02x03 - Breaking Fast

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Good Wife", including an unaired episode. Aired September 22, 2009 to May 8, 2016.*
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Alicia has been a good wife to her husband, a former state's attorney. After a very humiliating public scandal, he is behind bars. She must now provide for her family and returns to work as a litigator in a law firm.
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02x03 - Breaking Fast

Post by bunniefuu »

BLAKE: You never know what's going to happen.

You're just out living your life.

Then, out of the blue, no warning.

How many seconds do you have?

And everybody scatters.

ALICIA: Where did you get this?

They're much sharper than what they gave us in discovery.

Cops make a dupe of a dupe of a dupe just to mess with you.

BLAKE: You can't go ten feet in America without having your death recorded.


Where'd you get it?

Northbrook Evidence.


We've been asking them for weeks.

You don't really want to know.

You're a friend of Leela's?

I'm... who?

Um, sorry, Kalinda's.

Yeah, why?

Just curious.

She doesn't seem to have a lot of friends.

Don't put me in the middle of your thing.

My thing? What's that?

I have no idea, but whatever games you're playing, you play with her. I'm too busy, okay?


You'll cue up the deaths?

I will cue up the deaths.

My dad didn't do it.

He didn't sh**t these people?

He had the same r*fle.

He had no alibi for the time of the three sh**t.

He had the motive.

He didn't have the motive.

Yes, he did, Mr. Stevens.

He k*lled two random people, these two people... two people he didn't even know... so he could k*ll his wife and make it look like a random sn*per sh**ting.

Do you know how crazy that sounds?

That doesn't s doesn't sound crazy to me.

That sounds like the perfect m*rder.

My dad wouldn't hurt a fly.

He was a marksman in the Army.

But he never shot anybody.

Then why would your mother take out a restraining order against him?

WYATT: They were going through some troubles, that's all.

They were thinking of reuniting.

No, there's no proof of that.

My dad didn't do this.

He couldn't do this.

And the state's attorney hounded him, they persecuted him, and they never proved a thing.

No, they never convicted him.

They never proved a thing!

That trial... k*lled him.

He was 50 years old.

He died of a heart attack.

He died 30 years too early.

And now you're looking for somebody else to blame?

Yes. But that doesn't mean they shouldn't be blamed.


Why don't we take a break.

Good job, Wyatt.

You okay?

Yeah. Will the questioning be that tough?


In a deposition, they hit you hard, try to scare you off a suit.

Just do what you did.

We just need a minute, Wyatt.

Was I too emotional?

No, not for a deposition.

It's a difficult one... malicious prosecution.

You have to prove not only there was a rush to judgment, but his father was innocent.

Where's his head on this?

He's mourning.

His mother was m*rder*d.

His father spent the last year in jail.

He wants prosecutors to clear his name.

They won't do that.

They may give him a few dollars.

Will he take a few dollars?

I can talk to him.

That seems to be your specialty here: lowering the clients' expectations.

Inspiring work.

Okay, we'll meet with the esteemed state's attorney, see what kind of settlement we can shake loose.

OWEN: Please note that

A sub-N plus two equals A sub-N plus one, plus one.

And we have a h*m* recurrence.

And there you go, easy as pie.


Any questions?

No. Okay, well, my work here is done.


Why the University of Oregon?

Uh, why am I teaching at the University of Oregon and not here at my alma mater?

Clearly, you've never spent a winter in Chicago.

(laughter) Uh, I don't know.

I, um, I like the West Coast.

I get to wear these.


Uh, any questions about the formula?

Uh, Professor Cavanaugh, I have to ask.

Uh, Alicia Florrick is your sister, right?


Uh, so do you see her much?

Anyway, A sub-n plus two... (laughter)


Uh, well, now, uh, I see you've got your cell phone there.

This... this isn't gonna end up on YouTube, is it?


I'm just recording for my studies.

Fair enough.

I love my sister.

I love my sister more than I love the golden ratio, which is... it's a lot. (laughter)

Uh, you will not find a finer human being on the face of the earth.

But, uh, no, I... I don't see her much.

Is it because of the scandal?


I think it's because her husband is uncomfortable that I'm gay.

No, I like Peter. (choking)

He's a great guy, except for that sleeping with hookers thing.


Uh, but, for me, uh, h*m* is a stumbling block, you know.

Call me crazy.



The impulse toward community service has taken a backseat to economic and job concerns.

Yeah. What?

But service is the key.

Chicago needs that idealism, Chicago needs...

That should've been on my desk this morning.

What is he talking about? now more than ever.

I want to thank you, 100 Black Men of Chicago, because you have made service popular again.

And for that I applaud all of you.


Well, then don't bother me about it again.


Thank you.


What's wrong?


Something. Just hold on.

Look, I got to go.

No, do it yourself!

Peter, I need you to be honest with me.

Do you have a problem with gay people?

Do I have a problem with...

What are you, what are you talking about?

Are you uncomfortable with them?

Oh, Eli, look, I couldn't care less if you're gay.

Oh, my God, Peter.

I'm not gay, it's your brother-in-law.

And he thinks you're a h*m*.


He's visiting lecturer at DePaul University, and he said he hadn't visited his sister in a while because you're h*m*.


Oh, you find this amusing?

No, no.

It's Owen. He talks.


Well, he can't do that, Peter.

It's on the Internet.

The Chicago gay population is small, but it's powerful.

It has money.

Good job.

Okay, I'll talk to him.

Calm down.

Thank you for coming.

Thanks for listening. Thanks a lot.

Calm down, this is an easy one.

Thank you.

Cut to.

It was a bad prosecution.

You had the wrong man, you had the wrong facts, and you drove an innocent man to his grave.

Are we really using words like "innocent"?

What would you call Richard Jewell?

Not charged.

GLENN: How much?

He had a heart attack.

He died at 50.

How much?

I think you're underestimating our resolve.

No, I just don't think I'm gonna buckle to your political agenda.

When did Lockhart, Gardner & Bond start carrying water for the Peter Florrick campaign?

Oh, you're reading this wrong, Glenn.

Am I, Diane? Really?

Who's running this case?

Not in the front office.

Who's in the boiler room?

You want an itemized list?

I'll tell you who.

Alicia Florrick... that's who.

We're not giving you a cent as long as you're running interference for the Florrick campaign.

Get out of my office.

We need to talk about this.


I'm busy, Mr. Gold.

I'll walk with you.

Sounds serious.

I'm about to lose $800,000 in soft money from the gay community, so, yes, it is serious.

How'd that happen?

Your brother.

He's a visiting professor at DePaul University.

I know. What did he do?

He said he doesn't visit much because Peter is h*m*.


Why is everyone finding that so funny?

It's just Owen.

He just talks.

Okay, well, he needs to talk to someone and say he was joking.

Spencer Roth, a lobbyist...

Hey, Will.

How are you?

Good. Papers are upstairs.

I'm on my way.

Peter's campaign?

Always a source of amusement.

Smart of you to stay out of the picture.

It's called survival.

Look, about the sn*per lawsuit, don't take this the wrong way.

I'm sorry, that's a bad way to start a conversation.

The partners discussed it and...

They're dropping it?

No, no.

We're going forward.

We're just running into some political complications.

You want me to take a step back?

Just until we gain some traction in the negotiations.

They think this is about Peter's campaign?

Yes. We are going head-to-head against his opponent.

We need to tread carefully.

Look, I know this is your case.

I know how hard you've worked on this.

No. No, I get it.

It's okay.

If it's a win, it's your win.

I know.

I'm fine. Really.

Good, thanks.

Um, did they ask you to tell me?

Diane and Derrick?

No, I volunteered.

Just one question.

I have to go. I'm sorry.

Just one question, ma'am.

You've heard these news reports about your husband taking his aide to a clinic for an abortion.

My husband is innocent.

Okay, but did he deny it, ma'am?

Did he deny he got her an abortion?

He didn't need to.

I'm sorry, I have to go.

The newest revelation has left the congressman's staff reeling.

And Lana Timmerman has found herself joining a long list of long-suffering wives.

Remember, they may hit you hard.

Where's Alicia?

She's around.

Don't worry, you'll be fine.

Hello, Mr. Stevens.

I'm Wendy Scott-Carr for Cook County.


Are you nervous?


As much as you'd expect.

Some gum?

No, thank you.

I'll have it.

Does Miss Scott-Carr have a questions?

I do. Thank you.

Did your dad drink, Mr. Stevens?

Did my dad?


You mean alcohol?

He did, but not a lot.

Don't worry.

It's not a freighted question My dad used to drink.

Well, heck, anybody who grew up in Chicago probably had a dad who drank.

Now I've got to ask you, Wyatt.

You know, actually, let me just...

My mom divorced my dad when I was young.


I loved them both, but, goodness, watching them fight...


All I'm saying is, I get it.

It doesn't mean that people don't love each other, that they fight.

Do you believe that?

That people can love each other and fight? Yes.

So, tell me about this restraining order your mom brought.

It's not like you're suggesting.

I know. I know.

Every marriage is different.

But your mom went into the hospital with a cut on her cheek.

You took her in.

That's, that's okay.

The human reaction is to protect our loved ones, their memories.

That's good.

Let's just... talk.

(quietly): She's k*lling us.

Come on, Spencer.

Peter is not a h*m*.

Why do you think I'm always about the gay issues?

Because you're always about the gay issues.

Look, I... I phoned Marcus Alden, Danny Trent.

Gay money has dried up, waiting to find out which way you'll jump.

"Gay money." You have such a succinct way of putting things.

Oh, I'm sorry. Have I offended you?

You've been invited to dinner with Peter and his brother-in-law to prove they pass the sniff test.

Let me show you a picture.

Spencer, I've seen your nieces.

This was in the Huffington Post last week.

What is it?

Here's your client, and here's the book he's carrying.

Peace Not Apartheid by Jimmy Carter.

You're kidding me?

This isn't about straight/gay?

It's about Jewish/Palestine?

It's not a joke, Eli.

Ah, it is a joke. You're holding on to the money because you think Peter is...

Soft on Israel.

Oh, my God, I'm in crazy town.

So, is he?

Pro-Palestinian? No. No!

I don't know. Anybody could've read that book.

Would I be working for him if he was pro-Palestinian?

And he's running for State's Attorney, not Secretary of State.

But you have designs on going national, don't you?

You don't care about a little State's Attorney race.

Look, the dinner you're invited to, is to break fast for Yom Kippur.

Oh, come on.

What, do you think I would make up a lie like that?

Your gentile friends just happen to be breaking fast?

Peter and Alicia are having me over because, as you well know, I have no life.

So come on, talk to Peter.

Find out how much he loves gays and Israel.

(indistinct police radio transmission)

WOMAN (over radio): 10-01, unable to copy.

(garbled radio transmission)

(turns down police scanner volume)

(indistinct police radio broadcast)

RADIO DISPATCHER: I need any and all units to report back in the vicinity of the El Street Mall.

211. 10-29F.

DISPATCHER 2: All units, I repeat, we need all units!

sh*ts fired! Civilian down! Emergency call!

(people clamoring)

Oh, my God, he's looking like the Northbrook sn*per again!

(tires squealing)

(sirens wailing)

(two g*nshots)

(tires squeal, g*nsh*t) All right, move!

RADIO DISPATCHER: All units in position.

Stand by. Suspect in sight.

5-1, negative.

Copy 2, negative.

(tires squealing)

(garbled radio communication)

(brakes screeching)

OFFICER (over radio): Target the vehicle's tires.

You're clear to fire.

OFFICER 2: Roger that.

(woman speaking frantically over radio)

OFFICER: All units hold your fire.

OFFICER 2: Copy.



This is ongoing. This...

(man shouting) (thud)

Go! Go! Go! Come on!

Move, move, move, move!

Go, go, go, go!

Don't move!

Don't move!

Get him out! Get him out!

Get him out! On your feet, man!

Don't sh**t! Don't sh**t!

On your feet! Right there!

Oh, God!

(man groans) Don't move!

OFFICER: Drop the w*apon.

OFFICER 2: The van's clear.

(siren wailing) Truck's secure.

(coughing) Clear.

He put a slot in the back of the van for the r*fle barrel and scope.

Do we know why?

Not yet.

No priors.

But they suspect he's the real Northbrook sn*per?

The police consider the Northbrook case closed, but it's the same r*fle, same M.O.

I just heard.

You want me to run it?


28-year-old mother of two, Lisa Rennick.

Shot in the head.

Same as Northbrook.

Can we get a ballistics match?

I'll get on it.

No, Kalinda, you go.

Blake, I'll need you on Murphy/Gomes.

Hey, don't overpay.

DERRICK: The rest of you, I'll need you to get everything you can from Alicia on the other victims.

Did you hear?


Talk about lucky.

I mean, except for the death.

We need to double our ask.

My guess is Childs will be phoning in about an hour, trying to cut a quick deal... with a gag order.

Then let's double our ask.

Police arrested Northbrook resident Carl...

ALICIA: Yes, I'm watching right now.

We need to double our ask.

Okay, good.

I'll be in in 15 minutes.

Oh, uh... okay.

Well, I'm here if you need me.

(doorbell rings, phone beeps off)


I wore this for Peter.

And jokes over. I got to change.

This... is for you.

And this... is for Peter.


Oh, come on.

It's true, Peter doesn't like me.

Yeah, but he doesn't like you because you're a jerk, not because you're gay.

You have to make it right.

I know, I know.


I like this.

Why don't we do this more often?

Because you live in Oregon.

Oh, right.

Did you hear mom's divorcing number three?


I didn't like him anyway.

He had a good singing voice.


He was kind of showy.

The bling.

(both chuckle)

Did mom phone you to tell you?

No, she wrote.

Afraid of the Alicia stare.

The what?

Uh, you know.

I don't...

When have I ever done that?

When somebody doesn't live up to your standards.

You make me sound like such a bitch.

No... proper.


Are you going to leave him?

Owen, please don't.

He's two-faced.

Everyone's two-faced.

You're not.

Yes, I am.

Then you've changed.

No. Issues got more complex, and I grew up.

You've always been grown up.

Remember that little speech you gave Mom and Dad.

Oh, my God.

"You can do this to me, but you can't do it to Owen""

Yeah. See how well that worked?

They got divorced anyway.

So that's what this is about, not wanting to be like Mom and Dad.

Does everything have to be about something?

Yeah. I read a piece about it in the Times, I think.

(phone rings)

You know what you need?

An intervention.

I'm gonna be here for three more days.

And at the end of those three days, you are divorcing Peter.

WILL: Turn on channel two; we got a problem.



Who is it? (TV clicks on)

(reporters clamoring) We have a suspect in custody.

But I want to be clear about this.

This is not the Northbrook sn*per.

You're kidding.


The sh**ting bears many of the same trademarks as Northbrook, but this sn*per is a copycat.

And this lawsuit has put the Northbrook sh**t back in the news lately, and unfortunately...

He's blaming us.

WILL: Yep. It's a whole new ballgame.

Am I angry? Yes.

Wyatt Stevens was innocent.

The State's Attorney is grasping at straws trying to thwart our suit by insisting that this new sn*per is a copycat.

WILL: So we prove he's not.

For the next 48 hours, we want a full-court press.

DIANE: And we still need to prove the prosecution's malice in the original case against Wyatt, So we're splitting you into two groups.

Jim, Tom, Dave, Judy, Margie and Al, you are focusing on proving Wyatt's innocence.

The rest of you go to malice.

We should think through the pattern.

DERRICK: Explain.

The police never found a pattern with the first three victims.

Now we have a fourth.

Let's see if it adds up.

Right, good. Get everything you can.

I'll follow pre-trial motions.

DIANE: You mean on the new case?

Yeah. Carl Landers.

Childs will want to isolate this case from the earlier three sh**t, but he'll need to throw everything he can at him to get a conviction.

He'll be tipping his hand. Good. Go.

You think I'm your competition.


I don't care if you're my competition.

Oh. Well, that's good to hear, Leela.

I... sorry.

I keep on slipping on that, don't I?

Don't forget to use condoms.

You seem to think you know something.

You don't.

You're probably right.

(elevator bell dings)

Go ahead.

I'll take the next one.

Well, this is crazy, Eli, because I never read the Carter book.

ELI: Spencer has a picture of you outside your apartment carrying it.


It's probably Alicia's.

I was cleaning out the maid's room.

They would have seen me come out with a bag of clothes for Goodwill if he had waited around another minute.

I know this sounds a little Dumb and Dumber, but I invited him over to your house for Yom Kippur.

Yom Kippur?

I'm having Yom Kippur at my house?




CARY: Carl Landers shot a woman at the mall, Your Honor.

Pursuant to the public terrorism statute, bail is out of the question.

WOMAN: Wait a minute.

The State's Attorney himself said that this was my client's first time.

Ergo, there is no public terrorism.

They can't have it both ways.

We don't need to have it both ways.

Your Honor, Mr. Landers is a flight risk.

Bail denied. Mr. Landers will be held.

What else?

The defense would exercise its right to a speed...

Would you excuse me, Your Honor?

Your Honor?

I would like to point out at this time that the defense attorney is in collusion with the lawyers that are bringing the Northbrook suit.

JUDGE DE LA PIEDRA: Fascinated, Mr. Agos, but I'm not sure what I can do about it.

Your Honor, in the interest of expediency, I have just noticed that... that the prosecution has omitted a key witness from their witness list.

A Detective Mangold.

He was the detective in the Northbrook killings.

We would move to amend our own list to include him.

So moved.

That may prove to be difficult, Your Honor.

And why is that, Mr. Agos?

We ask that we continue this in chambers, Your Honor.

It's going to become part of the public record either way, Mr. Agos.

Let's go.

He sustained an injury in the line of duty four months ago.

Started taking Vicodin for the pain.

He's in rehab.

And if we can show that Mangold was hooked on Vikes at the time of the Wyatt investigation...

That could go to malice.

Good job. Follow it up.

Can I make a suggestion?


You should get Alicia to help the other team.

She made this case her life.

She knows it in and out.


How are you and Blake getting on?

Couldn't be better.

Three sh**t: Noreen Paulus, Roy Cammell, Amelia Stevens.

Now a fourth.

Lisa Rennick.

What do these four people have in common?

The thing is, we'd have a pattern if it weren't for...

The lack of a pattern.

No. The UPE man.

Three women shot, one man.


Odd man out.



BLAKE: Here's the thing.

I know you have backseat and front-facing cameras.

And I know you like to download and store digital recordings to protect yourself from any potential lawsuits filed by customers.

Now let me say this.

I see you have some potential undocumented workers here in your yard, and I would hate for you to get into any trouble.

But I also know that you really want to help us out, so maybe we can make some kind of deal.


Is that what I think it is?

He was aiming for her.

So they're all women... all four.

That's what we think.

Missed her, hit the delivery man.

So who is she?

What is that?

A triangle?

We don't know.

BLAKE: So you're the house mom here.


Well, tell us what happened.

I heard g*nf*re, and I just ran.

And the police never talked to you?

No. I read about it in the paper, and I thought, wow, I was, like, really close.

So you're saying he was aiming for me?

We believe so.

Oh, my God.

Do you have any reason to believe that anyone would want to k*ll you?


And you're sure you don't recognize him?

No. I've never seen him before.

All four of them get pedicures on occasion.

Different salons.

They'd all been to Florida.

Different cities, 20 years apart.

Two of them had master's degrees.

All four of them had dogs growing up.

And the malice front?

We're having a problem finding Mangold, the detective in detox.

They claim he's out of the country.


ALICIA: Yes. We think we should subpoena the CPD to produce his service records.

So you don't put pork with cheese?

Okay, but my guess is this judge doesn't go for it.

Anything else?

This is weird.

You said Meg Malden's birthday is two days after Amelia Stevens'.

Yes. Coincidence.

Noreen Paulus: May 26.

Lisa Rennick: June 19.


They're all Geminis.


So you think he's a Zodiac k*ller.

You think he's k*lling Geminis.

Where are you going?

To ask him.

And bacon, I guess.

No bacon, right?

PETER: I think it's about sovereignty.

If, uh, we had as many su1c1de bombers as Israel, we would have closed our borders years ago.

Exactly, and yet you have all these entertainers boycotting Israel.

Elvis Costello, the Pixies.

I think they'd welcome that boycott.

And are you Jewish, too?


No, I'm one of the good Germans.

He's joking.

(Damian chuckling)

I met a very nice Jewish woman at the market, and she'd just came back from Israel, and she loved it.

Yeah, the important thing is that Peter has supported Israel for a very long time, haven't you?

And the gay agenda.

GRACE: What about the flotillas?

What do you mean, the flotillas?

Israel's unprovoked attack on the flotillas supplying aid to Gaza.

SPENCER: It wasn't unprovoked.

Are you talking about Israel's justified sea blockade against Hamas?

Alicia, do you want to get in here?

I'm talking about the nine people k*lled... the activists.

ELI: The important thing is, Spencer, that, uh, Peter has worked tirelessly on hate crimes. If you look at his record compared to Glenn Childs...

And he loves the gays.

Okay, Owen. Thanks.

JACKIE: But the kosher thing is different.

It's not just about pork, right?


How is it going in there?

Oh, great.

It's one for the books.

You're drinking a bit.


I said that Peter was h*m* because I wanted to hurt him.

I know.

Do you want to know why?

If you want to say.

You're living an idea, Alicia.

You think society is disintegrating.

You don't want to get divorced 'cause everyone is divorcing.

You're like that person on the Titanic who won't leave their room because they're afraid of being rude.

You lost me.

Do you love him?

Do I love Peter?

Yes, I do.

I don't believe you.

I can see it in your eyes.

You don't love him... not anymore.

You don't see anything in my eyes.

Look, I get it. You got kids.

Just, you know, don't stay with him if you don't love him.

You know what I want, Owen?

I want everyone to stop worrying about me.

Stop reviewing my life.

I'm going to do what I want, and it won't be what you want, and it won't be what Mom wants, so back off.

If you hurt her again, I'll k*ll you.

You know what?

Go to hell.

Oh, that's very adult.

So, where were you?


The last time you saw your sister was eight months ago.

The last time you phoned was August.

Because you're still here.

No, no.

When I was in jail, you visited once.

She needed your support.

She needed her family.

So, now I'm being lectured to by the whore-monger.

Yeah, that's right, and you're going to listen to me.

My wife deserves better from her family.

Now, you can hate me...

I really don't care... but you don't hurt her.

You take the time to pick up the phone and call her.

You visit.

If you don't have the money, I will send it to you.


Don't ever abandon her like that again.

GRACE: It was my copy of Peace Not Apartheid, not my mom's, not my dad's.

What is with you kids and your sentimentalizing of Hamas?

JACKIE: If you get marriage, you're still going to just run around like little boys with your pants down.

I would like to make a toast.

Zach, Grace, you can use your water.

Raise your glasses.

Thank you all for coming tonight.

I've been told it isn't proper to say "Happy Yom Kippur" because it is a day of atonement, so... everybody atone.

Yeah, I don't really have a lawyer.

What can you do for me?

You look different.


They won't let me wear my hair in here.

Can... can your law firm do anything about that?

Do you mind telling me your date of birth, Mr. Landers?

March 5, 1970.



I'm a Gemini.

Look, lady, do you need something?

Because I'm facing life in prison here.

Why did you do it?

Why did you k*ll Geminis?

(door opening)

CARY: Miss Sharma.

You know you can't do that, Kalinda.

You'll be charged with impeding an ongoing investigation.

How're you liking the prosecutor's office?

It seems to agree with you.

You look taller.

I like the moral clarity.

Do you miss me?

What if I said yes?

Well, I'd say, "That sounds about right."

Then... yeah.

DERRICK: That's it.

(indistinct chatter)

I just...


We're hitting a brick wall.

We think we should amend the pleadings to include Childs personally.


So we can depose him.

Put him on the spot about the flaws in the Wyatt Stevens investigation.

You want to turn up the heat?


I'm thinking I made a mistake backing away from the political implications.

That's what he fears... the politics.

So we make him afraid.

And force a settlement.


Oh, sure. I recognize that guy.

You do?

I went on a date with him.

This is absurd; I have qualified immunity.

No one has immunity from a deposition, Mr. Childs.

If you'd like, we can call the judge to confirm.

Let's keep this amicable, shall we?

Glenn has 15 minutes.

Then he has a conference call.

If you agree to 15 minutes, we won't object.

We agree.


Starting now.

(door opens)

You gotta be kidding me.


We're not kidding.

WENDY: Okay.

The clock is ticking.

KALINDA: Hey, Cary.

Mr. Moral Clarity.

What is that?

Evidence to help you prosecute Carl Landers.


Out of the goodness of your heart?

Oh, what do you care?

You want moral clarity.

Landers committed all four murders.

This will convict him.

You were under intense pressure to convict someone for the Northbrook killings, weren't you?

It's my job to prosecute criminals.

So, there's always pressure.

Did you give an interview on June 11th, promising "swift accountability and justice" for the sn*per?

I don't recall.

Chicago Tribune. Op-Ed.

"Chicagoans need not fear.

This case will be solved by the end of the month."

And it was.

ALICIA: Even if corners were cut?

They were not.

You may not have been aware that they were.

This is my department.

I have to be aware of everything, and I am.

Does that mean you approved the covering up of the lead detective's Vicodin addiction?

There was no cover-up.

When were you informed of Detective Mangold's drug addiction?

June 28th, to be precise.

And two days later, you had Wyatt Stevens arrested.

Ah, Wyatt Stevens was arrested because Wyatt Stevens was guilty.

So you stand by the prosecution of Wyatt Stevens?

I stand by every prosecution this office has taken on in my tenure.

Unlike earlier holders of my office, I do not prosecute without a good faith belief that the defendant is guilty.

You're up for reelection, isn't that correct, Mr. Childs?

You know the answer to that.

I'll take that as a "yes""

So you can't afford to get this sn*per case wrong?

I didn't get it wrong.

Were you aware that all four sn*per victims were members of datehearts.com?

Is this deposition by ambush?

ALICIA: Were you aware that all four victims were in contact with Carl Landers from this site?

That all four ended up meeting him?

And all four turned up dead within days?

That might prove problematic.

One of those four victims was a man.

Limo surveillance video shows that sh**ting was a miss.

The intended victim was a woman named Meg Malden.

We have no proof as to the veracity of these assertions.

These are records subpoenaed from datehearts.com.

Affidavits asserting that Carl Landers was in contact with all of these women.

They should have been turned over to my office.

It was.

It was presented to one of your ASAs.

You weren't aware of that?

You said you were aware of everything about this case as it related to your department.

Unlike your predecessor.

Okay. We'll have to wrap this up.

Glenn has that conference call.


Good day.


What was your ask?

Originally or now?


But it comes with a gag order.

Your client has to live with the ambiguity of his father's name not being cleared.

Can you sell that?

You're in luck.

He's here.

All we can do is ask.

How much?

Four million.

What you're seeing is no reaction.

Get your client to agree.

(door opening)

(door closing)

ALICIA: I don't know.

He wants an apology.

He wants his father's name cleared.

It was never about the money.

DIANE: See what you can do.


(door opening)

(shouting): Yes!

DIANE: Yep... predictable money.

ALICIA: What're you... ?

I thought your plane was today.

It was. I'm late.


I think it... it's gone.

I was reading Peter's Gay/Straight Alliance speech, "The Double Danger of Hate Crimes."

It's pretty darn good.

That's you, isn't it?

You wrote that?


Alicia, I can recognize your cadence from a mile away.

So you're Hillary?

You're working your agenda through him.

We believe in the same things, that's all.

I'm sorry.

For what?

I wasn't here.

You're in Oregon.

I always thought of you as the big sister.

Well, I'm sorry that I wasn't here when you needed me.

I miss you.

I know.

No, you're supposed to say, "I miss you, too."


I miss you, too.

You don't need to be so strong.

I'm not.

I know.

You don't need to pretend.


(clears throat)

(pats back)

I like your apartment.


I'll phone.


OWEN (outside): I mean it.


OWEN: I'm waiting for the elevator out here.

I'll wait with you.
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