03x12 - We Do Not Touch the First Ladies

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Scandal". Aired: April 2012 to April 2018.*
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A White House Communications Director leaves to start her own crisis management firm only to discover she has not left the past behind.
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03x12 - We Do Not Touch the First Ladies

Post by bunniefuu »

Olivia: Can you just let it go? Fitz: Let it go?

No! I can't.

Well, I'm not talking about it.

(Fitz) He's standing outside our door.

You guys always lock down the entire floor? standard operating procedure.

How many times are we gonna have this conversation?

Well, what the hell is he doing here?!

He's here because there is a pack of reporters covering your fundraiser downstairs...

When we go international, we lock down the floors above and below, as well.

And I can't be seen alone in a hotel with you! Hmm.

Fitz: He is here because you want him here!

You have a wife. You don't get to be jealous.

I am not jealous. I am aware.

There's a fox in my henhouse.

Did you just say henhouse?

It's a metaphor.

I am not a hen, and my house is not yours.

You know what?

I don't want to fight anymore.

I don't trust Jake!

You made him head of B613.

If that's not trusting him...

Oh, is that what this is about?

You don't like my choices?

What, you are battling me for Jake's soul?

Jake is not your father.

Who you made an enemy of!

Your father had to go, and I needed someone who was on my side!

You just said you didn't trust Jake!

I don't trust him with you!


And now he's compromised.

He is not compromised.

He is compromised!

[Scoffs] He now has a reason to be disloyal to me.

He wants you. He will fight me for you.

He will try to win you.

Two for two.


One, I am not a hen.

Two, I am not a prize at the state fair.

You can't win me!

You are trying to twist everything I say.

Because what you are saying is twisted!

Would you just give me a chance...

Would you just...

You think I care about...

Will you just shut up and let me talk?!


Liv, you did this thing!

And I know you did it for me or because Mellie made you think you were doing it for me.

I didn't do this for you!

I did not do this for you.

I did this for me.

So I could work on the campaign.

So I could walk down the street and not be whispered about!

So I could stop being known as the woman who screwed the President!

So the scarlet "A" on my chest could be invisible!

So I'm not a joke!

I am a person.

I am not a hen. I am not a prize.

And I have a business to run, people to support, a life to lead, a desire to wake up and face myself in the mirror every day, oh, and, oh!

Once, I fixed a Presidential election, and I'd like a chance to right that wrong.

Your wife may be many things, but on one thing, we are united...

I cannot honestly win a Presidential election if I am your public whore.

This is not about you.

My whole life is not about you.

I have goals. I have dreams!

I did this for me.

Jake by my side is for me.

[Shoes thud]


I'm sorry.


I don't think about how hard this is for you.

No. No, no, no, no.

Don't touch me.




Please. Don't.

Don't make promises. Let's just...

This is where we are.

This is the only day.

[Sighs] [Door closes]

You should go first. Jake and I will follow in five.

All right.

When you talk to the donors, hit on the economy, jobs, housing, and don't trash Langston.

You want to appear gracious... Above the fray.

Falcon is on the move.

Oh, good.

I thought someone moved the meeting and forgot to tell me.

But now that you're here, I know I'm safe.


Stop it.


Looking at me like that.

Like what?


[Folder thuds]
Why did you take this job?

You think I only said yes to being the vice President so I'd get to be in the same meetings as you?

Tell me that's not the reason, and this is the last time I'll bring it up.

That's not the reason.

Thank you.

Well, it's not the only reason.

Nothing's gonna happen here, Andrew.

If you have any hopes beyond that, you need to tamp them down permanently because they are misguided.

You are misguided.

Fitz: Tell me what's wrong. Tell me what I did.

Just tell me so I can make it right.

Mellie: Nothing is wrong. Nothing is wrong.

I just don't want to go.

This isn't just any dinner, Mel.

This is a dinner to honor my father.

I thought you two were close!

We are.

Oh, please!

You can't stand to be in the same room with the man!

I don't know what the hell happened.

You used to like him more than I do.

That's not fair.

Why? Why isn't it fair?

Why won't you let me touch you?

Why can't I touch you? Why won't you let me...

[Exhales sharply]
I... [sighs]

You're my wife, but you don't want to touch me.


You sure as hell won't sleep with me.

[Breathing shakily]

[Sighs] [Sighs]


What the hell is wrong with you?!


[Door slams]


Admit it. You missed me.

Parts of you.

Which parts?

I'll tell you which parts I missed.

Harrison: Don't.

Lot of peaches in the tree, h.

Be a shame if you just ate one.

I have to go to work.

Of course.

Listen. Before you go...

[Chuckles] Should have known this was coming.

I haven't even told you what I need you to do with this money yet.

It doesn't matter. I'm not doing it.

Does Olivia know about clearwater?

Or does she think the only thing you're guilty of is insider trading?

Let me guess.

This is the part of me you didn't miss.

I love you.

[Cellphone ringing]

I have to take this.

James: This is not good, David. This is very, very not good.

David: What is it?

Cyrus and Vanessa Chandler.

I'm busted. Publius is busted.

Publius is fine.

All Vanessa knows is that Publius is her source.

She doesn't know you're him or he's you.

Publius... Why did you pick that name?

It has historical significance!

Also, I never said it out loud.

You're fine, James. Publius is fine.

No one knows anything. Just play it cool.

All right.

Vanessa: Thank you.

Cyrus: Okay. Good.


Close the door.

What's going on?

I need you to arrange an exclusive between Vanessa Chandler and the President.

Vanessa Chandler, the style section reporter? Why?

Because I promised her one.

What's... what's the matter? You look ill.

You can't do this, Cy.

Can't do what?

Ask a journalist to name her source. It's unethical.

So you'd rather I what...

Sit here with my fingers crossed, hoping that whoever's whispering sweet nothings to her about Daniel Douglas' death just goes away?

Did she tell you anything useful?

I haven't asked her yet.

Girls like to be kissed first, right?

Romanced a little before you dive right into their pants.

Cy, just... wait.

I'll ask her after the interview, when she's all... romanced up.

The White House chief of staff asking questions is gonna set off all kinds of alarms.

It's better if it comes from a fellow journalist.

Is this the advice of my husband or the press secretary?


[Cellphone ringing]

It's Carla Steele. I-I-I got to take this.

Olivia: If we don't lock the money in now, we can't afford the big ad buys come October.

That's why your rollout, Andrew, is crucial.

At every fundraiser, every dinner, you'll be giving a speech... Selling yourself, selling the ticket, selling the friendship.

Selling the bromance.

[Door opens]
How is that even a word?

We got a problem. Carla Steele just called James.

She wants a comment.

She's got a source alleging drug use in the California governor's mansion during your first term.



Who's the source?

She wouldn't say.

Well, 'cause it's ridiculous!


So we k*ll it before it gains momentum.

Find the source, and attack their credibility.

Figure out why someone is pushing this lie.

I'm not sure that's a good idea.

Why not?

Because it's the truth.

What's going on?

In the event of a change in command, protocol requires us to deliver this personally.

Say your name.

Jake Ballard.

Rowan: You now have the highest security clearance of any intelligence officer in the country.

All top secret, S.C.I., and special access program files are at your disposal.

In this briefcase, you will find field reports of all ongoing B613 operations worldwide.

Black ops missions, extraction efforts...

Assassination schemes.
...Maps and coordinates of all U.S. nuclear sites, the codes to override the deployment of our nation's nuclear arsenal.

Protect this country from itself.

B613 must operate without interference several steps ahead of the President.

You also have a valuable resource inside of the White House, a trusted agent who will reveal themselves to you shortly.

Utilize them. Utilize their access.

Protect the Republic.

So this donor is no ordinary big fish.

He is what's called a whale.

You know, if a whale was really a fish.

But this guy's not just any tom, d*ck, or Moby.

He is the alpha whale.

Where he goes, so goes the money.

Sally, can you do this?

I know what a whale is, Leo.


Madam Vice President. Or pre-President.

Or... hell, what are you calling yourself these days?

Hollis, it's so good of you to come.

My deepest condolences on double-d's passing.

The good lord called his soul home too soon.

The lord.

[Inhales sharply] Yes.

Him, a former athlete, in better shape than I've ever been.

It's been a wake-up call...

I swore off the Gettysburgers, took up yoga.

They say it's not aerobic, but if being cheek to chassis with some of them young yoga fillies don't get the blood pumpin', you're already dead.


[Laughs, snorts]

So, Mr. Doyle...

Energy secretary. My choice.


Oh, let's dispense with the foreplay...

All our britches are moist.

Y'all let me pick the energy secretary...

Someone with an open mind about drilling in that gas station they call the north pole...

I'll cut you a check that'll choke a damn herd.

We can live with that, can't we?



Abby: Andrew Nichols, lieutenant governor of California for both Grant terms, went on to win the governorship for two terms after that.

Popular centrist.

We vetted him ourselves, Liv. Didn't find any dirt.

Well, Carla Steele did.

Carla alleges there was some kind of drug delivery.

It was during the midterm push.

We were all over the state, stumping for candidates, and I threw my back out.

Couldn't even stand, but I had to keep going.

It was only a few days till the election.

I knew I just needed some painkillers.

It was the only way I was gonna make it through.

And at no point during your long-slipped disc of the soul did you ever think to... Oh, I don't know...

Go see an actual doctor?

I did think about it.

And then I thought prescription for oxy might not look so hot when I'm spending my days out on the stump, calling for stricter drug laws.

So I called a guy...

...Got a package delivered.

I just got an e-mail from Carla Steele's producer, and they've got a doctor and copies of the governor's mansion's entry logs backed up with security footage.

Carla, you've had... what?...
24 hours to vet that doctor.

How do you know he's not lying?

You've enjoyed a good working relationship with the White House up to this point.

All that changes the minute you air this story.

Your access to the President? Gone.

Your press pass? Revoked.

Your relationship with every important republican in this town?

Over... All because I said so.

So you're a hypocrite.

Olivia. That's not fair.

No, she's right. I am.

And if someone needs to take a fall for this, it should be me.

That could work.

It shuts this down before it gets to the President.

You fall on your sword, and the story goes away.

We'll have a new V.P. pick by morning.

See what you can do to fix this.

If we can't, we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

One bad decision, Carla. That's all it takes.

And you're back in Tulsa covering the local beauty pageants you swore off 20 years ago.

Trust me...

The only things that are ever gonna bring me back to Tulsa are Christmas and my daddy's funeral.

I've got hard evidence, Liv.

Rock solid, seen-it-with-my-own-eyes evidence, so if anyone should be worried, it's you.

That's not a threat. It's just a fact.

Andrew Nichols popping black-market oxy at the governor's mansion?

It's Leo bergen.

Has to be. His fingerprints are all over this, Liv.

It can't be Leo... he managed the Democratic campaign when Nichols ran for governor.

So that means he did oppo research.

His team would have spent months digging up every scrap of dirt on Andrew Nichols he could find.

They would have used this against him already.

And if he never found out about Andrew's drug use, then...

It means the story isn't coming from Leo.

Then who's it coming from?


[Cellphone rings] Yes.

What happens when the head of B613 is deposed?

Someone takes his place.

Right, but how much power does the old command still have?

Olivia, I'm busy.


No security detail, no access to information or bank accounts.

When you're out of B613, you're just a civilian again. Why?

I think my father is trying to leak a story about Andrew Nichols' drug use.

I think he's trying to t*nk Fitz's re-election.

And you want me to stop him. Yes.

I have a job, you know.

One that doesn't involve your family drama.

My father is out for blood...

Fitz's and yours and probably mine, too.

However he goes about it, I assure you, it will affect the Republic.

So if you take your job seriously, you will find out what he's up to.

I will see what I can find out.

Thank you.

[Sighs] [Door opens]


I, uh...

I brought you coffee.

[Door opens]

Charlie: Sure, boss. No problem. I'm on it.


[Computer beeps]

Truth be told, I've never been much of a computer guy.

I mean, we all learn the basics, but more k*lling, less coding, I say.

[Computer beeps]

Are you looking into Rowan?


I promised the new guy I wouldn't let you help.

Sorry, Robin. You know how good I am.

I can get into his financials, his cellphone SIM I.D., his browser history...


I'll just program a trojan to penetrate his virtual private network.

I love it when you go all "girl with the dragon tattoo."


But you can't play this round. Sorry, babe.

Andrew. Stop.

I don't want to talk to you.

Too bad.

Why are you doing this?

You're gonna... You're gonna ruin your career.

Because someone needs to look out for you, be on your side.

God knows it's never gonna be your husband, so why shouldn't it be me?

Tell him I'm leaving my suggestions for the revised budget on his desk, and make sure he sees them before the committee meeting.

Thanks, Jean. Good night.



Mrs. Grant.

Go away.

Mrs. Grant.


Oh, God.




So, we all set with Vanessa Chandler's exclusive with Fitz?

James: Yep. All set. End of the month.

End of the month. That's not going to work.

Our deep throat can't be out there spilling secrets for another three weeks.

I'm sorry, Cy, but between the President's schedule and...

James, if this Daniel Douglas thing comes out, it's the election.

Forget it. Thanks for trying.

I'll take care of deep throat myself.

James: We're out of time, David.

That metal-on-metal sound you hear?

It's Cyrus forging his sword, the one he's going to cut my throat with as soon as he finds out I'm Publius.


Do you hear what I just said?

I did, and while I'm always up for a good blacksmith metaphor, I'm not sure there's anything I can say that's gonna make you feel any safer.

I know it's inadmissible, but if you sent that NSA tape to your bosses...

I can't.

But we could send it to someone else.


Vanessa Chandler.

You send it to her as Publius, tell her to write a piece about it.

The more people who know the truth about what happened...

The less Cyrus accomplishes by having me k*lled.

You're a genius, Rosen.

Abby: Who was that?

Oh, just... work.

[Cellphone ringing]

Chief. Back so soon.

It seems we have a hydra on our hands, Charlie.

Every time we cut off a head, it grows two more.

I need you to burn the stumps, finish the job.

Sounds epic, but my dance card's pretty full.

I'll make it worth your while.

[Sighs] What the hell...

I'm at the intersection of "Boresville" and "Snorefest" right now.

What do you need, chief?

[Engine turns over]

I just wanted to see how you were doing.

I'm worried about you.

No need.

You're making threats against the President.

Only you're the one without any protection, without any authority... of B613 or otherwise.

I'm worried about you.

I know this story about dr*gs in the governor's mansion was you, dad.

You're a thorn in their side.

I mean, if you were still head of B613, what would you do to you?

You have no idea what you're talking about.

I've already lost mom. I don't want to lose you, too.

Does this usually work?

I'm sorry?

Is this how you get things done in your world?

Through manipulative, backroom dealings, affected rhetoric?

I had hoped you held your own father in higher regard.

Worth a try.

You are lucky it was me coming out of that restaurant.

If it had been my father...

I know what I'm doing.

No, you don't!

This work, this life, B613... You're not cut out for this.

Really? What are my options?

Because the world is just at my feet right now.

I'm a freakin' princess right now.

Come home.

Huck does not want me there.

I want you there. I can't.


He licked my face.

Did he tell you that?

He licked my face like I was a piece of meat, like I wasn't human to him.

B613 will destroy you.

You can't do this.

I can help you.


I'm helping myself.

Now get out of my car.

I'm not leaving.

Get out.

Or I'll sh**t you.

I'm violent now. Or hadn't you heard?

Quinn, come on.

Get out of my car, or I'll sh**t you!


[Breathing heavily]

[Door closes]

Hello to you, too.

You called me. You said it was important.

You told me to come home early.

I used my official "boyfriend of Olivia Pope" key.

And now I'm here. So what?

How many agents do you have under you?

[Sighs] That's classified.

200? 2,000?

Guessing won't make it any less classified.

What are you...

I ask you to watch my father, see what he's up to, and instead of putting one of your unknown number of agents on it, you assign Quinn Perkins?

I didn't.

I saw her staking him out.

After I specifically asked you not...

You think I'm an idiot?

That depends.

Did you put Quinn on my father?

No. I didn't. But let me be clear.

You can ask a favor of me.

But you cannot tell me how to do it, who to task, or anything remotely close to how to do my job because you have no idea how my world works, the responsibilities I have outside of the little errands you hand me like playing your beard or keeping an eye on your father.


And one more thing.


Stock... your damn... fridge.

If I'm gonna be your fake boyfriend all day, I'm gonna come home at the end of it and drink real beer and eat real food.

Wine is not beer, and pop corn is definitely not food.

What are you doing?

I'm gonna take a shower.

It's been a long day, and I want to wash it off me before we have pretend sex.

[Breathing heavily]


Woman: Grant campaign headquarters.

I'd like to make a donation.


Picked out which cousin you want for energy chief?

Nah, them boys are all dumber than a trailer hitch.

But there's a nephew or two...

Say, our campaign treasurer tells me that that check we talked about hasn't come in yet.

Oh, well, arrangements got to be made.

Assets moved from there to yonder.

I got a couple of you sharp Jewish fellas and a damn sight clever Asian do all that for me.

Just making sure you're still on board.

I know Sally wasn't 100% on her game when we met.

Oh, don't you worry 'bout me. I'm just like an ol' hound dog.

I got to circle around a spell before settin' down and settlin' in.

I'll be in touch.


We can count on you?

They all said I could hand-pick me the next secretary of energy.

Not if they don't win.

You wouldn't be countin' your chickens, now, would you, Cy?

I'll see what I can do.

Well, now, there's seein', and there's doin'.


So, we can expect you at the donor dinner tonight?

Wouldn't miss it for a chute seat at a Texas rodeo.

I need you to hack into David Rosen's e-mail account.

What, right now?

You think he's stepping out on you?

David? No way. But he is up to something.

The kind of something that makes a woman want to hack into her boyfriend's e-mail account?

What are you working on?

I just found the doctor who gave Andrew Nichols the dr*gs.

Bnc flew him in and stashed him in a hotel before the interview.

There he is... Farragut towers, room 404.

I'm guessing Carla Steele doesn't know you ditched the P.A.

Who's supposed to be keeping you in your room.

So, what? You here to thr*aten me?

Not if we don't have to.

But I should warn you...

If you go forward with this interview, my colleagues and I may have to make your private life a little little less private.

Trust me.

My dirty laundry's already out where everyone can see it.

Nothing to do now but get paid.

You honestly don't care if you're responsible for ruining a good man's political career?

Should have thought of that before she called me.

I sent Chandler the NSA recording.

She wants to meet Publius.


Good? Not good.

The opposite of good.

I'm the White House press secretary.

I can't meet her.

Publius is me, and I'm too close to all of this.

I'm gonna get caught. James, relax.

She's just covering herself.

She can't go public with a story of this magnitude without verifying the identity of her source.

You of all people should know that.

Yeah, I also know what my husband is capable of.

What if he already got to her?

What if she makes the story about me?

A traitor inside the administration...

That is a headline.

Okay, I'll go. I'll meet her.

She doesn't know who her source is.

The only way to protect you is to get this story into the press.

Text Vanessa a meeting place and a time.

I'll go in your place.

"Darcy's café, 9:00 P.M. tonight."

Modern technology at its finest.

Got my hands on Vanessa's cell, cloned the SIM, voilã .

We see what she sees.

This meeting cannot happen.

How do you want me to handle it?

Whatever it is, I don't have time.

I have to get through four security briefings in the next hour.

The only thing worse than running for President is trying to run for President while actually being President.

I don't have time.

Olivia's suggesting taking Andrew off the ticket.

I just want to make sure you are not on board with that.

[Sighs] It's not ideal, but she may be right.

We're talking about dr*gs, Mellie.

If Liv can't shut it down, no one can.

Andrew's a good man.

We shouldn't throw him overboard just because we're taking on a little water.

I'll discuss it with Olivia.

Andrew's in the family. He's loyal.

I can't believe you'd even consider...

I will discuss it with Olivia.

Okay. I'll take it off your plate, and talk to her myself.

Like hell you will.

Fitz, I'm just trying to be helpful.


Like taking her to lunch and handing her a list of men to date?

That kind of helpful?

I was solving a problem.

Olivia is not your problem to solve.

Fitz. You stay away from Olivia.


What does that feel like?

What does what feel like?

To be so... hot for someone, so turned on by them that you would put everything you have ever worked for at risk.

Does it feel good?

Is it an amazing high?

Or is it so intense that it actually hurts, like a fire in your belly?


I don't have time.



Mellie. Not now.

I just want to talk to you.

There is nothing for us to talk about.

Really? So me sticking my fingers down your throat, that was what, a typical Tuesday night?

What do you want from me?!

Do you want me to acknowledge that it happened?

Would that make this less weird for you?

Or do you want me to thank you?

Thank you, Andrew, for saving me from my sad, little su1c1de attempt.

Thank you for agreeing not to call an ambulance.

Thank you for sitting up with me all night and not letting me die.

Thank you.

Okay? Are we done?

I don't want you to thank me.

I want you to tell me why.

Because my father-in-law forced himself on me, and I don't know if my son is his, and sometimes that makes me not want to be alive.

Are we done?

Announcer: Tonight on "Steele trap with Carla Steele," a bombshell exclusive, sure to rock the upcoming Presidential race.

Rampant allegations that are leaving the White House in a state of...
[TV shuts off]

Tell me you've got something. The doctor wouldn't talk.

He's saving it all for tonight's interview.

Man's smart.

Doesn't want to ruin his shot at a big payday.

He did let something slip, though.

What was that?

The recipient of his little package wasn't a him, Liv.

It was a her.

I wonder who Andrew's protecting.

I don't know, but the fastest way to discredit a source is to make it look like they were paid off.

We can't do that.

The fastest way to discredit a source is to make it look like they were paid off.


Is that...

Coffee. For you.

I'm just going over the donors.

Don't want to miss a chance to reel in a big fish tonight.

Mellie, we got the network to cancel Carla Steele's interview.

Turns out their source was being paid off, so the story on Andrew is dead.

That's great news.


I don't know how you did it, but you are a miracle worker.

Thank you.

It was you. Right?

Popping painkillers that night like they were M&M's.

It was you, and he covered for you.

I'm not going to ask exactly what happened or why it happened or how long you and Andrew have been happening.

I'm just going to tell you that it has to stop.

I know how hard this is, Mellie. Believe me. I know.

But it has to stop now. We have an election to win.

You know.


You know how hard this is for me because you somehow think that you screwing my husband is equal to...


You actually think that we are the same.


No matter what I went through back then, no matter what happened and why, when I was faced with the chance to cheat, I kept my knees together, and I said no.

We are not the same.

He decided to spend the night in San Diego, which is fine.

Don't worry.

I'm not gonna call that doctor again.

Your life-saving days are behind you.

You must think I'm awful.

Actually, I think I'm the one who's awful.

Why is that?

Because I keep thinking about that night.

Not finding you or anything like that.

But sitting with you, talking to you all night long... It felt...


It's wrong. I know.

But I miss you.

I see you every day, but there's always people around, and I was so happy just now, seeing you in here alone.

Which is crazy. I, uh, I'm sorry.

I miss you, too.



You are the lieutenant governor, and I am the governor's wife.

Good night, Andrew.

There's been a lot of talk about loyalty in this race...

Or, rather, the absence thereof.

The problem with Sally Langston is less her disloyalty than what she has been loyal to...

A radical, right-wing agenda which now she will try and temper and paper over in a cynical attempt to make voters forget everything she's fought for...

What the hell is he doing here?

..Stood for, campaigned on...

You think the man's scum. I agree... and prayed on her entire political career!

But have you had a look at this room tonight?

Scum or not, Hollis Doyle makes the rest of these donors look like welfare recipients.

We're not taking another cent from Hollis Doyle ever again, Cyrus.

That goes for tonight's dinner, too.

Refund him whatever he paid to get in here.

[Chuckles] That bad?


Oh, you can cancel Vanessa Chandler's exclusive.


Don't need her.

I'm finding out who her source is tonight.

Hi, you've missed David Rosen. Please leave a message.


David, wherever you are, do not go to the meet with Vanessa.

It's a setup.

[Tires screech]


Abby, I've been abducted.

I'm in the trunk of a car, and they're taking me somewhere.

I don't know what they want or what's going to happen, but I love you.

[Tires screech]

I'm saying it now.

I should have said it yesterday, but I'm saying it now.

I love you.

You better, because I just saved your life.

Bad news, boss. Publius was a no-show.

He didn't show? Must have been spooked.

Want me to grab the reporter instead?

We could text Publius that we'll k*ll her unless he shows up.

What kind of name is Publius anyway?

Latin for "dweeb"?

Go home, Charlie.

Lovely party, Cyrus.

Have we met?


But I wanted to thank you...

For getting me back in the country.

I'm sorry?

Adnan Salif.

It's so nice to finally meet you.

How the hell did you get in here?

Like everyone else. A friend bought me a plate.

Well, you have to leave now.

We can't be seen cavorting with, you know, criminals.

Okay. I may be dirty, but my money isn't.

And with the chatter floating around the room tonight, you all are soon to be desperate for new donors, especially ones with unlimited funds.

Let me help you, Cyrus.

Isn't it time someone scratched your back?

This isn't Charlie's fault. Jake: This isn't about Charlie.

I followed him on the job.

Which is why this is about you.

She's worried... Olivia.

A little late for that.

Well, I'm worried.

You're out of your league here.

Your level of training is low to middling, and following Rowan is the quickest way to prove the limitations of your abilities and wind up dead or worse.

Are you even listening to me?

[Computer chimes]

Check your e-mail.

Looks like old command and Leo Bergen are working together, huh?

That's courtesy of a national parks service cam, by the way.

You should probably let someone know there's a backdoor in the department of the interior's cloud network.

So given it took me half a day to learn something your highly trained organization was completely unaware of, I should be the one who's worried...

About you.

That one was free.

You know where to find me.

Uh, this is for you.

Huck, you know I don't drink coffee.

It's a gesture.

It means I'm sorry about Quinn.

People get people coffee when they're sorry.

I can get you tea instead.

That's not the point.

It is. It is the point.

You're mad at me, and I need you to stop being mad at me, 'cause I don't like it.

You went too far with Quinn.


You went too far.

Excuse me.

You took in a wild monster, and you groomed me and petted me and trained me to sit at your feet, but that doesn't make me a puppy, Liv.

That just makes me a very loyal monster.

So I didn't go too far.

I went exactly as far as my leash allows.

And you hold the leash.

You ruined her life, and then you made me save her, and then you gave her to me to take under my wing.


You hold the leash.

You went too far.

You should have never given me someone to love.

Monsters eat people, Liv.

That's what we do.

[Door opens]


Andrew: I don't mean to sound like a rube, but that's Jackie Kennedy's portrait.

Right there.

I could just reach out and touch it.

I could grab it off the wall and run.

[Laughing] Don't.

Armed men will take you down to the ground in under 15 seconds.

We do not touch the first ladies.


This air you're breathing is rare air.

You get used to it.


I am told eventually I will become used to it.

You're clear.

Olivia pope shut down the story.

You don't seem to like Olivia very much.

She gets the job done.

Fitz likes her.

Like I said, she gets the job done.

What would happen...

If I were to kiss you right now?



"We do not touch the first ladies."



Olivia: Okay.

It's slow, but it's a start.

We get a few more big names on board, and the money will start flowing.

Fitz: Liv.

Over the next week, I'm going to edge up our fundraising goals, and...

Olivia, can we go over this tomorrow?

Yes. Absolutely.

I don't want you to leave. I want to talk.

You just said you wanted to talk about this tomorrow.

I don't want to talk about that.


You're not even able to look at me.

I am.



There you are.

I have to take care of myself.

I understand.

I have to protect my people. I know.

I can't spend all my time worrying about you.

This whole house worries about you, what you want, what you need.

It has to be about what I want, what I need.

Do you have feelings for Jake?

That's none of your business.

I know.

Do you?

Have feelings for Jake?


[Knock on door] What?

[Door opens]

Can I help you?

I believe it's how I can help you, sir.

This is everything from today.

I'll be making nightly deliveries from now on to keep you up to date.

You're B613?

Yes, sir. I'm your eyes on the inside.

Thank you, Tom.

[Door closes]

[The O'jays' "Back stabbers" plays]

? What they do

Fitz: Do you have feelings for Jake?

That's none of your business.

I know.

? Back stabbers

? they smile in your face

♪ all the time they want to take your place, the back stabbers ♪

Woman: Long night?

[Sighs] You have no idea.

Do you?

Have feelings for Jake?


♪ Then it's all of you fellows who better beware, yeah, yeah ♪

I don't know.

♪ Somebody's out to get your lady ♪

I don't know.

♪ A few of your buddies, they sure look shady ♪

So... are we in?

We're in.

♪ ...their fist
♪ aimin' straight at your back
♪ and I don't think they'll miss ♪
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