04x06 - Rude Awakenings (Part 2)

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NCIS: Los Angeles". Aired: September 2009 to present.*

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The Naval Criminal Investigation Service's Office of Special Projects takes on the undercover work and the hard to crack cases in LA. Key agents are G. Callen and Sam Hanna, streets kids risen through the ranks.
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04x06 - Rude Awakenings (Part 2)

Post by bunniefuu »

CALLEN: Trouble in paradise?

SAM: Turner and I did a joint task force together eight years ago.

NELL: His name is Isaak...

SAM: Sidorov.

He's an arms dealer that the task force was monitoring when I was working with Turner.

He gets Turner, he gets the name of the agents.

Sidorov knew there were more bombs.

Where are these agents located?

All over.

Houston, Philadelphia, Detroit.

Each one of those could have a nuclear b*mb.

All seven cities online?

Dallas and New York are audio only.

We have video for the rest.

Status, please.

WOMAN: New York, phase line green.

MAN: Philadelphia, phase line green.

MAN 2: Houston, phase line green.

MAN 3: Detroit, phase line green.

MAN 4: Dallas, phase line green.

Chicago is phase line green.

Director Lange, status?

San Diego, status?

San Diego, phase line green.

San Diego is phase line green.

I have the command.

Three, two, one.

Execute, execute, execute.

Mr. Andrews?

I live across the street.

UPS dropped off your package at my house.

Honey, just leave it.

We're going to be late for work.

Mr. Andrews?

Babe, just leave it!

Not coming out.

Initiate on three. My count.

One, two, three.

Federal agents!

Put your hands in the air!

Federal agents!

Target's deceased.

We have a homicide.

MAN 2: Target is deceased.

Target appears to have been tortured.

Target has been k*lled.

Target has been k*lled.

WOMAN: Target has been k*lled.

♪ NCIS: LA 4x06 ♪

Rude Awakenings
Original air date on November 13, 2012

(garbled radio transmission)

We got beat.

Sidorov's guys got here before us.

Used this to waterboard him.

SAM: Tortured him to find out if he had a b*mb, and if he did, where it was.

All right, his name is Michael Andrews, he's 66.

He's a former member of a San Diego teacher's union and AARP.

So the house has been thoroughly searched.

All of it?

Every single inch.

Well, if they found what they wanted, they would have stopped and left.

Oh, Sidorov's guys are former FSB. Pros.

CALLEN: Or they could have found what they were looking for quickly, tore up the house...

To make it look like they didn't find anything.


Are we sure this guy was a Russian sleeper agent?

He was on Turner's list.

And so far, Turner's been right every step of the way.

HETTY: San Diego team?

Go ahead.

He was tortured?

You psychic?

HETTY: All nine sleeper agents in the other seven cities were also tortured and k*lled.

Sidorov's got seven teams.

One in every city.

That's an expensive operation.

A nuclear b*mb in the open market would go for millions.

It's not a bad investment.

Any evidence that they actually had possession of the bombs?

No, but the FBI is just beginning its investigations.

As are we.

I don't have to tell you to make haste.

No, you don't.

You figure out if this guy has a nuclear b*mb in San Diego, and if he does...

Find it fast.

Thank you.

If we don't, Sidorov will.

Got it.

GRANGER: Don't look so happy to see me.

I alerted the Assistant Director.

You know things are bad when she calls me.

What can you tell me about Sidorov?

He's a former FSB, worked in Putin's network.

As of eight years ago, he used his connections to become a major international arms broker.

Our current thinking is that FSB hired Sidorov to investigate Turner.

Because Turner discovered the old Russian sleeper agents.

Exactly. Sidorov realized that the agents may still have the nuclear bombs.

And he got the big idea to take those weapons and sell them on the open market.

How did Sidorov get to the sleeper agents before us?

FSB inherited KGB files, so there's a good chance they had access to the list of names of the Cold w*r agents.

Despite a regime change, you don't just lose track of nuclear weapons.

So, Sidorov is here inside the U. S.?

NELL: He's traveling on a diplomatic passport.

As of now, we can't connect Sidorov to Turner or the weapons.

And if we were to deport him, he'd know that we're on to him.

He could hide those bombs any place.

We need to find Sidorov now before he disappears.

I've got a dozen Kaleidoscope searches running, and facial-recognition alerts on all the international borders.

We're also tracking down any of Sidorov's known associates here in the U. S.

HETTY: Mr. Callen, Mr. Hanna, perhaps it's time to have a conversation with Arkady Kolcheck.

He's former KGB.

Sometimes I think he still is.

CALLEN: Had to meet all the way out here?

It's a delicate subject matter.

Sidorov makes you that nervous?

He should make you that nervous.

He's a disciplined psychopath.

Sidorov goes after Russian mafia, they back off.

I'm terrified.

Where can we find him?

Not easy.

He makes big arms deals, then disappears for years.

He doesn't go out in public much.

This is what we came out here for?

I met him three times.

All he talked about was wine.

He collects.

Buys thousands of cases at a time.

He uses the wine as a way to bank some of his money.

Keeps it in cities all over the world.



Apparently, Sidorov has a little wine fetish.

Why don't you start looking into wine-storage facilities?

We're looking for tenants that have large, long-term leases.

Got it.

What do you know about Soviet agents with nuclear weapons in the U. S.?

Back in the day, I heard whispers, but I didn't believe it.


Because to be discovered doing something like this would be beyond Cuban m*ssile Crisis.

It would cause political rift for decades.

Not to mention start a nuclear w*r.

Let's play "what if?"

If there were agents in the U. S.

Armed with nuclear weapons, there would be very few of them.

Like everything else about Cold w*r, it is about threat, not action.

Like one in each of the eight largest cities in the U. S.?

You found one?

Dear God.

Got to love the old U. S. S. R.

Oh, don't be naive.

We both spent decades pointing nuclear weapons at each other's children.

Neither of our countries had clean hands in this.

Clearly, neither of them had any sanity, either.

CALLEN: I've never seen Arkady that worried.

You believe him?

I do now.

SAM: You seeing this?

Yup. They've been tailing us since we left Arkady.

Any ideas about who they are?

Let's find out.

Get a little distance from 'em.

(engines revving)

You got another g*n?

It's in the glove box.

Turn here.

(engines revving, tires squealing)

(engines revving, tires squealing)

Use this alley.

(tires squealing, engine revving)

(tires squealing)

(engine revving)

(tires squealing)

Get out with your hands up!

Are you armed?

No... but he is.


Well, well, well.

Sam Hanna. Been a while.

G, meet Michael Snyder, CIA.

Agent G. Callen.

He also worked on the task force with Turner and me.

I never liked him.

Something tells me he doesn't like you, either.

Some things never change.

And never will.

Guess you guys don't think Turner was such a nut after all.

Well, just 'cause Turner was right doesn't mean he wasn't crazy.

He gave his life for his country.

Best thing he probably could have done with it.

See, now I don't like him.

I don't even think his mom likes him.

Something tells me his guys aren't fond of him, either.

Fellas, you like Snyder?

Come on, you can be honest.

Snyder knows he's a little pompous, a little smug.

Aw. I missed you, too.

So, do you know where Sidorov is?

He's somewhere here in the U. S.

We don't know where.

Your turn.

We have to tread lightly.

Sidorov is protected from high up the political food chain in Russia.

CALLEN: Tread lightly?

We're talking about nuclear weapons.

So far, there's only been one, and we recovered it.

No, I believe we recovered it.

You got a plan?

SNYDER: It's pretty clear, don't you think?

If Sidorov has acquired a nuclear w*apon-- and that's a big if-- we're gonna find him, attempt to get an agent close to him, inside his operation.

And this is the reason we're talking, Sam.

You seem to be the one doing all the talking.

We both know we can't start from scratch.

It'd take far too long to get an agent undercover.

We need someone Sidorov already trusts.

Give Sidorov an enemy, make him turn to an old friend.

You've played this game before, Sam.

See, that's why I don't like you.

'Cause this isn't a game.

Can we move forward, Sam?

If this remains a joint NCIS, CIA mission.

You're irrelevant; I'm talking with him.

Then we got no deal.


Well played.

Joint mission.

Soon as we find Sidorov, we start.


You call us when you find him, then you'll be relevant to us.

Move your car.

Anything on Sidorov?

ERIC: Nothing, and it's not by accident.

This guy is careful.

He must switch cars, he doesn't drop credit cards with his own name on them.

Where's Granger?

NELL: He's camped out with Hetty.

He wants to be called as soon as we find something on Sidorov.

I need you to call me first.

If I have any favors to call in with you two, I'm calling 'em in now.


It's personal.

You don't have to explain.

Thank you.

Sam, let me talk to you outside.

I'll protect Eric and Nell from Granger.

It won't come back on 'em.

That's not it.

Then what?

We're all in this together.

I just need to know what the play is.

Turner, Snyder, me-- we were all part of the task force.

Three other agents were put undercover to get close to Sidorov.

First one never made it out of the gate.

Second one was found dead-- skinned alive.

If this is too dangerous, you don't have to do this.

This is a major national security breach.

We're talking millions of lives.

I can't turn away.

And finding somebody else would take too long and it probably wouldn't work.

Snyder's has the right plan, but he's too cavalier with the lives of his agents.

We have to get close to Sidorov first.

Then we can run this.

Granger's never going to let us withhold from the CIA.

As soon as Eric finds Sidorov, he's going to bring in Snyder.

Michael Andrews worked at a public school two miles away from his home.

Now, assuming the vehicles were disabled during a nuclear attack, he'd want the b*mb in close proximity to his home and the school.

That gives us roughly a one-mile overlapping area.

Pierce's b*mb was kept at a storage facility.

No storage facilities in the overlapping area.

What the hell?

Okay, those are used for lifting heavy glass.

This guy's a teacher.

So why does he have them?

Nell, pull the house permits.

Okay, the house was originally permitted for a small basement, but the final plans were changed.

So there was no basement?


We'll call you back.

We also surveyed the exterior foundation.

It's a solid slab.








You heard the man-- Riverdance.

Hey, over here.

Move the table and chairs.

I got it.

Let's go.

You hear that?

Sounds different.

Yeah, it does.

Grab the suckers.

It's the edge.

Right there.

On three.

One, two, three, nice and easy.



Well, that does not look like a wine cellar.


I need a flashlight.

Got it.

We got a facial recognition hit on a security camera at a wine storage facility in Hollywood.

Who is that?

NELL: Name is Greshnev.

We tracked him down because of this photo.

He is an associate of Sidorov.

I tracked Greshnev's car via traffic cameras to the Rosslyn Hotel here in Los Angeles.

So we scanned the hotel security footage and we found this.

It's from 40 minutes ago.

We found Sidorov?

Where is that?

ERIC: That is the Rosslyn Hotel.

Well, is he still there?


Let's get in touch with Snyder, tell him we found Sidorov.

KENSI: Nell, we found something.


Kensi said she found something.

Here's the feed.

What are we looking at?

It's a room under the house.

What'd you find?

Well, it's more about what we didn't find.

You seeing this?


Here you go.


(Geiger counter clicking)

We find Sidorov?

SAM: Yeah, he's here in L. A.

Well, that's a good thing...

'cause he has at least one nuclear b*mb.

Get the FBI's render safe unit and make them aware that we're missing a nuclear w*apon.

Got it.

Get me Agent Snyder.

I'll get Snyder.

We need to arrange a meet.

Go fast, we got to get moving.

Can someone please tell me how functional a 35-year-old nuclear b*mb is?

ERIC: Uh...

Well, uh, do you know much about nuclear fusion?

The basics.

Then, let me use the touch screen to illustrate.

Is it necessary?

Well, you know what they say-- devil's in the details.

NELL: I think it would be helpful if we all had a better understanding of what we were dealing with.


Now, for reliability reasons, the type of w*apon the Russians would have is a g*n-type nuclear w*apon.

There are some conventional expl*sives here at this end that would sh**t nuclear material through...

A tube into nuclear material at the other end, thus creating a...

Anyone, anyone?

Assistant Director Granger.

...nuclear reaction.

CALLEN: Yeah, I've heard all this before.

It's fascinating.

You know, just for the fun of it, let's take a look at the math.

I can't cross the CIA or NCIS with an operation that's this important to national security.

We just need time, Hetty.

We're putting the mission in play regardless.

It's the same plan that Snyder proposed.

If we place the agent, then we can control the mission and keep the agent safe.

We could all be discharged for this.

I don't give a damn.

Well, of course.

Why would you?

Now, if the conventional expl*sive degraded over time, it would have to be replaced.

Something as common as C-4 would work.



Does Sidorov need a nuclear scientist to do this?

Hmm, good question.

All he would need is a high-level ballistics expert.

So the answer is yes, the bombs are viable.

Short answer?

Yeah, short answer.

Depends on what your definition of "viable" is.


That's my definition.

Will they go boom?


Yes... yes, they will.

You're asking a lot of your operations manager, Agent Hanna.

No, I'm asking a lot of my friend.

CALLEN: We just need you to buy us a little more time.

We're going to talk to Arkady again.

Are they meeting with Snyder?

Yes, imminently.

We've got a nuclear b*mb loose inside our borders, Hetty.

What the hell is going on?


So what exactly are you looking for now?

Somebody who would want to k*ll Sidorov.

We need an enemy.

Not a lot of people crazy enough to do that.

He had to have crossed somebody.


Okay, one man-- Andrei Kirkin.

He controls heroin trade for all of Western Russia.

He has large, powerful organization, and Sidorov k*lled his brother.


Who would Kirkin use for a hit in the U. S.?

Name is Varlamov--

Victor Varlamov.

He is professional hit man who takes care of all of Kirkin's dirty business.

He's very good and very prolific.

He's here in Los Angeles.

You know his address?

I play poker with him.


Don't judge.

Morally corrupt people are my business.

Let's pick him up.


Victor, out.

What is this about?

The m*rder of Yulia Paklima.

Beautiful, 16, and dead.

Your DNA on a 7.62-caliber shell and a witness that puts you at the scene.

Life's over, Victor, you're done.

You ever want to see blue skies again that's not trimmed in razor wire, need you to roll over like a Chihuahua.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Let's jog his memory.

This is the apartment building where Yulia Paklima lived.

You m*rder*d her right here on the roof.

I'm telling you, I don't know her.

You know this guy?

Don't even try to say no.

Andrei Kirkin, your employer.

Yeah, Andrei was sleeping with Yulia.

Was all fun and underage games until...

Somebody gets pregnant.

I'm being set up.

Andrei doesn't want the complication, he hires you to k*ll her.

Going to need you to testify against him.

Or if you really love your boss, you can just take the fall for the whole thing.


You all right?

(strained): I may...

Need to get to the hospital.


(Sam grunts)


Hey, stop!

Think it's the burritos coming up on me.

Very nice.

KENSI: Yeah. Oh, my gosh. I know.

J. Lo looked so in love.

I really thought it was gonna last this time.

Get it?

Kodak moment.


That looked like it hurt.


Did it hurt? Or did it just look like it hurt?

It hurt!


I think I broke my finger.

Well, hopefully it's your trigger finger.

Maybe you can stop sh**ting at people.

Come here.

All good?

Not really.

Put Victor in the car.

Let's take a walk, Agent Hanna.

What did Hetty tell you?


If this is a...

"you're a good agent but I have to fire you" speech, do it.

I'm busy.

I can't have agents telling me lies of omission.

It's nothing you haven't done.

I'm your boss, Agent Hanna, whether you like it or not.

If you needed to know, you would have been informed.

What do you want?

I want you to know...

That I've got your back.

I understand.


Hetty's going down the line for you and so am I.

Now, I don't know how long we're gonna hold the CIA off, so we need to get this thing set up quickly.

Snyder's not gonna be passive.

Thank you.


We're on.

GRANGER: Come on.

Clock's ticking.

We got to move.

Quinn's ready?

Let me show you what we've got.

Why do I feel like I'm missing a huge part of this?

'Cause you are.

And who's Quinn?

Quinn is what this is all about.

NELL (over radio): Guys, a call just came from Sidorov's room.

He's called for his car.

He's moving.

I have eyes on Sidorov.

He's coming out.

Deeks, go.

ERIC (over radio): Deeks, does the room key work?

All good.

You receiving that?


Use the backup.

Going to backup.


(confused shouting)

Deeks, Sidorov's going back to the room. Get out.


I'm trying.

GRANGER: Callen. Kensi.

Two guys heading your way.

How about now?

ERIC: It's good. Get out.

CALLEN: Did you hear that?

Yeah, I heard three sh*ts.

Excuse me.

WOMAN: Oh, my gosh, I'm so scared.

GRANGER: Deeks, you out?


How you doing?

Good talk.

KENSI: I'm on the eighth floor.

My name is Reese Samuels.

Are the police on their way?

No, I'm telling you. I saw a man coming down from the rooftop and he ran right past me. Yes!

Excuse me.

You say you see man come down from roof?

I didn't just see him--

I videotaped him on my phone.

(sirens wailing in distance)


I take a look?

Yeah, I think I hear the sirens. Thank you.

(clears throat)

I'm telling you, that's the guy.

Hey. Hey!

Give me my phone back.

Hey! Give me my phone back! Wha...


Can you play it from the top?

(speaking Russian)

What's he saying?

They're saying they couldn't find the sh**t.

Sidorov's so mad at his own guys he wants to k*ll 'em.

Well, that's the guy that took my phone.

CALLEN: Good. Sidorov says he knows Victor Varlamov.

And he knows he works for Kirkin.

(speaking Russian)

He says he wants to change hotels.

They're telling him that he's safe.

Sidorov says he doesn't want protection.

He wants Kirkin dead.

He wants his lieutenant to contract a hit man for the job.


You got the phone number for his lieutenant?

I got it.

GRANGER: Anybody he tries to contact, it's a disconnected number, a dead e-mail account.

SAM: He'll get back to Quinn fast.

They kept in touch over the years.

Nell, how we doing?

Just building an entire life here.

This has to be rock solid.

Believe me, by the time I'm done, they'll have to dig to China to know this isn't real.

You okay?

This is what I was afraid of.

(prison door buzzes, opens)

MAN: Got a prisoner coming out.

Coming out on three.

(door buzzes)

(door buzzes)

MAN: Lock it up.



Are you okay?

That was different.


It's been a long time since making love was like that.

I guess marriage changes things.

Where's Quinn?

You should have returned my calls.

Mister Sidorov wishes to see you.

The man has no patience.

Let me get dressed.

Probably he like it if you didn't.

QUINN: If you want to live past the next five seconds, I'd get that g*n out of his face.


Thank you.

I'll get dressed.

And I won't even take it personally.

That's how nice of a guy I am.


SIDOROV: Ah, good to see you.

(Quinn and Sidorov laugh)



QUINN: People are never usually this happy when they need my services.

They don't like k*lling as much as I do.

You look beautiful.

Why, thank you.

This is David Forman.

I know about him.

L. A. Homicide detective turned hit man.

Just did 14 months on a weapons charge because the D. A.

Couldn't get you on the m*rder.


I love Google.

We're partners...

And he's very good.


Mr. and Mrs.

Black Smith.


Come on, that's funny.

What's the job?

Somebody tried to k*ll me.

Why does that not surprise me?

Name's Kirkin.

Andrei Kirkin?

You know him?

Yeah. He's very well protected, and very dangerous.

Not more than me.

It's a big job, Isaak.

That's why I need my black wow.

I've missed you.


(unzips bag)

$1 million cash.

Now you're interested.

Now it got real.

Here's the thing.

I don't see him again.

Use him if you want on the day, but...

I don't like him.

Come on.

What's not to like?

That you're alive.

I don't share my women.

You want the job or not?

I want it.

SAM: Okay.

I understand.

Call me when you're done.

SIDOROV: I have an amazing white...


Let me pour you a glass.


You haven't heard from her?

Hetty. OPS.

WILLIAMS: Henrietta Lange?


It's not good.

There were 11 sleepers-- three were couples, including Pierce and his wife.

As you know, we found them all tortured and k*lled, four of whom we believe were never in possession of nuclear weapons.

But two were.

We believe so, yes.

We found traces of radiation, same as the one in San Diego.

And you did not recover the bombs?

No. They're gone.

CALLEN: So two, plus the one Kensi and Deeks found.

Now there's three nuclear weapons out there.

SAM: Sidorov will sell those bombs to anybody.


Domestic t*rrorists, anybody.


LAPD found the body of a woman in Santa Monica Bay.

She had a parking ticket from the Casa del Mar Hotel.

Sidorov has checked out.

I'm sorry.

SNYDER: Name's Anna Folasade.

Sidorov was traveling with her.

Looks like an accidental drowning.

He probably didn't want her cramping his style now that Quinn's back in the picture.

(phone rings)

Is that Quinn, texting you to tell you she's okay?

He left on a diplomatic flight.

We couldn't stop him.

He's got three nuclear weapons on him and you let him leave the country?

Oh, he's not gonna try to get over the border with those.

It's too hard.

He'll sell them right here.

What makes you think you'll ever see him again?

He gave Quinn a quarter- of-a-million-dollar advance.

Said he was gonna set up the hit for Los Angeles.

He wouldn't have given her that money for nothing.

He will be back.

And then...

The fun starts.

Hey, Sam.

Thanks for setting it all up.

Good to be working together again.

You put her in a bad situation, I'll hunt the earth for you.



A) It's Quinn's job to be in a bad situation, and B) Go for it.


Leave him alone!

Back off!

No! Don't!




(coughing, gasping)

Sam. Don't do it.


He's not worth it.

(coughing, gasping)

This is insane.

What the hell is going on?

Hey, if this is a personal thing between Sam and Quinn, just tell us.

It wasn't supposed to happen this way.

Working on the same task force, side by side, seven days a week, months on end, they fell in love.

Thank you, Mommy.

We need to talk.

You know, the world could end before I'd let something happen to you.

Don't worry.

(b*ll*ts clacking)

You're not gonna lose me.


I thought this part was over once we were married.

We have no choice.

We have to do this.

Then you'll go back to being Mrs. Sam Hanna?

I don't know, baby.

Being back at this has made me realize this is who I am.

I feel alive.

A feel alive again.

Now, let's take care of business first.

We're gonna get this bastard, right?

Hell, yeah.

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