03x00 - The Secret Is Out

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Scandal". Aired: April 2012 to April 2018.*
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A White House Communications Director leaves to start her own crisis management firm only to discover she has not left the past behind.
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03x00 - The Secret Is Out

Post by bunniefuu »

(Black Heat's "The Jungle" playing)

♪ sittin' here wondering ♪

This is the story of Olivia Pope...

♪ what to do ♪

The best fixer in Washington D.C.

Up and at 'em, Trav!

Oh, ho ho! Hey, do you know who this is?

This is the Olivia Pope.

Who do you work for now, Olivia? White House? C.I.A.?

Today, your mother.

"Fixing" means "handling problems."

Losing the nomination, it'll k*ll him.

Please don't let that happen.

And when the world's most powerful people have problems...

My two children were kidnapped. You are my only chance.

They call Olivia.

♪ way down yonder ♪
♪ knee-deep ♪
♪ in the middle of the jungle ♪

And if you're Olivia Pope's client, you couldn't be in better hands.

I need to know how much trouble we're in.

How much of what the press is reporting is true?

It's all true.

When her team's on the case, they do whatever it takes.

♪ I'll be your man ♪

My girlfriend, she's dead.

The police think I k*lled her.

(Camera shutter clicks)

Welcome to Olivia Pope and Associates.

They interview, listen, watch.

Do they always do this?


Then they fix.

Sandra, we'll find him.

♪ I'm gonna be ♪
♪ way down yonder ♪

All cylinders, people! Let's go!

♪ in the middle of the jungle

Abby Whelan... investigator.

Did he have a lot of arguments with people?

What kind of question is that?

- Do you have a lot of arguments with people?

I'm about to.

A straight-talker with nerves of steel.

I'll just take a quick peek at the crime scene.

Not on my watch.

How's your wife, Wally? She's what, six months pregnant?

Does she know about the stripper?

You're a real bitch. You know that?

I do know that, Wally.

Huck just goes by "Huck."

Huck freaking Finn?

Don't make fun of my name.

Resident tech genius...

Are you hacking?

Would you like me to explain it?

That would ruin it for both of us.

And former C.I.A. Black Ops specialist.

Let's just say we did things that would make it hard for you to singing the National Anthem and mean it.

Recent hire Quinn Perkins is learning the ropes...

I need you to help me track them or hunt them or whatever it is you do to find out where someone is, like, right now at this instant.

You try their house?

Try their house.

And catching on fast.

I got this.

I wouldn't go that way.

I got this.


Boom! There it is.

I need coffee.

Harrison Wright...

Senior associate and legal counsel.

Now we can talk I.N.A. Code 101 section A-42.

You guys familiar with that?

Very persuasive when he wants to be.

And this plan "B" that you got up and running is guaranteed mutual destruction.

But lucky for you, there's another plan in place, and her name is Olivia Pope, and she'll be here any minute.

And here you all thought you had a problem.

(Chuckles) You don't.

When you do what Olivia does, it helps to have a friend in the U.S. attorney's office.

Do I need a restraining order?

For a friend who brings you free coffee?

David Rosen is sometimes that friend.

You know what I love about my job?

I'm the good guy. The law is on my side.

I am the law. The law is me.

I wear the white hat.

My white hat's bigger than your white hat.

(Projector and camera shutter click)

In Washington D.C., there's always another crisis to fix, especially at the highest level.

He needs a favor.

I don't work for him anymore.

Yet you came when I called.

There's a girl, an aide, going around saying she's sleeping with him.

I need you to shut her down.

I need to see him.

Liv, that's not possible.

I need to look him in the eye and know he's not lying.

Look, the man's schedule is insane.

He has no time to see you.

He wants the favor. I do not work for him anymore.

So you tell the President of the United States to make time.

Before starting her own firm, Olivia cut her teeth as White House communications director for President Fitz Grant.

(Projector and camera shutter click)

(Fitz) I know you've got your hands full.

I can't thank you enough for taking this on.

I have to ask.


You know I did not fall for some young girl.

You know there's only one person I love.

Mellie and Fitz are happy together, Liv.

He'd have no reason to cheat.

I'll handle it.

The band is back together.


Snuffing out a potential scandal involving the President required swift, unflinching action.

Amanda, it would be a mistake to think there will be no consequences to you telling lies about the President.

How do you know my name?

I'll give you some free advice.

Hand in your resignation and go.

Because in this town, your career is over.

You're done.

It's handled.

(Projector and camera shutter click)

But when the girl attempted su1c1de, the game changed.

My gut says she's telling the truth.

She's not.

How do you know?

Because I know the President.

She was going on and on and on about how she thought he'd come and call her "sweet baby" and everything would be fine.

What? What?

What did you say?

That he'd come if she was hurt.

And he would call her...

Sweet baby.

(Projector and camera shutter click)

Sweet baby?

(Chuckles) Sweet baby?

Come here.

You left me.

Because you are married, because you said you wanted to try to dedicate yourself to your marriage, because you are the leader of the free world...

(Voice breaks) and I wanted you to be a better man.

I wanted you to be the man I campaigned for, helped get elected, and I voted for. Do not touch me.

Don't touch me. Please.

(Whispers) Look at me.

Look at me.

I love you.

(Crying) I believed you. You clouded my judgment.

You made me mistrust my gut because I wanted to believe you!

I destroyed that girl! She tried to k*ll herself.

(Door opens)

I just want to say that we can hear you screaming.

Mother of God.

(Projector and camera shutter click)

(Fitz) Well, there's no way to sugarcoat it.

We got our ass handed to us by Sally Langston in Iowa last night.

Anyone have any great ideas?

Two years ago, Fitzgerald Grant was on the road to the White House.

But his campaign was losing ground.

We are not getting our message out there.

People don't know where I stand.

The problem is...

Your marriage.

It looks like you don't screw your wife.

People have to want to invite you in for dinner, and right now, you and your wife are standing in their doorway, 3 feet apart, not looking at each other, letting in the cold air.

That's why you lost Iowa.

It's why you'll lose New Hampshire.

And you are?

Olivia... Pope.

Fire her.

Ah, she's great, right? A p*stol.

Lives for her work, a political nun, best student I ever had.

Fire her.

'Cause she said what every staffer on your campaign was afraid to say?

Just get rid of her.

I'll charge my hotel room to the campaign. Don't worry.

I haven't had a chance to raid the hotel minibar.

(Cyrus) Liv...

Best of luck, Governor.

Let's be clear about something. I run a sausage factory.

Cyrus Beene was the Grant campaign manager.

The stump, the electrifying speeches, the baby kissing... that's all you.

The nitty-gritty, morally bankrupt, back-alley-brawling rest of the game?

That's me. It's filthy and thankless.

And you... you don't have half the stomach for it, so you go and you make nice with Olivia Pope.

Get her back, or you can find another sausage maker.

Ms. Pope, wait.

I apologize.

Why did you fire me?

I am brilliant.

I would eat, breathe, and live Fitzgerald Grant every minute of every day.

You would be lucky to have me.

Just because you don't like hearing the truth about yourself...

I loved hearing what you had to say.

I agree with every word. Very astute.

And you're right.

I would be lucky to have you.

Look... (Sighs)

This is why you fired me.

Can we just...

Go back in there and work?



Fixing public perception about the candidate's marriage would require the cooperation of Mellie Grant.

Maybe I'm dense, but I have to confess, I don't really know what you want from us.

First off, I'd like you to actually talk to each other.

We talk all the time, Ms. Pope.

Not to each other, you don't.

You two need to be a couple.

Here you go.

A believable, loving, dedicated couple.



Oh, wipe it off.

Oh. Thank you.



Who in the holy hell is running that campaign?

The op pics gave primary front-runner Sally Langston reason to sweat.

That is not the Fitzgerald Grant I ran against in Iowa.

Hell, I'm halfway to voting for him.

Billy, it is not in God's plan that I lose New Hampshire.

Despite the uptick in the polls, the numbers among female voters were still down.

At a campaign stop, Mellie showed her political chops.

A few months ago, Fitz and I found out that we were pregnant with our third child.

Campaigns can be so stressful, and... I lost our baby.

And I should say, Fitz wanted to quit, to give us time to take care of each other.

But I wouldn't let him, because I truly believe that he is the best person to be President of the United States.


(Camera shutters click)

I think that ought to take care of it, don't you?

She's a real catch, my wife.

I'm a lucky man.

Why didn't I meet you sooner?

What kind of a coward was I to marry her and not wait for you to show up?

Governor Grant...

Oh, for God sake.

We are so far beyond the "Governor Grant" crap.


Just say my name.

That's crossing the line. It would be inappropriate.

Then let's be inappropriate.

Say my name.

(Whispers) Fitz.


You can't capture 20 years of marriage in a... in a snapshot.

You can't capture chemistry with a photo op.

(Whispers indistinctly)

I know what some people perceive and what the... the whispers are, but...


The most honest thing that I can tell you about myself right now, Kendal, is that...

I'm a man in love with an incredible woman.


Senator Langston conceded to Fitz and became his running mate on the Republican ticket.

Then the real fight began.

You're telling me that even though there are 120 million people voting in this thing, all we care about is Ohio?

Our problem isn't Ohio.

Our problem is Franklin, Summit, and Defiance.

You're right. Take out those three counties, it could go either way.

(Papers thud)

Fitz was running out of options, and members of his inner circle were concerned.

Among them... campaign contributor Hollis Doyle and Justice Verna Thornton.

We put all the lipstick we can on this pig.

It's time to pony up and seriously consider all the options.

There are no options, Hollis.

Yes, there are. I'm not saying I agree with it, but we should discuss it.

(Lowered voice) Election rigging is not an option.

(Lowered voice) I'm talking about doing a patriotic thing.

You're not serious.

I may be a son of a bitch, but Fitz is clean as a whistle.

Am I right, Cyrus?

He's the real deal.

A patriot. A believer.

How often does that come along?

Once in a generation, if you're lucky.

This is our chance to put a man with integrity inside that big White House.

What are we talking about?


Pull up a chair, Mellie.

I don't know how you can even consider...

It isn't my idea.

The people have to elect him, Cyrus.

The people have to find him worthy.

That's what I'm trying to tell you.

The way this world works, "the people" is you and me and Hollis and Mellie and Verna.

(Breathing heavily)

We're the people.


No. It comes down to two questions, Olivia... does he deserve to be President?

Do you think he can win it on his own?

If you can say "yes" to both, then we'll never discuss election rigging ever again.

(Cyrus) It's a finite number of people, Mellie.

That's all I'm saying.

(Mellie) Cyrus, we are all working as hard as we can work.

I know. I know that.

So we tell them they just...

(Speaks indistinctly)



So you're...



(Clears throat)

It's a go.

(Projector and camera shutter click)

Jesse Tyler, an employee of Cytron Software, set to work rigging the voting machines in Defiance county, Ohio, ensuring a win for Fitzgerald Grant.

I, Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III, do solemnly swear...

(Projector and camera shutter click)

The new President took office, believing the American people put him there.

Congratulations, Mr. President.


(Projector and camera shutter click)

The state of the union address is about the future.

It should be a showcase of everything you believe.

A comprehensive, non-punitive immigration policy is something I believe in.

That can't be your highlight. It's not strong enough to...

It's what we ran on.

The first days of Fitz's presidency were heady ones.


Fitz, stop running for President and start being President.

(Projector and camera shutter click)

The First Lady was savvy enough to know what was going on.

Mellie, I...

We all want the same thing.

We got him in the White House, and we are going to keep him here.

We are doing our patriotic duty.

We just... go about it differently, I suppose.

Olivia was struck with a crisis of conscience.

(Fitz) What's wrong?


You pace in circles when something's wrong.

You're married, you have children, you're the leader of the free world.

You're unavailable.

So this is about Mellie?

(Crying) I smile at her and I take off my clothes for you.

I can't breathe because I'm waiting for you.

You own me. You control me. I... I belong to you. I...

You own me!

You control me. I belong to you.

You think I don't want to be a better man?

You think that I don't want to dedicate myself to my marriage?

You don't think I want to be honorable, to be the man that you voted for?

I love you.

You're nobody's victim, Liv.

We're in this together.

(Projector and camera shutter click)

(Woman) Everything okay, Jess?

Cytron employee Jesse Tyler was making dangerous threats.

I want another $5 million, or I'm gonna start calling reporters.

A Jesse Tyler is hinting at voter fraud in Ohio.

You need to handle this.

Don't you worry a bit about it.

I got this, darlin'.

Hollis went to extremes to silence Jesse.

We are definitely a go.

I even found a perfect patsy.

Jesse's girlfriend, then known as Lindsay Dwyer, was set up to take the fall.


(Woman screams) (Man) Oh!

He k*lled seven people, Cy.

Hollis is a dangerous person.

We won. Hollis isn't a threat to us.

Buckle down.

But Olivia couldn't stand by while an innocent person was framed.

(Man on TV) ... Suspect Lindsay Dwyer.

She sent Huck in to extricate the young woman and give her a new identity.

Lindsay Dwyer was now Quinn Perkins.

Olivia Pope fixes things. That's who she is.

You need fixing.

You're a stray dog, and Olivia took you in.

Don't question it.

Olivia's first stray was a former marine, recruited to a top secret division of the C.I.A. called B613.

We'll train you, we'll pay you.

We'll teach you things about yourself that you never imagined possible.

This is Wonderland, son.

He was trained in the ways of enhanced interrogation...

t*rture is an art.

This is your chance to really shine.

And came to enjoy his work.

I'm in a good mood.

Ah-ooh! And you have such a nice manicure.

Now a guy has to be pretty secure to do that.

It's not for me, but on you it works.

But when Huck refused to deny his family and live only for the job...

Do you have a wife and child?

Yes, sir.

Close it up.

Aah! (Clank)

He suffered the consequences.

Let me out of here!

He became a ghost, forever changed but with no ties to anyone... until Olivia took him in.

Huck, you live with me now.

Buy some clippers, give yourself a haircut, take a shower.

And, Huck?

Take that shower before you touch anything in my apartment.

You wrote an article about Hollis Doyle.

Front page, above the fold.

Cyrus Beene was now Chief of Staff and married to his partner, a journalist named James Novak.

"Hollis Doyle is a deep-fried, backwoods, inbred hillbilly, and we'd never let him inside the White House if he didn't come with a blank check."

I didn't quote you. I quoted a senior White House official.

Any idiot in this town knows that I'm your senior White House official!

According to my editor, it's the best exposé anybody's ever written about this administration.

You cannot write articles about Hollis Doyle.

Watch me.

(Projector and camera shutter click)

The piece on Hollis Doyle caught the eye of David Rosen.

He'd been investigating the Cytron bombing and began connecting the dots, all the way back to Olivia Pope.

But David's growing feelings for her trusted associate Abby complicated matters.

This guy could be my missing link, my second sh**t, my smoking g*n.

Okay, but then what?

You throw your incredibly promising legal career that you've worked your entire adult life on away to become a professional conspiracy theorist?

Hold conventions in the desert for the rest of your life?

Why do you care what I do with the rest of my life?

I don't. I'm just saying.

(Projector and camera shutter click)

James Novak agreed to help with David's investigation...

You're saying he rigged the voting machines in all these states?

It sounded crazy to me, too, until I got a look at all this stuff.

And went in search of the corrupted voting machines.

Soon, there was enough evidence for a grand jury hearing that would reveal the truth about election rigging in Defiance, Ohio.

(Projector and camera shutter click)

Did you seriously steal the President election?

And you thought no one would notice?

Take off your clothes.

Are you kidding me?

I... I am not in the mood, Cy.

James, just take off your clothes.


I need to see if you're wearing a wire.

A wire?!

You could be wearing a wire. Ever think about that?


Fine. I hope you're happy.





(Panting) Yes.

Now you're going to tell me the truth.

Right and wrong mean nothing to you!

It's about the power!

But that stops here and now!

If you love me, show me who you are!

What the hell do you want me to tell you?!

Tell me you stole the White House!

I stole the White House!

When the time came to testify...

I do.

James protected his interests.

(David) And what did you find in Defiance?


I'm sorry?

I didn't find a thing in Defiance.

You had some far-fetched theory about election rigging.

I checked it out, and I didn't find a thing.

Stop lying, and tell me what you told me two weeks ago!

I just did.

Do you want to go to prison?!

That's enough. Is that what you want?!


Without James' testimony, the case fell apart, as did David's relationship with Abby when he realized she'd stolen key evidence to protect her boss.


I can forgive a lot of things.

I didn't know how many things until now, but it turns out it's a lot.

What I can't do is let myself love someone I can't trust.

(Projector and camera shutter click)

Get out of the car.

No, and I don't appreciate being summoned.

Get of out of the damn car, Olivia!

The nature of Fitz and Olivia's relationship made it impossible for them to be together and impossible to stay apart.

(Olivia gasping)


I am not yours.

I don't show up places because you want me.

I am not yours.

This is over.

(Mellie) You took her hunting?

Really, honey?

It's sweet... if it didn't mean the end of your political career, because you won't make it to a second term.

I will make sure of it, because I need to make some plans for my political future.

The sweet lawyer who gave up her career for her husband, suffered a miscarriage, then had a late-in-life baby while First Lady... that's a future President.

That's a hell of a second act, and America loves a second act.


Get over her!

(Projector and camera shutter click)

The President's 50th birthday gala drew the usual throng of dignitaries and press.

I'm sick of smiling.

I'm sick of acting like we're happy.

I just don't want to go.

Is it because she's gonna be there... Olivia?

Let me give you a fun fact... she's not my mistress anymore.

So buck up. You won.

I don't want to go.

We can't always get what we want, can we?

(Man) * that don't sound right *

♪ I think you've been slipping around ♪

(crowd cheering and shouting indistinctly)

♪ in the middle of the night ♪


(Siren wailing)

I'm fine. Stop! Get away from me! Get away from me!

(Man) Ma'am...

(Indistinct conversations)

Someone shot my husband!

You need to check on him!

(Defibrillator whines)

(Man) Mr. President! Mr. President!

Look at me! Look at me!

You may not die. Do you hear me?

You may not die!


(Projector and camera shutter click)

With Washington in chaos, the Vice President stepped in.

We're going to the south lawn of the White House.

We have strict orders to escort you to the observatory.

The pilot's a marine, correct?

Yes, ma'am.

I am the acting Commander in Chief.

And I am ordering him to take me to the south lawn of the White House.

You are welcome to catch a ride.

(Projector and camera shutter click)

(Sally on TV) We must all pray for our President, who fights bravely to hold on to life.

Rest assured, I am in place in the White House.

God bless President Grant.

Did that just happen?

Did she actually just land on the south lawn of the White House?

(Projector and camera shutter click)

Where is she? Is she in the Oval?

(Cyrus) Are you the President?! No! You're not!

I want the senior communications staff gathered and ready to brief me in 20 minutes.

Ms. Pope.


Does this mean...

Yes. I'm back.

Everything really is going to be okay.

If the President dies, I'll call you.

Until then, these men are going to take you to a secure, undisclosed location.

The hell they are. I'm not going anywhere.

By being where you are not supposed to be, you are threatening the security of this great nation.

Now you can walk out, or they can carry you out.

And it makes no difference to them, because guess what... they serve at the pleasure of the President, and you... are not the President.

(Reporters shouting at once) President Grant is in surgery.

His condition is described as critical.

The First Lady was unharmed.


Is the Vice President acting as President?

The President is still the President.

The Vice President isn't briefing you because our national security protocols demand that her safety be secured above all.

Everyone, we have a new client.

(Projector and camera shutter click)

The first order of business was to track down the President's assassin.

Security cameras inside the hotel from which the sh*ts were fired identified this woman...

Rebecca Flynn. Born January 17th, 1982.

Freelance graphic designer.

Professional who kills for a living who's good enough to do it with a remote sn*per r*fle.


Hi, Becky.

(Huck's voice) Hi, Becky.

Huck apprehended Becky Flynn and turned her over to authorities.

But her employer's identify was unknown.

I can report tonight that we have in custody the assassin who allegedly shot President Grant nearly to death.

(Projector and camera shutter click)

With Sally Langston angling for the Oval office, public perception about the President's condition had to be carefully managed.

They're gonna want to see the President.

And by "they," he means everyone on planet earth.

Harrison, find a friendly doctor. Make them a hero.

You want me to lie to the world?

Lie? Hell, no. That would be in conflict with both of our ethical standards.

But would you say that the President's recovery has been miraculous thus far?

Given the injuries, it's certainly impressive.

So just short of miraculous?

I'm a woman of science, so I don't use words like "miracle," but in my 25 years, this is as close as I've come.

We need an anecdote from a well-placed and unimpeachable inside source.

I'm a terrible liar.

It's not a lie. It's just a story.

But I'm not funny.

Let the words do the work.

You know, he told a joke just after he woke up.

You wanna hear it?

According to this White House source, soon after waking up, the President told the First Lady, "Next birthday? Let's order takeout."

(Projector and camera shutter click)

In time, the President was able to resume his post.

Morning, everyone.

Mr. President, if I could have a word.

When I questioned your readiness to serve, I was just thinking about our country.

I wasn't rooting for you to fail or die.

The truth is, your getting shot was the scariest thing that ever happened to me.

It is not easy being President.

Thank you, Sally.

You are welcome, Mr. President.

You're back.

Your approval rating has never been higher.

You can have anything you want right now.

Anything. We should think about that.

We should take advantage of this moment politically.

If you could have anything, what do you want?

I want a divorce.

Maybe you're having one hell of a grade "A" delusion that makes you believe that you could divorce your 9-months-pregnant wife and marry your mistress?

Here's what's great about having someone attempt to assassinate you.

You're being rushed somewhere on a gurney, and doctors are yelling, and blood is pouring out of you, and you could die.

And you suddenly stop being afraid.

You realize that you have nothing to lose and no time to waste.

(Projector and camera shutter click)

She'll fight me.

It might even take the rest of my presidency, but I am getting out of this marriage.

And I'm supposed to do what, wait for you?

This isn't theoretical anymore, Liv.

It's real.

Say you'll wait for me.

Wait for me, Olivia.

I'll think about it.

(Projector and camera shutter click)

Verna Thornton had been battling cancer for over a year.

The gravity of what she and her fellow conspirators had done in the election weighed heavily.

Hollis doled out hopes and dreams like he was Santa claus on Christmas morning.

I got a seat on the Supreme Court.

Cyrus runs the country.

Mellie got to be...


I'm not sure what you got.

But here we are.

Stuff like this, like what we did... it never really goes away, does it?

I prefer to think that anything can be fixed.

Then you're a fool.

Before she succumbed to her disease, she has some parting words for Fitz.

I was the one who sent that woman to assassinate you.

(Chuckles) What?

You are not the President.

(Coughs and breathes heavily)

What are you talking about?

Defiance county.

Hollis Doyle rigged the voting machines.

We all knew. We all helped cover it up.

(Breathing heavily)



(Breathing deeply)


You made us love you.

We would do anything for you.

You could have told me.

Confessed to the press, taken me down.

You didn't have to sh**t me, but then you'd have to admit your part.

Is your seat on the bench, your legacy...

Is it really worth my life?

Not anymore.

I'm meeting with a federal prosecutor after you leave.

I'm coming clean before I die.


I'm sorry.

(Gasping and panting)

(Gasping heavily)

(Gasping continues)

Despite the brevity of his time on the bench, Justice Verna Thornton's legacy will stand amongst those who served for decades.

We dedicate her service to the ages and inscribe her memory in our hearts.

(Projector and camera shutter click)

Fitz felt betrayed by those closest to him.

(Mellie) Honey, I'm back.

Do you have it?

And now he, too, had blood on his hands over the stolen election.

You didn't sleep at all last night. Maybe you should...


(Olivia) I'll wait for you, Fitz.

I changed my mind about that.


I don't know what I was thinking. Um...

Screwing your mistress is one thing, but marrying her?

It's political su1c1de, really.

I mean, you believe that my presidency is more important than anything else, right?

You must.

You worked so hard to get me here.

He knows.

I think he knows what we did. I'm pretty sure.

No. Defiance is over, Liv. It died with Verna.


Cyrus. What?

Defiance isn't ever going to be over.

"Mr. President"... I'll never get over saying that.


Captain Jake Ballard and the President went way back.

(Projector and camera shutter click)

He was Fitz's trusted friend from their days in the Navy, and the President asked him for a special favor.

How is she?

She's good.

Quiet. Makes my job easy.

She doesn't sleep enough. She's...


She's unhappy. She doesn't date.

Stay on her.

Pursuing Olivia wasn't part of the assignment...

Is it okay?

But Jake was acting on another mission...

I could cheer you up.

(Olivia) What makes you think I need cheering up?

Well, don't you?

Behind the President's back.

I like you a lot.

I like that you know who you are, and that you fix everyone around you.

I had a relationship with a man I thought was...

(Inhales sharply) and I'm not over it yet.

He's in my head all the time. (Chuckles)

Close your eyes.

Wh... what?

Close your eyes.

Are you still thinking about him?

(Whispers) No.

A real connection developed between them, despite the fact that Jake was under orders from the highest ranks of B613, a secret faction of the C.I.A.

The footage you requested.


May I ask, sir, how you're gonna use it?

That's none of your concern, Captain.

Continue the mission.

Stay close to the President, even closer to Ms. Pope.

As close as possible.

(Projector and camera shutter click)

Jake followed orders, but it wasn't long before Olivia discovered he was watching her.

(Shatters) It's not what you think.

Who are you?

Sit down. Let's talk.


(Muffled voice) Olivia!


I don't have time to explain everything, Olivia.

Here's what you say... you were at your apartment.

There was a break-in. A man att*cked you.

I showed up and saved you.

You never met me until now.

Do you understand me?

Thanks for calling me, Jake.

You're welcome, sir. We had a bit of a scare, but she's gonna be all right.

It's lucky you were there.

She was brought in with a concussion and scrapes and bruises at 0200 hours.

The President arrived at the hospital shortly after 0300 hours and he hasn't left the wing.

You mean he hasn't left her side.

He should be home shortly, ma'am.

Thank you, Hal.


(Olivia) You can go.

You don't dismiss me.

I don't want to talk to you.

I'm never gonna be ready to talk to you.

So why don't you just...

I love you.

Stop saying that! You're having me followed, watched.

There are cameras in my apartment.

That's not love!

You have to understand.

Defiance changed everything for me... everything.

I am... angry that you fixed the election, but I'm even angrier that you thought you were fixing me.

You're angry. Then why are you here?

I'm here because I love you.

And how does that change anything that has happened?

What's the point?!

Do you still love me?

Do you?

(Whispers) I do.

But I can't do this anymore.

Both women in Fitz's life had reached their limits.

He came home to find Mellie with her bags packed.

I'm leaving you.

I'm keeping it quiet for now, but there's a clock on that.

You want to shack up with Olivia Pope, fine.

Have at her. But the clock is ticking.

I'm done.

Mellie gave Fitz 36 hours to make a decision before going public about his affair.

I hope you choose family.

Because good luck getting reelected once I start talking.

Fitz chose to count down the clock with Olivia.

Does Cyrus know where you are?

Maybe he can get Mellie to give you an extension or something.

Hang up the phone.

(Cell phone beeps)

You can't fix the fact that I love you, that I love you more than I love being President.

You're gonna watch me run out this clock.

You're gonna sit here with me and watch me choose you.

You wouldn't.

I would.

I will. I'm going to.

When the clock ran out, the cameras rolled...

Thank you for sitting down with me tonight, Mrs. Grant.

You go to commercial, and you put him on the phone with me right now!

I wanna talk to my freakin' husband right now!

And the First Lady told the world the truth about her marriage.

My husband was unfaithful to me. (Exhales deeply)

(James) You're saying...

I'm saying my husband had an extramarital affair.

Huh. Wonder who he banged.

I got, uh... stuff.

(Quinn) And... (Exhales deeply)

I have moved out of the White House to take some time for myself... (Inhales deeply)

While we work through this heartbreaking betrayal.

(Mellie) I just wanna ask the American people tonight in advance for their understanding and their forgiveness.

I truly hope Fitz and I will be able to repair what has been broken here and emerge from this stronger and more united than ever.

(Projector and camera shutter click)

(Camera shutters click)

The name of the President's mistress had not been released, and the press was rabid for details.

Good evening.

I'll make this concise and to the point.

My marriage... is none of your business.

The fallout rippled through every agency within the government...

Even the most covert.

Hello, Cyrus.

(Projector and camera shutter click)

The directive from B613 command was clear.

There's a tape of Ballard and Pope.

But you haven't used it.

I've tried, believe me. It's complex.

It's simple. It's only complex because you're afraid.

You're out of bounds. This is my arena.

Stay in yours.

People like you get a taste of power, and they develop amnesia.

They forget that I have no boundaries.

Use the tape.

Don't make yourself an obstacle.

When the mounting tension overtook Cyrus, he suffered a heart attack.

Oh, my God!



(Man) Someone call 9-1-1!

But the scare did nothing to divert Fitz from his plans.

Make no mistake... you are going to leave the White House.

You'll want your own political career.

And I will back you and campaign for you.

And then, about a year into my second term, I will go one or two high-profile dates with well-educated, age-appropriate career women.

And when word leaks six months later that I've been spending time with one of my oldest, dearest, most trusted advisors, who has always stood beside me as my friend and colleague...

America will love her.

And let's be honest.

My relationship with Olivia is going to spark a real dialogue about race in this country, and it is going to blow the Republican party wide open.

And you want to be on the right side of history here.

Trust me, you do.

I take it Liv came up with that?

She did.

It's good.

Olivia's affair with the President made her a target.

(Doorknob rattling)

(Lock clicks)


(Muffled scream) Shh. Shh. Shh.

(Door rattles)

(Silenced g*nsh*t) (Muffled scream)


Jake brought Olivia to the safety of her office.

Why is someone trying to k*ll me?

I don't know exactly why or the details.

I just follow orders.

But I do know that as long as you're in a relationship with the President of the United States, you're in danger.

There's a branch of the CIA called B613.

You're B613.

Hey. Stay here tonight.

The woman I shot at your place was a B613 agent, which means by morning they'll have collected her body.

Fix your door, hire security, or break up with your boyfriend.


I have to go.

They're going to try to k*ll you now because you saved me.

No, because I disobeyed orders.

Sleeping with you... was my mission.

Uhh! Aah!

So don't bother missing me.





(Projector and camera shutter click)

Cyrus was driven to save the presidency...

(Sighs) You're all right.

(Gasps) Cyrus.

At any cost.

What are you doing here? Why aren't you in the hospital?

I've moved heaven and earth to save you from yourselves.

I have lied for you, I have stolen for you, I have almost died for you, and you two are so stupid and romantic and high on your own doomed-love, Romeo-and-Juliet, "Dear Diary" nonsense that you won't even save your own lives.

I've had enough!


He k*lled Verna Thornton, Liv!

(Whispers) What?

Oh, you didn't know?

Whoever told you that...

He did! He told me that!

The love of your life is a red-handed, cold-blooded k*ller.

That is what you're dealing with!


(Gasps) is who you love.

(Door closes)

There was one last card to play with Fitz.

(Dvd tray opens)

What is that?

Reality TV.

(Fitz) I was going to tell you that I don't care about Jake, that we could start over, start fresh. No big deal.

I'm guessing you don't feel the same way about m*rder.

The things we've done to get you here... we went too far.

Olivia, I'm sorry. If you'll give me another chance...

Whatever happened in the past, let Verna go.

Defiance is dead.

The reset button has been hit.

The genie is back in the bottle. You are clean.

Run with Mellie at your side.

You can win with Mellie by your side.

I want you by my side.

We can do this together.

You are going to be my First Lady.

Let it go.

(projector and camera shutter click)

For Olivia, letting go meant starting over.

A new day.

A clean slate.

But as the woman herself says...

(Reporters shouting loudly, camera shutters clicking)

Is it true that you are having an affair with President Grant?

Are you the President's mistress?

How long have you been sleeping with the President?!

Dirty secrets always come out.

(Shouting continues)

Hello, Olivia.

(Gasps) Dad?

(Projector and camera shutter click)
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