02x19 - Enemy Within

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NCIS: Los Angeles". Aired: September 2009 to present.*

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The Naval Criminal Investigation Service's Office of Special Projects takes on the undercover work and the hard to crack cases in LA. Key agents are G. Callen and Sam Hanna, streets kids risen through the ranks.
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02x19 - Enemy Within

Post by bunniefuu »

(camera clicking)

(car alarm honks)


(groans quietly)

You okay?

Nice gangster walk.

Feel like I was thrown out of a moving car.

You were thrown out of a moving car.

Several times.

Well, not recently.

Was I?

This is why I'm telling you, G, if you don't take care of yourself, it becomes cumulative.

Every broken bone, g*nsh*t, s*ab wound...

Camel bite.

It starts to add up.

You need a real bed, a real diet, some flaxseed oil, maybe a little Pilates.

You know what, I'll stick with coffee and aspirin.

See, you're treating the symptoms and not the problem.

I can't have a partner I need to push around in a wheelchair.

Where do you think you're gonna be in a few years, you keep this up?

I'll probably be k*lled on the job long before that.

Why do you do that?

Why do I even talk to you?

You keep this up, I'm gonna stop.

Promises, promises.



Angry Birds?

Plants versus Zombies.

Played for four hours straight last night.

Don't know if I'm proud or ashamed of that.

Did you get the, uh... ow.

Did you get the little Hetty note?


By the way, there's no such thing as a "little Hetty note."

There's a big Hetty note, there's a holy moly Hetty note...


there's an oh dear God Hetty note.

I-I get it.

How bad is it?

Expense account?

Hygiene again?

I haven't opened it.

HETTY: Oh, brave man, Mr. Deeks.

I'd be quick about it.

We have a problem.

More specifically, I have a problem with you.


At a routine Agent Readiness audit, you were found to be woefully behind the rest of the team in Professional Development.

"Professional Development."


Coursework to further one's skill set in a given profession.

HETTY: While we may believe that you're up to the task...


HETTY: statistically speaking, an agent's training level has a high correlation to survival.

Who am I to argue with statistics?


No, no, of course.

But, uh, my training comes from the streets.

KENSI: Oh, really?

The tough streets of the San Fernando Valley?

Not exactly Fallujah, Kandahar or Medellín.

Okay, you don't get to pull the Special Forces tough guy card, 'cause it's not in your wallet.

Maybe Sam's, maybe Callen's...

Maybe Hetty's.

Maybe... Hetty...

You will choose from that list of courses, Mr. Deeks.

And you, Miss Blye, will be in charge of overseeing its completion.

Ops Center.

We have a case.

"CQB, Close Quarter Battle"?

"Urban Warfare"?

I took CQB and Urban.

It's excellent.

This is a terrible idea.

I bet you even got your special agent friendship badge.

You're lucky they let you get this far without your D. O. D.

Advanced training.

Okay, I am an LAPD liaison.

So we were led to believe.

"Offensive Driving"?


This is Los Angeles... everybody's driving is offensive.

Besides, I've already taken that.

Isn't there, like, a, like, a "master of disguise" course or, like, a "ninja weapons"?

You know, that, that would be cool.

Let's make this quick, Eric.

Deeks has got to get back to class.

Is there no privacy here?


Apparently, Hetty is determined to make you a highly skilled operative.

Good luck with that.

I'm a highly skilled operative.

What? I am.

HETTY: Of course you are, Mr. Deeks.

Eric, please.

According to the time stamp, these photos were taken two days ago.

NELL: At the Malibu Pier.

ERIC: They were anonymously e-mailed to the NCIS headquarters last night.

Guy in the green is Lieutenant Commander Daniel Chambers, Naval lntelligence.

Who's the other guy?

We don't know yet.

But let's just say this was his last trip to the pier.

KENSI: Strangled.

With a garrote.

Body was found by a surfer who called 911.

Call came in just seven minutes after these photos were taken of his meeting with Chambers.

What about Chambers?

He's a fully trained and highly regarded intel officer assigned to the Defense lntelligence Agency.

He has not reported for duty in two days.

Since the photos were taken.

NELL: Now, Chambers is an expert in Venezuelan politics.

He's been tracking a rising star, Antonio Medina, who is supposedly going to give President Hugo Chavez a run for his money in the next election.

Medina's also pro-America.

The kicker is: Medina's on his way to Los Angeles.

We have any idea where Chambers is now?

His car has been parked in the same spot for two days, his credit cards have not been used, and his phone has been turned off.

Not promising.

I did access his cell phone's incoming calls.

Mostly from his ex-wife and the base.

But on the day he went missing, there was three calls from the Malibu Hotel...

It's room 303.

That's just five blocks from the Malibu Pier.

All right, Sam and I will take the motel.

Kensi, Deeks, talk to the ex-wife.

One guy strangled, one guy missing, another guy taking photos of it.

Just another day in Tinsel Town.

What do you think the chances are Chambers is still alive?

I'm hoping for the best.

But expecting the worst.

Half empty.



Antonio Medina's L. A. itinerary.

Times, places and standard operating procedures.

Everything you need to assist with his security detail.

Or an assassination.

It's a quick trip, in and out, lands in one hour.

If they're gonna hit him, it'll be in the next six hours.



Surveillance video doesn't show the room or the parking lot or the manager's office.

That's effective.

Manager says the room was rented by a woman who paid in cash for the entire month.

Doesn't remember Chambers.

Makes sense.

Looks like the kind of place you come not to be remembered.

What about the woman?

Medium height, dark hair, sunglasses.

So, basically, half the women in L. A.

Eric's sending a surveillance crew in case somebody comes back.

Two guys meet, one ends up dead, the other hasn't been heard from since.

There's no way this plays out well for Chambers.

He's either the k*ller, he's on the run, or he's dead.

Medina needs to cancel his visit.

Hetty spoke with State Department.

Medina's visit is still on.

They think we're overreacting.



Political ambition trumps common sense.

Apparently, Medina is some critical ally.

And he's supposed to raise over a million dollars at tonight's fund-raiser.

So, uh, canceling or visible security is bad for business.

At the very least, they need to alter his itinerary, change the venue.

Their dignitary doesn't believe the threat.

(cell phone chimes)

Surveillance unit is two minutes out.

Chambers' director is at the boat shed.

Nell is an expert on South America.

She's already there.

Okay, thanks.

Callen and Sam just found evidence that someone might be trying to assassinate Medina.

The plot thickens.

You ready to check out Chambers' ex-wife?

I don't know; I haven't taken my Bungalow Breaching Course or my Tactical Ex-wife lnterrogation Using Household Objects.

(chuckles): Oh, no.


Are you sulking?

No, I'm not sulking, 'cause I don't sulk.

Oh, you sulk.

What happen, the other boys hurt your feelings?

Oh, nice.

Now you're mocking me.

That's awesome.

You know why?

'Cause that's who you are.

You're a mocker.

You're a sulker.



(knocks jauntily)



Emily Chambers?

Hi, I'm Detective Marty Deeks.

This is Special Agent Kensi Blye, NCIS.

We wanted to ask some questions about your ex-husband.

Sure. Uh, of course.

Is Daniel in some sort of trouble?

That's what we're trying to find out.

Come on in.

JENNINGS: Lieutenant Commander Chambers joined DIA two years ago.

He was put on our Venezuela task force last August, tracking Antonio Medina...

Who's not only a rising star, he's also pro-American.

And that is a rarity in Venezuela.

Chambers turn up anything interesting?

Yeah, he covered his bases.

Submitted multiple intelligence reports.

Our job is to keep an eye on the local political terrain, particularly nations hostile to U. S. interests, see if anything big is coming down the pike.

He was very meticulous.

SAM: Any chance Chambers is doing something illegal?

He's an absolute straight-arrow.

If anything, the guy was too passionate about his work.

Medina is, quote, "an opportunist.

"If he were elected to higher office, he would be "worse than Hugo Chavez"?

SAM: Worse than Chavez?

A guy who called America a t*rror1st state?

I thought Medina was a U. S. ally.

Hold on. Chambers' background is computer science.

NELL: And by that, you mean he was basing his assumptions on a souped-up HiPS analysis?

HiPS is experimental.

Not to mention classified.

Chambers was beta testing a version of HiPS...

High Precision Search.

Basically it analyzes everything a person says publicly, over a lifetime, to uncover extremist views otherwise missed.

In essence, yes.

Were any of these views missed?

SAM: By the intelligence community.


According to Chambers.

Hm. Awkward.

Excuse me. Who are you?

Uh, lntelligence Analyst Nell Jones.

Hm. The algorithm, as used by Chambers, is unproven, and no replacement for human intel.

NELL: Yeah, I've played around with it a fair bit.

I was able to spot General Manuel Noriega back when the U. S.

Supported him, Pol Pot in the early days, and Mikhail Gorbachev when we still hated him...

Came out a moderate.

Chambers was in the early stages of intelligence gathering.

Oh, it's interesting stuff, but ultimately a bit far-fetched.


Because the stakes aren't.

I mean, Venezuela has known ties to Iran, does it not?

Yes, but...

And we know that Iran has a clandestine nuclear program that could potentially spread to the Southern Hemisphere.

It's a remote risk.

And isn't it true that Venezuela has been trying to form a block with Bolivia, Nicaragua and Cuba to counter U. S.

Dominance in the region?

There have been concerns, yeah.

Add into the mix, a nuclear Venezuela, and now you have a nuke 90 miles off the coast of Florida, not to mention the more realistic possibility that these countries become a training and launching ground for al-Qaeda.

Okay, Nell, thank you.

Can we have the captain for a minute, please?

Uh, yeah, sure.

It was nice to meet you.

Pleasure's all mine.

But you're not buying it, are you?

Medina was resolutely pro-American.

He's beloved by the ex-pat community here.

Chambers' HiPS analysis contradicts everything we know.

What if he's right?

I doubt it.

Occam's Razor...

The simplest explanation is the best.

Usually the best.

CALLEN: Sounds to me like you ignored your intel officer.

And you may have stumbled across something that might have gotten him k*lled.

Well, I truly hope not.

Chambers was a good man.

Let's hope he still is.

Am I in trouble?

No. But next time, pick on somebody your own size.

Take a look at this.

(speaking Spanish)

"But we also would like the pride and respect "to come back to the people of Venezuela.

"You don't just need a leader...

"You need a great leader.

"A friend to nations large and small."

Impressive speaker.

Charisma to spare.

In the right context, he'd be a force to be reckoned with.

What kind of force is he?

Pro, anti, t*rror1st threat, other kind of threat?

The truth is it doesn't matter what kind of a threat Medina is.

The only thing that matters is that we keep him safe from being assassinated on U. S. soil.

KENSI: Has your husband ever mentioned the name

Antonio Medina to you?


But we don't talk about work.

We talk all the time about Allie, because she doesn't speak to the two of us, but that's because on any given day, one of the two of us is ruining her 12-year-old life.

GIRL: Hey, Mom...


Can I have your laptop?

Why don't you finish your homework.

'Cause I really don't feel like it.

Saw a pretty cool trampoline out back there.

You mind if I jump on it?


Cops can't jump on trampolines?

That's right, I'm a cop.

Chase bad guys, I eat doughnuts.


It's okay, Als.

Why don't you show the detective the backyard.

Ah! I saw that...

You rolled your eyes.

I'll race you.

One, two, three, go.

So can you tell me what is going on?

Who is Antonio Medina?

Your ex-husband thinks that he might be a national security threat.

And he just might be caught up in something dangerous.


No, that is not possible.

Daniel's way too by-the-book.

And he wouldn't do anything that would take him away from Allie.

(Allie laughing)

Haven't seen that in awhile.

She's actually laughing.

Yeah, he has that effect on people.

She's had a really tough time lately.

You know, at her age with friends and school, plus the divorce, if something were to happen to her dad...

It sounds like you two are pretty tight.

He's a great guy, he is a great dad...

We are not a great couple.


(phone ringing)



That's the third time today.

Do you think that might be your ex trying to reach Allie?

She got one, too.

(auto-dial beeping)

Hey, Eric, I need you to trace the last call to Emily Chambers.


It's a cell phone.

Tracing the GPS. Got it.

Kensi, the call came from right outside the house.



I'm coming.

Hey. We'll see you later.


Come on! Let's go!

That was fun.

Awesome kid, by the way.

Thank you.


Blue truck.

What is he doing?

Hold up.

(tires squealing)

(tires squealing, horn blaring)

What'd I say about L. A. drivers.


(on phone): Yeah.

I need you to pull every surveillance camera in a ten-block radius.

Blue pickup truck, GMC, '07 or '08, no plates, just tried to run us down.

Accessing surveillance.

ATMs, traffic cams.

Can you track a cell phone?

It's turned off.

It was a burn phone.

Probably dumped it.

Kensi, did you get a look at the driver?

(over phone): No.

The man strangled in the parking lot...

His family reported him missing.

We have a name and address.

My Uncle Juan was a day laborer.

He'd go to the Home Depot or car wash every morning.

We're very sorry for your loss.

It's just so ironic.

We left Juarez because of the v*olence...

The cartels, the drug w*r.

Juan was from Mexico, not Venezuela?

Yes. We all are.

Everyone in this complex.

Everyone we know, really.

That's L. A.

When was the last time you saw your uncle?

Two days ago.

I have a driver's license, so I drop the guys off by the car wash on Tujunga at 4:00 a.m.

Hard-working guys.

And girls.

My family didn't come here just to sit around.

We came for a better life.

And I'm determined to see it through.

I'm sure you will, Rosa.

This day labor hangout's got a hundred guys.

Probably could have been anyone.

And they just needed someone to be the delivery guy.



I'm sending you the address where our delivery guy was last seen.

Got it. Sending to Kensi and Deeks now.

(speaking Spanish)

(speaking Spanish)

Nada. Nada.



They say they know nothing.

Or to be more exact...

"No habla lngles."

And then I started speaking Spanish and they said "No habla Espanol."


I think they think I'm ICE.

I think they just don't like you.

I'm telling you.

All right, go get 'em, tiger.


Buenos, senorita.

Okay. Gracias.


(auto-dial beeping)

ERIC: Kens. Eric, I got a positive I.

D. On the truck.

Juan Munoz was picked up at the car wash.

Copy that.

Nice, nice.

I'm impressed. Yay.

Don't do that.

Don't gloat.

Did you choose a class yet?

Or nag.

And I'm happy to share...

I'm thinking FATS.

Firearms Training Simulator.


Lots of interesting theories and techniques for you to get your head around.

I can test you. No no.

I picked it 'cause I know it.

It's in here.

You want to know why?

Because working a case is my classroom.

That is a very small classroom.

What do we got, Eric?

This is from a traffic camera outside the car wash.

NELL: The footage was taken at 10:04 a.

M. Two days ago.

KENSI: That's Munoz.

And here's our driver.

NELL: It's a she.

Ran facial recognition But the image is too blurry.

That fits the description of the woman from the motel.

NELL: Now, our mystery woman, picks up day laborer Munoz, who winds up dead after a handoff to our missing Chambers.

She then rents a motel room from which Chambers receives numerous phone calls and we find classified details of Medina's itinerary.

And now the truck she's driving is staking out Chambers' house.

If they've k*lled Chambers, the question is why.

What did he know that could have jeopardized their plan?

What if Chambers didn't stumble on the plot?

What if he's a part of the plot?

Chambers went rogue?

He sent up warning flares, nobody believed him.

He sees Medina's rise to power as an issue of national security.

Chambers gets the manila envelope with Medina's itinerary, he disappears.

Kills Munoz to cover his tracks.

Or what if he's being forced into it?

I mean, someone could have leverage over him we don't know about.

No, Chambers' record was squeaky clean.

No evidence of alcohol or drug abuse, no gambling, no debts.

Or maybe someone needs leverage over him.

We still don't know what that blue is doing outside the family's house.

Only way you get to a man like Chambers...

Is through his daughter.


I know.

I know!

He was a total crazy person.

But totally cute, too.

I can't believe I just said that.

You can't tell anyone.

Please, please, please...



(phone rings)


Kensi, anything?

No. Emily's hanging in there.

An Amber Alert was sent out.

It's all over the local news, freeway signs and Internet.

Nice going.

Yeah, but it wasn't us.

911 got three calls in four minutes.

Four minutes?

Including two accurate license plate numbers, and a lady I. D.'d the van a block away.

She'd gotten a text from a friend.

Huh. Nice neighbors.


Well, everyone's okay here, so thank her mom for participating and come on back.

The agents will let us know if he calls.




You know what?

Okay, you ready?

Tough... Tough...

Tough... Wha...?

Eight wins in a row?


(grunts) Little card shark.


No. Allie?

She's happy she's played her part well.

She's worried about her dad.

If they're trying to leverage him, we've taken that option away from them.

And if he's acting alone, this might flush him out.

Unless he doesn't care about his daughter 'cause he's really snapped.

Or he thinks k*lling Medina will protect her from what he sees is a growing threat to her future.

I gotta tell you, I'm not liking any of these scenarios.

KENSI: Top three things to think of in a "good sh**t/bad sh**t" operational scenario.


Come on, your professional development.

Oh. The bad guys.

Hostages, furtive movement and anomalies, something like a guy wearing a ski parka during the summer.

Yeah, I know what an "anomaly" is.

Medina's security team has been with him a long time...

Military training.

Highly qualified, no red flags.

Their plan is good.

Arrive at Santa Monica Airport.

No public access.

Head straight to the fund-raiser at a private reception hall in Beverly Hills, turn around and leave.

Yeah, but the route they're taking hasn't been determined yet.

They decide that at the last minute, to avoid having to secure miles of city streets.

The best point of contact is the reception hall.

Or catch him during his entrance or exit.

So where would you set up to take a shot, Sam?

It's a good vantage point from up here.

Hide a collapsible r*fle in your jacket, you'd have a clear shot.

Maybe arrive in the morning and find a place to hide?

Sneak in through the exit.

Use a syringe.

A syringe?

Wouldn't he feel that?

You do it fast in a crowded room, he'd never know what hit him.

Nobody'd know what happened.

And you create a diversion to cloud the intended exit.

By the time they lock everything down, he'll be long gone.

SAM: That's how I'd do it.

CALLEN: Yeah, me, too.

They teach you guys that in Lethal lnjection 101?

Who's mocking now?

I got something on the pickup truck.

No plates, but I found a small sticker.

It's a rental, obtained with a bogus driver's license.

It is, however, fitted with a GPS navigation system.

And I have an address.

If I ever go off the reservation, you have my permission to take me out.

Well, how far off?

I mean, you've pushed it pretty far and I haven't k*lled you yet.

All the way.

You know, go rogue.


Never gonna happen.

I've never seen anybody see more sides of a coin than you.

If anybody's gonna snap, it's me.

You? Textbook SEAL.

Blood pressure's undetectable.

Do you even have a blood pressure?

If something gets to you, you take it out on the heavy bag.

You're lucky like that.

If anybody's gonna snap...

BOTH: Kensi.

Good luck, Deeks.

Okay, perimeter's clear except for the two guys at the entrance.

You think Chambers is in there?

Truck's the common denominator.

And our only lead.

SAM: They're packing.

All right, so how do we want to play this?

(chuckles) Biscuit.


What the hell's a Biscuit?

KENSI: Biscuit?!


Hey, have you seen my dog? I lost him.

He's kind of medium-size.

I have no idea where he is.

DEEKS: Dude, you just fell for the Biscuit.


Jose, que tu haces?!


SAM: Is he alive?


So much for our assassin.

(panting): I gotta, I gotta sit down again.

Can you tell us what happened?

Uh, a guy said that he had damning evidence of Medina's ties to the Middle East.

He said to meet him on the pier in 20 minutes or he'd leave.

I figured it was safe.

Last thing I remember is walking to my car.

They're not talking.

What is this all about?

You're the patsy.

You sounded the alarm on Medina.

Asking questions, writing reports.

Medina gets assassinated, you take the fall.

You're lucky.

By the looks of things we probably would have found you in a motel room dead, with a su1c1de note and the m*rder w*apon.

It's the perfect cover: "Naval intel agent, highly critical of Medina, snaps, kills him."

You almost convinced us.

What do you know about her?

Her name is Helen.

I met her at a lecture series at UCLA a few weeks ago.

I knew she was out of my league.

We were, uh, together at a motel when I got the call.

She drove me there, said she'd wait for me.

Found this inside.

Surveillance photos from your meeting at the Malibu pier are on the memory card.

I can't believe that I fell for this.

They set you up good.

Really, really good.

Question is, who are "they"?

Look, there's a hard-line faction in the country led by a guy named Miguel Cortez, he's like the Karl Rove of Caracas.

They stand to gain the most out of this.

They eliminate their biggest opponent on American soil, we take the blame, and anti-Americanism just runs rampant.

So instead of leading the charge against America, Chavez would ride on the coattails of the masses.

Yeah, he's at 70% approval.

Imagine 95.

With a hard-line agenda.

CHAMBERS: Where's Medina now?

He just landed.

Be in Beverly Hills in an hour.

State won't shut it down, neither will Medina.

And if they do, we'll probably never catch them.

SAM: The protocols, the itinerary...

It's an inside job.

Someone close to Medina.

Yeah, but other than Helen, we have no idea who the players are.

Making their chances of success uncomfortably high.

We're just gonna have to smoke 'em out.

Can you walk?

I'm fine.

I've been through SERE: Advanced Hostage Training.

You guys and your classes.

A waiter?

Why do I get waiter?

Talk to Hetty.

SAM: And Deeks.

I mean, Kensi, I get.

(over radio): Deeks, in that suit?

I'm in polyester?

I take exception to that.

CALLEN: Except away.

I'm in maroon.

Can I mention that, uh, dress is off the charts?

Deeks, don't.

DEEKS: What? I'm just role-playing the gushing date.

Yeah? Oh. Come here.

You have a little...

I do?

No. I'm just role-playing.

KENSI: Honey.

Buenas tardes.

DEEKS: All right, so if we're right, none of these guys should recognize you, except of course the people that are responsible for it.

KENSI: That includes that woman Helen, or whatever her real name is.

I'm on that.

MEDINA: Buenas tardes.

Gracias por esta aqui.

MEDINA: (speaking Spanish)

Buenas tardes, buenas tardes.

Guy talking to his sleeve.

I'm on him.

SAM: Got another one.

Kensi, eyes on Medina.

Deeks, stay with Chambers.

On it.

SAM: Federal agent!

Suspect down, Sam.

Two down.

CALLEN: One to go.

My friends, my countrymen, mis amigos.

Better yet, my friends with money.


MEDINA: I want you to be able to tell your friends here in L. A.

Here, in the City of Angels, "Soy Venezolano, y a mucho orgullo."

"I am Venezuelan, and I am proud of it."

I love America.


He sounds like he likes America.

You have to read between the lines. Orgullo.


His overriding desire is for a strong Venezuela.

Well, if he's so dangerous, why are you risking your life to save him?

Assassination is rarely the answer.

If he gets shot, someone else will take his place.

CHAMBERS: Statistically speaking.

You are meticulous.

MEDINA: Education is the foundation we need for our people...

Whoa, we got incoming.

MEDINA: Education is a matter of social justice.

We need to talk about a greater Venezuela.

MEDINA: A brilliant and freer Venezuela.

Freedom and justice...

Girl, red dress, two o'clock.

You know her?

That's Helen.

Kensi, we got Helen leaving.

East side exit.

Stay with Chambers.

MEDINA: Freedom and greatness will be ours for the taking.

I invite you to join me in this journey.

Hey, honey, get out of my way.

Lo siento, chica.

Drop it!

Just once, I would love to get dressed up to go out and not have to chase a suspect or get shot at.

Where's the fun in that?

Ha, ha.

Another wardrobe malfunction, Ms. Blye?

I'm sorry, Hetty.

Small price to pay for a successful assignment.

Thank you.

Any word on our three musketeers?

Yes. Diego Brazon, head of security, and Jose Garcia, attaché, were in the army in the same unit as Migel Cortez.

Cortez is the leader of the hard-line faction in Venezuela.

Yeah, Chambers said he's the Karl Rove of Caracas.

What about Helen?

NELL: Uh, real name is Maria Rivero.

She's Cortez's girlfriend.

No wonder she set off my spidey-senses.

Anything in a skirt sets off your spidey-senses.

You're right.

She's right.

HETTY: The State Department has come round to Chamber's assessment of Medina.

Well, just because someone's paranoid doesn't mean they're not right.

Or in this case, just because you shouldn't assassinate someone doesn't mean it wouldn't make the world a nicer place.

What about Medina?

Any thanks for saving his life?

He still doesn't know.

What about his disappearing security detail?

He suspicious?

The campaign has been informed that they were detained on smuggling charges.

Sounds to me like the wait-and-see approach.

So wait and see if he gets assassinated somewhere else?

Well, that's it for me.

I need a bath and all you can eat chicken and waffle buffet, not necessarily in that order.

Not so fast, Mr. Deeks.

We need to discuss your exam.


Oh, ho-ho...

Do we?


ALLIE: Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!

Come here, baby! Oh!

SAM: Hmm. Cute kid.

Except she cheats at Slap Jack.

Who doesn't?

SAM: You know, saving politicians from getting assassinated is cool and all...

But this...

This is what keeps me in the game.



And we get to drive some pretty cool cars.

And you get to hang with me.

That's not exactly a selling point.

You'd rather be partnered with Kensi and Deeks?

Those my only choices?

That's like choosing between being burned, flayed, or stoned to death.

You want to walk?

You could walk.

I'd probably be safer.

Thank you.

You ready, Detective Deeks?

Bring it on like Donkey Kong!

Let's begin.


You ready?


Deeks one, bad guys zero.

Oh, little girl with a lollypop. You live.


(Deeks groans)


HETTY: Cheeky bastard.
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