03x14 - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Scandal". Aired: April 2012 to April 2018.*
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A White House Communications Director leaves to start her own crisis management firm only to discover she has not left the past behind.
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03x14 - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Post by bunniefuu »

[Indistinct conversation]

David: I really want to.

I've buried stories before, James.

I can't do it again.

David: And here I was thinking that you'd called this meeting begrudgingly. Wait. What?

I said I thought you'd called the meeting begrudgingly.

You thought I called this meeting?

What's with all the whispering?

[Silenced g*nsh*t] [Grunts]

[Silenced g*nsh*t] [Gasps]


[Breathing heavily]

Please, please. Oh, God.

I've always liked you, David. You seem smart.

Are you smart, David?

Can you work with me on this, or do I need to stop liking you? Vic's name is James Novak, White House press secretary, but I'm guessing you already know that, or Justice wouldn't be downnhere taking over my case.n No car keys, empty wallet, and windshield glass at the scene suggest we're looking at a carjacking gone wrong.

There's been a string of them in this area the past few months.

Got an APB out on the car.

We're also visiting local chop shops around town.

Any luck, the perp will try to dump it locally.

Mr. Rosen?

Put an expedite on ballistics.

Anything you find, I'm the first to know.

Copy that.

[Police radio chatter]

The White House doctor's going to be here any minute to check you out.

You've had a terrible shock.

We're gonna find whoever did this.

We're going to find them, and they're going to go to jail for the rest of their life.


I have some things to do right now, but I'll be back soon, all right?

James is dead. He died. Ethan.

I know, but right now, your job is take care of Cyrus.

I talked to him yesterday.


Ethan, stop crying or you're fired.

I mean it. Don't make me fire you, Ethan.

Call his nanny. Make sure his daughter is accounted for.

Check on him every 15 minutes.

This is the worst day of his life.

You're Cyrus Beene.

Guilty as charged.

I was, um...

Do you think I could get a couple words on Grant's thoughts on immigration?

I called you a couple times.

Uh, sorry.

I'm James Novak, Boston dispatch.

Boston dispatch.

No comment.

Wait a second.

Novak? James novak?

The James Novak who wrote that tiny little hit piece in that tiny little paper that no one's ever heard of?

Do you mean the meticulously researched cover story on Hollis Doyle's influence on the grant campaign that ran in the Boston dispatch?

Wouldn't know. Didn't read it.

But if I had, I'd tell the hippies in Cambridge square not to worry.

Doyle's pipeline has no chance of moving forward, no matter who's in the White House come January.

So, you didn't read it, except that you made it all the way to the end?

Piece of advice, James.

You want to play with the big dogs?

Dress the part.

You really think I'm gonna take fashion advice from a guy with a neck beard?

No comment.

I can't believe James is gone.

Just awful.

I'm so sorry. How's Cyrus?

Olivia: In shock.

You'll have to suspend your campaign activities at least for a few days out of respect.

Um, I hate to say it, but is that wise?

It's the decent thing to do.

I think what Mellie's concerned about is the g*n-lobby event.

You want me to suck up to the g*n lobby the day after my press secretary's shot down on the street in cold blood?

Mellie: One could argue, especially then, the liberals will be braying about g*n control.

It reaffirms your commitment to our second amendment rights.

I'm not politicizing the death of a friend.

You'll be the only one who won't be.

Reschedule my appearance.

[Door opens]

Lauren: Mr. President, the vice President's on the line for you.

Mr. President, James Novak was a devoted public servant.

In the wake of this senseless tragedy, I imagine you'll be temporarily suspending your campaign?

We will be, yes.

I just wanted to let you know that, in solidarity, the Langston campaign will, of course, follow suit, so that his passing may be mourned with all the honor that it so richly deserves.

I appreciate that, madame vice President.

Thank you for the call.

Of course.

And now?

Now we go after that g*n-lobby endorsement with everything we've got... g*ns blazing, as it were.

[Indistinct shouting]

What was the President's reaction to the news?

I'm sorry. I'm just getting my bearings here.

You mean you can't just tell us how the President reacted?

Where was he when he heard the press secretary was shot?

Hold on, I'm getting there. Just one sec.

Reporter: When can we expect to hear something from the President?

Where's Vanessa Chandler?

Find out if shelby moss was at work this morning.

Shelby Moss. That's...

David's N.S.A. girl. What's going on?

Vanessa Chandler was a no-show at the White House today.

Wait. Are you saying...

I don't think James Novak died in a carjacking.

It was a hit.

Oh, my God. David.


David! Oh, my God, David.

Abby, are you stalking me at work?

Yes. Yes, I am stalking you.

Because you didn't come home last night, and...

Did you know that James Novak was k*lled?

Yeah, I'm running lead on his case.

Oh, my God. That's even worse!

Worse... what are you talking about?

There are people, David, and they are dangerous, and they are out there, and James is dead, and Shelby Moss and Vanessa Chandler are missing, and you're alive... You know, for now...

But those people are gonna see you.

David, you're gonna be on the news.

James Novak died in a random street crime.

It's not whatever you think it is. It's not...

Uh, don't... don't do that. Don't lie to me.

You can't... Don't lie to me.

We don't do that anymore.

I'm not lying.

David. He was a friend of mine.

I liked him, and I miss him, and I can't believe he's gone.

Please don't make this into something it isn't, Abby.

Please just let me get through this by doing my job.


[Cellphone beeps]

[Breathing heavily]

Liv. I heard the news. I'm sorry.

I know James was a friend.


Actually, that's why I'm calling.

I think James may have been k*lled because he knew the truth about Daniel Douglas.

Can you do me a favor? Can you look into it?

I'm in the middle of something right now.

Well, whenever you have time.

Sure. No problem.

I'll throw in the Gucci for free.

You are a very resourceful young lady.

Let's just say I have a knack for playing the market.

So, now that I've paid your retainer, where do we go from here?

We find ourselves a t*rror1st.

Well, I thought that's what you were.

No, not at all.

You blew up a plane.

That was personal.

t*rrorists use v*olence to advance their convictions...

God, country...

And since I'm not burdened by those, I'm more of a facilitator.

I don't make bombs, I make money.

When I hired you, I thought it was just gonna be you and me.

Then who would take the fall?

Because it's not gonna be me.

Don't worry. Your money's been well spent.

You just leave everything to me.

Tell me you found Shelby Moss.

I wish I could.

Her boss said she left early yesterday and didn't show up this morning, and her roommate said she never came home last night.

And Vanessa Chandler?

Also M.I.A., but I'll keep looking. - No.

Find out what Leo Bergen was up to last night.

You think Leo and Sally k*lled James? I don't know, but they'd benefit most from his death.

I did everything you said.

I held his calls, canceled his meetings.

I did a bunch of stuff wrong on purpose just so he could yell at me, which usually makes him feel better, but I'm sorry, Ms. Pope.

I couldn't stop him.

This is completely wrong!

I asked for her schedule, not your own personal musings about when she might be leaving!

They told me it was in flux.

Why use so many words when a simple "I failed you" will do?

Olivia: Ethan, get out.

Yes, ma'am.

[Door closes]

Liv, this is bad. She's going behind our back.

Cyrus, sit down.

I'm fine! Just listen.

Sit down. You've been relieved of your duty.

Sally Langston is sneaking behind our back to steal the endorsement of the g*n lobby.

And I will handle it.

Air force two is fired up on the tarmac!

Sally's set to meet with their leadership today!

I will deal with it!

I know what you're doing. I appreciate it. I really do.

Thank you... for caring about me, for my health.

I mean it.

But asking me to sit on my hands while Sally Langston steals the g*n lobby and with it Ohio and Western Pennsylvania and the White House in a single meeting...

That's not helping me.

That's involuntary manslaughter.

Let me work.

I need to work.


Just one question.

Why hasn't governor Grant taken a stand on the issue of marriage equality when he has a gay campaign manager?


"What" as in you're surprised I asked, or "what" as in you didn't hear me?

I'll repeat the question.

Why hasn't...


I'm not gay.

So, why are you whispering?

Because your question is outrageous.

And yet you shaved your beard.

It itched.

I don't believe you.

You need to return to your seat.

You do look a lot better without it.

You found nothing? Huck: Nothing.

I'm not saying bergen didn't do it, but if he did... - He was clever about it.

All right, listen. The Daniel Douglas file, the one in my safe...

I want you to look at it, see if there's something we've overlooked, a thread we haven't pulled on yet, something that could give us some answers.

Will do.
[Cellphone beeps]

[Safe beeping]

[Keyboard clacks]

Quinn: Lance McCollum?
[Rachet whirring]

Who wants to know?

Hi, Lance.

Who the hell are you?

Charlie: We're the United States government, and we're here to ask you to serve your country.

I can't serve nobody.

I'm a sick man.

Your liver. We know. Six months if you're lucky, and with your insurance, you probably won't be.

Livers are expensive, Lance.

But you know who gets free medical care...

Transplants, even?

Inmates, that's who.

We went to his place on an anonymous tip.

Idiot sees us coming and starts running.

My partner chases him down, and voilà.

Suddenly, we've got cause to search the premises.

That's when you found the beretta.

Shoved under the couch with some beer cans and cat toys.

Got a record... Two carjackings.


Uh, still pending.

So, what do you say?

Can we make it official and arrest this guy?

Lance: I was at home watching T.V.

Mr. Rosen?

Detective: [Scoffs] But you ran when the cops showed up? - No.

I'm sorry?

It's too soon.

Too soon? We've practically got him dead to rights.

Why on earth...

Because I said so.

We wait for ballistics to come in.

Until then, no arrests.

The determination of our party...

Fitz: [Amplified] The determination of our party...

The vision of a better tomorrow than we've ever had before.

The vision of a better tomorrow than we've ever had before.

Can you see that future with me?

Can you see that future with me?

Can you dream with me?

Can you dream with me?

[Cheers and applause]

[Exhales sharply] Because I can't do this alone.


Yes, I'm the one running for President.

But that's just me...


Y-you're going to miss the end of my guy's speech.

He gave the same speech two days ago, and the day before that, and three times last week.

Fitz: Sometimes it feels like a thing of the past...

A relic from a bygone era.

It's a good speech.


The speech. It's...

It's a good speech.

[Chuckling] Oh, my God. You're terrible at this.

At what?

[Sighs deeply]

I do...

I don't... I don't...

Indulge very often.


Cyrus, I'm not a dessert.

I... I know.

I like you.

I'm attracted to you.

Now that you're divorced, I want to date you...

Because you're intense and you're strong and...

Even though you're a republican, you have a very hot mouth.

Cyrus, that was my move.

It is now your turn to make a move back.

Unless I've just been deluding myself that there's something here and you can't figure out a way to tell me.

[Sighs deeply]

Okay. I'm sorry.

I won't bother you anymore.


[Breathing heavily]

That was... my move.

Damn right, that's your move.

Sally's decided to mourn the press secretary by going down to Houston to meet with her good friends from the g*n lobby.

What are you doing here? You should be at home.

Why isn't he at home?

He needs to work. Let it go.


You heard her. Let it go.

All right.

So, what's the plan?

You want me to fly down to Houston to meet with the g*n lobby today?

No, that's...

Bad optics, given the situation.

But we can send Andrew.

With his record on g*ns? - He's too moderate. And Mellie.

They do love Mellie.

Mellie's kin.

All right, but if Sally's leaving in a few hours, we need to get ahead of her.

We need help from our commander in chief.

Four g*n-control bills signed into law when he was governor of California...

His very being an as*ault on the second amendment...

Ooh, "as*ault."
g*n lobby's gonna love that.

And this arduous weapons ban he's supporting...

What part of "shall not be infringed" does Grant not understand?

Jim, what's going on? Why are we turning?

We have to head back to the White House, ma'am.

Air force two has been grounded.

Grounded? By whom?

Cyrus Beene, that grief-stricken son of a bitch.

I'll handle this, madame vice President.

Andrew: Hut!

Ahh, another bird that gets to have dinner with his family tonight.

The g*n lobby has 5 million members.

If you want their support, it's not enough to be seen with a shotgun in your hand.

You need to know how to use it.

In case my family ever gets att*cked by clay pigeons?

Or armed intruders.

Oh, that's right.

You and your beloved second amendment.

"The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

Wiser words were never written.



Fifth place, junior world championships.



I'm sorry. There must have been a miscommunication.

I only speak to Ivan, but your name is...



Can you see why I'm confused?

Ivan is very busy man.

Doesn't know you. Neither do we.

If you want to do business, you work with us.

First off, where's money?

Perhaps we can get started with negotiations and arrange for a meeting with Ivan after.

[Silenced g*nshots]

Unh-unh, Dimitri.

Would you mind?

Now, Dimitri, tell Ivan that Marie Wallace sends her condolences for his loss and she looks forward to meeting with him soon.

You have something?

When I took the Daniel Douglas file from your safe, it showed signs of tampering.

I pulled footage off the cam inside.

You put a camera in my safe?

When David stole the cytron card, it exposed holes in our security system.

I upgraded.

Quinn was here.

She went right for that file, which means...

B613 knows everything.

Three innocent lives, and one of them was a friend of mine!

Innocence is in the eye of the beholder, and I think you're smart enough to see why my definition is different than yours.

So you admit this was B613?

I am telling you bad things happen.

A reporter and an N.S.A. worker go missing.

A press secretary dies in a carjacking.

It's unfortunate. Life is unfortunate.

Random. Coincidental.

Bad things happen to good people all the time.


You make bad things happen to good people.

Who put you up to this?


I want to know. Who?

Who made you do this?

You tell me... Who made you do this?


I am command, Olivia!

Who do you think?!

This was your call?

This was my call.

I am protecting the Republic.

I keep this country running. I do what needs to be done!

It's my job! I'm command!

You told me you would be different.

I am different.

No! No!

Fitz gave you the keys to this office and immediately you became my father!

I am different!

Because when something awful needed to be done, I did not pull some poor, broken soldier out of a hole and make him do something that would give him nightmares for the rest of his life.

I did that awful thing myself.

James Novak died in a carjacking.

Accept that and the world keeps spinning.

And if I don't?

Bad things happen to good people all the time.

I promise you, I am fine. I have to go.

You're being unreasonable.

I'm being unreasonable?

Don't you dare make this about me, Cyrus, when this is so clearly all about you being too afraid to tell your other boyfriend that you're gay!

I'm not afraid, James.

I am just not ready to tell the President of the United States what I do when I go home at night.

When are you gonna be ready, Cyrus, huh?

Because I seem to remember you telling me that things were gonna be different after the election.


I brought a tux, Cyrus!

You realize that you are literally... literally...

Standing me up for the ball!

I can't take you to the inaugural ball!

You knew that I couldn't take you.

Bringing a tux anyway is your way of trying to make me the bad guy...

You are the bad guy! I am not like you.

I am traditional.

I am not interested in flaunting my secrets.

I am not some dirty, little secret.

I am your boyfriend!

[Car alarm chirps]
Adnan: Harrison.

What do you want?

Your boss has friends at the justice department, yes?

She knows people. Why?

Because I may be looking for an escape route.

[Tires squeal]

You know what? Never mind.

Forget this ever happened.

Adnan. Hey!

Calm down, Rosen. I'm not here to k*ll you.

I'm here because I'm concerned about the pace of your investigation. - The pace?

Lance McCollum still walks the streets of our nation's capital.

Why hasn't there been an arrest yet?

There will be.

It's a big case... Lots of red tape.

We need to thoroughly review the evidence.

We've done everything but put James Novak's car in Lance's living room. Do I need to do that?

Do I need to put James Novak's car in Lance's living room? No.

Good, 'cause I'd hate to think you're having doubts about this.

Not at all. Why would you...

Because you scheduled a meeting with the Attorney General.

St-strictly to update him, not to tell him what happened...

Not that anything did happen.

I gave you a suspect. I expect you to use him... soon.


You could say hello.

Hello, Olivia. What do you want?


Can you just...


I don't know, nice, for a minute, to me?

Can you be a dad... normal, kind, regular dad... for just a few seconds for me, please?

I'm asking... I'm really asking, here, because I... I really need it. I...

I need my dad.



I don't know what the point is... of this... of democracy and freedom and patriotism.

If there are no white hats, if everyone is evil, if the deck is always stacked, if everyone I love is a monster, if no one is worth saving, what's the point?


I'm asking you.

I'm actually asking you. What is the point?

What happened?

Sally Langston m*rder*d Daniel Douglas, and Jake k*lled three people to cover it up, including Cyrus Beene's husband.

Oh, that.

"Oh, that"?


[Voice breaking] Forget it.

Sit down. Sit...


You want me to be your dad, I'll be your dad.


That's the number of people I'm responsible for k*lling...

Not the number of people I've k*lled, the number I'm responsible for.

There's a difference.

You get an order to k*ll someone, well, maybe you pull the trigger, but it's not on you.

They ordered it.

If you didn't k*ll the poor bastard, somebody else would.

But when you become command, you are the one giving the orders.

You are the one making the decisions.

You have to choose who lives, who dies.

You are responsible.

So you become...

The hand of God.


I know all of their names.

I know how old they were, if they had children, if they would be missed.


I never made a decision lightly.

I always suffered a bit with each one.

The responsibility of that, the gravity of that, the weight of it, it marks me.

It stains me. It never leaves me.

I am responsible.


So, whatever you think of Jake, however you want to punish him, being the hand of God is already the worst punishment in the world.

And there is, incidentally, a point.

If there are no more white hats, if the deck is always stacked, and if everyone you love is a monster, there is, in fact, someone worth saving.



Everyone is worth saving!

Even the monsters. Even the demons.

Everyone is worth saving.

In the face of darkness, you drag everyone into the light.

That is the point.

At least, I like to think that is the point of you.

[Crying softly]


Am I finished... being dad now?

Are we done?


Good sh**ting, d*ck. Appreciate it, Andy.

Certainly underestimated your abilities, governor.

Not bad for California.

[Chuckles] Despite the hippies, there's still plenty of wild west back home.

Yeah, I just wish your boy Fitz had brought more of your spirit to his first term.

Look, I appreciate the visit, but I'm gonna have to go with Sally Langston this time around.

What if my husband were to make some kind of gesture?

Gesture? What kind of gesture?

Uh, whatever gesture would make you feel more confident about his position on these matters.

Though if I were you, a speech from the White House would seem to do the trick.

A speech.


Andrew: They're still leaning towards Langston, but they've agreed to switch horses if you make a speech affirming your support for the second amendment.

I mean, I know the timing's not great.

That's an understatement.

But, all in all, it's good news.

Thanks for the hard work, Andy.

It was Mellie who struck the deal.

I was too busy worrying about the recoil.

She's right here. Want to thank her yourself?

No, that's okay.

I'll see her when you guys get back.


Well, what did he say?

He loved it.

Wanted to thank you for your hard work.

Was that Andrew calling from Houston?

Yeah, they want to make some kind of deal.

A big speech, yeah.

Mellie's chief of staff filled me in. Don't do it.

Cyrus, when was the last time you ate?

Lauren, call down to the kitchen.

Have them bring us up some food.


I'm fine.

Cyrus... I'm fine.

If Lauren wants to bring me something, she can bring me a new press secretary.

Sheila's been a damn train wreck down there.

Now, about this speech... You can't do it.

Yes, it gives us our base back, but look at who we're up against...

A democrat who shot his wife's r*pist and Sally Langston, who might love g*ns even more than she loves Jesus.

So you're saying...

I'm saying let's steal some votes from the left and worry about winning the base back later.

By coming out in favor of g*n control?

Your press secretary was shot, Mr. President.

You were shot.

It's a perfect opportunity to shift positions without looking like a flip-flopper.


You don't like it.

It's a smart move politically, but...

Using what happened today to get votes...

You sure you're okay with that?

If we can turn some purple states red, why not?

Mr. President.

Cyrus, I thought you'd gone home.

Uh, I was hoping to discuss something with you before I left.

Sir... It's important.

What is it, Cy?

I'm s-seeing someone.

That's wonderful.

Is this the first person you've started seeing since the divorce?

It is.

And it's serious?

It is.

Well, good for you, Cy.

Do you...

Want to tell me anything else about this person?


A journalist.

A journalist?

A very... opinionated journalist.


Is that going to be a problem?

Of course not.

Good. Okay.

That's a-all I wanted to say.


Are you in love?

I am, sir...

In love.


Make me happy.

Then that's all that matters.

We cannot... we will not...

Sit idly by in the face of such tragedy.

We must work together to put an end to g*n v*olence once and for all...

Not only for James Novak, but for every citizen of this great nation.

News anchor ♪1: President grant decidedly guaranteeing his opponent, vice President Sally Langston, an endorsement from the powerful g*n lobby today.

News anchor ♪2: The President's decision to admonish the nation's g*n lobby is being hailed as bold but brilliant by a vast majority of independents this evening.

Grant's approvals are up by four points and are continuing to rise.

News anchor ♪3: In other news, still no word on the carjacking death of press secretary James Novak.

White house officials remaining silent tonight.

What is so bad about stiffer background checks?

Everything! Are you insane like Fitz or just stupid?!

So, you're saying three days is too long to wait for a g*n?

Three minutes is too long. Oh, wait.

So... so, you're okay with a depressed teenager or a criminal walking out of prison, hell-bent on revenge, walking into his friendly neighborhood g*n shop and walking out with an ak-47?

Ar-15, more likely.

The point is, the vast majority of violent crimes are committed with black-market g*ns.

No self-respecting gangster is gonna walk into his friendly neighborhood g*n shop to get a piece.

And while we're at it, we may as well put background checks on vodka.

Bloody Marys k*ll far more people than g*ns!

Those aren't the same!

"Bartender, I'd like a beer."
"Yes, ma'am!

That'll be five bucks. Come back in three days."

Ordering a beer is not the same thing as buying a g*n!

It makes the same amount of sense.

It doesn't!


It's a shame.

What is?

That he can't see you the way I do.

[Both breathing heavily]

Abby: David?


Are you here?!

Why didn't you answer me?

Didn't hear you.

You heard me.

What are you doing here?

I live here.

You're home before dark. You're never home before dark.

I'm sick.

That's not how this works.

How what works? This. Us.

You lying to me is not how we work.

What's going on?

I'm not lying. Everything's fine.


Abby, let it go.


Abby... - Something major's going on with you...

Something major and disturbing and quite frankly pretty scary...

So you need to tell me what it is.

I am sick. That's all.


Are you in danger, or are you in trouble?

I told you, I am sick.

Danger or trouble... which is it? This conversation...

Danger or trouble? Can you please get out of my way?!

Danger or trouble?!


Look at me.

Look at me.

Something's wrong.

Something bad has happened to you...

Something terrible.

You don't hide that from me.

You don't lie about it to me. You give it to me.

You let me share it.

I love you. You are my heart.

What happens to you happens to me.

[Breathes shakily]

I'm supposed to send an innocent man to jail for a carjacking he didn't commit.

That's the price I have to pay for still being alive.

But I can't bring myself to do it.

Oh, David. He k*lled them right in front of me, Abby...

Shelby, Vanessa, James.

They're all dead, and I'm alive.


Huck: Yeah?

You come for some more teeth?

A finger?

I came here to k*ll you, to, uh...

Put you down.

You cracked Liv's safe. I saw you on the camera.

You're broken. You're a threat.

So I came here to put you down.

But then I was sitting here, and I realized...

I saw you on camera.

I trained you.

I made you.

And you are good, Quinn. You're special... talented...

Which means I shouldn't have seen you on camera.

You would have de-magged the optics, looped the visuals, cut the upload.

There's no way I would have seen you on camera...

Unless you wanted to be seen.

I don't know what you're talking about.

You wanted me to see you.

You wanted us to know what Jake was doing, what B613 was doing.

You're not broken.

Somewhere in there, you're still a gladiator.

You tell me I'm a gladiator, and then you take it away, and now you're here and I'm just supposed to...

Screw you!

Screw you, Hu...

[Both breathing heavily]


If you're not gonna k*ll me...

Get the hell out.

[Door opens, closes]

Abby: Liv, I need to talk to you.

The... the guy who k*lled James, it was Jake... your Jake...

And now he's threatening to k*ll my David if he doesn't arrest the patsy he's picked out for him.

Liv. Thank God you're still here.

Excuse me. Little busy here.

This is more important. Adnan Salif...

She's back in the country, and she's up to something, and whatever it is, it's bad with a capital "b."

Huck: Liv! I talked to Quinn, and she's in deep over there...

Like, way deep... and I think we maybe need to get her out.


If you brought me here to give me a lecture on moral relativism, I'm not interested.

Sit down.



So, this patsy...

His name's Lance McCollum.

He's 47 years old.

Has a mother named Pat and a cat named Murphy.

You need to arrest him.


David... - Three people died, Liv, right in front of me.

I can't let those deaths go unpunished.

And if you die, too, then what?

Who's going to fight the real enemy?

Real en... what real enemy? Jake Bal...

Jake Ballard did what anyone in his position would have done.

The problem isn't Jake, David.

It's B613 and the fact it even exists.

That's where you should be focusing your energy.

I see. So exposing Jake, that's a death wish, but taking down the entire organization, that's something within my reach?

Me, David Rosen, and my army of one?

Army of two.

We'll do it together.

Brick by brick, we'll tear that building down until there's nothing left but a hole in the ground.

To do that, though, we need to be patient... Patient and alive.

So instead of standing alone and turning this into a su1c1de mission, stand with me and turn this into a cause.

Lose this battle so we can win the w*r.

So, they've made an arrest.

Ballistics on the g*n were a match.

McCollum has signed a written confession.

So, a carjacking, then, that's...


What this was. We're sure of that now.

We're sure of that now.

I've gathered the press for a briefing.

As soon as I can grab a minute with Sheila...

Cyrus, where are you going?

I can't let Sheila do it. She's a travesty.

Cyrus, wait.

Do not go into that room.

- Cyrus. Cyrus? Mellie: Once you open that door, it changes you.

James: I know you! Cyrus.

I know who you are!

[Indistinct whispers]

The justice department, in coordination with local law enforcement, has confirmed that a suspect...

A suspect...

Has been taken into custody in the m*rder of White House press secretary James Novak.

[Camera shutters clicking]

[Indistinct conversations]

[Classical music plays]

♪ ♪
♪ ...life's ups and downs

♪ but fate's been kind


♪ The downs have been few come out to see what life is like in steerage?

♪ I guess you could say W-what? What are you doing?

♪ I've been lucky Cy.
♪ I've been lucky Cyrus.

♪ Oh, I guess you could say

♪ that's it's all because of you ♪

Are you sure?

♪ If anyone Dance with me, James.
♪ Should ever write

♪ my life story

♪ for whatever reason ♪
♪ for whatever reason there might be ♪
♪ oooh, you'd be there

♪ between each line of pain and glory ♪
♪ you're the best thing that ever happened to me ♪
♪ 'cause you're the best thing
♪ that ever happened to me

[sobbing] Ah!


Oh, no! Oh, no!

I got it.

Come on. Come on.


Come on.

It's okay.

Let... Let me do my job.

Let... let me do my jo... job!

[Muffled sobs]

[Clears throat, sniffles]

The suspect's name is Lance McCollum.

He's being described as a career criminal.

FBI investigators have matched the ballistics of a g*n found in his apartment with the b*llet used to k*ll Mr. Novak.

All other questions about the case will be referred to the justice department, specifically the U.S. attorney's office for the district of Columbia.

Any questions?

[All shouting]

[Wheezing, panting]

I'm sorry.

I really am. I did the others...

Quick and clean.

I wish I could have done that with you.

I'm sorry I had to be so sloppy with you.

But I have to make yours look like a carjacking.

It has to look like an amateur did it.

So it's going to hurt, and it's... going to take some time.

I'm sorry.

But I'm gonna sit here with you.

I'm gonna stay with you until it's over.

I'm not going to let you die alone.

You're not alone.



Your daughter's gonna be okay.

Nothing is going to happen to her.

She's safe. She is safe.

You're almost there.

You're almost there.

Any minute now.

[Sighs deeply]
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