03x03 - Mrs. Smith Goes to Washington

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Scandal". Aired: April 2012 to April 2018.*
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A White House Communications Director leaves to start her own crisis management firm only to discover she has not left the past behind.
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03x03 - Mrs. Smith Goes to Washington

Post by bunniefuu »

Do you teach people how to k*ll?

Is your father Command?!

Hi... Oh! (Gasps)

(Cell phone rings)


(Lowered voice) I can't talk.

(Fitz) Just a minute.

I have to go.

Liv, we need to talk about Jake and how he got there.

I have to go.

(Cell phone beeps)

(Buttons click, line rings)

(Cell phone beeps) What?

Where are you?

What do you want?

To talk. We need to talk.

No, we don't.


I'm fine. I just need some time.



(Projector and camera shutter click)

(projector and camera shutter click)

Oh, here she is now.

Oh. Mary Nesbitt.

Thank you so much for agreeing to help me.

Help you with what, exactly?

Mary wants to retain Pope and Associates to manage a private family matter.

I-I wish I had time to go into it right now, but I'm actually running off to a meeting on the Hill.

But we'll speak soon, I promise.

Okay... New client.

25k retainer. Enough to pay the rent. Yee-haw.

Have you heard from Huck? I texted. I called.

Huck is taking a personal day.

Personal day? A personal day.

We... get personal days?

What, do we get vacation now, too?

(Projector and camera shutter click)

The poll numbers are good.

Okay, not good. Decent. No, not decent. Bad.

They're bad, but not a disaster.

Fitz having an affair isn't new information for the American people. Mellie, you made sure of that.

Thank you, actually.

He can feed himself.

He will get dirty. - What the American people are interested in, what they're excited about is the two of you together.

(Baby voice) Babies get dirty, don't they? So what?

They wanna see how you're getting through this.

How you're weathering the storm.

You wanna change his clothes?

Your strength as a couple. They wanna see how much you love one another.

Marta knows he can feed himself.

Where is Marta?

Why are you even...

Because Cyrus scheduled a thousand "Isn't she a good mother?" photo ops for me and Teddy, and I would like it if when he screamed "mama" when the cameras flashed, he didn't mean Marta.

Yes, I have scheduled some great photo ops.

There's Mellie and Teddy, Fitz and Mellie, Teddy and Fitz.

I'm thinking of flying in Jerry and Karen.

You're stunting his development.

Don't tell me what to do with the son you could barely get it up to conceive.

I wouldn't have such trouble getting it up if you...

O-o-or Jerry and Karen can meet you when you arrive at Camp David.

Camp David?

Excuse me?

Camp David, where...

You are going to talk and share and bond and heal to show the American people how committed you are as a family...
(Baby voice)...to baby Teddy.

I am not going to be trapped at Camp David with that man.

You think I wanna be there with you?

You're going.

No, we are not.


She's right. I'm not getting stuck out there with her.

I'm not going.

You are going!

Everybody is going, and it will be beautiful from the moment the cameras film you walking across the White House lawn to "Marine One" all through your weekend of love at Camp David.

You'll hold hands. You'll smile.

You will be photographed from every single angle, and the optics will be spectacular.

You will show the American people that your love is real and special! (Pounds table)

You will make the magic happen!
(Teddy fusses)

Are you happy now? He's filthy.

Shut... up.

shut up.

This is interesting.

(Closes door) So I'm entering the check into the books...

The new client check?

Don't tell me it bounced.

The check bounced?

No, no, no. Listen.

Does the name Chris Lawrence ring a bell?

No. Why?

He's Mary's son.

He was k*lled in a FBI raid 15 months ago.

What'd they want him for?

The apartment was homebase to an alleged terror cell.

Also, the check is for 27,870 bucks.

That's specific. - I thought so, too, so I hacked into her bank account...

Because I can... and realized that's the exact amount she had in her checking account two days ago.

She cleaned out her bank account?

Where did she say she was going?

To a meeting on the Hill.

If you stood in this spot, forty years ago, you'd be soaking wet swimming in the deep end of an indoor pool built for F.D.R. and used daily and nightly by President Kennedy.

If you'll follow me this way, we'll head towards the North Portico.

(Projector and camera shutter click)

(Door closes)


Intruder! Band box!

Headed towards the Oval! All agents respond!

(Lowered voice) Hurry! Hurry! Go, go, go, go!

(Telephone rings)

(Projector and camera shutter click)

(Ringing continues)

(Second telephone ringing)

(Woman screams)

Sir! Move out of the way!

Aah! (Grunts)

I need to talk to the President about Operation Remington!

Intruder contained! Evacuate the complex.

I need to talk to the President!

(Man) Please, ma'am, if you'd just calm down...

So you could have prevented this. You could have...


Ms. Pope?

(Gasps) What are you doing here?

(Projector and camera shutter click)

(Man) The entire Capitol and White House complexes have been evacuated.

The threat level has been raised to elevated.

Meanwhile, all air traffic in and out of Washington has been halted, as Homeland Security continues to examine the scope of the threat.

One intruder? All this for one person?

There's also a woman with a b*mb at the Capitol.

We have to make sure it's not a coordinated attack.

I need to get to the sit room.

I can't allow that, sir.

Good luck stopping me.

I'm afraid that under these current threat protocols, I'd be forced to tackle you, sir.

Tackle me?

There goes our romantic getaway.

(Siren wailing)

I didn't wanna have to do this.

I know. Just listen to my voice, Mary.

Listen to me.


No! You... No, you listen to me.

Both of you are gonna listen to me!

(Voice breaking) Do you know how hard it's been to get anyone to listen to me?!

I wrote letters. I-I-I made phone calls to everyone I could think of.

I-I posted on message boards and web sites, and I made fliers and I tried to get on TV, and I asked and asked, but no one would listen to me!

(Siren wailing in distance)

And now there'll be TV cameras and newspaper articles, and someone somehow is gonna give me an answer, because my son was k*lled, and I wanna know why!

I voted for you!

Do you have any idea how many times I begged you to look into Chris' m*rder?

(Helicopter whirs in distance) No. Everyone just cares too much about senators fooling around with their interns and those two boys who blew up Boston, and no one cares about Chris!

But you care now, don't ya?

Now that it's your life on the line.

I made an inquiry on your behalf, ma'am.

The FBI shot Chris because he was guilty.

That is not true, and no one is listening to me!

I'm here.


I'm here. I'm listening.

Tell me what happened to your son.

Chris Lawrence, 25, gunned down in an FBI raid of an apartment in the South side of Chicago a year and a half ago.

Big local news story.

Was he guilty?

Investigation was sealed under the Patriot Act.

FBI file is classified.

Whatever happened, they've kept a tight lid on it.

Backing up, friends say his dad died when he was 16.

He turned to religion, joined a local mosque, and dug deep into Islam.

They k*lled him... the FBI, and they say he was a t*rror1st, but they won't say why they thought that.

They won't say what he did.

It's all classified. They won't tell me anything!

They won't tell me the truth, and I... okay.

I-I-I read something about you once, Ms. Pope...

A profile in a Sunday Post or... I don't know.

It said the secret to your success was that you always trust your gut.

That's why I came to see you today.

Because my gut says that Chris was innocent.

My gut says the government m*rder*d an innocent man.

And I think if you start looking into this, yours will tell you the same thing.

(Telephone rings)


(Continues ringing)

You take one more step, and I blow us all to kingdom come.



(Helicopter whirring, men shouting indistinctly)

This is Commander Randolph Boles, FBI.

Who am I talking to?

Olivia Pope.

Is anyone inside hurt, Olivia?

No. Everyone is safe. There are nine of us here...

Congressman Struthers, six of his staff, myself, and Mary Nesbitt.

Mary is asking that I be the one you talk with.

What does Mary want, Olivia?

She wants her son's file declassified.

Okay. Let me see what I can do.

Tell me what'll happen if I don't get it.


Mary says she has every intention of using the b*mb if she doesn't get the file.

Hang up now.

Understood. Just explain to her that these things take time...

I said hang up!

(Hangs up telephone)

Sir, we've determined that the White House intruder was a lone wolf, unrelated to the woman in the Capitol.

Here's our report.


We are transferring him to FBI custody, and I will keep you apprised as to...

No. Let him go.

Let him go?

Sir, the man tried to enter the Oval Office.

Let him go.

Yes, sir.

(Cell phone rings)


What is it?

We have a Remington problem.

Liv, are you...

(Olivia) I'm fine.

Harrison, go to the FBI Mobile Command Center.

Be my eyes and ears. Abby, work your contacts at Justice.

Find out why they've refused to give Mary any details on her son's death. Quinn, see if you can save us all time by hacking into the FBI to get the file. (Telephone ringing)

Shouldn't Huck be the one to do that Can you give it a shot, Quinn?



This is Olivia.

How you doing up there?

(Exhales) We're fine.

Where are you with the Chris Lawrence file?

Headquarters is close to declassifying it, but you need to tell Mary that if she wants to read what's inside, she's gonna have to turn herself in.

He said they'll give you the file if you turn yourself in.

(Exhales deeply) You tell him he'll be scraping nine bodies out of the carpeting first.

She says no deal.

I'm afraid that's the best we can offer.

What is it?

He wants you to release everyone.

No, that's not at all what I said.

Does he think I'm an idiot?

(Clicks button) I'm sure he doesn't.

But there's no file unless you make some sort of show of good faith, Mary.

That's how this works.

What do you think?

I count six hostages. They seem unharmed.

Unclear at this time how many more might be inside.

All clear.

(Door opens)

(Man) Mr. President.

What's the latest?

She just let six hostages go.

What does she want for the rest?

We need to discuss that, sir.

There's something you need to know about Chris Lawrence.

It was a mistake. We shouldn't have released them.

They were scared, Mary, and they weren't a part of this.

It was the right thing to do.

Why aren't they giving us the file?

I'm a member of Congress, and it can take me days, if not weeks, to get a file that I ask for.

You're making way more progress than I usually do, that's for sure.

I had to buy an industrial glue g*n, you know?

I'm sorry? All I had was a little one, you know, for crafting.

For a project like this, I need a stronger glue.

I just used my regular sewing machine, though.

I just took a standard jumper pattern, and I added more pockets. It was simple.

I could've made it back when I was a kid in home ec.

The glue g*n I had to order special.

How did you get the expl*sives?

That was a recipe I got off the Internet.

Make sure they get back...


Commander Boles, the President just joined us.

(Boles) We have a half a dozen sn*pers in place, sir.

If we get a clean shot, we'd like to take it...

On your order, sir. Say we sh**t her...

What are the chances that b*mb goes off?

This type of b*mb, if her hand's off the detonator, we like our odds, sir.

Do it.

That's a go, commander. Prep your team to go in.

(Radio chatter)

They're gearing up for something, Liv.

Does it look like they're bringing in the file?

Unless the file looks like a sn*per r*fle, no.

(Rapid footsteps approaching)

I hear movement.

I-I don't like this.

Mary, stay calm.

Sierra 3 here. I've got eyes on a target in the northeast window.

Sierra 3's got a target.

Permission to engage.

Who's the target?

POTUS wants a visual I.D.

They're trying something. They're testing me.

Harrison, talk to me. What's going on?

(Man over walkie-talkie) Potus wants an id before any sh*ts are fired. Hey!

You! Get outta here. It's the President.

He's running point on this, Liv. What?!

(Button clicks)

Commander Boles, what the hell is going on out there?

They wanna come in?

Then they get what's coming to them.

Mary, let go of the detonator!

Commander, if you sh**t, make a move, we all die.

Stay calm.

Everything will be fine. Good-bye, Olivia.

Mary! Move!
(Cell phone clatters)

What? Get away from the window now!

What the hell are you doing?!

(Blinds whir)
(Breathing heavily)

Stand down. Nobody sh**t.

(Projector and camera shutter click)

Give me a line into that room, now.

(Indistinct conversations)

(Lowered voice) You are not speaking with Olivia.

(Door closes) She could have been k*lled, Cyrus.

Which was stupid and careless, and we will all now do our level best to not blow her up, but you cannot call Olivia, because there is no way in hell I am allowing the two of you to share a headline for the third week running.

Not a move.

And I mean no one lifts so much as a finger without a go ahead from me.

Understood, Mr. President.

What... what was that?

They had a shot... A clean shot.

What the heck was that?!

Why didn't you let them take the shot?

They try to sh**t Mary in the head and hit her in the chest, we end up dead, congressman.

They were trying to rush this thing.

I was buying us some time.

(Telephone rings)


Commander Boles.

Ms. Pope.

We're still waiting on that classified file.

The rules have changed.

If you want the file, you're gonna have to let the congressman go.

I can't do that.

You can't, or you won't?

Because from where I'm sitting, you're running this show, no matter what the broad in the su1c1de vest thinks.

And if it wasn't for you, this would've been over by now.

And what the hell was that stunt you pulled?

Put me through to the President, Commander.

The President?

The President isn't gonna talk to you, Ms. Pope.

You know why? Because the President doesn't negotiate with t*rrorists, and that's what you are... a t*rror1st.

You better think about that when you start asking the government for favors.

(Hangs up telephone)

I need to make one more call.


We pump knockout gas in through the vents.

And she detonates as soon as she starts to feel woozy, or get woozy and detonates accidentally.

We could jam their phones.

You have a call, sir.

Not now.


You have a call.

Excuse me a moment.

(Lowered voice) Olivia?

No, Mr. President.

Jake? - She wants to know what's in the classified file on Chris Lawrence.

I know she does.

And you know Liv.

She's not gonna stop until she gets the truth.

Well, that's a problem, Jake, because whatever you or I might feel for Olivia personally, the United States will not negotiate with someone who walks into the Capitol building wearing a b*mb, no matter who's representing her.

So I'm sorry, but you'll have to tell her you couldn't save the day.

(Birds chirping)


I don't get many visitors out this way.

Shocking, I know. Drink?

Business hours.

(Chuckles) (Bottle clatters)

Long commute to the city, but the views are underrated.

I wanted to deliver this personally.

(Package rustles)

I think you'll find it a generous increase.

Hmm. I got last month's lying around here, too, if you wanna take that with you.
(Package thuds)

Take it, leave it, burn it, should that be your heart's desire, but we had a deal, and your antics at the White House this morning...

Not part of it.

Hmm? The deal?

Hmm. I'll tell you what. Screw the deal.

I'm tired of turning on the TV to hear about who our President's bangin', which girl's apartment he's stumbling out of, 'cause the way I see it, I'm the only honorable person in this deal.

And I deserve to talk to the man.

You wanna sit down with the President?

Let me work on that, because if that's the only way to keep Remington under wraps, believe me, it will happen.

Until then, relax. Enjoy the view.
(Birds chirping)

You're rusty, soldier.

Saw you tailing me this morning.

(Click) Shut up.

Thanks for trying.

(Jake) You need to get out of there, Liv.

I'll be fine. How are you feeling?

Are you serious? Oh, I'm a little sore.

You're in a room with a b*mb.

(Jake exhales)

Just get out of there, okay?

I'll do my best.

(Cell phone beeps)

Who was that?

A friend. Someone who tried to help.

(Cell phone clatters) Tried but failed.

Don't give up hope. My team is out there.

They're working on getting us that file.

Baby Huck's choking. It's the FBI, not the DMV.

Give me some time. She doesn't have time.

She's in a room with a crazy lady and a b*mb.

Did you try setting a...

Virus worm to the firewall or IP thingy? (Typing)

Do you even know what you're saying?

Huck's not answering. I'll try him again.

You know, on a normal day, I'd be worried you weren't answering your phone, but today is not a normal day.

Today is the day we need to hack into the FBI, and I'm not ashamed to say I have no idea how to hack into the FBI, so call me back. We need you.


(Computer beeps)

All right, Huck, what have you been up to?


If you're here to help your boss, don't bother. She clearly has a death wish.

Can you get me access to the FBI file on the raid?


Even if it saves Olivia's life?

Olivia creates more problems than she solves.

She probably had Huck rig up that b*mb vest and strap it to that poor mom.

She's an adrenaline junkie. She needs help.

Which is a backhanded and guarded way of saying you care about her and you're worried. I care, too, so pony up the file.

I'm not endangering this cushy gig, sticking out my neck for someone so reckless.

It's called enabling.

Oh, come on. This isn't even about her.

Let me know the funeral arrangements.

Should be good people watching.

Commander Boles. I just need a second to talk to you.

What's going on with the son's file? Boles!

You told Mary Nesbitt she could see it if she released some of the hostages.

Then you went back on your word. Not cool.

You're gonna get a very bad rep in the hostage-taking community.

(Indistinct conversations)

(Slams palm)

Harrison, right? Agent Laura Kenney.

Look, I'm sure your heart's in the right place, but your team's on the wrong side of this one.

Surprise, surprise.

Another fed toeing the company line.

Look, I feel bad for the lady. I do.

(Scoffs) She's been through a lot, but if she were to get ahold of that file, see the truth, it's gonna hurt even worse.

(Speaking Arabic)

"We will take our pride of place under the sun while the infidels wilt in darkness.

"They will drown in the blood of their poor who they use as pawns in their crusade to plunder and pillage our blessed lands."

It's a recruitment video... One of many.

I'm sorry, but Chris Lawrence was a t*rror1st.

And now, so is his mother.

They say they have three more just like the one I saw.

He was a recruiter, Liv.

No doubt about it.

An hour. That's it.

You tell them they have one more hour to get me this file, or I press this trigger and we all die.

We're gonna get you that file.

But you need to prepare yourself for what might be inside it.

Prepare myself?

To learn that Chris was m*rder*d in cold blood?

I already know that.

(Speaking inaudibly)

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)

(Door closes, engine starts)

Abby, you still at justice?

Ah, struck out.

David won't give up the file.

I need you to go back.

Okay. What do you got?

You can't look up one FBI agent for me?

What's in it for me?

Oh, you're pathetic.

You really want dinner that badly? Well, now I don't.

What's her name?

Laura Kenney.


(Computer beeps) Nope.

"Nope", what?

Nope, Laura Kenney is not the name of an FBI agent now or ever.

So if she's not FBI, what is she?

We don't know, but she's the one who showed up suddenly with a t*rror1st recruitment video.

I see. She drove off in a car with state department plates... Not FBI, state...

So whatever this is, it doesn't match up with the official story.

She wants to talk to you.

(Clears throat) How's life in the fast lane?

I need a favor. Call her old-fashioned, but my boss, the Attorney General, like, totally hates it when I aid and abet t*rrorists.

The FBI raids a suspected t*rror1st's apartment, kills a man, and the investigation is sealed, no questions asked. When questions are asked, an FBI impersonator shows up offering the supposedly sealed evidence and then disappears into thin air.

This is what's happening in America right now, in our nation's capital, under your watchful eye.

If that feels right to you, if that feels like justice to you, go enjoy your power lunch at the Palm.

If not... I'll think about it.

Think fast.

(Cell phone beeps)

(Door closes) Mr. Rosen, what a surprise. Please, sit.

How are things on 4th street? Enjoying the new position?

I need to see the file, Cyrus.

I'm sorry?

The Chris Lawrence file. The one his mother's demanding.

The one that proves that the FBI screwed up and slaughtered an innocent man.

I'm sorry if you were expecting a little more small talk, but considering there's a b*mb ticking, I figured I'd cut to the chase.

(Laughs) I think you misunderstand our deal, Mr. Rosen.

Our deal? Yes, the one where you gave me a certain memory card, and in return I gave you a job.

You think that makes me indebted to you?

I think it means we have an understanding.

Now I appreciate your enthusiasm, I do.

You're a good attorney, a good man, and, assuming you're here on Olivia's behalf, a good friend.

But this thing...

That's happening on the Hill today...

That's above your pay grade. Way above.

So... unless there's something else I can do for you, like receive your thanks for dragging you out of the gutter when the only public office available to you was substitute teacher, then I'm gonna have to cut this meeting short.

You know, so the rest of us who actually earned our jobs can go back to the business of running the country.

Do I have to call security, Mr. Rosen?

Gordon Bates.

Excuse me?

The FBI agent who led the raid.

He was fired from his post a week after the raid went down, no explanation.

Then there's... Teresa Gomez.

Special Agent Gomez served under Bates.

A week after the raid, she got a promotion.

Ditto, Jeffrey Mullins. Ditto, Kevin Choi.

In fact, everyone involved in the raid who wasn't Bates got a huge pay increase, even the rookie who was three weeks out of Quantico.

Where did you get that?

Oh, it turns out that personnel files...

Way more easy to obtain than classified ones.

So what do you make of this, eh?

Team of agents rewarded for k*lling a t*rror1st, or a group of people paid to keep their mouths shut after one of them screwed the pooch?

I'm guessing the latter.

Just like I'm guessing that the head of the DNC Would be thrilled to have a copy of this as we head into the next election.

What's that phrase again?
October surprise.

Now you listen to me...

No, you listen to me.

I may not have the Cytron card anymore, but I do have my conscience, and there's a hell of a lot of noise I can make if I don't think you're worthy of the moral sacrifice I made.

It is not what you think it is.


Then prove it to me.

Show me the file.

(Woman) Heading into hour ten, it is eerily quiet in the Capitol, as the FBI continues to negotiate with Mary Nesbitt, hoping to convince her to free the two remaining hostages being held on the fourth floor of the US Capitol building.

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)

Did you know they wouldn't even bury him?

'Cause they said he's a t*rror1st, no funeral home would even take him.

He's been lying in the city morgue for months, unburied, unclaimed.

(Telephone rings)

(Ring) Here we go.



(Clicks) Olivia.

I'm standing here with Cyrus and David Rosen and the head of Counterintelligence.

What I'm about to tell you is classified information, and for your own safety, I need you not to respond to what I'm about to say.

Can you do that for me?



She's right.

I'm sorry?

Chris Lawrence was not a t*rror1st.

Chris Lawrence was CIA.

He infiltrated the Al-Qaeda network at the highest levels, brought other CIA Operatives into the organization as his fake recruits.

Chris Lawrence was an American hero, perhaps one of the greatest heroes our nation will ever have, but you can't tell his mother that.

You can't tell anybody that, because if you did, the 57 men and women that he recruited, whose very lives depend on maintaining their identities as enemies of the United States... they'll be tortured until they die.

And a decade's worth of intelligence gathering will die with them.

Chris Lawrence was k*lled by the FBI because they did not know his true loyalties.

And that... was a terrible mistake.

But it made him a martyr to Al-Qaeda and a hero to the United States.

And I am very sorry...

Everyone is very sorry... that Chris Lawrence's mother will never know the truth, but 57 lives depend on that, that no one ever knows the truth.

There are 57 other American heroes whose names their country will never know, and it's our job, our duty, to bring those 57 heroes home alive.

Do you understand?



But thank you, for the true story.

Olivia, you cannot tell her the truth.

(Whispers) Don't make me do this to her.

57 of our bravest assets. Is the truth worth that?

I have to go now. Olivia...

Thank you, Mr. President. Olivia Pope, do not hang up. I need you to acknowledge.

(Line disconnects, dial tone)

That was the President.

What did he say?

(Gasps softly)

I'm so sorry, Mary.


(Sobs softly) No...


Your son was a t*rror1st.

No! No! He was a high-level Al-Qaeda operative...

Higher than they wanted to make public. No!

That's what was in the file.


That's what was classified.

(Sobbing) No!

Oh, God. Oh, my God.

(Sobbing) Oh, no...

(Continues sobbing)

I am so, so sorry.

(Breath quavers) I'm going to see you through this, Mary, make sure you have the best defense possible.

Our work isn't done. You're still my client.

(Sobbing continues)

This is Congressman Struthers! I'm opening the door!

We're coming out peacefully!

Nice and slow, one by one, hands raised.

Aah! No! Mary!

(Man shouting indistinctly)
Mary, open the door!

Pull 'em out. Get 'em out of there!

(All shouting at once)

(Shouting continues)

Clear! Clear! No!

Code black, code black!

(expl*si*n, rapid beeping)

(Static hissing) (Boles) Victor four,
come in. Report status.

Someone talk to me!
Come in, Victor four!


(Fitz) I'm happy to report the damage was confined to the office suite where the detonation took place.

The FBI, in coordination with the White House and homeland security, performed professionally and heroically throughout.

I have ordered a review of our security measures on Capitol Hill and throughout the federal complex in order to avoid another such incident, and can assure the American people that we will remain vigilant.

(Siren wails)

(Quinn panting) Olivia.

Are you okay? Do you need anything?

I'm sorry. Okay? But there is something you need to know.

I was worried about Huck, so I-I did some digging, and...

Look, Huck's obsessed with your dad.

Liv, he was up all night researching everything there is to know about him.


(Footsteps approach)


(Clicks switch)

(Gasps) (Laughs)

It's hooch.

My daddy sent us that case when you won the election, remember?

Made it himself, said we should use it to celebrate.

(Inhales sharply) You called him a hillbilly.


How many Presidents have had sex on this table, do you think?


Do you want to have sex... here?

With me, I mean?

(Exhales sharply)

I couldn't eat on this if you had sex with somebody else.

It'd have to be burned. You're drunk.

That's impossible. A lady never gets drunk.

(Groans) You're drunk, Mellie.

Yeah. (Giggles)

But like I said, I am celebratin'.


Today was a good day.

I would think the last thing you'd want to do is celebrate.

I would think you'd be miserable.

You missed out on your happy ending today.

Olivia Pope being blown to bits?

That's your dream, isn't it?

Oh, no.

That's my nightmare.

If your whore had died today, brave and strong, protecting a congressman inside the Capitol with a nation watching...


Honey, the nails, the wood, the... cross you would build and hammer her on, the worship you would feel for the rest of your days down on your knees praying to Saint Olivia Pope, that would be...

(Sighs deeply)

I'd lose.

Our little w*r.

I'd lose.

(Inhales sharply) I am spectacular, but...

(Exhales) I can't compete with religious fervor, so, no, I was not hoping that she would be blown up today.

I am not miserable that she survived.

I am celebratin'.

Because Olivia Pope still walks this earth.

She's still alive.
(Pounds table)

And as long as she's still alive, well, she's your flaw.


Your Achilles' heel.

Which makes her my w*apon.

She's the strings that, if need be, I will pull to make my puppet husband dance.

(Inhales sharply) So cheers, baby.

(Glasses clink)

Drink up. I live to fight another day!


(Switch clicks)



(Breathing heavily)


You scared me.

You okay?


Don't worry. I'm not here to k*ll you.

I'm all k*lled out today.

Huck, you didn't.

Huck, please tell me you did not just k*ll my father.



All this time I've wondered who Command is.

I've banged my head against the wall trying to get a name, and then I got one...

...from you.

A name is something you can trace, Liv.

It's something you can tie to a chair and question.

And after you've questioned it, after you've drilled some answers out of it, like whether or not you have a family, it's something you can k*ll.

You can wrap it in plastic and put it in a dumpster so it never bothers you again.


Huck, look at me.

This should have been my day, Liv.

I should have had some peace.

Look at me.

Look at me! (Pounds table)

Did... you...

(Voice breaks) k*ll my father?


(Birds chirping)

You're rusty, soldier.

Saw you tailing me this morning.

(Click) Shut up.

Happy to see you finally worked up the nerve to say hello.

Got some unfinished business for you inside...

A gift, all wrapped up and ready for you.

Go ahead.

Open it.

(Exhaling deeply)

Command. Your father, even after all that time...

(Voice breaking) Even after everything, he owns me. I can't...

There's nothing.

(Grunts) (Rattling)

Hey, man. Get me out of these.


No, whoa, whoa, whoa.

No, no, no, no. Don't do this.

Wait. I could give you things.

No. I know things!

I know things.

I-I'm telling you...
(Muffled grunt)

I'm gonna write you a beautiful su1c1de note.

I promise.

(Muffled grunting)
(Handcuffs clanking)

There's nothing I can do. I...

I thought I was free, but I'm not.

He controls me.

He still controls me.

(Breathing heavily)

(Projector and camera shutter click)

(Handle clicks)

(Projector and camera shutter click)

He owns me, Liv.

He owns me.
(Sobbing) He owns me!


He owns me...
(Pounds table)

(Continues sobbing)

(Projector and camera shutter click)

You must be starving.

Did you know Gettysburger delivers?

Right to the door.

Been dreaming of burgers.

(Kisses) Hey.

Why are you here?

Oh, I can go if... I'm sorry. I thought, uh... no.

I mean, how are you here?


(Cell phone chimes)

(Chiming continues)

Are you gonna get that?

How are you here?

(Exhales) I don't... I don't know what you mean.

They didn't just... let you out.

They don't just let people like you out, so how are you here?


How are you here?! How?!

(Second cell phone rings, chiming continues)

(Phones continue ringing and chiming)

It's the President.

I'm thinking about calling this the Fitz-phone.

Are you spying on me? Is that it?

No, I'm not.


Will you answer one of these?

(Ringing and chiming continue)

(Cell phones clatter) Liv... Liv!

Did he send you to watch me?

To report my every move back to him?!

"He"? You mean your father?

Nobody gets out. Nobody.

So I wanna know... why did he release you?

I don't know. He didn't give me a reason.

But there is one...

Liv... Liv...

With him, there is always a reason!

Listen to me!

I don't know why he let me go. I have no idea. None.

Your guess is as good as mine. I do not know.

(Exhales deeply)

Nobody... walks away from him.

He controls... everything.

I need to know... How are you here?

I never thought I'd get out of that hole.


And it's not just the... dirt floor and the darkness that gets you.

It's... the isolation. It's...

Silence. It breaks something in you, and...

I just kept picturing your face.

Your face saved me.

I'm here because you saved me.


(Voice breaking) This is not a fairy tale.

This is not the happily ever after.

If you're still alive, it's because he still owns you.

It's because you're still useful to him, and he's... going to find a way to use you against me.


Don't feel bad about it.

He still owns me, too.

(Telephone rings)




(Projector and camera shutter click)
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