01x12 - Red Rum

Complete collection of episode transcripts for seasons 1 - 7. Aired: September 2008 to February 2015.*

Moderators: Maggiemay19, Maggiemay19

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A famous "psychic" outs himself as a fake and starts working as a consultant for the California Bureau of Investigation so he can find "Red John," the madman who k*lled his wife and daughter.
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01x12 - Red Rum

Post by bunniefuu »

Janice: I don't know, but she actually called and said that she'd done it.

Rigsby: Anything else you guys hear, let us know, okay?

Van Pelt: Thank you.

Rigsby: Kid's name's Cody Elkins, 16 years old Reported missing a couple days ago. Turned serious enough to call us when the local policemen found the boy's shoe two streets away in a gutter. Waiting on the D.N.A. We figure it's an abduction, potential homicide, which makes it a CBI case.

Van Pelt: The parents are Michael and Janice, both clean. They have another son named Brad, 14. They own a flower shop here. Cho's with 'em now.

Lisbon: Let's go.

Jane: Think I'll just wait out here.

Lisbon: Sure, whatever.

Boy: Hey, dude.

Jane: Nice bike. You boys gotta be pretty anxious to see something to ride this, huh? You didn't ride a pink bike through town to come to the store, did you? What'd you come to see?

Boy: Nothing.

Jane: Really?

Boy: Let's go, Clyde.

Jane: Where's Cody Elkins?

Boy: I don't know.

Jane: I know you guys know where he is.You don't have to tell me out loud. Just look in the direction. That way?

Boy: Why did you do that?

Jane: Thank you. Here's your bike. Be safe.

Lisbon: Cho's gonna bring the Elkins home.

Jane: I have a pretty good idea where Cody Elkins is.

Lisbon: Sharing is good. What makes you think it's him?

Jane: Because those kids gave it away. Plus they smelled like eucalyptus.

Van Pelt: But there's eucalyptus trees all over around here.

Jane: Crows.

Van Pelt: So?

Jane: Crows are carrion birds. They like dead things.

Rigsby: Oh, jeez. Poor kid.

Van Pelt: What does it mean? Black magic. Sacrifice.

Lisbon: But there's no such thing as black magic.

Jane: Well, somebody disagrees.

Rigsby: We're looking for a m*rder w*apon. Anything you find, anything at all, tag it and bag it. Thanks, guys.

Van Pelt: Wait a second.

Elkins' home

Lisbon: When did you last see Cody?

Michael: Friday night, after the game. Cody plays wide receiver for his high school team. Uh, they got blown out pretty good that night. But, uh, it's a pretty good team this year. It's nationally ranked.

Lisbon: When exactly did you see him last on Friday ?

Michael: Uh, when he went to bed. We were, all three of us, out early the next morning. When we came back that afternoon, Cody was gone. He was, uh, supposed to meet his coach the next morning for, uh, some extra practice, but he never showed up.

Lisbon: And that Friday night, what was his state of mind?

Janice: He was fine. Fine.

Michael: He was a little upset with himself about the game. He'd, uh, made some mental errors, you know? Coach D. Got on him pretty good. Cody kind of pushed back a little bit, I guess.

Lisbon: They had a fight?

Michael: You could say. It's nothing serious-locker room stuff, a little shouting. Cody just wanted to do better.

Janice: How did he die?

Cho: There were indications around the body of some kind of black magic ritual. Now did he have any friends or acquaintances who were involved in that kind of thing?

Janice: Oh, my god. It was her.

Michael: Of course.

Cho: Who's this?

Michael: Tamzin Dove. She's into all that black magic crap.

Janice: She's... Claims to be a witch. Says she has powers.

Lisbon: And did she have some sort of resentment toward Cody?

Michael: About a-a week ago, she, uh she claimed that Cody stole her cat.

Lisbon: Did he?

Janice: No. Of course not. But she put a spell on him in revenge.

Jane: A spell? What kind of spell?

Janice: I don't know, but she actually called and said that she'd done it.

Lisbon: That must have been worrisome.

Michael: At the time, Cody thought it was kind of funny. I mean, she's a-a geek, you know? I think that's why we didn't think about her right away.

Lisbon: Where can we find Tamzin Dove?

Lisbon: [phone] Things are getting weird already. We're off to see a witch.

Van Pelt: Oh, be careful.

Lisbon: Yeah, yeah. You find anything useful there?

Van Pelt: Nothing—no m*rder w*apon, not a lot of blood. Looks like he was k*lled elsewhere. M.E. estimates that he died on Saturday morning, The cause being several blows with a heavy, blunt object like a crowbar or a pipe, maybe.

Lisbon: Okay, I want you two to go and talk to Cody's football coach. He and the kid had a fight on Friday night. They were supposed to meet up on Saturday morning.

Van Pelt: Got it. We got the football beat.

Rigsby: Okay.

Tamzin Dove's home

Cho: Look-a goat. Goats are signs of Satan.

Lisbon: So petting zoos are, like, gateways to hell?

Cho: Very much.

Lisbon: Ooh, look, another bad sign.

Cho: You shouldn't joke around about this kind of stuff.

Lisbon: It doesn't look like anybody's home.

Jane: Not much security for a servant of the devil. I could pick that lock with this in about five seconds.

Lisbon: We'll wait.

Jane: Don't look now, but we should grab one of those kids and talk to 'em. Damn.

Lisbon: Are they the same kids from the Elkins shop?

Jane: Yes.

Coach: Let's see some hustle out there now! It's a tragedy. His whole life ahead of him. Great kid, too. Go, go, go, go, go, go! Vinson, you manatee! Move your lard butt downfield! Great kid. Good values, good habits.

Van Pelt: You were supposed to meet with him Saturday morning?

Coach: That's right. Right here,9:00 a.m., for some serious fumble prevention reps. He never showed.

Rigsby: You and he had serious words Friday night, right?

Coach: Yeah,Cody had a shameful game-zero T.D.S, two fumbles and five blown routes— a personal foul that cost us 15 yards. He let himself down and let his team down. That's been his m.o.lately. That's why we were meeting on Saturday morning, to get him back on track.

Van Pelt: "shameful"—that's kind of harsh, isn't it?

Coach: I run a reality-based program here. If you want to hear malarkey, try the english department. Tillis! I can see you, Tillis! I can see you.

Rigsby: What did Cody have to say in reply?

Coach: What I discussed with Cody is nobody's business. People have no freakin' idea how it is between a coach and his team.

Van Pelt: Oh,we have an idea.

Coach: I doubt it.

Van Pelt: We looked into your history, Mr. Dieter. Five years ago, you lost a high school coaching job in Oregon for inappropriate physical contact with students.

Coach: Wait a minute. You make that sound like I'm a sex molester or somethin'. I smacked a couple of kids because they needed an attitude adjustment. Their pantywaist parents made an issue of it.

Rigsby: That's okay then?

Coach: It's football.

Van Pelt: Actually, that's as*ault on a minor.

Coach: There were no charges filed.

Van Pelt: But you had to resign.

Coach: No. No, I chose to resign.

Rigsby: With a promise to take anger management class.

Coach: 36 hours' worth. I did my time. Bored the rage right out of me. Ask all the questions you want. Not trying to hide something here.

Rigsby: Good.

Coach: We need to search the school gym and the locker rooms. Do whatever you gotta do. Frank! Frank, you need to pull around him, and you need to get upfield.

Van Pelt: No, your strong side tackle should do that. He's got the better first set, and your tight end's jumping his route.

Rigsby: Hey, quick hands, think fast. Hit me. I'm open. Uh,no. What kind of coach's kid are you? Your daddy would be ashamed.

Van Pelt: Fine. Go long.

Rigsby: Oh, nice! Hey, check this out.

Van Pelt: Interesting.

Rigsby: Let's get this to forensics.

Lisbon [phone]: Okay, boss. Minelli says we can go in. The warrant's on its way. Let's do this.

Cho: Bet you can't do it in five... Never mind.

Lisbon: What's wrong?

Cho: I'll wait out here.

Lisbon: Why?

Cho: All right, I'll go in, but you first.

Tamzin: Hello.

Jane: Hello.

Tamzin: Welcome. You must be the CBI. Please sit down.

Jane: Thank you.

Lisbon: Why didn't you just let us in?

Tamzin: If I had, I wouldn't have the upper hand, now would it?

Lisbon: So you were expecting us.

Tamzin: Of course. I heard what was done to Cody Elkins. They used a pentacle and a flame, made it look like witchcraft—wicca. Naturally, you'd come to me. I'm the only witch in town.

Lisbon: Those details about that— no, thank you—pentacles, and the candles weren't made public. How did you know about them? Yes, please.

Tamzin: Friends.

Lisbon: So your friends were involved in Cody's death?

Tamzin: No.

Jane: Are these friends small with long hair? The big one's name is Clyde? He has a sister with a pink bike?

Tamzin: Yes, that's them.

Lisbon: You're friends with a lot of kids then.

Tamzin: Yes, kids... They like mystery and darkness, and I like kids.

Lisbon: What do their parents have to say about that?

Tamzin: The kids that come here come because their parents don't give a hoot. But they had nothing to do with Cody's death, nor the pentacle and the candles.

Lisbon: What were they doing in the woods, then?

Tamzin: Picking herbs for me.

Cho: Herbs?

Jane: Fenugreek, wild roses, nettles.

Tamzin: Please. I make and sell wicca healing powders on the internet. You should check out my web site.

Lisbon: Why didn't you tell the police your friends found a body?

Tamzin: What for? I knew the earth and the rain and the animals would take care of Cody. You can't help him.

Lisbon: It's true. We can't, but what we can do is find and punish the people who m*rder*d him.

Tamzin: There's no need. Cody deserved to die. He was a bad person. He stole and tortured and k*lled my cat. I saw him take it.

Lisbon: Why would he do that?

Tamzin: Fear, I guess. That's just the way it is with the cowen. They live in fear.

Lisbon: The cowen?

Tamzin: Those who are not wicca. Those who unbelieves our powers.

Lisbon: What powers are you talking about, exactly?

Tamzin: A witch is simply a high priestess of the wicca. We worship the horned god and the triple goddess. We're healers mostly, but we have the magic also, when needed— spells and so forth.

Jane: Did you put a spell on Cody Elkins?

Tamzin: I did. I put a k*lling spell on him. I'd done the spell several times before, but this is the first time it's worked.

Jane: What does the spelling involve? What do you do, exactly?


Coach: Why am I here?

Rigsby: So you can explain to us why forensics tells us that your blood was found l over a t-shirt we found in Cody's locker.

Coach: I told you, we had an argument.

Rigsby: Oh, so now you're saying you had an actual fistfight? - You drew blood?

Coach: Yeah. It was no big deal. I chewed him out. He got mad. He took a couple of swings at me.

Rigsby: Laid out by a kid, huh?

Coach: It was a lucky punch.

Rigsby: So your own student beats you up, and you don't tell anyone?

Coach: It was no big deal.

Rigsby: Or maybe you figured you're gonna get even with him the next morning, so best keep it quiet, huh?

Coach: No. No. I was too embarrassed. People don't know the kid is a freaking nut bag. Makes me look bad either way, so I just pretended it didn't happen.

Van Pelt: He hit you first— his own coach?

Coach: I told you a nut bag.

Rigsby: Well, that's not what we've heard.

Coach: Ask Daniel Brown. He's a good friend of Cody's. Last month Cody got mad over a card game or something. Beat Danno unconscious. Had to be dragged off of him. I don't know why Danno didn't press charges.

Van Pelt: Daniel Brown?

Coach: Yeah.

Tamzin Dove's home

Tamzin: k*lling spells are secret, but this is a public binding spell that I can show you, and it's similar. What is your name?

Cho: What's it to you?

Jane: Kimball Cho.

Tamzin: God and goddess, hear me. By light of the one flame, let this mortal soul, Kimball Cho, be bound by my power. So that he knows I speak truth, let him behold the king of beasts and kneel before him.

Cho: Come on.

Lisbon: That's it? That's your spell? You're not gonna make him drink a potion or anything like that?

Tamzin: Doesn't look like much, does it? But it's very powerful magic.

Lisbon: Yeah, okay. Unfortunately it seems that one of your friends helped your magic along with a blunt instrument. In which case, you're as unmagically guilty as they are.

Tamzin: If a friend of mine had done this, They wouldn't have pointed the police right to me with a pentacle and flame. No, Cody's m*rder was staged to look like wicca. Any fool in this town would think of it. It's obvious misdirection. There's a witch in town. Duh.

Lisbon: A witch that put a k*lling spell on the boy in question.

Tamzin: Exactly. It's perfect.

Lisbon: Thank you for your time.

Jane: Thank you. Cho? Kimball Cho, let's go.

Jane: Didn't want to bring her in?

Lisbon: You don't think she did this, do you?

Jane: Oh,s he's deep in it somehow— hiding something or someone.

Lisbon: I agree. I'd bring her in, but on what charges? She's a whack job. She enjoys the attention. Quicker and more effective to just ignore her and let her come to us.

Jane: That's very astute psychology, Lisbon. I'm impressed.

Cho: Hey, why'd you give her my name? She said I was gonna kneel before the lord of beasts. What does that even mean?

Jane: What? Oh, come on. You're not telling me you believe she's an actual witch.

Cho: No, of course not. But I mean, if dark forces did exist, it stands to reason there could be people who control them for their own ends.

Jane: They're called investment bankers. They don't live around here, I assure you. Relax. No such thing as witches.

Cho: Yeah, that's easy for you to say. Weird witch lady didn't burn you in effigy and bind you to her power.

Cho: "Kimball," she says, "you shall kneel before the lord of beasts."

Rigsby: That's scary.

Cho: Yeah.

Rigsby: Yeah ,if you're a 12-year-old girl at her first sleep away camp.

Cho: You had to be there.

Rigsby: Don't sweat it, man. Met this girl in college. She said she was a witch. It's not a satanic cult. They're just nerds in cloaks.

Cho: Hey, there he is.

Rigsby: Daniel Brown?

Cho: We've got some questions about Cody Elkins.

Daniel: No! Let me go!

Cho: Hello to beast. - Let me see your hands.

Daniel: Let me go!

Rigsby: Come on.

Cho: The spell was real.

Rigsby: Let's go. Dan active your fight with Cody Elkins.

Daniel: What fight? There was no fight.

Rigsby: No? He beat you unconscious is what we heard. Put you in the hospital. We have witnesses.

Daniel: Who? Nah, it wasn't that bad.

Rigsby: T you in the hospital?

Daniel: Yeah, for a couple of hours. It was observation.

Rigsby: So why didn't you press charges?

Daniel: It was a misunderstanding between friends. Nobody's fault.

Jane: Oh, I want to get in there.

Cho: Go in there.

Jane: Just... I'm just...

Rigsby: Or perhaps you figured you'd take revenge more... directly?

Daniel: Nah.

Rigsby: How did the fight start, Daniel?

Daniel: Over at Roy T. 'S place playing cards, drinkin'. His mom's in rehab. So he's got the run of the place. I did some trash-talkin'. Cody got mad. We fought. He won. That's all.

Jane: I'm going in. Rigsby, uh, you— do you mind if I...

Rigsby: No, do your thing, man.

Jane: Thanks. I'm Patrick. You must be...

Daniel: Daniel.

Jane: All right, Daniel? Can I keep your hand? Thanks. Nothing strange. I want you to breathe... And look right here. What did you say that angered Cody?

Daniel: It was a card game. A lot of trash-talking. So I was tripping on his family like, "your mom's a ho. Dad's a punk bitch."

Jane: Keep it over here. Just relax and keep it right up in here.

Daniel: I'm lookin' at you, man.

Jane: Good.

Daniel: Anyway, Cody goes off. Bam. Smashes a beer bottle over my head. No warning. I mean, I'm out cold, but... But the guys tell me he tried to seriously stomp me out. And if they hadn't grabbed him, I could be dead.

Jane: How much did the Elkins pay you for your silence?

Daniel: Nothing.

Jane: Want to try that again?

Daniel: 1000.

Elkins' home

Cho: You have to admit it's uncanny. The lord of beasts?

Jane: Coincidence.

Cho: Please. What are the chances?

Jane: Million to one.

Cho: There you go.

Jane: Life is a million to one. The universe is one big coincidence. Cosmically improbable coincidences— they happen all the time. We just don't notice 'em.

Cho: Or she's a witch.

Jane: Or she's a witch.

Michael: Is she in custody— the witch?

Cho: No, sir.

Janice: Why not?

Jane: She did put a spell on your son, like you said. You're right. But that doesn't constitute a criminal offense. That's protected free speech.

Janice: So why are you here?

Cho: It seems Cody had some v*olence issues that we need to speak about.

Janice: No. He was a good boy.

Cho: Oh, we're not saying otherwise, ma'am. But if he had problems with his temper, that might help explain the context leading to his death.

Michael: Context? In a pig's ear. You're trying to blame Cody for his own death.

Jane: I have a question. It's always bothered me. Why do they call it football? People don't really use their feet much, do they?

Michael: Are you trying to be rude or disrespectful or what?

Jane: Could I use your bathroom, please?

Janice: Down the hall to your left.

Jane: Thanks.

Michael: What's his problem?

Cho: Sorry about that. Do you know a boy named Daniel Brown? No.

Janice: Michael...

Michael: Fine. I see where this is going. Daniel and Cody had a fight.

Jane: There you are.

Brad: Go away.

Jane: I can't. I wish I could. It's my job to hound people until I get the truth.

Brad: Yeah, well, uh, good luck with that.

Jane: Nice place. Must be tough being Cody Elkins' little brother.

Brad: No. Well... Sometimes.

Jane: Me? I'd hate it. He gets all the attention, the glory, the girls flocking around— for what? For running and jumping and catching a-a thing?

Brad: Yeah, monkeys could do that.

Jane: Yeah. Monkeys could do it better. Yeah, you know, if monkeys played football, they would kick some serious jock butt.

Michael: All right, I admit it. I gave Daniel Brown money to, uh, to keep him quiet. Cody has a... Had... a real shot at a college career. Would have been the first Elkins to have that chance, and we were so proud. But you gotta understand. A coach hears about these kinds of run-ins, and it would have ruined his chances at one of the top schools.

Cho: Had these run-ins ever happened before? - No.

Michael: No, our son had no problem with v*olence.

Janice: It was an isolated incident.

Michael: Where's your friend?

Cho: I don't know.

Jane: How come Cody k*lled Tamzin Dove's cat?

Brad: I- I don't know that he did that.

Jane: She saw him take it.

Brad: Well, look, she-she saw what she saw, right? All right? I-i don't know. Um, if—if he did do it... You know, k-k*ll the cat... Do you think he deserved to die?

Jane: Do you?

Brad: I'm asking you.

Michael: You don't speak to my son without my permission.

Jane: Well, that's a little weird and controlling, but okay. Do you mind if I speak to your son, Mr. Elkins?

Michael: Yes, I do mind.

Jane: I asked. See you around, Brad.

Rigsby: Oh, my god. Where's my food? What is this?

Van Pelt: That is healthy and nutritious snacking.

Rigsby: I'm gonna die. Seriously, I'm allergic to carrots.

Van Pelt: Well, I'm tired of the car reeking like fast food. It's like working with a caterpillar...

Rigsby: I can't even be in the same room as a carrot. I go into anaphylactic sho—

Van Pelt: funny. That's enough. Rigsby, come on. Look, look, look, look. There he is. He's leaving.


Lisbon: Why won't this damn thing log in? [phone] Lisbon. Oh, good, Van Pelt. How do I get on to the—

Van Pelt: We just followed the kid to the witch's house.

Lisbon: Is she with him?

Van Pelt: He just went inside. They hugged.

Lisbon: Brad Elkins is at Tamzin Dove's. He hugged her and then went inside.

Jane: Interesting. They should wait ten minutes, then go in.

Lisbon: Why wait?

Jane: Let the plot develop. Let the fruit ripen. Let the yeast rise, etcetera.

Lisbon: What if he means to do her harm?

Jane: Well, if he was gonna do that, he'd have done it by now.

Lisbon: Wait ten minutes, then go in.

Van Pelt: Okay, boss.

Rigsby: Well?

Van Pelt: We wait ten minutes, then we go in. And personally, I don't care if we wait all night. Witchcraft creeps me out.

Rigsby: It doesn't bother me. Nerds in cloaks.

Van Pelt: There's more to it than that.

Rigsby: Ah, it's just a silly alternative lifestyle, like "star trek" or yoga.

Van Pelt: I do yoga.

Tamzin's home

All: By blood, has he been sullied. By blood, let him be cleansed. By blood, has he been sullied. By blood, let him be cleansed. By blood, has he been sullied. By blood, let him be cleansed. By blood, has he been sullied. By blood, let him be cleansed. By blood, has he been sullied. By blood, let him be cleansed. By blood, has he been sullied. By blood, let him be cleansed. By blood, has he been sullied. By blood, let him be cleansed. By blood, has he been sullied. By blood, let him be cleansed.

Rigsby: Hear that?

Van Pelt: What is that?

All: By blood, let him be cleansed.

Rigsby: Not yoga.

Rigsby / Van Pelt: Police, freeze! Everybody stay where you are! Stay where you are! - Everybody stay where you are!

- Drop the knife. - Drop the knife.

Van Pelt: Brad, we're CBI. You all right?

Rigsby: Come on. Let's go. Let's go back. Let's go.

Brad: What? No! What—what's wrong with you people, huh? Why can't you just leave me alone?

Rigsby: Come on, Brad.

Tamzin: Stay calm, Brad. Be patient with the ways of the cowen.

Van Pelt: Everybody just stay where you are.


Jane: TAMZIN DOVE. I like it. These files say your real name is Sarah Jones from New Jersey. Your mother committed su1c1de when you were 16. You don't know who your father is. You're a college dropout. You have a history of mild psychiatric problems, and you served six months for shoplifting a few years back.

Tamzin: Sarah Jones is dead. I'm Tamzin Dove. I am a priestess of wicca. You can't hurt me.

Jane: Oh, I don't want to hurt you. I imagine there's been enough of that. I want to help you. This is a m*rder investigation, so one way or another, you're looking at trouble.

Tamzin: The goddess will protect me.

Jane: Tamzin, the goddess may give you solace and hope and meaning in your life, but she can't protect you from those police out there.

Tamzin: Brad's been an apprentice of my coven since last autumn equinox. There's no crime in that.

Jane: Kind of young to be a witch, isn't it?

Tamzin: We're all born witch. We're all born into magic. It's taken from us as we grow up.

Jane: Interesting, if true. How did Brad's parents feel about this new direction in his life?

Tamzin: Brad's parents just... really hate witches for some reason. I mean, like, more than most. About a month ago his mom threatened to k*ll me if I ever spoke to him again.

Jane: But you did.

Tamzin: Brad came to me of his own free will. He was drawn to wicca. I couldn't turn him away.

Jane: How does he feel about the spell you put on his brother?

Tamzin: He's at peace with it. That's why we were conducting the cleansing ritual. Brad knows the difference between the world of magic and the real world. He understands I didn't k*ll his brother.

Rigsby: Maybe because in the real world, Brad did it.

Lisbon: What have you got?

Rigsby: Brad's been hospitalized twice in the last year. Both times the accident report lists the cause as "roughhousing with brother." Think maybe Brad had enough? Everybody has a limit.

Jane: I have to go.

Brad: Me? No! W-why would I k*ll my own brother?

Lisbon: So he would stop hurting you.

Brad: Yeah, but he never hurt me. Ever!

Lisbon: He put you in the hospital twice.

Brad: Accidents. They-they were accidents. So?

Jane: So he did hurt you. It was just—it was accidentally.

Brad: Yeah. I- I mean no. Yeah.

Jane: He hated that you were friends with Tamzin, didn't he?

Brad: Yes.

Jane: But you never gave her up. Why?

Brad: I feel safe there.

Cho: Sorry. Can I have a minute?

Jane: We'll be right back.

Cho: The parents are here. You want me to hold 'em off?

Lisbon: Yeah. Wait. No. Let Brad go with them until we get some hard evidence to bear down on them.

Jane: Yes, but let me talk to them first.

Lisbon: Please have a seat.

Michael: I don't see why you had to drag him all the way down here.

Lisbon: We're sorry for any inconvenience.

Jane: Strange that neither of you told us about the connection with Tamzin Dove.

Janice: We were... confused, to be honest with you. We don't understand Brad's obsession with witchcraft. We want to understand, and we're trying, but it's... It's disturbing and, uh, a little embarrassing, to tell you the truth.

Michael: We're in this together, right? We're gonna get help. Nowadays there's, uh, therapy for these kinds of problems, right? We'll get through this.

Janice: Have you charged that, uh, woman?

Lisbon: No.

Janice: No? I mean, isn't it obvious that she did it— her, one of her weirdo friends? I mean—

Lisbon: she's helping us with our inquiries.

Jane: She swears she's innocent, so we're having her put a spell of revelation on the m*rder w*apon.

Janice: A spell of revelation?

Jane: Witches have the power of telekinesis. She says that she has a spell which will raise the w*apon from wherever it's being concealed and reveal itself to us.

Michael: And you believe this evil crap?

Jane: Well, you never can tell. We're gonna give it a whirl.

Janice: That's insane.

Jane: Her last spell seemed to work pretty well.

Janice: How could you be so cold?

Jane: Practice.

Lisbon: I apologize. Brad is free to go.

Janice: Let's go.

Michael: Come on, son.

Jane: See you, Brad. Well, look after yourself, and if I were you, I'd stay very clear of Brad Elkins for a while.

Tamzin: I'll do as the goddess tells me.

Jane: Whatever. Oh, listen, next time you speak to her, could you, uh, put a good word in for me?

Tamzin: I will.

Jane: Thanks.

Cho: Hey, I thought you were gonna have her cast a spell to find the m*rder w*apon.

Jane: Oh, the spell's already cast.

Cho: When did she cast it?

Jane: She didn't. I did.

Cho: You can cast spells?

Jane: Cho, there's no such thing as spells.

Cho: I know that.

Jane: He, uh, really is quite freaked out about this witchcraft malarkey, isn't he?

Lisbon: Uh, yeah.

Jane: We're gonna need to work a double shift on the stakeout tonight.

Lisbon: Are you at least gonna tell me what's going on?

Jane: Oh, come on. You're telling me you don't know what's going on? You don't know who did th and why?

Lisbon: No, but you're gonna tell me.

Jane: How about I show you?

Lisbon: Here we go.

Jane: Better call Cho.

Lisbon: You're not going anywhere. Put it down.

Jane: This is god speaking. You made me angry, Michael. Very angry. - And you're under arr-

Lisbon: that's enough.

Jane: Arrest.


Jane: Amazing, isn't it? The m*rder w*apon revealed. Tamzin's spells seem to work. I guess she really is a witch.

Michael: I don't know what you're talking about.

Lisbon: I'm sure forensics will confirm your son's blood And tissue on one side of the wrench and your fingerprints on the other.

Michael: I have no knowledge of that.

Lisbon: Then why were you trying to hide it? Talk to us, Michael. Maybe there were circumstances. Maybe you had to defend yourself.

Michael: I don't have to tell you anything.

Lisbon: What about your sons' trips to the emergency room— their broken bones?

Michael: Just clumsy, I guess. Maybe a little dense at times.

Jane: Good that they had you to keep 'em in line, huh? Some people just don't understand how lucky they are.

Michael: That's right.

Jane: I realized it was you when Brad said he liked going to Tamzin's house because he felt safe there. Safe—he feels safer at a witch's house than they do at home. You've been abusing and beating your wife and sons for years, haven't you?

Michael: No.

Jane: My guess? You were smackin' Brad around a little too much. Cody wanted to protect his brother. Was that it?

Michael: No.

Jane: "no," he says. Your wife and son are down the hallway, and they say no, too. They know we caught him throwing away the m*rder w*apon, and they still don't believe he k*lled Cody. Imagine how much they love this man to be in such denial. Cody confronted you, didn't he? He wouldn't put up with your crap anymore...



Michael: Come on!


Jane: But you wouldn't hear of it.

Michael He hit me. I was defending myself.

Jane: Good-bye, Michael.

Jane: Morning.

Van Pelt: What are you doing?

Jane: Ah, just a little favor for Cho.

Jane (to Cho): Uh, Tamzin Dove told me to give you this. She said to keep it in a safe place.
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