02x16 - Great Firewall

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Good Wife", including an unaired episode. Aired September 22, 2009 to May 8, 2016.*
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Alicia has been a good wife to her husband, a former state's attorney. After a very humiliating public scandal, he is behind bars. She must now provide for her family and returns to work as a litigator in a law firm.
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02x16 - Great Firewall

Post by bunniefuu »

I failed to do my due diligence, that's all.

I didn't know she was an illegal immigrant.

I also didn't know I would be running for this office.

MODERATOR: Mr. Childs, 30 seconds.

GLENN: With all due respect, that just doesn't wash.

You want my job-- a job that judges whether others have broken the law-- and you've just spent the past five years breaking the law.



Look at her negatives.

Now, you can't just say "Oops! My bad."

You broke the law, ma'am.

They don't like Wendy, but they don't like Childs criticizing her.

MODERATOR: Mr. Florrick, 30 seconds.

Come on, come on.

Stick to the script.

The youth vote. The youth vote.

This is our last debate.

In six weeks you're going to be voting.

So I want to address the young people in our audience.

(people cheer)

Listening to us, lately, you might think politics is all about shouting and finger-pointing, but I want you to remember this...

Look, look, look.

You are the future.

Come on. Prison, prison!

Your hopes, your dreams...

I know from my time in prison that what we do here matters.

(people cheer)

I'm a mother first, an activist second.

What I did, I did for my daughters.

And I think it's hypocritical for these two men to stand up here and act as if (telephone rings) they know the struggles of a working mom.

Alicia Florrick.

WILL: What're you worried about?

You're up by three votes.

DERRICK: That's what I'm worried about.

Three votes.

This Friday?

That's the plan.

DERRICK: Do you have the contracts?

Actually, I need Alicia in my deposition.

It's all coming down.

Tensions are high.


Partners' meeting. Friday.

Look, I know it's last minute, but I need you in these depositions.

ALICIA: What is it?

Internet suit.

Just dropped into our lap.

We're suing the search engine Chumhum.

They don't want to go to court, so we're trying to scare them into a settlement.

Just look angry and intense.

I can do that.

It was a Thursday.

I had just come home, uh, from classes.

Very late.

VIOLA: Now, Mr. Shen Yuan, when you've discussed this in the past...

DIANE: Excuse me, don't you want to hear the rest of his answer?

Oh, certainly.

Please continue.

Would you like...?

Um, I-I teach at Beijing Hongwu University...

Sorry, I-I taught-taught at.

I was working on notes for a lecture.

It was 10:00 at night, and the phone rang.

It was a voice I didn't know.

He said, "Are you home?"

Uh, I laughed.

I said, "Yes, of course."

And he hung up.

I thought it was a wrong number.

Then I was saying good night to my wife.

And, um, I-I remember, I-I started to-to say, "Do you think Tolstoy died happy?"

But before I finished, the door broke open and ten a-agents came in-- Guo an bu-- g-government agents.

They threw me on the floor, bound my feet, hands, and took me away in my nightclothes.

This was in 2004.

I didn't see my wife again until last year.

I was, uh, imprisoned in Beijing Prison #9, accused of inciting subversion.

You see, I-I had sent a-a blog entry, and I had sent it to a friend here, in Chicago.

And I had argued to him that democracy would come to China.

And how did you know that this was the reason for your arrest?

How-how did I know?

Yes. There's no record of your trial or your arrest warrant.

How do you know that it wasn't someone just informing on you?

Because the security men who tortured me for the next three weeks told me so.

VIOLA: And why do you blame Chumhum for this, sir?

Why not the Chinese authorities?

I do... I do blame the Chinese authorities, but I used your social media Web site.

I trusted my writings to remain anonymous.

But Chumhum gave my IP address to the police.

It's the only reason why I was arrested, imprisoned and tortured for five years.

DIANE: $28 million.

And an agreement to not turn over any more names to the Chinese authorities.

Mmm... no.

Okay, then, what else do we have to talk about?

Your cookies?

Chumhum is a worldwide company, like Yahoo, Google, Facebook.

We do business in Canada, Mexico, China, even... Easter Island.

We have to follow the laws of each individual country.

That's your defense?

That's part of our defense.

And, uh, human rights, they don't matter?

Uh, what human rights?

One person's freedom fighter is another person's t*rror1st.

Shen Yuan, as sympathetic as he is, broke his country's laws.

We didn't make those laws.

In fact, if we hadn't handed over his IP address, we would've been breaking their laws.

Yeah. Ask Yahoo how well that defense worked.

Yahoo never went to court.

Yep. They paid up, instead.

Now we're talking.

Lower your ask.

No, I don't think so.

All right, then consider this.

Chumhum could not have anticipated the repercussions of our actions.



WILL: Yeah, that's it.

The Chinese just wanted his IP address to throw him a little surprise party.

We'll be back.

(Viola chuckles)

Oh, I have a pen.

Do you want me to sign it?

Excuse me?

Your behind.

Do you want me to sign it?

They want to argue that they didn't know handing over Shen's IP address would result in his arrest and t*rture.

So you need to dig through all of Chumhum's writings, public statements, anything that contradicts that.

Got it.

Heading out for... that... divorce case we were talking about.

Do you need help with something else?

We're fine. Thanks.

DAVID: We're like homeless lawyers.

WILL: So, the vote is this Friday.

Bond... is up by three votes.

One of them is supposedly me.

So, really he's only up by one.

By two.

No, by one.

He loses your vote, that's one vote. He's up by two.

No. I move to Diane's side, so she gains one and he loses one.

Wh-What're you talking about?

What I'm talking about is I don't have time to...

Just agree we need more votes!

That's ridiculous!

We need more votes, and we're running out of time.

Julius, where are we on turning Fitzpatrick?

Still talking to him.

Nothing definite yet.

Well, what have you been doing?

What have I...? You know, in case you haven't noticed, I have a job.

Yeah, excuse me.

This is not a smoking section.

This is a secret section.

Walk away!

Walk away!

We still have to talk about how all this is going to shake out.

Oh... here we go.

Yeah. Here we go.

I want some assurances about the minority hiring program.

If he gets one more assurance, I swear to God...

Okay, okay!

You know,I'm not sure...

We're all going to benefit if we get Bond out.

So can we just hold it together for one more week, please?!

But no more meetings outside.

I walk away from this vent smelling like spaghetti.

DIANE: What do you think?

I think it's not exactly the Continental Congress, but all we need to do is switch one vote.

Or... add two.

Remember when our firms were brought together, under Stern?

You're not thinking about bringing Stern back, are you?

Because I'd really rather...

No, his g*ng of three. Remember?

The alter kockers?


We needed to keep them on the rolls per Stern's contract.

They didn't have to come in to work, but we sent them the quarterly reports, and...

They're still equity partners.

They're dead, aren't they?

They have to be dead.

One of them is dead.

Two of them... aren't.


Every statement made by every board member of Chumhum, and not a single one mentions China.

What's this?

Change of address.

For who?


Uh, I don't... think I even have your old address.

Well, now you have my new one.

I feel like we've grown closer together.

Okay, give it back.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

This is going in my copy of Eat, Pray, Love.



(cell phone beeps)


Peter did well in his debate today.

Yeah, I know.

Do you want him to win?


I just don't want to go back to the way things were.

Well, why would they?

I don't know. Life.

Zach. I just got Dad's text.

Everything good?


I'm going to be another hour.

Yeah, I'll tell him.

I love you.

All right, love you, too.

PETER: Wendy's not out. She's hurt.

But she's not out.

Oh, come on!

I don't want to hear anything discouraging!

You slaughtered them!

Okay, but...

No "buts"!

Give us a minute to feel good about this, huh?

No, no, no, no. Wait.

I-I want to hear this.

Go ahead.

Well, women sympathize with her, with Wendy.

Over Nannygate.

I thought so.

And she gave a good closing.

It's a very good closing.

I don't think we k*lled her.

I think she stays in the race.

Well, let her. She's injured.

She'll limp along.

What about Childs? You find out anything about his nanny?


Swedish au pair.

All paid up.

Everything legal.


ELI: But, hey! We're back from the grave.

We have money coming in, we'll start buying air time.

With six weeks left?


I don't think so.

We needed to make this a two-man race, and we didn't.

But it was a good day.

It was.

And a good race. Gentlemen...

Thank you.

It was an honor serving with you.

Hi, Becca? Yeah. I was just... wondering, do you still have those photos from drama camp?

No, it's important.

Neil Gross.

I'm CEO of Chumhum.

So you're the reason Shen Yuan was imprisoned and tortured?

No. You'll have to subpoena the Chinese authorities for that.

But you supplied the Chinese authorities with Mr. Yuan's IP address.

Yes, which we were forced to do.

If the U.S. government forced us to supply the IP addresses of a child pornographer, we would do the same.

Wait, so you're equating a Chinese dissident with a child pornographer?

Mmm... no.

I don't think any fair analysis of our exchange would conclude that, but... nice try.

WILL: Isn't the motto of your company "First, do no wrong"?

Yes, it is.

Do you believe you "did no wron"" when you turned Mr. Yuan's information over to the Chinese?

I believe "wrong" is best avoided by being open.

"Information wants to be free""

So to speak.

Information wants to be free, but people want to go to jail?

We had no foreknowledge of what the Chinese would do with the supplied IP addresses.

How old are you?

GROSS: Me, why?

Because I'm asking you a question in a deposition.

Oh. I'm 50. How old are you?

Don't you think it's a little old to be wearing a hoodie?

VIOLA: Is there any point to this line of questioning, other than to offend?

Not really, actually.

It's okay, Vi. It's all good.

I think hoodies are practical.

I think they help brand a lifestyle.

And I think I make more in an hour than you make in a year.

That help you?

Yes, it does, actually.

Uh, how many IP addresses of dissidents have you supplied to the Chinese authorities?

I don't know.

Not more than 50.

(marimba cell phone ringtone)

Not more than 50?


I... I think that number... surprised someone who was in prison and tortured for five years.

Look, um, I don't think you understand.

If the U.S. government thinks we should not be doing business in China, then they have one simple remedy: outlaw it.

Like they do in Cuba, but they don't do that.

And you know why?

I think I know what you'll argue.

Because American businesses in China help open the door.

Just a little bit.

We... let the light in.

WILL: It also doesn't hurt that we owe them $843 billion, does it?

GROSS: Guess I'm a lot less cynical than you, because I think we're changing the face of Chinese society.

Look what happened in Egypt.

(sighs) What?

You attended Stanford University, is that correct?

Yes, I did.

Oh, I wore a hoodie there, too.

In your Comparative Religions class in 1984, did you write a paper about the arrest and t*rture of Tibetan activists?


Are you all right?

The guard who took the most pleasure in my water... treatment-- it is simulated drowning-- he had a cell phone in his pocket.

And it would ring, and he would stop.

It's the same ring.

I hear it everywhere.


When-whenever I hear it, I think of that.

It's an odd way to walk through life.


My worry is they will offer money, and not stop this practice.


(Diane laughs)

Really? Your CEO makes more in an hour than I make in a year, and he wants to offer...

Direct damages.

Lost wages. The wife's loss of companionship.

Adjusted for inflation.

Our legal department looked into it; found no reason for punitive.

No pain and suffering?

Not that would warrant more than $865,000.

What do you have?

What do you think I have?

So, what?

"Lack of foreknowledge" didn't work for you, so now you're gonna go after Shen Yuan?

Why not Nelson Mandela?

Vaclav Havel?

See you tomorrow.

A bluff? Or what?

You're kidding.

I'm not.

Zach looks exactly like his dad.

Oh, Zach!

There you are.

Jackie and I were just having a little chat.


Well, I'll let you two get to it.

I'm really glad we got to talk, Jackie.


What are you doing with my grandmother?

Nothing, she was already here.

She's actually pretty cool.

Cool skips a generation, didn't you know that?

No. It doesn't.

So these are the pictures of Glenn, Jr. at drama camp.

What're you looking for?

My dad's trying to prove that Glenn Childs never paid his nanny.

They said it was a Swedish au pair.

But I thought I saw in your pictures...

Wait. Stop.

If that's his nanny, she's not Swedish.

We think they'll try to show Shen Yuan wasn't tortured.

DIANE (over speaker): Really, any idea how?

Well, my guess is they'll get a Chinese official on their witness list to insist there was no t*rture.

So we need to line up dissidents to refute it.

Well, okay. I'll be out of contact for an hour, so keep me in touch. Mm-hmm.

Sorry about that.

No, take your time.


We don't mind sitting here, waiting.

Well, as I was saying, we want you back.

Back for the next equity partner meeting.

What do we get?

Well, um, office space.

And a seat at the table.

And year-end bonuses?

What, next-year bonuses?

No, no, no.

This year.

I said "ice cream," you stupid bitch.

How many times do I have to say it?

(utensil clanks)

Um, would... you want year-end bonuses for a year that you didn't work?

You're paying for our wisdom.

LYMAN: You want our votes, right?

You want both our votes?


Then we have terms.

(car horn blares)


What are you doing here?

CARY: So a change of address notice, huh?

Why is that seen as such a revelation?

Hey, I'm just saying I have one.

I moved.

Good for you.



I like you, it's just... it's just, you know...

I'm not here for anything other than to tell you something.

A grand jury is being impaneled, looking into you.

Specifically into me?

Well... supposedly it's about corrupt practices by defense investigators, but, yeah...

Childs is focusing in on you; readying an indictment.


It's next week.

We're lining up witnesses and exhibits.

Can you tell me who?



I shouldn't be telling you this much.


Why did you send me a change of address notice, anyway?

I don't know. It just...

It just felt normal.

You're trying to be normal?

Sure. I like normal.

Welcome back to normal.

WOMAN: Florrick for State's Attorney.

How may I direct your call?

Well, look who we have here today.

Ah! Hello, Mr. Gold.

I come in peace.

Mm-hmm. Like Yasser Arafat?

Are you maybe confusing my office with the free clinic down the street?

Zach! Look! I found him.

Eli. How're you doing?

We have something to show you.

Zach has something to show you.

ZACH: You said that Childs paid the Swedish nanny in full.

If that's the case, then who's this?

She's not Swedish. I mean, look at her, she's black.

And Becca saw her bring Childs' son to drama camp.

Do you see?

I see. Thank you.

Then why are you not...

I mean, this is good, right?

You need to, like...

I need to what?

I don't know. Look into it?

What's wrong?

What's wrong is that Eli doesn't trust me.

No. This is... interesting.


I'm interested.

Could you just give me one moment?

(muffled grunting)


Look, I'm going to tell my dad.

Is there any way you have of finding out this nanny's name?


Then that would be helpful.

Great. We're on it.



I am the smartest person I know.

No, you can't have a corner office!

Because there are no corner offices left!

The alter kockers?

They're k*lling me.

(whispers): Deposition.


I got to go.

Then get out your rolodex!

See what other firm will hire you!

What do we have?

Amnesty International, and two dissidents.

From the same prison?

The exact same prison.

Excuse me.

If you don't mind, I'd like to add a new witness to the witness list.

To testify Shen Yuan wasn't tortured?

Among other things.

I'm sure you'll find it illuminating.

WILL: I'm sure I will, too.

And we'll spend the afternoon subpoenaing and cross-examining dueling experts.


Who's that?

It's... my wife.

(door closes)

Okay. It's just the two of us.

No one's listening.

What should I be made aware of?

You think Will is on your side, that he's going to vote to get rid of Diane.

But... he's playing you.

He's actually on Diane's side.

I don't believe you.

Then don't. I just met with them all yesterday.

Will, Diane, and... David Lee.

They're going to try to flip Fitzpatrick to vote with them.

Why are you telling me this?

What do you want?

I'll vote with you.

But I want two things.

David Lee-- out.

And head of litigation.

Moss is doing a superior job.

I'll do a better one.

SHEN YUAN: She left me after I was out of prison.

It happens to some people after things like this.

We came to America a year ago, and my wife left me.

That's why she's... testifying against you, saying you weren't tortured, because...?

She wants to hurt me.

WILL: Okay, thanks.
Can you give us a minute?

I'm-I'm sorry.

It's okay.

WILL: Kalinda, get everything you can on the wife.

We need to show her testimony was a lie.

(school bell ringing)

Are you going home?


Becca, how far do you think I trust you?


Not far.

What do you want?

You know what I want.

Thought you were into this Florrick kid.

Hey, I like politician kids.

What can I say?

I need one more to complete my political... education.

(phone ringing)

This is Glenn Childs. Speak.

GLENN, JR.: Dad, it's me.


(staffers conversing)

Hey, son, what's up?

Something's weird here.

This girl I know from school-- the one with Peter Florrick's kid?

(snaps fingers)


She was asking about Rita.

From a few years ago.

Remember? Rita from that summer.

Yeah, I-I remember. Rita.

She wanted to know her name.

She said her parents wanted to hire her.

Did you give it to her?

No. Never.

Good. Thanks.

Let me call someone.

I'll talk to you later.

We're negotiating.

They're offering too little, and we're asking...

Uh, uh...

Hold on. (sighs)

Mr. Lyman?

I understand. Mr...

Can I call you back?

Mr. Lyman.


DIANE: Good to see you.

LYMAN: We need to talk.

Of course, we do.

Let's go.


Where are we going?

Over here...

(conversing indistinctly)



DERRICK: What is that about?

I don't know.

I'll find out.

LYMAN: It's freezing here.

Mr. Lyman, I thought I said we would talk on the phone.

You've got a problem.

It's Merrick.

I can't give any more.

We made a deal.

You both agreed.

It's not me. It's Merrick.

He's dead.

He was very nervous.

He was going through his rolodex.

The whole thing was too much for him.

So here's the thing.

I'm still on board, but I want everything that you promised him.

Quite the humanitarian.

Hey, I didn't k*ll him.

So we're still down on votes?

No, we're tied.

With this, Bond has exactly 22 equity partners.

We have exactly 22.

Either way, I still get my corner office, right?

(phone rings)


Yeah? Kalinda, yeah.

What's going on?


We found out why Shen Yuan's wife walked out on him.

He was cheating.

ALICIA: He joined a Free Tibet movement when he moved to the States, and he met a young activist a few months ago.

Oh, dear God.

His wife found out about it, and she walked out on him.

No matter where you go, you run into it.

KALINDA: We still think you can use it to undercut the wife's testimony.

It's irrelevant to pain and suffering.

Yeah, but we don't have Nelson Mandela anymore.

After years of imprisonment and t*rture, he hops into the first young bed?

DIANE: Maybe we can settle for cash.

A few million?

No. We need to get Chumhum to stop these practices in China.

That was the original goal of the suit.

Let me talk to him.

He could... speak to his wife?

Reunite with her?

I don't know. Maybe.

She's lying about him being tortured.

Maybe he can convince her to recant.

Okay. Good.


It's-It's nothing to do with this.

You want Chumhum to stop handing over dissident names to China?

Your wife-- you have to get her to recant her testimony.

She's... angry.

She's been hurt.

I... I'll talk to her.

♪ ♪

ZACH: You represented him, right?

Patric Edelstein?


He was suing that movie.

I think I saw him today at work.

No, he's in Burlingame.

See? Oh, no, you're right, actually. This is his log of public Tweets.

It says he's in Chicago till Monday.

He's cool.

He's, like, the fifth richest guy in the world.

Does he have any business in China?

His search engine?

No, I don't think so.

He's trying, though. See?

He just met with the head of Hongzheren.

What's wrong?

Thank you.

This is about Patric Edelstein.

Patric Edelstein, the billionaire?

The one we represented in his case against the movie about his life?

We're still representing him?

His Midwestern concerns, yes.

But this China suit-- we're doing it for Edelstein?

He wants Chumhum out of China so he can move in and monopolize it.

I don't know.

But you do.

It's a good case, no matter what.

Shen Yuan was tortured, imprisoned.

Yes, but that's not why we're pursuing it.


I just for one minute wanted to think that we were doing the right thing.

But we are doing the right thing.

But for the wrong reason.

Who do you know is doing something for the right reason?

I would love to meet them, because my guess is, after five minutes of questioning, we'll find the wrong reason.

You believe that?

I do believe that.

And if you thought about all you've learned this last year, you'd believe it, too.

Edelstein moves into China, what does he do?

What do you mean?

Does he turn over the names of more dissidents?

It's the law.

What fresh hell today?

We thought having two more votes would get us over the top, so we approached two of the senior citizens who were still on the logs as equity partners.


WILL: Okay, David.

We get it.

We get it.

No, I don't think you do.

You couldn't have scripted it better.

So what happened?

Did one of them die?



All you need are jugglers, and we'll have a Roman farce.

No smoking!

Go away!

Anyway, I'm glad Mr. Lee finds this so entertaining.

That just puts more pressure on you, Julius, to turn Fitzpatrick.

Can you do it?

All I can do is try.

Oh, yes, please, do try.

So they think they're tied?

Yes. With one of Stern's g*ng of three.

The other two died.

But your vote puts me over the top?

Yes. If...

I know.

Head of litigation.


You're our new head of litigation.

Okay. Thank you, ma'am.

Ooh, that sounded good.

Childs had another nanny.

For his grown kids.

A Jamaican nanny.

A... I thought you said she was Swedish.

She was, but she had to go back to Sweden to--

I don't know-- swim in a fjord or something.

That's Norway.

Thank you.

So Childs needed another nanny for three months over the summer, and he hired a Jamaican nanny illegally.

I'll have to do polling.

Wait. There's more.

I wanted to seal the deal this time.

So I had someone hint to Childs that we were pursuing the illegal nanny's identity, and he took the bait, and led us right to her.

Childs tried to cover it up.

You're kidding?

No. He tried to pay for the Jamaican nanny to leave the country.

You have it all?

Documented and certified.

Do the polling.

I'll do the polling.

VIOLA: Oh, well, this is turning into tit for tat, isn't it?

DIANE: Yup, and tat's up by one.

Ah, it was sweet of Shen Yuan and his wife to reunite.

WILL: Yes, isn't it?

Maybe we should go into couples therapy.

Well, I have one more name that I'd like to add to our witness list.

Paul Houghton?

Of the Bush administration?


I wrote the memo to President George W. Bush, since referred to as the Houghton Working Memo.

It expressed the legal position that certain aggressive interrogation techniques were not t*rture.

WILL: So what are you saying--

Shen Yuan was not tortured?

Well, I have no opinion on that.

I can tell you the opinion of the Bush administration at the time.

VIOLA: Oh, well, let's hear about that.

Shen Yuan was forced to stand in the stress position during his captivity.

Is this t*rture?

Well, as long as there was no organ failure or serious impairment of body functions, then, in the opinion of the United States at the time, it was not.

VIOLA: Well, Shen Yuan claims he was beaten and slapped.

Is that t*rture?

HOUGHTON: Again, if there was no organ failure or impairment of body function, then, in the opinion of the United States, it was not.

The United States has since revoked your legal opinions, Mr. Houghton.

Yes. January 2009.

Oh, wow.

That's too bad.

Because Shen Yuan claims that there was no such aggressive questioning after 2008.

So, it was the opinion of the United States that there was no t*rture at the time in question.

So, are you up for it?

Convincing him to lie?

There just needs to be the possibility of t*rture after January 2009.

That's all.

This is so bizarre.

We need him to be tortured during the Obama administration, or we hobble our case?

And Edelstein's.

Do you want us to put somebody else on it?


(conversing indistinctly)

What do you think?

I think we're fine.

I always liked this office.

Oh, you know, I used to have a dartboard over there.

Could hit the bull's-eye from my chair.

I remember that.

In fact... I kept a remnant of you.


What's the game here, Peter?

It's over.

You're out of the race.

Really? You have a g*n?

Almost as good.

See, Wendy could survive a nanny problem.

She's likeable and she's a mother, and she didn't try to cover it up.

You did.

People can forgive a lot, but they can't forgive a cover-up.

What are you talking about?

You hired a nanny for a summer, you paid her under the table, and then when you heard that we were on her trail, you tried to pay her to leave the country.

So, what, are you recording this?

I don't have to record it.

We recorded the payoff.

Then you know it was three months.

Three months of a nanny taking care of my kids, not Wendy's five years.

Yes, but I also seem to recall a candidate at the last debate who said, "You can't just say, 'Oops, my bad.'"

How do you think that sound bite's gonna play?

You're a son of a bitch.


Not just that. You... you belong in the trophy case of sons of b*tches.

You think I'm in this job just to beat you, Peter?

Just to exercise power?

I'm in this job to do good.

What do you think, you're the only person who wants to do good?

Get out of here.

Get out of my office.

Good afternoon.

As you can imagine, the demands of this job are all-encompassing, and I've always said to myself, "Family first, job second, campaign third."

And for that reason... I am withdrawing my candidacy for this race.

(cheering, whooping)

Get the candidate.

They'll be calling for comment.

Are you gonna tell him who discovered the nanny?


I don't know.

I promised Alicia not to bring the kids into the race.

You didn't; they jumped in.

He's on. He's on.


It's a two-way race.

I am leaving this race purely because of the pressures on my family.



Oh, my gosh!

JACKIE: You kids want some corn bread?

BECCA: Oh, not now, Jackie.

We're okay.

So... he recovered his memory about being waterboarded in February of 2009.

WILL: Yes, all the pain and suffering kept him from memorizing fully, until now.

Well, I guess our friend, Shen Yuan, caught on to America pretty quickly.

DIANE: You're a good teacher.

$30 million, and you stop handing over dissident names.



I hate Chicago.

It's a mean place.

WILL: Unlike Silicon Valley?

Mm, all this... architecture.

We know the future, at least.

We know boundaries are disappearing.

China, North Korea, they're all just concepts.

Concepts holding us back.

From what?

From a free flow of power and information.

That is the future.

See, you guys, you're all just fighting over things.

You've got a bag of pennies when everyone else is using credit cards.

Things are dead.

Things are... uncool.

No money... and we'll agree to stop handing names to China.


What happened?

Oh, you showed us the error of our ways.

You're getting out of China?

We're considering it.

It's too much of a hassle, too protectionist.

So, are we agreed?


Good. Then we... are out of here.

(quietly): Here we go.

In ten minutes, either Bond will run this firm, or we will.

Good job.

(conversing indistinctly)

VIOLA: Alicia.

You don't belong here.

What do you mean?

I think we should talk.

They're undervaluing you.

I won't.

I'm not interested.

I'm persistent.

Thank you, everyone.

Well, here we are again.

On behalf of the name partners, I would like to thank everybody for making the time, and I would like to introduce a new face, Mr. Howard Lyman.


One of the first partners in this business, he thought he would return to the fold, and we welcome you with open arms.


Now, at this point, I must express some bafflement at the cause for this meeting.

I think you had some business, Derrick.

Yes. Thank you.

(clears throat)

Now, we've had some troubling reports of you... trying to steal clients and partners, Diane, and start your own firm.

Now, the thing (murmuring) we need to value more than anything at this firm is cohesion, and that is the only reason...

What crap!

Just vote.


DERRICK: Thank you, David.

I'd like to call a vote of all the equity partners to censure and dismiss Diane Lockhart as an equity partner.


Would you like me to hand over the gavel for this vote?

No. Keep it.

Do we have a second?



Any debate?

Just call the question.

Come on.

By a show of hands, who agrees to censure and dismiss me?

DIANE: 19, 20...

The motion falls short.

You had me fire my head of litigation and put you in.



I don't like you.

DIANE: Are there any other motions?

I move that we get rid of Bond and I get his office for my second secretary.

DIANE: Are there any seconds?

Second it.

Second did DIANE: By a show of hands, all those in favor?

This when I vote?

DERRICK (quietly): You stupid son of a bitch.


DIANE: 21, 22, 23-- the motion passes.

Derrick Bond has been removed as name partner.

And I get his office.


Good plan.

Nice execution.

We're the perfect couple.

(chuckles) Yeah.

Everything but the sex.

(both laughing)

CHILDS (on video): As you can imagine, the demands of this job are all-encompassing.

But I've always said to myself family first, job second...

(Childs continues speaking)


Hey, Dad.

Come here.

Something wrong?


Come here.

Thank you.

You did it.

CHILDS: ...gossip is inevitable, but I want my supporters to know that I am leaving this race purely because of the pressures on my family. Thank you.

FEMALE REPORTER: Mr. Childs, do you blame Peter Florrick for this?
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