01x19 - A Dozen Red Roses

Complete collection of episode transcripts for seasons 1 - 7. Aired: September 2008 to February 2015.*

Moderator: Maggiemay19

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A famous "psychic" outs himself as a fake and starts working as a consultant for the California Bureau of Investigation so he can find "Red John," the madman who k*lled his wife and daughter.
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01x19 - A Dozen Red Roses

Post by bunniefuu »

Mentalist 'men-t3-list noun. Someone who uses mental acuity, hypnosis and/or suggestion. A master manipulator of thoughts and behavior.

The victim is Felix Hanson. 47.

Took three b*ll*ts to the chest. No w*apon found.

The coroner estimates the sh**ting occurred some time between midnight and 3:00 a.m.

Why is this one ours, boss?

Looks like a mugging to me. Hollywood homicide can handle that.

It came from the big brass.

Hanson was super rich, and he was a California state representative for six years.

Golfing buddy of the attorney general?

Correct, but not quite fair. Hanson was a good guy.

He headed a campaign against the drug trade.

He kicked butt, named names and made a lot of enemies.

Wait a second. I know this guy. He's semifamous.

He, uh, he was married to Felicia Scott.

She left the movies for him.

Felicia Scott?

Oh, come on. You know, she's been in loads of movies.

Sudden embrace. Love that movie.

Okay, my point is, if this is drug-related, the A.G. is gonna want to use all of his resources to close this case.

Anybody hear sh*ts, see what happened?

Nobody's come forward so far, but, uh, Marilyn Monroe and Charlie Chaplin over there, they were with Hanson when the first officer arrived on the scene.

Any kids?

Daughter. 16.

How you doing?


You didn't happen to pick up a set of car keys off this guy, did you?

Uh, no.

Valet ticket?

No, nothing in the pockets.

Nobody walks in L.A.

No. No, they don't.

So you didn't hear anything unusual? No?

And where were you going when you found the victim?

I don't speak, uh...

In the movies, no. But her in the real world, you speak. You just did.

I'm saying nothing more.

Five hours we've been here.

For the umpteenth time, I was going home from work. Victor was walking me to my car.

And what is your work?

I'm Marilyn.

How is that your work?

I stand on the street. People take photos of me and give me tips.


I don't know. Where are you from?

What are you staring at?

You. What's your real name?

Norma Je Baker.

What's your real real name?

Yolanda Quinn.

Yolanda, you don't actually look very much like Marilyn at all.

You do this kind of work 'cause you feel a deep connection with her, yeah?

I guess. Yeah.

She was a lonesome soul, poor woman.

Longed for affection, attention, acceptance.

She got it. She came out here, and she worked hard, and she struggled, and she got it—

All the love and respect that she longed for. And you can, too. You will.

You will, Yolanda, if you do the right thing now.

What thing?

Hand over the valet ticket, Yolanda, that you stole from the dead man.

I haven't got any valet ticket.
Then tell Charlie to hand it over.

Give him the ticket. Son of a bitch.

Give it!

Thank you.

Can we go?


I'll keep the cops at bay. You guys run.

Run! Run! Go, go, go, go, go! Run!

Nice. I could arrest you for that.

You'll never take me alive, Copper.


Seriously, it's Marilyn and Charlie.

What, do you want to make a comedy arrest, see your name written in the weird news section?

Where did he valet?

At Musso & Frank's, down the block.

After you're done here, go back to the restaurant, go through the credit card receipts.

Find out who he was having dinner with last night.

Will do.

Uh, boss?

So I guess it is drug trade-related... but not in a good guy way. and I want to pull back really, rely slowly.

Then I want toick up a little piece of that, do at, up, okay?

And at the same time, simulneous, they're gonna come to the window and we're gonna catch them when they come to the window.

Gabriel Fanning?

Yeah, that me.

CBI. We want to talk to you abou Felix Hanson.

Why? What did he do?

He died last night.


Is there somewhere we can talk?

Yeah, back over here.

Last night at dinner with Felix, both of your credit cards we charged at 11:30.

You stayed at the restaurant much longer?

No, we left soon after that.

We were having a good time, but, um, I wanted to be up early this morning.

Tomorrow's the first of production.

What is the production?

"A dozen roses". I'm directing.

Felix financed the picture. That's why we were having dinner.

We were celebrating his first foray as a film producer.

How did he get into film producing?

He's, uh, married to Felicia Scott.

She's starring in the movie.

Felicia Scott. Remind me?

Come on. Felicia Scott?

"Love times two."
"Baby, you're mine."
"Sudden embrace"
"Sudden embrace".


Sounds familiar. The were all a while back, though, weren't they?

She looks better now than she did then. Or just as good, anyhow.

So what's this movie about?

A mother's quest to find good men for her three daughters.

It's funny, it's moving, it's sexy...

Can I read it?

No you can't read it.

It's about family and redemption and...


Did you and Felix get along? You never have any arguments?

I loved him. Loved him.

So many people in this town are phonies.

But Felix Hanson... he was real.

Felix... he didn't like something, he'd say so.

What in particular did he not like?

Nothing. I'm just saying... in general.

He was like that... real.

How much did he have invested in the film?


Million? Of his own money?

Yep. He was a brave man doing it all for Felicia, of course, not just for the potential profits.

Did you two leave the restaurant together?

We walked out together, yeah.

Was anybody waiting for him?

I didn't see anybody. I parked my car down the street.

We shook hands and said goodbye.

Do you own a g*n, Gabriel?

No. I like g*ns, but I'm afraid of blowing my own head off.


What do you think?

Oh he's lying. They had an argument last night.

You go out to celebrate with the man that financed your movie, and you only pay half the dinner bill?

Van Pelt? We need Gabriel Fanning cell phone records for last night.

Sure. And while I have you, the last number dialed on Hanson cell was locked, so I had the phone company trace it.

Belong to a Frederick Ross.


Oh, just a convicted felon with multiple possession and as*ault charges.

Beautiful. Find out where he is, and have the boys pick him up.

Okay. Wait a minute. I know this guy.

He... he's on that beer commercial.

Oh, the one with the llama?


This Ross guy... he must be actor, too.

You know that beer commercial with the guy wearing the toga?

Oh, yeah, yeah, and we're all suppose to be surprised when the toga hets caught in the elevator.

Yeah, that's him. Weird, huh?

Yeah he should stuck to his day job.

You have the address?

Yeah, okay, wait.

Go pick him up.

Yes, ma'am.

We're sorry for your loss.

How long were you two together?

We've been married almost eight years.

Where were you last night?

Palm Springs. Felix insisted I have a spa weekend before filming started.

And you?

At home.

Was there anybody in your husband's life opposed a threat to him?

Somebody he didn't feel safe around?


We found...

What was it first attracted you to your husband?

Not his looks.

Oh really?

Yeah, really. He not your type.

And what is my type?

Sporty bad boys with a hidden masicistic streak...

Not too bright.

Not even close.

No, that was a bull's eye.

So what did you like about Felix?

His voice, his self-assurance.

I don't understand how these questions are relevant.

Oh, no reason. Just, uh, curious.

We found a large bag of marijuana and various other prescription dr*gs in the trunk of your husband's car.

Well, that's absurd.


Because Felix didn't do dr*gs, period.

They've been planted.

I'm straighted, have been for years.

Dp you know anybody named Freddie Ross?

No. Who is that?

It's mine.

It's Gabriel's assistant. He wants us to report to set for rehearsals.

Tell him we'll be there on time.

I'm sure they would understand if you don't go in to work today.

Oh, believe me, I would like to back out of the whole project.

With Felix gone, there is no point.

But the insurance company has holding me to my contract.

They won't even cover any delays, and I don't want end up in a court.

You in the movie, too?

Kind of.

We gave her a small speaking role as one of my daughters.

Isn't that cute?


Do you wanna be an actress?

Whatever. Not anymore.

Honey, I know it's hard now, but one day you might be glad that you were a part of something that was so important to your father.

He didn't think this film was important?

No, he thought Gabriel screwed up the script.

He wanted to back out of the film.

Oh, don't be a drama queen.

He wast happy with the sciprt, but that's why he met with Gabriel, to talk it through.

He wasn't gonna back out.

He may have threatened to back out to get what he wanted, that's how it works.

So who's the fella?


Brandon who?

Brandon Fulton.

Oh, you guys, uh, dating?

Dating? No. Maybe. Sort of. That's so nerdy, dating.

Your stepmother didn't like him?

No. Thank you for not saying anything.

Yeah, forget it.

We'll be seeing you Sydney.

Brandon Fulton.

I'm on it.

Freddie Ross, apartment 23.

Supposedly this guy's also an actor.

He was in that beer commercial.

The one with the llama?

No, the one with the guy in the toga.




Nobody home.

Stop! Police!

Hey, hold it.


Out of the car!


It's okay. I got the plate.

I just spoke to Minelli. The warrant's on its way.

Okay, boss. We'll wait here for it.

Yeah, search Ross' place. The L.A.P.D should be...

Yeah, they've been helpful so far.

It shouldn't be long.

All right.

We'll keep you posted, boss.

Hey, kid.


It's a closed set. What does that mean?


I'll call you back.


Warrant's on its way.

This is a closed set. What's it mean?

Closed set.

I know what it means, but they're from the CBI.

I don't care if they're from a faraway galaxy.

This is a closed set, okay?

No gawkers, no fans.

We're not fans.

Well, I'm sort of a fan.

California Bureau of Investigation.

We need to speak with Gabriel Fanning.

Oh, he can't talk to you right now.

It's regarding a m*rder investigation.

I'm Mitch Cavanaugh, Gabriel's agent.

Hey, Mitch.

How you doing?


I heard about what happened to Hanson. Tragic.

I mean, such a cool guy. Truly.

We're trying to make a movie here, though.

Yeah, well, we're trying to solve a homicide.

He can't talk to you right now.

You keep this up, I'll have you arrested for obstruction.

That's unfortunate, but go ahead.

I understand, Mitch. Gabriel's one of your top clients. You can't lose him.


No choice, whatever he says. He says "jump," you jump.

Bullied at school, were you?

I was not, actually.

Sure you were. Even after all these years, you awake sometimes, thinking of all the ways that you can wreak revenge on your tormentors.

And now out of fear and avarice, you let this man Fanning bully you the same way.

Mitch, it's the same way. It's the same thing.

You gotta get a life.

Or get arrested.

Go ahead.

That was strong.

Great. Mitch, you little scum sucker.

Class "a." You have a prescription for these?

What is this? Come on. Jesus.

Sit down. We have a few follow-up questions for you.

Didn't we do this earlier? I already answered all your questions.

Well, that was before we knew that you were a liar and a drug abuser.

I don't abuse dr*gs. I use them.

They're for creativity.

Ah, but you don't deny being a liar.

I didn't lie. I spun the truth a little bit, maybe.

Why don't you try giving it to us straight?

Felicia blabbed, didn't she? Stupid bitch.


Yes, Hanson told me last nigh that he was pulling his money out of the movie...

The day before principal photography, the schmuk.

Without his money, production would have shut down?


This is your first feature in what, seven years?

Word on the street is you're a little... little difficult to work with.

Oh, really? Is that what the word on the street is?

Well, you know what? Screw the word on the street.

I took some time out to recharge.

I've been, uh, exploring other aspects of my life.

Narcotics and despair?

It's been tough, okay?

I've come very close to having to take a TV gig.

So yes, I'm extremely anxious for this film to work.

I need it to work.

Hanson's death was awfully convenient then.

Yeah, it was. It was.

And when you told me he was dead, my heart leapt for joy.

And then I felt terrible.

And then you felt good again.

Listen, I'm an artist, okay?

I'm arrogant, I'm dishonest and I'm childish. But you know what I'm not stupid.

I do not think I'm above the law.


Felicia's on set, ready to go.

Thanks, Mitch, you incompetent weasel.

Wait a minute.

Lady, I have a movie to sh**t.

We've got a narcotics charge we can't ignore.

Those aren't my dr*gs. Those are Mitch's dr*gs.

Right, right. That's not Gabe's dr*gs. That's my dr*gs.

Sorry, Gabe. I shouldn't have left them around the trailer.

How dumb is that?

Can I go, ma'am?

Go win an oscar, Gabe.

Yeah, yeah.

Mitchell Cavanaugh, you're under arrest.

Oh, Mitch. When I thought we worked through your doormat issues.

Tell Cho to squeeze him a little. He knows things.

No, I don't.

Sure, you do, Mitch.

You're not gonna like getting squeezed by Cho.


Daisy, where are you?

I'm home. I'm t feeling so good.

Oh, but puddin', you have to come.

Why? Why is it so important?

Line. Rowan's on his way.


Rowan is on his way.

I called him and pretended to be you!

Oh, mom. No, you didn't.

Oh, yes, I did.

I'm sorry, pudd'.

Rowan's not even interested in me, and I don't want him anymore anyway.

I'm sorry. Sydney, honey. Honey.


You... you can't just read the lines, honey.

You have to be Daisy. You have to be her.

I... I nede your passion here, Sydney. I'm working alone.


Okay. Let's, uh, pick it up from where we left off... Rowan doesn't need me.

Two pickup.

Rollin Dpeed.


Rowan's not interested in me, and I don't want him anymore anyway.

Oh, honey, don't give up on your dream so easily.

I know love can be tough, but it's all we have in...
Hello? Hello? Hello...

Hi, Rowan.

Good morning, Mrs. Atkins.

Daisy's not here. She's, uh, she's at home.

Oh, that's all right. It's... it's actually you that I wanted to speak with.

What you said just now, about love...

Cut! Great. Lovely.

Okay. Okay, everybody. We're gonna go one more time.

Geoff, baby, don't flinch before she throws the slap.

You don't know what's coming.

But she's taking a right wallop. I mean, it hurt.

Oh, I'm sorry for feeling a little emotional today.

Gab... Gabriel, this scene is still running really flat.

I... I... I have an idea. I think I know...

We're in the master, babe.

We're really, really wide, and you're about That big in the frame.

We're gonna fix it in coverage, okay?

No, I... I... I realize that, but I think that it's an important establishing...

No, no, Gabriel, please. This is an establishing moment for the character.

Die screaming, you malignant harpy.

I'm sorry. I missed that. What?

You know what? Let's take ten, folks okay?


Come on, princess. Let's talk.

Yeah, please.

You know... I... I know it's an inch wide, you know?

No, it's... I understand.

I realize that they're gonna cover...

Good. You' a good actor.

Thank you.

It must have been tough when your dad took up with Felicia, replacing your real mother.

My real mom is in an alcoholic stupor somewhere in New Jersey.

I was happy to see her go.

Why is it that actors...


Well, I... Bye.

So what do you know, Mitch?


Jane says you know stuff.

And he's always right, is he?

Pretty much.

So this is one for the books. It's a first.

I got nothing for you.

Mitchell, unlawful possession of prescription dr*gs puts you in line for actual prison time.

I doubt that, but, uh, if you're right, so be it.

Really? So be it?

I'm told the pills actually belong to your client, Gabe Fanning.

No comment.

You'll go to prison to protect Fanning?

"Hey, how good of an agent is Mitch Cavanaugh?

Well, he went to prison to protect a client."

Sounds... sounds pretty good to me.

To protect a client, he became the personal servant of a large and violent criminal... how's that sound?

Look, I'm willing to speak to you on any subject you care to mention, But on my life, I don't know who k*lled Felix Hanson.

Give me some guidance here. What... what... what do you want to know about?

Frederick Ross.

Ross? Freddie Ross, the drug dealer?

What about him?

Do you know where we can find him?


Give us Ross, and you're free to go, charges expunged.


There he is.

I got the hoodie.

Stop right now.


Hey, stop.

Sydney Hanson. Let's go.

Well, it good to see you again, in our custody.

How do you know Felix Hanson?

I never met the man in my life.

He called your cell phone minutes before he was shot.

I was in bed.

Can anyone attest to that?


Where can we find Bruce.

Probably on my kitchen floor, chewing on a pig's here that I left for him.

What did Hanson say when he called you?

He told me to stay away from his little girl.

You sleeping with her?

Come on. What is she, like 10?



I'm not a pervert. I know her boyfriend. He's the one who'd buy from me.

Brandon Fulton.

Little bad boy.

Hanson had 'em both followed.

Shazam! Let him right to me.

I really do have to get a new system going, you know?

Retail dr*gs is for suckers.

So where's Brandon now?

I don't know. I mean, we never hung ou except for business.

So Hanson found out that Brandon got Sydney hooked on dr*gs and traced the dr*gs back to you.

See, you know, you should write that down, you know, get a pitch together.

You got a m*rder, intrigue, young love.

Yeah, all we need is an ending.

Hanson wanted to do you some damage.

If you k*lled him off protecting yourself, that's self-defense, justifiable homicide.

Thanks for the tip. Can I call my lawyer now? Please?

How long have you been using dr*gs, Sydney?

You sound like my father.

Yeah, well, you father wasn't gonna throw you in juvie, was he?

That was your weed and your pills we found in the car, wasn't it?

You're the man. You figure it out.

It must have made you pretty mad when your dad took your dr*gs away from you.

Yeah, well, it's not the first time it happened, and I can always get more.

From Freddie Ross?

From whoever.

Where'd you meet Freddie?

I don't know. Around.

Freddie says Brandon Fulton hooked you up.

Brandon's not like people say he is.

Brandon Fulton, actor, 19 years old, nine prior arrests...

D.U.I., drug possession, disordly conduct. Shall I go on?

Whyo women love bad boys so much?

I don't get it. Why do they love 'em?

What do you think, Sydney?

Can I go now?

In a minute.

Your parents forbade you from seein Brandon.

That's why you didn't want your mom to see the picture.


Why didn't she like him?

You know they said he was a bad influence.

Did he make you do something?

We needed some cash, so I took some stuff from the house.

Like what?

Like stuff, money, some old g*n, pills.

g*n? What kind of g*n?

I don't know. g*n.

Brandon sold it for cash.

You parents stopped you seeing your prince. That make you mad?

Of course.

So you just kept on seeing him?

No. No, I have not seen him.

Phone records say he's been calling your house regularly.

Well, that's not. That's... I don't... I... I... I don't know. Whatever.

Where is he now?

I don't know where he is.

You know, Brandon's not a bad kid.

He's just too old and way too wild for Sydney.

She said she stole a g*n, along with some other things from the house.

Yeah, it was some old army thing that Felix liked to keep around.

What caliber?

.4R I believe. Please, sit down.

You didn't report the theft?

No, it was a foolish girl's mistake.

Your husband was m*rder*d with a .45

No, that... that's a coincidence.

Sydney loved her father.

No. No.

What about Brandon?

He's a mixed-up kid. There's no malice in him.

You knew the dr*gs in Felix's car were Sydney's all along.


You're good. She... wow.

Felix found the drug a few days ago.

He was heartbroken because she had promised to stop.

So he held on to them while we debated what to do.

And now that Felix is gone, what are you gonna do?

Forgive her. Show her love.

We all make mistakes, but we have the power to give ourselves a second chance.

Do you know if Sydney and Brandon were still seeing each other?

Did you ask her?

I did. She said she hadn't seen him since you banned him.

Then I believe her.

He has been calling this house regularly.

Oh, God Sydney...

Brandon dropped out of sight after the m*rder of your husband.

No. I... I refuse to believe it. I... I refuse.

I need to see Sydney. When can she com home?

She's on her way. The's no charges regarding the drug offen.

Oh, God. Thank you so much for your kindness and you understanding. Thank you.

That's okay. There's a lot of leeway in juvenile cases.

I'll always be very grateful.

She was some woman to make the mighty Agent Lisbon blush like a schoolgirl.

Oh, please. I did not.

You know what I predict?



Oh, st tell me.

No, I think you should guess.It's good for you.

I predict that Brandon Fulton will pay a visit to the Hanson redence this evening.

You think? Wouldn't be too clever of him.

Well, love is not blind. It's often pretty stupid.

I'll arrange a stakeout.

Oh, yeah. When I super rich, I'm gonna live here.

Can't beat the sound of the waves, ah?

They've got gadgets that'll do that for ya...

The sound of waves on the beach, jungle sounds, roaring fire.

Yeah, well, it's not quite the real live pacific ocean, though, is it?

It's cheaper, in the event you don't become super rich.

Oh, I'll be rich. I'll be... I'll be super rich.

I know.

The eagle has landed.

Crap. He's already in. He must have keys.

Oh, God. Help me. Help me! Help!

Drop the g*n down!

Get back.

Have I k*lled him?

Oh, God. Is he dead? Have I k*lled him?

This is Agent Cho, CBI. We need paramedics at 43565 Trancas Beach Road.

We got a juvie male, g*nsh*t wound to the abdomen.

I just panicked. I... I just saw... I saw the g*n and I panicked.

I just panicked. Is he gonna be okay?


Nice. Is he okay?

Hope so.

What happened?

Oh, my God. Brandon! Please.

No, no, no, no, no Come on. No, no. No. He all right.He's all right.



Hey, boss.

Hey, we got a good news/bad news situation here.

Now there are no guarantees, but as of now, there won't be any charges pressed against you for sh**ting Brandon.

Oh, thank goodness for that.

Is he gonna be all right?

Yeah, he'll be fine.

Well, that's a relief.

I mean, I feel terrible, but what was he thinking, sneaking around our house with a g*n?

What does he say he was doing?

He's still recovering from surgery.

We're gonna talk to him as soon as we can.


The g*n he was carrying was the g*n that k*lled your husband.

It's the g*n Sydney stole from your house.

Oh, my God.


Sydney may be an accessory to m*rder.

Why were you there last night, Brandon?

What were you planning on doing?

Before you nazis shot me?

I was visiting my girlfriend.

We didn't sh**t you.

Yeah, tell that to the judge.

I'm suing your ass, big-time.

Yeah, okay, that's a plan.

Here's your problem, Brandon...

The g*n that you were carrying last night was the same g*n used to k*ll Felix Hanson, The g*n that Sydney stole for you, which puts you both in a whole lot of trouble.

I have nothing to say about that.

Did Sydney know?

Did she know what?

Did she know you were gonna use the g*n to k*ll her father?

I didn't.

Did she ask you to do it?

I didn't k*ll him.

We know you k*lled him. That ship has sailed.

We're charging you with the m*rder of Felix Hanson.

We just want to know if Sydney's involved.

You people have no idea who he really was.

He was monster, total saddist.

A sadist?

Whatever, man. He liked to hurt people.

And that would be a go reason to k*ll a man if he was hurting someone that you love.

Yeah, any man would do the same.

Did he hurt Sydney? Is that what she told you?

Did she persuade you that he needed to die? To protect her?

I'm saying nothing. I want my lawyer.

Hey, boss. He's lawyered up and admitting nothing.

It's tough to get a conviction with what we have so far.

But we have themurder w*apon. We don't need a confession.

Yeah, the g*n's a double-edged sword, kind of.

Belonged to Felix Hanson, was never reported stolen.

And we recoved it in Hanson's house.

From Brandon.

Or from the floor. We never saw it in Brandon's possession.

And there's no recoverable prints.

In a courtroom, we can't put Hanson and the g*n and Brandon together in the same place.

So without an actual confession from Brandon, we're stuck.

Or a confession from Sydney.

There's no way that Brandon did this without her say so. Right?

That, my dear, is an excellent question.

Is Brandon gonna be okay?

He'll live.

I want to see him I need to talk thim.

And, uh, what would you say to him?

That's not your business.

I think I know what happened here, Sydney I'm wondering if you do, too.

Uh, yeah.

My boyfriend shot my dad, and then my stepmom shot my boyfriend.

My life is like a sick joke.

So tell me, Sydney, why would Brandon k*ll your dad unless you wanted him to?

Unless you asked him to?

I didn't ask him to do anything.

Can you look at me and say that?

I didn't ask him to do anything.

I loved my father. I did.

Maybe someone else made him do it.


You tell me.

What are you thinking?

I'm thinking Felicia and Sydney should go back to work.

Oh, really? Why so?

A great man once said, "all the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players."

Oh, really?


Ladies, good morning.

How are you?

Mm, fine.

Okay. Listen, I was thinking before we roll, why don't we just run through the whole thing from the top for fun okay?

Don't worry about being on page too much.

Just use your instincts, and let's see what happens, okay?


All righty.


Okay! Let's see how this goes.

And... action.

Daisy, where are you?

I'm right here, mom.

Look at you. You look... good.


What were you calling me about?

I just wanted to make sure you were on your way.

Why is it so important I be here?

I did a naughty thing. I called Rowan.

He's on his way. I pretended to be you.

Oh, no. You dn't.

Oh, yes, I did. I'm sorry, bunny.

Why would you do that?

Why play games? You've already seduced him away from me.

I did not. Why would you say that?

Stop acting! It's over.

I know what you did. I know who you are.

You've always hated me.

You seduced Brandon, and you lied to him, and you made him k*ll my father!

All right. Gabe...

No you're not going anywhere.

Gabe, cut it. She's gone mad.


I'll let you go after you tell them it's not true.

Tell them I'm wrong. Tell them!

I... it's not true. It's... no, it's not. It's... it's not.

It's not true.

God, you're such a liar.

This is ridiculous.

I don't know what he said to you, but it's nonsense.

Th !sis upsetting to me and unfair.

Sydney, terrific. Just terrific.

You, uh, I'm not buying it.

You're woodin, high-pitched believe it, Felicia.

Believe it, and then we will. Ok?

Let's try one more from, uh, "this is ridiculous."

This is... I'm... I'm sorry. I don't understand.

It's easy to understand.

You told Brandon that Felix was abusing you.

You persuaded Brandon to k*ll Felix.

When you feared he'd Confess to the police, you lured him to the house, planning to k*ll him as well.

But now Sydney sees the truth.

She knows that you're a conniving, murderous bitch.

Way too melodramatic.

Your hole world is falling apart.

You're done unless you can convince us that you are telling the truth now.

My w... my work is always truthful.

There's a little afternoon soap in there.

That's a terrible thing to say Tell us the truth, Felicia.

Make it real. You can do it.

Oh, God, I'm sorry.

What was that? Speak up.

I'm s... sorry.

For what?

I... I was angry.

He changed his mind over "script issues," he said.

He didn't want me out there, being successful, having other men look at me and want me.

It made him feel insecure.

I gave up my life to be with him.

This is my life, and he wouldn't let me have it back.

He was suffocating me.

It was a form of abuse.

Is Sydney here?

No, she's out.

Brandon came along at a weak moment.

Why don't you come sit down with me?

He forced himself on me.

I let him.

He told Felix that Sydney was in trouble Felix went right along.

It's Sydney. She's back here, and she needs you.



What's going on here?

You sick bastard.

He did love that daughter of his. I'll give him that.

If only he could have accepted me for who I am, respected my needs... this would've never happened.

Men are beasts.

Patrick, would you do me a favor?

Oh, I might.

Tell Sydney that I'm sorry.

I see now, on reflection...

I wasn't the stepmother I might've been.

I'm sorry for that.

I did try.

And I hope and pray that she doesn't become bitter, hope that she finds happiness.

'Cause happiness is... so hard to find.

Once you find it, you've been to hang on tight...

Or you will lose it.

That's true.

That's true.
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