01x01 - Pilot

Complete collection of episode transcripts for seasons 1 - 7. Aired: September 2008 to February 2015.*

Moderator: Maggiemay19

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A famous "psychic" outs himself as a fake and starts working as a consultant for the California Bureau of Investigation so he can find "Red John," the madman who k*lled his wife and daughter.
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01x01 - Pilot

Post by bunniefuu »


Libson: Captain.

Captain: Agent Lisbon. Don't think we'll be needing you guys. We like the neighbour kid who found the body.

Libson: Did he confess?

Captain: Eh, he's a real squirrel. I'd say...

Voice [off-screen]: Mercy's father would like to give a brief statement.

Morgan: I just want to take a moment and thank everyone in law enforcement and all the volunteers who helped us in the search for our beloved daughter. The way that this entire community has come together to support me and Juniper in this terrible time has been a great comfort to us. And now I would just like to ask that you give us some time and space and privacy to grieve for our daughter...

Tolliver's house

Jane: Hello, Mrs Tolliver.

Juniper: Who are you?

Jane: My name's Patrick Jane. I'm here to help you. Would you like a cup of tea?

Juniper: Yes, I would. Thank you.

Jane: You must be tired. Why don't you sit down? It's nice and quiet in here, isn't it? Quiet, soothing, calm. Calm. I've been watching you and your husband and I want you to know that I understand what you're feeling right now.

Juniper: You have no idea. Believe me.

Jane: I do. I know. I know and I want to help you.

Juniper: You can't help me. What do you know?

Jane: All sorts of things. You really only pretend to like skiing, right?

Juniper: Yes, but...

Jane: You're pleased that your best friend recently gained some weight, about ten pounds. You wish you'd been more adventurous when you were younger. You love India, but you've never been there. You have trouble sleeping. Your favourite colour is blue.

Juniper: I don't understand. You're... you're psychic?

Jane: No. Just paying attention. I used to make a good living pretending to be a psychic. I tell you this because I want you to understand there's no point hiding things from me.

Juniper: Hiding what?

Jane: You know what I see when I look at your husband? I see a warm, loving, generous man. A little vain maybe. Selfish. Controlling. But a decent man.

Juniper: Yes.

Jane: So why do you suspect him of murdering your daughter?

Juniper: I don't. The McCluskey boy did it.

Jane: Yes, that's what the police say. But you think they're wrong. Why?

Juniper: I don't know, I don't know! I...

Jane: Tell me.

Juniper: Last year they had been so strange with each other. And neither one would admit that anything was wrong and I think that... I think that she tried to tell me once, and I didn't... I... God. Oh god.

Jane: Did you ask him if he k*lled her?

Juniper: What would he say?

Jane: Most wives can tell when their husbands are lying.

Juniper: Yes. Yes. I... I don't want tea. The McClusky boy did it.

Jane: Maybe.

Juniper: You think he did it too?

Jane: I trust a mother's instinct.

Morgan: June. There you are. Hi. Who are you?

Jane: I'm the police. Did you k*ll your daughter?

Morgan: How dare you?!

Jane: I asked you a simple question, sir. Did you k*ll your daughter?

Morgan: No, I did not k*ll my daughter! Now you get the hell out of my house! June? June, what's the matter with you? I'm going to have your badge!

Jane: An innocent man would have punched me by now.

Morgan: I am going to make life miserable for you! You come in here. You accost my wife. You cause trouble... June. June, honey, please...

Jane: Honestly. It's not as bad as it looks.

Lisbon: Mrs Tolliver. Mrs Tolliver.

Palm Springs, California. Two weeks later

Price: Then the sonofab*tch eagles seventeen. Are you kidding me? On that course! A damn eagle.

Tag: That course never suited you, Price. You'll do better in Orlando. We have a nice spot on the draw.

Price: Well, I tell you what, Davis Love III can kiss my butt.

Price: Alison? Alison!

Palm Springs International Airport

Van Pelt: Ah, sorry...

Lisbon: You checked luggage? What, are you on vacation?

Van Pelt: No ma'am. Won't do it again.

Lisbon: When your trousseau arrives, pick up the second rental and go direct to the Sheriff's department. Hustle us up a couple of rooms, furniture and phone lines.

Van Pelt: Yes, ma'am.

Lisbon: Come on, let's go.

Riverside County Morgue.

Jane: Morning everybody. How was your flight?

Lisbon: Go away. You're on suspension.

Jane: Thank you. [He runs to catch up with Lisbon and walks beside her.] Mandated leave. Ends next week.

Lisbon: So come back next week.

Jane: Hot enough for you?

Lisbon: Which one of you jackasses told him? It was you, wasn't it Cho.

Cho: Yes, it was.

Jane: Of course he called me. It's Red John. You can't keep me out of this. Why would you want to?

Lisbon: You got a man k*lled. There's consequences.

Jane: A man that m*rder*d his daughter because she wouldn't have sex with him anymore.

Lisbon: You didn't know that. You did not know that. If she hadn't left a diary...

Jane: But she did, though. Be reasonable. This is my case.

Lisbon: Your case.

Jane: Red John is mine.

Lisbon: Red John doesn't belong to anyone.

Jane: He belongs to me.

Lisbon: It's not my call. Rules are rules. Come back next week. Don't let this man past. Boss...

M.E.: We have Gregory Tannen, Caucasian, male, 43, single. We haven't opened him up yet, but burn marks...

Jane: Sorry I went over your head. I'll redeem myself, I promise.

Lisbon: If you want redemption, be silent.

Jane: Okay, I can really do that.

Lisbon: Shh. Sorry.

M.E.: ...but burn marks here indicate that the victim was subdued with a stun g*n, standard civilian model, by the look of it. Death appears to be caused by several blows to the back of the skull, consistent with a bloodied golf club found at the scene. The female is Alison Randolph, 27, married, no children. They were found at her listed residence. TOD looks to be early Saturday evening. On Alison we have the same stun g*n marks, followed by binding with tight black plastic ligatures, frenzied cutting and stabbing as*ault to the torso and subsequent abuse of the viscera.

Cho: Textbook Red John.

Lisbon: Who found the bodies?

Cho: This one's husband, coming home from the airport Sunday morning with his brother. He's a pro golfer.

Rigby: Oh, yeah?

Cho: Price Randolph.

Lisbon: What's her deal with him? Do we know?

Cho: He's on file as one of her physicians.

Lisbon: Making a house call?

Rigsby: Lovers?

Jane: No, this one's gay.

M.E.: Dr Wagner might know what their relationship was. He's here to make a formal ID.

Jane: Okay.

In the hallway of the morgue.

Lisbon: Dr Wagner. Hi. I'm Agent Teresa Lisbon, California Bureau of Investigation. What's your connection to the victims?

Wagner: Well, I work with Gregory - Dr Tannen - and the Randolph family are long-time clients of our practice.

Lisbon: Are house calls the norm at your practice?

Wagner: No. Gregory and Alison were close friends.

Rigsby: Lovers?

Wagner: No, he was gay. No, they were just friends. What in God's name happened to them?

Rigsby: Looks like Red John.

Wagner: Who's Red John?

Lisbon: We don't know who did this. We'll be in touch, probably. Thank you.

Randolph house.

Partridge: Red John enters here. Excuse me. He comes around here. He waits for her, expecting her to come in alone. Only thing, her friend Tannen chose the wrong night to come over for a Richard Gere and ice cream orgy. So Red John zaps them both with his trusty stun g*n and ... excuse me ... grabs a five iron from the bag here and BAM crushes Tannen's skull. Then takes his sweet time dealing with Alison how he likes. She's a nice big girl, so unless he's pretty strong, I guess he grabbed her by the arms...

FLASHBACK, 5 YEARS AGO: Interior TV studio. Jane, slick and arrogant, performing a psychic medium act before a live audience. The audience is hushed and still.

Jane: He says that he's sorry for all the pain he caused you and your mother. Deeply sorry. He asks you to forgive him. Can you do that, Jenny? He needs to hear it.

Jenny: I forgive you, Daddy. I forgive you.

Jane: Oh, yes. He's smiling now. There are tears of joy. He says God bless you and keep you. He's gone.

Kelly: Amazing. Amazing. Amazing.

Davids: She's amazed. Patrick.

Jane: One second.

Kelly: Give him some time.

Davids: Absolutely, come on back to us.

Jane: I'm back. Thank you.

Kelly: He's back.

Davids: So Patrick, I understand that you're also sort of a paranormal detective. Is that right?

Jane: I try to help the police when I can.

Davids: And you're helping them hunt this scary serial k*ller, what's his name?

Kelly: Red John.

Davids: Red John.


Bedroom of the Randolph house.

Partridge: There she blows. The classic Red John smiley face. Drawn in the victim's blood clockwise with three fingers of his right hand wearing a rubber kitchen glove. I'm stoked to finally see one in the flesh.

Jane: This isn't Red John.

Partirdge: Ri-i-ight.

Jane: Red John thinks of himself as a showman, an artist. He has a strong sense of theatre. In all of the previous killings, he made sure that the first thing that anyone sees is the face on the wall. You see the face first and you know. You know what's happened and you feel dread. Then, and only then, do you see the body of the victim. Always in that order. Here it's the opposite. The first thing you see is the body and you have to look around to see the face on the wall. It doesn't play nearly as well, does it?

Lisbon: Depends on your taste, I suppose.

Jane: No. Come on. The k*ller could have painted on the correct wall, here. But he didn't because he didn't know better because he isn't Red John.

Partridge: Wow. Interesting.

Jane: You know what your problem is, my friend? You enjoy your work a little too much. You're a ghoul. If you don't get horny reading Fangoria, I'm Britney Spears.

Partridge: I resent that!

Lisbon: This is you trying to redeem yourself, is it?

Jane: I'm sorry. He irks me. He's irksome. (He walks out.) You don't need me here.

Sheriff's office.

Lisbon: So yeah. This one doesn't fit the pattern.

Cho: So Jane was right. We have a copycat.

Lisbon: Or we have Red John trying new things. Or we have Red John making a mistake. We don't know. We'll work the evidence until we do know. Go talk to the husband.

Rigsby: Will do, Boss.

Lisbon: What are you waiting for? Hey. So, you might be right about this case, might be. Thanks for the insight. No, did I say that? I'm acknowledging the fact that you might be right, that's all. I mean, if you wanted to come back, I couldn't stop you. Yeah, fine, I'm asking you to come back. Because... because you're useful to the team. No! No, I won't say 'please', go screw yourself! Jackass.

Jane: Good morning.

Van Pelt: Can I help you?

Jane: You must be Van Pelt. A pleasure. Patrick Jane.

Van Pelt: Oh, hi! Good to meet you! Agent Cho said you'd left town.

Jane: No. Nowhere to go.

Van Pelt: Okay. Uh... do you want that desk over there or this one? I mean, that one gets more light.

Jane: That one. More light, by all means. Very pleasant addition to the Serious Crimes family.

Lisbon: Oh, hi, when did you get here?

Randolph house

Price: I lost a beautiful precious angel.

Cho: Yes, sir. Good-looking woman. I'm jumping right in, if you don't mind, Price. You missed the tournament cut on Friday, yes? But you didn't come home until Sunday. What did you do with the rest of your time in Fresno?

Price: I get this. You guys can't catch the real k*ller, so you want to lay this one on me?

Rigsby: No, sir. If we have confirmation of where you were, it lets us exclude you from the investigation.

Price: I was with a massage therapist.

Cho: Name?

Price: It had Lady in there somewhere.

Tag: It'll be on his credit card bill.

Price: There you go. Pleasure meeting you boys.

Dr Wagner's office.

Wagner: ...We're a full service private practice. We deliver primary care, cosmetic surgery, psychotherapy, sports medicine, you name it.

Jane: What's the African connection?

Wagner: It's what this place is all about. Half of our profits go to build and staff basic health clinics in poor African communities. Well, here we are. It's a thin file. Alison was a healthy young woman.

Lisbon: Psychiatric history?

Wagner: She didn't have one.

Lisbon: STDs? Abortions? Unexplained injuries?

Wagner: No. Aside from routine check-ups with me, it's all Dr Tannen. All aesthetic work.

Jane: Did Tannen keep a diary? Our last case was solved because the victim kept a diary.

Wagner: A diary? I don't think so.

Lisbon: Getting back to Alison Randolph. How was her marriage do you think? Happy? Unhappy?

Wagner: About six months ago, Dr Tannen asked my advice. Alison had asked him to get her a year's supply of birth control pills off the books, which is strictly against AMA code. I said sure, do it. I mean, better us than some Tijuana drugstore.

Lisbon: Why the secrecy?

Wagner: Price Randolph had a vasectomy. April of '02. If there's anything else I can do...

Lisbon: We appreciate that.

Jane: Actually, there is. I'm out of sleeping pills. Can you fix me up? Anything strong will do.

Wagner: Sure. Come in for a consultation. We'll squeeze you in this afternoon.

Jane: Oh. No. I was hoping to get something now. Trying to avoid the chitchat.

Wagner: I'm sorry, I wouldn't be comfortable prescribing without some sort of chit chat.

Jane: I understand. No problem. I'll call you, maybe.
Seafood restaurant

Cho: I like the husband for it. He hires some hooker he knows to create an alibi, flies home, filets the spouse, flies back again. It's a classic elaborate and clever, but ultimately stupid, plan.

Jane: Have you looked at his PGA tournament record?

Cho: Not bad. 6 mill career earnings.

Jane: For coming in second and third. You put him on the 18th tee with a big win on the line, like night follows day he'll shank it. He's a choker. He doesn't have the nerve to k*ll his wife. Didn't do it.

Lisbon: Are you suggesting we drop a prime suspect because he's never won a major?

Jane: Oh, no, no, no. I'm just making idle conversation.

Van Pelt: How'd you do that?

Jane: Telekinesis.

Cho: He blew on it.

Jane: That is another way to do it.

Van Pelt: Mr. Jane, I have a question regarding your previous career path.

Jane: Fire away.

Van Pelt: When you met with other psychics, real psychics, could they tell you were just pretending?

Jane: There's no such thing as real psychics.

Van Pelt: I beg to differ. My cousin Yolanda is a psychic.

Jane: Your cousin is deluded or dishonest or both.

Rigsby: Hey, steady.

Van Pelt: No, no, he's entitled to his opinion. He's wrong, though. She has power. She can communicate with the other side. I've seen her do it myself.

Jane: She let you speak with someone that's gone.

Van Pelt: Yes.

Jane: Someone that you love and still miss very much.

Van Pelt: Yes.

Jane: You wanted her power to be real so it was.

Van Pelt: No.

Rigsby: You're so sure you're right. Science don't know everything.

Van Pelt: Five hundred years ago, radio would have seemed like magic.

Rigsby: Exactly.

Van Pelt: Five hundred years in the future, it could be totally normal to communicate with the other side.

Jane: The other side? Your father's a football coach, yeah?

Van Pelt: How did you know that?

Jane: It's obvious from your whole demeanour. My point is, didn't dad always say life is like football? When that final whistle blows, the game is over, done. There is no more. There is no other side. This is it. Lobster and bread rolls and nautical kitsch and then psssh. Nothingness.

Van Pelt: You poor, sad man. The kingdom of God is a real place.

Jane: Okay. Later tonight when Rigsby asks you to come back to his hotel room, say yes.

Van Pelt: Excuse me?

Jane: I know. You were planning on refusing him very curtly. First week on the job, you want to set a tone. No monkey business. But why not? Rigsby is an excellent lover, I'm sure. Tough, but fair. Right? Right.

Van Pelt: The kingdom of God is a real place, Mr Jane. And you have an immortal soul.

Jane: Oh, I do so hope you're wrong.

Hotel elevator

Cho: Goodnight.

Van Pelt: Goodnight.

Rigsby: Later, dude.This is me.Welcome to the unit, Agent Van Pelt.

Van Pelt: Thank you, Agent Rigsby.

Jane's hotel room.

Van Pelt: "Greetings old friend, it's been a while. I hope you are keeping well. I am thriving and happy. I have 12 wives now and will soon begin courting number 13. Why can't you catch me? You must feel so powerless and stupid and sad. Oh well. All the best, Red John."

Cho: That sounds like the real deal to me.

Jane: Sounds like Red John. It's not. Red John wouldn't risk capture just to taunt me.

Rigsby: So the real k*ller is trying to throw us off track?

Lisbon: Cho, find out where Price Randolph was a half an hour ago. Rigsby, I want you to check the hotel security cameras. Get those over to forensics. You okay?

Jane: Absolutely.

Lisbon: Get some sleep.

Sheriff's Office.

Rigsby: Hello.

Jane: Morning.

Lisbon: You didn't sleep, did you? Hi, I'd like to make an appointment with Dr Wagner, please. It's urgent. Jane. Patrick Jane. Yeah, I'll hold.

Rigsby: Forensics maybe got a break. The blood in the clot in the envelope is Alison Randolph's, but they found a hair in there. Doesn't belong to her or Tannen. Guess who it does belong to?

Interrogation room.

Cho: It's yours, Tag. Amazing, huh? Science.

Tag: This is insane. I didn't... I didn't k*ll Alison.

Cho: How do you explain your hair in the envelope?

Tag: Either it's a mistake, or... or I'm being framed.

Cho: Who would want to frame you? We don't want to, if that's what you're thinking.

Jane: He and Alison were lovers.

Cho: Who would want to frame you, Tag?

Tag: My brother.

Cho: Why would he want to do that?

Tag: Alison and I were lovers.

Van Pelt: I think you are psychic. You're just afraid to admit it.

Jane: Hmm.

Wagner's office

Wagner: So.

Jane: So.

Wagner: Why is it you can't sleep?

Jane: Because I can't get the good pills without talking to a doctor.

Wagner: And you don't like talking to doctors.

Jane: Meh. They always want to be the smartest person in the room, don't they? When in fact that's me, obviously.

Wagner: You protect your core self very fiercely. What do you think is the reason for that?

Jane: You know, this is exactly how I imagined it would be. Are you going to ask me about my mother?

Wagner: Do you want me to ask you about your mother?

Jane: I just want to sleep.

Wagner: What is it that keeps you awake?


Davis: What's his name? Red John?

Jane: That's right. Red John. He's k*lled at least 8 women that we know of. The police asked me to try and get a psychic fix on him and see if I can get a sense of who this man is.

Davids: How do you do that exactly? Get a psychic fix on someone?

Jane: Well, Davis, true demonic evil burns like fire. It burns with a terrible cold, dark flame. I force myself to look into that flame and I see an image of the evil-doer; in this case, Red John. He's an ugly, tormented little man; a lonely soul. Sad, very sad.


Wagner: Mr Jane. Mr Jane? What is it that keeps you awake?

Jane: Um. You know, when I was a boy, we had a farm. It was a lot of work. I was kind of a lazy kid.

Wagner: Yes?

Jane: I'd always be trying to get my little brother Jimmy to do my chores for me. One day I promised him a dollar if he cut the firewood. Well, he opened an artery in his leg on the saw and he bled to death. Died. Doing my chores for me.

Wagner: You know, that's almost exactly the same thing that happened to Johnny Cash.

Jane: Is it really? Wow. That's spooky.

Sheriff's office

Cho: Mr Randolph, good...

Price: Cut the crap. My brother's done nothing. You scumbags haven't got the stones to come after me, so you go after my family. That is flat-out persecution.

Lawyer: Price, what did we agree?

Cho: Mr Randolph, rest assured there's no intent to persecute you. We scumbags are holding your brother because we have physical evidence linking him to the crime, and potential motive, in that he states whenever you weren't around he was banging your wife like a big bass drum.

Price: Tag and Alison?

Cho: That's what he states. He further states it was you that k*lled Alison, and you're now trying to frame him in revenge.

Price: My god, what did you say?! What? Bastard!

Tag: Son of a bitch! You treated her like trash! What did you expect?

Price: I didn't expect my little brother to bang my wife, you little punk bastard!

Wagner's office.

Wagner: Everything you told me is total fiction, isn't it?

Jane: Yes.

Wagner: Why? I can tell you're in real pain. Why not tell the truth?

Jane: The truth is mine.

Wagner: I hear you.

Jane: Thank you.

Jane: Oh, yes. Remember we were talking about Tannen the other day and I asked you if he kept a diary and you said that he did? Well, there's no diary among his effects...

Wagner: No.

Jane: I'm sorry, no?

Wagner: No. You have it wrong. I didn't think he kept a diary.

Jane: Strange. Then it must have been someone else who told me. Either that or I'm going mad. But I definitely 100% remember hearing that Tannen kept a diary.

Wagner: That is strange. But why does it matter if he kept a diary?

Jane: You're right, it doesn't matter. Only I was thinking, why do magicians have beautiful girl assistants?

Wagner: Why?

Jane: Because they're reliable distracters of attention. People will look at a beautiful girl for a long time before they look where they should be looking if they want to see how the trick really works. Anyhow, I'll send over a couple of forensics guys tomorrow to search his office and locate that diary.

Wagner: Didn't they already search his office?

Jane: Oh, they never do it thoroughly the first time.Once more for luck, eh? It's gotta be there somewhere.Thanks for everything, Doc.

Wagner: Goodnight. Goodnight.

Tannen's office

Jane: Lost something?

Wagner: How did you get in?

Jane: The door was open. I think I left my phone in your office.

Wagner: The door wasn't open.

Jane: Must have been. Here I am.


We see Jane, as he was giving Wagner the hug, taking his key-card out of his pocket.


Jane: What are you doing?

Wagner: I confess, the temptation to play detective was a little too strong. I was looking for that diary. I got a little carried away.

Jane: No kidding. And no diary?

Wagner: No diary.

Jane: Maybe I should have a gander. I'm good at finding things.

Wagner: Be my guest.

Jane: Eureka.Dr Wagner, thank you for your help.

Wagner: Mr Jane, your phone.

Jane: Right. Thanks. Oh, yeah, got it. Silly of me. Well, goodbye again.

Wagner: Wait. Give me the diary. That's very amusing.

Jane: I try.

Wagner: I knew. I knew it might be a trick. But I had to be sure.

Jane: Yes. That's how the trick works.

Wagner: What led you to me? Not that I'm saying I did it, I'm just asking.

Jane: When we first met, you said you didn't know who Red John was, but you have books on criminal psychiatry there that have chapters on him. You're the Randolph family doctor, so you could easily get a strand of Tag's hair and being a doctor, you can hack up another human without difficulty. It's obvious it was you.

Wagner: That's it? You have nothing. That's just guesswork.

Jane: Oh, I know. I just wanted to be sure I had the right answer. I was surprised, I've got to be honest. You don't seem to be a wicked man. But you are.

Wagner: You're angry about the letter. Yeah, it was a bit mean-spirited. For the record, I'm sorry about your family. I can only imagine your pain. I'm not a wicked man. My conscience is clear.

Jane: Really?

Wagner: Right now, in Africa, there's 3000 beautiful children alive today who should be dead, but they aren't, because of me. Tannen was going to ruin me and destroy all that work. Over nothing. Money. Theft, he called it. Embezzlement. The self-righteous idiot. It's simple math. If I go to jail, thousands of kids will die, so I made a rational moral decision to k*ll Tannen for the greater good.

Jane: And Alison? What did she do wrong?

Wagner: As you said, she was the magician's assistant. Just a distraction. If only Tannen died, the police would have been all over this place, wouldn't they? Truly, is k*lling two any worse than k*lling one? When so many lives are at stake? I don't think so.

Jane: You poor, sad man. You're under arrest. Let's go.

Wagner: I'm pointing a g*n at you.

Jane: You really think I would set you up so nicely and let you pull a loaded g*n on me? I took the b*ll*ts out earlier.

Jane: You're late!

Rigsby: What?

Jane: Draw your w*apon!

Rigsby: Huh? Drop the g*n! Hands on your head. Get down on your knees. Down.

Sheriff's Office

Jane: Case closed doughnuts are here.I just went to get sleeping pills, I swear to God. I didn't even want to go. You know I didn't want to go.

Van Pelt: Right.

Rigsby: Yeah, you didn't set Wagner up. Didn't figure it was him days ago.

Cho: You didn't let us tear apart the victim's family simply to satisfy your childish need for drama.

Jane: Eh. That family was screwed anyway. Don't blame yourselves, guys.

Lisbon: Don't even start. I'm still angry.

Jane: I'm sorry.

Lisbon: No you're not. A frog? Well, this makes everything better, doesn't it?

Jane's Malibu house. Evening. He comes through the front door and puts some mail on the table by the door. We see that it's now the only furniture in the house, which has been stripped bare. Jane goes upstairs to the room where his family was k*lled. There is a mattress on the floor. He lies on it fully clothed. The camera pans up and we see that the bloody smiley face is still on the wall above the mattress, faded with time.
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