02x09 - A Price Above Rubies

Complete collection of episode transcripts for seasons 1 - 7. Aired: September 2008 to February 2015.*

Moderator: Maggiemay19

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A famous "psychic" outs himself as a fake and starts working as a consultant for the California Bureau of Investigation so he can find "Red John," the madman who k*lled his wife and daughter.
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02x09 - A Price Above Rubies

Post by bunniefuu »

"Danny boy. The pipes, the pipes are calling. From glen to glen and down the mountainside. The summer's gone"

Man: "And all the roses falling. 'Tis you, 'tis you must go And I must bide" Thanks !

Cho: Which one's ours?

Lisbon: The one who looks like she blows her nose with $100 bills.

Cho: They all look like that.

Lisbon: Joke. That's her over there. Let's go.

Cho: We shouldn't have to be asking for charity.

Lisbon: The department needs the money. Smile.

Lisbon: Mrs. Doverton? Hi. I'm Teresa Lisbon. This is Kimball Cho. We're with the CBI. You're sponsoring us for the event, I believe.

Mrs. Doverton: Yes, of course. Yes. Welcome. I was very sorry to hear about your terrible loss— You know, those agents.

Lisbon: Thank you.

Mrs. Doverton: I can only imagine what you must all be feeling.

Lisbon: We don't talk about it. Thanks.

Mrs. Doverton: I'd like to introduce you to my nephews. This is Thomas.

Lisbon: Hi.

Mrs. Doverton: Say hello, Thomas.

Thomas: Hi.

Cho: Hi.

Thomas: Please call me "Tom."

Mrs. Doverton: And this is George.

George: So, Miss Lisbon, what entertainment do you have planned for us this evening?

Lisbon: Actually, a member of our team used to be in show business. He's sort of a magician, And he's going to entertain us, hopefully.

Mrs. Doverton: How nice.

Lisbon: Cheers.

Rigsby: What?

Jane: Just a smile.

Van Pelt: He just smiled.

Man: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Jane Patrick of California Bureau Investigation

Jane: Good evening. You're a very good-looking crowd. Thank you for coming this evening. You, too, back there. You look very regal up there in the window. My name is Patrick Jane. I'm from the CBI. This is an egg. Yes, I'm supposed to do magic tricks and read minds for you, but after some thought, I, decided what the hell? I don't really want to do that corny old stuff, so... Instead what I'd like to do is much cooler. I would like to transform your consciousness. Have any of you ever stopped to consider what lucky bastards you all are... If you think about all the suffering And the injustice in the world? Every second of every day there is someone somewhere crying out in pain and fear. A woman is r*ped. A child starves to death. A man is ex*cuted for a crime he didn't commit. But here we are. We could be standing on a roof in some bangladeshi village, waiting for the flood Waters to recede.

Carl: No!

Jane: But, no, here we are, in this lavish ballroom, sipping french champagne, declining the hors d'oeuvres. Thank you very much. Yes. Put your hands in the air, anyone that feels lucky. If you think you are lucky, put your hands up. That's right. We here are all blessed by fortune. If you disagree, put down your hands. If you don't think you need to express your thanks for that blessing, put down your hand. If you're not willing to write a check that will save actual lives, then please put down your hands. That's great. Very good. Okay. Now magic. You, sir, put your left hand in your Jacket pocket and take out whatever is in there and show it to everybody.

Jane: Thank you. Make those checks legible.

Mrs. Doverton: A novel way of raising money, I must say.

Jane: The direct approach sometimes the best.

Mrs. Doverton: If you'll excuse me.

Lisbon: You son of a bitch. You scared the crap out of me.

Jane: Please, like I don't know how to work a fat crowd of suckers.

Mrs. Doverton: What? No!

George: What's the matter?

Mrs. Doverton: Carl's been shot.

Lisbon: Bypassed the alarm system somehow, shut off the security cameras. Prints are unlikely. When was the last time you changed the lock code?

George: That was a classified 5-b vault door. I was told that no one could get through it. Insurance had damn well better pay.

Lisbon: Good safecracker can get through anything with the right tools and enough time.

Jane: This is beautiful. Look at that.

George: Excuse me. Would you stop that, please?

Jane: Sure. No problem. Just having a look. Got some cool stuff in here. Very cool. You two are brothers, right?

George: Indeed. It's nice to see that the case is in such perceptive hands.

Jane: Can hands be perceptive? I don't think so. So is it usual that your uncle is here after closing?

Thomas: He's not our uncle exactly.

Jane: I'm sorry. The man having sex with your aunt then.

George: No.

Thomas: No, but tonight was the benefit. Carl must have forgotten something and come back and surprised the thieves.

Jane: Sure did. What's the deal with Carl and your aunt? How did they get together?

George: They met four years ago at the club— The labor day senior tennis tournament. He was a pro back east.

Lisbon: And they married, and he joined the family business?

George: Yes, that's correct.

Jane: Does your resentment of him, uh, create any tension?

George: What resentment?

Jane: Well, the old girl gets laid. Next thing you know, you got a new business partner. Come on. You resent him.

Thomas: No.

George: Carl's been a godsend, actually. A natural salesman, and he's made Esther very happy.

Thomas: Yes, that's—that's the main thing.

George: If I may say so, what I do very much resent Is the tone of your questioning.

Lisbon: Huh. I'm sorry if we've offended you. I—

Jane: No, don't say that. This is a m*rder investigation. I can be as hard-ass as I'd like to be, thank you.

Lisbon: Actually, it's not a m*rder investigation yet. If Mr. Ward dies, which seems likely, it'll become a m*rder investigation.

Jane: Yeah, well, that's right. Yeah. He's not dead. Uh, well, uh, I apologize for my rudeness.

Lisbon: Let's go.

Jane: Okay.

Van Pelt: We get a break in the case, boss. This is last night's footage from a parking lot camera across the street. That's Doverton & Co. Back there on the right. Okay, so now we zoom in like this and...There. That's him. Then I checked the new intersection cameras the city put in to catch traffic light violations. I figured I'd look at the ones nearest to Doverton's around that time of night. Car's registered to Doyle Murphy. His sheet's a mile long, and safecracking was his specialty. I got a current address in Locke.

Lisbon: Nice work, Van Pelt. Quick. It's your hook. Contact local P. D. and have them pick him up. Take Rigsby with you.

Van Pelt: Thanks, boss.

Jane: It's all very neat and easy.

Lisbon: Sometimes it happens that way.

Rigsby: Yeah. I'll take a layup anytime, thank you.

Jane: Well, you guys are the professionals here, but is it usual that there is a single perpetrator for this kind of a jewelry heist?

Lisbon: No, at least two. Sometimes maybe three or four. Then there's the timing of the robbery. Weren't those diamonds supposed to be picked up the next morning?

Rigsby: Yeah, 10:15, right when they opened.

Lisbon: Gee, you think maybe it's an inside job?

Jane: Uh, yes, I do.

Rigsby: Yeah, well, guess what? We're way ahead of you, 'Cause we're doing background checks on the whole Doverton staff list.

Jane: My provisional bet— provisional—Carl Ward.

Van Pelt: Hello? He was shot three times.

Jane: Best accomplice is a dead one.

Rigsby: But he's not dead.

Jane: Nobody's perfect.

Lisbon: That's it? Carl Ward is crooked because he got shot?

Jane: He's an ex-tennis pro.

Rigsby: So?

Jane: Shady people, by definition, disappointed. Should be on center court, Wimbledon. Instead is tossing lobs to rich old ladies. Makes him bitter and twisted. Case closed.

Jane: I'm just saying.

Lisbon: Go talk to Murphy. See what he has to say about it.

Jane: I'm just saying.

Rigsby: Jane knows about us. I'm sure he does.

Van Pelt: Why would it be so bad if people figured out we're together?

Rigsby: Because.... What do you mean, why?

Van Pelt: I just mean, is this it?

Rigsby: What? Here? This building?

Van Pelt: No, no. I mean us. Is this all it's gonna be, sneaking around all the time, afraid someone's gonna find out?

Rigsby: No, it's just the bureau rules. The rules are the rules, right?

Van Pelt: Maybe I'm sick of the rules.

Rigsby: Thar she blows.

Van Pelt: You don't want to talk about it, huh?

Rigsby: No, I do, just not here, not on the job.

Van Pelt: We'll have to talk about it sometime.

Rigsby: Yeah. Soon.

Rigsby: CBI. I'd like to know about the, uh, resident who owns the blue beater there.

Guard: Murphy? Pays his rent, makes no trouble. What'd he do?

Van Pelt: Has he had any visitors recently?

Guard: No. Oh, wait. Yeah, couple hours ago. Big guy in a cowboy hat, pimped-out truck. Stayed... five minutes, split.

Rigsby: Does Murphy's room have any rear exit of any kind? A window?

Guard: Nope. What did he do?

Rigsby: Mr. Murphy? State agents. We need to talk to you. Mr. Murphy?!

Van Pelt: Mr. Murphy?!

Rigsby: Nobody ... I guess that lets Carl Ward off the hook then, huh?

Rigsby: Ballistics owes me, expedited the report. This g*n was used to sh**t both Doyle Murphy and Carl Ward. There were no jewels in the room or the car no prints on the g*n.

Lisbon: Start going through all of Murphy's known associates. We're looking for a cowboy in a fancy truck.

Rigsby: Kind of a thin trail. Murphy's a career criminal. He has a lot of associates.

Jane: Hmm. Maybe I can help.

Lisbon: Just maybe? Feeling unsure about yourself, are you? Don't let one wrong hunch throw you.

Jane: Well, "a, " we don't know yet that I'm wrong about Ward, and "b, " bring the motel desk clerk in. Maybe he can recall a little more detail than he thinks about this cowboy.

Jane: Can you see him? What's he doing?

Guard: He's getting out of the truck. And he's walking across the forecourt to Murphy's room.

Jane: Can you read the license plate on the truck?

Guard: No.

Jane: Look closer.

Guard: No, I can't. It's blocked.

Jane: What's he wearing?

Guard: Cowboy hat, brown. Black jeans. Sunglasses, aviator style.

Jane: That's very good, Marty. What else can you see? He's wearing a T-shirt with a bulldog on the front, under it, "true blue."

Rigsby: Donald Culpepper?

Donald: Who the hell are you? Tsst! Quiet.

Rigsby: I have reason to believe that you visited with Doyle Murphy At the starlite motor court. Is that correct?

Donald: That's partially correct. I went to see him. He wasn't there so I left.

Rigsby: Why'd you go see him?

Donald: Social visit. Catching up. He was married to my sister.

Van Pelt: We have sad news. Your ex-brother-in-law is dead.

Donald: I'm in shock. How'd that happen?

Van Pelt: He was shot. Any idea who might want to do that?

Donald: No.

Van Pelt: How about you?

Donald: I have nothing but love for Murph. Why would you think otherwise?

Rigsby: Well, because we read your rap sheet. You're a professional criminal implicated in several murders.

Donald: I'm a dynamic businessman who pushes the envelope. Anybody can imply anything. It's another thing to make it stick.

Rigsby: Yeah. Get out. We need to continue this conversation downtown.

Lisbon: Thanks.

Jane: I deduce from the irritated tone of your phone conversation that I was right about Carl Ward.

Lisbon: Half right.

Jane: Go on.

Lisbon: His real name's Carl Wysocki. He was in jail for kiting checks. He's got an ex-wife in Bayonne, New Jersey, who's owed $90,000 in back alimony.

Jane: Half?

Mrs. Doverton: So he changed his name. What of it?

Lisbon: Did you know about the jail time?

Mrs. Doverton: Yes, of course I did.

Lisbon: And the ex-wife?

Mrs. Doverton: Of course. He told me everything.

Jane: Mm, liar. Bad liar.

Mrs. Doverton: How dare you.

Jane: Well, it's a compliment to your character. You rather be a good liar? Hmm?

Mrs. Doverton: I knew everything about Carl's past.

Lisbon: We're glad he told you, Ma'am, because we have to consider the possibility that he was somehow involved in the jewel heist and double-crossed. His honesty with you makes him far less of a suspect.

Mrs. Doverton: Do you have anything further? My husband needs me.

Lisbon: No, Ma'am. Thank you.

Jane: How's he doing?

Mrs. Doverton: He'll live. They were going to bring him out of sedation tomorrow.

Jane: Excellent.

Cho: Why did you visit with Doyle Murphy?

Donald: I didn't. He wasn't home.

Cho: If he had been home, what would you have said to him?

Donald: "Give me my money."

Cho: He owed you. How much?

Donald: 200 grand and change. He comes out of incarceration this last bit he did and needed to go into rehab. Junkie son of a g*n was there over a month on my dime.

Cho: That's very generous of you.

Donald: Nah. What am I gonna do? At the time— this was two years back— He's married to my sister. Moron.

Cho: Then he kicks your sister to the curb after some domestic v*olence problems. And he still owes you 200 grand.

Donald: One—my sister is a goblin shark. Freakin' Gandhi would take a pop at her. I got no beef with Doyle over that, believe me. And two—this money is what I'm telling ya. Why would I k*ll a guy who owes me that much money?

Cho: Because he just made a very big score.

Donald: Is that right?

Cho: Yes, it is. Maybe you decided to take what was owed you And a little bit more.

Donald: What score is this? Doverton's?

Cho: You heard about that.

Donald: Was on the TV. Nice work. Doyle did that? Wow.

Cho: Did you ever own a beretta 950?

Donald: As a matter of fact, I did use to have one of those. I didn't like the balance. I sold it to Doyle. Why?

Lisbon: Well, I don't care what you're gonna say. I like him for it.

Jane: What do you mean, you don't care what I have to say?

Lisbon: He's obvious, so you're gonna say he's not the guy, because that would be boring.

Jane: No, he looks good for it, superficially, at least. I was merely to say and we need to find out the links between him and doyleate and someone inside Doverton's.

Lisbon: I thought Carl Ward was your man on the inside.

Jane: No. I-I noted that he was a tennis pro And extrapolated from there.

Lisbon: No. No, you said he was the guy.

Jane: Well, if you recall—

Van Pelt: Guys. I mean, boss. I think I found the link you're talking about. The old footage from the store's security cameras is saved on a hard drive off-site. I figured if Murphy had been casing the store, I could find him on the old footage.

Lisbon: Who's that?

Van Pelt: I'll enhance it.

Jane: Oh. Wow.

Lisbon: Tom Doverton.
Thomas: It's a customer, I guess. I'm talking to a customer.

Van Pelt: That's the man who robbed your family's store and shot your uncle. Are you sure you don't know him? Because you're talking like you're old friends.

Thomas: No. I'm just helping a customer with their purchase. That's all.

Van Pelt: And you've never seen that man before?

Thomas: No.

Van Pelt: And you don't know the name "Doyle Murphy"?

Thomas: No.

Cho: The kid's aunt and brother are here with a lawyer.

Lisbon: Darn. We haven't gotten anywhere with him yet.

Cho: You want me to stall 'em?

Lisbon: It's best just to cut him loose. He's denying everything anyway. Unless we can make some connection to Culpepper and Doyle we've got nothing to hold him on.

Cho: Okay.

Lisbon: You go and ask Culpepper about Tom. I'll deal with the family.

Lisbon: You can take Tom home now. We just had a couple of questions we needed to ask him.

Mrs. Doverton: What questions?

Lisbon: I'm sure he'll fill you in on the details.

Mrs. Doverton: Well, I'd appreciate it if next time you wish to speak to a member of my family, you call me first.

Lisbon: I'm sorry, ma'am. That's not our practice. Can I walk you to the elevator?

Jane: You do know why I'm letting you go, don't you?

Donald: Let me guess. I'm innocent.

Jane: No, I figured you're stupid.

Donald: Is that so?

Jane: Yeah. Either you really didn't know That Doyle was gonna actually rob the jewelry store— Stupid innocent— Or you did know and you're gonna lead us to a clue— Stupid guilty.

Donald: You should be more careful how you talk to people.

Jane: Yeah, figure I'm pretty safe here. I mean, what are you gonna do?

Donald: You think I care where we are?

Jane: Go ahead. Do something, you miserable little sadist. Hello, Lisbon. Hi, Dovertons.

Lisbon: What's going on, Jane?

Jane: I'm just letting Mr. Culpepper go. We don't need him for anything, do we? Do we?

Donald: Sometime, when you least expect it, I'll find you.

Jane: You, uh...

George: We'll wait for the next one.

Jane: All right. So long, partner. Happy trails.

Lisbon: Okay, what the hell was that?

Jane: What was what?

Lisbon: Letting Donny Culpepper go. You have no right whatsoever to make those kind of decisions.

Jane: Well, you weren't gonna keep him here. On what? For what? He wasn't gonna talk. Be honest.

Lisbon: I could have held him on the weapons charge.

Jane: Oh, please—

Lisbon: Stop. There's principle involved. Don't think I don't know what you're doing.

Jane: What are you talking about?

Lisbon: Showing the Dovertons to Donny Culpepper. You wanted to see if he recognized one of them, didn't you?

Jane: You watch too much TV. I just thought there was no reason to keep Donny Culpepper here.

Lisbon: Now that's just annoying. You're not even putting any effort into the lie.

Rigsby: Hey, boss. Coroner's here. She's got something to show us.

Jane: Wow, that's really beautiful.

Coroner: I found it in Doyle Murphy's lower intestine. My supposition is that he swallowed it in an attempt to get a larger share of the loot before it was divided with any partners.

Rigsby: Yeah, I guess Murphy misread that situation, huh?

Lisbon: Did you find anything else surprising in there other than that?

Coroner: Just that. Oh !

Lisbon: What the hell was that?

Jane: Uh, I, um... Had a hunch that it was a fake. Guess I'm wrong about that.

Lisbon: Uh, yeah. Where is it?

Jane: Well, the good news is it's not out there. So it's in here somewhere. I'll find it. Anyone see a little, uh... Nope?

Lisbon: There's gotta be a connection between Doyle Murphy and Tom Doverton. Yeah, but what was it? What would bring those two together?

Rigsby: They have nothing in common.

Van Pelt: What are you guys looking for?

Rigsby: A diamond.

Cho: What'd he do?

Rigsby: Hit it with a fire extinguisher.

Cho: Of course.

Jane: I got it!

Lisbon: Oh, thank god. Where was it?

Jane: No, I got where Doyle and Tom connect. Doyle was in rehab.

Lisbon: Yes, and Tom Doverton does look the rehab type. Van Pelt, find out where Doyle went to rehab. Keep looking.

Jane: Don't worry. This is the justice department. Who's gonna steal it here?

Lisbon: You be quiet!

Jane: All right.

Director: Windward Clarity has the highest ratio of staff-to-patient of any facility in the state. Our philosophy mixes traditional western practices with spiritual aspects of the east. Now may I ask which one of you needs our help, or is it both of you?

Lisbon: Actually, we just wanted ...

Jane: It's her.

Lisbon: No !

Jane: Oh, darling, please. Can we just this once do it my way?Just once? Thank you. In the beginning, it was just social, but, uh, well, more recently, uh... It's been starting to worry both of us. Right, darling?

Director: Right this way. I'll introduce you to one of our intake specialists.

Jane: Fantastic. Oh, uh, that's the office. I'm gonna have to take this. Uh, baby, you go ahead, take a look. I'll be five minutes. I'll be right there. Look after her. I'm very proud of you.

Director: I understand your nervousness.

Jane: I love you.

Director: It's completely natural. But you've already taken the first step in recognizing...

Director: Our kitchen is capable of preparing food for any diet. And of course, we have a pair of on-site nutritionists. Um, your husband is taking quite a long time.

Lisbon: You should understand— he's not really my husband.

Director: Oh, that's quite all right. We're not judgmental about such things here.

Lisbon: That's not what I mean.

Jane: Whoa. Uppers and downers. Uppers and— You're so rock 'n' roll, doctor.

Director: That is private material. Doctor-patient privilege is sacrosanct.

Jane: Yes, I know. That's why we did it this way. This is a m*rder investigation. We can be as hard-ass as we want. I found it— The, uh, patient roster for the first two weeks of Doyle Murphy's stay. Guess who his acting sponsor was when he first arrived?

Lisbon: Tom Doverton?

Jane: No. George.

Lisbon: The brother?

Jane: Yeah.

Direcotr: I will be calling your superiors.

Jane: You know, a lot of people say that to me, and you know what I say? I say ...

Lisbon: Let's go. Come on.

Jane: Get some help, doc. That stuff will k*ll you.

Thomas: George isn't here. He's already left. He's not guilty, you know.

Lisbon: How'd you know we were coming?

Thomas: The director of the clinic called. He told us what you'd done. George was in rehab with Doyle Murphy—that's true. But that's all that it was.

Lisbon: So you're saying if we dig, we won't find any more contact between George and Doyle?

Thomas: He came into the store. A guy like that at doverton & company? I mean... come on. If my aunt found out...

Lisbon: We need to talk to George.

Thomas: He's gone.

Jane: Oh, really? Uh, I think he's hiding behind the door. George? George, come out.

George: I'm sorry, Tom. You were just trying to help, but we both know there's no hiding from something like this. I had nothing to do with the robbery or Doyle Murphy's m*rder. I only lied to protect my aunt from... The shame of my addiction. Tom, call Dicky Purcell. Tell him to meet me at the CBI offices.

Thomas: Okay.

Lisbon: After you.

Customer: Excuse me. Do you work here?

George: Uh, certainly, sir. Um, how can I help you?

Customer: My wife—it's her birthday.

George: Of course. Of course. Uh, Michelle? Michelle here would be happy to help you.

Customer:Thank you.

Deliverer: Mr. Doverton?

George: Yeah.

Deliverer: I need a signature for this.

George: There you go.

Lisbon: "You'll get a call in 2 hours. Take the jewels where you are told. No cops or your aunt dies."

Rigsby: She's gone.

George: Oh, god.

Tom: Why would anybody kidnap aunt Esther?

Lisbon: Someone thinks your brother was partners with Doyle Murphy.

George: Well, you think so. Why shouldn't everyone else?

Rigsby: Donny Culpepper.

George: What? Who's Donny Culpepper?

Lisbon: You saw him when we were waiting for the elevator.

Jane: Doyle Murphy owed him a lot of money. He might think that that debt transfers with the diamonds.

George: Okay, but we don't have the diamonds.

Jane: Well, he doesn't know that.

George: Well, you have to go arrest him right away.

Lisbon: That's what we're trying to do, Mr. Doverton. Agent Van Pelt is working with local police as we speak. We're pursuing several leads.

Thomas: But the note says no police.

Rigsby: Well, it's a little late for that.

George: Whoa. What are you gonna do? How are you gonna get our aunt back?

Lisbon: We'll do everything we can to find her. In the meantime, when the kidnappers call, you have to try and stall them.

Rigsby: Take that. Okay.

George: Okay.

Jane: It's almost time. You ready?

Rigsby: Yeah, ready.

Jane: And you?

George: I don't know.

Jane: Just stay calm. Keep the kidnapper on the line and keep him calm.

Rigsby: Remember, keep going as long as you can, okay?

Jane: Headphones?

Rigsby: Yeah, other room. Here we go.

George: Hello?

Kidnapper: Do you have the jewels ready?

George: How do I know you have my aunt? I-I demand to

Kidnapper: No. You don't demand anything. You shut up and you listen.

George: I-I—I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I-I just need proof before

Kidnapper: Proof? I'll give you proof.

Esther: Hello? George?

George: Esther, are you all right?

Kidnapper: There. That's your proof. If you want to see her alive again, you're gonna bring me the diamonds.

George: I-I-I... I-I can't do that. I-I...

Rigsby: Got it.

Kidnapper: You think this is some kind of a game?

George: No! No. I—I'm sorry.

Kidnapper: Are you gonna give me the jewels?

George: I-I... I don't have the jewels. I'm trying to tell you.

Kidnapper: All right, then. This is your decision.

George: Aunt Esther !

Kidnapper: You're next. Now I'm coming for you.

George: Oh, my god.

Jane: Stay right there.

Thomas: Hello?

Kidnapper: Where are the jewels, Tom? We both know you have 'em.

Thomas: They're going to catch you. They're going to get you right now.

Kidnapper: No, no, no. I'm gonna get you, Tom. I know everything about you. Yeah, Doyle Murphy told me everything.

Thomas: Screw you. I'll give you $50,000,50 grand to leave me and my brother alone.

Kidnapper: Oh, you think you're so tough. You give me what I want, or I will come and take it from you.

Thomas: I'll make it $75,000, but no more. I'm not giving up the diamonds.

Kidnapper: You stupid, rich brat. You think you can dictate terms?

Jane: Not this time, Tom. Not this time. I'm gonna make you pay and pay.

Thomas: You try it. You try it, and you see what happens.

Jane: Tough guy, huh? You're gonna give me the same thing you gave to Doyle Murphy?

Thomas: That's right. You push me hard enough, and you'll see.

Jane: Okay. Thanks, Tom. That's great.

Rigsby: Got it all on tape. You're going down. Give me the phone. Hands behind your back. You're under arrest for the m*rder of Doyle Murphy. Let's go.

Jane: Like a charm.

Jane: Ah, tea. Lovely.

Lisbon: Mrs. Doverton? I'm sorry, but we've had to mislead you a little to solve this crime. I'm afraid I've got some difficult news. Your nephew Tom was involved in this robbery.

Mrs. Doverton: Tom...

Jane: Oh, hey, Carl. Welcome back.

Carl: Where am I?

Jane: In the hospital. You just came out of an induced coma. Can I ask you a question?

Carl: What happened to me? Who are you?

Jane: Never mind that. Tell me— Esther Doverton— It was all a scam, right? You just wanted to cash in with a rich, old broad.

Carl: Excuse me?

Jane: Oh, come on. You don't need to be coy with me. It was a great score. Plus, she's, uh, she's pretty good-looking, which is an added bonus with these kind of scams.

Carl: Are you talking about my wife? Who the hell do you think you are?

Jane: Wouldn't that be a better question for me to ask you, Mr. Wysocki?

Carl: So that's it.

Jane: Had to end sometime. You had a pretty good run. And you know what? Between you and me, I think you could squeeze a little more nickel out of this poor old bat. What do you think?

Carl: Don't you talk about her like that. That woman is the only good thing that's ever happened to me. I love her.

Jane: You sure about that?

Carl: Shut up and get out of here, you son of a—

Jane: Okay. All right. Gotcha. Told you he loves you.

Mrs. Doverton: What are you trying to do, k*ll yourself?

Carl: I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you.

Jane: A long time ago, that might have been a frog or a fern or a dinosaur. Then it died, turned into coal and—

Rigsby: Yeah, I know. I did first grade geology, too.

Jane: Well, I'm just saying, it's, uh, just compressed carbon to me. If you want to keep it, I never saw a thing.

Rigsby: What? Get outta here. I wasn't even thinking about that.

Jane: Well, if you say so.

Rigsby: Seriously, you'd let me just walk out of here with this?

Jane: Do you want to?

Rigsby: No, of course not. I mean, yes, I'm tempted.

Jane: Okay, then. Put it in your pocket.

Rigsby: This is a trap, isn't it?

Jane: Are you nuts? What do I care about your integrity?

Rigsby: Oh, yeah, trap. Okay.

Jane: Oh, uh, Grace. Rigsby put something in your pocket.

Van Pelt: What? Houah !!

Rigsby: H-he's messing with you.

Jane: Oh, it's compressed carbon. If you want to keep it... I don't know about Rigsby, but, uh, I wouldn't tell a soul.
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