will take forever to sort out.

This carpet will just end up in a government locker somewhere.

Yeah, probably.

What if we just...

Took it?

You and me?

We took the carpet, sold it, and divided the profits between us?




That's, uh...

That's a great idea.

Isn't it?

50/50 split?

Sure. 50/50.

Deal. What did Ted say when you suggested that deal to him?

Ted was a softheaded fool.

Aha. So you knew about the money.

You knew Ted wasn't with the peace corps.

You knew everything. I didn't...I didn't say that.

Oh, yes you did, which means, Heather, it was you that shot Ted.

He told you about his identity, he told you about the money, and you shot him for it. No. Uh, that's...No!

Well, forgive me if I, uh, I'm not quite convinced.

But I do have to phone this in.


Lisbon'll be very happy to know... Stop.

Are you pointing a g*n at me, Heather?

The man I loved was in the peace corps.

He wanted to make the world a better place.

Ted wasn't who he said he was.

He was a soldier, a k*ller.

So you shot him? That's a little counterintuitive. He lied to me!

This had nothing to do with the $2 million?

You can't understand. You can only see things from your bourgeois capitalist mindset.

Do you know how much good could be done with $2 million? !

How many animals could be saved? !

But you couldn't find the money. The clock was ticking.

You looked everywhere, and you couldn't find it.

He caught me searching the shop.

He talked to me like I was some kind of criminal.

Well, uh, pretty much what you are.

No. I'm blessed is what I am.

The universe wants me to have this money.

I'm sorry I have to k*ll you, but I'm doing it from a place of love.

Drop the g*n. Put your hands on your head.

(g*n clatters)

(Gasps) Oh, wow.

(Panting) (Whispers) I'm gonna leave you with that.

(Horn honks in distance)

(Exhales deeply)

(Knock on door)


You were right about ruger and griswold.

He's already disappeared, and she's admitted she was working for the state department, who suspected Fisher of smuggling and theft.

But they've agreed to recognize the Hassan family's right to the rug, so everything ends happily.

Mm. Good.

I waited for you to tell the hassans. Come on.

Oh, no, thanks.

What do you mean, "no, thanks"?

Well, uh, you know, I don't have time for that kind of treacle.

I have to rearrange my sock drawer.

I have a serious problem I have to solve, and I don't have a lot of time to solve it in.

I knew something was going on with you.

What is it?

The absolute truth, or I beat it outta you.

Laroche has something I need, so I hired culpepper to break into laroche's house.

If I can't get the charges dropped, culpepper is gonna tell on me.

Oh... my God.

Yeah, it's not good.

What does laroche have that you want?

(Lowered voice) Hightower didn't m*rder anybody.

She was framed.

(Whispers) Red John has a friend inside the CBI.

The Todd Johnson m*rder.

Laroche had a short list of suspects that led to hightower.

That's what you were trying to steal...The list.

Yes. There were four names on that list besides hightower's.

One of them is working for Red John. Did you ask laroche?

Laroche? No. Because if it's not one of those names, then laroche is Red John's man. Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?

I don't want to put you in danger.

You're an idiot. I will fix this, but we are gonna have a serious talk after. Fix it? I've been trying to fix it all weekend.

I had the perfect escape worked out, and then culpepper says, "no, I want the charges dropped"" yeah, yeah. Let's go.

Open it up.

He's in there with his lawyer, perfect.

(Jane clears throat)

Okay. I can get behind that.

A dumb cop who's pretty is better than a dumb cop... (Grunts)

Oh! (Groans)

What do you think you're doing here? !

You...You can't do that.


(Donny groaning)



(Indistinct conversations)

(Elevator bell dings)

Due to your actions, a criminal is going free.

I'm sorry, sir. The frustrations of the job...

Your apologies are of no import, agent.

Donald culpepper can no longer be brought to trial.

Well, hang on. He didn't actually steal anything, did he?


The 1-week suspension is mandatory.

Also, six months of anger management classes.


Yes, sir.

Mm. I thought that went well.

You're gonna owe me big-time.

Uh, for what exactly?

Or I will...

Uh. Ah. Two words... Anger management. (Thud)


Thank you.
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