01x01 - Sweet Baby

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Scandal". Aired: April 2012 to April 2018.*
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A White House Communications Director leaves to start her own crisis management firm only to discover she has not left the past behind.
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01x01 - Sweet Baby

Post by bunniefuu »


Quinn: Harrison Wright?

Harrison: Quinn Perkins.

Quinn: I can't stay.

Harrison: What are you drinking?

Quinn: I can't stay. I'm sorry. I only came because Lori wouldn't give me your number so I could cancel and I didn't want you to be waiting here because getting stood up in this particular bar is like falling face down on a runway. And even though I don't know you, Lori's got this annoying habit of meddling, so it seemed only decent ...

Harrison: What are you drinking?

Quinn: I can't stay is what I'm saying. I don't do blind dates.

Harrison: My parents met on a blind date. They've been inseparable ever since.

Quinn: I'm happy for your parents and for you, because it means you exist, but I don't do blind dates.

Harrison: This isn't a blind date.

Quinn: What?

Harrison: It's a job interview. What are you drinking?

Quinn: Dirty martini. What do you mean this is a job interview?

Harrison: This is a job interview.

Quinn: You're a baby lawyer. You're 12 years old.

Harrison: I am 28 years old.

Quinn: Why aren't we sitting in an office in a law firm?

Harrison: Because that's not how we do job interviews.

Quinn: I didn't apply for a job with you.

Harrison: You did.

Quinn: I didn't.

Harrison: You did.

Quinn: I didn't. Okay, you know what? This has been whatever, but I don't do blind dates, so ...

Harrison: Ask me who I work for.

Quinn: What?

Harrison: You really want to ask me who I work for.

Quinn: Fine. Who do you work for?

Harrison: Olivia Pope.

Quinn: Olivia Pope? The Olivia Pope? Wait. Shut up. Is this some kind of ploy to make me stay on this date?

Harrison: Quinn, this is not a blind date. On blind dates, I like to buy a woman dinner 'cause it makes her more likely to either sleep with me or give me a second date. When I buy you dinner, you'll know I'm interested. You did apply for a job with me. The way I know you applied for a job with me is that I have your resume on my iPad, the way I know you would k*ll puppies to get this job is the way you stopped breathing when I said the name "Olivia Pope," which is a tell, your tell, which you should look at, 'cause I'm gonna offer you a crap salary, and you'll have to take it, 'cause you never really learned how to breathe in and out without stopping, but don't feel bad, 'cause we all get paid crap salaries because we're the good guys. I'm a good guy, which means I generally don't lie, but I just did to you. This is not a job interview.

Quinn: Wait. I don't, um, I'm confused.

Harrison: Olivia already told me to hire you. The job is yours, if you want it. The best job you'll ever have. You'll change lives, slay dragons, love the hunt more than you ever dreamed because Olivia Pope is as amazing as they say. And, uh I'm not a baby lawyer. I'm a gladiator in a suit, 'cause that's what you are when you work for Olivia. You're a gladiator in a suit. Do you want to be a gladiator in a suit?

Quinn: Mm-hmm.

Harrison: You gotta say it.

Quinn: I want to be a gladiator in a suit.

Stephen: We're gonna get k*lled.

Olivia: Did you propose? Weren't you gonna ask her tonight?

Stephen: I was doing this tonight. Liv, we're gonna get k*lled. We're $3 million short.

Olivia: So you flaked. Why are we short?

Stephen: The Ambassador couldn't come up with the rest, which is a problem, a very big problem, why we shouldn't even be going up there in the first place. And I did not flake. I'm working for you.

Olivia: Don't worry. They'll take what we give them. Did you at least buy the engagement ring?

Stephen: Ukrainian mobsters do not take what you give them. They just sh**t you. So we have bigger things to worry about than me not proposing to my girlfriend. We are in a situation here. Focus. Do what you do.

Olivia: Good evening, gentlemen.

Oskar: You got the money?

Olivia: Of course, all $3 million.

Oskar: We said 6.

Olivia: Did we?

Oskar: We did.

Olivia: I have 3.

Oskar: That's a problem.

Olivia: Well, it's all the Ambassador had on such short notice, so you're just gonna have to take it.

Oskar: Leave the $3 million. When you come back with the rest? We have a deal.

Olivia: That's not gonna happen, Oskar.

Oskar: No?

Olivia: Nyet. What's going to happen is you and Vlad are gonna take the $3 million and leave right now for Dulles to make your flight to the motherland. The reason you're gonna want to go right now beside the fact that it's just good travel sense to give yourself enough time for international check-in, is in exactly 4 hours and 15 minutes, both of your names are gonna suddenly "pop up" on homeland security's no-fly list. Lucky for you, you're booked on a flight that leaves in two and a half hours, so if it were me, I'd much rather spend $3 million in Kiev than here in Georgetown. Way more bang for your buck. In fact, it may even feel like $6 once you're there.

Olivia: Good boys. So since we have a deal, I am gonna take what we paid for. Pleasure doing business with you. I thank you, my client thanks you, and I hope to never see you again.

Stephen: God, I love this job.

Quinn: Do I look okay?

Harrison: Too much cleavage. Olivia'll talk about you. Just take it in. This is Huck. He's our tech guy. Used to be CIA, right, Huck?

Huck: I don't talk about that. New girl?

Harrison: New girl.

Quinn: Are you sure she's here? It's late.

Harrison: She's here. She's always here. That's Stephen. That's Abby. He's a litigator. She's an investigator. And that's ...

Quinn: Olivia Pope.

Harrison: Come on.

Olivia: I'm not doing it.

Abby: Well, I'm not doing it either.

Stephen: Do not look at me.

Harrison: How'd it go?

Olivia: We gave them $3 million. They gave us the package.

Stephen: $3 million down. The woman doesn't flinch.

Olivia: We're just waiting for pickup. Too much cleavage.

Quinn: I'm ... I'm sorry. I didn't know that I was coming here. Can I just say that I am a huge fan? I so admire your work in the White House. It is an honor to work for your law firm.

Olivia: We're not a law firm. We're lawyers, but this is not a law firm.

Stephen: Law firms are for pansies.

Olivia: We solve problems.

Abby: Manage crises, save reputations.

Quinn: Right. Of course. It's still an honor.

Olivia: Harrison feed you a line about being a gladiator in a suit?

Harrison: Liv.

Quinn: He did, and I am ready to gladiate or whatever.

Olivia: You know how to gladiate a diaper change?

Woman: Bazyli! (Speaks in Ukrainian)

Ambassador: Thank you. Thank you. When the Russians kidnapped him, I thought ... but you returned my son back to me. Thank you. Anything I can do for you. Anything.

Stephen: If you ever have a second child, Olivia's a beautiful name.

Olivia: Mr. Ambassador, you can take your son back to the consulate and keep him safe. And you can never tell anyone about this. The FBI is sick of me.

Ambassador: Of course. Thank you.

Olivia: Thank you.

Harrison: Hoo-hoo!

Olivia: Good work, everyone.

Quinn: What ...?

Huck: We've got incoming.

Stephen: It's after hours. Take a message. We're going home.

Huck: Not on the phone. Here. And you want to talk to him.

Sully: You have to help me. Somebody has to help me. Please. My girlfriend. She's dead. The police think I k*lled her.

Harrison: Welcome to Olivia Pope and Associates.

Abby: Lieutenant Colonel Sullivan "Sully" St. James age 32, did two tours in Iraq, was injured saving the lives of his entire unit, a w*r hero.

Stephen: And not just any w*r hero the first living marine awarded the medal of honor for action in any w*r since Vietnam.

Abby: A famous w*r hero, working class, patriotic, comes from a long line of soldiers. Here he is with the president. Also sexiest man alive 2010.

Olivia: Poster boy for the military.

Abby: And for the conservative right. That's how he makes his living. He gives expensive speeches, makes a fortune. He's anti-choice, pro-g*n, hates the gays, and likes it when kids pray in school.

Stephen: Abby.

Abby: I'm just saying he sickens me politically. I'm not saying we shouldn't help him.

Harrison: Who's the dead girlfriend?

Abby: Paige Montgomery 27, rich girl, good family.

Huck: It's on the police scanners as "Girl was found dead in her apartment, three sh*ts to the head."

Stephen: Three? That's not an accident.

Huck: Sully called 9-1-1, but took off before the police arrived.

Quinn: Wait. What are we ... can I ask? What do we do? I mean, if we aren't defense lawyers, we're not the state's attorney, it looks like he did it, so what do we do? What can we do?

Olivia: First we interview Sully.

Sully: I was gonna propose. We were gonna get married. Paige was everything to me. She was my best friend.

Olivia: We listen to him. We watch him.

Stephen: Did you k*ll her?

Sully: No. I would never. I loved her.

Harrison: Where'd the blood come from?

Olivia: In this moment, we are the judge and we are the jury, the media and the public opinion.

Sully: I went to her apartment, and I found her like that. I held her, but there was, uh, just so much blood, and I-I called the police and I-I-I panicked. I'm on TV, you know, so I didn't know what to do. I thought that they would think that I did it. I panicked. I'm sorry.

Olivia: This is the moment where we decide who he is.

Stephen: Where were you during the m*rder?

Sully: I walk at night around the neighborhood. I-I was walking, and I stepped into Matty's Pub and I had a beer. And then I kept walking and went to go see Paige.

Abby: Do you own a handgun?

Sully: Not since I left the military. I just don't believe she's actually gone.

Stephen: I vote no. The guy's a fugitive covered in blood. Not once did he question who k*lled Paige or ask us to find her k*ller. We all know that's a red flag. He did it.

Harrison: No, I don't think he did. He's a soldier, government-issue trained k*lling machine. He'd have to be an idiot to get her blood all over himself, call 9-1-1, and then run. But I still vote no. It's a media hand grenade.

Abby: I don't want to take it because it's too messy, too much work. And I hate republicans.

Olivia: My vote always comes down to my gut. My gut tells me everything I need to know.

Olivia: We're taking the case.

Stephen: Why do we even bother voting?

Olivia: You're pretty and smart. So pretty, so smart.

Olivia: Next I set the rules.

Olivia: We're gonna give you a clean shirt and put you in Stephen's office. You are to stay there. No phone calls: not to work, not to friends, not to press, no one. This is on us now. Your job is to stay in that office and let us do our job.

Olivia: Then I warn them. I always warn them.

Olivia: I have one rule do not lie. You lie, all bets are off. Got it? Now is there anything else you want to tell me?

Sully: I didn't k*ll her. She was my best friend. I loved her.

David: Why am I not surprised that you're on this?

Olivia: You have to give me 48 hours before you arrest or charge Sully St. James.

David: I was sleeping.

Olivia: The US attorney's office never sleeps. You told me that once.

David: I was being ironic.

Olivia: 48 hours before you arrest or charge.

David: Olivia, you don't have the muscle of the White House behind you anymore. You're just a private citizen, who is, by the way, annoying.

Olivia: He's a decorated w*r hero. He's a patriot. You realize the blowback you'll get for rushing to judgment on a patriot?

David: The blowback you'll create?

Olivia: Well, yeah. That's my job.

David: Do you actually have the naive belief that waking me in the middle of the night and threatening me is the correct path to getting your way?

Olivia: I wasn't threatening you. He didn't k*ll her. My gut says he didn't.

David: Your spidey senses aren't evidence. I've been on the phone with homicide. He k*lled her and ran.

Olivia: I can have a reporter out here in 20 minutes, with cameras, asking why you are persecuting an innocent, handicapped medal of honor winner. Perhaps because he's a well-known conservative Republican and you are considering a bid on the Democratic ticket next year. Just to be clear that was me threatening you.

David: You have until morning.

Olivia: 36 hours

David: 24 hours

Olivia: SOLD! Pleasure to see you again.

Abby: Hey, Wally. Body still here or did the morgue take it already?

Wally: Go home. I'm not telling you a thing.

Abby: You don't have to. I'll just take a quick peek at the crime scene.

Wally: Not on my watch.

Abby: How's your wife, Wally? She's what, six months pregnant? Does she know about the stripper?

Wally: You're a real bitch, you know that?

Abby: I do know that, Wally.

Quinn: So you guys don't try cases? You don't go to court?

Harrison: We do our jobs right, we never need to go to court. Now look, the reason we're not a law firm is we don't have to play within the rules of the law. We're fixers, crisis managers. We make the problems of our client, big or small, go away. It's not about solving a crime. It's not about justice. It's about our client.

Lisa: No.

Stephen: Lisa.

Lisa: No!

Stephen: Lisa.

Lisa: You didn't call me.

Stephen: I'm an ass.

Lisa: Who slept with me and didn't call me.

Stephen: I'm getting married.

Lisa: You? You're getting married? You?

Stephen: Her name is Georgia. She teaches third grade, which is why, as much as I would like to, I can't do it with you in the freezer anymore.

Lisa: What do you want?

Stephen: I need you to fast-track an autopsy, slip me the report.

Quinn: We've been here all night. Hey, don't you people ever sleep? Don't any of you have husbands, wives, kids? Lives?

Harrison: No. Gladiators. In suits.

Olivia: We need more.

Stephen: The guy's alibi is water, bloody clothes, and he's a runner. He k*lled her.

Abby: Definitely k*lled her.

Olivia: There. g*n was found on the scene.

Abby: I'll work the cops, find out if there are any fingerprints on the g*n.

Olivia: And there. Look at them. Look how he's looking at her. He loves her.

Stephen: A guy in love only kills if he has motive. If he has a motive, we need to find it before the police do.

Olivia: I have to step out. I'll be back. We need more!

Quinn: So what happens now?

Harrison: She wants more, we get more.

Olivia: What?

Cyrus: Hi. Hello. How are you?

Olivia: Hi. Hello. How are you? What?

Cyrus: You working the Sully St. James thing?

Olivia: I'm trying to stamp out the flames. If you guys could refrain from commenting ...

Cyrus: What's your gut say?

Olivia: He didn't do it.

Cyrus: Your gut's never wrong. We'll stay quiet. But keep me in the loop.

Olivia: You didn't ask me here to talk about Sully St. James.

Cyrus: He needs a favor.

Olivia: I don't work for him anymore.

Cyrus: He trusts you.

Olivia: I don't work for him anymore.

Cyrus: And yet you came when I called.

Olivia: What?

Cyrus: There's a girl, an aide, going around saying she's sleeping with him.

Olivia: Is she?

Cyrus: Liv.

Olivia: Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky. John Edwards, Rielle Hunter. Is she?

Cyrus: No. You know him. He's not that guy. I need you to shut her down.

Olivia: I need to see him.

Cyrus: Liv, that's not possible.

Olivia: You want me to shut her down? Then I need to look him in the eye and know he's not lying.

Cyrus: He's not ... Look, the man's schedule is insane. He has no time to see you.

Olivia: He wants the favor. He wants my services. I do not work for him anymore, so you tell the President of the United States to make time.

Stephen: You're going?

Olivia: I'm going.

Stephen: To Camp David?

Olivia: I won't be gone long.

Stephen: You're going to Camp David to meet with the President, why?

Olivia: Meeting at the White House is too official. Press is there.

Abby: He wants you to take your old job back, doesn't he? He's wooing you.

Olivia: He's not wooing me. We're friends.

Stephen: You and I are friends. He's the leader of the free world. Your life makes me feel unsuccessful.

Olivia: Stay on Sully. Text me if anything happens. I'll be back soon.

Stephen: Hey, um ... should I really do it?

Olivia: Yes.

Stephen: I'm talking about asking Georgia to marry me.

Olivia: Yes.

Stephen: Because I was thinking I'd buy the ring today, but now with Sully ...

Olivia: Stephen, do you want me to talk you into it or out of it?

Stephen: Into it. Out of it. No. Into it.

Olivia: Normal lives that's the dream. You love her. She loves you. Normal people get married.

Stephen: You won't even date.

Olivia: I'm not normal.

Quinn: Huck finally managed to hack Paige's e-mail. I've been reading them and I think I found something. Paige sent an email to a friend, Ariel Masse. On the night of the m*rder, they were supposed to attend an embassy party together.

Harrison: So why didn't she go?

Quinn: I, I don't know.

Harrison: Don't ever say "I don't know." Olivia doesn't believe in "I don't know." She asks you why, you better have an answer. Abby!

Ariel: Yeah, Paige and I were supposed to go to the French Consulate dinner.

Abby: What happened?

Ariel: She called at the last minute and she canceled. No big deal.

Abby: Ariel, if there's something you're not telling me ...

Ariel: Look, you have to understand Paige loves Sully. She used to be we both used to be, you know, party girls, always out, always with a different guy. And then Paige met Sully, and she just settled down with him, you know? It made her family really happy. They were amazing together. I just can't believe she's dead.

Abby: Ariel, you can cry. That's understandable, but that's not gonna make me go away. What aren't you telling me?

TV: In other news, White House press secretary Joyce Armstrong is saying that as of now, President Grant will issue no comment regarding w*r hero Sullivan St. James' possible involvement Olivia Pope in the m*rder of socialite Paige Montgomery.

Aide: He'll be right with you.

Olivia: Hi.

Cyrus: Hello.

Olivia: How are you?

Cyrus: Better. You're here. He'll be out in a moment.

Olivia: First lady came. She knows about this?

Cyrus: It's not like during the election, Liv. The isolation of the White House bonded them. Their marriage is stronger than ever.

Mellie: Liv!

Olivia: Mellie.

Mellie: You never call. You never write.

Olivia: Well, you're a little busy. How are the kids?

Mellie: Jerry's adjusting to White House life pretty well. But Karen she misses her friends, hates the Secret Service. How are you? Are you dating anybody? Because there is this guy at council's office I think you'd really hit it off with.

Olivia: I'm good, really. Thank you.

Fitz: Livvie.

Olivia: Mr. President.

Fitz: It's good to see you. I know you've got your hands full with the Sully St. James thing. I can't thank you enough for taking this on.

Cyrus: Her name is Amanda Tanner. She's 27. I've got rumors she might be talking.

Olivia: And you can't fire her.

Cyrus: Not without a nightmare on our hands. Look, as yet, she hasn't gone to the press. It'd like to put a stop to it before she does.

Fitz: It's not right. Makes me look like a dirty old man.

Olivia: I have to ask.

Fitz: No. I never, I would never. No. You've known me a long time, longer than most. You know I did not fall for some young girl. You know there's only one person I love.

Cyrus: Mellie and Fitz are happy together, Liv. He'd have no reason to cheat.

Olivia: I'll handle it. Consider it handled.

Fitz: You should come back to the White House. We need you on our side.

Olivia: I like working for myself. But I've never left your side.

Cyrus: The band is back together.


Olivia: Where are we? Waiting on forensics on the g*n to come in.

Abby: Whoo-hoo! Paige is a whore! Paige is a whore! She was screwing some guy named Tom Henderson. She canceled on the embassy party to meet up with him. We have another viable suspect! Paige is a whore! I'm gonna run down Henderson, see if I can make something stick.

Olivia: Quinn, I need you to find out everything you can about an Amanda Tanner. You have an hour And then I need you to come with me.

Harrison: Impress her.

Quinn: Can I ask what we're ...

Olivia: You're acting as my witness. Just stay by my side. Don't say anything.

Olivia: Cute dog. Golden Retriever?

Amanda: Yeah. His name's Thomas Jefferson, which is lame, I know, but he's very presidential. Aren't you, T.J.?

Olivia: Amanda, it would be a mistake to think there will be no consequences to you telling lies about the president.

Amanda: How do you know my name? Who are you?

Olivia: My name is Olivia Pope. And I want to be clear I'm not here on any official capacity. I'm only here to warn you, because you should know what could happen. It could become hard for you to find employment, your face would be everywhere. People would associate you with a sex scandal. All kinds of information about you would easily become available to the press. For example, you've had 22 sexual partners that we know of. Also, there's that ugly bout of gonorrhea. And your family your mother's mental illness a psychotic break, two years at Bedford Hospital. I bet that's private. She runs a daycare now, right?

Amanda: He told me he loved me. He gave me this dog.

Olivia: See, it's those kind of lies that could hurt you if you said them to other people people not as nice as me. I'll give you some free advice. Hand in your resignation and pack up your dog and your things and get in your car and go. Find a small city Minneapolis, maybe, or Denver, get a little job, meet a boring boy, make some friends. Because in this town, your career is over. You're done.

Amanda: Why are you doing this to me? I'm a good person.

Olivia: You know who else was a good person? Monica Lewinsky. And she was telling the truth, but she still got destroyed.

Olivia: If you get subpoenaed in front of a grand jury, you can testify as an officer of the court that I was working on my own. I didn't blackmail or thr*aten her. If you don't get subpoenaed, this never happened.

Olivia: It's handled.

Huck: Are you crying?

Quinn: This is the ladies' room.

Huck: Are you crying?

Quinn: No.

Huck: Yes, you are.

Quinn: No, I'm not.

Huck: You are.

Quinn: Fine. I'm crying.

Huck: Well, don't let Olivia see you doing that. She doesn't believe in crying.

Quinn: She doesn't believe in What is that? Who says that?

Huck: Olivia. She says that.

Quinn: Wait. C-can I ask you why did she hire me? I mean, she must get a hundred resumes. Why me? What about me what about me says "stand next to me while I decimate a girl walking her dog"?

Huck: You're here because you worship her. You want to be her. You think if you're near her, if you stand in her light, then you'll finally do stuff that matters. Because you need to believe that there's something greater than a-a 9:00 to 5:00 crap job, that there's a higher purpose, that your life has meaning, because the world feels big and you feel lost. Am I right? Olivia Pope fixes things. That's who she is. You need fixing. I don't know your story. I don't need to know. We all have a story. Everyone in this office needs fixing. You're a stray dog, and Olivia took you in. Don't question it. No crying. We don't cry, ever.

TV: The President and the First Lady are just now returning to the White House, where tonight they will be hosting a state dinner for President Sarkozy and the French first lady. Even though many see this as a positive move in relations between the two countries ...

Cyrus: Cyrus Beene.

Olivia: Put him on. I just need a second.

Cyrus: Olivia needs you.

Fitz: Hi, Liv.

Olivia: Did you buy her a dog?

Fitz: What?

Olivia: Just answer the question.

Fitz: No, of course not. Why do you ask?

Olivia: Do me a favor. Turn your head a little to the left. Okay. Sorry. Forget I asked. Thank you, Mr. President. Sully's on the crawl on the big three cable news stations, all over "drudge." Network news is still hours away, but, uh, Diane Sawyer's already sniffing.

Abby: I've got good, I've got bad, I've got ugly. The good - Tom Henderson spilled his guts the minute I leaned on him. Bad - he has an airtight alibi. He was working as a bouncer at a club at the time of the m*rder. Ugly - Henderson claims that Sully knew he was sleeping with his girlfriend, which gives Sully motive.

Stephen: Even uglier - g*n found in the m*rder has Sully's prints all over it, which gives him means.

Olivia: Damn it.

Olivia: Did you know Paige was sleeping with Tom Henderson?

Sully: What?

Olivia: Did you Know?

Sully: I hired you. You can't come in here and t...

Stephen: Yes, she can. She can do whatever the hell she wants, because without her, you are definitely going to jail. My guess is 20 years, but if they get fancy, a life sentence is a possibility. Is that what you want?

Olivia: Did you know Paige was sleeping with Tom Henderson?

Sully: Yeah. Yeah, I knew.

Olivia: Look over our statement. Get me five soldiers. Make sure it uses the words "w*r hero." Preferably with bars on their uniforms, who are willing to attest to Sully's heroism and kindness And get our defense attorney down here.

(On the record.)

Sully: Wait. Wait. I did not k*ll Paige. Paige She slept around a lot before. I would've forgiven her. But I didn't k*ll her. You have to believe me.

(Sully, your fingerprints are on the g*n.)

Sully: That's because I picked it up off of the floor. I am a soldier and I have looked into the faces of men as I k*lled them. I know what it means to take a life. I don't know how a person could do this to someone they love. I loved Paige. She was my best friend. I did not k*ll her.

Olivia: Find me somebody, anybody, who can say they saw Sully at the time of the m*rder. Make his alibi stick.

Abby: Liv.

Olivia: I believe him. Abby, I believe him. Go make his alibi stick.

Stephen: I'll get the car.

Olivia: In a minute. Huck, did you talk to my guy?

Huck: Yeah.

Olivia: You got it?

Huck: I got it.

Stephen: What?

Olivia: Open it.

Stephen: They're engagement rings.

Olivia: Yes.

Stephen: They're engagement rings.

Olivia: For getting engaged.

Stephen: They're engagement rings.

Olivia: Stephen, we made you a reservation Best table. Huck already called Georgia. She's meeting you there. Pick a ring. Marry the girl. Be normal.

Stephen: You can't just you're bullying me.

Olivia: As long as I've known you, you've dated a series of women I can only describe as trashy and too young for you and most of all, stupid. Georgia is funny and fun and old enough and brilliant, and you know you want to marry her. We all know you want to marry her, so pick a damn ring already so we can go find an alibi for Sully St. James.

Stephen: She'll like this one.

Olivia: Excellent choice.

Amanda: I want to see her.

Harrison: She's not available.

Amanda: I want to see her.

Harrison: She's not available.

Amanda: Let me through.

Olivia: Amanda.

Amanda: I want you to give him a message.

Olivia: That's not appropriate.

Amanda: Not appropriate? Not appropriate? You came to me, and I know he sent you. I know you can give him a message.

Olivia: This conversation is over. Please leave.

Amanda: I quit my job, okay? I did it. Now please give him a message!

Olivia: Marlon, take her down. Do not let her back up.

Amanda: I'm telling the truth. I am.

David: Time's up, Liv. I have a warrant.

Olivia: I still have 40 minutes.

David: Fine. 40 minutes and then I want Sully St. James in handcuffs.

Olivia: You stay out here. Nobody crosses this doorway.

Olivia: Get Abby on the phone. Tell her we've been invaded. Tell her time is up.

Abby: Yeah. Okay. Okay. All right. I showed Sully's picture to everyone in the bar. No one saw him the night of the m*rder, and Liv's got cops in the lobby. He's finished.

Stephen: Maybe not.

Harrison: I have $500 in cash and a pizza.

Abby: Howie, meet your $500 and your pizza.

Howie: Deep dish, sausage and mushroom?

Harrison: Yeah.

Howie: Show me.

Stephen: We have a ticking clock here, Howie.

Howie: I'm counting.

Abby: Last night, between 10:00 and midnight, the bank camera that points northeast towards Matty's pub. Speed through. Stop. Right there.

Harrison: Is ... Is that Sully?

Stephen: We're gonna need a copy of that.

Olivia: We don't have a lot of time. The police are here, so I need you to listen.

Sully: What's going on?

Olivia: We were able to verify your alibi.

Sully: You were? That's That's a good thing, right?

Olivia: Sully, you're the most decorated hero since the Vietnam w*r, you come from a family of soldiers, you make your living giving speeches for the conservative right, and you've said over and over, Paige was your best friend. Not your lover, your best friend. Paige knew, didn't she? She was your best friend. She knew you were gay. The two of you had a deal.

Sully: You can't show that tape to anyone.

Olivia: I need the name of the man you were kissing.

Sully: You can't show that tape and you can't have a name.

Olivia: It's your alibi.

Sully: No. I'm You cannot tell people that I am gay. I am a hero.

Abby: The police have a warrant for your arrest. All due respect, people finding out you're gay is no big deal compared to that.

Sully: No. I am a hero. I honor the uniform.

Olivia: Sully

Sully: I honor the uniform!

Olivia: Sully, look at me. The rules have changed. Don't ask, don't tell is over.

Sully: That is talk! I am a conservative republican! I am publicly anti-gay! I am the deacon in my church. They're talking about me running for Congress one day. I am Lieutenant Colonel Sullivan St. James. I'm a hero. I can't be gay.

Olivia: But you are. This is who you are. This is your alibi. Let us help you. Come on, Sully.

Sully: No.

Olivia: Sully. Sully!

Cop: Sullivan St. James, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can you have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be provided to you Hey.

Huck: You seen Olivia?

Quinn: Sully was just arrested. Olivia went to the police station. What's up? I'm on my way there.

Huck: Got a strange call some girl named Amanda Tanner.

Quinn: What about her?

Huck: She's in the hospital. She tried to k*ll herself.

Harrison: Reporters are starting to gather outside.

Olivia: Crap.

Abby: Our defense attorney's with Sully now, but it doesn't seem optimistic. What do we do?

Olivia: We can't use the alibi.

Abby: Can we leak it? We-

Olivia: He's our client. We have to do at he wants. I hate this! I have to go.

Stephen: Now?

Olivia: It's after 6:00. They won't arraign him till morning. I'll be back. Get in to see Sully. See if you can change his mind.

Stephen: Georgia's gonna be waiting for me at Chez Henri. I could cancel.

Abby: We'll work on Sully. Go. Go!

Stephen: Okay.Thanks.

Abby: Get down on one knee. Women like that.

Olivia: What happened?

Quinn: She slashed her wrists.

Olivia: Any press sniffing around?

Quinn: No. No one. One of the nurses told me her dad's flying in. He’ll be here in the morning.

Olivia: Okay. She hasn't spoken anyone ... no nurses or doctors about anything?

Quinn: Just to me.

Olivia: Good. Stay with her.

Quinn: Olivia. You said to trust your gut. My gut says she's telling the truth.

Olivia: She's not.

Quinn: How do you know?

Olivia: Because I know the President.

Quinn: Okay. It's just she was going on and on and on about how there's this secret room off of the Oval Office where they've met, and I've read about the White House. There is a little room.

Olivia: If you read it, she read it. People are crazy. They get fixated on famous people. They stalk them.

Quinn: But I don't think she's crazy.

Olivia: Tell me why.

Quinn: Okay. She tried to k*ll herself, but she didn't want to die. She called you right after she did it because she wanted him to find out she was hurt and come see her. She thought he would do that.

Olivia: Quinn.

Quinn: She was going on and on and on about how she thought he'd come and call her "sweet baby" and everything would be fine.

Olivia: What?

Quinn: What?

Olivia: What did you say?

Quinn: That he'd come if she was hurt.

Olivia: And he would call her...

Quinn: "Sweet baby." And I was just thinking that if she really thought that if he found out...

Olivia: Where is he?

Aide: It'll just be a moment.

Olivia: Stephen, I can't talk right now. What's wrong? Okay. I'll be there. I'm coming. Maybe half an hour. Because I'm doing something! I’m coming. I-I have to go.

Fitz: Livvie? This is a surprise.

Fitz: We're gonna need the room, please.

Cyrus: Sir, you have to give that toast to the president of France in ten minutes. Maybe you could find ...

Fitz: We need the room.

Fitz: Livvie.

Olivia: Sweet baby? Sweet ba.. Sweet baby?

Fitz: Come here.

Fitz: You left me.

Olivia: Because you are married, because you said you wanted to try to dedicate yourself to your marriage, because you are the leader of the free world and I wanted you to be a better man. I wanted you to be the man I campaigned for, helped get elected, and I voted for. Do not touch me. Don't touch me.

Fitz: Please. Look at me. Look at me. Look at me.

Olivia: Did you give her that dog?

Fitz: Livvie.

Olivia: Did you give her that dog?

Fitz: I love you.

Olivia: I believed you. You clouded judgment. You made me mistrust my gut because I wanted to believe you! Destroyed that girl! She tried to k*ll herself.

Cyrus: I just want to say that we can hear you screaming. Mr. President, you want to go clean up.

Fitz: Cy no.

Cyrus: You have lipstick on your mouth. You need to clean up.

Cyrus: Mother of God.

Olivia: You didn't know. He tells you everything.

Cyrus: Didn't tell me this.

Olivia: Because it didn't matter enough.

Cyrus: No, Liv. Liv.

Olivia: Don't. I have to go.

Stephen: Just a minute. Liv!

Olivia: Y-you're in a coat closet. You can do this.

Stephen: That's the thing. I don't think I can.

Olivia: Tell me.

Stephen: You know, what if I-I marry her and I cheat or she gs bored with me or She doesn't love me enough? I am not a good guy. Livvie, what if she leaves me?

Olivia: I gotta trust my gut and my gut is what?

Stephen: Never wrong.

Olivia: Never wrong, and my gut tells me at she's in this. She's in this with you. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work, but you have to try, because if you try, if you leap and you try, and it doesn't work out, it's not on you.

Stephen: It's not on me.

Olivia: You can do this.

Stephen: Okay. Okay. I can do this.

Olivia: Go. Be happy. Get some normal.

Stephen: Georgia, it would give me the greatest honor...

Olivia: We may never know who k*lled Paige. But this isn't about you not going to jail for Paige's m*rder. This is about you not living a lie. Sully, I saw that kiss. You love that man, whoever he is. You love him. You have been living with a secret for a really long time. I know what that's like. I honestly do. And you think you're doing it for the right reasons. You think you're doing it for your country and for the people who look up to you, but the thing is, who you are, who you love that shouldn't be a secret. It shouldn't have to be a secret, should it?

Sully: John Latimer. That's his name. And I do. Love him.

Sully: I am honored to have served my country. I am honored to have been injured serving my country. And just as importantly, I am honored to be a gay man who served my country.

TV: That was Sullivan St. James, cleared of m*rder charges.

Abby: The other soldiers are a nice touch, don't you think?

TV: Soldiers standing by his side. Sully appeared stoically strong.

Stephen: You have good ideas.

Quinn: So Sully's innocent.

Harrison: He didn't k*ll Paige.

Quinn: Then who did?

Huck: Don't matter.

Harrison: It matters, just not to us all that matters is Sully. That's the job.

Harrison: Look, I take all this stuff to the police. Maybe it helps them. Finding Paige's k*ller is their job.

Quinn: You said we were the good guys.

Harrison: We are.

Quinn: Really? I mean, is Olivia .... is she one of the good guys?

Harrison: No. She's not one of the good guys. She's the best guy. It's not enough to say it. You gotta believe it.

Quinn: Gladiators in suits.

Harrison: That's what I'm talking about.

TV: Congressional conservative leadership is expected sometime ...

Cyrus: He wants to see you.

Olivia: Tell him to go to hell.

Cyrus: I'm just the messenger.

Olivia: You tell him that he better hope to God Amanda Tanner doesn't want to come forward with her story, because she just became my client.

TV (Sully): I am honored to have served my country. I am honored to have been injured serving my country. And just as importantly, I am honored to be a gay man who served my country.
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