01x02 - Red Hair and Silver Tape

Complete collection of episode transcripts for seasons 1 - 7. Aired: September 2008 to February 2015.*
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A famous "psychic" outs himself as a fake and starts working as a consultant for the California Bureau of Investigation so he can find "Red John," the madman who k*lled his wife and daughter.
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01x02 - Red Hair and Silver Tape

Post by bunniefuu »

Northern Capa Country, vineyard

Sheriff McAllister: Boy, am I glad to see you guys. We are sorely ill-prepared for this kind of deal. Quail hunter's dog found her this morning at 5:30. Wasn't meant to be huntin' quail, but he was.

Lisbon: Do we know who she is?

Sheriff: Nope. Looks familiar, though, so I'm guessing local. People sure look different when they're dead, though, don't they?

Cho: That wound doesn't look fatal.

Lisbon: There's no ligature marks on the neck, so she wasn't strangled or hung. Gums are livid. Eyes are hemorrhaged.

Cho: Suffocation.

Sheriff: My bet is it's a meth head from the city comin' in off the interstate.

Jane: No, he's a local. And it was an accident. Her k*ller didn't intend her to die this way.

Lisbon: How so?

Jane: She still has her clothes on. Her abductor was taking her to a location that was quiet and private so he could undress her for a sexual as*ault. She made too much noise at the wrong moment. He tried to keep her quiet and smothered her by mistake. No good to him now, so then he dumps her in a spot only a local would know.

Lisbon: She's all yours. Thanks for waiting.

Cho: Why sexual motive? Could be gangs or dr*gs.

Jane: A drug trade smothering? By who—"sesame street" crips?

Lisbon: There's nothing to say it isn't just boyfriend trouble.

Jane: Could be boyfriend trouble. Doesn't feel like it, though.

Sheriff: Who is this guy?

Lisbon: He's a consultant. You want CBI assistance? He comes as part of the package.

Sheriff: Consultant, huh? What, are you clairvoyant or some gizmo? You got psychic powers?

Jane: No, no powers. Had 'em once. I mean, I pretended I had 'em, obviously. No such thing as psychic powers.

Sheriff: So what is it you do, exactly?

Jane: You know rock paper scissors?

Sheriff: I do.

Jane: Play me. On three. One... Two... Three.

Sheriff: One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three!

O'Keefes house's

Mrs O'Keefes: Go inside the house. Get your homework started. Go. Go now. Joe?

Lisbon: Mr. And mrs. O'Keefes? I'm agent Teresa Lisbon, california bureau of investigation. I'm sorry. We're bringing bad news. We found your daughter melanie.

Mrs O'Keefes: No. Oh, no!

Frankie: Who are you?

Jane: My name's Patrick Jane. I'm with the police. Is this your sister's room?

Frankie: Yes. Did someone k*ll my sister?

Jane: Yes.

Frankie: Okay.

Mrs O'Keefes: She didn't come home from work the night before last. She waitresses at the Shand Creek Winery restaurant. She was on until 11:00 p.m. Her car is still parked there in the parking lot.

Mr. O'Keefes: We're always asleep when she comes home. We didn't even know she was missing until the morning. We called all her friends, and nobody knew where she was. Nobody'd seen her after she left work that night.

Mrs O'Keefes: She was all set to go ppto college in the fall. She won a softball scholarship at, um, u.c.l.a.

Mr. O'Keefes: We were worried about her going down to Los Angeles, because you read about all the crime. Did they do anything to her?

Lisbon: Doesn't appear so. She was fully clothed.

Mrs O'Keefes: Why would anybody do something like that?

Lisbon: Oftentimes, the first name that pops into the mother's head is the guilty party. Jealous boyfriends, anything like that?

Mrs O'Keefes: No, nothing like that.

Lisbon: Nothing?

Mr. O'Keefes: She was always shy of boys.

Mrs O'Keefes: She was a good girl. She took the purity pledge in ninth grade, and she still wears that ring today.

Jane: When did she take the posters down?

Frankie: After christmas.

Jane: Who was on the posters?

Frankie: Boys with long hair from the tv.

Jane: She didn't like 'em anymore?

Frankie: Said they were for little girls. Do you know who k*lled her?

Jane: No.

Frankie: Are you gonna find out who k*lled her?

Jane: Me and my colleagues are gonna try.

Frankie: How?

Jane: Looking, listening, asking questions.

Frankie: When you find him, will you tell me?

Jane: Sure. Why?

Frankie: No reason.


Rigsby: Rigsby.

Van Pelt: Van pelt.

Lisbon: Hey, did you get the fax from the sheriff's department there?

Van Pelt: Yes.

Lisbon: Run the details through the crime database, see if we get any matches. Okay, Van Pelt?

Van Pelt: Will do.

Rigsby: Boss, I finished the budget reports here like you said. Why don't I drive down there, give you guys a hand?

O'Keefes house's

Lisbon: No, you stay there. Look, pp I'll call you if I need you.

Jane: She has a lover—someone she met around christmas at a fair. He's either too old, too closely related or too villainous to tell her folks about. I'd bet on villainy, and his first name starts with an "H."

Lisbon: Explains why she wasn't ppwearing a purity ring.

Sheriff: You know, it is the damndest thing. I was at the shand creek that night on a call 'round about the same time that girl was taken. A drunk wouldn't pay his check.

Lisbon: That is the damndest thing. You notice anything that might be useful?

Sheriff: Oh, for cryin' out loud. Yeah, when I got there, I saw a black truck, full-size, Taking off out of the other end
of that lot goin' way too fast... He's inside. Nearly went after him, too, you know?

Shand Creek

Lisbon: What time was that?

Sheriff: Uh, a quarter to 12:00.

Lisbon: Have these woods been checked?

Sheriff: Not to speak of.

Lisbon: You might want to put a few man-hours into that.

Sheriff: That, uh, that's her car right there.

Lisbon: You want to take it?

Malcolm Boatwright: She worked for us for... Three summers in a row. Lovely girl.

Jane: This is good.

Malcolm: Yes, it is.

Sandra Batwright: It's unbelievable. And from the parking lot. I was practically right there.

Malcolm: I can't even think about it. Try this.

Lisbon: No, I won't.

Jane: This one's really good.

Lisbon: To your knowledge, did Melanie ever have any incidents with disgruntled coworkers, maybe... Boyfriend problems?

Sandra: No.

Jane: Mmm, this one is really good. Cardamom?

Malcolm: Yes, and caraway.

Jane: Mmm, and a lot of butter.

Malcolm: No, there's no shame in it. A lot of butter. That's the great thing about food. It's indulgence and necessity all in one.

Lisbon: What time did Melanie leave work that night? To build a time line, we need to know exactly.

Sandra: Well, I know she took off first, but I'd have to check her time card to be exact.

Malcolm: Hey, it wasn't me, by the way. I have a staff of 20 that'll tell you the only time I ever leave the kitchen is to take a leak or yell at a customer.

Sandra: Sad but true.

Malcolm: So this is the, uh, the kitchen. This is the main prep area, and this is where the magic happens.

Randall: Ha !

Malcolm: Attention, Randall! Pay it!

Sandra: My office is this way.

Randall: This is a go.

Sandra: She was by no means a gifted server. Betty butterfingers, that's what we called her, but she had a good spirit. She left at 11:25. Good night. She went out that door, and that's the last we saw of her.

Lisbon: It's all reservations, I assume? Credit cards?

Sandra: Yes. I can get you a full list.

Lisbon: Great.

Sandra: Oh, Raquel, come in. These people are here to help find out what happened to poor Melanie.

Raquel: Okay. Good.

Lisbon: You and she were good friends, weren't you?

Raquel: Not really. She was okay.

Jane: 'Cause on her wall at home, she has a picture of you and her together. That's weird, huh?

Raquel: I don't know why she has a picture of me and her, ma'am. Maybe she has a secret crush on me. I don't know.

Lisbon: What's her boyfriend's name?

Raquel: She doesn't have a boyfriend. That's her thing, right? Purity. No boys.

Jane: So who was it that she cut out of the picture?

Raquel: I don't know, sir.

Lisbon: You were there.

Raquel: It was christmas. I was high.

Lisbon: Raquel, this is a m*rder investigation. If you protect someone who did this, you'll do time.

Raquel: I'm sorry, ma'am. I can't help you. I would if I could. Swear to god.

Lisbon: Thank you.

Cho: Car's clean.

Lisbon: Have a chat with Raquel, why don't you? I'm gonna go check the credit card receipts.

Cho: Okay.

Jane: Give me a minute with her. She's got a super low threshold.

Cho: No. Nope.

Jane: Just stand in the doorway, pretend you're making a phone call for a moment.

Cho: No. It's illegal and it's unprofessional.

Jane: That's why I need you to stand in the doorway.

Cho: One minute.

Jane: Raquel, look at me. Before you fall asleep tonight, while you're lying in your bed relaxing and slowly drifting off into sleep, I want you to think of me. Think of me and imagine that you can fly. Imagine that you're weightless. You can float gently into the air if you want to, safe and calm and serene. You can fly away and leave all your burdens and worries and fears behind you. Imagine that— what a nice feeling it is. Next time you see me, when I say hello, you'll remember that good feeling, and you'll want to tell me the truth, because when you do tell the truth, you'll feel that a heavy weight has been lifted from your shoulders. I'll say hello, and you will feel as light as a feather, as if you were floating on air. Why don't you sit here a moment, think about that before you go back to work?

Raquel: Whatever. Your friend's crazy. Can I go now?

Cho: Yes.

Jane: Worked on the chicken.

Cho: Right.

Cho: Maybe that's a clue.

Sheriff: Sorry?

Lisbon: Take it to the lab.

Jane: Whoa, whoa, wait. I-i got a better idea.

Malcolm: Um, settle down now, everyone. Settle down. These are agents of the california bureau of investigation. They want to talk to you a moment.

Sandra: There's nothing to worry about.

Jane: We need your help. Will you help us?

Everybody: Yes.

Jane: We know the identity of melanie's k*ller. The m*rder*r of that poor girl is in this room. This note... Was found in melanie's locker. We have strong reason to believe that whoever wrote this note is the k*ller. Yes, unluckily for that person, my colleague, agent cho here, is the bureau's chief graphologist. Each one of you will be giving us a sample of your handwriting, left and right-handed. Cho will examine these samples and determine which of you left this note. Which of you is the k*ller?

Sheriff office's

Cho: Randall, why did you want to say "sorry" to melanie?

Randall: I didn't k*ll her.

Cho: I didn't say that you did. I asked why you wanted to say "sorry" to her. Your time card and your boss say you left work ten minutes before melanie. You waited for her in the parking lot, right? Right? There's no law against waiting for someone. You waited for her.

Randall: I just wanted to speak to her.

Cho: Nothing wrong with that. You wanted to speak to her. Then what happened?

Randall: I was like, "hey, melanie, what's up?" and we talked. She didn't leave. She—she was smiling and laughing, so I figured I was doing pretty good. So I made my move, and, um, she wasn't so into it, which was cool, only I know she has this whole virgin thing happening. So I figured that I just have to be more... Goal-oriented. She was pretty upset, so I apologized for any misunderstanding, and I left. I got in my car, and I drove off, and that was it. Only I felt like maybe she would still be mad at me and, like, complain. So when I got in to work this morning, before I knew that she was missing, I wrote "sorry," and I put it in her locker.

Lisbon: How long were you in the parking lot with her? Try and be precise.

Randall: Five minutes. Six.

Lisbon: Randall tried to kiss Melanie because he thought it was on his account that she didn't leave.

Jane: But in fact, she didn't leave because of randall.

Lisbon: She was meeting somebody else.

Jane: Are we gonna see Raquel again?

Lisbon: She's on her way in now. Yes ?

Van Pelt: I did the database search. I'm e-mailing the results.

Lisbon: I'm gonna put you on speaker.

Van Pelt: It's not much. One pop for the brand of silver tape used two months ago in fairfield—an abduction case.

Jane: What happened?

Van Pelt: Delores Sanchez, a female, 22, migrant farm laborer abducted at a bus stop. She doesn't know how. She wakes up on a bed in a motel room all tied up in duct tape, unharmed. The cleaners found her. Never saw her abductors. No suspects. Fairfield p.d.concluded it was a drunken prank. The complainant sanchez left town, so the case kind of drifted away.

Jane: This is very interesting.

Lisbon: Let's knock off on tangents already.

Jane: Any other correlations?

Van Pelt: Uh, yes, actually. Sanchez is a redhead like O'Keefes.

Jane: Cool down.

Lisbon: It's a common brand of tape, and there's a quarter million redheaded women in california.

Jane: Yeah, yeah, you're right.

Lisbon: Yeah.

Jane: Just supposing, for fun, that it was the same guy did both crimes. He kidnaps a redheaded girl, ties her up, takes her to a motel room, has her at his mercy but does nothing. Months later, kidnaps another redheaded girl, but his planning is not good enough, and he kills her in a panic to keep her quiet. What does that say?

Lisbon: He's an idiot?

Jane: He's new to this, and he's conflicted. He's hungry to do terrible things, but his conscience and his fear tell him not to. So he's not yet going into this with the proper focus and planning, and stuff goes wrong.

Lisbon: Or you're making that up, and Melanie was m*rder*d by her secret lover We can be fairly certain she was meeting at the exact time of her abduction.

Van Pelt: Excuse me. I'm still here. What would you like me to do?

Lisbon: Call all the motels within 10 miles of shand creek. Find one that had a cash booking who didn't show on the night of the m*rder.

Lisbon: No, let's work the solid leads first. Cross-check all the full-size black trucks with known criminals in the napa area.

Van Pelt: Yes, ma'am.

Lisbon: Look, if the boyfriend angle doesn't work, we'll look at your trainee psychopath, okay?

Jane: Okay.

Raquel: I don't know anything, so I can't tell anything! I told them that. I told you I don't know anything.

Lisbon: Has a seat, Miss Garcia.

Cho: Thanks.

Jane: Hello, Raquel.

Raquel: Melanie had a thing with Hector Romerez. He's my second cousin. I was with him at the fair one time, and we ran into melanie, and then they were like bam— Romeo and juliet. She was meeting him that night.

Lisbon: The night she died ?

Raquel: Yes. And I didn't tell you because I'm afraid of him. The eight ball locos? He runs all the dr*gs in Vacaville. And he's had people k*lled for way less than just snitchin' on him like this, for real.

Lisbon: That was funny, the way she gave him up so easily like that.

Jane: Yeah, it was. But you were right, huh? Secret lover. Guess I was wrong about the whole red hair and duct tape thing.

Lisbon: You hypnotized her, didn't you?

Jane: I certainly did not. Okay. No. Yes, I did hypnotize her, but—

Lisbon: But nothing. It's unprofessional, and it's illegal.

Cho: It's totally out-of-bounds.

Jane: That's what I told him. I was gonna say you had nothing to do with it, but hey...

Lisbon: You allow him to pull that stuff again, and you'll be showing visitors around the statehouse in a stupid hat.

Cho: Yes, ma'am. Understood.

Lisbon: Rigsby, I got a hot warrant in Vacaville. You can get there in an hour, can't ya?

Rigsby: Yes, boss. I'll get rolling.

Lisbon: Bring Van Pelt.

Rigsby: Yes, bo—for a hot warrant?

Lisbon: Why are you still on the line?


Rigsby: Hey, come on. Let's go.

Hector house's. Jane wait near cars

Policeman: Well, they do have six flavors, sweetie. Sheriff's department! We have a warrant! Open up!

Hector jumps through the window

Policeman: Don't move ! He's out ! He's out !

He runs towards Jane but Lisbon catches him

Lisbon: Put your right hand behind your back. Stop resisting. Give me your hand!

Policeman: Don't move! Don't move!

Rigsby: Boom. Out of nowhere. Guy didn't know what hit him. So what were you planning todo if lisbon hadn't stopped him !

Jane: Oh, i-i didn't bother to formulate a plan. I-i knew she'd stop him.

Lisbon: Cho, Jane, let's move. You two fill out the paperwork with the staties, then go back to sacramento, hold the fort.

Rigsby: Yes, boss.
Sheriff office's

Lisbon: Hector, we're investigating the m*rder of melanie O'Keefes. Do you know who she was? She was suffocated and then stabbed to death and dumped on the side of the road three nights ago. We know you and melanie were lovers. We know you were planning to meet her that night, and we can put your truck in the shand creek parking lot. I've got enough to charge you with, Hector.

Jane: W-we just want to know your side of the story.

Lisbon: How'd you two meet?

Hector: Oprah and dr. Phil here. I told her this is how it was going to end, only it was going to be me that died and her sitting here with dumb cops asking dumb questions.

Lisbon: Why was she?

Hector: You wouldn't understand.

Jane: Sure she would. All women understand the charm of a violent man.

Hector: What we had was special.

Lisbon: You made her feel like a captured princess instead of a small town choir nerd. And she made you feel like a dashing pirate instead of what you are— Sort of a bad-tempered pharmacist.

Hector: Funny man. Ese, those pirates back then, they were just bangin' like anybody else today. A pirate is exactly what I am, and she was a princess. She was.

Lisbon: What happened that night?


Hector: We were supposed to meet at 11:30 at the restaurant. I got there ten minutes late, and she hadn't come out yet. I waited for a few minutes, and I left.

End of Flash-back

Hector: I'm impatient. I was angry. I will always hate myself for that. I left her to be k*lled because I don't wait for nobody.

Lisbon: That's a noble admission, Hector. How did you feel about the fact she was going to college in the fall?

Hector: I was proud... And happy for her.

Lisbon: She was leaving you behind.

Hector: I wanted her to leave me behind. I wanted her far away. I told her, "go to L. A. And don't come back for nothing."

End of the interrogation

Jane: He's telling the truth.

Lisbon: And now you're just trying to be contrary. Have you read his sheet?

Jane: Did you hear what he said?

Lisbon: He's a good actor. It was you who thought it was him in the first place.

Jane: I said Melanie had a secret lover. I didn't say he k*lled her.

Lisbon: If it wasn't him, then who was it? And if you say a man who likes red hair and silver duct tape, I'll scream.

Jane: I don't want you to scream.

Lisbon: Look, you have your reasons. I understand. But you're seeing more than what's actually there. You have a tendency to do that. Not every m*rder is a secret inside of a secret inside of a secret. There's not always a hidden pattern.

Jane: Not always, but sometimes there is.

Lisbon: Sometimes the obvious guy did it. Most of the time, the obvious guy did it. Look at the time line. Hector's admitted he was in the parking lot for ten minutes, give or take. There wasn't enough time for anybody else to have entered the parking lot, abducted Melanie and driven away. It was Hector.

Jane: You're right. There's no time.

Jane sees Frankie in the hall of the sheriff office's

Jane: Hey, Frankie.

Jane and Frankie go to a dinner

Jane: So, uh, show me.

Frankie: Show you what?

Jane: Your g*n.

Frankie: I don't have a g*n.

Jane: No?

Van Pelt: Hello?

Jane: Hey, Van Pelt. Uh, Lisbon changed her mind. She wants you to check out those motels like I said.

Van Pelt: The motels?

Jane: Looking for one with a no-show cash booking that night. Cover all the bases, she says. She's right here if you want a word with her.

Van Pelt: Uh, that's okay, but listen, i—

Jane: Call me first if you get anything... No g*n, huh? What were you gonna k*ll Hector with, a knife?

Frankie takes out an ax of his bag

Jane: That should work. Just, uh... Put it away. What if it turns out that Hector isn't the man who k*lled your sister?

Hector: Isn't he?

Jane: We don't know that yet. But you don't have to worry about that. That's for us to work out. You need to be here for your family and leave the vengeance part to us.

Hector: When you find who did it for sure, will you k*ll him?

Jane: No. I won't k*ll him, but I'll make him very sorry. I have a daughter who'd be about your age if I hadn't caused her death... Her and her mother.

Frankie: How?

Jane: Out of arrogance... Stupidity. I made an evil man very angry, and he k*lled them to teach me a lesson, To make me sorry for what I'd done. And I am sorry. Being sorry is a far worse punishment than being dead. Everybody dies. Very few people ever feel truly sorry for the bad things they've done. It hurts... Van Pelt, what do you got?

Jane goes to the motel

Work's motel: Microwave, spa tub and premium cable in every unit. Special rates for state and federal employees.

Jane: What did he look like— this man?

Work's motel: Big, with a hat and sunglasses... And a thick beard, like a sikh.

Jane: An absurd disguise, in other words?

Work's motel: Ridiculous. I run a motel. I don't care who you are. He bought a good beard for nothing. Then that night he doesn't show, so I remembered him when your nice young lady called.

Jane: Uh, no disrespect, but, uh, your maid isn't very thorough.

Work's motel: No, she is most thorough. She cleans here tomorrow. For monthly rentals, she—

Jane: Monthly?

Work's motel: Yes. She comes every third day.

Jane: So he's been here recently, in the last two days.

Work's motel: The chips would imply this, yes?

Jane: Yes, they—they would. This?

Work's motel: Oh, th-those are not ours.

Jane: He's coming back.

Office's sheriff

Lisbon: Okay. Thank you. Nice work. Yes ?

Jane: Listen, I don't want to make you mad, but I found something really interesting, and I want you to take a look at it.

Lisbon: You can't make me mad. Go ahead. What'd you find?

Jane: You first. Who made you so happy?

Lisbon: Forensics. There's substantial traces of Melanie's blood on the seat of Hector's truck.

Jane: So... Happy day.

Lisbon: Yeah. Now I'm gonna go and see what Hector has to say about it. What'd you find?

Jane: Uh, it—it can wait.

Room of interrogation

Hector: Blood? Yes. Last time I saw her, two weeks ago, she was disrespectful, so I had to tune her up. She got a bloody nose.

Lisbon: Was physical abuse a normal occurrence in your relationship, or is this more of a recent thing?

Hector: She chose me. She wanted to know where the edges are. I showed her.

End of interrogation

Lisbon: Go ahead. Say it.

Jane: I think he's telling the truth.

Lisbon: And I disagree. I'm charging him.

Jane: No. Yes. Good. That's good. Go ahead. You got more than enough evidence. Oops, nearly forgot.

Lisbon: Okay, tell me. What'd you find?

Jane: Telling you won't do. I have to show you... Uh, I made a booking for two for this afternoon. Could you put us on the terrace? It's more romantic. Thanks. Yeah. Patrick. Lovely. See you then... Don't fret. I wouldn't seduce you over a meal. That would be very sophomoric.

Lisbon: I didn't think you were trying to seduce me.

Jane: Come on. How could that thought not have entered your head? Your denial that it did intrigues me.

Lisbon: Bite me.

At the motel

Lisbon: What is this? That's Van Pelt? What is she doing?

Jane: Thiss a live feed from the shand creek restaurant, and this is how we're gonna catch melanie's k*ller.

At the Shand Creek (Cho is in hideout)

Cho: Say again.

Rigsby: Nothing.

Cho: Oh, I see you.

Van Pelt: How do I look?

Rigsby: Good. You look good.

Van Pelt: I meant, can you see the wire?

Rigsby: Nope. Nope.

At the motel

Jane: The k*ller plans to bring his victim back to this room. And when he does, we're gonna be here to greet him. How sweet is that?

Lisbon: This is all a big elaborate joke you're gonna apologize for now. Yes?

Jane: Whoever k*lled melanie had to be there that night at shand creek. Your time line proves it. There's no way anyone else could've done it. One of the 20 people there that night k*lled melanie. All 20 of those people are there now today, including the k*ller.

Lisbon: And he's gonna try it again today? Come on.

Jane: No, no. Yes, yes, that's just the point. Yes, he is gonna try again. He's planning on it. And he's gonna try again today because we're gonna make him try again because he's not in control of his desires. He's been thinking of nothing else but this perverse craving of his. He's gotten so close. He's desperate to go all the way. All we need to do is present him with something he can't resist, something that he will jump at, and damn the consequences. Give it a try. If I'm wrong, there's no harm down.

Shand Creek

Van Pelt: It's fusion.

Rigsby: Confusion. Up to me, make it a cheeseburger every time.

Van Pelt: Oh, me, too. With onion rings.

Waiter: Good appetite

Van Pelt: Thanks. Let's do it.

Rigsby: Not yet.

Van Pelt: Why not?

Rigsby: This is actually quite good.

She put hil a slap

Van Pelt: You're meant to shout at me and leave.

Rigsby: Now you've gone too far! I hate you!

Rigsby joins Cho

Cho: Smooth work.

Rigsby: Don't.

Shand Creek

Sandra: Can I call you a cab?

Van Pelt: No, thank you. I need a walk. I have a number for a cab if I need one. Thank you for a delicious meal.

Sandra: Oh, you're so welcome.

Van Pelt: I just left the restaurant. I'm heading towards the main road now. Aah !

Sheriff: Sorry, miss. I didn't see you there. I was just, uh... You okay?

Van Pelt: Oh, sure. Absolutely. Just scared me a little.

At the motel

Jane: He w—he wasn't su— what the hell is he doing there?

Lisbon: He was there. He was there that night.

On the road of the Shand Creek

Sheriff: Going for a stroll?

Van Pelt: Fresh air.

Sheriff: Only you need to be careful. We've been looking for a m*rder*r loose around here. Yeah, went after a girl just like you—red hair and all.

Van Pelt: No kidding.

Sheriff: Yeah. I'll, uh, drive you up to the main road.

Van Pelt: Oh, thank you, but...

Sheriff: No, no trouble, really. My car's just over here on the side.

Van Pelt: (To Cho) Please advise.

Cho: Keep it rolling.

Sheriff: Beg your pardon?

Van Pelt: I'm not used to wearing these shoes.

Sheriff: Hey, you, uh, are you out here alone?

Van Pelt: I had an argument with my date.

Sheriff: Oh, sorry to hear that. You know, if you were my date, I wouldn't, uh, I wouldn't argue, pretty lady like yourself. My car's just right over here.

Van Pelt: It—it's okay. I'll walk.

Sheriff: Wait, no. I won't let you.

Cho: Shit

Sheriff: Re—really, ma'am. Really, i-i don't feel comfortable letting you go.

Van Pelt: Really, I'm fine.

Sheriff: I think you're intoxicated.

Van Pelt: I am not.

Rigsby: Get your hands off her!

Sheriff: What the hell's the matter with you? You're under arrest!

Rigsby: No, you're under arrest, you piece of—

Van Pelt and Cho: Rigsby, calm down.

Sheriff: Cho? Is this clown one of yours? What the hell is going on here?

Policeman: Sheriff, everything okay?

Sheriff: Well, yeah, now it is... Suppose so. Barely.

At the motel

Lisbon: Everything's funny.

Jane: Well, if you try. I mean, come on. It's pretty funny. Strange, though. I-i was sure the chef would bite. I mean, there's still a chance he could show up.

Lisbon: The chef—Malcolm? Why do you think it's him?

Jane: He uses way too much butter.

Lisbon: Say?

Jane: He's a gluttonous baby. He's self-indulgent. He wants what he wants and he takes it.

Lisbon: Too much butter ?

Jane: Yeah.

Lisbon: It's fascinating the way your mind works. One thing, though—malcolm was in the kitchen with 20 people when melanie was taken. He couldn't have done it.

Jane: Hang on. There—there's a way he could—

Lisbon: Forgive me if I can't stay for more of your theorizing, But I've gotta go and see if I can save your colleagues from getting formal complaints in their files...

Lisbon fate of the room. She receives a call and a Shand Creek van arrives at the parking lot.

Lisbon: Yeah, I'll be right there. No, I know where it is. Okay. Right here.

In the room

Sandra: That's good. You're good. You're good. Oh, it's okay. It's okay. Good? Good. Quiet! Quiet!


Melanie enters the restaurant having quarreled with Randall and sees Malcolm. He ties her up and he and his wife takes him in the small van and go away just as the sheriff arrives at the restaurant. Sandra asks him to keep quiet with a knife.

End of flashback

Malcolm: Okay. Okay, help me put this on the bed.

Sandra: Okay.

Malcolm: Oh !

Jane: Stop. Think. Do not move. Whatever you do, do not move.

Malcolm: What?

Jane: Do not move!

Sandra: Stop! Come back here! Stop!

Malcolm: What are you doing here?

Jane: Think. Think.

Malcolm: What are you doing here?

Jane: Does it matter? I'm here. This place is surrounded by police and cbi agents.

Malcolm: Oh, no.

Sandra: He's lying. They would be up here arresting us by now if they were here.

Jane: S.W.A.T. They're waiting on S.W.A.T. There's no way out of this.

Sandra: Nobody. Let's just k*ll them and get out of here.

Jane: Whoa, whoa, listen to me. You can walk away from all of this. No disrespect, but you're both clinically insane. You're not gonna go to prison. You'll go to a hospital for a couple of years, and you can walk away.

Malcolm: Shut up! Just shut up! I'm—i'm trying to think.

Sandra: Oh, now he's trying to think!

Malcolm: Don't pretend you didn't want this. You wanted it just as much as me!

Sandra: Yeah, but I told you we didn't have enough time.

Malcolm: I told you that we didn't—

Sandra: Don't you point that at me!

Malcolm: I swear to god, woman, one more word out of you!

Lisbon arrives

Lisbon: Police.

Malcolm has him threat and Lisbon sh**t him

Lisbon: Put the g*n down!

Sandra: No!

Lisbon sh**t and goes towards the victim

Lisbon: Okay. All right. It's okay. You're gonna be fine, all right? Here, come on. Okay? We're gonna get you out of here.

The team goes to the Melanie's burial

Van Pelt: I don't get it. She actually enjoyed helping him k*ll. One crazy evil person, I understand. But two? Husband and wife? Marriage is supposed to be a sacred, loving thing.

Jane: They were soul mates in their own strange way.

Mr. O'Keefes: Let's go.
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