03x05 - Sacrifice

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NCIS: Los Angeles". Aired: September 2009 to present.*

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The Naval Criminal Investigation Service's Office of Special Projects takes on the undercover work and the hard to crack cases in LA. Key agents are G. Callen and Sam Hanna, streets kids risen through the ranks.
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03x05 - Sacrifice

Post by bunniefuu »

(expl*si*n thunders)

(a*t*matic g*nf*re, b*ll*ts ricocheting)

Go, go, go!

(men coughing)



Evans! Evans!

Damn it.

Get the EMTs over here!

(in distance): Base this is Delta One.

We need EMTs here ASAP.

Intel's good-- two cartel soldiers.

Who's this one?

He's definitely not cartel.

Who the hell is this guy?

♪ NCIS: LA 3x05 ♪

Original air date on October 18, 2011

Vikings on the 35.

Packers up by two.

Let's see what you got.

Do it.

Where is it?



Oh! That was for the win.

Where is it?

Well, judging by how hard you swatted it, I'd say Bangladesh.

Where's Charlene?

My car?

Your Challenger?

So you do have it.

Okay, dude, you're starting to freak me out a little bit here.

If I find out you're behind this...

What am I be-- what?

Charlene is a 1970 Challenger Sam's been restoring for the last ten years.

It was stolen last night.


That's horrible.


Big guy's heartbroken.

He was up all night questioning everyone within a two-mile radius of the storage unit.

Working on that car was Sam's therapeutic refuge.

Honestly, I don't think he ever wanted to finish it.

Car like that is either in a chop shop or being driven really hard south of the border.

That's not good.

Okay, it's just a car.

He's got insurance, right?

Mm-mm. Mm-mm.

V-8 Magnum, four barrel carb with dual exhaust is not just a car.

Takes up hours of your time, you spend more cash than the car is actually worth, and...

For what exactly?

What kind of man are you?

I'm gonna go see if Sam's okay.

(Sam yells in distance)

Maybe later.

SAM: Get Kaleidoscope online, check traffic and ATM cams on Vermont south of Franklin, and I need a satellite pointed over Los Feliz.

What are we looking for?



Mr. Hanna, I can relate to your pain, considering what happened to my Jaguar, but I cannot allow you to utilize federal resources to locate your personal vehicle.

Besides, we have a case.

Mr. Beale.

Uh, sorry, Sam.

Hetty, I'm sorry about what happened to your Jaguar, but it wasn't my fault.

Of course it wasn't.


We got a hot one-- three dead.

Two parts cartel, one part wanted t*rror1st.

Pawn shop in Hollywood.

Hey, uh, what happened to Sam's car?

Yeah, I wouldn't ask him about it.

LAPD conducted a raid this morning at a pawn shop in Hollywood.

They were targeting the notorious Molina cartel, known throughout Mexico for their ruthless and violent tactics.

Two of the bodies were identified as lower level cartel soldiers.

Third body?

Brings us to why we're here.

LAPD asked for our help in identifying this man.

NELL: Malik Atwa.

A wanted t*rror1st and right-hand man to Jamel Ahmed Shallah, one of the new faces of al-Qaeda.

Shallah's bad news.

He took out a lot of our troops while trying to make a name for himself.

KENSI: So what's the connection with a Mexican drug cartel?

dr*gs? Money? Weapons?

That would be our case to figure out.

SAM: Shallah could be providing the cartel with Afghani heroin in exchange for access to smuggling routes.

There's always been a fear of something like that happening.

Last thing we need is al-Qaeda getting a base of operation on the border.

The cartel and Shallah are formidable enemies by themselves.

An alliance could be disastrous.

Any other surveillance footage?

ERIC: Nearest traffic cam I could access is a block away.

All right, we'll take the tac-squad guys.

You got the pawn shop.

Got it.


Hey. Find my car.

The Molina cartel has been trying to expand into L. A.

For the past year.

What, no money, no dr*gs?

What are a couple of cartel grunts and a wanted t*rror1st meeting about?

Hoping you could tell us.

We had intel on a shipment of heroin coming in.

When we found this Atwa guy, we figured he may be part of something bigger.

Anything else stick out?

20 years on the job, I've lost a total of two men.

Since dealing with the cartel, I've lost nine.

Evans had a family.

He didn't deserve this.

Used to be a time when the cartels wouldn't tolerate jihadists in their backyard.

Didn't want the international scrutiny.

Now it's anything goes.

Satellite phone.

Job for Eric.

Yeah, found that in Atwa's pocket.

Sunny Spot Motel.

Sunset Boulevard.

You guys run this down?

Made all the evidence from the scene available to you guys.

It's in your hands.

Appreciate your time.

Thank you.

Anything else comes up, give us a call.

Oh, Agent Hanna, LAPD's doing everything we can to find your car.

I'm just trying to ease your grief.

I'm not grieving.

I'm pissed.

Denial is the first stage.

That's natural.

This is me naturally ignoring you.


Thanks, Tom.

You bet.

LAPD were pretty thorough.


Magazine stand has security cameras.

Eric couldn't access anything close.

Must be closed circuit.


Can I get, uh, Paparazzi Planet, Celebs After Midnight-- that should be interesting-- and, uh, your surveillance tapes.

Sure. Give me a minute.


Here you go.


And for my partner, while we're at it.

Cat Fancy?

I get it.

I'm not manly 'cause I'm not into restoring cars.

I never said that.

We'll also take, uh, this little guy right there.

"Unwanted facial hair: Electrolysis versus laser."

I don't have facial hair.

Whatever you say, Pancho.

(wry chuckle)

SAM: Whoever stole Charlene better hope LAPD catches them before I do.

CALLEN: You don't mean that.

Yeah, I do.

Stage two.


Anger. It's the second stage of grief.

I'm not grieving, I just want my car back.

Hopefully it was just a couple joy riders and LAPD will pick them up.

Since when do joy riders have a diamond-tip drill and plasma cutters?

That's a good point.

WOMAN: You guys looking for a room?

Federal agents.

Need to see room 104.

Oh, glad you have a key.

The other guys kept my master.

What other guys?

FBI was here earlier.

Now I've got to pay to have all the locks replaced.

Oh, you got to be kidding me.

Who's paying for this?

Disabled the cameras, searched the motel room, and left without drawing attention to themselves.

Hetty spoke with the FBI.

They assured her they are not involved.

Motel clerk said the guys looked Middle Eastern.

Shallah's guys?

KENSI: t*rrorists are posing as FBI agents now?

Gives a whole new meaning to the term "extremist."

I got something.

I think.

All calls from this phone were made to and received from another satellite phone that's no longer online.

They already ditched it, if they're smart.

I'm checking on any new satellite phones that have come on-line since this one went down.

Maybe they replaced it.

NELL: This is the security cam footage from the magazine stand.

See, this red Jeep was parked in front of the pawn shop three hours prior to the sh**t.

The driver camps out, then leaves immediately afterwards.

Any other angles?

One camera, one angle.

CB radio, baja kit.

No license plate.

SAM: Female driver, brunette.

Trying to keep a low profile.

Looks like she's running surveillance.

DEEKS: Lookout?

If she is, she's not a good one.


CALLEN: Maybe.

Or the girlfriend of one.

At the very least, maybe she saw something useful.

Can ask her in person.

Kaleidoscope got a hit.

She's headed east on Cesar Chavez Boulevard downtown.


You can find that Jeep, but you can't find my Challenger?

Uh... still looking.


SAM: Talk to us, Eric.

ERIC: Jeep has stopped.

Looks like a parking lot in the 500 block of North Main.

How close?

Five blocks.

Kensi and Deeks are almost there.

I can find that Jeep, but I can't find Sam's Challenger?

If it's on the road, it'll show up.

I mean, you can't hide from Kaleidoscope.

You have started a Kaleidoscope search...

Not exactly.

I, uh, plugged into the LAPD database.

As soon as the car is found, I will get an alert.

You're right.

That's not exactly a Kaleidoscope search.

So... what are we waiting for?



Hetty told Sam no use of federal resources for personal matters.

Is this the same rebel Eric Beale who completed level five of Warrior Quest on the big screen in ops?

The same rebel who dared to eat Oreo cookies in ops without a napkin?

The same rebel who broke the Internet.

But it's Hetty.

But it's Sam.

I feel like I'm caught between a rock and a hard place.

You are.

While Hetty scares me intellectually, I fear Sam on a more physically visceral level.


All right, Beale...

...let's do this.

La Iglesia de Neustra Senora La Reina de Los Angeles.

Does that mean your miss-tache grows long at night?

You're really lame.

It actually means Church of our Lady the Queen of the Angels.


KENSI: Red Jeep.

With a baja kit.

KENSI: Brunette.

And she's our driver?

DEEKS: I hope so.

Latina mas fina.

KENSI: Someone's a little paranoid.

Deeks, take the back.

(both grunting)


DEEKS: You good?

Turn around.

Yeah, I'm fine.

Oh, I'm fine.

DEEKS: You sure about that?

'Cause it looked like she tagged you a few times.

Really? Kind of looked I had her.

Thank you.

Who are you?

Kensi, walk it off.

Search her, Deeks.

You got a name?

Huh? Name?

Oh, you don't have a name, but you do have...

A w*apon.

DEEKS: Oh, wow, this just got interesting.

Unless this is fake...

She's a cop.

I'm a cop, too.


None of these guys-- just me... and you.



Guess you're under arrest.

Eva Espinoza.

Police Chief.

Loreto, Mexico.

There's great surfing down there.

What's a Loreto police chief doing in Los Angeles?

And don't say America's Next Top Model

'cause that is my partner's favorite show.

You're kind of young for a police chief.

When your last three police chiefs are m*rder*d in cold blood, the only prerequisite is a pulse.

DEEKS: So how'd you get the job?

You draw the short straw?

I volunteered.

Everyone else was terrified.

Trying to be a martyr?

Innocent people are being m*rder*d by the hands of the Molina Cartel.

Someone had to step up.

She has a warrior's spirit.

Takes guts to take a stand knowing you're marked for death.

She has experience with the Molina Cartel.

Let's hope she knows how Shallah is involved.

What were you doing at the pawn shop?

Tracking Diego Molina.


That guy makes Scarface look like Justin Bieber.

He runs the cartel from a distance.

Rumor has it, he lives here in LA.

So you were planning on just walking up to him and arresting him?

In Loreto, he is surrounded by an army.

In America, only by a few.

Seems more familiar than speculative.

She knows more than she's letting on, if you ask me.

What's up, Nell?

Uh, plenty.

I was running a full data analysis on Eva and found a slight discrepancy in her story.

More like an omission.

I just downloaded a photo to your phones.

NELL: Eva may not be as noble as we think.

Two years ago, he was k*lled by the Molina Cartel.

Kensi, Deeks, you want to get back in here?

You-- don't go anywhere.


Check your phones.

Who's this?

He was k*lled by the Molina Cartel.

This could be a revenge tour.

Find out.

It's a noble thing you're doing.

It's the right thing.

Sure it's not a personal vendetta?

KENSI: Your brother Antonio.

He was only seven years old.

He got caught in a crossfire.

There was nothing I could do to save him.

I tracked two of Molina's men to L. A., but I lost them at that pawn shop.

Did you know Molina's Cartel is involved with al-Qaeda?


No, but it doesn't surprise me.

They have their tentacles into everything from law enforcement to government officials.

Do you have idea why they would be meeting?


Okay, great.

We'll take it from here.

You can go back to Mexico.

If you want to detain me, go ahead, but I'm in the States legally.

As a civilian.

You keep playing cop, we'll deport you faster than you can say Tijuana.

What exactly do you mean by that?

Okay, ladies, ladies, I think you should probably draw in the claws.

One cat fight a day is probably plenty.

Thank you for your cooperation and diligence.

What was that all about?

Well, I'd say that someone's being a little territorial on the account of the connection between Eva and me.

You're out of your mind.

SAM: I'm with Kensi.

Any woman that connects with you is clearly suspect if not certifiable.

ERIC: Hey, guys.

SAM: What's up, Eric?

So I've been monitoring new satellite phones coming on-line, and two phones with sequential serial numbers were activated an hour ago.

They were purchased in the same store.

Cash sale.

Hollywood Boulevard.

Get a warrant, listen on both phones.

You guys talk to Nell, see what she's dug up on Diego Molina.

Got it.

Eric, tell me you're at least looking for my car.

I... yeah. I'm... you know, I have actually got a really promising lead, so I will just keep you in the loop.

ERIC: Okay. All right, bye.

SAM: Er--

"Promising lead"?

I tend to overdo it when I panic.

Sam's going to k*ll me.

My father bought Charlene in 1970, brand-new off the line.

She's the reason I drive the Challenger today.

It's tough.

I promise, if I get her back, I'll use a bigger lock.

No, a better security system.

Maybe a guard dog.

You're bargaining.

That's stage three.

Last I checked, Nate was out in the field.

I'm just saying, I know how much Charlene meant to you.

You got a name for the new Challenger?



How about Cheryl?

How about no?

(entrance bell chimes)

How you doing?

Federal agents.

We need to see your sales log and your video surveillance.

Sorry, I can't help you with that.

We could get a warrant.

Then make it out to the FBI; they already took them.

I asked them to make copies, but they said they didn't have time.

These "agents"--

Middle Eastern, American accents?

Friends of yours?

These guys are making all the moves that we would.

They're acting like they're law enforcement. But they're not.

Could be Shallah's guys covering their own tracks.

Whoever they are, they're connected.

ERIC: Best I could do with this public surveillance camera.

Just like the motel.

What about Eva?

What about Eva?

Well, she was able to track the cartel to the pawn shop from Mexico.

Maybe she has someone on the inside.

Well, Shallah and the cartel are in business together, their paths are bound to cross.

SAM: She could be our in.

I thought you didn't trust her.

I don't.

CALLEN: I don't either.

I had Nell track her from the boat shed.

Eva ended up at this downtown parking lot.

Where she met this man.

CALLEN: We I. D. this guy?

NELL: Working on it.

Now, that's a connection, Deeks.

Could be our inside man.

SAM: Let's see if he leads us to the cartel or al-Qaeda.
Oh, where are they now?

Uh, after they left the parking lot, there weren't enough cameras to keep a visual.

How long ago did they leave?

NELL: 30 minutes.

They never returned to their cars.

I think we lost them.

Actually, maybe not.

May I?

Activating GPS tracker.

Got her.

She's downtown.

I tagged her at the boat shed.

I know a woman on a mission when I see one.


CALLEN: According to the GPS tracker, Eva is in the piñata store across the street.

DEEKS: Got a guy coming out of the store; he's armed.

Not the guy Eva met at the parking lot.

I got a photo coming, Eric.

DEEKS: I need an I. D.

All right.

Running it through facial rec.

Kensi, Deeks, stop him.

We're on him.

ERIC: All right, we got it.

Carlos Molina.

He's the suspected trigger man for the Molina Cartel.

Brother of kingpin Diego Molina.

Federal agent.

KENSI: Stop.

DEEKS: I'll take that.


Put your hands behind your back.

What's with the piñata?

It's for my nephew's birthday.

Nephew, huh?

You owe me a piñata, amigo.

Well, that's the thing about working with family.

Always a bad idea.

Never really works out.

DEEKS: Got him, guys.

The store's a cartel front.

And Eva's inside.

Her cover's blown.

CALLEN: Or she's got a death wish.

Kensi, Deeks, we got something.

Sam, Shallah is in the SUV.

Federal agents!

(bystanders screaming)

SHALLAH: Drive! Drive!

(tires squealing)

Jamel Ahmed Shallah is in L. A.

Your informant?


He was a cop.

And my friend.

Watch your head.

The cartel got the drop on us.

We knew each other since we were children.

We decided to join the force together.

To make a difference.

It's hard enough to be a cop in L. A.

I can't even imagine what it's like in Mexico.

When I volunteered to be chief, I personally chose Luis for the undercover operation.

This is not your fault.

They will go after his family now.

And we're going to do everything we can to stop them.

Thank you.

Is she okay?

Considering she's moving up the endangered species list, I'd say she's dandy.

Why didn't they k*ll her, too?

Trying to find out what she knew?

Some sick gift to Shallah?

Why would Shallah risk coming to Los Angeles?

Why not meet the cartel in Mexico?

Why go into the lion's den if you don't have to?

Los Angeles is neutral territory.

(phone ringing)

Yeah, Eric.

Hey, guys, Shallah's SUV was dumped and torched off the 90 freeway.

Got it.

So what now?

CALLEN: The men posing as FBI agents-- they've been cleaning up after Shallah every step of the way.

At the motel, at the phone store...

The piñata shop?

It's worth a shot.

Okay, so what's the plan?

You good?

Why do you ask?

So far you've done a car, a g*n and I believe that's a dead body.

It's amazing detail.

I'm good.

It's okay to be depressed.

I'm not depressed.

You will be.

Stage four.

Look, I'm not depressed, bargaining, angry or in denial.

But I am getting a little irritated.

Are you hungry?

Hunger is not a stage.

That's true, but loss of appetite is a sign of depression.

Keep it up.

DEEKS: All right, it's been two hours.

If they haven't come by now, they're probably not coming.

Oop-- and...

Maybe I spoke too soon.

Oh, ye of little faith.

SAM: Kensi, heads up.


You're a little late.

Where were you when we needed you?

I'd like to talk to you about the incident this afternoon.

You have surveillance tapes?

Um, sounds like a question for my manager.

I don't even know if we have a surveillance system. Um...


Federal agents. Stop.


Like she said, Federal agents. Stop.

DEEKS: Why don't they ever stop?

It amazes me that they never stop.

So who are you really?


Oh, now you're the CIA?

SAM: What's next?

Jedi knights?

Hey, Sam. The CIA files have been sent through to the boat shed.

Don't forget to check with CHP about Charlene.

On it.

Let me guess-- find his car?


Whoa, you're not going to believe this.

LAPD found Sam's Challenger.

It's in Van Nuys.

Vehicle identification number's a match.

I'll call Sam.

Yeah, bup-bup...

We need to be sure.

Visual confirmation?


Okay, security, traffic, ATM cams.

No, no, no, no, no.

Not good enough.

We need physical confirmation.

You mean...?

Field trip.

Just don't tell Hetty.

Agent Banks, Agent Figg.

I. D.'s check out.

They are CIA.

Your agency must be so proud.

CALLEN: Hmm. Well, before we turn you over to your director, you want to explain why you're running around L. A., cleaning up after al-Qaeda?

SAM: You forget your missions statement?

Cut a better deal?

With the holidays coming up, you needed a little extra cash?

Still not talking, huh?

SAM: If that's how you want to play it...


Wow, so much for inter-agency cooperation.

Those guys are either dirty or they're working some other angle.

Guys, Eric just sent us encrypted files he found on their smart phones.

Reaper drones.

Photos and specs of the new generation UAV.

Bigger, more versatile and can carry up to 15 times more ordinance than its predecessor.

According to this file on Banks and Figg, they worked in drone operations in the Middle East.

So, how are Reaper drones, Shallah and a Mexican cartel related?

Q and A round two.

You want to fill in the blanks?

We haven't contacted your boss at the agency yet.

But we got him on speed dial.

SAM: It's going to be embarrassing.

Two CIA agents caught trying to sell a Reaper drone to a t*rror1st.

We're not trying to sell anything.



We're trying to recover it.

BANKS: A couple weeks ago, we were running a covert operation in the Middle East to lure out Jamel Ahmed Shallah by offering up the Reaper drones as bait.

Things got out of hand.

We think there was a leak.

CALLEN: And you lost them?

FIGG: One.

We lost one.

You handed a Reaper drone to al-Qaeda?

This is why I left the CIA.

SAM: Well, I was right about one thing.

It's going to be embarrassing.

Well, more importantly, it's a threat to national security.

Which is why you should have contacted us from day one instead of trying to save face.

Or was it more a case of butt saving than face saving.

The hijackers were Shallah's men.

A week ago, the drone was moved to Afghanistan.

So what's the connection with Molina's cartel?

Shallah needs money to bankroll his t*rror1st activities.

He's going to sell the drone.

And Molina was the highest bidder.

A drone could tip the drug w*r in Molina's favor.

He could destroy his rivals and target law enforcement.

When you guys screw up, you really go all the way, don't you?

The drone is now here.

In Los Angeles.

We know where it's being moved.

Keep talking.

You've got to give us a chance to salvage this.

We don't have to do anything.

Shipping container.

San Pedro.

FIGG: We're early.

CALLEN: You're confident your intel is still legit?

BANKS: We've got a source in the cartel on our payroll.

DEEKS: It's nice to see our tax dollars at work.

We should scope this place out.

Take Banks.

Kensi, get a bird's-eye view.

Deeks, cover the west perimeter.

You're with me.


I thought you said she went back?

I thought you said you were going back.

I said I would warn Luis' family. Which I did.

DEEKS: Whoa, whoa, whoa.

What are you doing?

This man works for the cartel.

Drop your w*apon now.

DEEKS: Eva... Eva!

This man is CIA.

Then the CIA m*rder*d my little brother.

(tires squealing)


Look out!

Take cover!

(distant g*nf*re)

g*n down, now!

Guys in the car are cartel soldiers.

They left me no choice.

You shouldn't have come back, Eva.

KENSI: Eric's pulling up ck security cam footage.

I've alerted LAPD.

They're on their way; should be with you shortly.

What were you thinking?

It's not what it looks like.

It looks like revenge.

Figg shot his partner during the attack.

And then he turned to me.

He left me no choice.

Yeah, we'll see about that.

Eric, any luck?

Eva's telling the truth.

She shot Agent Figg in self defense.

I'm sending the video to your tablet.

Come on, you should wait in the car.

ERIC: Video's uploaded.

KENSI: Wow. Okay...

Why would Figg sh**t Banks?

Banks could have figured out his partner was working for the cartel.

Figg brought us here early.

He led us into a trap.

The exchange is going down somewhere else.

Eric, you had any luck with Shallah's satellite phone?

He's got to be close.

Callen, we accessed all numbers from Agent Figg's smartphone.

We got several hits.

One is a satellite phone in the San Pedro shipyard.

Shipyard's right over there.

Eric, get a unit down here for Banks and Figg.

What about Eva?

She goes lone wolf, it's on you.

Hey, guys, I'm sending you the layout of the shipyard.

KENSI: Okay, got it.

Dock three.

All the players are here.

How are you?

(speaks Arabic)

So's the needle in the haystack.

(speaking indistinctly)

Focus on Shallah and Molina.

(speaking indistinctly)

Deeks, your love connection is about to get us k*lled.

I'm on it.

CALLEN: Deeks.


So much for quietly.

Look out!

Federal agents!

I got Shallah.

You okay?

Yeah. I'm fine.


Deeks! Molina!

I'm on it!

(ignition sputtering)

Don't even try.

(tires screeching)

Do it! Do it!

k*ll me!


k*ll me.

Do it!

You wish.

You going to stop her?

I got her.



Listen, if you want to do this, I'm not gonna stop you.

But I want you to be sure.

Why shouldn't I?

Because we're cops.

All right?

And if the line blurs between us and them, what it is that we do stops making sense.

Do it.

You'll be doing me a favor.

Shut up!

Eva, he's gonna pay for what he's done.



No. No.

For my people, for Luis, my brother Antonio-- they deserved mercy!

I got it.

I got it.

It's okay.



Come here.

It's okay.

We got him.

It's okay.

I think I like this Eva.

Me, too.

She rocks.

It's my guardian angel.

It protects me.

And now it protects you.

What about you?

I found a better one.

I'd call that a connection.

Brotherly-sisterly way, sure.


Please tell me that's not what I think it is.

I think it is.

Who's going to tell Sam?

Technically, he asked you to find it, so I'm just here for support.

It was your motivational speech that got us out here in the first place.

Maybe this is a sign.

What, that we both tell him?

No, that neither of us tell him.


I mean, no good can come from this, Nell.

All right.

What he doesn't know doesn't hurt him. Agreed?


We never saw this.

Saw what?

The drone has been recovered, and Shallah and Molina are in custody.

DEEKS: All is right with the world.

Well, except for, uh...

It's just a car.

It hurts, but it's not the end of the world.

Fifth stage.

CALLEN: Acceptance.

Yeah. Right.

Delivery for Mr. Hanna, outside.

(taps box)

They found her?!

It's a pile of junk.

With a copious amount of potential.

Look, the easiest way to get over lost love is to fall in love again.

You know, it's not Charlene, but, uh...

A little TLC, it could be... Jennifer?

You did this?

Had a rainy day fund.

It's L. A., doesn't rain a whole lot.

Come on.


(ignition sputtering)

(engine starts, rumbles)

DEEKS: Have fun, boys!

(engine rattles, rumbles)

Well, there's no chance anybody will steal that.



So... I guess you think I owe you an apology.

For what?

For Eva.


She wasn't entirely that bad.

And I suppose there was some modicum of attraction on her part, albeit trauma induced...


You had me at hel--


Okay, partners!

Partners, partners, partners, let go.

Partners. Partners.

Aah! You can let-- aah!

Walk it off.

Walk it off.

Ow! Ow! Ow! Okay, I think you just dislocated my finger.
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