01x03 - Red Tide

Complete collection of episode transcripts for seasons 1 - 7. Aired: September 2008 to February 2015.*

Moderator: Maggiemay19

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A famous "psychic" outs himself as a fake and starts working as a consultant for the California Bureau of Investigation so he can find "Red John," the madman who k*lled his wife and daughter.
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01x03 - Red Tide

Post by bunniefuu »

Santa Marta Beach, a child see the body of a girl


Lisbon: Victim is Christine Tanner, 15, drowned, washed up on the beach in Santa Marta. Who's got the ultraviolet?

Rigsby: Yep. So she drowned. Why us?

Lisbon: Coroner found a wound consistent with getting hit in the head with a surfboard and water in her lungs, only it was ditchwater— No salt, a lot of bugs.

Jane: So the k*ller is clever, but not as clever as he thinks he is.

Van Pelt: Santa marta sheriff's not taking this one?

Lisbon: State beach, state case. All right, what are you doing?

Jane: Grace is mentally telling me where she hid the van keys. If I find them, I get to drive.

Lisbon: So now you're psychic?

Jane: Oh, no, no, no. This is all science. Concentrate, Grace. Tell me with your mind only. Forward, backward, left, right.

Cho: How is that science? He watched you hide the keys.

Jane: From the men's room? That would be a trick.

He leaves the room and looks under the plants. There is a key

Jane (He laughes): Who's got shotgun?

Lisbon: Can we go now?

Santa Marta Beach

Young man: Leah, go ahead.

Young people throw flowers into the sea

Cho: You had the keys in your hand the whole time.

Jane: U've gotta let it go, man.

Cho: Did you have the keys in your hand?

Jane: If I tell you how it's done, pp the magic circle will send a team of assassins to k*ll us all. It's the law.

Rigsby: Her body was discovered on this beach. Coast guard says that means she was put in the water anywhere within a mile north of here. Any further along the coast, the current would have taken her out to Mexico.

Jane: How long was she in the water?

Rigsby: We're still waiting on the coroner's report.

Hope: Hey, excuse me. Are you guys cops?

Rigsby: C.B.I

Hope: What's C.B.I ?

Rigsby: California bureau of investigation.

Jane: Cops.

Hope: (To his friend) Cops. So is it true what they're saying—somebody k*lled Chris?

Jane: Yes, it is true. You were Christine's friend?

Hope: Yeah. We hang at the same breaks. I love Chris. What happened?

Cho: We don't know yet. What's your name?

Hope: I'm Hope. That's Win.

Cho: When was the last time you saw Christine?

Hope: Uh, three days ago. Sunset patrol. Epic northeast swell. Chris loved to go out at sunset. She would stay out till it was dark as dark.

Jane: How did she seem lately— just, you know, any enemies or... stuff like that?

Win: Uh, not—not around here. Everybody loved chris.

Rigsby: Was she dating anybody?

Win: Dating?

Rigsby: Okay, was she hooking up with anybody in particular?

Hope: Danny Kurtik, mostly.

Win: Jeez, hope.

Hope: What? They were hookin' up.

Win: Danny would never hurt Chris.

Hope: Duh, of course not.

Win: That's not what they were asking. They were asking who she was hooking
up with, which would be Danny. It wasn't a big, dark secret.

Rigsby: I need you to write down your names and the numbers we can reach you at. (She says yes)

Jane: Win?

Win: Yeah?

Jane: If chris was a color, what color would she be?

Win: Uh, orange... Or pink.

Hope: No, o-orange is right.

Jane: If she were an animal, what kind of animal would she be?

Hope: Uh, I don't know. A rabbit? How is this relevant?

Jane: Everything's relevant.

Hope: Chris was good people. I hope you find who did this.

Jane: We'll do our best.


Rigsby: How is that relevant?

Cho: We're looking for someone who doesn't like orange rabbits.

Jane: Exactly. You know what, boys? I like it here. Yeah. I think I'll stay for a while.

Cho: What?

Rigsby: Okay.

Jane stretches out the beach

Cho: Let's just leave him here.

Christine Tanner's House

Jack: Excuse the mess. Chrissy was the house-proud one around here.

Lisbon: We understand. Mr. Tanner? We may have to ask you some tough questions, so... (She showes children)

Jack: That's okay. Can't tell Lisa nothing she hasn't heard before, and micah don't... He don't give a damn. He's slow. He's just... Sad 'cause he sees Lisa is.

Lisbon: All the same...

Jack: Come on, kids.

Lisa: Come on, micah. Let's go.

Jack: Can you take him outside?

Lisa: You got it, dad.

Lisbon sees bottles of alcohol on the table

Lisa (to Mika): Come on. Let's go outside.

Lisbon: So when did you notice Christine was missing?

Jack: Yesterday morning. She hadn't made nothing for the kids, and I realized I hadn't seen her in a while. I mean, she may be away one night and I wouldn't know, but you know...

Lisbon: When was the last time you saw her?

Jack: Monday morning.

Van Pelt: Any idea where she was during that time period?

Jack: No. No. Chrissy's real independent. You never... Never had to worry about Chrissy.

Lisbon: So two days to notice your daughter's gone and another to report it.

Jack: I work. I mean, I work construction. I never miss a day. I-i can't watch her all the time.

Lisbon: Her mother's not around?

Jack: She died. She was k*lled in a car wreck.

Van Pelt: I'm sorry.

Jack: Almost five years ago now. Drunk driver t-boned her. College kid. Walked away laughin'. Not a scratch, you know? Not a scratch.

Van Pelt: So Christine kind of took over for her mom, huh? Cooked, cleaned, looked after the little ones?

Jack: Yeah. Don't know what we're gonna do now.

Lisbon: Christine was arrested last year?

Jack: That was... Stupid. It was a couple of joints. No big deal.

Lisbon: Well, how is it she got into dr*gs?

Jack: She wasn't into dr*gs. She was straightedge, if anything. It's her dumb-ass friend Darlene.

Lisbon: Darlene—last name?

Jack: Pappas, but chrissy wasn't hanging out much with darlene anymore, not since she got big into surfing. Then she started hanging with a different crowd.

Lisbon: Who were they?

Jack: They're surfers, you know— not like bum surfers. They seem like good kids, you know? They were upscale. They'd pick her up in their— their audis and whatnot. You know, they were a good influence on Christine. They helped her with her schoolwork, and she was thinking about college.

Lisbon: Anybody in particular vv she was close to?

Jack: I don't really know 'em. I mean, there's names I'd hear all the time. There's, like, Andy and Danny and Hope, and then there's this new guy, Flipper, she talked about lately.

Lisbon: Talks about how?

Jack: Just that she was, you know, they were hangin' together, you know? Like, "i'll see you at flipper's," stuff like that. Hey, Lisa? Honey?

Lisa: Yeah, dad?

Jack: Hey, honey, could you, uh, fix some lunch for your brother, please?

Lisa: Yeah, okay.

Jack: Thanks.

Beach of Santa Martha

On the beach, Jane makes a castle with a shoe next to a little girl

Girl: What, you didn't bring a bucket?

Jane says no. So, she gives a bucket

Christine Tanner's house

Van Pelt and Lisbon are outside Jack's house. Lisbon fell.

Van Pelt: Are you okay?

Lisbon: Damn it.

Van Pelt: It's gotta be tough.

Lisbon: What?

Van Pelt: I mean, a drunk driver— isn't that what happened to your mother? Sorry. It's not my business.

Lisbon: We don't discuss our personal lives in this unit. It's not useful, and it's not professional.

She takes his cellphone

Lisbon: Cho, names to check— Darlene Pappas, Andy, Danny, Hope and Flipper.


Cho: Flipper? Okay. Got it. Hold on. (He looks on the computer) There's a Darlene Pappas in youth authority lockup— Possession and resisting arrest. I'll get her in here.

Lisbon: Great. Where's jane?

Cho: Jane? He's still pursuing inquiries at the beach.

Beach of Santa Martha

On the beach, Jane made a beautiful castle. People congratulate her. She smiles.


Lisbon: Darlene, you're a friend of Christine Tanner?

Darlene: What do you want?

Lisbon: Christine's dead.

Darlene: What do you want?

Lisbon: I want you to help us find out who k*lled her.

Darlene: k*lled? How?

Lisbon: Drowned.

Darlene: Drowned? Damn.

Lisbon: Who does she know that might have reason to do this?

Darlene: Well, now that you mention it, there was a guy. What was his name?

Lisbon: Yes, darlene, if you help us, I'll talk to the prosecutor, see if we can help you with these charges you've got pending.

Darlene: Okay. Last year she was banging an older guy, like old. She called him "Pops."

Lisbon: No name? Just Pops?

Darlene: Pops, that's it. One time, uh, she said he was getting weird, and she was talking about dumping him, but I don't know if she ever did. Like I say, we haven't been tight for a while now.

Lisbon: That's interesting, but it's not enough for a call to the d.a. Did she say anything else about him? Anything at all?

Darlene: He was good in bed, and he liked '50s music, like Elvis and stuff. And that's it.

Lisbon stands up.

Darlene: Well, that's enough, right? Well, call the d.a.

Lisbon leaves the interrogation room.

Cho: Got a hit with those deputy interviews. Philip Handler, goes by "Flipper." Badass surfer— it's a long sheet, including time for as*ault on a woman a few years back.

Lisbon: How bad?

Rigsby: Hundred stitches bad. Got an address.

Lisbon: Let's go.

Caravan of Flipper

Lisbon: Philip Handler? Police! May we speak with you, please?

Lisbon: Mr. Handler?

Rigsby: Clear.

Lisbon: Mr. Handler?

Flipper: These friends of yours?

Jane: Hey, guys, come in. Come in. I'm just about to discredit Nimzovich's theory on the french advance once and for all.

Flipper: Dream on, trick.

Sheriff's Office

Lisbon: What led you to flipper anyway?

Jane: His hair. It's braided the exact same way as the victim. She did his do.

They go to the interrogation room

Flipper: I guess, uh, you must be bad cop. (He looks Lisbon)

Lisbon: I try.

Flipper: Tough. Go to it, sister.

Lisbon: You can be pretty tough yourself. Roberta Varnushi. You did quite a number on her.

Flipper: Uh, we had... Different expectations that led to... Friction. But, um, what can you do?

Lisbon: Friction? She nearly died.

Flipper: Do you know what she was doing that started the argument when I hit her? She was pouring the sump oil from her car right into the storm drain, okay? You might as well take an ax and go chop up a family of dolphins.

Lisbon: Was Christine Tanner damaging marine life somehow?

Flipper: What? No. Chris understood. Chris was a child of the ocean.

Lisbon: You like hanging out with children, don't you?

Flipper: I do. They're pure in flesh and spirit. What's not to like?

Lisbon: Christine was a beautiful girl.

Flipper: Yes, she was.

Jane: So why'd you k*ll her?

Flipper: I didn't k*ll her. Why would I k*ll her?

Jane: Did you have sex with her?

Flipper: Oh, I thought about it. I thought about it a lot. But no, I didn't. You know why?

Jane: Why?

Flipper: Because it would be wrong, and I'm all about doing what's right. I wait until they hit legal age, then bam! Happy birthday, baby.

Lisbon: When was the last time you saw her?

Flipper: Oh, so you can try and pin this on me? No, thanks.

Jane: See, the thing is, Flip, Lisbon here is looking at you like you're a porkchop because you fit the profile. Your life is in chaos. You're lonely. You're depressed. You're addicted to dr*gs and pornography and a little nuts, to be honest. You're exactly the kind of man that does terrible things to women. Uh, but I don't think you did this. 'Cause I think deep down you're a good man. You should learn to use your bishops a little more efficiently, but otherwise a good man.

Flipper: I saw Chris three days ago— sunset patrol at Devon Point break.

Jane: Was that monday with Hope, Win and those guys?

Flipper: Right. We—we rode until dark, and then we partied a while on the beach. And then I went home. (To Lisbon) On my mother's life.

End of interrogation. Tanner's family wait in Sheriff's hall

Jack: What do you mean, person of interest? This guy k*ll my Chrissy or what?

Lisbon: Mr. Tanner, if we make an arrest, you'll be the first person I call, I promise. I'm gonna have somebody take you home.

Flipper leaves the room

Jack: This him? Is this him?

Lisbon: Calm down, okay? You need to go home and take care of your children.

Jack: You're dead, bastard! You're dead! You're dead, you bastard!

Lisbon: Go home now!

Lisbon: Look at me. Look at me. Look at me. You need to go home.

Lisa: Let's go home, daddy.

Jack: (To Mika) Come on.

Lisbon: Lisbon. Yeah.

Lisbon: Coroner just told me that Christine's body was put in the water sometime early tuesday morning. So that monday night party is critical. Somebody there had to have known what happened later that night.

Rigsby: Okay, boss, we're on it.

High school

Lisbon: Hi, people.

Danny: Oh, thank you very much, ma'am, but, uh, we don't need a grief counselor.

Hope: We know how to grieve.

Lisbon: Good, because I'm not a grief counselor. The principal didn't want to say "homicide detective" in front of the other students. Agent Lisbon, California
Bureau of Investigation.

Jane: Hey, guys. Hope and Win I know. You must be Danny and Andy. Quick test—if you could be any animal you want, what would you be? Quick.

Andy: Dolphin.

Jane: You?

Danny: Uh, same, or, uh, a k*ller whale.

Hope: No, a hawk.

Win: Uh, uh, a tiger.

Jane: Interesting.

Win: Why?

Jane: When we spoke before about monday night at Devon Point, You didn't mention that you had a party after you went surfing.

Hope: A party? No, it wasn't a party.

Jane: Not what Flipper says.

Andy: Flipper told? Dude.

Danny: Come on, guys. I mean, we—we partied, threw a little frisbee. What's the big deal?

Jane: No big deal. It's just that you were the last people, aside from her k*ller, to see christine alive. She was drowned later that night.

Hope: That night?

Andy: You serious?

Hope: Oh, my god.

Hope: Um, sorry, we have to go. We have a. P. English.

Lisbon: We'll walk you. So tell us about this party monday night. You didn't say anything about it before. Why? And don't lie or I'll know.

Win: We were drinking beer, ma'am.

Andy: Shut up.

Win: What? We're all gonna be applying for college soon, all right? We can't get caught for drinking.

Hope: My mom would exterminate me.

Andy: Plus we were trespassing. The beach at Devon Point is totally, uh, private property.

Jane: Danny, what does devon point mean to you?

Danny: Uh, it's... It's my dad's land, and, uh, he's building these heinous condos. We go there to spite him, I guess.

Lisbon: Who else was there that night?

Win: Us and Flipper, that's all. It wasn't exactly raging. We all cut out about 10:00, 10:30 maybe.

Andy: Chris stayed to clean up. She's all, uh, "save our oceans," you know?

Lisbon: Did Flipper leave then, too?

Andy: He cut out early, after we ran out of brews.

Win: Do you think he came back, maybe?

Hope: Like, flipper did it? No.

Danny: We shouldn't have left her there, guys.

Hope: She wanted to stay. You ask me, she was meeting somebody.

Danny: Shut up, Hope. You don't know that.

Hope: No, but I think it, and so do you. Danny asked her to go home with him, and she said no.

Jane: You and Chris were lovers?

Danny: Lovers? Uh, no. We hooked up on occasion.

Jane: You made love. You were lovers.

Danny: No. Uh, I mean, andy was totally there, too, right, Andy?

Andy: Yeah.

Danny: It wasn't a big deal. We're all just friends. Andy and I hook up with Hope, too, sometimes. Doesn't mean we're... Lovers.

Hope: Yeah. That would be weird.

Jane: Yeah, I guess. You ever hear of anyone named Pops?

Danny: Pops?

Jane: Yeah.

Danny: Uh, no.

Jane: Okay. Well, that's all we need for now. Thank you.

Danny: Thanks.

Hope: Thank you.

Jane: Don't leave town.

Lisbon: That's a cop joke.
Danny's Father's Construction Site

Rayburn: How long you gonna be, you think?

Lisbon: Mr. Rayburn, Christine Tanner's m*rder may have occurred here. It takes as long as it takes.

Rayburn: I already got the developer way up my tailpipe. We're three weeks behind thanks to the crappy labor pool here. Economy like this, and people just don't show up for work? Boggles my mind.

Lisbon: Anybody not show up lately?

Rayburn: Night guard just this week walked off the job. Cement truck shows up in the morning, can't get on the freakin' site. That alone put me back six hours.

Lisbon: When did he quit?

Rayburn: Monday.

Jane: What section were you working then?

Rayburn: Southeast quad.

Lisbon: What's his name, the night guard?

Rayburn: Eddie Garcia. I got his paperwork in the site office if you want it.

Worker: Jorge! What are you, nuts? That load goes over here.

Jane looks around the construction site. And more particularity a concrete block

Lisbon: The paperwork?

Rayburn: Right. What, you think he might have, uh, done this m*rder?

Jane finds a nose in the concrete

Jane: Lisbon! Come take a look at this.

Lisbon: What? Oh, yeah. Mr. Rayburn?

Jane: See that?

Rayburn: What is it?

Jane: Tip of Eddie Garcia's nose.

Rayburn: Get out of here. (He touch his) AH !

After being at the site

Lisbon: How is it you don't even notice a nose in your floor?

Rayburn: That's what I'm telling you. We're trying to finish this thing too fast.

Kurtik: What the hell's going on? Oh, for heaven sakes. Is—is that a person, someone I employ?

Lisbon: We think so.

Kurtik: God help me. If it's not one thing, it's...

Lisbon: Mr. Kurtik? Dan Kurtik?

Kurtik: Oh, sure. Right, just talk to my lawyers. As you saw, I have no knowledge
of this regrettable incident.

Lisbon: C. B. I. Serious crimes unit.

Kurtik: Serious crimes? (He laughes) The man fell into wet cement. If someone had been here with a camera, he'd be on "america's funniest videos." Serious crimes? Come on, guys.

Lisbon: I'm sorry, sir. This is now a crime scene. You're gonna have to suspend work until we're done investigating.

Kurtik: Suspend work? Hell, I'm calling Tommy Alvarez—the sheriff.

Jane: We believe this situation is related to the death of Christine Tanner. You know her?

Kurtik: I've heard the name, obviously. It's been on the news.

Jane: Your son Danny and Christine were close. You never met her?

Kurtik: Maybe I have. My son has a lot of friends. Is this an interrogation?

Jane: Is it

Lisbon: No, sir, it isn't. We appreciate your cooperation. We'll be in touch, maybe. Thank you.

He begins to leave

Jane: Hey, Pops? Hear you're good in bed. What's the secret?

Kurtik: I don't know what you're talking about, but you mean to be offensive, I guess, and you've succeeded very well. And I'm going to be taking this up with your superiors. What is your name?

Jane: My name is Patrick Jane...

Lisbon: Jane, stop !

Jane: And I have no superiors. And I'll tell you what I'm talkin' about, you sweaty little pervert.

Lisbon: Jane!

Jane: You were having sex with a 15-year-old girl.

Lisbon: Jane, stop.

Kurtik: I never touched Christine Tanner.

Jane: Liar.

Kurtik: And believe me when I tell you that you just now made the worst mistake of your miserable little life.

Jane: Believe me, no matter how this turns out, I've made worse mistakes, and you're lying about Christine Tanner. You were laying her like carpet. Arrest him, lisbon. Statutory r*pe.

Lisbon: With what evidence?

Jane: He's playing rockabilly. '50s music. What more do you want?

Lisbon: I can only apologize for my colleague's bizarre behavior. I'm sorry.

Jane: Lisbon, hush. Don't be so damn blinkered. Look at him. He was raping her, all right. I just don't know yet whether he k*lled her as well. (To Kurtik) Did you k*ll her? Look me in the eye and tell me the truth, you filthy old goat.

Kurtik hits Jane on the nose

Lisbon: Get him! (To Jane) How—how dare you?


Minelli: You brought him all the way back here why?

Lisbon: The local sheriff begged me not to put him in his jail. Kurtik's a big cheese down there.

Minelli: That is a signal. Is that not a signal that we should cut this man loose?

Lisbon: He hit jane pretty good. People were watching. I had to arrest him.

Minelli: This guy is connected. This guy is... He has the governor's home phone number. And we both know that Jane was asking for it. You couldn't just give kurtik
a stern talking-to instead?

Lisbon: What about Christine Tanner, sir? If Kurtik was having sex with her, that gives him motive to k*ll.

Minelli: If, and that's a hunch based on rockabilly.

Lisbon: It's a Jane hunch. You keep him around for a reason. Look, just let us work Kurtik until his lawyer gets here. Maybe we can get something more.

Minelli: All right. Work him gently.

Interrogation Room

Cho: Do you have a thing for youngsters in general, dane? Or was it Christine in particular that appealed to you? That I can understand, because you know, you meet some 15-year-olds, hey're just as smart and mature and articulate as any adult, right? They are adults, basically. Maybe christine was one of them.

Kurtik: Are you serious? Do you actually obtain confessions with that gambit?

Cho: All the time.

Kurtik: Amazing. People are stupid. Listen, I admire cops. I think you do a great job, and I'm happy to sit here and chat with you until my lawyer gets here. But I'm not gonna say anything you want to hear. So relax, huh?

Jane and Lisbon look over the scene

Jane: He's not, is he? He's not gonna confess.

Lisbon: What'd you think, he'd break under the bad lighting conditions?

Jane: Let's go back to Devon Point.

Lisbon: What for?

Jane: So I can put the second half of my cunning plan into effect.

Lisbon: Jane, wait. What cunning plan?

He picks up his phone

Jane: Uh, Danny, hi. Patrick Jane. Listen, we need your help. Do you want to help us catch Christine's k*ller? Okay, then. Good. Meet me at Devon Point with your friends in, uh, two hours. Great.

He hangs up

Lisbon: What cunning plan?

Lawyer Kurtik arrives

Kurtik: Just so you know, I'm suing the C. B. I.And the attorney general's office for wrongful arrest and unlawful imprisonment, and I will drop this suit when they fire you and agent lisbon.

Jane: Best of luck.

Kurtik: You're not scared of me, huh? That's a mistake.

Lisbon: Keep walking, mr. Kurtik, or I'm gonna have to arrest you again.

Kurtik: If you were 15 years younger, I'd give you a shot.

Devon Point

Danny: Mr. Jane? Mr. Jane?

Jane: Thanks for coming. The police need your help. First christine, then the security guard. They're at a loss. Did the guard stumble across chris being k*lled? Maybe it was some kind of love triangle. Tell me, do you sincerely want to help catch christine's m*rder*r, even if the k*ller is someone close to you?

All 4: Yes, of course. Absolutely.

Jane: Your friend flipper served time for assaulting a woman. Did you know that?

Andy: It was flipper? He did it?

Jane: Could be. Then again, danny, christine and your father were having an affair.

Danny: Wait. What?

Jane: Yeah.

Danny: No way. No, no. That's—that's ridiculous. No.

Hope: Danny, get real. We knew. We all knew.

Danny: Well, what did you expect me to do, turn in my own dad ? I mean, it's— it's not like he forced chris to do it, you know? She—she was— she was into it.

Jane: Was it your father you thought she was going to meet with that night?

Hope: Yes.

Danny: No. Well, i-i don't know.

Jane: Well, just 'cause they're having an affair doesn't mean your father k*lled christine.

Andy: It could have been flipper.

Jane: Right. Or someone else.

Win: Did—didn't you say you had a way of finding out?

Jane: Actually... A way you can find out.

Jane: I want to hypnotize you all so that you can remember details of that night. It's safe. I'm fully trained. Hell, I used to hypnotize people for a living.

Win: Um, no—no, thanks.

Jane: Your subconscious minds may recall things that could help us find the k*ller. Hypnosis will let you come up with those things.

Danny: Well, what— what kind of things?

Jane: Who knows? Maybe something chris said, maybe a glimpse of someone on the bluff there. The smallest detail that you can recall could be a vital clue.

Danny: I don't want you messing around inside my head, man. No offense. Ah, but that's the thing. With hypnosis, I can't mesmerize you against your will. It's not possible. You are in control the whole time. What do you say? Good.

Teenagers sit down

Jane: I want you to close your eyes... And listen. Listen only to my voice. Think. Think back to that night. The bonfire... The sound of the ocean. The sound of the ocean. I don't know what you will recall of that night, but I know that you will recall something, Because it's all there in your memory. All you have to do is go back, back to that night and be there. And there you are.

Hope: Ah !

Jane: What is it, hope? What do you see?

Hope: I see danny's father there above the rocks.

Danny: No, you don't.

Jane: What is he doing?

Hope: Staring at us, at chris. That's it. He's staring. What's wrong with him?

Jane: Come back, Hope !

Hope: What—what happened?

Jane: You're okay. You did very well, thank you.

Win: You really saw mr. Kurtik?

Danny: No, you didn't. You didn't.

Hope: Danny, I'm sorry. I can't help what I saw.

Danny: My dad didn't k*ll christine!

Hope: How do you know he didn't?

Andy: Yeah, how do you know?

Danny: You know what? Screw all of you guys, okay? You guys suck!

Hope: Oh, danny, wait! Don't be mad! Danny, wait! Danny! Come on, stop.

Win: Ah, danny's mad. We should go.

Andy: Screw Danny. His dad k*lled Christine.

Win: Yeah, well, it's late anyway.

Jane: Thanks for your help, guys.

Andy: No problemo.


Jane: So what do you think? Did it work? I think... Three, two, one... Now. (He showes the door) How cool would it have been if one had walked in right then, huh?

Hope arrives, Lisbon is surprised

Hope: Did you arrest him? Did he confess?

Jane: Mr. Kurtik? No.

Lisbon: Thing is, Hope, mr. Kurtik has a cast-iron alibi for that evening.

Jane: So you couldn't have seen him standing there on that bluff.

Hope: But that's so weird. In my trance, I saw him clear as day. Maybe it's symbolic.

Jane: You want symbolic? You're a hawk, and christine was a rabbit.

Hope: What does that even mean?

Jane: Bird of prey, rabbit... You tell me. What it means is you never liked Christine Tanner.

Hope: Not true!

Jane: What it means is I never really hypnotized you. You pretended to be in a trance to give us a fake story and incriminate an innocent man.

Hope: No! no.

Interrogation Room

Lisbon: Just tell us what happened that night.

Jane: From the beginning.

Hope: Flipper had already left, wasted as usual.

Flashback: Danny and Christine kiss. They drink, laugh...

Hope: The guard told us to get out, or he'd call the cops. Danny told him to step off. His dad owns the place.

Danny hit the guard. He stays down.

Christine: He's dead.

Flashback's end

Hope: He didn't mean to. It was an accident. We couldn't help the guard, see? But danny we could. So we all promised not to tell, all of us... Except Chris. Not Chris. You've gotta understand, everything Danny had worked for his whole life was just washing away because Chris has to do the right thing. He just hit her over the head, and then she was still moving, So he dragged her to the trough there and... Drowned her in it, held her under until she stopped moving.

Lisbon: And you, win and andy didn't say a word— two people m*rder*d.

Hope: What if I was next? I've never seen Danny like that. He was like a different person or something.

Jane: Okay. You're safe now.

Van Pelt knocks at the door

Lisbon: Excuse us.

Danny expects them

Danny: I-I can't let my dad be punished for something he didn't do, no matter what a tool he is.

Jane: So you're confessing.

Danny: What?

Jane: We know it was you that k*lled Christine and the guard.

Danny: What? No, no, no, that's not right. Who told you that?

They return to the interrogation room

Danny: It's so completely not true that it's insane. How can you do this? I mean, i-i knew you had a cold streak, but this?

Hope: Danny, I'm sorry. I had to tell the truth. You're only making it worse by lying. You're only deceiving yourself.

Danny: It was her, okay? It was her who k*lled Chris. Hope was jealous of her ever since she started hanging out with us. Used to be Hope who was all that. Then Chris came along, and we only hooked up with Hope when Chris wasn't around.

Hope: That's so distorted and not true!

Danny: No, I am telling the truth now. The security guard... Just take him! It was an accident. And then chris said she was gonna call the police. She—she said we couldn't cover it up because it'd be wrong. Then hope— i-i don't even know. Hope just went crazy... (We see Hope hit Chris) Hit her! She hit her!

Hope: I did it for you, jerk! I did it for you! She was doing his dad! She's acting as a judge over his life, telling him his life is over and that he's going to jail because she's—she's gotta show integrity and morals. She was a prissy, hypocritical bitch, and she was gonna ruin his life.

Van Pelt knocks at the door again. Win and Andy wait.

Win: It was flipper.

Lisbon: Oh, really?

Andy: Yeah, it was flipper.

Jane: What if I said it was you, Andy? You k*lled Christine.

Andy: What? That's bull. That's ridiculous.

Return to the room

Jane: Have a seat. Don't be shy.

Andy: I didn't k*ll her, man.

Jane: Sure you did. (At Win) So did you... (At Hope) And you... (At Danny) And you. All four of you k*lled her. Hope was always smarter than any of you. You never appreciated that. She made all of you take part to make all of you equally guilty, so that no one could tell on the others. And now you're all equally under arrest.

Lisbon: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot...

She arrests them. We see Mr. Kurtick arrested.

Jack: Statutory r*pe, huh? What'll he get?

Lisbon: He probably won't serve time, not without Christine's testimony. But we'll have fun trying. You have good kids.

Jack: Yeah. I do.

Lisbon: You're all they have.

Jack: Yeah, I know.

He begins to leave

Lisbon: Be good to them.

Jack: I am good to them.

Lisbon: My father was a good man, just like you are. And after my mother died, he was a self-pitying drunk just like you are. He k*lled himself—damn near k*lled me and my brothers, too. Get some help. Your kids deserve it. So do you.
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