03x06 - Affairs of State

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Good Wife", including an unaired episode. Aired September 22, 2009 to May 8, 2016.*
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Alicia has been a good wife to her husband, a former state's attorney. After a very humiliating public scandal, he is behind bars. She must now provide for her family and returns to work as a litigator in a law firm.
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03x06 - Affairs of State

Post by bunniefuu »


CARY: How much money?

Twice what I'm making here.

And all for the price of your soul.

Not my whole soul, just little pieces of it.

Anyway, I heard defense attorneys have better sex.

If you like coming from behind.

(laughing): Oh, God...

Okay, no.

Oh, come on, Dana.

We said no as long as we were coworkers.

Yeah, we... we're still coworkers.

Yeah, for one more week.

Not to be too much of a pessimist, but I don't think you're gonna survive it.

Oh, really?

Yeah. You're like a cop with one week left on the job.

They all get shot.

Can't risk the wait.

Cary, I have a boyfriend.

So do I.


Well, my guess is my boyfriend's bigger than yours.



These cases, I can't finish in a week.

I will them to you.

Oh... great.

No sex and half your file work--

I really feel like I'm losing here.

Yeah, but you have one less body to step over on your way to the top.

(phone rings)

Must be your boyfriend.


Checking in on me.

Hello, dear.

How are you?

I'm good, Cary.

How about you?

I'm good, Matan.

Really? You and Matan?

I just got a call about an ASA needed at a crime scene for some kind of legal issue.

I was gonna head down, but it turns out Lockhart & Gardner are the defense attorneys on it.

So lucky you.

What's the legal issue?

No idea.


Let me give you the address, dear.

ALICIA: And that's all I do?

ZACH: That's all you do.

Just hit the return key, and it's on your computer at work.

But why does it never seem so simple?

Because you don't trust technology.

Hey, you guys have all your bags packed and ready, right?

Because Dad's gonna be here any minute.

Hey, Mom?


What do you do when we're at Dad's?

What do I do?

Uh, not much.

I miss you two.

For about an hour.

And then I do some laundry, I read for work. Why?

Do you ever go out?

Uh, for dinner? Sometimes.

With friends?


What friends?

Friends from work.

Or clients.

People we know?

No, I don't think you do.

(phone rings)

We're just worried about you, Mom.

(laughs) Honey...

I'm fine. Really.

Mom, it's work.

Will Gardner.

Okay, thanks.

I-I'm gonna... just take that in there.

Hang it up.

I was.

WILL: Sorry about calling you at home.

No problem.

Everything all right?

Yes. Actually, this is about work.

Oh. Good.

I mean, I'm here.

Your new hire, the first-year?


Yes. A call came in about the Jin-Pyn account.

She was the only one here.

She went out on it, but I think she'll need some hand-holding.

Oh, o-okay.

Um, what's it about?

No idea. But the son seems to be in some kind of legal trouble.

GRACE (in background): Mom! It's Dad!

I'll be right there.

Do you have the address?

DANA: Should have guessed.


Booze cruise.

$50, all the beer you can drink.

OFFICER: Down there.

(clears throat)

CARY: You did that in college?

DANA: I did a lot of things in college.

Only one band.

A seasickness band.

You wear them in pairs.

You're not gonna leave.

You're too good at this.

That's what they say to the cop with only one week left.

MAN: Five miles out someone found the deceased, a Maya Nichols, below deck, called the police.

Witnesses say she was getting unwanted attention from two college kids.

We were just about to haul 'em in for a suspect r*pe exam when this joker showed up.

You are the authority here?


I am. What seems to be the problem?

The problem is, Mr. Anders is the son of a Dutch courier at our embassy, and is therefore covered by diplomatic immunity.

I was not there! I was not!

These are my papers, and these are the papers of Mr. Anders.

Who's that?


Supposedly, he's got diplomatic immunity, too.

Chinese ambassador's on his way.

Per the Viennese Convention on Diplomatic Relations, Mr. Anders is to be treated...

Yes, I heard you.

Thought there was some Lockhart/

Gardner connection. - CAITLIN: Yes.

Me. Here.

I don't think I know you.

You don't.

Caitlin D'Arcy.

I'm new as of last week.

Okay. Well, what do you have to offer?

Nothing. I'm just taping everything you do.

Well, uh...

I'm Cary Agos, and... these two youths are under investigation for r*pe and m*rder.

They have legal immunity.

From prosecution, not investigation.

So unless they want to confess, I'm investigating.

Go ahead, Detective, take them in.

This is illegal.

Now, who is your boss?

The People of Illinois.

You want their number?

You feeling pretty good about yourself?

Yeah, but how do I look?

(indistinct chatter)

(footsteps approaching)

Caitlin, what's going on?

Mrs. Florrick, hello.

He's being accused of r*pe and m*rder.

Have you told him his rights?

I was asked to stand outside-- they're doing a suspect exam.

Chen, my name is Alicia Florrick.

I'm your parents' lawyer.

It is your right to have me observe the suspect exam.

Do you approve?

I, uh... yeah.

DETECTIVE: Ma'am, please, step back through.

It is his Sixth Amendment right that I be here.

Chen, did they tell you you had the right to remain silent?

I didn't do it.

I know.

I need you to only talk to me.

Do you understand?

I promised d*ck I wouldn't talk.

Here. Left earring stud.

Blond hair, two inches long.

CAITLIN: Mrs. Florrick?

I'm from the Dutch embassy.

I'm here to see Mr. Anders.

We're getting everything sorted out, sir.

Who's the ASA?

I am. Who are you?

Judge Winter.


I'm-I'm sorry. I...

ALICIA: Your Honor, I represent Mr. Chen Jin-Pyn.

He is the son of a diplomatic translator, and therefore is guaranteed...

Yes, and that's why I was yanked out of my house in the middle of the night.

Where is he?

Your Honor, there is strong evidence that these two men r*ped and k*lled...

I'm sorry to say that's not relevant.

Given their immunity status, you have no right to hold them.

This is a court order requiring their immediate release.

Your Honor. Cary, you can hold one of them. Taiwan.

Uh, Your Honor, excuse me, I-I understand we have to release Mr. d*ck Anders, given his status as a Dutch citizen, but Jin-Pyn is Taiwanese, and Taiwan enjoys no such diplomatic status.

How is that?

The One China rule.

The U.S. Government extends diplomatic relations to China but not Taiwan.

Your Honor, this is a gray area.

Not in matters of diplomatic immunity.

Taiwan is the only nation not accorded such rights.

Your Honor, this isn't the United Nations.

You can't just keep one and let the other go.

Actually, that's exactly what I can do.

I order the release of Mr. Anders but not Mr. Jin-Pyn.

That is unfair, Your Honor.

Good luck, buddy.

I'm out of here.

Of course it is.

When have you ever known international politics to be fair.

Well, you really stirred up the hornet's nest.

It was a r*pe-m*rder--

I held both suspects as long as I could.

So, where are we?

No semen, but we believe it was an attempted r*pe; She resisted; Chen k*lled her.

m*rder w*apon?

None found.

Blunt head trauma.

DIANE: What does the client say happened?


He says they both flirted with the victim, and then his friend Anders went off with her.

But we can't get to Anders?

ALICIA: No, he was released.

Well, that's not good.

What else ties him to the girl?

The blond hair caught in Chen's left earring stud.

MATAN: No pubic hair?


Oh, Dana, you're still here.

Six more days of bliss.

Any blood spatter?

On Chen, no.

What do you think the defense will be?

To blame the one that got away.

Too bad there's one that got away.

And our strategy?

ALICIA: Connect Anders to the r*pe.

Did the police do a suspect exam?

On Anders, no.

He was released prior.

Hm. And what about the blond hair on our guy?

How does he explain that?

CAITLIN: Chen says they made out.

It was consensual.

Then Chen went to go buy the victim a drink, and Anders took her below deck.

A drink?

I thought it was a booze cruise.

ALICIA: Just beer and wine.

Hard alcohol, you had to pay.

We have Chen's credit card receipt with the time on it, so if they police can pinpoint the time of the m*rder, we can prove that Chen was on the other end of the boat.

Eli Gold, ladies and gentlemen.

You needed me?

You push this off on me and then you criticize my handling of it?

I wasn't trying to criticize you.

Did I give you that impression?

You did.

My apologies.

ELI: What was that about?

We were trying to make you feel part of the Lockhart/Gardner family.

Don't you want to feel a part?

Oh. I'm okay.

What do you need?

Lobbying. The son of a Taiwanese diplomat is being denied immunity from prosecution due to the One China rule.

Oy. That thicket.

Yep, that thicket.

I thought if you could talk to someone quietly, we could make this go away without much fuss.

Know anyone in the State Department?



How important is it?

Well, heading into the presidential campaign, my guess is Taiwan will be spending a lot on U.S. lobbyists.

Could be lucrative... for you.


This is not going to be pretty.

Sorry you had to see that.

Definitely not my finest hour.

No, it's cool.

You were a good judge.

Okay, the less said about that, the better.

(clears throat)

Oh, Alicia, hey.

Mr. Gardner was a judge in my intercollegiate moot court.



Till I was removed. Bias.

Yeah, they had, like, some 60-year-old come in.


Yeah. Caitlin.

Oh, sorry.

Orientation, right?

Go get orientated.

So, this binder has all your human resource forms, a fax sheet on billing, ABA, pro bono requirements.

Great, thanks.

He's nice, isn't he?

Who, Will Gardner?

Yes. So is Diane.

They're both also busy.

So if there's anything you need, you come to me first.

Oh, I'm sorry. Did I just embarrass myself?

No, no, no, you did fine.

Oh, God, I did, didn't I?

Caitlin, you were fine.

Here, work over here.

Go ahead, start filling these out.


Thanks a lot.

Excuse me.

This is my office.

Then I guess you can do whatever you want, can't you?


May I help you?

Not anymore.

Next time you need help with IT, call me.

You don't just do it on your own.

Look at this. Look.

What did you do?

What did I do?

What did I...? Okay.

It's your cloud, lady.

Go live on it.

Right there. Her. Closer.

Hey, do you know how I get to the zoo?


So you just troll along the lakefront looking for ex-wives?

No, just you.

(laughs) Your office told me you'd be here.



Wow, you're really slowing down, aren't you?


I'll just be a minute.

How's the presidential campaign going?

Why? What did you hear?

Oh, God, you're paranoid.

No, I'm a vegetarian.

Since when?

Since we divorced.

What do you need?

Who do you know at State?

A lot of people.

It's a Taiwan issue.

A poor, innocent kid's been accused of... something or other, and they won't grant him diplomatic immunity.

Do you want me to talk to Doug Rothstein?

Yeah. Really?

That'd be great.

You're-you're looking good, Vanessa.



Your turn.

Do you know Kim Kesler?

Kim... Kesler?

Who's she?

He. A political op out of California.

I thought you guys were all staffed up.

It's not for the president.

Who then?



(both laugh)

Seriously, Vanessa?




He-He approached me.

State Senate.

Oh, my God, you have that wild look in your eye.

Rahm gets in, and everybody thinks they can.

It's a good time for a woman.

Is that what Kim Kesler told you-- the man with a woman's name?

I need your help, Eli-- your professional opinion.

Meet us for dinner tonight.

Kim Kesler.

Kick his tires.

See if he's real, or if he's selling me a bill of goods.

I can't believe you're considering this.

I want to do something with my life.

You always used to say that.

Well, now I mean it.

We're not having a moment.

No, no, we're not.

I'm-I'm going, I'm going.

Mrs. Florrick, can I show you something?

What is it, Caitlin?

I'm a little busy.

It's probably nothing, but I think I have something on the consensual. Chen.

We have to prove that he made out with her consensually.

Oh. Sure.

Okay, so I was looking at AfterDeathSpace for Maya, the dead girl.

Oh, AfterDeathSpace.

You know, when someone dies, and everybody wants to share stories and photos.


And what was cool is, everybody at the booze cruise was tweeting photos.

And so look.

But what was even more cool is... look.

The color of her cup-- red.


It's a stoplight party, not a spectrum party.


A stoplight party.

Oh, you carry a red cup to say you're in a relationship, a yellow cup to say you're choosy, and a green cup to say you're open.

But see?

This one's from later-- an hour after the first pic.

And look at her cup.

Now it's green.

Well, maybe it's a mistake.

Take my word for it.

You know what cup you're carrying at a stoplight party.

So what made her switch from a red cup to a green one?

(whistle blows)

Yeah, got it. Red to green.

Okay, listen, I'll call you back.



So you're not with the police?

No. You're Maya's boyfriend, right?

Yeah. I was.

I already talked to the cops.

I wasn't there.

But you were on the phone with her, right?

At the booze cruise.

She called you from it the night she died.


Well, you broke up with her on the phone. - No.

Listen, you're safe from arrest.

Just tell me the truth.

I am.

She broke up with me.

She said she was tired of me spending all my time with this waitress I know from Ra Sushi, but she was this mother of three, really nice, and I just like talking to her, you know?

Sure. Um... - And she wanted to be a philosophy major, too, back when she was in college.

It's not like I'm a philosophy major yet.

I'm still undecided about my major.

Sure, look, don't worry about that.

I just like talking to her.

But you talked to her?

Who, the waitress?

No. Maya.

When she broke up with you, you talked to her, right?

Yeah, yeah.

I mean, no, no.

She, um...

She left me a voice mail.

Do you have it?

MAYA: You are so full of yourself.

You think I can't do any guy here?

Can you e-mail me that voice mail?

Yeah, sure.

Does it help?

Yeah, it does.

There's more if you want.

MAYA: Your phone just keeps cutting me off.

I just want... Hey!

I said, don't touch me.

CHEN: What? I'm not touching you.

(turns message off)

What's wrong?


Did you play that for anyone else?



MAYA: Hey! I said, don't touch me.

CHEN: What? I'm not touching you.

DANA: That's Chen.

Sounds like unwanted attention to me.

There goes consensual for them.

We should make an offer.

Life? No chance of parole?

Hey, Cary.

Sorry to interrupt.

We're gonna be shuffling the offices around a bit, so if you could get your stuff together and be ready in the next few days, okay?

Uh, this is from Peter?

Yup, he delegated to me.

What's going on there?

It's a guy thing.

Office jockeying.

I don't think they can put you in any smaller of an office.

Oh, they can.


Oh, my mom's just downstairs.

You're Zach, right?

I'm Will Gardner, your mom's boss.



So, no school today, huh?


No, there was.

Oh, it's 4:00.

Helping Mom out?


Well... keep on keepin' on.

You should know something about your friend, Cary.

My friend, Cary?

Yeah, you should know something.

He has a thing for ethnic women.

Oh. Really?

Yeah, it's pretty obvious.

Every black or Hispanic woman through here.

Wow. Well, thank you for the warning.

Got it working.

You did not.

I did. The IT guy put on proprietary software, so he could charge your firm for every megabyte he stored.

That's why it rejected the transferring of your files.

What? I don't understand.

It's really corrupt.

You don't need to be paying to store files.

In fact, it slows the system down.



Oh, your boss was in here. Will.

Yes, I-I saw.

Did you say hi?

I did.

All right, I better go.

Okay. I love you.

Love you, too.


I want a car.

MAN: It's like Moneyball.

Politics doesn't have to be for the rich.

It's the true democratization of power in this country.

You have citizen engagement on one hand.

Megatrend, right?

I mean, everybody's talking about it.

Mark Penn, so on, and I'm not even talking about RTR.

(laughs): I mean, talk about real Moneyball.


Oh. Jeez.

Real-Time Response.

(slams table) They hit Vanessa, and bam, we hit back. Bam!

We hit back.


Micro-pockets of committed, citizen, online journalist bloggers.

Each talking from a subset of their own communities.

Let's say we have upstate agricultural sections, right?

We also have the urban cities, right?

We have activated in there...

Well, that went well.

(both laughing)

You're not going with him.

This was all a joke, right?

He was trying to impress you.

Oh, my God, Vanessa, he is a clown.

(both laugh)

Then help me.

You were never going with him?

(laughing): Are you kidding?

Citizen engagement, RTR.

He just gave me the bug.

So this was all so I would agree to help you?

I'm not going to be your campaign manager, Vanessa.

I know.

Just get me started.

Do some polling.

See if there's any interest, that's all.

See if I have the stomach for this.

You don't.

Well, then, it'll be over fast.

So, what happened with the State Department?

Oh, yeah, good news.

The State Department screwed you.

They're pushing for Chen's release.

They don't want to isolate Taiwan.

There's a hearing tomorrow.

Damn it.

He's guilty.

We just... We just got this voice mail.

It's a slam dunk.

Yeah. Too bad.

Good, you got your stuff together.

I have another office for you down the hall.

(applause, cheering and whistling)

MAN: I extend my sincere gratitude to each and every one of you for being here tonight.

(indistinct voices)

So he doesn't expect me?

No, but he's cool-- an old family friend.

Just don't get rambly on him.

Uncle Dan.

Hey, - Dana.

How you doing?

(both chuckle)

Look at you.

Dad told me you were in town.

You've, uh, caught me playing hooky.

The same stump speech the 18th time, and you're allowed a little leeway.

Know what I mean?

Oh, this is, this is Cary.

Uh, nice to meet you, sir.

Oh, ignore him-- he calls everybody sir.

It's the straight, suburban thing.


Uncle Daniel works in the Obama State Department.

Well, that sounds deathly formal.

So it's true-- you did break up with Jimi?

No, we're just...


It's complicated.


Anyway, Cary and I work together at the state's attorney's office.

Oh, yeah, Peter-- how's he doing?

We worked together a long time ago.

Good, he's good, he's good, but we're working on a case involving the One China rule.


Well, that I have to hear all about.

Good job.

Ah, thanks, not too rambly?


Surprisingly not.

So Matan says that you have a thing for ethnic women.

He what?

He says you have a thing for ethnic women.

You just can't control yourself around us.

Oh, I... that's not true.

Unless that's a good thing.

That depends.


ELI: I want you to vet my ex-wife.

(clicking tongue)


Yeah, I know it sounds a bit weird, but she's thinking of running for state senate and she wants me to vet her.

All right, well, I have to do some work on Taiwan first, but then, sure.

How, how thorough should I be?

As thorough as her enemies would be.


Um... this isn't about something else?

You mean, am I jealous of my wife and want to see who she's sleeping with?



(taps key)

(tapping key repeatedly)

Oh, come on!

(banging gavel)

So this is a hearing into the status of Mr. Jin-Pyn's diplomatic... status.

Don't worry, Chen, you have the backing of the state department.

CHEN: Thank you.

I can't spend another day in here.

I don't know, they're smiling like they know something.

Now let's begin.

I understand the defense has a witness.

Yes, Your Honor, it is our contention that protections of diplomatic immunity were denied our client due to the peculiarities of Taiwan.

To that end, we have asked a spokes...

Ma'am, there's a call from the state department.

A Mr. Daniel Golden would like to speak with you.

...a spokeswoman at the state department...

JUDGE: Yes, Counselor?

Excuse me, Your Honor, if we could delay...

As long as you want, Counselor.

Um, actually, Your Honor, we ask the court that reasonable bail be set, and we would have no objection to make home confinement a condition.

What happened?

ELI: State worried that extending diplomatic immunity to the kid would be a slap in the face to China.


(indistinct chatter)

Okay, we have to get discovery.

None of your hair was found on the body, Chen, but we did just get the lab report back on the trace evidence.

There was a blond hair-- not Maya's, a man's-- on her collar.

They don't know who it matches.


That's what we think, but the police didn't do his suspect exam, so we have nothing to match it to.

Do you have anything of his?

Anything that might have one of his hairs on it-- a brush or an item of clothing?

I know his gym locker combination at school.

KALINDA: My brother left all my things in his locker.

He gave me the combination.

I'll be right in and out.


It's the other seasickness band, Cary.

How do I know you didn't plant it there, Kalinda?

Because I didn't.

Uh-huh, and you just happened to know the number of Anders' locker?

No, I just happen to be a very good investigator.

Look, check if you don't believe me.


I'll get back to you.

Okay, whatever.

We're all having to make sacrifices, but you have a window now at least.

That one.

The cubicle in the middle.


You're welcome.

Hi, uh, sorry to keep you waiting.

No problem, I keep myself busy.

You have a pretty office.

Thank you.

Start of a campaign, you work in Versailles.

By the end, you're in Motel 6-- not to disparage Motel 6.

I'm a politician now.

So, uh, you, uh, married once to Mr. Gold?

Four happy years, eight medium ones, and two bad ones.

I hope that doesn't preclude me from running. - Actually, I'm not here to make judgment, just, just questions.

So why did you guys break up?

Uh, I think that was in the divorce settlement.

Actually, it wasn't, just "irreconcilable differences."

Ah, well, that's what it was.

Yeah, but I think we'll need to go deeper.

Okay, uh, we were both working too hard.

I was having to take a lot of trips out of town.

Yeah, uh, Dubai, three trips.


At that time, I was doing PR for an oil company.

And who did you meet there?

Who did I meet?

I-- do you want an itemized list?


Just write down the ones that you remember.

Are you looking for anyone in particular?

Yeah, uh, Omar Tate.

You're doing his dirty work for him, aren't you?

Eli's dirty work.


He told you to ask me that.

No, my vetting is independent of Mr. Gold.

I don't believe you.

I understand that, but it's true.


It was a mistake, Omar was a mistake.

Uh, how many times did you meet?

Don't tell him.

I was young.

This is, this is merely part of the vetting.

Don't tell him.


Yeah, I was on the booze cruise, too, but I just remember seeing Maya by the bar.

ALICIA: Did you see her with this man?


I mean, I saw him in the newspaper, but I didn't see them leave together.

I mean, we were both worried about getting disconnected at parties, so we always kept track.

CAITLIN: How did you keep track?

Oh, you know, that app.

What app?

The r*pe app?

Have you heard of it?

No, show me.

We both had it installed on our phones so we could keep track of each other.

See, the GPS shows you where your friend is.

There's a panic button.

Yeah, I know.

That's what sucks.

The phone vibrated when Maya pushed it, but the music was so loud and I was dancing, so I didn't feel it.



It has a history of when Maya pushed the panic button.

Yeah, I know, but it didn't show her location.

I know, but it shows what time she pressed the button.


CARY: Yeah, I do see it.

11:34 p.m.

Chen bought a mojito at 11:34 p.m.

Why does that matter?

A r*pe app?

No, I've never heard of that.

Okay, well, if that's probative, then the state's attorney's office will question her, yep.

Ha-- no, no, I think it's a bit too early to talk about release.

Yeah, okay, thank you, bye.

What was that?

The defense attorneys.

They say they have the time of death via a friend who received a signal Maya sent on something called a r*pe app.

Do you believe them?

I don't know.

Nice office.


I get a lot more air here.

Chen did it, he did it.

How do you know?

He's Taiwanese-- he would sign his surname first.


CARY: Hey, d*ck.

How's it going?

I hear you stopped going to your anthropology class.

Listen, I don't have to talk to you.

Actually, you do because you stopped going to your anthropology class.

What, what are you talking about?

You haven't been in six weeks.

Registrar officially dropped you from the class, so you're only taking eight hours now.

Yeah, so, so what?

So diplomatic immunity applies to diplomats' children up to the age of 23, provided they are full-time students.

You aren't anymore.

I can bring charges against you any time I want.

I didn't do it.

I believe you, but I think you know what happened, and I can make a case that you were part of it.

Chen grabbed her seasickness band when he k*lled her.

Didn't he? And then he slipped it to you to hide it, right? Okay.

That's your signature.

You used his credit card to buy a drink, and when you looked up, Chen was gone.

He followed Maya below deck where he k*lled her.

So... it's your choice.

You want to be a witness or an accomplice?

How much do you want me to tell you?

Enough to know if she should run or not.

She shouldn't run.

Okay. Why?

Well, she was on the organizing board for a fund-raiser for Rod Blagojevich.

Old news. What else?

She's had relationships.

I figured. How many?

A few.

But not slut level?


Then we shouldn't have a problem.

Kalinda, we are doctors discussing a patient.


Well, one of them in particular is problematic.

Omar Tate.

He's a financier of high-end resorts.

What is it? Criminal past?


No, he has a spotless record.

Perfect credit, actually.

Kalinda, you're being weird.

Well, Omar Tate isn't his birth name.

It's Aarash... bin Laden.

Come again?

It's Aarash bin Laden, Osama's second cousin.

My ex-wife slept with a bin Laden?

Listen, for what it's worth, Aarash bin Laden has never been linked to t*rror1st activity of any kind.

Oh, good. She banged a nice bin Laden.


This is absurd.

When was this?

And he has publicly denounced the actions of al Qaeda.

Wait. When was this?

Uh, you know, I think the details are in the file.

Kalinda, when was this?


She was married to me.

I'm sorry.

20 years, and that's my last, best and final.

That leaves me nowhere to go, Cary.

Go to your client.

Well, how do you know d*ck's story is reliable?

Nah, I don't have to make my case to you, Alicia.

Take it or leave it.

But know that it has a 24-hour clock.


(phone beeps off)

Very impressive.

You heading out?

Yup. My last week here, and I haven't been shot.

The day's young yet.

CAITLIN: Do you think d*ck's telling the truth?

I think he's afraid of prosecution, so he'll say whatever they want.

But it also could be the truth.

ALICIA: Is that...?

That-That's him. Chen.

(tires squealing, engine revving)

Call him.

(phone ringing)

Damn. It's Cary.

(phone beeps on)


CARY: Alicia, our office was notified your client just broke his electronic perimeter. What's going on?

I-I'm not sure.

Alicia, if you know your client is attempting to flee the jurisdiction, you have a legal obligation to report that.

I know my legal obligations, Cary.

I have not been in touch with my client.

I will call him and get back to you.


Let me call him, and I'll get back to you.

(phone beeps off)

(tires squealing)

Wait. What are you doing?

We're not going to know where he is.

I don't want to know where he is.

(phone beeps on)

(phone ringing through)

CARY: Alicia?

I couldn't reach him.

Tread carefully here, Alicia, because if you know something, you're facing obstruction of justice, aiding and abetting...

I have not spoken to my client.

Do you know where he is?

Not for certain.

What do you know for certain?

I witnessed an Audi with a driver resembling my client headed westbound on 90.

He's going to O'Hare.

Again, I do not know that for certain.

(phone beeps off)

I thought he was innocent.

I know.

Sometimes... the guilty ones look like the innocent ones.

Well, that's depressing.

So, what did she tell you?

I don't think you should run.


How... could you... fund-raise for Rod Blagojevich?


I know.

It's dumb, huh?


The voters don't know you.

That'll define you.

You don't think you could leak it, take the sting away?


What else, Eli?

Isn't that enough?


She told you?

I don't even know why I care.

The thought that my semen mixed with bin Laden's.

Come on, Eli, you know how this works.

The semen doesn't just stay in us.

I thought we were happy in 2007.

We were.

It was a mistake.

I loved you, Vanessa.

We never talked.

We talked.

About work.

About politics.

My mother died, and...

This was a mistake.

Don't you dare say I wasn't there for you.

I was there for you.

You were not!

You flew out.

I had to fly out.

You said it was fine.

Because what could I say?

That it wasn't fine.

But you were supposed to know that it wasn't fine.

How?? - Oh, God, it's like we never left each other.

You know... thanks.

I just thought I had done two years of my life well, that's all.

2006... and seven.

You did do it well.

Sometimes it's too late.

(door closes)

♪ One, two, three, four... ♪.

WILL: How is she?

Not what I expected.

Is that good?

It is.

So... I met your son earlier.

I know. He said.

I was lame.

I was babbling.

He didn't say that.

I was.

So... do you want me to meet them?



I mean, formally.

I know. No.

You sure?

Because I could probably make a good impression.

That's okay.


I mean, really thanks, Will.

But it's not necessary.

Okay. Good.

Good. Good.

♪ Dog's got a bone ♪
♪ All on his own ♪
♪ Wednesday morning... ♪.

Mr. Gardner?

Excuse me.

I'm really sorry about earlier.



I'm just figuring things out here.


But why are you sorry?

I just didn't mean to come to you first.

Alicia said if I had any questions to come to her and not to bother the partners.

No, you're not bothering us.

Don't worry about it.

Are you sure?

I'm positive.


Thank you.

Everybody's so nice here.

Yeah. Lawyers.

The nicest people in the world.

♪ Listen you will see, coming on in to me ♪
♪ Listen you will see ♪
♪ Coming on in to me... ♪.

Oh, come on.


One minute.

Where are you putting me now, the parking garage?

Excuse me?

I won the Taiwan case.

The one that you sloughed off on me.

We got Chen at the airport, trying to flee.

He's going away for life.

I'm not moving you.

Peter's moving you.

Peter? Where?


I guess you kiss enough butts, you eventually kiss the right one.
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