10x21 - Lost & Found

Episode transcripts for the TV show "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation". Featured Movie "Immortality" aired Sunday September 27th, 2015.*
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An elite team of police forensic evidence investigation experts work their cases in Las Vegas.
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10x21 - Lost & Found

Post by bunniefuu »

(upbeat music playing)

(women cheering)

(cork pops)



♪ ♪

Slam it, slam it!


Okay, 39 hours and you're an old married bitch!

(all yelling)

I'm not married yet and you're the bitch!

Whoo! No, n-no, n-no, you're driving, I'm drinking.

Brenda, flash the trucker.

Flash the trucker, flash the trucker!

Flash the trucker, flash him!

(all whooping and chattering)

(horn honking)


(laughter and cheering)

(horn blowing)


(laughter and cheering)

Look out! There's a car!

(horn blaring)


STOKES: Look, sir, it's just standard operating procedure.

TRUCKER: Hey, I told you I wasn't drinking, but those girls, they must have been on something.

What about the pedestrian that was hit?

Did you see where she came from?

I didn't see her till she was on the ground.

Girls were screaming.

I'm the one that called 911.

LANGSTON: Thank you.

OFFICER: All right, all right, calm down.

Tell me what happened before you hit that lady.

WOMAN: We didn't hit her.

She hit us.

Shut up, Claire.

You girls been drinking tonight?

Is that woman going to die?

I don't know.

Which one of you was driving?

All right, Mitch, breathalyzers and sobriety tests times three.

Got you. But I'm getting married this weekend.

And if he loves you, he'll wait.

Julie was driving. Julie?

I'm not going to miss my wedding for you.


You got a whole desert here.

LANGSTON: Hey, Nick, what do you got?

Why can't people just wait till they get to Vegas to start partying?

Is that so difficult?

Well, it is for some people.

You know what they say-- beer before wine, you'll be fine.

Yeah, wine after liquor, never sicker.

Hmm. Which is probably the case here.

Right front tire is flat and as you can see, this front bumper is just shredded.

Yeah, that looks like the point of impact.

Paramedic said he found the victim over there.

I'm still trying to figure out what she was doing out here all by herself in the middle of nowhere.

(monitor beeping)

We moved her from critical to stable, but it's going to be a while before you can talk to her.

Okay, thank you. Okay.

Hey, Jim. Hey.

Greg found an abandoned vehicle about a mile from the scene.

It could be the victim's.

Keys and wallet were under the seat, Nevada license.

Her name is Janet Marie Marsh.

She lives in Seven Hills.

She's a friend.

About three years ago, her husband and two kids went missing.

We found his abandoned SUV with blood inside on the I-15.

She was hit near mile marker 41.

It's the same stretch of road.

She lost her whole family.

She was looking for them.

She's looking for ghosts.

♪ Who... are you? ♪
♪ Who, who, who, who? ♪
♪ Who... are you? ♪
♪ Who, who, who, who? ♪
♪ I really wanna know ♪
♪ Who... are you? ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪ ♪ Who... ♪

♪ Come on, tell me who are you, you, you ♪
♪ Are you! ♪

There-s always a case that just won't let you go.

I carried this around in my wallet for three years.

This is the husband, Mike Marsh, and the two kids- that's Andy, age nine, and Emily, age 15.

Hmm, how did it all go down?

Well, Janet got out of work a little after midnight.

Comes home, nobody's there, you know.

So she calls her husband, she calls her daughter-- no answer.

She, uh, calls her brother who lives nearby.

He doesn't know anything about it, so calls the hospital and then she calls us.

We put out a broadcast.

Around 6:00 a.m.

, Highway Patrol found an abandoned SUV on I-15 North.

Inside we find the husband and the daughter's blood in the backseat, and a bloody pajama top of the young boy.

Not enough blood to confirm death,
but certainly enough to suspect serious injury.

That's all the evidence we recovered.

Case went cold.

And she just keeps going back out to the crime scene?


(camera shutter clicks)

You know, I usually work scenes like this solo-- deserted stretches of highway, nothing around but coyotes.

I used to consider it punishment, but now I enjoy the quiet.

I can leave if you like.

(both chuckle)

(distant coyotes bark, yelp)

Looks like the convertible bottomed out here.

Yeah, this dip probably caused the car to bleed off a lot of speed.

It's probably why the victim is still alive.

What's this?

I got a flashlight...

...with what appears to be fresh blood on the grip.

Could've belonged to the victim.

And you didn't have any suspects?

I kinda liked the brother.

Name is Bill Cornwell.

He has a construction business.

He was in partnership with Mike Marsh.

There's a lot of debt, a lot of insurance.

That's motive right there, Jim.

We brought him in, we interrogated him, you know?

He didn't give me a straight answer.

He was very cagey.

I just didn't like his face.

I felt he was lying.

But he had an airtight alibi.

DOCTOR: Captain, she has a concussion.

Her left ulna's fractured in two different places.

There's no internal bleeding.

She got lucky. I'm going to keep her under observation for a few more hours.

That's great news.

Thank you, Doctor.

Okay. Thanks for your help.

Thanks. Mm-hmm.

Would you mind if I just...?

Give me a minute? No, please.

Thanks. Go ahead.

(monitor beeping steadily)

I thought we had a deal.

No more moonlight hikes.

What happened out there?

How are the girls?

Did their parents get notified?

Come on, Detective.

Don't do my job for me, okay?


(knocking on door)

This is CSI Nick Stokes.

He's got to do a little work, okay?

Mrs. Marsh, I'm here to, um, document your injuries and collect your clothing, okay?

Janet, they're gonna release you in about two hours.

I'm gonna come back and give you a ride home, okay?



How many stitches did they give you?

You're wasting your time.

I'm not going to press charges.

Well, that's up to the D.A., but I'll put it in my report.

Jim told you all about me, didn't he?

I can tell by the look in your eyes you pity the poor crazy lady who lost her family.


Yes. No, I don't.

Listen, I don't pity you.

Honestly, I completely understand.

If I lost my whole family like that, I would never stop looking for them until I got some answers.

No matter what.

Can you remember anything about the car accident?

BOY (low and distant): Mommy, Mommy, I'm here!

He was calling me.

BOY: Mommy, Mommy, I'm here!

Mommy, I'm here!

(women screaming)

Sometimes I get lost in my thoughts.

Is that what happened last night?

You got lost in your thoughts?

No. I was out following a lead on the case.

And did you tell Captain Brass about that lead?


Because the lead came from a psychic.

A reputable one who's worked with the LAPD.

Jim thinks it's all hocus-pocus.

You probably do, too.

(chuckles) No, ma'am.

I've learned to keep an open mind.

This job will do that to you, you know?

This psychic... she's sure that Andy is dry, yet near water.

Did you know that Vegas is built on some underground springs?


Well, I got a map.

And there's a spring in the desert, right under where they found Mike's Jeep.

See-- dry, yet near water.

Mommy, Mommy, help me.

Help me!

Mommy, please...

Please help me.

(crying): Andy's so close.

He wants me to find him.

I feel him all around me still.


What about your husband and your daughter?


Isn't that terrible?


Hey, Greg, you gotta come take a look at this.

I was just processing the fresh blood from the grip, and I noticed old blood and tissue in this ring around the lens.

Old blood?! Yeah.

So it can't be casual transfer from the vic.

Has to be from an earlier event.


And that impact had to be significant enough to actually damage tissue.

Plus those are hair fragments right there, which tells me that somebody was whacked on the head.

So, uh, Wendy got a hit on the blood and tissue from Janet Marsh's flashlight.

Familial match to her son Andy.

We could be looking at our m*rder w*apon.

So this woman's been searching for her son all these years with the exact same flashlight that was used to k*ll him?

If Janet Marsh was in possession of the m*rder w*apon, that makes her the only suspect.

Wait a minute now.

I've met the woman.

It's very tough to fake grief like that.

Well, guilt can masquerade as grief.

And there's a lot of people who express remorse after committing a homicide.

If this were the father that we were talking about, and not the mother, what would we be thinking then?

"Lock him up"?

And, ordinarily, we'd be right, but this is by no means an ordinary case.

Hi. How you feeling, Janet?


I'm okay.


So, what brings you here?

We found some new evidence.

It concerns Andy.

You found my son?

Uh, no, ma'am, but with your help, we may be able to.


Come on in.

(door creaks closed)

So, what can I do?

How can I help?

You had a flashlight with you last night.


Where did you get that?

It was in the car.

Okay, so it's yours. Yes.

Oh. And where do you keep that, in the car?

In the kitchen. How long have had the flashlight?

Uh, ten years.

Since we bought the house.

(chuckles) Why are they asking about the flashlight?

We found Andy's blood on it.

Well, how can that be?

You all searched the house already.

BRASS: When we searched Mike's Jeep, that became our crime scene.


Marsh, we'd like permission to process your house.

Of course.

Kitchen's that way.

(police radio communication in distance)

(dispatch and field communication continues)


When did you get the police scanner?

Oh, I hardly listen to that thing anymore.

It's in the kitchen.

Yeah. Let-Let me show you where I keep the--

No, no. You can just point it out for me, if you don't mind.

I keep it in the last drawer.

(police radio communication continues)

Come on, Janet.

I'll buy you lunch.

All right, I got a police report here with a supplemental in Brass' handwriting.

Time cards substantiate that Janet Marsh was working at Wellington's Market from 4:00 p.m.

To midnight the night her family went missing.

She had an alibi.

But she didn't call 911 until almost 4:00 a.m.

Which would've given Janet Marsh time to k*ll her family, to clean up, to dispose of the bodies and to dump the bloody truck, which gave her a diversion and took us 23 miles away from the house.

That's a lot for one person to do.

So, if she did it, she had to have help.

If a stranger committed these murders, he would've brought his own w*apon.

And if he didn't, he would've done a quick search of the room and grabbed one of these knives.

Why would he pick a flashlight?

And why put it back in the drawer?

Maybe force of habit.

Or the k*ller thought he cleaned it off and put it back where it belonged.

Either way, it suggests we're looking at a family member or a friend.

Janet admitted to Brass that her marriage was rocky.

A lot of marriages end because of infidelity.

Maybe she was seeing someone.

Brass checked her phone records.

There was no unusual calls.

Looks like she talked to her brother at least twice a day.

Let's say Janet snapped, k*lled her family, calls brother Bill.

He helps her cover it up.

Well, Brass' gut told him that the brother was involved, but the guy had a ironclad alibi.

He was questioned a dozen times.

Searched his home, his office, his car.

Still, Janet told Nick that she had hallucinations about her dead son.

It sounds like she was experiencing some kind of dissociative episode.

Her personality splintered because of the guilt.

This is why she wanders the highway at night.

She's being tormented by her own conscience.

Or she's a cold-blooded m*rder*r who's still playing out her diversion to keep the suspicion away.

♪ ♪
♪ ♪
♪ ♪

Hey, check this out.

This is the latest issue of this magazine.

Janet Marsh never canceled her son's subscription.

You know, it looks to me like she just quit living the night her family disappeared.

And she's not going to live again until she gets some answers.

What's that?

Her daughter had a diary.

Listen to this.

"He gave me the coolest bracelet today "and told me how special I am.

"He's the only one who understands me, "especially since my mom only cares about Andy, "and my dad's never home.

"I love him, and I wish he could take me away from here.

Maybe someday."

Did Brass interview the boyfriend?

Brass never mentioned a boyfriend.

Well, this is the last entry, five months before her disappearance.

She wrote in this journal every day for a year, and then just stopped.

There must have been something going on, especially at that age.

Maybe a significant event with a significant other?

The boyfriend could've known his way around the house.

What's his name?

We'll have Brass round him up.

She doesn't even mention his name.

Not even an initial.

Ah, that's weird.

Maybe it was someone her parents didn't approve of.

You think they're dead, don't you?

It's just that I always had this feeling that somehow Andy got away.

What about your daughter?

Could you ever give up on Ellie?

(children giggling)

Actually, I think, in some ways, Ellie gave up on me.

You never stop loving your kids.

There's a difference between giving up and letting go.

Janet, you got to learn to let go.

(truck door closes)
Can I help you?

What's going on here?

This is a police investigation.

Who are you?

Bill Cornwell.

This is my sister's house.

Let me see some I.D.


You're not an organ donor?

Look, Janet came home from the hospital this morning.

She should be resting.

Where is she?

Your sister's fine, Mr.


My sister hasn't been fine in a long time.

That's why I have to come by every day; pay her bills, make sure she eats.

Is there something going on with the case?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I know. You can't talk about it.

I just miss them, you know?

Andy and Emily were great kids.

Hey, Bill, while we're talking, have you ever met any of Emily's boyfriends?

If she did have any, she didn't bring them home.

Yeah? Why's that?

Mike was pretty protective of his little girl.

And Em and Janet, you know, they had a pretty stormy relationship.

Thanks for stopping by.

Yeah, I hope you find something again.

We'll do the best we can.


You're welcome.

(engine starting) Hey.


Janet's brother.

Heard you could use an extra hand.

Yeah. Yeah, thanks, Ray.

Greg's finishing up with the luminol inside, but so far, there's no evidence of any k*lling that took place here.

Let's check the garage.

It's frozen in time.

Just like the rest of the house.

Let's go to work.

The luminol's reacting with the detergent.

Yeah, and the bleach.



I've got something over here, and it ain't bleach.

No, sir.

We need to get up there.

LANGSTON: Here's the stain that seeped through into the garage.

A trail of fluid leads back to... this footlocker here.

U.S. Army standard issue.

A psychic told Janet that her son was dry but near water.


LANGSTON: Andy was wearing pajamas the night he disappeared.


BRASS: Where exactly?

Have they recovered anything else?

Okay, keep me posted, Nick.

Jim, what is it?

What? Did they find something?

Tell me.

They found Andy's body.

At the house?

Yes. No.

Oh, he was with me all the time!

Janet... Janet...

(sobbing): He was with me!

Come on. No! No! No!

You know, Doc...

I'm against the death penalty...

...except when it comes to people who k*ll children.

I think they should be tortured first and then guillotined.

Eaten away by bugs, so I can't get prints.

Tissue sample should be able to confirm his identity through DNA.

Well, I confirmed the remains as male.

Femur measured 11 inches.

That's consistent with an average nine-year-old.

The decay was consistent with a boy who's been dead approximately three years.

What about C.O.D.?

Blunt force trauma to the temporal bone.

Single blow?

As far as I can tell.

The wound appears compatible of an object the size and shape of that flashlight I saw.

And there were bone fragments inside what was left of his brain.

I can't tell you what Andy was feeling in the final moments of his life...

...but I do know he didn't suffer long.

He shouldn't have suffered at all.


Her son's body was found in her garage.

She was in possession of the m*rder w*apon.

That makes Janet Marsh suspect number one.

We're taking her into custody, Jim.

The woman has been through hell.

She just found out she's been living with her kid's corpse.

A corpse that was never in her husband's vehicle.

Which means that her son's bloody pajama top was planted there, which brings us back to your friend Janet.

She didn't k*ll her family.

Jim, I know you're trying to do your job, but you have a personal relationship with this woman.


And that's not going to look good.

Don't go there, Conrad, okay?

Jim, we're going to do this by the book.

I'm not taking you off the case, but I want to interview her.

She knows me. She trusts me.

Let's just see what she'll say when she's talking to someone she doesn't know.

Mrs. Marsh, my name's Conrad Ecklie.

I'm the undersheriff.

We need to ask you some questions.

First, I need to make sure this waiver of attorney we have on file still applies.

Do you waive your right to have an attorney present?

Yes or no, please? Yes.

I waive my right to have an attorney present.

Janet, you remember me, yeah?

We've talked before. Yes.

Guess we'll talk a little bit again here.

Um, what can you tell me about the footlocker in the crawl space above the garage?

Oh, my God.

Was he in there?

Stay with me now, Janet.

How long has it been there?

Since Mike got back from Desert Storm.

So it was your husband's footlocker?


But we kept Andy's camping stuff in it.

He loved to camp.

STOKES: And how long has it been since you opened it?

JANET: We took a camping trip to Cathedral Gorge that summer.

The kids, Mike, Bill and me.

And Bill is...?

My brother.

He spent more time with the kids than their own father.

Taught Andy to fish.

Uh, Emily was being difficult, so I brought her home.

I'm pretty sure they put the locker away when they got back.

You think I k*lled my little boy?

My daughter? My husband?

I can't move because I'm afraid if they come back, they won't be able to find me.

I can't sleep, and so I go looking for them on the highway.

It's all I do!

Why can't you people understand that?

I hire psychics to help me, and then people think I'm crazy.

This is making me crazy!

And it's got to stop!

It's got to stop!

LANGSTON: I collected 16 prints.

Six were identifiable.

Five were on the bottom panel of the footlocker.

Position suggests that someone was trying to pick it up.

All five were a match to Mike Marsh.

Identified by an old work card.

Construction contract at the Eclipse.

This one...

...is unknown.

Did you check it against the brother?

Yes. Everyone's money is on Uncle Bill, but no match.

Print could belong to one of the kids.

David Phillips was unable to get any fingerprints off the boy's body.

And there were no exemplars from Andy or Emily in the file.

♪ ♪

LANGSTON: What made you collect this?

Emily's room was full of stuff that belonged to her, but this was actually a part of her.

No hit on your lid print.

It was a long-shot, but we had to play it.

Wait a sec.

That's impossible.

There were no exemplars.

She can't be in AFIS.

What did Emily's print hit on?

Current work card-- Hope Wilson, Reno, Nevada.

Date of birth, September 2, 1992.

It's a different name, but it's the same birthday.

That is Emily Marsh.

MAN (over radio): Suspect's vehicle is approaching.

Let's go.

(siren whoops)

Emily Marsh, step out of the vehicle.

Emily Marsh?

My name is Hope Wilson.

Put your weapons away.


There's a child in the backseat.

Call Child Services.

Get an ambulance, get the kid back to Vegas.

Emily Marsh, you're under arrest.

Come with me.

My name is Hope Wilson.

Please don't hurt my son.

He'll be fine.

Oh, Connor, don't be sad.

Everything's cool.

Hey, I got something for you.

You want to see?

Pick one.



Are you sure?

The red's really good.

Uh-uh. I'll make you a deal.

You try the red one, and if you don't like it, I'll give you the green one.

Okay. Okay.

There you go.

(chuckles) You don't like it?

Okay. All right, the green one it is then.

There you go.



How old are you?

Three? No way.

You're a big boy.

You like that one?

I got to get me a green one.

WILLOWS: We know who you are.

You're Emily Marsh.

Your fingerprints confirm it.

Emily, we've been looking for you for three years.

We're still looking for your father.

Can you tell me what happened?

I'm going to need to take your DNA to confirm you're the mother of Connor.

I am.

Who's the father?

Open up, please.

How's it going in here, Ray?

Looks like we're back to square two.

You know, her neighbors in Reno said that Emily was living with her husband-- an older guy.

LANGSTON: Connor's father, Doug Wilson.

D.O.B. September 14, 1967.



Mike Marsh would have been 43.

People on the run are desperate.

They're not thinking straight.

They change their names, but they forget to change their date of birth.


(computer trilling)

LANGSTON: Doug Wilson.

That's the same face.

Father and daughter living as husband and wife.

Connor was three.

Emily was pregnant before she disappeared.

Her father's the father.

I want to see Emily now.

It's gonna be a while.

We haven't finished talking with her yet.

Why? What's the matter?

Emily is safe.

So keep that in the front of your mind, okay?

But things are unraveling very quickly, and there've been some unexpected developments.

Mike is alive.

Emily has a child.


He's three years old.

How...? No, no, that can't be.

How could that be?

Captain. Yeah?

There's a Doug Wilson at the reception.

Wants to talk to you. Okay.

I'm gonna send someone home with you, okay?

And I'll call you later.

(quietly): As soon as I take him to interrogation, get her out of here.


Oh, my...

(sobs): Oh, my God.

Mike Marsh.

Have you arrested him? Yes, Captain.

That's why I'm here.

I'm the guy you want, not my daughter.

Emily didn't do anything wrong.

We're gonna talk about that.

Let's go.

I made the decision to run.

I took her with me.

Let Emily and her son go.

She didn't have anything to do with Andy's death.

I k*lled him!

It was an accident.

It was all me.

Did you hear what I said?

It was all my fault!

I k*lled my son.


You sick bastard!

You were supposed to protect our children!

Get down!



(sobbing): Daddy!

Daddy! (sobbing)


(sobbing): Daddy... Daddy.

A man murders his son, impregnates his daughter...

Why turn yourself in?

I mean, he ran once, why not run again?

Maybe he thought, in his own sick, twisted way, that he was really in love with her.

And then he found out that she and their son were in custody...?

He wanted to protect the both of them.

DNA results on Connor Wilson came back.

He shares more than 20 alleles with Emily.

Because Connor's mother and father were father and daughter.

The extra alleles come from the maternal DNA.

Say again?

Mike Marsh is not Connor Wilson's father.

His father shares seven alleles with Janet Marsh.

Janet's brother?

Uncle Bill.

I told my mom I didn't want Uncle Bill to come over anymore.

She said I was ungrateful, and it was her house.

This whole thing is her fault!

Everything is her fault!

When did your dad find out?

That night.

My dad was still at work.

Uncle Bill let himself in.

I thought since I was pregnant, he would leave me alone, but he didn't.

Andy should've been in bed.

(Bill speaking indistinctly)

(Emily sobbing)

(belt buckle rattling)

When Uncle Bill left, I went to find Andy.

I didn't even know what to say.

But the way he looked at me...

He started yelling, "I'm gonna tell Mom!

I'm gonna tell Mom!

I'm gonna tell Mom!"

She would have blamed me!

I just wanted him to shut up!

I'm gonna tell Mom!

I'm gonna tell Mom!

Quit it! You're not gonna tell Mom!

Yes, I am! Get that thing out of my face!

You're gonna be in so much trouble!

Shut up!

When my dad came home and found us, I told him everything.

Emmy, what happened?


I'm sorry.

He said it wasn't my fault, that he'd make it all better.

My dad said we'd come back someday and bury him.

My dad was just trying to protect me.

He didn't do anything wrong.


I loved my brother.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry!


The D.A. has decided not to file charges against Emily.

She'll be a much better mother than I ever was.

I never could talk with Emily... even when she was little.

Andy was different.

He was so easy to love.

This all happened because they knew I could never forgive her.

I hope one day she can learn to forgive me.



♪ ♪

Okay, there's your mom.

It's time to go.

But before you leave, how about... a green one for the road?

All right, you're a good boy.

Go on, you little CSI. Mom!


Hi. Mommy.

How are you?

Are you okay? Yeah.


I missed you.

Let me see you.
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