01x18 - Russet Potatoes

Complete collection of episode transcripts for seasons 1 - 7. Aired: September 2008 to February 2015.*

Moderators: Maggiemay19, Maggiemay19

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A famous "psychic" outs himself as a fake and starts working as a consultant for the California Bureau of Investigation so he can find "Red John," the madman who k*lled his wife and daughter.
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01x18 - Russet Potatoes

Post by bunniefuu »

Self isn't something you find.
It's something you create.
The more action you take, the more progress you make.

Self isn't something you find.
It's something you create.
The more action you take, The more progress you make.

Self isn't something you find.
It's something you create.
The more action you take, the more progress you make.

Self isn't something you find.
It's something you create.

Okay, the lady in red... guess.

She's, um... Allergic to perfume.

It's... It's a good guess. She just sneezed.

She's having an affair. Next?

Hold on. Having an affair?

You made that up.

Not at all. If you look closely, she has a very peculiar...

My attitude towards life determines life's attitude towards me.

You got a job to do, you do it right.


Put your hands in the air now.

Oh. Make a federal case out of it, why don't you?

Drop it. Drop the blanket.

Your hands, sir. Both hands.

That's gratitude for you.

Hey! Put your hands above your head!

I bring you a gift, and this is how I'm treated?

What gift?

I dragged, uh, three blocks.


Pupils are dilated.

Are you on dr*gs, mister, uh...

Resnick. Carl Resnick. I don't do dr*gs.

Crack is whack.

Steady pulse. Steady as a rock for someone that dragged a body three blocks.


Let me handle this, Jane. I'll do it.

So this is a gift, huh? Is that why you brought her here to us?

Her? Them.

There's more than one?

It's a whole bagful, fella. What do you need, glasses?

A bagful of what?



I'm supposed to deliver them to the police.

You are the police, right?

Near enough. He's a perfect subject.


For implanting a suggestion. He's hypnotized.

He's lying.

Is he?

Oh, given that the girl he dragged in here dead is not actually a bag of spuds like he says, then yeah.

Well, it's not lying if he believes it.


Thank you.

So, Carl, Why would you bring a bag of potatoes to the police?

Uh, I... I don't... I... I can't...

Potatoes to cops?

Potatoes. Not doughnuts, but potatoes.

Did someone tell you to do it?

Yes! Yes.


Uh... I can't remember.


I'm trying.

What if I told you it wasn't potatoes?

That in fact, it was a dead girl you were dragging around?

You have a twisted sense of humor.

Here's proof, Carl. What do you see there?


He is crazy.

Nope. Just hypnotized.

Oh, come on.

Hypnosis is just a way to connect to the imagination rather than the conscious mind.

The mind will accept whatever the imagination creates, however bizarre.

Hypnotism is what you use against my explicit orders to get witnesses to tell the truth.

It's a little different than convincing somebody that a dead girl is a sack of vegetables.

Different in scale.

Well, he doesn't look like he's in a trance or anything.

Neither did Minelli when I hypnotized him to stop smoking.

The subject acts normally except inside the suggestion.

Carl's suggestion is to have this very powerful hallucination and to forget who did this.

Whoever hypnotized him, I gotta say... good.

Good enough to hypnotize Carl into k*lling a girl?

Well, that depends on whether deep down, Carl really wanted to k*ll a girl.

But he's hypnotized.

Uh, no suggestion in the world can make you do something against your moral character, against your true will.

A hypnotized saint is still a saint.

Not that he's a saint.

Uh, so if Carl's a k*ller, he can be hypnotized to k*ll.


Otherwise the hypnotist k*lled the girl and framed Carl for it.


So is Carl a k*ller? What did we find out about him?

He sells cars, boats, stuff like that.

And you know this how?

Well, he's very well-mannered, a little over-groomed, too badly dressed to be gay, so salesman.

He works a dealership over on Fulton.

Oh. Does he have a record?

Not even a parking ticket.

He's a good boy, obeys authority... a perfect subject for a trance.

He's all soft and squishy and malleable.

Well, can you fix him with a trance or whatever?

Make him remember what happened?

Well, I could try, but without knowing the trigger, it'll be like you and I playing Marco Polo in the Atlantic.

It'll take forever, and you get all pruny.

Easier just to find the hypnotist and ask him.

Got an I.D. on the victim.

Her fingerprints were on file with the school board.

She's Mary Beth Hendrix, 27.

Her sister's on the way from the airport now.

Yes. Mm, that's Mary Beth.

She, uh...

Someone shot her?

g*nsh*t wound to the head. I'm sorry.

The coroner says she died instantly.

I can't believe it.

She was fine when I left.

You live together?

Um, yeah.

Two country girls in the big city.

I didn't want to come here, but Mary Beth said she'd take care of me.

Mm. That's funny, huh?


Your trip to San Francisco?

Yeah. Um, just overnight, for work.

I had just landed when you called.

Mary Beth's an elementary school teacher, right?

Um, she was, yeah. But last year I got her a job where I work, at the model life centre downtown.

Mary Beth was the boss' assistant.

And I'm an event planner.

I help the doctor plan N.L.P. seminars around the country.

What's N.L.P.?

Neuro-linguistic programming.

Uh, well, "sneaky ways to influence people" doesn't sound quite as catchy.

Well, Dr. Daniel changes lives.

Royston Daniel?

Yes. He's the best.


Who's Royston Daniel?

Dr. Royston Daniel is one of the country's preeminent hypnotherapists.

Mary Beth is dead?

Oh, my god.

You knew Mary Beth then?


I-I met her at the model life centre.

I'm taking Dr. Daniel's N.L.P. Course, to help me be a better salesman.

Did you spend a lot of time with Mary Beth?

At the Monday class... uh, I didn't understand the exercise.

Mary Beth spent her whole lunch explaining it to me.

She's a great teacher.

Patient, you know?

Even with a dope like me.

So now do you remember who hypnotized you?

I got nothing. I'm sorry.

Mary Beth...

What happened to her?

We should go take a look at Daniel and this model life centre.

Let's bring Carl.

What for?

Uh, it's where the hypnotists are.

Oh. Carl is still our prime suspect in this.

We can't use him as bait.

Well, as long as we don't lose him or break him, then what's the problem?

"get what you want from whoever you want"... scam.

Not to mention bad grammar.

Neuro-linguistic programming is not a scam.

It's the science of willpower and persuasion and communicating more deeply.

A way to better your life.

Yeah, scam.

A scam that can better your life.

Ooh, deep. You two stay here.

Good afternoon.

My name is Dr. Royston Daniel, and I'm gonna teach you the secrets of neuro-linguistic programming.

Many of you may not fully believe in the power of trance, but I promise, you will.

Excuse me, young man. This is not the moment. I'm s...


What's going on?

Dr. Daniel, what happened?

Ladies and gentlemen, a round of applause for Mike here for being such a good sport.

You're all here because you want something.

You want power or you want money, you want love, you want...

I... I want a quick word with you privately.

I'm in the middle of something right now.

Oh, it's very important. It's about your boat.

My boat? I don't have a boat.

No, it's on fire.

Rick, get security, would you...

Look, sir, I don't know what...


Your assistant Mary Beth has been m*rder*d.

California Bureau of Investigation.

We'd like to speak with you.

You're gonna have to... excuse me, folks.

Um, my associate, Mr. Rick Tiegler, will conduct the seminar from here on in.

I hope to see you again soon.

Okay. Good. Uh...

As Dr. Daniel has shown, trance is incredibly powerful.

We're gonna teach you how to unleash that power for yourselves.

Let's start by relaxing with a few simple breathing exercises.

Then we're gonna show you how to supercharge your life.

How does that sound? How does that sound?

Hi, Dr. Daniel.

Carl, is this the man who hypnotized you?

Let's have a look at those eyes.


Jane. Do you know this man?

Well, his face is familiar. Is he one of my students?



Rigsby, speak to Dr. Daniel. Take Jane with you.

Carl and I are gonna go back to the seminar.

That way, I know he won't get lost or broken.

Can we use your office?

Yes, this way.

I'll catch up.

This is terrible.

Poor girl.

I had a bad feeling when she didn't come in this morning.

It's not like her to disappear.

Did she have any, uh, pr... problems lately?

Bad breakup? Anybody who might wanna hurt her?

Um, I... I wouldn't know.

Mary Beth's personal life was her own.

She was brought in to us by Carl Resnick out there.

He was hypnotized to think she was a big bag of potatoes.

Hmm. Strong stuff.

That's an old shot.

Who could have done that?

Oh, very few people have the talent to create a trance that powerful. Very few.

Other than you, of course.


Where were you last night between midnight and 6:00?

Oh. Wait now. You think I k*lled Mary Beth?

Did you?

Well, maybe I need a lawyer here.

Maybe. I wouldn't have a clue.

Rigsby, is he gonna need a lawyer?

Uh, Dr. Daniel, tell us about your students.

Uh, what kind of people want to get whatever they want from whoever they want?

Who... who wouldn't want to make their life better?

Using trance as a tool, N.L.P. can help everyone from insomniacs, soccer moms, to high-powered executives, smokers, the weight-challenged.

Anyone who wants to improve his life.

And control the lives of others?

Some of my students want to sell to their customers better or make people like and respect them.

There's nothing wrong with that. Right?

Oh. Excuse me.

Uh, Royston, I just have the files for the, uh, advance work for the seminar in San Francisco.

Lindsay, you came in.

Yeah. I just had to keep busy, you know?

Well, thanks. But you don't belong here. Not today.

Whatever this is can wait. It's not important.


I'm, uh, otherwise occupied, as you can see.

Go home. Grieve.

Don't worry about us. We'll survive.

Take care of you.


Sorry. This was, uh...

It was a bad idea.


I'm sorry.

"take care of you" ...

That's the smoothest blowoff I've heard all day.

I have a question for you guys... are you feeling it?


Are you feeling it?


Are you guys feeling it?


All right. Now I¡¯m gonna talk to you guys individually, okay?

And I may ask one or two of you to come up on stage and help me.

Would you do that? Would you come on stage and help me?


What are you doing here?

What do you want me to do here?

Uh, I¡¯m sorry. I actually thought you were someone else.


I'll be right back.

Mr. Tiegler!


Mr. Tiegler!

Didn't like the class?


Looks like I caught the mystery hypnotist.

Got what you want from who you want.

N.L.P. stuff seems to work.

Come on. Buddy, come on.

Come on, man. Let's go.

I'm not talking about Carl. I don't know anything about him.

Okay. Let's talk about your job.

Agent Rigsby asked around at the center.

Everyone says you're Dr. Daniel's number one guy.

I'm proud to assist Dr. Daniel.

I'm good at what I do.

That's what the model life is all about.

If anyone could put the hex on Carl Resnick, it's you.

I wouldn't say that. No.

Did you ever try your stuff on Mary Beth Hendrix?

I'm not talking about her either.

Are you a drinker, Rick? Would you like one now?

Are you offering?


I'm not a drunk. I'm just under a lot of stress.

I understand. Were you drunk when you k*lled Mary Beth?

I didn't.

That's right. You didn't.

But if something happened when you were drunk, that means you had diminished capacity.

It means you're not responsible like you normally would be.



Yeah, I know that.

Well, is that how it was?

Maybe, uh, I don't really know.

Tell me what happened.

Yesterday I kind of asked Mary Beth out.

She said no.

Actually, she said no way...

In hell.

So last night you were mad, maybe went to a bar to forget.

Yeah, I kind of hoisted a few. Dozen.

But I mean, come on.

Every... everybody needs to let off a little steam, right?

I lasted till about 1:00, And then I...

I kind of blacked out.

And then when I woke up, It was 5:00 a.m. And I was in Mary Beth¡¯s living room.

I was standing over her body...

And I was holding a g*n.

I could smell the powder, but...

I was just standing there, as calm as could be.

So you k*lled her?

Yeah, I guess I did.

But like you said, I'm... I'm not responsible.

And after you k*lled her, that's when you decided to use your skills to frame Carl Resnick?

We'd been partners in a trance exercise, and I'd put him under a couple of times.

After that, it just gets easier, especially with someone like Carl.

He's such a cream puff.

What did you think would happen when Carl dragged a m*rder*d girl's body to the cops?

Did you think Carl was getting out of there alive?


Rick, we're charging you with the m*rder of Mary Beth Hendrix.

Stay put.



Be with you in just a sec.

Oh, hey, boss.

Has Cho searched Tiegler's place yet?

He's getting a warrant now.

I just finished up with the student interviews.

How's it going here?

Yeah, a couple more teachers to go, but, uh, so far nobody knows anything about Mary Beth or Tiegler.

I can't believe Rick k*lled Mary Beth.

Do you think Dr. Daniel will set up a place to make donations in her name?

A charity for a school would be good.

He's still here?

Yeah. I've been helping Agent Rigsby parse the sub modalities of the teachers' language patterns.

Translating their double-talk...

"reframing," "pacing," uh, "representational systems."

I don't get half of what these guys say.

What are you doing?

What? Uh, nothing.

Are you mimicking me?

It's called modeling. You, uh, model yourself on your subject.

Subject? You're not trying this NLP crap on me.

No. Sort of.

You said this would establish a rapport.

Well, it needs work.

I'm going back to the office.

Come and see me when you're done.

I don't believe this NLP stuff works at all.

You will.

No pineapple on this one.


Oh, no, thanks.

You have to.

It's tradition. The case is closed.


Mm? There's no mm on this one.

An hour ago, we found the g*n that k*lled Mary Beth In Tiegler's apartment with Tiegler's prints on it.

Plus, you know, the confession.

Didn't Rick Tiegler's blackout strike you as weird?

Well, he got drunk. He blacked out. He k*lled someone.

Who hasn't been there? I'm kidding.

Tiegler came out of a drunken stupor Standing upright over a body Instead of facedown in a pool of vomit.

It sounds more like a trance than a blackout.

Somebody hypnotized Tiegler into k*lling Mary Beth And hypnotizing Carl?

It's possible.

I didn't eat all this cheese and grease for nothing.

This cased is closed.

You're just seeing suggestion everywhere, Jane.

You're too suggestible.


Oh, right, too much of a control freak for that?

Hmm. Pot meet kettle. Kettle, pot.

Hi. Agent Lisbon, I'm, uh, here for my sister's effects from our apartment.

Agent Rigsby'll help you.

Thank you.

Miss Hendrix, quick question.

Do you believe Rick Tiegler k*lled your sister?


Actually, uh, I kinda don't.

How did you know?

Why don't you come to my office?

I... I'm so sorry.

It's okay. It's fine.

Control freak.

I'm so sorry to be bothering you guys.


What exactly is your concern, Lindsay?

Yeah, it's just... it's been nagging at me, But, um, did, um, did Rick say how he got into our apartment?


He said he was blacked out. Why?

Mary Beth... she really disliked him.

I mean, really, really disliked him. I can't imagine She would just open the door and let him into our place.

Well, he couldn't have broken in.

The BFS report says the front door was undamaged.

I don't get it. I mean, we had a dead bolt and a peephole.

Mary Beth was all security-conscious Ever since she and Royston got mugged.

She and Dr. Daniel?

Yeah, when he took her to Maui for the weekend.

Some kids... they mugged them. It was awful.

She and Dr. Daniel were dating?

For six months now. I thought he told you.

And voila?

Would you excuse us for a minute?


Daniel told us Mary Beth was just his assistant.

He didn't know anything about her private life.

So Daniel lied to us. Why?

Well, embarrassment, fear, privacy...

Guilt maybe.

It's probably nothing, but it is a loose end.

That Tiegler's defense attorney could hang us with.

We better go pick up Daniel.

If we walk, you could burn some case-closed pizza calories.


Go inside and find out everything About her sister's relationship with Daniel.

Hey, Lindsay. I want you to tell me exactly when Mary Beth started dating Dr. Daniel.

No, um, Royston would never hurt Mary Beth, Not in a million years, if that's what you're thinking.

I really am quite busy, you know.

We'll have you back here very soon, doctor.

If you could just tell me what this about...

Just a few questions. That's all.

Yes, a few questions about what?

I'm not sure, sir. I won't be the one asking.

Oh, come on, agent. Just a hint.

You know, you're far too pretty to be so solemn.

Ah, the curse of the pretty girl.

You've been told you're gorgeous since you were 12 years old, And now you can't bear to hear what most women long for.

I have a job to do. That's all.

Are you really that tough? I didn't think so.

You don't know anything about me.



You're ambitious, More than you'll let anyone see.

A girl from nowhere will desperate to make it big, But you worry that you'll always be small town, small-time, You haven't got what it takes, And that's why you're so shut down to everything but this job.

Dr. Daniel?

No offense, but I've been working with Patrick Jane For nine months now.

You want to get under my skin?

You're gonna have to up you're game. Shall we?

I'll tell you again, Agent Cho.

I wasn't sleeping with my assistant.

The assistant's sister says different, doctor.

Then she's lying or misled somehow.

In November, the two of you didn't go to Paris for a week?

On business, yes. I travel extensively, teaching.

The same story for 23 minutes now.

Maybe he's telling the truth.

Maybe it's Lindsay Hendrix who's lying.

No, this one's lying. Notice how he can't break eye contact?

I'll get the truth out of him. Look, agent Cho, I came here out of courtesy.

Now if there's nothing new, I'd like to go.

Hey, Cho. May I?


Dr. Daniel, tell the truth.

You'll feel better. Trust me.

I'd like to go now.

Rigsby, hey!


All right, all right, we were together.

We'd been dating since September, okay?

It feels better, doesn't it?

Agent Rigsby, outside. Come on.

You broke my nose, you crazy bastard.

Dude, I'm fine. This is ridiculous.

g*n and badge.

Boss, come on. I...


Damn it, Wayne. Do you understand what you just did?

Oh, dear.

I know.

No. No, this.

No. No way.

Yeah, afraid so. He's been hypnotized.

Oh, dear.

Oh, I've been hypnotized, have I?


You're gonna make me do embarrassing things, Pretend like I'm Tina Turner or something?

You wanna be like Tina Turner?

Jane, trust me. I'm not hypnotized.

I feel fine, totally normal.

Normally you don't break the noses of suspects.

What... what are you talking about?

I just questioned the guy.

Do you think this could be psychological?

Some sort of psychotic break?

No, hypnosis. That's all.

I thought you couldn't hypnotize somebody Against this moral character.

Rigsby has a brutal streak.

If you didn't know, now you know.

It's not an uncommon trait in those that choose to go into police work.

I'm calling a shrink anyway.

No, wait. Deeply hypnotized subjects Are very suggestible and have very little inhibition.

Rigsby, do me a favor. Close your eyes.


Now relax. Don't tell me, but think about it...

Think about what you most want to be doing right now.

You can do anything you like in the whole world.

What are you gonna do?

I want you to open your eyes and do it.

Do whatever you like.

Oh, yeah. That's what I'm talking about.

Huh. Okay, he's hypnotized.

Well, unhypnotize him.

You sure?

Do it.

I can't.

The hypnotist uses a specific trigger To induce a trance.

Unless I know that trigger, I can't get him out.

I have to go.

Where do you have to go to?

I can't tell you. I'll see you later.

Rigsby, no.

No, no. This is good. This is very good.

He's not a guinea pig.

Rigsby, stay here. That's an order.

I'm sorry, boss. I have to go.

Hey, Rigsby, you can't leave. You can't. You're not well.

Cho, stop messing around. I'm fine. Hey!

Talk to him, Grace. He'll listen to you.


Please stay.



But not for long.

Come on. Come sit with me.


Rigsby didn't talk to Tiegler, did he?


So Tiegler didn't do this. Maybe he didn't k*ll Mary Beth either.

It looks like you're right.

Rick Tiegler was put in a trance by the real k*ller And thought he just blacked out.

And the same person put Rigsby under.

We need to question everybody Rigsby interviewed At the NLP Center and anyone else he talked to.

It has to be Dr. Daniel, right?

He's the only one with the chops to do this.

And plus he lied about sleeping with the victim.

No, no, no. Whoa, whoa. Why would he want Rigsby To smack his own face into a table?

Although why would anyone else want Rigsby To smack Daniel¡¯s face into the table?

My guess? The smacking of the face into the table...

Unintended side effect of a deeper hypnotic command.

Command to do what?

There's the rub.

Let's find out.

I do not need this right now.

Jane's off doing his thing?

Yes, and I should be with him. What the hell happened?

Tiegler got off on bail just like that?

No record and he's not a flight risk.

Plus, it's Judge Milton. He set the bail at $50,000.

$50,000 for an accessory to m*rder charge?

Well, that's the thing.

A.D.A. dropped it to obstruction.

A deal?

I was not consulted.

Me neither. Tiegler found some juice somewhere.

Got a defense attorney from Horton & Fleer, whole nine.

Find out about Tiegler's bail.

All right.

Hello, agents.

Nice day, huh, to be walking free in the world?

You need supervision.

We think you might have been hypnotized by Mary Beth's k*ller.

Really? That's your play?

You could be in danger, sir.

You're the danger, lady.

You threw me down a marble staircase.

Look at this bruise.

No, thanks.

Mr. Tiegler, what if I'm right? What if you were hypnotized to take the blame for Mary Beth's m*rder, and the k*ller is still out there? That would make you a loose end, right?

You cops will try anything, won't you, to make me doubt myself? You and my mother.

Well, it's not gonna work. I'm living the model life.

You have a very good day, Agent Lisbon, And try not to bruise anyone.

Tiegler's bond? Tiegler didn't post it.

Who did?

The Model Life Centre, incorporated.



Look into it.


I gotta get back.

Why are we here?

I wanted to bring him somewhere where he felt safe, relaxed, something that brought him back to his childhood, before he started getting hurt.

Hurt by who?

Yeah, hurt by who?

Well, whoever. Uh, none of my business.

Here we are.

Please, have a seat.

Nobody hurt me, okay?

Jane, don't upset him.

I know what I'm doing.

Are you still on this hypnosis kick?

I'm telling you, you're wrong.

Rigsby, I'm gonna have to ask you to trust me, okay?

Try and trust me. I'm gonna help you break this trance.

No one's gonna hurt you, okay?

Bring you back to your normal self.

You'd like that, wouldn't you?

You've got it wrong.

Maybe so.

I mean, everybody makes mistakes, don't they?

That's life, huh?

Ups and downs.

Look at those swings...

Up... and down.

Up... and down.

That's life.

Relax into it.

Nothing to worry about.

Up... and down.

Up... and down.


And down.

How are you feeling? Good?

Tingling in your hands?


Tingling, I guess, a little.

That's good.

Now you're watching those swings.

Up... and down.

Up... and down.

Let yourself drift away.

Feel the tension release...

Watching the swings.

You're doing it all on your own.

That's very good.

All on your own.

Now I have to find the hypnotic trigger.

It could be visual, auditory or physical.

Watching the swings.

Dude, don't feel me up, man.

Deep breathing.

Breathe in. Feel the breath.

Feel the breath out.


And out.

That's good.

Jane, stop.



Just stop. Okay? I got a splitting headache. Just...

You're just breathing, Rigsby. Just breathing.

No one is hurting you.

No, you are. You're hurting me. Stop it!

Stop doing your stuff on me! - Your reaction is part of the suggestion.

It's a built-in defense mechanism to stop me trying to help you.

Rigsby, let Jane help you.

Stop. I... I've gotta get to...

I... I've gotta go! I've gotta get out of here.

Wayne! Wayne, stop!

He's in too deep.

If you try to stop him, he'll probably hurt you.

Hello, Dr. Daniel.

Agent Rigsby? Thank god you're here.

Help me.

Shut up, Royston.

Wayne, thank you for coming. Thank you for helping me.

Well, I had to come. I know.

Hey, Lindsay. I want you to tell me exactly when Mary Beth started dating Dr. Daniel.

No, uh, uh, Royston would never hurt Mary Beth, If that's what you're thinking. Not in a million years.

This is just routine. Relax. We'll be done in no time.

I will. I'll relax.

I feel very relaxed with you, Wayne.

Very safe.

Very safe and relaxed sitting next to you.

I feel like I could tell you anything... Anything at all.

Let me tell you about Dr. Daniel.

I know.

And don't worry.

Everything's gonna be fine now.

Agent Rigsby.

Agent, I want you to relax and listen very carefully to the sound of my voice.

You've got to listen to me, for God sake!

You've gotta...

I was so in love with you, you arrogant bastard.

And all you wanted was Mary Beth.

That stupid cow!

And I thought that if I could finally get rid of her, that you would see me and love me for who I am!

But you were in San Francisco when Mary Beth was m*rder*d.

Yeah, but they have these things called rental cars.

Then I drove up there and I did the deed, and then I hypnotized that Skeezebag Rick to take the blame for it.

Got back just in time to catch my flight.

And then when I got off the plane, I thought that Royston and I would finally be together, that he would see me for the gifts that I have.

But he didn't see you.

No, he didn't.

It's hard when they don't see you.

What a moron I was.

What a moron.

I came to you, and you said to me, "Oh, it's not important. We'll do fine without you.

Go home."

Do you remember that?

Look at me!

And I knew in that moment That you would never love me.


So now you're gonna die.


He hurt me.

He hurt me, Rigsby.

You love to protect women, don't you?

I saw how you looked at that red-haired agent.

Grace. Her name's Grace.

Wayne, I need your protection right now.

I need your help with a special job.

You'll help me, won't you?

Sure. What do you need me to do?

I need you to take...

Hello, Rigsby.

Hey, is that...

Venus or Mercury?

Hansel and Gretel had bread crumbs. I had Rigsby.

I knew he'd lead me to the guilty one, so I put a tracking device in his pocket.



Except for the part where I have the g*n.

Oh, I have a g*n, too. Lisbon?

Drop the w*apon!

So predictable.


You should put the g*n down now.

Oh, for heaven's sake.

Drop the w*apon, agent Lisbon.

Tiegler, this is your first day out on bail. Don't do this.

Shut up! I said drop it!

Best do as she says.

Oh, I'm impressed, Lindsay.

There's not three people in the world that could've done an induction on a cop.

But Rigsby's guard was up when he was with Dr. Daniel and Carl.

And you?

You just crept through the cracks, you sneaky little mouse.

Well, I was never the sparkling, vivacious one.

That was Mary Beth.

And all the boys loved her, never me...

Until I went to work for Dr. Daniel.

Then I realized I have a talent for reaching people's unconscious.

People let their defenses down with me.

They trust me.

Finally, I was worth something.

Finally, I'm in control.

Look around yourself. Are you in control now?

All these people here have to die.

That's not control. That's madness.

You're having a nervous breakdown, Lindsay.

You need help.

We can help you.

It's beautiful night for a swim.

Don't you think?


The ocean is so nice tonight.

Hear the crash of the waves, Rigsby? It's peaceful.

Yeah, it's nice.

It's not nice, Rigsby. It's not the ocean.

Hey, now why don't you take Royston for a little swim?

Show him that dark, beautiful ocean.


That's right. Take him for a swim.

I love night swims. Don't you?

Stop. Rigsby, don't.

Rigsby, listen to me.

Listen to my voice.

Why don't you take Jane for a swim? I think he wants to go.

No, no, no, no. I... I don't want to. I don't wanna go! - Rigsby!

Come on, let's go swimming, Jane.

No, no! It's... it's not water down there! It's concrete! - The water's gorgeous.

Mr. Jane loves to swim, just like you do, Rigsby.

Stop, Rigsby. Stop!

Yeah, take him for a swim. Take him over. He wants to go.

Push him over, Rigsby.

No, Rigsby! Shark! Shark! There! See it?

It's a great white.

Sharks? Where?

There's no sharks, Rigsby. The water's fine.

She's lying.

Just take him in! Throw him in! - She wants you to get eaten.

Who is this woman?

Throw him over. Throw him over!


Shoulder? Ah, it's the shoulder! Shoulder! Wait! Wait! - Throw him in, Rigsby!

g*n! g*n! Damn it!

Yes. g*n. Thanks, Rigsby.

You, my friend, have been in a trance state.

Get outta here.

Oh, I'd love to.

Come on.

Let's go.

Jane, would you untie him?

Come on.

I don't know. I just suddenly came out of it And then, uh, boom. Just had to take her down, you know?

Yeah, you took down a 100-pound woman, But in that context, you did good.

What do you mean, "in that context"?

Oh, in the context of someone letting himself get hypnotized, Nearly throwing his colleague off a building And then finally being able to overpower a small crazy woman To retrieve the situation... you did okay.

Oh, be fair... a small crazy woman with a g*n. A g*n is a g*n.

And anyone can be hypnotized. She was very good.

See? Very good.

Not as good as me, but close. Close-ish.

Which is why the professional standards unit Has cleared you for assaulting Dr. Daniel.

You weren't yourself.

But he is now, right? Himself?

Completely unprogrammed?

Yes, he is.

Last two days are gone, But other than that, I'm good to go.

Oh, so you don't remember anything From when you were hypnotized?

Fragments, but, no, not really.

Thank goodness, right?


Oh, lord. Did I make a fool of myself?

Cluck like a chicken? I didn't do Tina Turner, did I?

No. You were perfectly normal.

Oh. Good.

That's a relief, eh?



You honestly don't remember it?

Don't remember what?

He remembers.

He so remembers.


It'll come to you.
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