02x11 - Rose-Colored Glasses

Complete collection of episode transcripts for seasons 1 - 7. Aired: September 2008 to February 2015.*

Moderator: Maggiemay19

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A famous "psychic" outs himself as a fake and starts working as a consultant for the California Bureau of Investigation so he can find "Red John," the madman who k*lled his wife and daughter.
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02x11 - Rose-Colored Glasses

Post by bunniefuu »


Rigsby: (whispers) Hey, you.

Van Pelt : (whispers) Hi. (chuckles) (footsteps approach)

Van Pelt: (normal voice) Oh, hey.

Rigsby: (normal voice) Hey, thought you'd gone home.

Lisbon: I wish. We're up. There's a double homicide In Rancho Rosa. Local sheriff's in over his head.

Rigsby: I'm on it.

Van Pelt: Boss, you've been promising me more time in the field Now's as good a time as any.

Lisbon: You're right. Rigsby, be a cover in the office on this one. Let's go.

Van Pelt: You're okay with this, I hope?

Rigsby: Absolutely, yeah.


(sirens wailing)

(indistinct chatter over police radio)

(indistinct conversations)

Jane: What's going on?

Van Pelt: Looks like two b*ll*ts to the chest for each of them. Freshness of the wounds suggest it happened in the last few hours.

Lisbon: Selby and Jana Vickers, 33 and 31 years old, from here in Rancho Rosa. Sheriff I. D.'d them from their driver's licenses.

Jane: Who found the bodies?

Lisbon: Couple of teenagers. This place is a local lover's lane. Apparently, thieves know that, too. Sheriff thinks that it's a robbery gone sour.

Van Pelt: Little old to be necking, aren't they?

Jane: There's an age limit on that?

Van Pelt: Plus their clothes aren't, you know, disheveled.

Jane: Good point. Oh, there's a little white thing there, sticking out from Jana's dress. Could you ju— yeah that's it.

Van Pelt: $800 dress.

Jane: Aha!

Lisbon: Is that a useful "aha" or an irritating "aha"?

Jane: The borrowed dress tells us they were going somewhere fancy and wanted to make an impression. Not usually something they'd go for, or they'd have a later model car. He needed a few pulls on the scotch just to take the edge off because he was nervous about who was gonna be there, which in a small town like this, likely means relatives or people from his past.

Van Pelt: Uh, wedding, maybe? Or birthday party?

Jane: No gift, which leaves...

Lisbon: No guessing games. Ay...

Jane: Uh, excuse me, sheriff? What's the name of the local high school?

High school

(music factory)

♪ everybody dance now ♪

(indistinct conversations)

Man: Stephanie?

♪ everybody dance now ♪

Oh, my God. You look fantastic.

Lisbon: I'm sorry. I'm not Stephanie. Whoa. Do that again, and I'll arrest you.

Man: Sorry, I had to. You've always been the one.

Man: No way. (men laughing)

Lisbon: Don't.

Jane: I'm not the one.

(woman) Whoo!


(indistinct conversations)

Jane: High school. Best years of your life.

Girl: Welcome back to Rancho Rosa high. Go, Toros! I'm Tess— one of your student ambassadors this weekend. Nametags and reunion books.

Lisbon: We're with the California Bureau of Investigation. We need to know if Jana and Selby Vickers were expected here tonight.

Girl: (whispers) um... (normal voice) Yeah, Selby Vickers and his wife Jana. They also replied "yes" to tomorrow's homecoming picnic and dance. Is everything okay?

Lisbon: We need to talk to somebody who would know them.

Girl: Um... Redheaded woman— that's Willa Brock. She's the reunion committee chair.

Jane: You didn't really think we were young enough to be in this class when we walked in, did you?

Girl: Oh, everyone over the age of 21 looks the same to me.

Jane: Tactful and evasive— You're gonna do very well in life, Tess. Go, Toros.


Willa: I'm stunned. I mean, it was surprising enough Selby was even coming. Now this?

Lisbon: Why the surprise?

Willa: Well, he wasn't at the fifth or the tenth.

Lisbon: Because...

Willa: because he was expelled and never graduated.

Cordova: Selby pulled this— it was a really nasty prank. What was it, senior year?

Willa: Yeah.

Cordova: It was his one and only. Vice principal Desouza caught him, gave him the ol' boot.

Jane: What was the prank?

Willa: Uh, there was this, shall we say, socially challenged boy named Derek Logan.

Cordova: Selby dragged him into the girls' locker room, he blindfolded him with his own underwear, tied him up, naked, took his picture and then posted it all over the school. I mean, how sick is that, right?

Willa: It was disturbing.

Jane: Hmm. Uh, is there anything else you can tell us about him?

Cordova: I played football— starting running back. People around here are still talking about the five touchdowns I scored against Stratton.

Lisbon: What does that have to do with Selby?

Cordova: I was popular. I was a jock. He was a nobody. I don't know what kind of person he was.

Lisbon: How about his current life?

Cordova: I got nada. I got out of this town as fast as I could. I live down in Newport Beach now.

Lisbon: Hmm. How about you, Willa? Have you heard anything about Selby?

Willa: Oh... (chuckles) I host a daytime talk show in Chicago that tapes two shows a day and is about to go national. I'm lucky if I hear anything about my own family.

Jane: Uh, Derek Logan—that kid that Selby pulled the prank on— Could you point him out to us?

(man chuckles)

Gabe: Derek Logan? He's not here, is he? No way! (laughing)

Willa: Gabe, it's so good to see you again.

Gabe: You almost didn't. 5 hours I spent on the 101 driving here. (man) wow.

Willa: CBI Agent Teresa Lisbon, Patrick Jane, This is Gabe Nyland.

Jane: Hi.

Lisbon: D.A. for San Diego county. You've prosecuted a couple of cases for us.

Cordova: And now candidate for Lieutenant Governor of California. Give me the word, "g, " I start twisting arms for you on election day, huh? (chuckles)

Willa: Um, Gabe, Selby Vickers and his wife were found m*rder*d at the glen—shot in their car.

Gabe: My, God. I hadn't even heard that name in 15 years till tonight. Any idea who did this?

Lisbon: It's early in the investigation.

Jane: You just got here, right?

Gabe: Yes.

Jane: So how is it that you knew Derek Logan wasn't here?

Gabe: Well, Derek left the school and moved out of state after that prank Selby pulled. Word is he k*lled himself.

Cordova: Are you serious? I heard he was a blackJack dealer at a casino.

Lisbon: Uh, we'd like to talk to some classmates that still live in the area. Maybe they know something about Selby.

Willa: Well, there are only a few, but, uh, the student ambassadors can probably point you in the right direction.

Lisbon: Thank you for your time.

Selby's apartment

Cho: Nothing jumps out on this, but I'm gonna have the tech guys give it a once-over.

Van Pelt: Mail's all big bills and small bank accounts.

Cho: They certainly weren't living the high life here.

Van Pelt: They didn't need to. This was home. They were happy.

(cell phone ringing)

Van Pelt: Agent Grace Van Pelt.

Rigsby: (phone) Hey. So I got you next of kin info on Selby. Uh, mother in Rancho Rosa. No luck on Jana, though.

Van Pelt: Thanks. Text me the address?

Rigsby: (phone) Will do. So I've never been to Rancho Rosa before. What's it like? (beep)

Van Pelt: Nothing special. A town.

Rigsby: (phone) Cool. What are you guys doing now?

Van Pelt: You know, investigating. (rewinding, beep)

Cho: Van Pelt, come here. Check this out.

Van Pelt: I gotta go.

Rigsby: (phone) Y-yeah. I'm—I'm busy... Too.

(hangs up receiver) (exhales deeply) (paper thuds)

Cho: This is from yesterday morning. (beep)

Answering machine: I'm done playing games here. You hear me? Either you get me my money, or I'm gonna be forced to take action. (click, beep)

Cho: So much for happiness.

High school

Lisbon: Mm. So you haven't seen Selby once in all these years? Supermarket, movie theater maybe?

Man: No. I mean, you know, if I did, I-I don't remember. (chuckles)

Jane: Hard to believe you, Stu.

Man: I'm sorry?

Jane: W—uh, really? Okay. Yeah? The hair plugs, the heels, this, uh, professional woman here posing as your girlfriend...

Girlfriend: Wait, wait. What did you just say? Whoa. (laughs) d-did he just call me... Did you— I-I mean— did he say to me that—

Jane: That's all we need for your time. (laughs) That's all the questions we have now, so...

Lisbon: Beg my pardon.

(Stu laughs) Yeah. All right.

Lisbon: That's all we have for now. Thank you.

Jane: I think you look lovely. Have a good evening.

Lisbon: Go, Toros. What's your problem?

(clicks tongue)

Jane: uh, it's just a room full of people lying to each other. Everyone here is trying so hard to show how much they've changed, when the mere effort screams that they haven't.

Lisbon: Or they actually do change— with exceptions like Mr. Hair plugs, of course. You got the rebel who took the bank job, the player that stays faithful to his wife...

Jane: The rebel took the bank job because she sees her rebellion is fruitless. The player stays faithful to his wife because the consequence of infidelity is much greater now. But their instincts— their instincts never change.

Lisbon: I'm a far cry from what I was in high school.

Jane: Eh, I wouldn't be so sure. Driven to succeed to the point of developing an ulcer, no tolerance for superiors less sharp than yourself, shutting out girls that wanted to hang out with you, blowing off boys that want to get close— All the while, at every turn, wondering, "what is it I really want?"

Lisbon: No.

Jane: And you played an instrument. my guess? Hmm. Clarinet.

Lisbon: Not even close. And we're done here. I'll get the guest list to Rigsby. I'll have him check everybody out.

Jane: Have him locate the whereabouts of Derek Logan.

Lisbon: You really think Logan laid in wait for 15 years and suddenly decided to take revenge on Selby?

Jane: Well, I think that Logan is as angry today as he was 15 years ago, maybe even angrier.

Lisbon: We'll check him out.

Jane: You know, I'm gonna stick around. I-I didn't go to high school. This is kind of fascinating for me.

Lisbon: You never went to high school?

Jane: No, I was busy.

Lisbon: You can stay. Just don't make me sorry I let you.

Jane: Bassoon.

Mrs. Vickers's home

Cho: Mrs. Vickers, when was the last time you spoke to your son?

Mrs. Vickers: Um, this morning. Selby always checks in on me before he goes to work, to see how I'm doing. He's... (voice breaking) was sweet like that.

Cho: Were you aware of any problems he was having? Work? Personal life?

Mrs. Vickers: Um, no. Just the opposite. Uh, things were starting to get good for him. After he left high school, things didn't go right for him.

Van Pelt: About high school— the prank he pulled—

Mrs. Vickers: (normal voice) I don't want to talk about that.

Van Pelt: Ma'am—

Mrs. Vickers: His whole life was spoiled by that—that incident. He lost a chance at college. He—he got stuck working in a little print shop. And then Jana came along, and— And she was like a whole new world for him. She encouraged him, and she told him to—to strive for something better, And—and he became a whole new person.

Van Pelt: We haven't been able to track down any family for Jana. Do you know where we can find them?

Mrs. Vickers: She didn't have anybody— Uh, nobody that I know of. She moved here from Poland, and Selby only met her a couple of months ago. A few dates and... (laughs) and they got married. It was all kind of a whirlwind.

Cho: Now, Mrs. Vickers, it's a bit unsettling, but I'd like you to listen to this message, see if you recognize the caller. Is that all right?

Mrs. Vickers: Yeah.

Answering machine: (beep) (man) I'm done playing games here. You hear me? Either you get me my money, or I'm gonna be forced to take action. (click, beep)

Mrs. Vickers: Well, I-I've never heard that voice in my life. Was my son involved with a loan shark or something?

Cho: Could be. We traced the phone call to a phone booth in Galatin.

Mrs. Vickers: That doesn't really tell us— Galatin? Th-that's where Jana's from. Uh, s-Selby met her there at a coffee shop when he was on a delivery run.

Van Pelt: Can you tell us anything about Jana before she met Selby? Maybe names of friends, where she worked?

Mrs. Vickers: No, all that Selby told me was that things were tough for her. Yeah, he didn't share any details, probably 'cause he didn't want me making any judgments.

High school

Cordova: (laughs) You remember what we used to call you? You were the frogman. (man laughs) Frog—because you played the french horn... Yeah. Well, no— d 'cause, you know, Y-you kinda sorta look like a frog, but no offense, but...

Phil: Yeah, no, I-I remember.

Cordova: Oh, man, we used to get on you. You know what? I'm sorry about that, sincerely, but, I mean what? We were kids, right? We were just kids.

Phil: Forget it, forget it. I have.

Friend: (laughs) Dude, that—that time we put the dead bird in his locker.

Cordova: Ohh, we did that. (laughs)

Phil: Yeah, yeah, you guys got me with that one.

Cordova: Does anybody still call you that—"the frogman"?

Phil: Well, pretty much everyone calls me "Phil, " except my son who calls me "dad."

Cordova: You fathered a kid? He fathered a— he— Go, frogman! Come on. Nice!

Friend: Good job. Didn't think you had it in you.

Cordova: Wait. Does he play the french horn, too? (stifles laughter) Because if he does, you could call him frogboy... or... Kermit.

Friend: or kermie.

(clicks tongue)

Phil: Really good to, uh, see you guys again.

Cordova: Come on. Hey, if the kid of yours ever needs any shaping up, you send him to a Cordova Sports Camp, okay? (laughter)

Phil: Vodka tonic, please.

Jane: Uh, top shelf. It's on me.

Phil: Thank you. (sighs) Um... You're one of the, uh, one of the CBI people.

Jane: Yeah.

Phil: I heard about what happened to Selby. That's—that's awful.

Jane: Hmm. Well, it doesn't appear to have dampened the mood here. L. J. Cordova seems to be having a great time.

Phil: Yeah. Frogman. (sighs) If I could go back in time and beat the crap out of him the first time he called me that...

Jane: It's not possible, Phil.

Phil: Oh, I know.

Jane: But you could just talk to him quietly and tell him how you feel.

Phil: (scoffs) He'd probably just laugh at me.

Jane: Probably. But at least you would know that you made an effort, right? And this is a—what? It's a 15-year school reunion. What are these reunions for, anyway?

Phil: (laughs) I don't know.

Jane: I understand. All those nights you lay there not being able to sleep, thinking about whether or not you should've confronted him. It's tough.

Phil: You know what? (clicks tongue) You're right.

Jane: You go, Phil.

Phil: Hey, L. J.

Cordova: What up, frog? (smack) What's your problem, man? (thud) (indistinct conversations) (thud) No, come on. Get off me! Come on. What are you—

Jane: Phil.


(glass shatters)

(man grunting)

(punches landing)

Man: Come here! Come here! Get off! (glass shatters)




Jane: You know, this thing is a golden treasury of mullets.

Lisbon: A brawl? You started a brawl? Come on.

Jane: Well, I was, uh, I was going for something a little more contained, but I guess people just wanted to explore the physical.

Lisbon: And what information did you glean? I assume you were testing some theory or other?

Jane: Wow, Willa Brock was involved in eight different school activities, and she looked pretty good in cargo pants, which is hard to do.

Lisbon: There are people in the hospital.

Jane: Yes, but souls were healed. This was a cathartic brawl. It was—it was a therapeutic expression of—

Lisbon: (to Cho) Please.

Cho: Got a lead. Jana's I. N.S. entry records list a Galatin address as her destination— The property and residence of a Terence Badali. No real sheet, but he had a couple restraining orders from women back in the '90s. He could be our angry caller.

Lisbon: Go to Galatin. Take Van Pelt with you.

Cho: Okay.

Lisbon: You—go to hell. Take a toothbrush.

Jane: Which way is that? I'll go.

(Patrick chuckles)

Rigsby: What's so funny?

Jane: "if I want culture, I'll leave my yogurt out overnight." L. J. Cordova's yearbook photo quote.

Rigsby: Well, when you're done entertaining yourself, I got your Derek Logan update right here. Kid's life never turned the corner. Derek Michael Logan left Rancho Rosa a couple weeks after the Selby incident. Family moved to Virginia. He became a heroin addict. Couple years in and out of rehab. He died of an overdose on his 23rd birthday. School office has sent over his old student I. D. from their archives.

Jane: Mm-hmm. You know he kind of looks like you.

Rigsby: Mm. And, uh, this is the photo of the incident that, uh, Selby plastered around the school. How does any kid recover from that?

Jane: Well, in this case, they don't. Mm. How sad. Mm. And I was betting on Derek Logan as our k*ller.


Terence: Will you quit yanking me around? Okay, if you can't get it right, we're through. Now the order was for 5/16th Beech Wood, not for 5/16th warped Beech Wood.

Cho: Hey, Terence Badali? CBI. Need to talk to you about Jana Vickers.

Terence: (phone) I'll call you back. What about her?

Cho: You left a threatening message on her answering machine recently.

Terence: Well, how do you know it was me?

Van Pelt: Because an innocent person would say, "I didn't do it."

Terence: So what? I called her. Big deal.

Van Pelt: You called her and threatened her. Now she and her husband have been found k*lled, and so-





Cho: You're under arrest.


Terence: I panicked. As soon as you told me they were dead, I knew you were gonna blame me, and my brain said, "just run."

Cho: Your brain's a fool. Where were you last night?

Terence: I was watching college ball.

Cho: Can you prove that?

Terence: Notre Dame sucked. I live alone... Since that polish bitch left me.

Cho: She and you had a sexual relationship?

Terence: Well, she was my fiancée. I met her through this internet service. Uh, y-you pay a whole bunch of money, but you get to choose from these videos, and then they bring her over to the country, and she marries you.

Cho: That's a good deal.

Terence: Oh, I tell you, man, these eastern European types— they know how to take care of their men. (laughs)

Cho: Right. What happened?

Terence: Well, she left me for this Vickers guy. She comes to me one day, says she met this guy at work, they fell in love...

Cho: Must've made you angry.

Terence: Yeah, you bet it did.

Cho: So you thr*aten to k*ll them unless they pay you off.

Terence: No, no, no. I threatened to turn her in to the I. N.S., because she had lied about all these things on her form. She was in this country under false pretenses.

Cho: How much were you asking for?

Terence: Well, I just wanted my money back— The money I put up to get her over here. I saved all my receipts. It was 25 grand. Well, and 5 grand for emotional suffering.

Cho: And what was her response?

Terence: She said they'd pay it. She admitted she owed me the money.

Cho: They were broke. Any idea where they were gonna get the money?

Terence: Jana said that Selby was gonna get it from an old friend.

Van Pelt: They guaranteed Badali they'd have it for him Monday, in cash.

Lisbon: At least we know Selby's sudden interest in the reunion.

Van Pelt: He was protecting his wife. It's kind of romantic. Noble, even.

Lisbon: Ugh. Motive, even. He must have asked somebody for money who really didn't like him asking.

Rigsby: Yeah, nice work, Grace.

Lisbon: I need to see that list of all the reunion attendees' arrival times.

Rigsby: Oh, yeah. Here you go.

Lisbon: Thanks.

Rigsby: So, uh, you and Cho saw some action, huh?

Van Pelt: Little bit, yeah.

Rigsby: That's cool.

Lisbon: You have Gabe Nyland arriving by plane the day before the m*rder. Are you sure that's right?

Rigsby: Yeah, there's an airfield in Stratton, the next town over. I checked the arrival logs. He flew in by private jet.

Lisbon: Be careful who you vote for Lieutenant Governor. One of the candidates lies.

(knock on door)

Gabe: Yes?

Lisbon: It's Agent Lisbon and Patrick Jane. We just have a few follow-up questions for you.

Gabe: Hi. How can I help?

Lisbon: Last night at the reception, you said you'd just gotten in, but we know you flew in the day before the murders. Can you explain the discrepancy for us?

Gabe: Come on in. I came a day early for a private fund-raising dinner. I said I'd just arrived, because I didn't want my classmates thinking I'm up here shilling during reunion weekend.

Jane: This is a nice room. Is it the, uh, presidential suite?

Gabe: Something like that.

Jane: Is the bedroom nice? How's the mattress?

Gabe: Uh, it's adequate.

Jane: Can I see it?

Gabe: Well, no. Why would you want to?

Jane: Why not?

Gabe: Because I'm entitled to my privacy.

Girl: Hello again.

Gabe: There was no inappropriate relationship.

Lisbon: You call it an inappropriate relationship. The law calls it soliciting sex from a minor.

Gabe: She came to my door, had an idea she wanted to discuss about a youth voter effort for my campaign. I'm not going to discourage some enthusiastic kid who wants to get involved.

Lisbon: No, no. You hide 'em in your bedroom.

Gabe: I had to. Media people follow me everywhere I go now. If I open that door and it's some guerrilla photographer, our faces end up on the internet, both of our lives are ruined.

Jane: You're very good at this— selling a case with passion, even though it holds no water. Explains why you're such a successful D.A.

Gabe: It's the truth.

Jane: Well, that should be easy to confirm. Lisbon, could you have the social worker bring, uh, Tess in, please?

Gabe: No, please. This is on me. She didn't ask for any of this.

Jane: You care about her. You genuinely care about her. Well, she's very friendly... and diplomatic. Diplomatic... and evasive, like a politician... like her father. That, and you have the same shape front teeth. They are your real teeth, aren't they?

Lisbon: She's your daughter?

Gabe: Her mother was a year behind me. Tess was born a few weeks before I graduated. Families agreed to keep it quiet. But I've always done right by Tess. Come out to see her whenever I can. Discreetly, of course.

Lisbon: Did you ever see Selby when you visited?

Gabe: Last year, at a gas station just outside of town. We said a quick hello, went our separate ways.

Lisbon: Maybe Selby found out about Tess, threatened to expose you.

Gabe: Not Selby Vickers. He wouldn't thr*aten a fly. A super nice guy. He tried to do right by people.

Jane: What'd you talk about with Selby at the gas station?

Gabe: Small talk. I told him I was gonna run for Lieutenant Governor, and he offered to print the campaign flyers, free of charge.

Jane: Was he the same way in high school?

Gabe: Always—help you with your homework, he'd share his lunch with you, he was just happy knowing that you liked him. Even that thing with Logan, he just did it to be popular. I've answered all your questions. I think you should go now.

Lisbon: Jane.

Jane: What?

Lisbon: Come on. Oh. Sorry. Very nice to meet you. Your politics are a roiling mess of greed and cynicism, but you have a lovely daughter.

High school

(indistinct conversations)

L. J.: Aw, him again.

Willa: Oh. (sighs) I'll take care of it. Mm.

(footsteps approach)

Willa: Mr. Jane, hello.

Jane: Willa, right? Regional TV personality.

Willa: Yes. (laughs)

Jane: Yeah. (laughs)

Willa: Um, anything I can help you with?

Jane: Oh, I'm just here for the big game. Football—I love it!

Willa: How goes the investigation?

Jane: Oh, my colleagues are pursuing several leads, uh... nothing definitive yet.

Willa: Mr. Jane, this is a weekend of celebration. Your presence is making a few people uncomfortable.

Jane: Should I go away? Should I leave Selby and Jana unavenged because of some low comfort levels? Is that what you're saying?

Willa: No, no.

Jane: What are you saying then? (laughs)

Willa: I— Never mind. (laughs) Okay.

Jane: Willa, I do have a question.

Willa: Yes?

Jane: How are the burgers?

Willa: The burg— (laughs) The burgers are good. Very good.

(indistinct conversations)

Jane: Vice principal Desouza, do you mind if I join you? (clicks tongue)

Desouza: Wow, look at you. All grown-up. Sit down. Tell me what you've been up to these days.

Jane: Nice cover. I didn't actually attend this high school. In fact, I didn't attend any high school. I'm with the CBI.

Desouza: Oh, please, please. These reunions are insufferable. What I wouldn't give to be home on my couch, glass of wine, good book.

Jane: Well, I take it you heard about Selby Vickers and his wife.

Desouza: Oh, yes. That's—that's a tragedy. Selby was a truly good kid, you know, until that one incident with Derek Logan.


Desouza: Derek Logan was definitely a different kind of duck. He wore the same tattered Jacket, be it hot or cold, always hugged the wall as he walked down a hallway. He was off.

Jane: "off" isn't tolerated in high school.

Desouza: Well, certainly not in the 30 years I've been doing this job.

Locker room

Desouza: Right over there is where it all happened.

Jane: hmm.

Desouza: Derek's folks sent him to a shrink afterwards... (sighs) but it didn't help. A month later, they pulled him out of school. That was the last I heard of him.

Jane: Hmm. Did Selby ever give a reason why he did it?

Desouza: You know, I asked him, but he just shrugged. You know, gave me that teenage "I don't know." (sighs)

Jane: How'd you catch him? Derek was blindfolded, right?

Desouza: Yes. He heard his attacker's voice, though. He thought it sounded like Selby. I confronted Selby. He confessed quite readily, like the helpful, honest boy he usually was. It's very strange.

Jane: Hmm.


Rigsby: You want me to memorize everything we have on all 67 alumni that showed up at the reunion?

Jane: Yes, I do.

Rigsby: And how would I do that?

Jane: It's easy. You build a memory palace.

Rigsby: Um, I thought that was just some card player's trick.

Jane: Well, it's multipurpose. It's perfect for recalling a large body of information. All you need is a physical location that you know well, and you break it down in your mind into smaller pieces and link each one to a package of the information, like this. I walk in the door, and I'm greeted by reunion chair Willa Brock— former class president, debate team captain, led the team to three county championships, now a talk show host in Chicago. I sit down at the table and catch up with Dana Greer—swimmer, now a realtor in Los Angeles, married to a gentleman by the name of Arthur. And so on and so forth.

Rigsby: Okay.

Jane: When you want to remember the details, you close your eyes, and in your mind, you walk around your very own memory palace.

Rigsby: (laughs) Yeah, yeah, but I-I can't learn all stuff in just a couple hours.

Jane: It comes very quickly once you get the hang of it, and they'll be wearing nametags.

Rigsby: But why? I mean, why would I memorize all these—

Jane: It's fun.

Rigsby: This is some dubious scheme that Lisbon doesn't know about, isn't it? Yeah, you can count me out.

Jane: Sorry, you gotta do it.

Rigsby: Uh, no, I don't.

Jane: (exhales deeply) If you, uh, don't cooperate, I'm gonna be forced to tell Lisbon about you and Van Pelt.

Rigsby: Tell what? There's nothing to tell.

Jane: Really?

Rigsby: Yeah. I don't know what you're talking about.

Jane: Ah. Contrary to very strict CBI rules and regulations, you and Grace Van Pelt are engaged in an illicit affair.

Rigsby: Nope.

Jane: You're being childish.

Rigsby: Don't tell Lisbon. She'll report us to H. R.

Jane: Well, she's a stickler.

Rigsby: They'll throw one of off the unit.

Jane: Better get to work.

High school

(Los Del Rio's "Macarena" playing)
♪ hey, macarena, ay! ♪
♪ Dale a tu cuerpo alegria macarena ♪
♪ que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegria y cosa buena ♪
♪ Dale a tu cuerpo alegria macarena ♪
♪ hey, macarena, ay! ♪
♪ macarena tiene un novio que se llama ♪
♪ que se llama de apellido vitorino ♪
♪ que en la jura de bandera el muchacho ♪
♪ es pa' darle alegria y cosa buena ♪
♪ Dale a tu cuerpo alegria macarena ♪
♪ hey, macarena, ay! ♪

Jane: School would be so much more fun if they started the day with this every morning instead of the, uh, pledge of allegiance. Or maybe they could, uh, just integrate the two into the "dance of allegiance."

Lisbon: We're taking a real flier here.

Jane: This better work.

Jane: Timpani.

Lisbon: No.

Jane: Huh. Really got me stumped on that one. I'm just guessing now.

Lisbon: Look, we'd better get this thing going before people start leaving.

Jane: Patience. The fun will commence shortly.

(Ini Kamoze's "Hotstepper" playing)

♪ na, na-na-na, na ♪
♪ na-na-na, na ♪

Rigsby: Hey, how's it going?

(clicks tongue) Nice to see you. Long time. (chuckling) Hey.

Woman: Hey.

Rigsby: (under breath) Okay. Coffee machine. (normal voice) Stu McPine? How goes it with my favorite photo club president? (laughing)

Stu: It goes great. How goes it with you?

Rigsby: It goes whatever's better than great.

Stu: You know, I-I forgot your name.

Rigsby: Well, it's, uh... Derek Logan. Yeah. And it's great to be back.

Hi. How are ya?

Hi. Nice to see you.

See you.

Oh, yeah.

Jane: This is gonna be good. I promise.

Rigsby: Great to see you, too, man.

Willa: Derek Logan. I-I can't believe it.

Gabe: Yeah, you've changed.

Rigsby: Well, who would've thought that the girl who brought four schools to their knees in the high school county debate finals would be lost for words, huh?

Willa: (laughing) You—you just look so different.

Rigsby: Let's just chalk it up to 15 years' worth of solid hours at the health club, plus maybe a little bit of work. You gotta look good in my business, huh? You know what I mean?

L. J.: Had to see it to believe it. Derek Logan! (grunts)

Rigsby: Hey. L. J., hey! (quietly) Refrigerator.

L. J.: What?

Rigsby: (normal voice) Rancho Rosa versus Stratton— The ball is on our 10,2 seconds on the clock, Sims hands it off, bam! You run 90 yards, touchdown, Toros win.

L. J.: (laughing) Oh, you're— you're half right. That was against Deerfield. And it was a pass, not a handoff, but it was close. Man! That's Derek freakin' Logan! Whoo! (chuckles) (laughing)

Rigsby: I'm gonna, uh, make the rounds to say some hellos, but it is great to see you guys. Wow!

(indistinct conversations)

Jane: Wow, you're a natural.

Rigsby: (under breath) I can't do this.

Jane: You're doing it. You ready for phase two?

Rigsby: (sighs) I can't.

Jane: Think of it this way— you mess up, we blow the case, and I tell Lisbon.

Rigsby: (sighs) Oh, you're a cold bastard, you know that?

Willa: Good evening, fellow Toros! (cheers and applause) (laughing) Now is the part of the evening you've all been waiting for— the achievement awards! (cheers and applause) As voted by you— the 15th reunion class of Rancho Rosa high! (cheers and applause)

Jane: Break a leg.

Rigsby: (clears throat) Yeah.

Willa: Our first award— The "I can't believe they're still together" award, which goes to—

Rigsby: Dave Mercer and Angie Diaz Mercer. No surprises there, am I right, g*ng? (chuckles)

Willa: What are you doing?

Rigsby: I'm-a let you finish, Willa. I, uh, just want to say a few quick words.

Willa: Okay. Just make it fast, okay?

Rigsby: Sure.

Willa: Uh, slight change of schedule. We'll get right back to the awards, but first, Derek Logan!

(scattered applause)

Man: Yo, D. L.

Rigsby: (chuckles) Yeah. I'm, uh, sure most of you are scratching your heads, wondering why, uh, why I'm here. I came here tonight because, uh... I wanted to see how it felt like to be here again. I'm not the same person I was 15 years ago, so when I walked in that front door tonight, It felt good. (scattered applause) Thank you. But as soon as I set my eyes on you people, I remember how it felt the last time I walked out that door, and I was that sad, defeated kid again. Sure, go ahead. Feel sorry for me. But you should also feel sorry for Selby, may he, uh, rest in peace.

About a month ago, Selby called me. He'd been, uh, trying to track me down for months, he said. He wanted to apologize and, uh, to tell the truth about what really happened that day— (retching) The truth that never came out. You see, Selby was a follower, not a leader, and he did what he did because somebody else was there that day. (crowd murmuring) Somebody told him to do what he did to me. Yeah, that's right.

Phil: Hey, Gina, what's up? He'll be fine. Just, um, uh... give him an aspirin.

Rigsby: and I now know who it was. And that is the real reason I am here. I am here to make you pay. (murmuring grows louder) you—you ruined my life, uh, that day. And I've spent 15 years struggling to get it back. (chuckling) and now, now I have. Oh, yeah. And I will have my revenge. Payback is—is—is a bitch, like, uh, in that movie with, um, uh... Uh, Mel—Mel Gibson where they— where they kidnap his child. Um, you know. Uh, or is it the other one? Uh, anyhow, um, that's me. Enjoy the rest of your evening. Go, Toros. (crowd continues murmuring) (scattered applause)

Willa's room

(door opens)

Willa: What ar— what do you think you're doing?

Jane: Oh, the maid lent us this. You still should tip her.

Lisbon: Must've been hard walking out in the middle of a big event you planned.

Willa: (chuckles) The speech was boring, and I have to get back to Chicago. I have two shows to prepare for on Monday.

Jane: I have a great idea for your show. Uh, "humiliating pranks and the people who initate them." You could be your own guest.

Willa: (laughing) You— you have no basis for that. I just—I didn't want to have to hear Derek go on and on about-

Lisbon: Your talk show goes national soon.

Willa: So?

Lisbon: If Selby had gone to the media with the story of how you brutalized a helpless boy, your big chance would be history. So you arranged a meeting with Selby to get the money. Jana showed up with him, which you weren't expecting, so you k*lled them both.

Willa: Okay, I-I didn't have to pay him or k*ll him. Uh, Selby didn't have a stitch of proof putting me in that locker room. The media would've ignored him as a crackpot.

Jane: "I have immortal longings in me." Do you remember that quote?

Willa: Uh, uh, it's Shakespeare. I-I think it was the quote in my yearbook photo.

Jane: And an apt one. High school was a wonderful time for you, wasn't it?

Willa: Yeah, you could say that.

Jane: Star student, class president, champion debater— You were at the top of the social hierarchy. Willa Brock was the queen of the school. Your world was perfect.

Willa: Yes.

Jane: Yeah. But then something happened and unsettled that perfect world. Derek Logan irked you, somehow. And you just couldn't let it pass without a response, so you turned on the charm, you manipulated Selby to do your bidding, knowing that he'd be thrilled to help the popular girl— The girl he was always a little in love with. And then you destroyed Derek Logan, to the delight of your peers. And you enjoyed it, 'cause you found it all so easy and so empowering and exciting, right? All your success at Rancho Rosa high— This... was Willa Brock's crowning achievement. (whistles) You've aged well. It looks like Selby took more than one photo that day in the locker room, didn't he? Have a look at that. Check that out. (camera shutter clicking) This is Selby's proof, but you didn't want to pay him all that money and risk him blackmailing you again, so you k*lled him and his wife Jana. Kinda poetic, how you were done in by your own vanity.

Willa: Derek Logan told everyone I let him touch me— Like I ever would. I was deeply humiliated.

Lisbon: So you ruined his life. And Selby and Jana Vickers had to die, too.

Willa: Selby falls for that little polish girl and suddenly grows a spine? (sighs deeply) Things would have been perfect if he just stayed lonely and pathetic.

Lisbon: Close call. If she'd have destroyed the negative that Selby had given her, we'd have no evidence and no case.

Jane: It was a trophy. It was a reminder that the great Willa Brock can crush anyone that dares stand in her way, just like 15 years ago.

Lisbon: Yes, yes. Nobody advances an inch from high school. You proved your point.

Jane: Their instincts never change.

High school

Phil: Selby and Derek would both be grateful. You two have an open invitation if you want to join us at the 20th. (Patrick chuckles)

Lisbon: Hopefully, we won't need to.

Jane: Keep it in the dojo, Phil.

Lisbon: One thing I don't get— How did you persuade Rigsby to play this charade?

Jane: I told him that you promised to give him Monday off.

Lisbon: Not happening.

Jane: Well, that puts me in an awkward position. I-I-I-I held up my end of the bargain.

(Extreme's "More Than Words" playing)

Lisbon: Oh, God. I used to love this song.

Jane: Loved the song.

Lisbon: I used to love this song. (chuckles)

Jane: You love this song. Yeah. Obviously, you want to dance.

Lisbon: With you? No.

Jane: Oh, come on. You can pretend that I'm that mean, cold-hearted guy that you used to worship from afar, but never talked to.

♪ how easy it would be ♪

Lisbon: Hmm. No funny stuff.

♪ more than words ♪
♪ is all you have to do ♪
♪ to make it real ♪
♪ then you wouldn't have to say ♪

Jane: Trumpet?

♪ that you love me ♪

Lisbon: No.

♪ 'cause I'd already know ♪
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