01x14 - Riding The Lightning

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Criminal Minds". Aired: September 2005 to February 2020.*
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The cases of the BAU an elite group of profilers that analyze the nation's most dangerous criminal minds in an effort to anticipate their next moves before they strike again.
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01x14 - Riding The Lightning

Post by bunniefuu »

Sarah Jean and Jacob Dawes butchered what? Twelve girls?

Thirteen counting the girl that was just found.

Hilary Dickson.

Disappeared 15 years ago.

Buried her under Sarah's mother's living room.

You think that was the last victim?

Well, that's what we are here to find out.

There is nothing about the dynamics of Sarah Jean and Jacob's relationship.

The state isn't interested in dynamics or profiles, they just want this case to go away.

They were caught, they confessed, they got the death penalty.

You guys do realize that visiting death rows is not part of my job description?

Garcia, this will be the first serial k*ller couple ever recorded for VICAP.

They slaughtered 13 young girls with blond hair, hello?!

Sarah Jean Dawes.

Media called her the 'ice queen'.

That's how they interpreted her demeanor during the trial.

You see it different?

Na, I didn't say that.

She k*lled her 2 year old son and 12 teenage girls.

She only confessed to the m*rder of her son Riley.

Well, she hasn't cooperated with any request to interview her.

Well, if she doesn't talk now, she's going to take that story with her to old sparky.

For the next 36 hours, a guard will remain outside your cell.

Your personal effects will be along shortly.

You will remain in the death watch cell until the hour of execution.

Your last meal cannot exceed $20.

It will be a full moon tomorrow.

Is there any chance I could see it?

That's against regulations.

Open on 4.

Here it is.

They call themselves 'the women of Jacob'.

Trying to look like his victims.


There's only 12 of them.

Should we tell them they're one short?

At least.

I think we will find Hilary Dickson was by no means Jacob's last victim.

"Whoso sheddeth a man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed"

Genesis 9:6.

1985, there's a string of missing girls reported in Northern Florida.

Police subsequently got an anonymous call from a woman claiming to have seen Jacob with some of the girls.

Did they ever find out who the anonymous woman was?


Police interviewed Jacob Dawes, also present with Sarah Jean Dawes and their 2 year old son Riley.

Police was suspicious they came back 3 hours later with a search warrant only to find that Riley had vanished.

They also eventually found the dismembered bodies of 12 missing girls buried in the ground underneath Jacob's workshop.

Fearing that the police were on to them Jacob figured Riley would slow them down so he ordered Sarah Jean to k*ll him and dispose of the body.

Sarah confessed to k*lling Riley but never admitted her role on the deaths of the girls.

Ya, but she never denied it either.

Well according to Jacob, Sarah Jean was fully complicit in the targeting abduction, and m*rder of all 12 and well, now 13 victims.

Prison records show that Jacob is a sexual psychopath.

It were inconclusive on Sarah Jean though, they said her demeanor was more like that of a w*r victims?

And as with all sexual psychopaths, Jacob is obsessed with the idea of the total possession of his victims.

He's shown no remorse or guilt.

Oh, well, Jacob saw Sarah Jean as a possession, somebody to control, to dominate.

Just so we're clear, they have agreed to these interviews?

Yes sir.

Oh, we I'm sorry, who are you exactly?

I'm Sam Shapiro, their appeal's attorney.

Not only have they agreed to them, they were initially requested by them.

Ya, I can't get them a stay of execution.

Garcia, remember 75%

of all communication-

Is non-verbal.

Hotch interview Jacob, Morgan, El-

I'm not going to get anything new but...

Well, find out a way to ask.

696 Hennessy Street, Jacob and Sarah Jean's home stood for demolition.

Take a look around.

Jacob's workshop is out the back.

He claimed that Sarah Jean would lure the victims from mall parking lots.

She'd invite them to smoke pot in her truck.

They'd find Jacob but no pot.

They bring them here.

I studied this case, I'll never forget it.

This is where the workshop stood.

There was an arch right here.

He used his workspace as a t*rture room.

The marks on the bodies match many of his tools.

He used the bench saw to dismember the bodies.

And then, he buried them under the floor.

Until he ran out of room.

We know that Jacob was abused as a child. What about Sarah Jean?

Her mother refused to give any testimony in her defense.

She never talked to anybody.

Maybe she's willing to talk now.

Let's go pay Sarah Jean's mother a visit.

We call this the 'dead man valley'.

Did she have any contact with Jacob?

Well, until today she's declined contact with anyone.

For her own safety, we keep her away from the other prisoners.

The hate for this woman is as fresh today, as it was 15 years ago.

Open on 4.

Accomplished work.

I've had plenty of time.

What is it that you want to know?

I think it's time the mothers of those girls learn why their children had to die.

Don't you?


Anybody? Hello!

Mrs. Mason?


Are you Sarah Jean Dawes mother?

Who the hell are you?

FBI. We are from the behavior analysis unit.

My daughter and her son of a bitch husband buried a 13 year old girl under my floor.

What more do you need to know?

Ma'am, Sarah Jean has agreed to meet with our colleges to talk about why they k*lled those girls.

We'd like some background information, if you don't mind.

Extensive remodeling.

Jacob built the original extension?

I see he liked arches.

Teenage girls, that's what he liked.

How was Sarah Jean growing up?

Fine, until she met Jacob.

She was shy and quiet.

And also smart.

And her relationship with her father?

Was Sarah Jean ever abused?

He was strict.

He was a military man. they-

They didn't always see eye to eye.

That's all history. He's dead.

She's about to die.

Mrs. Mason, if we better understand the dynamics of her relationships, we can get a better idea of why and what actually happened.


Well, it might answer why Jacob never k*lled Sarah Jean.

They shared something.

They shared pain.

How strict was your husband?

How did he discipline Sarah Jean? Was he physical?

He was a mean bastard, but he only hurt me.

Why didn't you leave?

Because we had no place to go.

An anonymous caller tipped the police off about Jacob, was it you?

No. But I know who it was.

This came this morning.

What's it say?

It's a statement of innocence.

A doctor, so young.

Your mother must be very proud.

Sarah Jean!

You look so fine, baby cakes.

This was meant to be, our names will live forever!

Let's go.

It's a beautiful thing!

Let's go!

Listen, it's a beautiful thing!

You designed that to happen.

Did you learn anything, agent?

You want to see a trick?

Pick a card.

You're a diagnosed psychopath.

Sexual psychopath.

Now pick a card.

How many other girls did you k*ll?

Do you ever smile?

I mean, it's hard to trust a guy who never smiles.

Are there more bodies?

If I told you that, what would I have left for myself?

You can help these families get closure before you die.



Come on, just one trick.

It's a good one.

Pick a card.

Come on.

Just one card.

So what did you see in Jacob?


Freedom from what?


Hey, it's El.

Hey, El.

I need Gideon, please.

Yeah, I'll pass you through.

Gideon, it's El. She says it's urgent.

We're at the mother's house.

She gave me a letter.

I want to read to you.

Read the letter, El.

Mom, I know how difficult this must be.

Things between us were never what they should be between a mother and a daughter.

That is a private letter.

I want you to know that the best part of me the most important part of me is now in a better place than you and I will ever be.

Stop it!

I'm responsible for the death of those girls.

I neglected my duties as a woman and as a mother.

Stop it!

Take it easy.

Neglected your duty?

That doesn't make you responsible.

You didn't k*ll those girls.

Why didn't you say this in court?

I know he brought women back to his workshop.

It's a long way from knowing he was k*lling them.

They died as a result of my neglect.

This letter suggests to me, that an innocent woman is about to be ex*cuted for crime she did not commit.

They died as a result of my neglect.

This letter suggests to me, that an innocent woman is about to be ex*cuted for crime she did not commit.

I could tell you right now, it's not enough to get a stay.

Well, facts. Reid.

Human sexuality is a complex dynamic of three components.

Biological, physiological, and emotional.

Jacob's needs were informed by the emotional, sexual abuse that he received at the hand of his mother.

Long term appetitive abuse informed the template of his love map.

Something we refer to as a signature.

Jacob was an only child-

Thus he was alone when the abused occurred.

So in order for him to fulfill his fantasy he has got to be alone with his victims.

If I told you that what would I have left for myself?

He said myself.

If Sarah Jean was present, it would have destroyed his fantasy.

She confessed to k*lling her son.

Yes, true.

But we are also convinced that she is the anonymous caller that made the phone call that nailed Jacob.

Guilt-ridden, filled with remorse, she called the police.

It's not the profile of a woman who would then k*ll a child.

What else do you need?


If we prove Jacob k*lled Riley, would that get a stay?


She protects the painting, she protects the boy.


Paintings are her statement.

We need to figure out what they say.

Tension is mounting here as the FBI's BAU team presence means that they're conducting a series of deathbed interviews in an attempt to find if there are anymore victims.

Now it is rumored they're calling for a stay of execution.

Who the hell told them that?

It doesn't matter. I don't see Hotch getting anything out of Jacob.

Up to the very last minute, the last second.

Maybe I can help.

What are you doing?

Uh, just get Hotch in here.

Oh, I know I know. One day, these are going to k*ll me.

Come on, Hotch! That was funny!

And who are you?

My friends call me JJ.

Well, hello-

Sit down.

Sit down.

Hello, JJ.

You're not my friend.

You can call me Jennifer.


Um... Sorry about before.

You know, breaking your ear thing.

You have a lovely smile.

Thank you.

But you don't smile much.

Do you?

What's your excuse?

I took the liberty of getting these from your cell.

No, those are private.

Thank you.

Riley running free.

The river. Falling positive energy maybe.

Twelve roses. One for each girl Jacob k*lled.

Twelve not thirteen.

We found number 13.

You didn't know about her.

You didn't really know about any of them.

I never said I did.

That was a nice touch bringing in the hottie.

You really want to know if there was others, don't you?

I'll tell you what.

Draw a book, you win, I'll give you another girl.

So there are more.

Do we have a bet?

What if you win?

I get to smell Jennifer's hair.

Oh, come on!

All she has to do is lean over and I get to smell her hair.


I thought you wanted answers.

Go to hell.
It's okay, Hotch.

You see that?

It's okay, Hotch.

JJ deals.

Can't let you deal from your own deck.

You confessed to k*lling Riley.

Why would you lie about k*lling your own son?

I didn't.

Well, where's the body?

Do you have any children?

That's irrelevant.

Do you carry pictures of your children, agent Gideon?

We are getting off point.

Are we?

You know how long it's been since I could actually play with someone?

All I've had is solitaire.



I think I'll play these.

How old would your son be now?

17? Imagine what he could have become.

Jacob put an end to any chance of that.

Does the strain of your work effect your marriage?

I'm not married.

You were, right?

Why would you still be protecting Jacob?

Did you divorce because of putting people like me away?

I think you're innocent.

We are all guilty of something.

But it's...

It's our children who suffers for our sins, isn't it?

You'd have to ask him.

How old is he?

He's 25.

Do you have a picture of him?

In my office.

You don't carry him with you?


To protect him.

You want to leave him somewhere safe, somewhere clean.

You k*lled Riley to protect him from Jacob?

I protect my son as you protect yours.

Where's he buried?

All that matters is that he's safe.

Where is he?

He's in a better place.

The chaplain's here to see you.

What do you got?

I've got aces and eights, two pair.

The dead man's hand.

I should have had that, but then of course I would have lost.

Straight to the Jack.

And unless the rules of poker changed since I've been in here...

You lose.

Oh, sorry. Full house. This is higher.


You would have been so nice.

But then, answer to your question.

There are no other bodies.

JJ, Oh.

The governor's just commanded us a stay of the execution to Sarah Jean.

What? They can't do that.

They don't believe she k*lled your son.

She k*lled him.

I could tell you exactly where he's buried.

It's got to be here.

Jacob built this gazebo.

We've searched everywhere else.

The workshop and extension in dead Mason's house had arches.

We know he had to built this for Riley.

Hey, you got something here.

Guys, the body's ID is coming through.

It's not Riley Dawes.

It's Ashley Farley. She was 14 when she was k*lled.

Why would Jacob give us another victim?

He completely goes against his need for power manipulation and control.

Taking the secret of an old victim to his grave satisfies that need.

Why give it up? I mean, what's the payoff?

Sarah Jean's the payoff. Sarah Jean will be his last victim.

And be the ultimate of control.

Gideon, check this out.

Guess who used to be the Farley's house cleaner.

My last supper.

Like some? Look! It came with a toy.

May I sit down?


Ashley Farley.

You cleaned her parents' house.



We found her buried beneath the children's gazebo.

At another house Jacob renovated.

He put her there.

I might as well have brought along with that bastard.

Thanks, doc.

You lied to me, it wasn't Riley.

It wasn't?

And she was 14 years old.

Ah, and really pretty.

How many others are there?

I only have a few hours left and though I like you and I do like you.

I'd like to be alone now.

Good meeting you, Hotch.

I'm not done yet.

Oh, me neither.

Behind reeds, the river.

This here, what is this?

A basket?

A boy in that painting is what, 10?

Maybe more?

Is that how you see him or how he is?

I only have a few hours left.

I'm respectfully asking you to leave.

Where is he?

Where is Riley?

Please see agent Gideon out.

Open 4.

Garcia, pull up the interview with Sarah Jean.

What is it?

Exodus 2:3.


Hebrew sons were supposed to be drown.

Moses's mother sent him down an isle in a basket.

Where's he buried?

All that matters is that he's safe.

Where is he?

He's in a better place.

Jacob didn't bury Riley anywhere.

Because Sarah Jean had already taken care of him.

Then she did k*ll him.

No, she sent him somewhere where she believed he'd be safe.

He's alive.

We're running out of time.

This is the proof we need to save Sarah Jean.

Check all police and hospital records dating back to September 1990.

You know, you should check local newspapers to see if anyone reported any abandoned babies.

Ya, I don't give a damn where the governor is, we may have found proof that Sarah Jean is innocent.

She really only had a maximum of 3 hours between police visits.

It was 4pm so traffic was pretty heavy.

Whatever she did with Riley had to be local.

1990, 3 babies where abandoned in September.

3 year old boys?


Why doesn't she just tell us where Riley is?

She'll protect him for as long as Jacob is alive.

Look, they are being ex*cuted within an hour of each other what hope do we even have to finding him in time?

You know, it's quite possible, she doesn't even know where he is anyway.

No, she knows.

We've got to get into her cell.

You've come to see the show?

I need to get into Sarah Jean's cell.

I believe the proof-

I can't do that!

All official lines of communication are now over.

I just need 5 minutes.


They want the memory of these 2 individuals erased.

5 minutes. That's all I need.

5 minutes.

Thank you. Come on.

I thought it was against regulations.

Well, don't tell anybody.

It's cold.

You need a jacket.

Vincent, give me your jacket.

Oh, no. I'm fine, really.

It makes me feel, you know... alive.

How are your sons, warden?

They're good.


Darren just graduated.

Ya? Did you ever tell him about the man in the moon?


I used to tell Riley that no matter where we were the man on the moon would be looking down on both of us.

We should get back.

Sarah, if there is something you know that can save you...

Thank you, warden.

This has been wonderful.

Your kindness to me, I thank you.

That's Riley. It's her son, isn't it?

Someone tell me it's him, please.

JJ circulate this photo to the press.

See if anybody recognizes this boy.

Do I say who we think he is?

No just put him out as the missing persons.


What does that mean?

It means Jacob is being moved to the execution chamber.

Sarah Jean!

I've been waiting for you!

You wish to make your peace to God, Jacob.

I've made my peace 18 times.

And each one was prettier than him.

Why take them with you, Jacob?

You know why.

Take him down.

If you don't mind, gentleman, this is one walk I can make myself.

Sarah Jean!

I told you we'd be together forever!

He's just confessed to k*lling 4 more girls.

There's nothing I can do.

Are you ready, Sarah Jean?

We're going to ride the lightning, baby!

She cut around the photo so no one can read the text.

He was 2 when he disappeared.

This boy is 16 or 17.

If he's Riley, it would mean it's a recent photo.

Once Jacob's dead, you think Sarah Jean would tell us if this is Riley?

Any last words?

Bring it on.


You lose.


Jacob is gone.

He's no longer any threat to Riley.

Tell me where he is.

We can stop this madness.

There is no greater gift in life than that of being a parent.

Yet so many of us abuse and squander that gift.

You can change that right now.

I made my decision 15 years ago.

This has never been about Jacob.

It's always been about Riley.

That's why I can't let you do this.

This isn't about you and me.

I know it isn't.

That's why I'm not going to let Riley lose his greatest gift he knew he had.

But that is my gift to him.

And I'll not let you destroy that.

Only people Jacob allowed Sarah Jean to know were the family she cleaned for.

Sarah Jean worked for wealthy families all over Hampton.

Let's go over all the families in the state of Florida who were looking to adopt in 1990 and let's see how many lived in Hampton.

Families looking to adopt, hundreds.

How many from Hampton?

Uh... 3 families.

The James's, the Coulfied's and the Sheffield's.

Looks like the Sheffield's removed themselves from the list in October 1990 and then moved out of Hampton.

That's one month after Riley vanished where did they go?

Uh... Keystone Heights.

We got a match on the photo.

It was in a local daily news.

Call Morgan and El, tell them to get to the Sheffield's house.

Byran Sheffield.

Local cello prodigy 17 year old Byran Sheffield won a scholarship to play cello.

How many miles to Keystone Heights?

Way too many.

We're never going to make it in time.

Not if you keep running your mouth.

So you'd better buckle up!

We found him. We found her son.

Unless I receive an official stay of execution from the governor I'm duty bound to see this through.

My son is dead, agent Gideon.

I have agents on the way to his house as we speak.

And the governor is standing by.

Why can you not accept the truth?

I can't. This isn't it.

Agents are with in minutes of finding her son, alive.

I am truly sorry, hold here.

What wouldn't you do for your son to give him a life you could never hope to dream of?

I am at peace in the knowledge that my son is free to be whatever he chooses to be.

If he knew who you were do you think he'd choose to allow you to walk in there?

If he knew who his parents were can you imagine the damage my legacy would leave him?

Can you imagine what he would feel?

Knowing his mother spent 15 years on death row, innocent of all charges, just so he can be free of her?

Not me, Jacob.

It isn't just my life you have in your hands.

It's Riley's life, too.

You have the chance to save my son's life.

I choose to save yours, too.

My life ended the day I met Jacob.

Garcia, we made it.

Hello! Open Up! FBI!


Garcia, tell Gideon we are here.

Ya, but I'm afraid nobody else is.

Garcia. Pass us through.

Gideon, I've got El. She says they're at the Sheffield's house.

It's time.

Take your hands off her.

Tell Morgan to kick the door and Get in the house whatever it takes.


I said take your hands off her.

Agent Gideon!

A few moments, please.



Stay in the car.

Can I help you?

Frank Sheffield?

What is this about?

This is about your son.

My son?

Is that your son in the car?

I don't understand, what is this about? Tell me.

We're federal agents.

Hey Hotch we got him. He's here.

What do we do?

Gideon, they've got him.

What do are we doing here?

I'm standing here because of choices I've made.

Don't let my son be Jacob's last victim.

Let me go.

Let us both go.

Tell Morgan... it's not her son.

That we've made a mistake.

Let him go it's not the boy.

Hey Derek.

Wait there sir.

Mr. Sheffield... I'm uh...

I'm very sorry, we have the wrong house.

I apologize for any inconvenience.


Thank you.

Would it be too much to ask if yours is the last face I see?

Albert Pine said, "What we do for ourselves dies with us, what we do for others and the world remains and is immortal".
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