01x20 - Red Sauce

Complete collection of episode transcripts for seasons 1 - 7. Aired: September 2008 to February 2015.*

Moderator: Maggiemay19

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A famous "psychic" outs himself as a fake and starts working as a consultant for the California Bureau of Investigation so he can find "Red John," the madman who k*lled his wife and daughter.
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01x20 - Red Sauce

Post by bunniefuu »

Mentalist 'men-t3-list noun. Someone who uses mental acuity, hypnosis and/or suggestion. A master manipulator of thoughts and behavior.

Blow out the candles and make a wish.


Was that a... Okay.

All right.

Now presents.


Is it a vase?

Oh, wait. Jane's gonna guess.

Okay, Jane.

Yoga mat?


We talked about that Ashtanga class. I just thought...

It's great. Thanks.

You're welcome.

10 bucks says you don't get this one.

You're on. 10 bucks.

Happy birthday.

Cover your eyes.

Got it.

Don't cheat.

No cheating.



Okay, Jane.

Okay, Rigsby, it's a gift certificate for a...

Spa treatment.


Correct again.

Bingo. 10.

Yeah, I owe you.

Okay, 2 for 2. How about mine?

Cho... That's sweet. Thank you.

I got it.


Okay. What is it?

It's a... Mid to high-end bottle of...

Wine. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Champagne.


There we go.


It's a really good bottle, and I don't drink.

Let's have some cake.


What about your gift?

It's on its way.


You really think that I would forget your birthday present?

Van Pelt.

It's on its way.

Yeah, right.

A little grumpy 'cause daddy didn't buy you a pony?

Boss, we got a call.

He was found this morning by some hikers.

Looks like he has been out here a couple of days g*nsh*t to the forehead.

There's no I.D.

This is all we found on him.

A straw tube and a...

I don't know, religious medal?

Or a good luck charm, maybe.

It didn't work too well if it was.

Our victim worked in a video game arcade in the next big town to the north of here.

How'd you get that?

There was a big storm here last week, wasn't there?

Yeah, a lot of rain. 4 inches of snow up in the mountains.

When the river rises, this spot must be underwater.

So he must have been brought down here from somewhere upriver and got caught in the tree.

Okay, but what about the arcade?

Well, this is a token used for video games.

And this is a Peruvian finger cuff.

They give 'em away as cheap prizes.

Our man looks a little old to be hanging out in a video game arcade...

Unless he's into kids.

He doesn't look the type.

I bet he works in one.

We find the arcade, we find the information.

What's the next big town upriver?

Sierra vista.

Okay, it's a theory. We're done. He's all yours.

Uh, do I detect a slight residue of grumpiness in your demeanor?


I swear to you, Lisbon, your gift is on its way.

Uh, I'm not grumpy, and I don't give a damn about your supposed gift.

She's still grumpy with me, isn't she?

Not touching that.

The Mentalist Season01 Episode20 Red Sauce This is the only arcade in town.

And only a couple miles from the river.

Gasoline, cheese, mesquite. It's wonderful. This is the place.

Yeah, we'll see.

Hey, you got a dollar on you?

I'll give it right back to you.


Okay. You're right.

Here you go. Have fun.

That's Ed Didrikson.

He's been working for me about two years.


What happened?

Somebody k*lled him.

Can you think of why that would happen?

No, he kept to himself mostly.

No trouble. No trouble at all.

An honest, reliable, married man-type guy.

Wife's name?

Uh, don't recall.

Uh, uh, Karen, carol, somethin' like that.

And what was his position here, exactly?

Shift manager. He ran the till, kept the kids in line.

He was good at that. It's a responsible position.

Any money go missing lately?

Nope. And I keep tabs, trust me.

And why should we trust you?

Uh, i-it's just a phrase, uh, like, "you know? "

What do I know?

No, uh, uh, you don't know anything.

Uh, I'm saying, it's just a thing to say.

Oh, it's a figure of speech.

So I shouldn't trust you, really.

Yeah—no, you should.

When was the last time you saw Didrikson?

Friday night when he left work. Uh, he didn't show up for work next day.

Uh, I called his home. First there was no answer.

Uh, the next day, uh, h-his wife was there, said he was away on a-a family emergency.

Doesn't know when he'll be back.

An emergency?

That's all she said.

How was her tone?

Was she calm or was she... Upset?

Upset, I guess.

We'll need the home address.

Sure thing.



If you wouldn't mind.

Ugh, kinda hard to trust the guy.


You and Rigsby stay here. Talk to the kids Didrikson kept in line.

See if they have the same take on the guy.

Cho, van Pelt and I are gonna go talk to the wife.

All right. We'll see you later.


Teenagers. I hate questioning teenagers. It's like talking to mud.

You some love in your heart.

Oh, is that my problem?

Yeah, it is. Stay close.


Not bad. Not bad at all.

You want to see how it's supposed to be done?

What are you, sex perverts or cops?

See what I mean?

Oh, he's a cop. I'm just a concerned citizen.

All right, we—we got nothing to say to you.

Yeah. Screw the cops.

Even for a midget villain like yourself, that's an untenable ethical position.

Every modern society has some kind of police force.

It's like saying, "screw the public transport system."

Oh, thank you.

What'd you find out?

County tax collectors list the owners as Ed and Jenny Didrikson.

Moved here two years ago from Texas.

No kids, no criminal records, not much of anything as far as the data goes.

The only odd this is they paid for the house in cash. No mortgage.

That's crazy. How'd you do that?

Focus. Watch as I make this machine do my bidding.

Do exactly as I tell you.

You—take over.

You... Come with me.

Have a seat.


So... Tell us what you know about Ed Didrikson.

Eddie that works here?

I mean, Eddie's a cool guy.

He'll hook you up if he knows you.

Hook you up? With what?

Uh, weed, you know?

It's Tiny's stuff, but—


Yeah, he's a biker. He rolls with the x's.

It's his stuff, same price, but he doesn't mess with people like tiny does.

Or you could borrow money from him.

I mean, he charges a heavy vig, but that's all right.

That's what Didrikson calls it—a vig?

Yeah. Did I say it right? Vig?

I don't know. is he saying it wrong?

No, no. That's right.

No, that's right.

Anything else you could tell us about him?

He's always talking about respect.

He won't tolerate any kind of diss.

This one time, slow Ritchie gave him the finger.

He just reached out and broke it.

You could hear the bone crack.


Ritchie's on the floor screaming, and did just looks at him real cold.

He cusses him out in French or something and goes about his business.

In French?

I don't know. Something foreign.


Do you know he's dead?



No. What happened?

Thanks for your help.

You can go now.

Back door's locked as well. Feels like a dead bolt.

Somebody's watching us from the upstairs window.

Jenny Didrikson? CBI. Police.

Let us in. We'd like to speak with you.

We don't have time to wait for a warrant.

But we do have reason to believe that somebody's life is in danger. Right?

Mrs. Didrikson?

You get the hell out of my house right now, you murdering scum.

I swear to god, I'll blow you away.

Mrs. Didrikson, I'm gonna show you my badge.

I got people coming. You better get out of here.

Mrs. Didrikson, we're with the California Bureau of Investigation.

Put the g*n down.

California bureau of my ass.

You get the hell outta here. I will sh**t you.

This is my cell phone.

I'm gonna dial 9-1-1, and we will get uniformed policemen here, And they will sort everything out.

In the meantime, we'll all relax.

Screw you! I'm gonna count to ten, and then I'm gonna start sh**ting.

One... Two...


Jane, get off the phone.


I think I know what we have here.


I've got a situation.

Five, six...

I think Didrikson worked with the mob...


That's why he's out here.


Freeze! Freeze!

Drop your weapons. Get down on the ground.

Put your hands on your heads!

Who are you people?

We're with the California Bureau of Investigation.

I'm agent Lisbon. These are agents Cho and van Pelt.

We're U.S. Marshals.

Yeah, we can see that.

Okay, fellas. Stand down.

Jenny? Jenny, it's us.

Sweetheart, put the g*n down. It's okay.

It's all right.

Sorry, agent. I didn't mean to scare you like that.

You know, we hear the bell, come running.

That's all right. We weren't scared.

No hard feelings, right?

Come on down, jenny. It's all right.

All right, so why are you here? What did Eddie do now?

He's dead.

Single shot to the forehead.

We found him 50 miles downriver.


I knew this will happen You didn't know he was missing, and he was under your protection?

No, jenny informed us he Was missing three days ago.

He's been AWOL before. We just figured he was out, another drunk or something.

You sons o' b*tches! I told you they'd get him! And I told you! You bastards!


What'd I miss?

Up until two years ago, Ed Didrikson was Eddie Russo from Philadelphia.

He ran numbers for the Battaglia family...

And loan sharking and collections.

And then he got caught with 10 kilos of cocaine. The feds flipped him.

The guy actually testified against Santino Battaglia and his family.

The old man didn't go down, but, uh, two of his sons got life.

Russo and his wife moved down here under our supervision with the witness relocation program.

So what do you think happened here?

What went wrong, do you think?

The same old story, I guess.

You know, these people From their old life— and that person tells somebody, and eventually, Somebody sells him out to Santino Battaglia.

You know, it happens.

Yeah, we tell them again and again— look, your old life is dead. It's gone.

Forget it, but, uh, they don't listen.

So you people are witness protection?


So that means you're supposed to protect people?

We're not bodyguards, agent. We don't baby sit these people.

Consultant. She's the agent. I'm the consultant.


You were saying?



We physically meet with our clients once a week.

And our last scheduled appointment with Eddie was what, the day before he disappeared, right?


And jenny told you he was missing, and you did nothing?

What should we have done? Alert the media?

We were looking for 'em, and like I said, it wasn't the first time Eddie had jumped the fence.

This isn't our fault.

Oh, did you know that Eddie was dealing dr*gs?


Yeah, seeing marijuana and pills to children.

No. Where did you get that?

A kid down at the arcade where Eddie worked.

Said he was fronting for a biker named... Tiny.

You guys have been busy, huh?


Just to be clear on this, you didn't know about any criminal activities the victim might have been engaged in?

Look, he was a made man, a mafioso.

It's not like he's gonna turn around and join the church Choir.

So you didn't know?

There's an adjustment period.

No, we didn't. nor do we now, actually, and you wanna know something?

This is starting to sound an awful lot like an interrogation.

Not appreciated. We have reports to write.

It was very nice to have met you.

Do you prefer Gina or Jenny?

Who gives a damn? Call me what you like.

Gina then.

When did you last see your husband?

It was last Friday morning.

He never came home from work.

He called that afternoon, said he had some business to do and that he was gonna be home late.

And that was the last time I heard from him.

What kind of business was that?

I don't know. Business. I didn't ask.

You didn't ask or you didn't want to know?

Oh, I get it. He's a bad man, right?

He must have been doing something wrong.

He's out there raping and k*lling people, must've—

Must've deserved what he got. Is that it?


What's he gonna do wrong in this place?

Vandalize a cactus?

You don't like it here?

You know what the worst part is? The food.

They got no good red sauce, no sausage and they put pineapple on their pizza.

Do you have any idea who might have done this?

Who do you think?

It was that pig, sonny Battaglia, and his people.

They swore they would get my husband, and now they have.

My husband did the right thing, didn't he?

He did what his country asked him to do.

So why is it that they didn't take care of us like they were supposed to?

Did you or your husband recently talk to anyone from the old days, from your previous life?

No. What, are we idiots? No.

Who do you talk to?

Yeah, right. Who? I talk to no one.

The wind.

So how would the Battaglias have found out where you were located?

It was the Marshals, of course.

Somebody paid one of those witsec sons o' b*tches to rat us out.

Gina, look at me.

Whoever did this— we will catch them. I promise.


What'd you learn?

Oh, she's scared, she's of Italian descent, she bites her nails, She doesn't like pets or pineapple.

Useful stuff.

Cho, reach out to the organized crime unit.

Get a line on sonny Battaglia.

Find out who's in charge, who they might hire to do something like this.

You and Rigsby go and find tiny. Bring him in.

Do we know who he rides with?

Uh, the kids did say something about him being with the x's.

I know a guy in San Bernardino, has a C.I. with him. We'll find tiny. No problem.

Hey, we're closed.

Is one of you tiny?

Who's askin'?

We're with the California Bureau of Investigation.

Get out of here before I call your parole officers.

Yank me!

Sorry. Are you all right?


Let's put him in a chair OK You know, we just wanted to ask you some questions. That's all.

I don't like cops.

Ed Didrikson was found dead yesterday.

What do you know about that?

Who's Ed Didrikson?

You were in business with Ed. Dealing marijuana?

Look, we just want to find out who k*lled him.

Help us with that.

We don't care about your other... Business.

Eddie was a rat.

Rats get dead.

Not by me. Not by me.

But it happens. Nobody likes rats.

He ratted you out?

A couple weeks back, Eddie and me were in his car doing business.

We got busted by Sierra Vista PD, holding 10 pounds of weed.

I'm in the t*nk two days.

I go before the judge, and it's just me.

Eddie's gone, and I mean gone.

He's not even on the docket anymore.

He's off the original arrest report.

So what does that tell you?

Obviously he's a narc or a snitch.

And he's so well-connected, he don't mind that I know that's what he is—

Dirty low-down scum.

That don't mean I k*lled him.

So Sierra Vista PD confirmed that john "tiny" Callahan was arrested two weeks ago on marijuana charges.

They say he was alone, not with Ed Didrikson.

Don't know anything about him, apparently.

What about the records for the vehicle tiny was busted in?

No vehicle.

He was stopped on the street.

Walking around with 10 pounds of marijuana?

That's what the Sierra Vista PD police chief says, yeah.

What'd he sound like when he said it?

Like he was covering for some other guy's mess.

So we need to speak to those Marshals again.

I'm gonna make that call.

Any word on Sonny Battaglia?

After his two sons went to prison, Sonny Battaglia retired, Left the family business to his number two, Joseph Angelini.

So Angelini would only want to send Eddie Russo his best wishes.

It's Battaglia who would want him dead.

He's out of the business, pushing 70.

Plays a lot of golf in palm desert.

Some people say he's not really retired, that he's just playing it that way to keep his hands clean.

Palm desert right here in California?


Palm desert's not in California?

No, you can't sneak off and try and talk to sonny Battaglia.

I thought you meant palm desert wasn't in California.

It is in California, right?
Excuse me!

Sonny Battaglia?

Keep moving, Jack.

Name's Jane. Patrick Jane.

I need a moment of your time, if I may.

For what?

Speak about Eddie Russo.

You a cop?


Good. You alone?


sh**t him.

There's three reasons I'm not scared.

Well, okay, I'm scared, but there's three reasons I'm not terrified.

Please tell.

One—you don't get to be your age, rich and unimprisoned by sh**ting people willy-nilly on golf courses.

Until now.

You know what consistency is?

The hobgoblin of little minds?

Right. Emerson.

Okay. Reason number two?

I can significantly improve your golf game.

You and a hundred other baccalas.

Reason number three?

I know where to find Eddie Russo.

How do I improve my game?

Well, it's very simple. It's easy.

You have to ink of hitting the ball more as, uh, an act of creation.

What you need is a little more flow.


I changed my mind. sh**t him.

What's your favorite song?

You're the smart ass. You tell me.

Its either Elvis, Sinatra or Italian opera.

Enrico Caruso singing "Santa Lucia."

Perfect. Could you hand me one of those sticks, and we'll get started?


Whatever you call 'em.

Not the fat one. Get the—the other kind.

Okay, well, that's a little fat, but I'll make it work.


Thanks for coming.

What's the deal?

We don't have much time.

Why don't you have a seat in my office? It's quieter.

All right.

You remember agent Cho.

How you doin'?

I won't beat around the bush.

Two weeks ago, did you get Eddie Russo off the hook for a drug bust?

No, we did not.

Well, somebody did, d it made his accomplice very angry at him.

Why would we do that?

Maybe you had a deal with Russo.

He gets to deal dr*gs or what have you, and you look the other way or maybe even help him, As long as he keeps helping the feds with their thing.

Let me explain the real World to you, Teresa.

Russo's been squeezed dry of testimony.

Federal prosecutors don't need him anymore.

They don't care what happens to him and neither do we.

He gets busted, that's his problem, and it's less work for us.

So either the local cops were in business with Eddie or my guess—

You're just as misinformed as you are disrespectful and dumb.

Bye now.

Seems dirty, doesn't he?


Why don't you check with I.A. about him and his partner? See if anything pops.

Where's Jane?

Don't get mad, but I have a feeling he went down to talk to Battaglia.

Damn it.

Should one of us head down to palm desert just in case?

He made his bed.

♪ Santa Lucia
♪ Santa Lucia
♪ Santa Luci...

I should've shot you myself when you showed up.

♪ Santa Lucia all the hours I spent on this course, huh?

The thousands I wasted on videotapes and coaching.

And blondie here, he does it with singing. How do you like at, huh?

I'm just polishing the talent that was already there.

Yeah, yeah.

So now tell me, my strange new friend, where's Eddie Russo?

You didn't know?

Know what?

Eddie Russo's dead.

No kidding.

k*lled a couple days ago.

He's in the state morgue in Sacramento under the name of Ed Didrikson.

Who did it?

You don't know? Interesting.

Who did it?

I don't know.

Today is a good day.


Listen, if you ever find out who k*lled Eddie, you call me, okay?

'Cause I want to send whoever did it some flowers and a thank you note.

Sure, sure. What's your number?

What are you doin'? Don't give him your number.

This guy? What is he gonna do?

Here. It's a clean line. You can talk.

Thank you.

So if you didn't do it, then who would have done it? Who was next in line?

An angry husband, most likely.

Eddie was a degenerate skirt hound.

Is that right?

An animal, compulsive.

Tell me, uh, how was it done?

How did they do it to him?

Oh, uh, I can assure you he didn't suffer.

But thanks for your time, Mr. Battaglia. See you later.

Hey, wait a minute. I'm not finished talking with you yet.

Well, I'm finished talking with you.

Hey, what are you, Al Pacino all of a sudden?

People don't act that way with me.

I do when there's witnesses around.

What am I gonna do with this guy? He's got a screw loose.

You know, you ink you have a certain outlaw charm about you, And you do, but you live by oppression.

In reality, you're just a greedy, twisted little sadist.

Hey, screw you, blondie.

You're lucky you helped me beat Arnold palmer here, huh?

Or I'd plug you right now. The hell with the witnesses!

Screw you.

You played golf with sonny Battaglia?

Yeah. Sonny, uh... Well, I did, mm-hmm.

And what did you learn?

He didn't k*ll Russo, and golf is, oddly, very easy.

And you're sure of this?

I'm very sure. It's all about rhythm. Anyone could do it.

Yeah, sonny Battaglia's clean, at least I think.

It's hard to say with a sociopath.

That doesn't mean that some other mafioso didn't do it, of course.

Sonny thinks it was an ex-lover.

You know, the key is who sprung Eddie from that charge, and I'm betting it's those Marshals.

Which means we're gonna have to accuse the Sierra Vista PD of double-dealing.

Hmm, that should be fun.

A vehicle registered to Ed Didrikson just entered the system.

It was towed from the lot outside house of games Monday morning.

Sierra Vista PD couldn't find their ass in the dark.

So if Russo's car was still parked outside house of games, That means somebody must have picked him up.

Maybe the arcade security cameras have a picture of who it was.

Why don't you two find out?


Yeah, you guys go find out. I'll find the couch.

Oh, there it is.

We need to look at your security tapes.

Tapes? I have no tapes.

You have cameras.

Of course, but only the little red light works. That's all you need.

What are you guys looking for anyhow? Nothing happened here.

We want to know who picked up Russo.

I can tell you that. His wife picked him up. I saw her in the parking lot.

His wife?


You sure it was her?


I-I mean, I assume it was her.

She's checked him up a couple times before.

Brunette, slim, maybe 5'4"?

No. A pretty black lady about 5'10".

Boss, we're gonna need to speak to Marshal Knox about a few things.

What do you people think you're playing at? Who's your supervisor?

I want some answers right now.

Uh, Lisbon?

I'm gonna make sure you regret that you ever screwed with me, pal.

I'm not even a cop.

Hello, Marshals Exley.

I just got a call from my supervisor telling me that you put in an official request to question marshal Knox as a person of interest in the Russo case.


It's all over the department.

Why are you trying to ruin her?

Did you know she was with Russo on Friday night, the night he vanished?

So you're saying that she fingered him, that she set him up for the mob?

Well, it certainly looks that way.

No. That's garbage. It's absurd.

I would have known.

Just saying.

She's my partner, for god's sake.

I would know if she wasn't straight.

We confirmed with the Sierra Vista PD The night that Russo got arrested, Knox came in and had them drop the charges As if she was doing it on behalf of the Marshal service.

Why would she do that?

Well, there's no use in fingering Russo if he's locked up safe in prison.

No, this is a mistake. There's some explanation.

Then why can't we find her to hear her say that?

I don't know.

Do you know where she is now?


All right then.



She's hardly breathing. Better call it in.

2 alpha 44, I need fire and rescue to roll code 3 to the 500 block of Lexington, attempt su1c1de.

Got it. Thanks.

She's at county general.

They're pumping her stomach now.

Is she gonna be okay?

Well, they don't know what she took or how much, so it's too early to tell.

But looks like she's gonna make it.


I'm gonna go see her.

Wait. W-we'll come with.

No, that's all right. I-I can handle this.

I respect your distress. She's your partner. But please understand our situation here. We've got a case to run, and she's still a person of interest. We need to speak to her.

Okay, I understand. You got a job to do.

Oh, here's a thought— what if you did it?

Me? What?

Sure. Knox wasn't setting up Russo with the mob.

She was meeting him that night because they were having an affair.

Yeah, that makes sense.

It does, doesn't it?

You're out of your mind.

That lowlife crook in bed with your Christy?

And don't try to tell us you don't have a secret crush on her.

That's crap, pal.

You see the anger?

The sort of scandal that could screw up your career along with hers.

I mean, I understand. Any man in your position would want to k*ll him.

That's enough.

Oh, I'm not saying that you knew about the affair.

I'm just saying that if you did, you'd be our prime suspect.

It's funny, really. Your best defense is your apparent lack of the most basic detective skills.

Oh, you little son of a bitch.


Hey, I'm sorry. I'm just thinking out loud. No offense.

You're right. No offense.

None taken.

Well, you certainly pushed his button didn't you?

Cho, come to the hospital with me.

You two talk to Gina Russo.

Find out what she thinks about all this.

Try and behave yourself.

I'll do my best.

Can I see your phone?

Do you think he did it—Exley?

I don't know. Do you think he did?

Well, if there was an affair, he had motive, like you say.

Yeah, if.

And he did didn't respond well to being prodded.

Nobody does.

When someone answers, can you say, "is Mary there? "


Just for fun.

Santa Lucia!

Is, um, is Mary there?

No, lady, it's the wrong number.

Wrong number. What was that about?


Can I have a look at your phone?

Here, hold these.

Try 'em on.

They look good.

Do you have, uh, whatchamacallit—

Uh, warm-up gear, training sweats, shiny type?

No. Yeah.

Where are you going with this?

Ask to speak to Mary.

Oh, I don't like this.

Can I speak to Mary, please?


What did they say?


Who was that?

Just an old friend.

Where's your sweat gear?

Uh, in my locker.

All right, let's go.


Here we go.

Okay, but I'd feel better if Lisbon knew about this.

Then tell her.

You know what to do, right?

You just stay for a few minutes until she gets comfortable, and then when Rigsby calls, you leave.

What's my reason for leaving?

Oh, it doesn't matter. Something to do with work. Just be vague.

Rigsby's right, you know.

Lisbon told us to go see Gina Russo.

She told you to stay out of trouble.

Sonny, hi. Patrick Jane.

Oh, yeah, you. Okay, you got a name for me?

Uh, no. Not yet. Maybe soon. Never mind about that.

Mary wants to know, has anyone left any messages for her?

Are you crazy?

Listen, u little jerk.

I will tear your freakin' head off and stick it where the sun don't—

You gotta talk to the Marshals for me.

I want to know when I'm gonna get moved.

Uh, that's not really our purview, but—

Thank you. I'd appreciate it.

What's he doing?

Oh, uh, you said you can't get any good food out here, So, uh, I thought I'd come by and cook you some.

If you want to help, you can Chop these.


Do you have an apron?

I can't imagine be stuck out here in the desert alone with the coyotes And the tumbleweeds and the bad red sauce.



Out here, you're all alone.

When you said you were homesick, Eddie probably told you to make friends, Join a gym or something, right?

Yoga, he says.


'Cause standing on your head listening to flute music is definitely the answer.

Yeah. Okay, got it.

I gotta go do something. Work.

Well, come back quick.
We'll still be here.

All right, great.

Mm, that was good.

Not bad at all.



Gina, we believe that Eddie was having a romantic relationship with Christy Knox from the witsec program.


With the marshal lady? Are you kidding? No. Never happen. No.

Why are you so sure?

Eddie liked the ladies, right?

Didn't he? Womanizer. Famous for it.

Yeah, maybe in his old life, but he changed.

Changed? Really?

You believe that people can change who they are?

Yeah, sure. People can change.

Eddie couldn't change. No.

He used to be somebody. Now he's got to be nobody. No.

Even after he dragged you all the way out here to the middle of nowhere, There's still some nights he doesn't come home, just like before.

Before you can move on, Gina, you gotta make things right now.

Tell me the truth.

I'm not sayin' nothin'.

You found out he was cheating. You snapped, and you shot him.

You can say whatever you like. It means nothing. You have to prove it.

Where did you do it?

What happened to the g*n that you used?

You want some coffee? Dessert?

No, thanks.

The reason I'm here alone—

My colleagues are kind of straight arrows.

I don't want 'em getting mixed up in anything, you know, sketchy.

What sketchy?

I went to talk to Sonny Battaglia.

Impressive man. Knows how to get what he wants.

He's a vicious scumbag.

Yeah, he is. Didn't speak too well of you, either.

Seems to think it was you that encouraged Eddie to rat in the first place.

That's not true.

It's what he thinks.

And you know what he's like once he gets that idea in his head— stubborn.

He offered me a very sweet deal.

What kind of a deal?

What kind of deal do you think?

You tell me.

You can either make me look good with the cops and confess to what you've done, Or you can make me look good with Sonny Battaglia...

And die.

That's your Choice.

Die? You're a cop.

And cops never bend the law, do they?

Besides, I'm not even really a cop.

I'm just a consultant...

Lookin' out for number one.

You better make up your mind.

Battaglia's man is on his way.

I don't believe you.

Well, I'll call sonny and have him tell you himself.

You remember h voice, don't you?

Don't you?


Hey, sonny.

You again?

Yeah, it's me again.

Better be what I wanna hear You remember that woman we were talking about? Well, she's right here.

Listen, you piece of dirt, you dog— yeah, sure. I'll put her on.


You are dead! Do you hear me?

I am gonna rip off your head and chew on your spine!

Nobody screws around with me and lives! You hear me?

So what's it gonna be, Gina?

Confess or die?

You can't do this.

Oh, I'm doin' it.

Oh, he's here. Faster than I thought.

There's no g*ns in the house. The police have taken 'em all.

It's either him or me, Gina.

All right. All right. I did it, okay? I k*lled Eddie.

Good. Tell me the details.

You tell him to stop. Stop him!


I followed them from work on Friday night. All right?

I watched them go to a motel.

Afterwards, she drove him back to his car. There was no one around.

I shot him.

And then—and then I drove his body to a bridge, and I dumped it over the edge.

Perfect, thank you. Agent Rigsby, arrest this woman.

Put your hands behind your back.

Lookin' good, sport. Lookin' good.

Knox wanted to apologize to you personally, but she's, uh, she's still in the hospital.

What is she gonna do now?

Well, she's out of the Marshal service, of course.

Um, she's just gonna take some time off, see what's next.

And, um, I want to apologize, too.

I got turned around, and, um, I was out of line.

And congratulations on solving the case.

Come here. Give me a hug.

Come on. There we go.


You're a good man.

All right.

Okay. Okay.

That's not how we do things in the Marshals office, But, uh, I guess it works.

You two, be well.

What were you thinking by the way? Unbelievable.

Believe, Lisbon. Believe.

You gotta look at it this way— We've closed yet another case.

Toying with mafia bosses is no way to close cases. It's stupid.

You're just trying to find fault, and I know why.

Oh, really?

Yeah. You're still a little grumpy about the birthday present thing, aren't you?

Will you leave that alone?

Oh, unbelievable. You know, you got no reason to be grumpy anymore.
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