01x16 - Bloodshot

Complete collection of episode transcripts for seasons 1 - 7. Aired: September 2008 to February 2015.*
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A famous "psychic" outs himself as a fake and starts working as a consultant for the California Bureau of Investigation so he can find "Red John," the madman who k*lled his wife and daughter.
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01x16 - Bloodshot

Post by bunniefuu »

Outside CBI.

Jane is coming in his car. He stops to show his badge.

Jane: Hey, Tommy.

Tommy: Hey. Good morning, Mr. Jane. You're all set.

Jane: Have a good one.

Tommy: You, too. Have a good one.

Jane parks his car and get out of it. He starts walking and he sees Van Pelt talking to a guy next to the coffee cart. He smiles.

Inside CBI

Cho and Rigsby are getting out from Lisbon's office with files in hands. Van Pelts arrive.

Van Pelt: Good morning everybody.

Cho: What's so good about it?

Lisbon: Here, have a file. The division's being audited again.

Van Pelt: No problem. Let me just put milk in this, and I'll dig in.

Cho: "No problem." What's with her?

Rigsby: You mean, why isn't she cynical and jaded like you?

Jane: Notice her relaxed body language? The general sense of emotional satisfaction.

Rigsby: Yeah.

Jane: Someone's engaged her romantic interest.

Rigsby: Who?

Jane: Well, I couldn't say.

Rigsby: Nah, she's focused on her work,that's all.

Jane: Well, then I have to assume that the man that kissed her outside was making an embarrassing mistake.

Rigsby: Hmm? What? Who kissed her?

Jane: Uh, I didn't catch his name.

Rigsby: Ah, it's probably that knucklehead from payroll. He's been stalking her like a chicken. What did this man look like?
Jane's phone rings. He takes it and read the text he received.

Jane: Lisbon !

Cho: How do you stalk a chicken?

Rigsby: You know what I'm talking about.

Lisbon: "There's a very large b*mb nearby. Are you smart enough to find it?"

Outside CBI.

Everyone is getting out of the building. Minelli, Lisbon and Jane are talking.

Minelli: Another b*mb threat.That's the third this year.

Jane: Not on my phone, it isn't.

Minelli: Well, granted, they don't usually come through CBI. But that's what the drills are for.

Jane: The text read, "Are you smart enough to find it?" I think this was directed at me.

Lisbon: Of course you think this is about you. Just relax. It could be a hoax.

Jane: It could be.

Minelli: Where is the b*mb squad?

Lisbon: They're on their way now. P.D. did an initial sweep of the building. So far,they haven't found anything.

Jane: "Are you smart enough to find it?"

Minelli: Okay, listen, if this really is about Jane, I don't want him just... I...Hey !

Lisbon: Jane ! Jane, stop right there !

Minelli's phone rings.

Minelli(on the phone): Minelli. Yes, sir.

Lisbon(following Jane): Jane !

Minelli: Let me explain what happened. Jane got a text on his phone.

CBI Parking lot

Jane: The text said, "A very large b*mb." A large b*mb can only be transported in a large car. They didn't say inside CBI. They said nearby. Ergo, the parking lot. Simple.

Lisbon: Exactly. They challenged you to an easy puzzle. They want you to find the b*mb.

Jane(looking through a car's window): If there is a b*mb. It could be just a hoax, like you said.

Lisbon's phone rings. She answers it while Jane is still looking into cars.

Lisbon: Yes sir. I'll have him back in a minute. I'm trying, sir. I assure you he understands the situation.

Jane: Hey ! Lisbon ! Found it !

Lisbon: Oh,no.

Jane(hitting the window with his hands): sh**t it out! Shout it out with your g*n!

Lisbon: I... I can't! There's no time! Come on! Jane, come on, let's go! Come on, run, Jane! Jane, run ! I mean it, come on ! Jane! Come on ! Run ! Come on !

The van explodes. Jane is project in the air by the b*mb's blast.

Jane: I'm okay.

Lisbon: You all right?

Jane: I'm okay, I'm okay.

Lisbon: Okay.. Okay.

Jane: I'm fine.

Lisbon: I'm gonna get you... I need an ambulance now !

Jane: No, no ambulance. I just got something in my eyes. Aaah ! Ah ! I can't see. I can't see!

Opening Credits

Jane's hospital room.

Jane is in a bed. There are a doctor and Lisbon in the room.

Doctor: You're a lucky man, Mr. Jane. This could have been much worse.

Jane: Yes, that's what people keep telling me. But why is it I can't see, doctor?

Doctor: Well,there's a moderate concussion with some short-term memory loss, disorientation, headache, and of course, fleeting blindness. It's most likely due to small floating blood clots in the vessels around the eyes,demonstrating a C.V.I. or cortical visual impairment.

Lisbon: How long will his vision be affected?

Doctor: Well, it's hard to say, really. The body's healing powers are unpredictable, but 48 to 72 hours is the normal. We must wait and see, so to speak.

Jane: Huh. Humor. Great. Everybody loves a witty doctor in times of trouble. You know, I've heard enough. Do you think you can take this conversation outside, please?

Doctor: Mr. Jane, this is temporary. Your sight will return and you'll be back to work, but it's gonna take time and patience.

Jane: Well, time I have, but patience I lost a while ago.

Doctor: You're alive. Appreciate it.

Jane: Oh, I do. Believe me, I do.

Doctor: Now if you'll excuse me, I'll check in again later.

Lisbon: Thank you, doctor.

She leaves. Lisbon pinches Jane:

Jane: Ow !

Lisbon: I'll do worse if you don't stop mouthing off to people who are trying to help you.

Jane: You pinched me.

Cho(who just came in the room): How is he?

Lisbon: Guess what. He's a bad patient.

Cho: Who would've thought?

Jane: I'm not a bad patient. She's a bad visitor.

Lisbon: What'd you find out?

Cho: The victim is james medina, 44, stockbroker, out of highlands. The van wasn't his. It was reported stolen yesterday. We're digging up everything we can on Medina. The question is it possible he was on some bizarre su1c1de mission?

Jane: No. I looked in his eyes. That was very much a man who didn't want to be where he was. Whoever did this wanted me to watch James Medina die in terror.

Cho: They nearly k*lled you, too

Jane: Well, that wasn't the intention,though.

Lisbon: Well, what then?

Jane: "You're next" was written on the man's forehead.

Lisbon: Why?

Jane: I don't know why.

Lisbon: You're gonna be fine.

Jane: Yeah, probably.

Lisbon: We're gonna find who did this.

Jane: Good.

Cho and Lisbon look at each other.

Jane: Oh, please don't look at each other like that.

Lisbon: Like what? You can't see.

Jane: I can feel. I can feel your pity.

Lisbon: Oh, please. Would you stop? We'll be back.

Cho: Later, man.

Outside Medina's house.

Cho and Rigsby are waiting while Mrs Medina is talking to another woman.

Mrs.Medina: Thank you,Rosie.

Rose: Sure.

Mrs.Medina: Allrighty, you two. I love you. You be good with your auntie Rose now, okay? Promise? See you.

Medina's daughter: Bye Mom.

Mrs.Medina: Bye.

Cho: Sweet kids.

Mrs.Medina: Thank you. Jim loved them very much.

Rigsby: I'm sorry, Mrs. Medina, but we have to ask you a couple questions about your husband.

Cho: He didn't seem preoccupied, trouble by anything unusual?

Mrs.Medina: Preoccupied, yes, but there's nothing unusual about that. My husband was a stockbroker, and nowadays, that's like being a professional gambler.

Cho: What about your personal finances?

Mrs.Medina: I never let Jim put all our money into the stock market.

Rigsby: Did he ever mention any particular client being unhappy?

Mrs.Medina: Do you know how much clients have lost their money in the last six months? A lot of people are angry,and they blame their brokers. Jim's received hate mail, phone calls, e-mails.

Rigsby: Any specific threats? Did he ever mention names?

Mrs.Medina: There was an ex-coworker,Terry Andrews. He came by the house a few times. He was very threatening.

Cho: Thank you.

Inside CBI.

Van Pelt: Terence Carter Andrews, 46 years old, worked for two years at Lynch-halstead in the junior trader program. Tax records indicate that he also worked as a guard for several security companies. That cover the state capitol system.

Lisbon: He was a state house employee? He worked here?

Van Pelt: That's what it says. He also has a rap sheet on him. Domestic v*olence and two d.u.i.s.

Lisbon: This is him?

Cho: Where is he working now?

Van Pelt: Guest relations manager at something called Hype.

Outside Hype

Man: You, little Miss fierce, can come in. Lose the backup dancer. He's too, too butch.

Lisbon(showing her badge): Get lost, fluffy. Are you Terence Andrews?

Terence Andrews: What do you guys want?

Lisbon: Do people call you Terry or Terence?

Terence: They call me Mr.Andrews.

Lisbon: Someone k*lled James Medina today. Thoughts?

Terence: Yeah. I'd like to buy whoever did it a nice bottle of French brandy.

Rigsby: Flat-out hated him, huh?

Terence: Yeah. Yeah, I did. What, you think I had something to do with it?

Rigsby: Yeah, it crossed our minds.

Lisbon: Why don't you come downtown with us, answer a few questions?

Terence: No, I don't think so. You know why? Because I didn't do it.

Rigsby: Come on, man. Let's go.

Terence(pushing Rigsby): Get off me ! Now you want some,too?

Lisbon: No, thank you.

She takes her taser and shock him.

Terence: Ooooh!

Rigsby: Okay, everybody step back. Give him some air. Fun's over.

Lisbon: Are you okay, Mr. Andrews?

Inside CBI

Jane arrives helped by an officer. Van Pelt sees him.

Van Pelt: Hey, aren't you supposed to be in the hospital?

Jane: Nope.

Van Pelt: Yes, you are.

Jane: No, they've had enough of me. Can't say I blame 'em. Officer Powell here was kind enough to give me a ride back.

Van Pelt: Thank you. I guess.

Van Pelt's phone rings.

Officer Powell: Have a good one, Mr.Jane.

He leaves

Jane: Yeah. Go ahead. Talk to your boyfriend. I don't mind.

Van Pelt: Shush.

Jane: Why are you embarrassed?

Van Pelt: I'm not.

Lisbon: What the hell...?

Jane: Oh, doctor's orders. She said it was the best thing for me to do-get back to work.

Lisbon: She did not. She said you insulted the entire ward and were a complete pain in the ass.

Jane: Meeh. So?

Lisbon: So you can't do that.

Jane: Well, what was I supposed to do, just sit there and listen to television? Besides, the food was terrible.

Lisbon: You need the rest.

Jane: I need to work.

Lisbon: You're blind.

Jane: No problem, honestly. My other senses are heightened. They're super heightened. I'm like Daredevil. Now if you'll excuse me...

Lisbon: Okay.

Jane: Okay.

He walks away and hits a pole with his stick.

Jane: Ah. Heightened.

Interrogation Room

Rigsby questions Terence.

Rigsby: Where were you yesterday morning?

Terence: My shift at the club ended at 3:30. I went back to my place, watched a little bit of TV. Then I went to bed. I slept till about 11:00 or so.

Rigsby: Anyone who can vouch for that time frame?

Terence: No. I live alone, on account of my lady walked out on me when I lost my job.

Jane arrives in the room.

Jane: Sorry. Don't mind me.

Rigsby: Jane?

Terence: What is this? What is this? He's blind.

Rigsby: Yeah. Uh, sorry.

Jane: Cool, huh? Ahem. Yeah, so, uh, did you k*ll James Medina?

Terence: Did I k*ll James Medina? Screw him. I didn't k*ll him. I could have and I wanted to, but I didn't.

Jane smells the room.

Terence: What are you doing?

Jane: Have we ever met before?

Terence: No.

Jane: So what happened? Why did you and Mefina fight in the first place?

Terence: I was a junior trader in the company's program. And he had been picking on me for months. I took a job his nephew wanted. Anyway, a freakin' envelope falls off his desk. "Pick it up," he said. Like that, "Pick it up." I don't think so. "Pick it up your own damn self," I said. Big deal. But I guess he figures I'm just, you know,(he snaps his fingers which seems to annoy Jane) I'm gonna snap my fingers and totally just ruin this dude's life.

Jane: Can I hold your hand?

Terence agrees so Jane takes his hand.

Jane: Artistic fingers. Soft.

Terence: Don't do that.

Jane: Nice to talk with you,Terry. Be well. You can let him go.

Rigsby: Uh, that's, uh, not your call.

Jane: Well, I didn't say you must let him go. I said that you can, if you want. Being that he's innocent.

Terence: Thank you.

The door slams open and we see Lisbon.

Lisbon: Jane?

Jane: Whoa. Oh, that was loud. That scared me.

CBI corridor

Lisbon: How many times do I have to tell you to stop interrupting interviews like that?

Jane: Oh, I'm sorry. Oh. Just a minute.

Lisbon: What are you doing?

Jane: How will I know if I can see or not if I have bandages on? Ow. Here goes.

Lisbon: Well?

Jane: Black as night.

Lisbon: I'm sorry.

Jane: Never mind. Andrews didn't do it.

Lisbon: Did you sense that with your superpowers?

Jane: Yes, I did. Uh, he's filled with anger, but, uh, not fearful, guilty, murderous anger. That has a tang of ammonia about it. His is a more clean, righteous anger, lemony.

Lisbon: Lemony?

Jane: This blind thing really works. Without my vision, I can tune into my other senses much more clearly. That's great.

Lisbon: Let me go make you a superhero costume. What do you wanna be called?

Jane touches Lisbon's face.

Lisbon: What are you doing?

Jane: I wanna know what your face feels like when you're smiling.

Rigsby: Uh, so what's the deal, boss?

Lisbon: Have forensics check him for any expl*sives residue. If he comes up clean, let him go.

Rigsby: Will do.

Jane: I'm still convinced there's a connection between Medina and me, so before you make me that superhero costume I'm looking forward to, could you take me to visit with his widow?

Lisbon: Maybe.

Jane: Thank you. And incidentally, you're smelling particularly good today.(Lisbon walks away and goes to her office) Is that cinnamon in the mix there somewhere? Lisbon?

He searches Lisbon with his hands but she's gone.

Inside Medina's house

Jane, Lisbon and Mrs.Medina are in the kitchen.

Mrs.Medina: Your tea is right in front of you, Mr.Jane

Jane: Ah, thank you.

Mrs.Medina: You're welcome.

Lisbon: Mrs. Medina, we don't mean to keep you from your family. We just have a few more questions to ask you.

Mrs.Medina: I understand. I'm... happy to help.

Jane: I can feel what a warm,caring home this is. I'm very sorry for your loss. I think whoever did this was targeting your husband and me also. I don't know why, but something links us. I have to ask,have we ever met before?

Mrs.Medina: Not that I know of.

Jane: Would it be a terrible inconvenience to show me some of your husband's personal things? Jewelry, anything he used a lot.

Mrs.Medina: Sure. I guess. Why?

Jane: Holding something of James' would help me pick up a feel for him, get a sense of his being.

Mrs.Medina: Okay. Excuse me.

Jane: Thank you.

She leaves

Lisbon: A sense of his being? What are you playing at?

Jane: Just go with it. I have to practice this touchy-feely stuff. It's been a while.

Lisbon: You're not gonna be blind forever.

Jane: No, right, 'cause bad stuff like this doesn't happen nearly as often as people think it does.

They are now in the living room. Jane has got glasses in his hands.

Jane: Bifocals.

Mrs.Medina: Mm-hmm. Jim couldn't read without them. He was considering surgery, but I liked the way he looked in his glasses. He held off because of me.

Jane puts the glasses away and takes something which seems to be a brooch.

Jane: Did he like horses?

Mrs.Medina: We liked to ride together. We were planning to take a trip up the coast this fall.

Jane takes a watch.

Jane: This feels expensive.

Mrs.Medina: Uh,yes. He only wore that to business functions.

Jane: There's a jewel with an engraving on the back. What is that engraving?

Mrs.Medina: It's a bull. It was a company gift from Lynch-Halstead. A little too much bling for Jim's everyday taste.

Jane has got a flash back. We see him talking with a woman.

Lisbon(a little worried): Jane?

Jane(upset): Well, uh, thank you for your time, Mrs. Medina.

Inside CBI

Jane: The watch I recalled was the exact same. It had the same engraving on the back as James Medina's and his was from Lynch-Halstead.(to Lisbon who helped him to reach the couch) Thank you. Uh... So, years ago, I must've done a psychic reading for someone else connected to the firm.

Cho: You don't know who?

Jane: I can't remember. I tried to see the woman's face, recall her name. I... I just can't do it.

Van Pelt: But she paid you and was hurt so badly she's still holding a grudge.

Jane: Well, probably.

Rigsby: The man's blind. Go easy, maybe.

Van Pelt: Sorry.

Jane: Oh, it's okay. You're fine.

Lisbon: Did you keep a record of all your customers or clients or whatever you called them?

Van Pelt's phone rings. She smiles. Rigsby looks jealous.

Jane: Yeah, I had to. I had to keep track of all the lies I'd already told them.

Lisbon: Oh, where are they?

Jane: Uh, probably on a disk in my boxes over there, I expect.

He almost hit Lisbon's head with his stick when he showed where the record could be.

Lisbon: Van Pelt, why don't you help Jane find his records?

Van Pelt immediatly stops smiling and put her phone away.

Jane: Oh, first, could someone please make me a cup of tea?

Cho, Van Pelt and Lisbon walks away. Rigsby stays here looking around.

Jane: Is that a yes?(he smells the room then smiles) Rigsby.

CBI kitchen

Rigsby throws the tea bag in the sink and puts the cup of tea in front of Jane who is sitting at the table.

Jane: Thank you.

He takes a sip of tea to taste. Rigsby is looking at Jane hopefully.

Jane: Did you put the milk in...

Rigsby: Milk in first. Yep. Just like you asked.

Jane: You sure the water boiled...

Rigsby: It was truly boiling? Yep.

Jane takes another sip.

Jane: Tastes weird.

Rigsby: Tastes weird?

He looks a little disapointed because Jane doesn't like his tea.

Rigsby: Jane, I need to ask you a favor. I need you to, uh... I need to you find out from VanPelt about this guy she's dating. You know, what's the score?

Jane: The score?

Rigsby: Is it serious? Are they, uh, you know?

Jane: Ask her yourself.

Rigsby: Yeah, right. No. Come on. You know the situation. It's against the rules- relationships between coworkers.

Jane: What are you, a man or a mouse?

Rigsby: Well, a man, obviously.

Jane: Could've fooled me.

Rigsby: If it's that guy from payroll, I will k*ll him.

Jane: Well, that would be a strong, romantic statement. Women like a man that would k*ll for them. Hey, Van Pelt !

Rigsby: Don't !

Jane: What?

Rigsby: Oh No.

Jane: Trust me. Honesty's better.

Rigsby: No.

Van Pelt: What's up?

Jane: Grace, personal question. Rigsby and I were wondering, uh...who is this man you were kissing by the coffee cart?

Van Pelt: That's... That's none of your business.

Jane: Not from payroll?

Van Pelt: Payroll? No, he doesn't even work here. It's none of your business.

She walks away angry.

Jane: Well, thank heavens for that, at least. No k*lling needed. Huh.

Rigsby: Don't be so sure.

Jane: You'll see. Honesty's best.

Rigsby: Yeah, well, honestly, I'd like to kick your butt right now.

Jane thinks for a second.

Jane: I'll take you. But could you take me to my couch first, please?

Rigsby: Yes.

Jane: Thank you.

Rigsby: Give me your arm. Get the tape off.

Jane: Yep.

Rigsby: Here's the couch.

Jane: All right babe. You're very good at this. Thank you. Thanks for your lovely tea.

Van Pelt(searching in a box): That was cruel. Why did you do that?

Jane: Oh, it's this blindness nuisance. It makes me mean. I'm... I'm sorry. But you two do need to talk.

Van Pelt: There's nothing to talk about. Is this it?

She shows him a CD.

Jane: Uh...

Van Pelt: Sorry. Uh, a white cd with "R.P.B." written on it in black?

Jane: Could be. You have a lot to talk about.

Van Pelt: Like what?

Jane: Is it serious, you and coffee cart man?

Van Pelt(putting the CD in the computer): It's too early to tell.

Jane: I'd like to meet him. What floor does he work on?

Van Pelt: He doesn't. He's a lawyer.

Jane: Ah.

Van Pelt: He was just visiting. And no offense, but why does my personal life have any concern to you... or Rigsby, for that matter?

Jane: Well, me... I'm just nosy. But Rigsby... He loves you. He's just scared of emotional commitment. And you're attracted to him, but you're deeply repressed and emotionally shut down.

Van Pelt: Oh, is that right?

Jane: Because of a trauma in your past that you've never spoken of to anyone, ever, even yourself.

There's a silence

Jane: Sorry. I was just thinking out loud.

Van Pelt: What? I wasn't listening.

Jane: What's his name?

Van Pelt: Dan.

Jane: Dan? Can I meet him?

Van Pelt: If you like.

Jane: I would.

Van Pelt: Here's your client list. I'll run it against the Lynch-Halstead records. One match. You both shared a client a long time ago... Carol Gentry?

Jane: Carol Gentry...


Jane Residence, Malibu, eights years earlier

Jane: She forgives you, Carol. Your mother truly forgives you.

Carol Gentry: I don't understand, Mr. Jane. She forgives me?

Jane: Yes. That's what she says. And I believe it to be sincere.

Carol: She was a vicious,evil,abusive woman, But I loved her and cared for her like a good daughter. What did I ever do that she should forgive me for?

Jane: It's a hard truth,Carol, that people don't change when they pass on. They simply become the essence of who they are. Your mother was a very complicated woman...

Carol: She forgives me? That lunatic bitch forgives me?

Jane: People are very complicated. Aren't they? I'm afraid that's all we have time for this week, Carol.

Carol: Oh. Okay. Yeah. I'm sorry. I just...

Jane: It's okay. Just breathe. We'll talk more about this next time, shall we?

Carol: Yeah.

Jane: Okay.

Carol: Okay.(she gives him a check) Thank you, Mr. Jane.

Jane: Thank you.

She leaves. Jane takes some water and then he throws it away.

End Flash-Back

Van Pelt: Jane? Are you all right? Jane? Are you all right?

Jane: Yeah, yeah. Uh, I'm fine. I'm fine.

He stands up and makes a few steps but he collapses. Van Pelt immediatly gets up and goes next to him.

Van Pelt: Jane. Jane.

Jane is sitting on his couch, a doctor is examinating him. There's Minelli and Lisbon too.

Minelli: Is he all right?

Jane: Oh, I'm 100% okay. No need to send me back.

Lisbon: Sir, he needs to be in the hospital. He has to go if you order him to.

Minelli: I could, but someone did try to k*ll him, remember? We can protect him better here... At less expense.

Jane: Thanks, Virgil.

Minelli: Okay, but this is a favor. If you die in this department, I'm responsible. I do all the paperwork. In fact, if he does die for whatever reason, move him to a public area, would you? I'd be very grateful.

Jane: I hope he's smiling.

Minelli: Places to be !

Jane: Don't we all.

His stick falls. He searches for it but don't find it.

Jane: Uh... Uh...A little help here?

Lisbon rolls her eyes but helps him.

Jane: Just the stick. Just the stick. Thank you.

Later, they are all sitting at the table.

Lisbon: We started doing research on your old client, Carol Gentry.

Jane: She's not a suspect.

Lisbon: Lynch-Halstead were her brokerage firm for a while.

Jane: Just a coincidence. She's not a suspect.

Cho: How can you be so sure?

Jane: Carol Gentry k*lled herself eight years ago. She left no family.

They all don't know what to say.

Jane: You all still here?

Lisbon: We're all here.

Jane: Good. So back to square one, I guess?

Lisbon: Not quite. Van Pelt's done some deeper research.

Van Pelt: We cross-checked the spouse's names. And came up with a second hit. You used to have a client named Jill Lamont. Her husband was Paul Krager. And he used to work for Lynch-Halstead.

Jane: Jill Lamont? Yes.

Flash Back

Jane is sitting on a couch, there's a woman with him.

Jane: Tell me more about your husband just anything.

Jill Lamont: He loves me, loves our son. Family is everything to him. But I've noticed a change... Lately.

She gives him a watch, the same as Medina's

Jane: What sort of a change?

Jill: He seems, uh... preoccupied.

Jane: And that's when you began to wonder if he was being unfaithful?

Jill: That's right.

Jane: All right. Something's coming through. Feel it with me. Here. Yes, I'm feeling that Paul hasn't been 100% honest with you. He hasn't been happy. You know that, don't you? Do you sense someone else in his life? Your senses never lie.

Jill: Yes. Yes, I do.

Jane: Okay.

Jill: There's someone else. Is he leaving me?

Jane: You have to talk to him, Jill. You have to tell Paul not to ruin what you have together.

End Flask Back

At Lynch-Halstead

Cho and Lisbon ar tamking to a man

Man: Paul Krager's a name I haven't heard in a while. It never even entered my mind.

Lisbon: What do you know about his personal life?

Man: We've all made our mistakes over the years. Fat wallets and good wine can do that to a man.

Cho: You're referring to his divorce?

Man: That was no divorce. That was a m*ssacre. His wife remarried, I think. But Krager's whole world fell apart. Work-wise, he never recovered. Went off the rails, to be frank. We had to let him go.

Lisbon: Who actually did the firing?

Man: Now that you mention it, Jimmy Medina did. Jim did a lot of the ax work here. Unfortunate part of the job.

Cho: Any idea where we can find Krager now?

Man: Last I heard,someone saw him at a church soup kitchen during the holidays.Their brife for the grace of God,if you know what I mean.

CBI Headquarters

Rigsby: Well, Lynch was right.The legal fees alone nearly bankrupted Krager. His wife took their son, moved east and remarried.

Cho: So where's Krager now?

Rigsby: Well, based on we could find, he was so devastated losing his family, his whole world collapsed.

Lisbon: No permanent address. He hasn't filed a tax return in years. His last known employer was lynch-halstead in 2001.

Cho: Boy,you really did a number on him.

Jane: Yes, I did. Thank you.

Lisbon: No, you simply confirmed what she knew in her heart already.

Jane: Has anyone tried contacting her,Jill Lamont?

Rigsby: Yeah,cI left word. No answer yet.

Lisbon: We put an A.P.B. Out on Paul Krager. Cho and I are gonna follow up on some leads. You stay right there. Nobody take him anywhere. No excitement what so ever. Clear?

Van Pelt: Clear, boss.

Rigsby: Clear, boss.

Jane: Crystal.

Van Pelt and Rigsby are in the kitchen

Van Pelt: Did you see how many clients Jane had?

Rigsby: Well,I guess he helped a lot of people.

Van Pelt: I'm not so sure.

A man appears. Rigsby sees him.

Rigsby: Hi. Can I help you?

Van Pelt turns around and sees the man too

Van Pelt: Dan. Hey.

Dan Hollenbeck: Hi.

Van Pelt: Hi. What are you doing here?

Dan: I was at another meeting upstairs. Thought I'd stop by and say hello. Is that cool?

Van Pelt: Yeah, totally. You know, it's just a surprise, that's all.

Dan: So,um... Introduce me to your colleague, who keeps staring at me so strangely.

Van Pelt: Yeah. Uh... Agent Rigsby? This is my friend, Dan Hollenbeck.

Dan: Good to meet you.

Dan extends his hand but Rigsby ignores him.

Rigsby: Hi. How you doing?

Dan: Uh, I'm excellent. And you?

Rigsby: Good. Yeah.

Van Pelt: Okay, so...

Rigsby: A lawyer, are you?

Dan: I am. I'm sorry. Do we have a problem?

Rigsby: No. No problem. It takes all sorts, even lawyers.

Van Pelt: Okay, that's enough.

Dan: A pleasure to get to know you,Agent Rigsby.(to Van Pelt)Can we... Can we be somewhere private for a moment?

Van Pelt: Uh... I don't know if that's such a... Good idea.

Dan: Please?

Rigsby: You know what? I'm sorry. You and me do have a problem. Not a big one, but we do need to talk. No trouble, I swear.

Dan: All right, then.

Van Pelt: No,it is not all right.

Rigsby: No trouble. I promise.

Dan: It's okay,Grace. It's fine.

Rigsby: Okay.

Men's room

Dan: So here we are. Talk away.

Rigsby: I don't know you, Dan. Maybe you're a nice guy. I hope so. I don't know. Because if you ever hurt Grace Van Pelt, I will find you and I will cause you pain, Because she means a lot to... to the unit. So you treat her right, okay?

Dan: Yeah, I hear you. I appreciate your concern. You care for Grace. Don't worry. I'm a...I'm a nice guy.

Rigsby: Okay. Hey, uh ,I'm sorry to get heavy with you. All right. I had to say it, you know? Just so long as we understand each other.

Dan: Yeah, sure thing. I understand. I do.

Rigsby turns away but Dan hits him with a g*n. Then he handcuffs Rigsby.

Few minutes later CBI

Van Pelt: I am so embarrassed. What did Rigsby say to you?

Dan: No call for embarrassment. He's a good-hearted person. I like him. He just wants you to be happy... Or else.

Van Pelt: And what did you say?

Dan: Hmm. Well, I'd say I did my best.

Van Pelt: You did?

Dan: I did. Hey, where is this psychic character. You told me about? I'm dying to meet him.

VanPelt: He wanted to meet you,too.

They walk into the bullpen. Jane is sleeping on his couch.

Van Pelt: Jane?

Jane wakes up

Jane: Damn.

Van Pelt: Sorry. I didn't know whether to wake you or not.

Jane: I'm awake.

Van Pelt: You said you wanted to meet the man I've been dating.

Jane: Yeah. Is he coming?

Van Pelt: He's here.

Jane: Here? Here now?

Van Pelt: Yes.

Dan: Right here.

Jane: Oh.

Dan: Dan hollenbeck, sir. It's a real pleasure to meet you. Grace has told me so much about you.

They shake hand

Jane: Good to meet you, too, Dan.

Dan: Excuse my asking, but are you...

Jane: Blind? Yes,as a bat.

Van Pelt: Temporarily blind. Think positive.

Jane: Yes, positive. That's right. So,Van Pelt,where is Rigsby exactly?

Van Pelt: I don't know. Out getting pizza, if I know Rigsby. You need him for something?

Jane: Lisbon? Cho?

Van Pelt: Still chasing down Paul Krager. Nobody here but us.

Jane: Of course. So, Dan,quite the hard grip you have there. Working man's hands. That, uh, faint scent of chemicals but an expensive Italian suit. It's interesting.

Van Pelt: Dan's a lawyer.

Dan: A very junior lawyer. I lobby the state senate.

Jane: But you're good with your hands. You're good at building things as a hobby, maybe.

Dan: I guess.

Jane: What sort of things do you build as a hobby?

Dan: You know, stuff.

Jane: And your parents? Where are they?

Dan: They're dead.

Jane: Sorry to be a busybody. I just wanna be sure Grace finds the right young man.

Dan: Mm.

Van Pelt: Hush.

Jane: Well, I'm hungry. I... I guess I'll just, uh, get myself something to eat.

He gets up.

Van Pelt: Don't be silly. I'll get you something.

Jane: No, no, no, no, it's okay. I can manage.

Dan: Think I'm dumb? Make the wrong move, and I'll sh**t her in the head.

Jane: I hear you.

Van Pelt: What are you guys whispering about?

Jane: Nothing. Some chips would be nice.

Van Pelt: What kind?

Jane: I'm easy.

Van Pelt's phone rings.

Van Pelt: It's the boss.

Lisbon: Looks like we've cracked it. We found Paul Krager. He was obsessed with Jane and Medina. Remember he has a son? Well, Krager told us he's living in the city now. He goes by the name Dan Hollenbeck.

She hangs up

Lisbon: Van Pelt?

Dan: Sorry about this.

Lisbon: Van Pelt?...That was weird.

Van Pelt: I don't understand.

Jane: He's the bomber. He k*lled James Medina, and now he's come to k*ll me.

Van Pelt goes to her desk to take her g*n.

Dan: Don't even think about it. I'm sorry I had to lie to you, Grace, truly. But I needed you.

Van Pelt: Why?

Jane: To access the statehouse lot. He used your security pass.

Van Pelt: You son of a bitch.

Jane: Just be cool,Van Pelt. Please.

Dan: Grace, relax. I have no desire to hurt you.

Van Pelt: Give it up, Dan, please?

Dan: I'm in too deep. I can't stop now. Don't make me hurt you.

Jane: Just do as he says.

Dan: Oh, you're a nice guy now, aren't you? You destroyed my life for what? Because my dad cheated on my mom? Big deal. He wasn't perfect. And for that, he's on the street. He loses everything ! One day, I'm at the best... The best private school in Los Angeles. I'm playing soccer with movie stars' kids. Next minute, I'm in Dogpatch, New Jersey, with my weeping mom,getting my ass whipped by thugs that don't even speak freaking english. Why?! Because you... you had to be the man who knows. You had to tell my mom the truth.

Jane: I'm sorry, Dan.

Dan: Yeah, sure you are, with a g*n at your back.

Dan: (to Van Pelt)Take out your handcuffs. Handcuff yourself. Behind the back. Drop the cane.

Jane: Oh

Dan: Okay. Here we go. Let's go.

Jane: Where are we going?

Dan: Somewhere quiet and private. You won't like it. Where's your car,Grace?

Van Pelt: In the side parking lot. A jeep, Iowa plates.

Dan: I didn't know you were from Iowa. Famous potatoes, huh?

Van Pelt: That's Idaho, you ignorant jerk.

Dan: Oh, yeah? What's Iowa famous for?

Jane: Gullible women.

Van Pelt: That's not fair.

Dan: Keep moving.

Outside parking lot

Jane: Uh, Tommy, you still here?

Tommy: Hey, Mr. Jane. Uh, just locking up. You folks need anything?

Jane: Uh...(he hits Dan with his elbow) Uhh ! Run ! Run, Grace !

Tommy: Freeze ! (they start to fire, Dan sh**t Tommy in the shoulder) Uhh!

Van Pelt: Okay, go to the right, the right.

Jane: Okay,you're gonna take this to your car.

Van Pelt: But I can't drive.

Jane: We'll manage. Keys, keys.

Van Pelt: Uh,in... in the left front pants pocket.

Jane: Sorry,oh,oh. Uh... Got it. Let's go.

Van Pelt: Okay,okay. The jeep's on the right.

Jane: Got it?

Van Pelt: Okay. This is the handle.

Jane: You are in Grace? Grace you are in?

Van Pelt: Hang on, hang on.

Jane: On the dash or on the column?

Van Pelt: On the... on the column. Up,Up. Up. Okay. That's... that's reverse.

Jane: Good? All... all clear?

Van Pelt: Yeah, slow. Slow.

Jane: slowly? slowly backing.

Van Pelt: slow,slow,slow,slow.

They bump in another car

Jane: Oh. Sorry about that.

Van Pelt: Straight.

Jane: Okay,I got it.

Dan sh**t the car but misses.

Jane: Aah!

Van Pelt: Okay, straight straight straight. Okay,now make a right. Turn right. No,no,not yet! Not yet! Oh! Oh! Aah! Aah! Punch it,punch it,punch it! Go to the right! Whoa! Whoa! Wait. Reverse,reverse,reverse.

Dan sh**t in the window

Jane: You all right?

Van Pelt: Go,go,go. Yeah,reverse,reverse,go,go,reverse. Reverse,reverse.

They bump in a car.

Jane: Uhh! Come on. Start,come on.

Van Pelt: Come on,come on,come on. Put the park put the park.

Jane: I can't start,I can't start.

Van Pelt: Oh! Jane,no!

Dan has got his g*n pointed on Jane. There's a shot, Dan fell on the floor. It's Lisbon.

Van Pelt: Oh ! Oh,thank god. Oh,thank god.

Jane: What? What happened? Something good happen?

Lisbon: Didn't I say no excitement of any kind?

Men's room.

Van Pelt: Oh, you're alive. Are you okay?

Rigsby: Yeah. It's no bother. I'm fine.

Van Pelt: I'm sorry. God,I'm so sorry.

Rigsby: It's all right. It's all right.

They almost kiss, but a maintenance officer interrupts

Maintenance officer: Oops ! Sorry about that.

He gets out.

Rigsby: I have an H746B form to fill out.

Van Pelt: Yeah.

Following moring, CBI

Jane is sitting on his couch. He takes away the bandages from his eyes.

Jane: Ow.

Lisbon who has just arrived, approach him. Jane opens his eyes.

Jane: Oh,you have no notion how good it is to see your face, Rigsby.

Lisbon: Rigsby?

Jane: Ahh!

They laugh.

Lisbon: Huh? You're funny.

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