03x11 - Higher Power

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NCIS: Los Angeles". Aired: September 2009 to present.*

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The Naval Criminal Investigation Service's Office of Special Projects takes on the undercover work and the hard to crack cases in LA. Key agents are G. Callen and Sam Hanna, streets kids risen through the ranks.
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03x11 - Higher Power

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪

Hey, look what I found.


Well, look what I found.


Let's get out of here.




Where are we going?

You'll have to wait and see.

The Engineering building?

Come on, no one will see us.

Oh, my God, you're insane!

We should go back to my room!

Stop whining. Come here.

Sweet mother of God.


I'm going to miss you so much.

I know. I'm going to miss you more.

MAN: No, I think I'm going to miss you more.

Show me.

Oh, geez!

(clearing throat)

Go, go, go!

Your shirt, your shirt!


(muffled grunting)


♪ NCIS: LA 3x11 ♪

Higher Power
Original air date on December 13, 2011

(horse whinnying)

Come on.

No luck?

Can't believe this is so hard.

You still working on the Olvera case?


The Stewart case?


(horse whinnying)

Christmas present.

Parker Pony?

Hottest toy of the year.

Been sold out for months.

Only got 48 hours.

And the clock is ticking.

All right, there has to be other toy horses.

You don't get it.

How's that?

You talking about me?


Are you going away?

No. Just looking at cars.

Happy holidays one and all.

Everything okay, Hetty?

Last night, I had a metanoia.

Maybe you should stretch more.

I was watching A Christmas Carol with George C. Scott.

While viewing the follies of Ebenezer Scrooge I suddenly thought, we need some holiday cheer right here in our shop.

So end of the day tomorrow, we'll gather for some merriment.


Your attendance is mandatory.

I do not have time for that.

You're a mean one, Mr. Hanna.

KENSI: I have a non-cancellable plan.

It's going to be great.

All right, we're all going to be hanging out together, have a couple of drinks, a few laughs.

It's going to be fun.

(bell ringing)

The holiday call of duty.

Oh, come all ye faithful.

Engineering department at C. I. T.

Guard was K. O'd with ether.

Is he all right?

He was out for 15 minutes.

Long enough for someone to break into the lab of Professor Gareth Carlyle.

A Department of Defense researcher and an expert on EMP.

Electromagnetic pulses.

ERIC: Invisible blasts of microwave energy that can destroy any piece of electronic equipment.

Don't you have to have a nuclear w*apon to create a pulse like that?

That's how they discovered EMP's in the '60s.

Nuclear testing in the Pacific knocked out street lights a thousand miles away in Hawaii.

ERIC: Carlyle's focus is on non-nuclear EMP's.

The man in black made off with a 200-pound w*apon prototype.

How'd he do it alone?

An accomplice or a dolly?

The missing w*apon is called a Flux Compression Generator.


Let's hope he didn't drive away at 88 miles an hour in his DeLorean.

Like Doc Brown.

Back to the Future?

We get it.

Actually that's a Flux Capacitor.

This is a little..: Eric.

Uh... the...

Flux has an expl*sive primer wrapped in a copper coil which generates the pulse.

It can take out a building's worth of electronic gear.

Computers, cell phones, car ignitions, anything with a chip.

It could cr*pple the air traffic control tower at LAX, Federal Building, LAPD Operations Center.

CALLEN: What do we know about Carlyle?

ERIC: Ex-Navy. Straight arrow.

NELL: Wife's an office manager, daughter's at the college--

Chinese studies major.

We'll start with the professor, see what we're up against.

Kensi, Deeks, why don't you check out the guard?

Yeah, I got to know a few SEALS, on the N. S. Comfort.

A hospital ship?

Yeah, I was chief engineer during Desert Storm.

Not too many casualties back then.

Mainly humanitarian work.

I-I helped bring her to Haiti last year.

So you have any idea who'd want to get their hands on a flux?

Usual suspects, I suppose.

Drug cartels, anarchists, al Qaeda.

We're monitoring that.

How hard is it to deploy?

Easier than a car b*mb and a hell of a lot more destructive.

Who knew you were working on it?

A couple of staffers, grad students.

Anybody that showed a particular interest in your work?

I wish.

Disinterest is, uh, more what I'm up against.

Well, what about other researchers?

Anybody who'd want to get their hands on it?

No, there's not a lot of competition.

Department of Defense cut way back on the budget for EMP research.

Anyone who'd want to hurt you?

Uh, yeah, my wife.

But she'd use the car b*mb.

She's Irish.

It's a bad joke.

She's a bit of a fiery redhead, and we're not together anymore.

Um, I'm sorry, guys.

I got a hundred students here waiting for their last lecture of the semester. You guys are welcome to sit in if you like.

We'll take a rain check.

Who needs a cup of 40-weight?

No, we're good.


So you're back to work already?

Never took a sick day.

Not going to let a little ether ruin that.

So what'd you see?

Stars, circling birdies.

Anything identifiable on the guy?


But I could for sure pick that smooching co-ed out in a lineup.

I figure they were in on it.

They got me away from my post just long enough for that ninja attack.

Okay, we'll be sure to look into that, Columbo.

Carlyle-- how long have you known him?

22 years.


Did he ever get into any fights?

Arguments with co-workers?

Nicest guy there is.

These other professors-- they don't even know my name.

He remembers my birthday, gets me a Christmas present every year.

It's a damn shame.

What's a-- what's a damn shame?

They say he didn't make tenure.

You know what that means.

I do.

(phone ringing)

Eric, this better be good news.

No luck yet, Sam.

I'll stay on it.

All right.


Yeah, keep trying.


He can't find a Parker Pony.

If Eric can't find it, no one can.

He couldn't find my car either.


Is that who I think it is?

Thought he had a last lecture to get to.


Smart guy.

He used my elevator trick.

What do you mean your elevator trick?

I made up that trick.

Got to be here somewhere.

What happened to your lecture?

I had to cancel it.

I-I-I have an emergency meeting at the Naval base in San Diego.

You always respond to emergency meetings on your hands and knees?


You lied to us, Professor.

Now would be a pretty good time to start telling the truth.

I... Yes, um... I-I-I don't know what I was thinking.


The flux is in the trunk of my car.

You stole it from yourself?

Yes, so I'd have an alibi.

Why would you need an alibi?

The flux is set to discharge tonight.

It'll take out the entire Engineering Department.

This thing isn't going to go boom when I open it, right?


Oh, God.

I think we've got a problem.

The garage gets locked up at midnight.

Security makes their rounds at 1:00 and at 3:00, so at 2:00 a.m.

No one gets hurt.

You would have fried every Engineering computer.

That's major damage.

Are you trying to get back at the guys who didn't approve your tenure?

No. No, I'm trying to tell the world about the legitimacy of an EMP threat.

And you thought a practical demonstration would do that?

I've been trying to tell them for 20 years.

The government shut me down, the university shut me down.

I honestly didn't know what else to do.


I screwed up, I know that, okay?

I screwed up big time, I get it.

He was a star witness at the congressional EMP threat hearings.

Unfortunately, the commission decided that EMP was a remote possibility.

Nothing to worry about.

Our entire economy runs on vulnerable electronics.

But it would cost billions to protect us.

My dad's research is good.

It's just being ignored.

They cut off all of his grant money.

Is he working on anything new?

You don't get grants, you don't get tenure.


And you lose your job.

He's lost weight.

He looks terrible.

When was the last time you saw him?

Maybe a month ago.

When things got bad, it's like his whole personality changed.

We'd get in these huge fights every night.

He'd snap at us over the tiniest things.

I was kind of glad when he moved out.

How long are you gonna keep him?

When we're done, I'm afraid he's gonna have to go to jail because of the as*ault on the security guard.

Doesn't really matter.

We weren't even gonna have Christmas together this year.

CARLYLE: That's your best shot.

You have to find this thing, do you understand me?

In the wrong hands, the flux is a disaster waiting to happen.

I-I'll do anything I can to help.

How hard is it to reprogram?

A TV repairman could do it.

Who else knew you made it?

Just a handful of my students, so...


Hamada Al-Aziz.

He's a master's student.

His uncle works for a Somali charity.

Seed Marshall...


Who names their kid Seed?

KENSI: He's cute.

NELL: He's a Ph. D. candidate.

He was arrested for spiking trees in Oregon.

Teaching assistant Patrick Quade, he's got two unpaid parking tickets.

Ooh, that flux'll wipe 'em right off his DMV record.

Chester Wilkins and Bevan Tao.

CALLEN: Learn their names, Kensi.

Nell has your college transcript, your senior thesis and your GRE results.

You're going back to school.

Can I help you?

Hey. I'm Kayla Glenn.

I start the master's program in January.

MAN: Get a job flipping burgers.

Save yourself two years of misery.


It's a bad time. Our professor took an unexpected leave of absence, and... final design projects are due tomorrow.

I'm Seed.


This is Bevan.






I'm sorry.

I don't shake hands with women.

Okay, your loss.

Where'd you do your undergrad?


Intense. Who was your advisor?

Steven Eppinger.


The guy's a legend, the guru of green design.

Yeah. Oh, no way.

Is that a solar car?

SEED: Designed and built it.

KENSI: That is so cool.

The working model's at the proving ground in Palmdale.

I'm going up there tomorrow.

I mean, I don't know if you're interested, but... Hey!

Oh, I'm so sorry.

Are you blind?

No, no, not blind.

Just cleaning up trash.

If you dweebs are staying up all night, you need some nutrition.

Hey, just be careful with your crumbs.

I just swept that whole area yesterday.

Patrick, this is Kayla.

Hi. Delicious-looking tacos.

Got chicken, beef and vegetarian.

"McCormick" and...

Now let's see...

(chuckles) No lock.

Seed-- what a loser.

Good almonds, though, huh?


Chester, Chester. Who knew?


All right, let's see what Eric makes of this.

(text alert tone sounds)

What's up, Deeks?

Hey, Eric, I need your help I. D.'ing this bad boy. You ready?


M-47 incendiary b*mb, Vietnam era.

Filled with either white phosphorus or napalm.

I'm sorry, did you just say "napalm"?

Or white phosphorous.

Those particular b*mb cases leaked.

They leaked?

Yeah, so they never filled them until right before they were loaded onto the bombers.

Okay, thank you, Eric.

That's good to know.

No problemo.

Whatever happened to keggers and toga parties?

Show me what you got.

So far, we are the highest bidder.

Keep it that way.

Got the garage video?

About to roll.

Carlyle's car, 10:00 a.m.

SAM: While we were still on campus.

A Gremlin?

That's the ugliest car ever made.

CALLEN: A visit from St. Nick.

That was fake snow.

Somebody's got the holiday spirit.

Right, so if Santa has the flux, we gotta find the Gremlin.

DEEKS: So, uh, whole rental car thing.

Clearly you're going somewhere.

Thinking about it.

Near or far?


Hot or cold?


Alone or accompanied?


You don't have to answer that.

(doorbell rings)

Okay, I give up.


Wait. What? No, I give up, and then you tell me.

Side door.

You're not gonna tell me, are you?

KENSI: Whoa!

Something tells me that Chester didn't get enough hugs.

Yes, and that's exactly where I keep my grenades, next to my crackers.

DEEKS: Is that a ballistic m*ssile?

(Kensi chuckles)

(electric whirring)

What the hell is that?

I don't know, but it doesn't sound good.

(gasps) God!

Geez! Oh!

It's a Tesla coil.

A what?!

Nikola Tesla?

The inventor of alternating current.

Did you not take high school physics?

No, I was pretty much just focused on Marci De Luka's skirt.

Is... Is there an off switch we just hit?

No, we have to short it out.

We need water.

Take off your shirt.

How's that?

Take off your shirt.

We'll wet it, we'll throw it, it won't arc back.

You got it.

Except for the fact that we don't have any liquids.

Uh, urine's a good conductor.

Okay, be my guest.

I peed before we got here.



You know what?

This isn't gonna work.

I've got a shy bladder.

Deeks, pee or perish!

Hey, hey, look. Goldfish.

Ready? Go.

I should take it.

I played softball in college.


I pitched hardball.

In Little League.

We make it out of this alive, we're going to Australia.

On three. One, two, three.


(descending whirring)


I think I'm gonna need a new shirt.


It's all inert ordnance.

I turn bombs into furniture for my Swords into Plowshares project.

What about the Tesla Coil?

I built it for class.

Then my place got robbed.

Now it's my burglar alarm.

You realize you could k*ll someone, right?

No. It's grounded, low frequency. It's harmless.

Just, uh... makes you pee your pants and run away.


Am I right?

You sit tight, Chester.

Hey, if you, uh, if you want to go after someone who'd mess with the flux, go after Carlyle's assistant.

She scares the crap out of me.

So, what do we think of Chester here?

I don't think he'd hurt a flea.

Everything he said was true.

What about your assistant?


She's a bit of a rabid animal rights activist.

They have used a b*mb or two on research labs.

Well, she trusts me.

I'll-I'll go talk to her.

No, no. We appreciate it, but you're in custody.

Sorry, Mom, it's just not a good time.

We're really busy.

Yeah, I mean, we're on the air every day, even Christmas, so...

Okay, well, just give Grandma a hug for me, and I'll talk to you later.

Sorry about that.

Um, we cross-referenced all university personnel with the DMV.

And found this little green guy registered to Jeremy Morlan, Engineering major.

Never commit a crime in a Gremlin.

Driving a Gremlin is a crime.

Let's pay Jeremy a visit.

Uh, that's gonna be difficult.

He committed su1c1de last year after graduation.

Supposedly, his roommate donated his car to charity.

Who's his roommate?

NELL: One of our other grad students, Hamada Al-Aziz.

He's in Sherman Oaks.

You know what the 405 is like this time of day?

Run a financial check on Carlyle's associates, keep looking for that Gremlin.

Don't let that pony get away.

(cell phone buzzes) Aw, sh**t, it's my mom again.

She's wondering why everyone's home except me for Christmas.

What do you tell them?

Uh, working.

I'm a TV news editor.


What about you?

Professional blackjack player.



Until I got banned from Vegas.

NELL: Sorry, Deeks.

Okay, yeah, we're on our way back.



What happened?

Dead end. Carlyle's assistant spent the whole day yesterday in the ER after she was bit trying to liberate a chimp.

Although we do have a bunch of texts to her from Bevan Tao.

KENSI: Urasawa? How the hell does a grad student afford $800 sushi?

It's a good question.

Nell's looking into it.

Speaking of primo sushi, probably gonna find some of that in Hawaii.

Have you been on my computer?

No, I'm just using my excellent powers of deduction.

Or maybe it's a wild guess.

A wild guess you just confirmed.

What? Come on. All right, you stay at a nice hotel, I'll crash on the beach.

I'll show you all the places the locals go.

Mele Kalikimaka.

It's the thing to say.

You know what that means?

"Merry Christmas."

I'm going alone.

You know what that means?

Hmm... means I'm gonna pick you up at the airport when you get back?

That would be nice.

Secret lady business?

Something like that.

Hey, everybody!

ALL: Hi, Nell!


Oh, so good to see you, dear.

You look great.

So do you, Ma.

Man, I wish I could be there.

It's not too late to hop on a plane.

Kaleidoscope is running the Gremlin.
Uh, who's that, honey?

Uh, that's...


Oh. Oh, oh, we've heard so much about you.


Hey. Wait...

Okay, gotta go, Mom.



Did I just meet your parents?

I guess so.

What have they heard about me?


(Kaleidoscope beeps)

Ooh, you got a hit.

You'd better call Sam.

It's in Hollywood.

(cell phone ringing)

Go, Eric.

We found it.

We actually found it.

The Pony?

No, not the Pony.

The Gremlin.


Well, at least I got my wish.

♪ ♪

Slim pickings.

That's what happens when you wait till the last second to shop.

Same thing goes for toys.


Come on. Could be some prints on the door.

Who locks a Gremlin?


(cell phone ringing)


ERIC: Auction ends in 30 minutes.

Can I go up on your bid?

How much?

I think we'll win at 500.

For a little toy pony?

Do it.


(computer chimes)

(horse neighs, cash register rings)

You taking money from the mob?

Let's just say I'm a man of my word, who's going to be eating peanut butter sandwiches for the next couple of months.

You're still coming over for Christmas dinner, right?

Not if you're serving peanut butter sandwiches.

This is hot.

What, hot?

It's getting hotter.



You ever seen a car do that?


In training.

Who was training you?

A chemist.

And we are winning in three, two...


(cash register rings)

(horse neighs)



No, no, no.

I don't believe this; this can't be happening.

Someone sniped us with a thousand-dollar bid.

Eric, auction's over.

Tell me we got it.

Have you considered Legos?

SAM: How about I break your Leg-os?


So, the preliminary arson report on the Gremlin is in.

It was nitrocellulose plastic, spontaneously combusting with water.

Probably triggered when you pulled the door latch.

Guys, there's just been another break-in at Carlyle's lab.

They stole a vircator.

ERIC: Oh, boy.

What the hell's a vircator?

ERIC: When it's used with a flux, a vircator acts as a kind of amplifier.

It takes what would be a localized electromagnetic pulse and turns it into something much bigger.

How much bigger?


Big enough to kiss Los Angeles good-bye.

The vircator completes an electromagnetic device or "EMD."

Fits on three shipping pallets, weighs close to a ton.


When the flux feeds a vircator, the antenna emits 30, 000 volts of microwave energy over nine miles.

I guess my surge protector won't help.

Are people hurt by the pulse?

No, not unless they have a pacemaker.

How can a nine-mile hit destroy the state?

Well, in the target zone-- computers, cell phones, cars-- anything with a circuit board dies immediately.

Then you lose electricity.

Power plants are run by microchips.

Fry enough nodes, the whole system goes down.

25 million people without power.

For how long?

A month or two.

If we're lucky.

Yeah. Hospitals only have backup power for 24 hours.

Yeah, and then there's loss of water pressure, water purification...

Toilets back up.

No refrigeration, no food delivery to the grocery stores.

People get hungry, they get violent.

So, rioting and trauma, dehydration and starvation and disease.

I'll be on the phone with Washington.

Don't make me cancel Christmas.

I was trying to alert people to the real threat of something like this happening.

Instead, I've set the whole thing into motion.

How can they get it to altitude?

A su1c1de bomber in a private plane?

It's too heavy.

You have to drop it from a cargo jet with a tailgate.

Excuse me.

Did Hamada work on the vircator?

Yes, actually, he did last summer, for a while. Why?

Well, I've got a Lockheed Tristar at LAX leased to his uncle's Somalian charity, departing tonight.

Maybe not.

That thing is huge.

How would you get that to the plane?

With a truck.

Do any grad students own a truck?

Bevan Tao rented one two days ago.

And I show a spike in cell calls between Hamada and Bevan Tao.

The same Bevan who enjoys expensive sushi?

NELL: He can afford it.

Deposit of $4, 000 into his checking account today.

I'm thinking cash for weapons.

Maybe they're going to sell it.

Maybe they already have.



Can I come in?

Well, I told you to call me if you had any questions; I didn't think you'd...


You're hanging out with the janitor?


That hurts.

Federal agents.

That's a nice flatscreen.

Uh, it's a Christmas present from my dad.

Where's your moving truck?

I returned it.

Your buddy Hamada give you a hand with that?

He's not my friend.

You've been calling him a lot.

He's my lab partner in nano-optics.

So you're working with him?

That was a big bank deposit you made today.

That's my tutoring money.


Four grand?

If you get a rich kid into an Ivy League school, your rates go up to 300 an hour.

KENSI: Super interesting.

What's his name?



Can we get an address?

For, um... Johnny?

You're really a federal agent?


We have a schedule.

We need to get all of this on the plane.


Why are we being singled out?

Do you do this to the Red Cross?

To Doctors Without Borders?

(speaking Arabic)

Bunch of canned food.

Some medical supplies.

No sign of the EMD.

There's clothes.


Nice try, but I think these guys are legit.

Did you say toys?


Trust me, there is no Parker Pony in this box.

Okay, and even if there was, you really gonna take it from a needy child?


I'll leave money in the box, G. I...

Hamada's hard drive is clean.

As is his airport warehouse.

And Bevan still isn't talking.

Yeah, well, see if he can explain this.

After Bevan moved, T. A. Patrick Quade drove another 20 miles.

What do Bevan and Patrick have in common?

Close to $200, 000 in student loans.

What's the job market like for these guys?

Ah, it's pretty dismal.

Only 15% of new grads find jobs in their field.

That's why Jeremy Morlan took his life.

I've found recent grads working as waiters, bartenders.

Even Patrick Quade pulls night shifts as a security guard.

Okay. Where does he work?

Office buildings, loading docks, wherever they need him.

What if you could wipe out your entire educational debt in one night?

Banks keep backup files in remote locations, so that wouldn't work.

No, no, no, I'm talking about raising cash.

You know, you hit the Diamond District or... a fine art gallery.

DEEKS: You know what, follow my lie.

(door opens)

Patrick Quade drove your truck.

He wanted to borrow it.

Why is that?


Well, Patrick's in custody, and he told us how he moved the EMD, so...

Wow. You know what that makes you?

An accessory to a felony.

What is that now?

Is that 15 years?

KENSI: I think it's closer to 20.


That is a lot of showering; you are not gonna make it in ten.

He paid me four grand to borrow the truck and to keep my mouth shut.

I wouldn't be part of the robbery.

When's it going down?

Why don't you ask him?

Why don't I ask...?

You know what?

I got that D. A., probably get him 50.

She's great.



Tonight at midnight.

Some bank downtown.

That's all he said.

Wait. Do I get a lawyer?

KENSI: I don't know.

Have you been naughty or nice?

DEEKS: Ten bucks on naughty.

CARLYLE: Those idiots think they can control the cone, but you can't.

The power lines act like antennas; the pulse will travel through to hospitals, police stations, fire departments.

People are going to die.

Okay, 55 minutes to midnight.

CARLYLE: We're running out of time.

Cap crimper, socket wrench set.

All non-magnetic?



The FAA is grounding all flights coming in and out of LAX at 23:30.

No, no, it's more than a blackout, Doctor.

We're talking about ventilators, pacemakers, dialysis machines all quitting at once.

Let's do this.

All right. Thanks, Doc.

Okay, we'll keep in touch.

There are 59 banks in downtown L. A.

We've narrowed it down to a dozen.

All in high-rise buildings because you need altitude for the EMP to hit the ground with a big enough cone.

Mr. Callen, Mr. Hanna, should you find yourselves on the roof, there will be no air support.

A helicopter will drop like a stone in any EMP.

I hope you have a plan B, if you can't stop this thing from firing.

Sam's working on plan B.

I'm working on plan A; you're in charge of plan B.

We're still working on plan B.

Is that so?

Well, I hope it doesn't involve me identifying both of you from your dental records.

Come on.

(tires screeching)

Eric, we're two minutes out.

We need that building.

All right, we're down to five buildings-- three of them grouped within two blocks of each other.

What about this one on Sixth Street?

Not high enough.

20 stories or higher or it's not going to work effectively.

♪ ♪

I got a bad feeling about this.

Look on the bright side.

You could be stuck in a mall fighting crowds trying to find your pony.

That's what I'm talking about.

I got a bad feeling I'm not gonna find one.

Well, maybe Santa Claus will bring it to her.

Maybe I'll tell her Uncle Callen said he'd get it for her.

"It's okay, baby girl, Uncle Callen didn't mean to let you down."

That's messed up.

You wouldn't.

You shouldn't.


(computer beeps)

I got something.

On a rooftop, looks like building supplies.

Nell, can you check the bank's security feeds?


We're all out of time, Mr. Beale.

NELL: Side alley, guy in a motorcycle helmet.

Other one's a bank security guard.

Our target is National Bank, Spring Street.

Less than half a block from your current location.

We're on the move.

Access via the alley on the west side of the street.

Two targets: one guy in a motorcycle helmet, the other's a bank security guard.

CALLEN: Kensi, Deeks, check the lobby.

Sam and I are headed to the roof.

Federal agents.

On the ground now.



I got him.

Drop it!


You got any other weapons, huh?

Maybe a slide ruler?

Maybe a pointy compass?

No one was gonna get hurt.

Yeah? Well, not a lot of veggie tacos in the pen, huh, Patrick?


Nell, close up the parking garage!

Got it.

SAM: They must have used the freight elevator, assembled it up here.

CALLEN: It's got a timer.

It's counting down.

We got seven minutes...

We got a visual.

All right, this is not exactly a "green wire, red wire" situation.

Sorry, guys, you're gonna have to disassemble this one.

First pallet, power supply, flux is in the middle, then the vircator.

So removing the power supply is like unhooking a car battery.


Come on.


We need more torque.

Need a bigger wrench.

Let me try.

Be my guest.

Liquid nitrogen?

Works every time.

There you go.

I'll take care of this.

You work on Plan B.

Federal agent!

Stop! Stop now!

DEEKS: Kensi, where are you?

I'm on the second floor.

Hands behind your back.


Seed, didn't recognize you without your Birkenstocks.

Why'd you do it?

Why? Because we gave eight years to higher education with no promise of a job or nothing.

We were just taking back from some billionaire bankers who never even deserved a bailout.

Yeah, the rich get richer and the dumb get dumber.

Last one there.

What next?

All right, pull off the power supply.

This way's blocked.

We gotta go this way.

One, two, three...

(both grunting)

An inch off the power supply.

No, it needs to be more.

It can still arc across the gap.

It's less than a minute!

Guys, you are not going to make it!

What are you doing?

Using the liquid nitrogen.

I want to make sure this thing blows before it can trigger.

We're gonna have to go plan B.

I hate plan B.



CALLEN: Let's go, let's go, let's go!


The longest rope we had.

This is why I hate plan B.

I'm sorry, we should have made a little pit stop at REI.

We could have picked you up some granola bars, too.

(cell phone rings) Huh!

You gonna answer that?

(ringing continues, Sam grunting)

It's Hetty.

You want to take it?

She's calling you, not me.


Congratulations, gentlemen.

Next time, you might want to think about packing your parachutes.

(sirens approaching)

You getting hungry?

Shut up.


Thank you, Wesley.

LAPD is waiting.

You know, uh, I'm not a bad man, Detective.

What I did was misguided.

It was wrong.

But I'm not a bad man.


Could you, uh... please get a message to my daughter for me?

No, I can't.

But you can tell her yourself.

Hey, Dad.


(sobs softly)

I love you, Daddy.

I love you, too.

Ah! Ooh!

This is Theakston's Christmas Ale flown all the way from Yorkshire, England, and brewed as it was in Charles Dickens' time.

Carlyle got turned over to the LAPD.

Not for long.

We posted bail so he could spend Christmas with his family.


We felt he'd righted his wrong.

Needless to say, with the events of the past day, there's a flood of interest in his work.

Can't drink on an empty stomach.

(Kensi gasps)

Sig Sauers and Glocks.

SAM: Amazing.

Wait. Did you bake these in the microwave?

I actually reconfigured the burn room incinerator as a convection oven.

Smart girl.

Uh, Sam?


Got a little something for you.

How'd you find it?

Don't ask.

You saved my ass.


I actually got something for you, too.

For me?

Yeah. It's a gift for the tropical sun.

It's made by a woman in Venice for a very select clientele.

It's hypoallergenic, made with organic coconut oil, shea butter and jojoba.

So I thought that you would, uh, like it.


Thank you.

Have fun on your trip.

I may come by on Christmas.

I want to see what this little pony actually does.


That was very generous of you.

I happen to know you procured that winged little pony for yourself at Comic-Con last summer.

You did?

Mr. Beale has quite the fantasy action figure collection.

(chuckles) You do?

A toast!

To friends and the family we have...

SAM: Hear, hear.

HETTY: Hear, hear.

Merry Christmas. Cheers.

Cheers. Merry Christmas.

HETTY: God bless us every one.
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