02x12 - Silly Season

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Good Wife", including an unaired episode. Aired September 22, 2009 to May 8, 2016.*
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Alicia has been a good wife to her husband, a former state's attorney. After a very humiliating public scandal, he is behind bars. She must now provide for her family and returns to work as a litigator in a law firm.
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02x12 - Silly Season

Post by bunniefuu »

I don't want you making the same mistake as the government, thinking that, because of the color of my skin, I sell dr*gs.

Why shouldn't the courts be kept honest about Bishop? Everybody deserves representation.

Does that stop suddenly when it comes to...

A criminal organization whose sole purpose is to sell dr*gs?

CARY: Blake Calamar.

In Baltimore, he was working two jobs.

When he wasn't protecting Bond & Associates interest, he was out protecting MS-13, Baltimore's biggest meth g*ng.

WILL: Bond played us against each other.

I don't like being played.

So I suggest we do the same to Bond.

JUDGE: Counselor?

Thank you, Your Honor.

Mr. Rubio, what is your job?

I'm a guard at the Northeast Illinois Correctional Center.

And what is this?

An outdoor cell on the yard.

We use it when an inmate acts up in the prison yard.

And did anyone act up on September 14th of last year?

Yes, sir.

Some inmates got in a fight, so I placed one in the cage.

And was it this inmate?

Yes, sir.

Jay Winston.

Then I turned away to handle the others, and when I came back, he was...

Winston was stabbed.

And this is how you found him?

Yes, sir. Dead.

With this w*apon?

Yes, sir.

A shiv found inside the cage.

And who did this shiv belong to?


You're referring to Joey Church, inmate #321120?

Yes, sir.

Nothing further.

Mr. Rubio, were you aware of any previous conflicts between my client, Joey, and the victim?


Winston had just been transferred in the week before.

And how long did my client have left on his 18 month sentence?

Two weeks.

Do you find many convicts with two weeks left on their sentence performing acts like this one?



To clarify, Mr. Rubio, you didn't see the stabbing occur?

No. Unfortunately, I did not.

And how did you determine that this shiv was my client's?

Well, they found his DNA on it.

But it was fashioned from his toothbrush, correct?


So that would explain the DNA.


Outside Mr. Rubio's expertise.

I think it's just common sense, don't you?

The defendant's toothbrush would have his DNA on it.


ALICIA: Mr. Rubio, do inmates ever steal personal items from one another?

All the time.

So it's possible that another inmate stole my client's toothbrush?

Sure, possible.

Nothing further.

Your Honor, at this time, we would like to be heard on precluding the prosecution's next witness.

Your Honor, the defense had ample time to argue during pretrial.

Yes, but new information has come to our attention.

Come on.

I'm always amazed at how convenient this new information is.


Shall we take this lovely little debating society (bangs gavel) into my chambers?

GENEVA: They're coming after bought testimony.

No. They'd play that in court.

It's the lie detector.

They dinged us on lack of motive.

We need our eyewitness.

I know.


Whenever I see that bitch, I know we're in trouble.

ALICIA: Their eyewitness denied seeing anything, Your Honor.

CARY: Yes, initially, because he didn't want to be seen as a stool pigeon.

We offered no deal.

Mr. Ellis changed his mind of his own free will.

After the police conducted a lie detector test.

A lie detector test he willingly agreed to.

ALICIA: Which caused him to change his mind and claim he saw this stabbing.

Right. Because he was caught lying by the lie detector.

Carob chips, anyone?

I'm good.

Um... The bottom line, Your Honor, is we don't intend to reference the lie detector in court.

We only intend to use Mr. Ellis' testimony.

Your Honor, this is a sworn affidavit from Iderdex.

It's a manufacturer that services all Cook County lie detectors.

They claim, during the week in question, the lie detector was out of service.

Clearly, this was a case of the police conducting an X detector.

That is guesswork.

An X detector?

Educate me.

It's when the police attach the suspect to a fake lie detector, such as an Xbox or a Xerox machine, making him think that he's been caught lying.

Your Honor, even if what Mrs. Florrick alleges is true, I would cite People v. Lee.

The police have leeway to misrepresent during an interrogation.


I know your boss thinks I'm pro-defense.

Excuse me?

Your boss--

Mr. Childs.

I know he thinks because I pal around with Bill Ayers and the like that I'm pro-defense.

Well, I don't believe that, Your Honor.

The only problem is when I try to be pro-prosecution, the police pull a stunt like this.

People v. Lee is not absolute, Counselor.

This was an extrinsic misrepresentation and therefore your eyewitness is excluded.

Thank the police, not me.

Good job.

I didn't see that one coming.

Ah, I have to keep you on your toes.

So, anything new on Blake?

You just got my only eyewitness kicked and you want my help?



We're talking a ten percent cut across all departments.

It's not our choice.

If you haven't noticed, Cook County is going through a budget crisis.

So, everybody keep an eye on the O.T. and unload any dead wood.

We've got a dispo dump at the end of the month.

So separate the chaff.

GENEVA: What about investigator time?

We just got beaten in court because the defense was one step ahead of us.

We're all doing more with less.

Some of us aren't.

If you're referring to the Bishop investigation, dr*gs are dr*gs.

CARY: So we just let a case from Lockhart/Gardner slip through the cracks?

If any case slips through the cracks, the problem isn't the budget, the problem is the A.S.A.

Get creative.

Use what you know.

Okay, moving on.

CARY: Here's what I know.

GENEVA: No, we already questioned him.

He had nothing to offer.

He's got a parole hearing in a week.

Yep. He might be more open to questioning.

Getting creative.




(whispers): Don't say anything about the hair.

What's going on?

I hate to lose.

And I hate to lose to someone who's outspending me two to one.

You're on that prison knifing, aren't you?

That's just a pro bono for them.

They got Kalinda on it.


Let me look into that.

Diane Lockhart approached me.


A job.


I don't want to go.

But you've got student loans.

Yes, I do.

I put you on these Lockhart/Gardner cases because you know them.

So, show me you know them.

WENDY: Go ahead, read it.

It says because I have a white husband, I'm not really Black.

It says my kids are half-breeds.

It says they should be embarrassed to go to school.

Look at it.

It's not us.

It's being distributed in African-American neighborhoods.

Church parking lots.

Makes no sense for me to go there.

Let me read it to you.

"Is she really..""

Come on, Wendy.

We're all adults.

We all could have gone into aluminum siding but we didn't-- we chose politics.

I haven't gone there with either of you.

Well, congratulations.

And I'm telling you I didn't do it.

Now tell me why you're really here.

I want a two-way race.

I do, too.

Peter's desperate.

He's almost out of cash.

People are dangerous when they're desperate.

Let's talk about it.

There's certain things I can't do.

But I can?

Yes, ma'am.

MAN: I was in the prison yard, but I didn't see the attack.

I already said all this.

Yeah, we noticed your parole hearing was in a week.

We thought that might jog your memory.

Look, honestly, I didn't see it happen.

But... Church told me he did it.

He told you?


I couldn't believe it.

Take a chance like that with two weeks left on your sentence?

Why didn't you tell the investigator before?

He didn't ask.

So why did Church do it?

Did-did he say?

Because of what Winston called him.

And what was that?


The "N" word.

So we have our motive.


I love to see how uncomfortable it makes you white folk.


Am I not supposed to say the "N" word anymore?

No, it makes me feel all warm and post-racial fuzzy.

You know we have a problem now.

We have a motive, but it's sympathetic.

How do you figure?

There's four African-

Americans on the jury.

Church just k*lled someone who called him the "N" word.

So how is it going to go over with them?

Ms. Scott-Carr.

Mrs. Florrick.

ALICIA: I agree.

It's appalling.

My daughter brought it home from school.

She was crying.

I held her for an hour.

I'm sorry.

I'm really very sorry, but I think you need to speak to my husband.

Because you're just the wife?

No. Because the campaign is the campaign.

Do you believe there are certain things so... appalling, they're no longer the campaign?


But I also think you are in a three-way race, and it's unclear who did this.

We're both mothers first, aren't we?

Professional women concerned about the world, yes, but always our children come before everything.

I would do anything for my daughters to see them not hurt, to see them not crying.

You're the same?


It alleges that your son got his girlfriend pregnant, and that your husband paid for their abortion.

I'm sure you join me in finding this appalling, too.

And I'm sure there's no truth to it, as there was none to this.

I think President Obama tagged this part of the campaign as the silly season.

It's an unfortunate characterization, 'cause I find nothing silly about this.

Next time you want to come to my office, you make an appointment.

As one mother to another, if you have any sway there, tell your campaign to stop this silliness.

And I will make sure your children don't come home crying.


To a better future.

(footsteps retreating)

GENEVA: Do you know how patronizing this is?

LANDRY: I do, but is it true?

So you think a white jury wouldn't judge fairly because the motive...

That's different.

There's no white equivalent to the "N" word.

Maybe there should be.

CHILDS: Wait, wait, wait, wait.

So, you don't think we'll risk jury nullification with this motive?

GENEVA: I think we can't generalize.

I think people do things for a lot of reasons, and I think a generalization is being made here based on...


Based on a false generalization of African-American overreaction to a slur.

This crime happened in prison.

This wasn't a white wine garden party, this was prison.

And I think we can argue, pretty convincingly, that the "N" word is tossed off with some frequency there.

Then let's go with the "N" word.

It explains why Church would s*ab someone two weeks before release.

Geneva, you do the questioning.

With relish.

And one more thing.

Mr. Agos had brought it to my attention that a defense investigator's had much success against us.

So I am stepping up our investigation into Kalinda Sharma.

We believe the police have leaked to her, judges have leaked to her, and even some of our own.

I want you to keep track of all contact.

We are going to do our utmost to keep this a level b*ttlefield, okay?

Good job, Cary.

"Good job, Cary."

You know how long I've worked with him, and not a word?

Good job, Geneva.

Yup, it helps to have a penis.

The defense attorney is Alicia Florrick.

She's smart.

She'll make you like her.

She'll ask if you've been offered anything in exchange for your testimony.

You need to be able to truthfully say no.

So I'm going to tell you exactly what we can't offer you.

We can't put in a good word
at your next parole hearing.

We can't trade you anything.

Not now.

Then she's gonna ask you, what did I tell you next?

And I need you to remember something.

(buzzer sounds)


Just give me a minute.

(buzzer sounds)

You going to get out?

You need something?

Yeah. Why are you following me?



I'm not following you.

Blake Calamar.

You here for Lockhart/Gardner or MS-13?

Oh, you are working with some old information there, buddy.

Okay, well, I got some advice for you, buddy.

Don't follow me.

I'm just standing where I'm standing.

I can make things difficult for you for both your jobs.

Oh, you don't want to do that.

Actually, I do want to do that.

I just don't know if I need to.

You don't carry a g*n, college boy.

I don't need to.

And you're a hell of a long way from Baltimore.

(phone ringing)

Go for it.

It's not mine.

(phone continues ringing)


Oh, hi, Ms. Lockhart.

How are you today?

Oh, no. I'm-I'm good.

No, it's a great time.

What can I do for you?

What was that about?

It's, uh, posturing.

Lockhart/Gardner's second investigator.

They have two investigators on a pro bono?

We need help.

GENEVA: So in your opinion, Mr. Howell, there was a motive?

HOWELL: Well, yeah.

He called him the "N" word, so, sure.

No further questions.

(clearing her throat)

Mr. Howell, you're in prison for check kiting?


And I really regret it.

I got behind in my bills, and you know, young, stupid mistake.

Did Mr. Agos prep you with that answer?

Oh, sure.

And... what did he ask you to say?

Well, let me see if I can remember.

He said to tell you that I'd been offered nothing in exchange for my testimony, and that...

And when he...?

GENEVA: Objection.

Your Honor, Mrs. Florrick didn't allow the witness to answer fully.

Is that true, Mr. Howell?

Oh, yeah. It's a long answer.


Well, then Mr. Agos said you'd ask me an open-ended question which would allow me to talk for a while about my answer.

Speaking from my heart, I've been offered nothing in trade for being here.

My reasons are of a personal nature.

I found God in prison, and I'm remaking myself in His image.

It's allowed me to look back on my life and realize where I've strayed from the path.


I heard.

The race card.

Yes. They have their motive.

The jury ate it up.

And I walked right into a trap.

Never ask an open-ended question.

Okay, okay, let me talk to Blake.


He may have something.

I don't understand.

It's okay. You don't have to.

What do you mean?

I'm the lead attorney.

Why wouldn't I have to?

When you two decide on the strategy, tell me.

So what I'm saying is we are not made of money.

Mrs. Florrick.


(quietly): Xerox room?

Uh, anyway, we need to make big moves with little gestures.

Mrs. Florrick, this is a surprise.

Stay there.

I want to talk to you.

No. It's Childs.

This flyer was designed to undercut Wendy's African-American base.

That's not in Childs' interests.

It is in ours. Peter's.

Childs is looking toward the endgame; votes are votes.

He wants African-Americans to sit on their hands.

We have supporters... who are willing to do what we want.

As does Childs. As does Wendy.

And you're in contact with them? With ours?

Some, but I don't control them.

Where did you get this?


She visited my office.

Have you talked to Peter?

Not yet.

I will take care of this.


Um, these would be helpful to me.

(children chattering)

CARY: That help we need, we'll find it here.

We find a five-year-old investigator?

Or a six-year-old.


No, no, no.

(laughs) Yeah!

The clarion call of duty.

The Innocence Project was a million years ago.

It was two years ago, and you were the best one there.

Yeah, well, I'm Super Dad now, see?

Nina's IPO goes public next month.

I don't need the sofa change Cook County offers.

Then do it for the fun.

Come on.

You're not a stay-at-home dad.

Honey, go over there and play, baby.

Daddy needs to brush off these nice people.

Bryan Stone-- used to be an airline executive until his wife started a line of purses.

Rodrigo Thorton just retired from the Second Circuit.

His wife invented a computer app that just made its first million.

I'm in good company.

You're being bred like the Matrix.

Yeah, well, let 'em.

I'm tired of bringing home the bacon.

Come on.

We've got good dental.

Come on in.

You've seen this?

What Blake found?

I have now.

You think we should use it?

I think I was told to defer to the partners, so that's what I'll do.

And if you weren't deferring?

I would ask if it were true.

We're running into difficulties with the original strategy.

Yes, but if the new strategy isn't true, it'll be easy to undercut.

What do you think?

I think we don't have much choice.

So you have no memory of Mr. Winston calling you the "N" word?

No. I mean, I'm not saying he didn't, but, hey, if inmates k*lled based on that, there'd be nobody left in prison.

Did anything unusual happen the day before Mr. Winston was k*lled?


A man visited me in prison.

ALICIA: What man?

I don't know.

He was about mid-30s, white, five-ten.

He was wearing a baseball cap.

This man?

Objection, Your Honor!

This is surveillance video from the Northeast Illinois Correctional Center on July tenth.

I'll allow.

ALICIA: And you had never seen this man before?


Who's that in the photo he's showing you?

My daughter, Evie.

She's ten months old.

Oh, hell.

ALICIA: And why did this man show you a photo of our daughter?

He said he'd k*ll her if I didn't do something about Jay Winston.

Mr. Church, did you k*ll Jay Winston?


And why did you?

CHURCH: I'm sorry.

(voice breaking): I never hurted nobody before ever, but... he had a photo of my little girl.


It was taken from inside my house.

He said he'd k*ll my whole family.

It's not true.

Okay, tell us.

Tell you what, that it's not true?

It's not true.

All of it?

Yeah, all of it.

Dad, they say things about your campaign all the time.


I know.

And Becca, is she your... is she your girlfriend?


She was.

Not anymore.

You know, it's just that we never really talked about it, Zach.

Dad, please. It's okay.

Well, you need to protect yourself.


Zach and I talked last year when you were... away.

I found condoms in his backpack.

Not mine.

It's a friend's.

And I kept them.

And we were to talk if he ever needed them.

I know it's hard for you to talk to us.

But we're here.

We're always here for you.


Hey, Dad, is it getting out?


We're going to stop it.

(door closing)

Well, that was a farce.

Why? You don't believe him?

Would you have told your parents?

We didn't tell my parents.

Christmas vacation-- we were supposed to sleep in separate rooms.

Yeah, but we were a heck of a lot older than Zach.

And kids are growing up a heck of a lot faster.

Hey... you could have told me about the condoms, you know.

Yeah, I could have.

I want to share the bedroom again.

My parents slept in separate bedrooms for 20 years.

I don't want my parents' marriage.

I don't either.

Because I'm not just a dad.

I'm not just a man on your arm.

And I'm not just your roommate.

I know.


I need to think.

CARY: So who is he?

He had to sign in.

We had to sign in.

He did sign in-- under an assumed name.

Fake license.

How is that possible?



♪ Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O ♪

It isn't.

Somebody made a mistake.


Who? Who signed him in?

No. The baby carrots.

Just tell her the baby carrots are a train.


Who signed him in?

That's where this gets interesting.

I don't remember much about him.

I guess he used a fake I.D., huh?

Yeah. So it's just... it's kind of odd.

How many guards are there here?

285. 63 per shift.

And yet, in the matter of one week I've dealt with you twice.

I don't understand.

♪ Old MacDonald had a farm ♪

I think what he means...

Oh, sorry.

It's probably just...

It's nap time.

Hold on, Rita.

I think what he means is, not only were you turned the wrong way during the m*rder, you're also the guard who let the mystery baseball man in.

Go ahead, Rita.


Just interesting, isn't it?

I find it so.

This is not looking good.

I know we don't consult.

I know we don't coordinate.

But if we had a safe word, I would be screaming it right now.

You want me to stop whipping you?

Wendy Scott-Carr.

The flyers involving her white husband.

I don't know if they're us, but if they are, stop.

You want to know if they're us?

No, but if they are, I need them to stop.

That would be consulting.

Yes. Which I'm not doing.

Okay, here's the problem.

Do you want to know the problem?

I can't stop, because they're not us.

I don't believe you.

That's your prerogative.

I do know who they are, though.


Your PAC.

You took the money.

They're insuring their investment.

You can tell them to stop, but you're going to have to find some new money.

So we tell them to stop with the r*cist flyers, they take away the money and our campaign is out of business.

Yep, that's about it.

But who said a conscience is cheap?

CARY: What's this?

ANDREW: Prison guard's work history.

Look at his job two years ago.

CARY: Leacrest Stables.

Lemond Bishop.

He owns them.

GENEVA: But I don't get it.

Why would Lemond Bishop want Winston dead?

Here, halfway down the page.

Transfer notice.

Winston was to be transferred to a courthouse holding cell for a week.

For questioning?

It doesn't say.

Spilling to the Feds.

Let's say Winston has dirt on Lemond Bishop.

GIRL: Daddy.

Now, if I were...


If I were Lemond Bishop, then I would want to get rid of him, wouldn't I?

So we have to prove Church wasn't just a pawn.

He was part of it.

No, we just have to go out just for a few minutes to do a little research, don't we?

And then we'll be back.

(imitating engine revving and horn honking)

(girls chatting)


Oh, really?

Oh, Mr. Gold.

Becca. Thank you, ladies.

See ya.



You seem... upset.

How is it that I can manage aldermen and judges and yet I still seem to have this ridiculous little mean girl thorn in my shoe.

Maybe you're secretly in love.


Here's the thing.

I'm not going to ask, 'cause I know you'll only lie, and that's okay.

It actually makes things easier.

What things?

When you're asked, you did not sleep with Zach.

You did not hook up with him.

You did not have an abortion.

You don't have to think.

Just say yes.


And what if I did?

What if you did what?

Slept with Zach, and had an abortion?

Then we'd have to discuss what was provable.

Lake Drive Health Center.

I was there on May 18th.


Does that make your job harder?


No, Mr. Gold, I'm tired of listening.

Have Zach phone me.

I like Zach.

I don't want to make his life harder.

I want to make it easier.

May 18th. Hmm.

Working back, you weren't showing, so that means a March, April conception.

That's when you were sleeping with Mr. Hock-- you're after-school college prep tutor.

Yes. Appalling, isn't it?

I investigate my opponents.

Too bad you don't have the resources to do the same.

So... whenever anyone asks whether you slept with Zach, what do you say?

It's very easy.

I know, given your history, it's probably a new word for you, but you say no.

Let's try it.



Always lovely, Becca.


What's up?

Just saying hello.

Kalinda, why don't...

I want to talk to you, but I'm going to head out.

CARY: You're being investigated.



You're doing too well.

It won't be much of an investigation, 'cause I haven't done anything wrong.

A lot of people leak to you.

Yeah, friends.

Yeah. Well, they're going to be scarce.

Does that mean you as well?

What are you guys doing with Bishop?

I thought Will and Diane backed away from him.

Yeah, they did.

The Church defense?

It's not some little pro bono, is it?

You don't put two investigators on a pro bono.

I, um, I don't know.

You know what I think?

I think you guys are auditioning for Bishop.



I thought we were out of the drug kingpin business.

He lost his previous representation, and my guess is, it's too lucrative.

Do you ever feel like we're not the wrong side?

Mmm. All the time.

Maybe it's not bad.

There are 44 equity partners.

We need 23 to vote Bond out.

He has 22 certain votes.

No, 28.

How do you figure?

His people... plus the people in Litigation we pissed off.

24 maybe.

And they may not be so certain if they knew that Bond was making a deal with a drug kingpin.

Or they may be more certain.

It's a new economy.

That's what the Joey Church defense was about, right?

We represent Church to gain favor with Bishop.

Yep, we successfully defend a Bishop lieutenant, he swings business our way.

It's a smart move.

Brings in a fast influx.

So we need to start lining up votes now.

We can't be seen together so much.

He'll get suspicious.

Yep. I'll talk to you later.

It's money, hand over fist! What were you thinking?!

You can do better. Do it!

BOND: Don't worry.

Internecine warfare creates healthy competition.

Hey, I know it from my business.

Show me results and I'm happy.

Okay, Andrew, we're freezing our asses off out here.

Hey! Hey-hey-hey-hey!

All right, all right, sorry.

What did you find?


Joey Church.

Good respectable dad.

Good respectable meth habit.

No apparent connection to Mr. Bishop.

Never worked for him.

Never bought from him.

They move in completely different circles.

I'm not seeing much good here.

Hey! Hey, slow down!

(tires screech)

Oh, you're gonna stop?

Listen, we got kids in this neighborhood, okay?

So if you're gonna drive...

MAN: Shove it!

Ever hear of Northbrook Youth Soccer?

Are you talking to us?

Northbrook, kids soccer league?

Okay, I haven't heard of it, but I imagine it exists.

Tree Frogs. It's Youth Soccer.

It's 2006.

Wasn't a very good year for them.

Five losses, three wins.

Look who the coach is.

GENEVA: That's Joey Church.

See, here's the thing--

Hey, Brian.

I got a vehicle behind on tickets.

It's a gray Lexus, 2009.

Plate is 9-Texas-


(both chuckles)

No, he needs a wheel lock.

Yeah, right.


I never want you as an enemy, man.

So I'm looking at this photo, it occurs to me; the sponsor...

Fast & Elegant Dry Cleaners.



It's one of his legit businesses.

Before Church got into trouble, he was coaching his son's team, and he solicited Bishop for sponsorship.

So we can show they knew each other.

CHILDS: Are you sure?

CARY: As far as we can tell, yes.

Church was in league with Bishop.

We could turn him.

Get him to testify against Bishop.

Or get him to turn on a lieutenant.

Work up the pyramid.

Just so we're clear.

We've built a very strong case against Church.

Yes, but Church is a small fish.

Bishop is the whopper.

A whopper you spent the last five years trying to land.

And now we have new life.

By decimating our case?

No, by turning the case.

You've already turned a half dozen cases, and where are you?

Okay, let us discuss it.

Sir, you have the dispo dump coming up.

We can nail Church.

You can't nail Bishop.

Give me a minute.

You, too. Just one minute.

I need you to talk to the investigators about Kalinda.


They just need some confirmation about a few things.

We've been slipped some anonymous information about her.

What information?

She's been lying under oath, testifying under an assumed name.

Well, I don't know anything about that.

But you can offer a background.

Yeah, all right.

Good. I've been working on some budgetary maneuvers right now.

I should know very quickly if I can improve your position.

I just wanted to drop by and say...


There was no abortion.

Not with Zach.

How do you know?

She was with somebody else.


I am sorry about all this in your life.

Thank you.

Eli, thank you.


And we had nothing to do with the Wendy flyer.

It was our PAC.

And we don't have any control over them.

So is Wendy still putting out the Zach flyer?

If our PAC goes forward, then Wendy does, too?


Peter told the PAC to get lost.




So that means...?


We're bankrupt.

He's here on a grand jury subpoena.

Different case.

Does he know anything?


Yeah, more later.

You want something?

Nope, but you might.

I always want something.

Joey Church.

Okay, I'm listening.

That man there in the baseball cap?

Yes, sir.

That's one of my associates from California, a Mr. Harden.

Again, objection, Your Honor.

You will have a chance to cross-examine, Ms. Florrick, and the jury will have a chance to judge the veracity of Mr. Bishop.

I can't wait.


And that photo your associate is carrying, that is Mr. Church's daughter?


And why is he doing that?

I sent him there.

Mr. Church was worried about whether his family was being taken care of while he was in prison.

I wanted my associate to assure him they were.

And when you say "taken care of"?

Oh, my God, I'm sorry.

No, not "taken care of."


(both laugh)

So there was no threat to Mr. Church like the defense is claiming?

No, not at all.

We were merely calming his fears about his family's security and health.

And so there was no pressure on Mr. Church to commit a crime that he already admitted?

That's correct.

Thank you.

JUDGE: Do you have anything else, Counselor?

No, ma'am.

I think that'll be enough.

LANDRY: What the hell did you do?

Got a conviction for first degree m*rder.

You sandbagged me.

Your case was on the docket for years.

I cleared mine in a week.

By overstepping your authority.

We were gonna use Church to get to Bishop.

Good luck.

I don't want you to go anywhere.


Well, I don't want to go anywhere.

I'd like to make you an offer.

I'd like that.

Hey, Kalinda?

So, Canada, huh?

Excuse me?


I was such an idiot.

I was looking on the West Coast.

Don't ask me why.

I'm sorry.

What is it you want?

Leela Tahiri.

Um, she died in a Toronto house fire, like, eight years ago.

The body was never found.

Seems she was in some trouble with the cops.

I'm still trying to work out the details.

So that's me?

That's my surmise.

Am I wrong?

I think you need to find that out for yourself.

(whistles "O' Canada")

(door closes)

How are you?


(glasses clink)

I love you.

I know.
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