04x08 - Collateral

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NCIS: Los Angeles". Aired: September 2009 to present.*

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The Naval Criminal Investigation Service's Office of Special Projects takes on the undercover work and the hard to crack cases in LA. Key agents are G. Callen and Sam Hanna, streets kids risen through the ranks.
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04x08 - Collateral

Post by bunniefuu »

(quiet giggling)


(chuckles softly)



Oh, Magoo, you've done it again.

Way too early, Dex.

You went fishing again last night, didn't you?

Caught two.

Didn't throw them back, either.

I'm glad you got to play Tony Stark, Mr. Secret Agent Man.

But I'm freaking out here.

Seattle's breathing down my neck.

Don't have a seizure, Dex.

You know how big our bonus is if this game does Modern Warfare 3 numbers?

Big enough to settle my lawsuit and still be filthy stinking rich.

Those cigars will k*ll you, man.

That's part of the fun.

Later, Dex.

♪ NCIS: LA 4x08 ♪

Original air date on November 27, 2012



Look at all those center mass hits.

Nine, nine, nine.

I should change my name to Herman Cain.

KENSI: Yeah?

I think it's more like Pee Wee Herman.

Read 'em...

And weep.

DEEKS:You know what?

These targets are culturally biased.

Against what, surfers?

DEEKS: I'm serious, all right?

'Cause that is not a fair assessment of my skills.

I am much better when I'm on the move and the target is talking smack and firing back at me.

You still owe me dinner, Crustacean, 8:00 p.m.

No sneakers, no jeans, and wear a jacket.

Forget the garlic noodles.

When am I getting my album back?

DEEKS: It's a great record, man; it's irreplaceable.

SAM: Then why don't you just place it in my hands?

Sam let Deeks borrow an album from his vinyl collection?

Isaac Hayes' Hot Buttered Soul.

Deeks has been on a '70s kick ever since he rented Shaft from Netflix.

Not a good idea.

What, the Samuel Jackson remake?

Borrowing anything from Sam.

Here's the deal.

(clears throat)

I'm just gonna say it.

My dog ate it.

He what?


Your dog?

DEEKS: But don't worry, because I have something much, much better.

Bam! You know what that is right there?

That is every song that Isaac Hayes ever recorded in the palm of your hand-- that's what that is.

Check it.

Deeks, let me explain something to you.

You cannot experience the genius of "Walk on By" on an MP3.

He made Burt Bacharach sound funky.

Do you know how hard that is?


Vinyl has a much fuller sound; it has character.

(phone ringing)

It's a living, breathing thing.

(loud whistle)


Got to wait. Hetty wants you guys up in ops ASAP.


You're a better liar than that, Deeks.

I want my album back.


DEEKS (quietly): Damn it.

Nice try.


NELL: At 8:15 this morning,

Victor Potter was k*lled by an expl*si*n on the balcony of his Malibu beach house.

The security cam footage is from an adjacent house.

Potter was CIA. Why do they need us?

NELL: It's Hetty's call.

Roll it back. Sam, did you see that-- the flare?

Exploding cigar?

Exploding lighter.

Well, exploding cigar would've been cooler.

You know, Bugs Bunny, Yosemite Sam.

I like Yosemite Sam.

Don't implicate him in this.

CALLEN: Was Potter working on something?

Is this blowback?

NELL: Hetty's source confirmed he retired from the Agency three years ago.

Since then, he's made millions consulting hotshot movie directors and video game companies about his time with the Agency.

DEEKS: Wait, so Black Bag was his game?

That game is sweet.

His espionage CV reads like a Fodor's Guide to the w*r on Terror.

What was his specialty?

ERIC: Precision expl*sives.

Somebody's probably trying to send a message.

You think?

CALLEN: Let's check out Potter's place.

If this was Hetty's decision, why didn't she brief us?

She's stuck on the phone.


Here's all I'm saying.

With g*ns, you're all about the newest and the latest, but not with music.

It's like this whole iTunes revolution has completely passed you by.


That's the point.

Vinyl makes you sit down and listen.

Savor the experience, you know?

See, that's-that's deep.

I always thought that you smelled like sweat and gunpowder, but really, that's patchouli, 'cause you, my friend, are a hippie.


HETTY: We've just begun our investigation, Owen.

I understand that, but it's not necessary.

Potter's m*rder is troubling, I agree.

I'll find that out momentarily, as soon as he calls me back.

Just received the briefing on Victor Potter.

Very good, Mr. Callen.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

She blew me off.

I ignore you all the time; it never bothered you before.

Something's up.

Something's always up with Hetty.

Come on, let's go.

I know that look.

That's the "what's Hetty not telling me that I'm dying to know" look.

Don't try to figure it out.

Many have tried and failed.

That's actually not what I'm thinking.

I just never realized that you were a Yosemite Sam apologist.

Yosemite Sam is highly misunderstood.

There's a lot of heart behind that fiery temper.

Well, I just had you pegged as more of a Hanna-Barbera guy.

Ah, Hanna. Barbera.

Like I haven't been hearing that every year since third grade.

Oh, you were picked on as a kid?

Not since I started doing push-ups.

What's your favorite cartoon?

Let me guess.


Hong Kong Phooey.


He was a genius at undercover work.

Underdog beats him every time.

He had a better theme song.

Plus he could fly.

Underdog would kick Hong Kong Phooey's ass.

DEEKS: What a view, huh?

Potter's got a life like James Bond, got a pad like Scarface, and now he's deader than disco.

I guess it's true-- you can't take it with you.

SAM: Ammonium nitrate, probably-- maybe a smidgen of C-4.

What'd you find?

Two champagne flutes, two different shades of lipstick.

He had company.

Computer's got a firewall.

We're gonna need Eric to crack it.

DEEKS: I wonder what got him more action, the view or these pictures?

"Nah, forget about "SEAL Team Six, baby--

I'm the one that told my friend Barack about Abbottabad."

KENSI: I guess your poses with Justin Bieber and Snooki don't quite have the same sex appeal.

You'd be surprised.

Even if that laptop has a firewall, this tablet may be more useful.

SAM: Damn.


I'm married, not dead.

DEEKS: Wait a minute.

I-I know that girl.

Yeah, sure you do.

I do. I know her.

Her name is... Natalie.

No, no. Nicole. Nicole.

Her name is Nicole.

KENSI: How exactly do you know her?

DEEKS: Names come and go, but you never forget a pretty face like that.

CALLEN: Yeah, I'm pretty sure that wasn't her face you were looking at.

I'm serious.

She works at Seven Star Oasis.

KENSI: And what's that, a cruise line?

They may take you on a trip around the world, but no, Seven Star Oasis is one of L. A.'s most elite escort services.

That right there is one very expensive call girl.

(computer beeps)



Strong firewall.

So, what are we talking, hours?

ERIC: For Langley, maybe.

For me, seconds.

Potter's sign-in is "Napoleon Solo."

That the guy from Mission: Impossible?

The Man from U. N. C. L. E.

You know I like old TV shows.

Yeah, I know that.

You also collect vintage muscle cars and you listen to vinyl records.

Your point being?

It's just an observation.

What's he trying to tell me?

That you're a geek.

I am not a geek.

You don't see me collecting lunch boxes and action figures.

Nothing wrong with being a geek, Sam.

I am not a geek.

(whispers): Okay.

You owe me a dollar, swear jar-- you said "damn."

We have a swear jar? Since when?

How do you think Hetty affords all of her tea?

She never said anything.


She just takes it out of your paycheck.



Where is Hetty, by the way?

NELL: I haven't seen her.

You get any hits on the women from Potter's tablet?

NELL: I ran their faces as soon as you e-mailed the video over from Potter's house.

Nothing. They're probably here illegally.


NELL: Okay, focus, boys. So, why did Kensi and Deeks have to break in?

Wouldn't it be easier just to ask Seven Star Oasis for a list of their clients and employees?

You never know who's gonna be on the client list.

Ballplayers, politicians...

It would be like Bill Belichick giving you his Super Bowl playbook.


You wouldn't need Belichick's playbook.

Not if you videotaped the team's walk-through before the game.

Eric gave me this DVD: 46 Years of Football Highlights.

I... finally watched it, and I'm kind of obsessed.


Jets! Jets! Jets!


I'm a Pats fan, so I'm gonna pay you now, before I curse.

Thank you.


KENSI: So, you know this girl?

(chuckles): Wha...? No.

I never said that I know her know her.

I mean, not biblically, at least.

It was an undercover vice operation back in the day, and I was always a professional.

And you played the pathetic john?

No, no, no.

I was a player.

Yeah, Zegna suit, Rolex.

Seven Star Oasis is all about the high rollers.

And they believed you?

All you got to do is be confident and look the part.

Yeah? All right.

(clears throat)

What are you doing?

I look the part?


You look the...

(clears throat)

You look the part.

Is that supposed to be a compliment or an insult?

As a professional--

I mean a pro...

Not-not a pro-pro. I just meant like as-as an agent...

I'm gonna stop talking.

Listen, they're gonna want to probably get a little frisky in the back room, 'cause they want to sample the goods, so be careful.

Yeah, I can handle any man that gets fresh with me.


You know that.


Good luck there, shnookums.

May I help you?

Yes. My name is Paola.


Do you have an appointment?


Well, you can sit over there with everyone else... sweetie.



I understand.


Go right in.


I could always pick a winner.

That's my gift.

And when I see you, that's what I see.

A thoroughbred.

(with accent): Please don't call me a horse.

Okay? I'm not an animal.

Oh, no, no, no, baby.

That's not what I mean.

I mean, when I see you, I see someone smart and fast and a go-getter.

You don't need any of that stuff.

You're the total package.

You don't need a short skirt or heels.

I'm Wendy.



What's your real name, darling?

It's Kathy.

(laughing): Wow.

That thing with the accent's impressive.

(with Southern accent): Well, Southern is out.

Exotic is in.


A pretty little thing like you--

I bet you had to chase all those little boys off, huh?

Yeah, well, after my stepdaddy, everyone else was kind of easy.

You're not gonna have that problem working for me.

Darling, I assure you.

Because no one's ever gonna touch you unless you say so.

All right.


Once we match the photos from Potter's tablet with the Seven Star Oasis database, we'll be in business.

How long, Eric?

Uh, five more seconds.

We keep lonely rich men company.

That's it.

Nothing happens that you don't want to happen.

We protect our employees.

A lot of people love working here.

And a lot of people have become famous.

(whispers): Come on.

Deeks is exposed. We need to get them out of there.

Verifying now.

What do you want to do?

Do you want to sing, act?

Are you serious?


I could make that happen.



All you have to do is, um, let me help you.

Can I do that?

We got it, guys.

Get out of there.


You can't help me.

Oh, yes. (gasps)

Not now.

And not ever.

Hey, I'm gonna need a shower, and I'm going to k*ll you.

She liked you.

I could tell.

Yeah, you could have warned me, Deeks. Thanks.

You said you could handle any man.

Didn't think a woman was gonna throw you off your game.

Hey, listen to me.


I am going to tell Sam that you sat on his Isaac Hayes record and broke it, and Monty had nothing to do with it.

You wouldn't do that.

Would you?

Hope I don't throw you off your game.

That is not cool.

So you finally watched that football DVD I gave you?


And you were going to tell me this when?

What? So I like football.

Big deal.

Just something else we have in common.

So, the Giants...

Are boring.

You're talking about the franchise of YA Tittle.

Bill Parcells.

Lawrence Taylor.

The 1958 greatest game ever played that launched the modern NFL.

Giants lost that game to the Colts.

Okay. So you prefer flash over substance.

Broadway lights and pretty-boy quarterbacks.

In this case, I think do.

Joe Willie Namath had swagger.

(computer beeps)

Ooh. I have to go find Hetty.

Just got a message for her.

I got swagger.


Do you have a question, Mr. Callen?

What's in the box?

The past.

Securely locked away.

Excuse me?

Hetty, Assistant Director Granger needs you.

It's urgent.

Thank you.

You'll excuse me, Mr. Callen?

So, we've I. D.'d the women who spent the night with Victor Potter before he was k*lled.

I want you to keep an eye on Hetty for me, Nell.

You want me to track Hetty?

I just need to know where she is.

Okay, the last NCIS employee to spy on Hetty now has a permanent lisp.

Be discrete.

If you get caught, there's always speech therapy.

Ha. Yeah, that's not going to help me.

Well, at least we'll understand what you're saying.

Where's your uniform, Hong Kong Phooey?

Where's your theme music, Underdog?

(doorbell rings)

Federal agents!

We've got a body.



This one's still breathing.

ERIC: Sam.

Eric, we're at Nicole Burns' house.

Call Rescue.

Got it.

Two minutes later, she'd be as dead as her friend.

She owes you her life.

What did you give her?


She'll have a headache like a freight train, but...

She'll be coherent.

Thank you.

(indistinct chatter)

This wasn't an accident, was it, Nicole?

Why don't you tell us what you remember?

I opened the door for him.


I don't know his name.

He was supposed to pay us as a... as a side deal.

He said we could make more money if we didn't involve our agency.

That's the guy he wanted us to meet.

Victor... Potter.

Ex-government big shot.

Our client told us, though, that Potter couldn't know we were pros.

We were supposed to act like he was Denzel and Liam Neeson rolled into one.

I know, right?

He wasn't even that good-looking.

But he was funny.

He had a lot of, um, spy stories, like, stories about presidents.

Kissinger always said power is the greatest aphrodisiac.

He's wrong.

Money is.

You said you were paid to seduce Potter?

See, that's the thing.

Um, our client didn't care if we slept with Potter.

All he cared about was some, um, stupid prank with his lighter.

It didn't make any sense.

I mean, the lighters looked exactly the same.

Turned out to be a bad joke.

CALLEN: You don't know his name, and you invited him back to your house to pay you?

No Seven Star Oasis?

No security?

You look smarter than that, Nicole.

His name is Ruiz.

That's all I know.

He was popular with the girls.

Not a cheapskate like some of these other guys.

He took girls shopping on Rodeo Drive, that sort of stuff.

Sounds like you liked this guy.

Until he pulled a g*n and shot us up with smack, Ruiz was a real charmer.

How's Inez?

Inez didn't make it.

I'm sorry.

(quiet crying)

Nicole just I. D.'d Raul Ruiz as both her client and assailant.

He's got more bodies on him than Freddy Krueger.

There's an alphabet soup of agencies who want him.

He does wet work for the highest bidder.

Cartels, black bag disavowed missions, stuff for anyone who's got the cash.

You think Ruiz was doing some of Potter's dirty work?

Maybe stiffed him for money?

(computer beeps)

ERIC: Whoop, hold on a second.

Guys, I got a location on Ruiz.

Okay, security cam picked him up at a cafe in Montrose.

Okay. You happen to know where Hetty is, Nell?

I'm sorry. I tried.

She even took the chip out of her cell phone.

Henrietta's whereabouts are of no one's concern but her own.

You know where Hetty is?

She can take care of herself.

Henrietta's a big girl.

Well, relatively speaking.

So, where is she?

You solved Potter's m*rder and have a location for his assassin.

The CIA can take it from here.

You asking us to stand down?

Did I stutter?

Book's closed.

DEEKS: What if we use, like, a bookmark?

Control your people, Mr. Callen.

Let's roll.

(cell phone rings)


You've got company.

What do you want me to do?

Nothing. I'll take care of it.

Stay right there.

We'll take him on my call.

(car engine starts)

(people screaming)

Get down! Get down!

(car horn honks)

(tires screech)


No shot.

(car horn honks)


Eric, did you get that vehicle?

Lincoln Navigator, no plates.

Sorry, guys.

We lost them.

Where's Granger?

He left right after you did.

He say where he was going?


Anything from the traffic cams?

Uh, couple of angles of the sh**ting, but no clear view of the driver or the passenger.

Thanks, Eric.

What's up?

We defied a direct order, and we've got nothing to show for it.

It's not the first time.

This is on Granger's watch.

Suddenly you're worried about Granger?

Hetty insists we take a case, and she disappears.

And Granger's all over us, and now he disappears?


Something's missing.

And I think I know where to find it.


I got another job for you.


I wouldn't do it for Joe Namath's Super Bowl ring.

If Hetty wants to keep something private, it should stay that way.

This is all we've got, Nell.

Hetty could be in trouble-- we got to do this...

I know you know the code.

Come on, Nell.

She put something in that box.

I know it's important.


All right. Okay.

That wasn't so hard.

It's easy for you to say.

They don't get NFL Sunday Ticket in Guantanamo Bay.

Fireman Ed would be proud of you.

That's Potter, our dead guy, with Hetty and Granger.

This was taken someplace Middle Eastern.



Yeah, but how long ago?

SAM: At least a decade ago.

I can't tell.

Potter's dead.

Hetty and Granger are off the grid.

Maybe it all comes down to this guy.

This is where Hetty's going.

To find him.

NELL: This is Barry Brooks, another CIA vet with a long association with our victim Victor Potter.

CALLEN: How well does he know Hetty and Granger?

Well enough for them all to have connected in Afghanistan in the '80s.

After that, they became part of an informal team for nearly 15 years for the CIA, also the CIA/NCIS joint task forces.

Can you pinpoint the time and location of this photo?

That's a negative.

CALLEN: Any conflict between Brooks and Hetty?

Based on e-mails from Potter's hard drive, Brooks's main conflict was with Potter.

Brooks accused Potter of embellishing their old missions for profit with his, uh, video game and movie consulting.

Do you think Brooks would really be willing to k*ll his former partner over that?

Well, it can be frustrating when your partner grandstands and likes to take credit for everything.

I mean, I can sympathize, but k*lling for that might be a bit extreme.


CALLEN: So, what does any of this have to do with the party girls, Ruiz or the woman who k*lled him?

Well, the girls were paid to switch the lighters.

Ruiz probably tried to k*ll them to tie up some loose ends.

KENSI: Okay, well, if that's the case, then who hired Ruiz?

DEEKS: Well, it could be the woman who went all Angelina Jolie on him in Montrose.

Maybe Brooks hired both of them.

SAM: Makes sense.

He's the last man standing.

CALLEN: When was the last time either Brooks or Potter tried to contact Hetty?


How about yesterday?

Brooks is preparing a multi-million-dollar lawsuit against Potter for a share of Potter's profits from the Black Bag video game.

Potter e-mailed Hetty to ask for her advice.

NELL: The last call Hetty made from her desk was to Brooks's home phone line.

Think she paid him a visit?

(knocks on door)

Federal agents!


Got a body.




It's Brooks.

Looks like he dragged himself.

"Nogales Bo"?

KENSI: Nogales is a town in Arizona.

It also means "walnut trees" in Spanish, but I don't know what "Bo" means.

The old man took on a few of them, but they beat him.

Tortured him, maybe.

They either left his body here...

Or he crawled over here with his dying breath.

DEEKS: To draw something in his own blood that makes no sense?

Yeah, Bo knows...

Bo knows nothing.

Guys, got something here.

Nobody move.

It's a trip wire.

Careful, Sam.



Call the b*mb squad.

On it.

This was meant for Hetty.

Thank you, Commander.

I'll pass it on.

So, LAPD b*mb squad disabled the device.

I guess that's something.

Any word from the others?

They're on their way back.

Still no sign of Hetty.

(sighs) Maybe that's a good thing.

How do you figure that?

The b*mb didn't get her.

Yeah, but maybe the person who set the b*mb did.

Hetty's too smart for that.

Okay, then why can't we find her?

Why hasn't she tried to contact us?

Somebody is out there trying to k*ll her.

I know-- we've got to stay cool.

This is Hetty, right?

She's always three steps ahead of everyone.

She's tactically brilliant, ridiculously courageous, experienced, resourceful.

I mean, if Mata Hari and Genghis Khan had a daughter, it'd be Hetty.

Or General Patton and Joan of Arc.


Her kung fu is strong, and her magic is powerful.


Say it.

Her kung fu is strong, and her magic is powerful.

Don't underestimate Hetty.

She never underestimates us.

CALLEN: Eric, downstairs.

Guys are back.

SAM: I'm thinking they dragged Brooks' body into the bathroom, then rigged him with a booby trap, left him for dead.

Only he wasn't.

Not quite.

"Bo" we know now stood for b*mb, but "Nogales"?

Could "Nogales" be the name of the woman who k*lled Ruiz at the cafe?

SAM: Maybe.

This whole thing could be about her.

She hires Ruiz to take out Potter and Brooks, and then rigs the body to take out Hetty when she comes looking for him.

KENSI: So, Ruiz is at the cafe waiting for her, probably to get paid.

She spots us and decides to k*ll him?

Doesn't matter-- he's dead either way.

If Hetty was in danger, why would she leave here?

Because, if someone is after Hetty, the last place on earth she's gonna lead them is here.

SAM: Knowing Hetty, she'd set a trap to see who's coming after her.

DEEKS: If she needs our help, why wouldn't she make it easier for us?

CALLEN: Because that's not Hetty.

Doesn't mean she didn't leave bread crumbs.

We just got take a step back and find them.

What you thinking?

Nogal-- Spanish for walnut tree.


You remember that get-well basket we sent Hetty?

She sent it back because of all the nuts.

Yeah, I picked it out.

Yeah, I chipped in for that-- it wasn't cheap.

Hetty's allergic to nuts.

Okay, now, that's odd, even for Hetty.

Eric, check Hetty's computer log.

ERIC: Hetty's last search was on the CIA database for a Casa De Nogales.

SAM: That's got to be it.

ERIC: It was used as a presidential retreat for Gerald Ford, last used as a safe house for NSA, NCIS, CIA, anyone who needed it.

Hetty's sending us a message-- she's taking a stand.


Don't even think about it.


Let's go.

This is the best Langley can do?

The boys are slipping.

CALLEN: Hetty?

(door closes)

You had orders, Agent Callen.

Mr. Callen.

Farmer, is that you?

Sam Hanna.

(both laugh)

How's Michelle?

She's good. She's good.

Uh, guys, this is my old DEVGRU commander, Dale Farmer.

He's CIA now, special operations group.

Taught me everything I know.

FARMER: Well, almost everything.

I pinned that Trident to your chest-- don't you forget that.

GRANGER: If we wanted you here, we would have called.

Was this your doing, Henrietta?

I didn't call them, Owen.

This is not my idea to be here.

So, what's going on, Dale?

Well, after Potter was k*lled and Brooks went silent, we thought it'd be best to, uh, sequester the old team until we could figure out who was coming after them.

You don't know who's after you?

We made a lot of enemies over the years, Mr. Callen.

KENSI: Well, Brooks was tortured to death.

He wrote "Nogales" in his own blood, and that's how we found you.

Your operational security's been blown, Hetty.

We need to move you.

I'll call it in.

No, you guys have done enough.

It's my call to make.



Farmer, you okay?

FARMER: Just a little scratch.


SAM: At least two sh**t.

Make that four!

Or five.

Let's bang out from both sides, double back with the car for Farmer.

CALLEN: Kensi, Deeks, take the front; we'll take the back.

Got it.

You watch our backs, stabilize Farmer.

You stay here.





Callen, Sam, black Navigator coming your way.

(tires screeching)


Who are you?

My name is Fatima Khan.


I thought I told you to stay back.

We share a similar attitude towards obeying the rules, Mr. Callen.

You know her?


I do now.

NELL: Fatima Khan was born in Karachi to a mother who sewed dresses and a father who was a cab driver.

When she was 12 years old, her father began driving a cab for this man.

Him I know.

NELL: Noreen Haseeb, former Mujahedeen soldier, and founding member of al-Qaeda.

SAM: He was one of the architects of the Nairobi Embassy bombings.

One day, Noreen Haseeb had a meeting with a t*rror1st cell.

Fatima's father was driving Haseeb to the meeting when the cab exploded-- it wasn't an accident.

Zoom in on that guy in the back.

It's Victor Potter.

NELL: CIA records confirm Potter's team was responsible for the bombing.

I found one other photo.

KENSI: You think that little girl is Fatima Khan?

I think so.

Her father died in the blast.

ERIC: Fatima eventually earned her computer engineering degree from Caltech, founded her own telecommunications firm in Pakista- made millions.

Her company created an eavesdropping device that was contracted by the Pakistan's ISI.

Eventually, she joined the Agency, becoming a point person on joint ISI/CIA missions.

Her clearance would have given her access to classified files.

She had her own agenda.

That's how she found out about Victor Potter and the rest of his team.

And her deep pockets paid for Ruiz and anybody else who would help her get her revenge.

She wasn't born a k*ller.

We made her one.

I told you, I'm better when I move and they're sh**ting at me.

Still owe me Crustacean.

And you owe me an Isaac Hayes record.


I don't.


Where'd you find these?

Casa De Nogales had a whole stack of records.

Those were sandwiched between Hotel California and Zeppelin Four.

KENSI: You ready?

Oh, uh, you want to come have drinks with us?


Come on, man.

Hang out with us.

I have Eric and Nell coming over to my place.

Gonna watch a James Bond marathon on Blu-ray.

I got the box set.




So, you're a geek?

I am not a geek.

Then you're a fan boy?


I'm a complicated man.


Can I come?

Mr. Callen.

I'm allergic to nuts.

GRANGER: Is that the good stuff?

It's 50 years old.

It bloody well better be good.

So, would you do it again?

Without hesitation, Owen.

Two lives saved hundreds of others.


Well, Potter planted the b*mb, but it was your finger on the detonator.

Not everyone can do what we do.

The secrets we live with, the personal sacrifices we make.

I just pray the world's a better place for them.

I didn't choose this life, Owen.

It chose me.

All you can do is keep your head down, your g*n up and your conscience clear.


The night is young.

Let's get faded.
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