07x17 - On the Line

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Heartland". Aired: October 2007 to present.*
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A multi-generational saga set in Alberta, Canada and centered on a family getting through life together in both happy and trying times.
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07x17 - On the Line

Post by bunniefuu »

Amy: Previously on "Heartland:"

Caleb: That is Charger.

It turns out he's the real deal.

What, are you thinking about buying him?

What if you and I were to go in on him together?

We could split the costs and the winnings, fifty-fifty.

There's something that I should've told you a while ago about the diner.

What about it?

Tim: Well, I pitched in some funds.

Actually, I pitched in a lot of funds.

In a way, I think, I guess that makes me your silent partner.


I'm in.

Let's buy Charger.

I can't believe I'm gonna own a futurity contender.

Here's to a big payday.

I'll drink to that.

(Both laugh)

(Birds chirp)

(Truck rumbles)

Amy: Amy Fleming to see prince Ahmed. He's expecting me.

Security guard: Fine. Go ahead.

(Horses whinny, dog barks in the distance)

(Zeus whinnies)

Amy: Hey, Zeus. Hey.

Ahmed: Amy. Thank you for coming.

No problem. It's good to see you.

You look well. How are you feeling?

I'm a hundred percent.

Ahmed: Good.

I hope it's not too difficult for you to be here.

I can imagine there must be some bad memories.

Amy: I'm okay.

I used to think about the accident a lot, but now I'm just focusing on moving forward with my life.

Zeus looks great.

How's he doing?

Unfortunately, he's the same: Sensitive and unpredictable.

But I still believe he could be a champion one day.

In fact, that's why I asked you to come here.

I'd like to make you an offer.

What kind of offer?

You said you wanted to move forward with your life.

Perhaps I can help you with that.

(Charger snorts)

Ty: I just got the email!

Charger is officially registered in the Hudson Pot of Gold Racing Futurity.

Caleb: Right on, man! I can already smell the money!

Ty: Well, I'd feel a lot better if the race wasn't next week.

I mean, we don't even have a rider.

I've already set up a meeting with one of the best barrel racers I know: Ms. Charlene Young.

Man, wait until you see how hot she is.

I don't care what she looks like Caleb, as long as she can ride!

She can ride, trust me.

Relax, buddy!

I can't relax!

I've sunk my entire life savings into this horse!

Yeah, so have I, but you don't see me sweating it, do ya?

Do you wanna know why?

What we have here is a surefire winner.

And with Charlene on our team, we're gonna be unstoppable!

(Hooves thud)

I've been trying to find a new trainer to work for me here in Hudson.

But so far, none of the candidates impress me much.

They're either too inexperienced or too traditional.

But mostly the problem is... They're not you.

Amy, would you consider coming back to Hillhurst?

Only, this time as my head trainer.

Are you serious?


It's a full-time position.

You'd have complete use of the facilities and staff, and of course there would be generous compensation for your services.

I don't seem to win unless you're around, Amy.

You're my good luck charm!

What do you say?

(Diners chatter)

Nicole: Hey, hey! Welcome back!



It is so good to be back!


Now, there are a few things I should catch you up on first, but I'll let you get settled in.

Sure, yeah.

Is that the--

"Mom's the word."

Hopefully it'll sell better here than it did on the book tour.

Oh, it's beautiful!

(Sports commentators cheer and holler)
What is that? Hmm?

Lou: Why is there a big screen TV in my diner?

Nicole: What?

Okay, I don't mind you taking initiative--

In fact, I encourage it, but you really should've talked to me first.

Lou, it wasn't my decision.

Oh, then whose was it?!

Your dad's.

My dad's?!

Yeah, I assumed that he had your blessing.

I mean, he is your business partner, right?

No, no, no! Silent business partner!

Emphasis on silent!

Diners: Did she turn it off? Is something wrong?

(Surprised whispers)

Oh boy...

(Boy chuckles meanly)

(Kids taunt in undertones)

Oh! Oh...

Are you gonna cry?


Hey! Remember what I did to Olivia's face?

I'll do the same to you if you don't quit it!

Boy 1: What was that?

Boy 2: Yeah, um... wow!

Boy 1: Whoa!

(Country music plays)

That's her over there.

Look, Charlene and I go way back, so just let me do the talking, okay?

Charlene, wow.

You're even better looking than I remember.

Flattery'll get you nowhere, Caleb.

Caleb: How long has it been? Charlene: A long time.

Your phone call really came out of the blue.

Actually, I was never expecting to see your two-timing face again.

Wait, what?

(Water splashes)

Charlene: Do me a favour, Caleb. Lose my number!

Caleb: (Sighs)

What happened?!

I think this is gonna take a little more convincing than I thought.

Stay here. I'm gonna go talk to Charlene.


Friend of yours?

Ty: Hey, Charlene! Wait up a sec!

I'm sort of making an exit here!

Can I just talk to you for a minute, please?

You're Caleb's friend?

Yes, and I fully acknowledge his ability to be a complete idiot.

I guess that makes you the smart one.

So what're you doing hanging around a rodeo junkie like Caleb?

We're partners in a futurity barrel racing horse.

(Laughs incredulously)
Obviously not smart enough.

We want you to be our rider, Charlene.

I don't ride just any horse.

Well, he's fast!

I've heard that one before.

Ty: Caleb thinks he's a surefire winner.

Charlene: I bet he does!

Grand prize is a hundred thousand dollars.

Okay, now you have my attention.

♪ And at the break of day

♪ you sank into your dream.

♪ You dreamer

♪ oh, oh, oh, oh

♪ you dreamer, ♪ you dreamer.

Jack: Well, good luck at the auction in Red Deer.

Hey, don't buy too many horses.


Lis, there's someone at the door.

Hey, how 'bout I call you back?

(Door creaks)

Well, don't just stand there, I can't afford to heat the entire province.

Is Georgie home?

No, she's not. She's at trick-riding practice.

Won't be home for an hour or so.

Could you give this to her for me please, sir?

Yeah. You got a name?


Well, is there a message I should pass along, Stephen?

I gotta go! Thank you, sir.

You're welcome.


Lou: Dad, I'm glad you're here.

The TV has got to go!

Tim: Lou...

Calm down.

Look, Maggie had TVs in here, but she took them down because the customers complained.

This is a family restaurant, not a beer hall.



You're right; It is a family restaurant.

It's a family restaurant that people have always come to and enjoyed a piece of pie, a cup of coffee, and then, they pay their bill.

Lou: Yeah.

Tim: And they rush home to watch "Hockey Night in Canada," but now, they don't have to leave!

They can stay and they can eat more pie, and drink coffee, and eat chicken wings.

We don't have chicken wings!

We should have chicken wings.

Okay, look.

I'm going for a certain aesthetic here, Dad, and the TV works totally against it.

And I mean could the cash machine be any uglier?!

I knew you'd be resistant to my ideas, but you just gotta give 'em a chance, honey, that's all.

Okay, Nicole? Nicole, can you please talk some sense into him?

Well, you know, playing the hockey game might actually... Increase business.

You know, especially in the evening.

And the cash machine is convenient for the customers
and we get a cut of the service fee.

But I... you know, I could be completely wrong.

Tim: Lou, change is always difficult, but it's time for this diner to evolve.

Give the people what they want!

Excuse me, sir.

That's what I always say.

And what do the people want?

The people want... hockey!

(Diners applaud)
Man: Hockey! Yeah!

Tim: You're welcome.

Thank you.

Amy: And here's what he's offering:

That's a lot of zeros.

I know.

And Ty, if I take the job, we could finally put the down payment on the ranch.

Well, Amy, I just...

Wanna say that I support any decision you make, but don't just do this for the down payment.

Do it because you wanna do it.

Well, Ty, it's an amazing opportunity.

It is, but...

Let's say money wasn't an issue.

Would you still take the job?

I don't know.

I really think that I could help Zeus.

I do, and I could do it my own way, without someone like Adrian breathing down my neck all the time.


It is a full-time job away from Heartland and things are just starting to pick up.

The last thing I wanna do is turn away clients!

Why is this so hard?!

Well, it's a big decision.

You don't have to make it right now.

Sleep on it. You'll have a clearer head in the morning.

There's no way I'm gonna be able to sleep.

I can't stop thinking about this, Ty!

Well, maybe I can help you with that.

Mm... I'm still thinking about it.

(Giggles) How about now?

What were we talking about?

Lou: So since when did my dad suddenly decide to get involved?

Jack: Oh, I think you ought to be careful how you handle this.

Like it or not, your father has a financial stake in that diner.

You know what? You're absolutely right!

And that is why I should give him just enough rope to hang himself with.

Well, that's not what I meant!

Lou: No, no, no. If he wants to come in and make his little changes, then fine.

But when the regulars start griping, and believe me they will, I'll send them right over to my dad.

It's simple, clean, brilliant.


Almost forgot.

A boy named Stephen dropped something off for you.

Who's Stephen?

No one. Just some kid from school.

I gotta go get the rest of the dishes.

(Truck rumbles)

(Door slams)

Ty: Thanks for coming, Charlene.

Caleb and I are really excited you agreed to do this.

Oh, I haven't agreed to anything yet.

First, I want Caleb here to admit that he's a two-timing jerk.

I mean we weren't exactly exclusive.

(Light punch)

But I can see how I maybe gave you that impression.


Caleb: (Sighs)

And I'm really sorry if I did treat you badly.


Charlene: All right, let's do this.


(Hooves thunder)

Whoa! What was that?!

(Charger pants)

Okay, let's get you around that first barrel.

(Charger snorts)

Whoa! Whoa!

That's it!


Come on!

(Charger pants)


Ty: Hey, you were great out there.

Well, there's a few kinks to work out.

That was really fast out of the gate.

Yeah, too fast!

He goes from zero to a hundred before he's even out the alley.

Charger's got the speed, but...

He's too eager.

Well, just take him for a few more runs, you'll be fine.

Caleb, if I can't control his speed, there's no way I can make the first turn.

So what do we do?

If I had a few months, maybe I could get him into shape.

But a futurity race next week?

In your dreams.

Sorry, boys, you bought yourselves a dud.

I'm out.

Caleb: Face it, Ty, we need Amy.

I don't want her involved.

Caleb: She's the only one that can fix that horse in a week.

Just leave her out of this, okay?

Is this some kind of macho pride thing?

'Cause if it is, you need to suck it up and get over it.

I haven't told Amy about the race or Charger.

Are you serious?!

Drop it, Caleb, okay?

I got a shift at the clinic.

I gotta go.


(Door slams)

(Sighs heavily)

(Rooster crows)

Amy: I haven't made up my mind yet about your offer, if that's why you're here.

I was hoping you had an answer for me, but that's not the only reason I came.


I hope I'm not interrupting anything.

Not at all.

Amy and I were just discussing some business.

Ahmed has offered me a job at Hillhurst.


Ahmed: Yes, but she's been keeping me in suspense.

(Lou laughs dryly)

Well, I will say one thing, you certainly are...


Ahmed: Well, your sister is very talented.

She's my good luck charm.


Uh... I would love to stay and chat, but I'm late for the diner.

I'll see you tonight, Amy.


It was great to see you again.


You need time to think. I understand completely.

But until you make a decision, I'd like you to continue working with Zeus on a freelance basis.

Yeah, I'd love to.


Amy: Only I'd like to work with him here at the ranch, if that's okay.

That's fine.

I'll have my staff drop him off this afternoon.

Actually, I was kinda hoping you'd be here too.

There's just something that I wanna try.

Tim: So this clown's doing everything trying to get this bull's attention, and he can't do a thing, you know?

And he's gettin' desperate, time's running out.

So all of the sudden, he has this idea, I guess, where he's gonna take his belt off and drop his drawers!

(Diners laugh)

Well, it's brilliant, 'cause he's wearing bright red underwear and the bull sees that, and takes off right for him!

He turns to run, but his pants are wrapped around his ankles.

Face into the dirt!

(Diners and Tim laugh)

Just a second, fellows, just a second.

Tim: Lou, this is great! Lou: Hi.

See how busy this place is?!

This is the hottest diner in town!

Don't forget to fill out a comment card.

It's also the only diner in town, Dad.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, but people are so happy!

Come on! You know what?

That big screen made the whole difference.

Um, what's with the bronze?

Oh, I thought I'd bring in some of my old rodeo prizes, you know, the boys love to talk about the good old days and I was thinking that I might start like a display of my buckles and some memorabilia, spruce the place up.

What do you think?

I think...

Why not?


Honey, I can't tell you how much this means to me, working with you.

I'm having a blast!

Well... Me too, Dad.


So what're you doing?

Comment cards.

You know, I figure since you - we - have been making all of these changes, it's only fair to let the customers weigh in.

You know, that way, if patrons don't like something, management can correct it immediately.

It's just like you said, Dad.

Give the people what they want.


I don't see the point.

Everybody loves my improvements.

Well, you seem awfully sure about that.

Tim: Well, one thing the good people of Hudson love is their hockey!

You don't have to have a marketing degree to figure that out, do you, fellas?

(Tim and diners laugh)

(Bus rumbles)

(Kids chatter)

Hey, Georgie, how you doin'?

Um, fine.

Kids: Ewww!

(Bus rumbles away)

(Sighs heavily)

All right.

(Dog whines)

Caleb! What are you doing here?

Look, I've been giving this a lot of thought and uh...

Well, I know I don't exactly have a stellar track record with women, but... I mean, even I know that you should've told Amy about the futurity race ages ago!

I didn't think I was gonna have to.

You said this horse was a sure thing, it was supposed to be a simple investment.

Yeah, well, it got complicated!

Now we need Amy.

That's not a good idea, man.

She's got a lot on her plate right now and...

Ahmed just offered her this fancy new job.

Caleb: Seriously, another job?

Dude, that's kinda messed up.

What're you talking about?

Caleb: If a wealthy prince flew into town and started offering my girl gifts and a job, well, I just wouldn't be handling it as well as you are.

It's not like that.

Besides, I don't even think she's gonna take the job.

Great, then she can help us with Charger.

(Sighs heavily)

Fine, I'll talk to her.


Yeah, today.

(Sighs heavily)

Ahmed: Come on!

Do you need a hand?

No, I am fine.

Here, let me help you.

It's okay, you're just...

You have it too tight, that's all.

It's much easier if you do it like this.

(Ahmed sighs)

You all right?

Uh, yes.

I'm sorry.

I'm a little out of my element.

I'm embarrassed to say I've never ridden Western before.

Well, that's okay.

Western really isn't that much different than English.

What you must think of me.

Ahmed, you don't need to be embarrassed, all right?

Hey, stick with me and in no time you'll be rounding up cattle.

(Both laugh)

Remind me why we're doing this in the first place?

Because Zeus has been too controlled all his life, too pampered.

So we'll take him out for a ride, just let him be a horse, and he won't have any pressure of jumping, or competing, or anything like that. Okay?

(Truck rumbles)



Ahmed: Hello, Ty.

Amy was kind enough to work with Zeus today.

I see that.

I thought you were working a shift at the clinic.

I am, I'm just on break right now.

So I wanted to talk to you about something.

Oh, well, um... What's up?

Ah, it's not important. You're busy right now, so.

Ty, no, it's fine.

Ty: No, no, you're working. I'll let you get back to it.

Is everything okay?

Yeah... yeah.

Okay. I'll call you later.



Ahmed: I've never felt temperatures like this in my life!

How have you survived all these years in such a climate?!

Amy: It's not that bad.

Ahmed: It's completely intolerable!

Who in their right mind would be outside right now?!

We should be in a heated arena!

(Amy chuckles)

What's so funny?

Amy: Nothing.

Ahmed: You're laughing at me?

Well, we have an expression around here: "Cowboy up!"

Cowboy up? What does that mean?

It means stop whining like a baby and let's get the job done!

I'm sorry, I shouldn'tve said that.

No, you are right.

Amy: Look, I was just joking. I didn't mean it, okay?

Yes, you did.

The truth is, I've been waited on hand and foot my entire life, so now I'm not always certain how to stand on my own two feet.

I appreciate your honesty.

Most people only tell me what they think I want to hear.

It's because they're afraid of you.

Yes, but you are not, and that's why I need you, Amy!

Who else will tell me to "cowboy up"?


(Hooves thud)

Tim: Okay, partner.

Feedback time!


Now, before we get started, just remember that sometimes anonymous feedback can be a little negative.

So the important thing is not to take it personally, and instead we'll just focus on how to move forward if something isn't working.

Just open the box.

Uh, all right. Let's see...

Oh! "Love the new TV.

My only complaint is you didn't install one sooner."


Okay, that's a good one.

Yeah, just remember that for every positive comment, there's usually like ten negatives, so.

Right, yeah.

"I used to eat at Maggie's once in a while, but you guys have really upped your game - hockey game, that is."
That's a joke.

Okay. "Now I'm your newest regular."

So that's a good one.

Okay, oh! Listen.

"The only thing better than a cup of coffee and a slice of saskatoon pie is enjoying them while watching the hockey game."

Oh! Another good one! Okay.

I don't really see any bad ones in here.

"The TV is way too small. Please install a bigger one."

Okay, come on, Dad, you put that one in there!

Lou, I'm tellin' you, people love the changes I've made!

(Sighs, annoyed)

Let's just face it, I am a man of the people.

There has to be a negative comment in here somewhere.

I mean- We.

Oh! Okay, no, here. Here is one.

Oh! Good.

"All of the staff is really friendly except for the owner, she... She has a bit too much attitude for my liking."


Ok. Lou, honey the important thing here is not to take things personally.

You know, you focus on the positive things and try to move forward.

So let's discuss your attitude.


It's important.
Caleb, hey.

Caleb: Can I give you a hand with this?

Amy: Yeah, sure.

I haven't seen you around lately.

Yeah, well, I've been busy with work and stuff.

I just thought I'd come around and see how things are going.

Is Ty here?

Oh, no, he's at the clinic.

Did you get a chance to talk to him yet?

He came by on his lunch break, yeah.


So you know all about Charger then!



Who's Charger?


Amy: Okay, what's going on?


Amy: When Ty was here this afternoon he was acting weird and now so are you!

Caleb: I'm not acting weird. Amy: Yes, you are!

Well, I should probably get going.

No, you're not going anywhere!

Not until you tell me what's goin' on.


Are you planning on eating that cookie, or just admiring it for the rest of the night?

I can't eat it; I feel too guilty.


Okay, why don't you pour us a glass of milk and tell me all about it?

(Georgie sighs heavily)

Skim or two percent?

We better go with the strong stuff.

Two percent it is.

Okay, start from the beginning.

Okay, well, it was a few days ago, and some of the kids on the bus were picking on Stephen, so I told 'em to lay off.

Well, that's a very brave thing to do.

Why would you feel guilty about that?

Because now he gave me these cookies and I don't know what to do.

I'm not sure I follow.

Well, Stephen's the new kid and nobody really talks to him.

And I should've thanked him for the cookies, but all the kids on the bus were staring at me, so I didn't!

That's what makes me a horrible person.

No, if you were a horrible person, you wouldn't have stuck up for that boy in the first place.

So do you think I should talk to him?

Well, I guess that depends on how concerned you are about what the other kids are whispering in the hallway.

Now, personally, I don't pay much attention to idle gossip.

But I will tell you one thing, these cookies look delicious.


Oatmeal chocolate chip.

My favourite.

It's too bad you feel too guilty to have one.

Oh well, more for me.

(Sighs heavily)

So Caleb told me about the futurity race.

I was gonna tell you.


This afternoon, but you were busy with Ahmed.

(Amy scoffs)

You should've told me way before today, Ty.

I know.

So why didn't you?

This race is my one shot, Amy!

Your one shot at what?!

Getting us the life we deserve!

But no matter how hard I work, I can't seem make ends meet.

So when Caleb told me about this prize money, I knew I had to try!

So this is all about money?

No, this isn't about money!

I'm gonna be your husband, and I wanna be able to buy you that ranch, or at least contribute to the down payment.

And you will, after you're done school!


It may be too late by then.

So what?

Don't pretend like you don't want this ranch as much as I do!

Yeah, I fell in love with it, too.

But not enough to gamble away our life savings!

This isn't gambling.

This is an investment.

It's a risky investment!

What happens if you lose that race?

How are you gonna pay for school?

I'll figure it out, okay?

I just can't believe you didn't talk to me about it first.

I had to hear it from Caleb!

This is my money!

It's our future!

I'm doing this for our future!

That's what this is about!

(Bus rumbles)

Georgie: Hey. Stephen: Hey.

Um, is it okay if I sit here?

You better not.

They're already talking about us.

Kids: Ooh!

Well, I don't care about that.

So, thanks for the cookies. It was really nice.

You don't have to sit here just because you feel sorry for me.

I don't!

Yes, you do.

What you did the other day, sticking up for me, it was really cool.

But you should go back to your seat.

Boy 1: I wouldn't pick on her. Boy 2: No, she's crazy!

Boy 2: There she goes!

(Girls giggle)

Caleb: I'm sorry I opened my big mouth.

It's not your fault, Caleb.

I should've told Amy about Charger a long time ago.

Yeah, well, we have a lot of money riding on this race.

We need Amy on board.

I'm not sure Amy's gonna wanna talk to me again.

It can't be that bad.

You guys'll work it out, you always do.

I really messed up this time, Caleb.

Just-just call her!

I gotta go, man.

No, just...

Forget the race, forget the horse.

Just call her, tell her you love her, you know?

(Door slams)

(Sighs) All right...

(Buttons beep)

(Hooves thud)

(Cell phone rings)

(Sighs heavily)

Ahmed: Oh! (Grunts)

(Frustrated huff)

Ahmed: He's impossible! We're getting nowhere!

Put him back in his stall.

Zeus has made a lot of improvement.

You shouldn't be so frustrated with him.

It'll only set him back.

In other words, I should "cowboy up."



Are you finally ready to end my suspense?

Have you made a decision?

Actually, I have.

(Bus rumbles)

(Kids holler)

Georgie: Stephen, wait! Boy: Get back on the bus!

Georgie, what're you doing?!

Look, I know what it's like to be the new kid, and you're not a loser.

So don't let the other kids make you feel that way!

It's sorta hard not to.

(Bus horn honks)

I'm coming!

Look, whenever I'm having a bad day, I always hop on my horse and go for a ride and that always makes me feel better.

I have a horse too..

You do?

Uh-huh. His name's Fox.

That's him there.

(Bus horn honks)

Just a sec!

Wow! He's beautiful!

Yeah, but I don't get to ride him that often.

How come?

He lives with my dad in Manitoba.

Well, you should come over to Heartland, we've got tons of horses. Maybe we could go riding.

Stephen: Really? Georgie: Yeah!

I gotta go!

Boy: Thank you, Georgie!

(School bus rumbles away)

Sports commentator: And now he's really going...

Here he comes up the boards! Yes!

Pass across, and it's picked off in the zone and it's brought back out along the boards...

Tim: All right!
(Patrons holler and boo)

Okay, these are-
BBQ, right?

And... you have the...

(Patrons chatter)

Lou: Will you look at him, walking around like he owns the place!

Uh, he does own the place.

Only part of it, okay?

And that does not give him the right to turn it into a sports bar!

You know what? I cannot stand this anymore!

This is not what I want.

Nicole: What are you doing?

Saving my diner!

Lou... calm down.

I am calm.

Sports commentator: He's got it! Oh! And it's picked off-

Maggie's patrons: Yeah! Oh, yes! Yes! Yes! Go! Go! Come on, guys!

Lou: Let go. Nicole: No.

Lou: I said, let go!

Woman: They're gonna get it! He's gonna do it!

Lou: Let... go!

Sports commentator: Gets the pass back, he sh**t-

(patrons howl angrily)

The TV seems to be malfunctioning.

I'm sorry, but I would like to offer everyone fifteen percent off the chicken pot pie special for the next half hour.

Just stay calm, folks.

I can fix this.

(Patrons shout angrily)

Oh, there we go! Game on!

(Patrons cheer)


I saw you with the changer.

Malfunction? Are you crazy?!

Lou: I'm not just gonna stand here and watch you take over, Dad!

That's not what I was doing!

Yes, it was!

I am just trying to help!

Well, you know what? I never asked for your help!

Well, I thought you were good with all this.

I didn't want to hurt your feelings, Dad, but I am not good with this!

Well, people love my changes.

Read your comment cards!

Do you know how hard I work every day to keep this place open?

And then you waltz in with your big screen TV and you think you know what it is to run a diner?!

Well, you don't, okay?

Dad, Maggie's is my dream, not yours!

So I guess I'm just your silent partner.

I'll shut up and I'll go.

Excuse me.

(Door closes)

(Truck rumbles)

(Horse snorts)

(Truck door slams)

Look, Amy, I know you're upset.

Can we just talk about this?

(Amy sighs)

I'm sorry!

I know that's not good enough, but I don't know what else to say.

Are you apologizing for keeping secrets, or because you want me to work with Charger?

This is about you and me, Amy. Forget the horse.

I can't just forget it, Ty!

I've been thinking about this, Amy, and I can ask Scott for an advance, or I can get a student loan.

Ty, I already accepted the job.


I didn't really have any other choice.

I start tomorrow.


And you were mad at me for keeping secrets.

Well, congratulations on your new job.

(Horse nickers)

(Door slams)

Hey there!

You okay?


Jack: Are you sure about that?


(Amy sobs)

It's all wrecked, Grandpa.

What is?

Me and Ty.

Did you have a fight?

I'd rather not talk about it.


I just never say the right thing.

Amy, you don't have to say anything.

Thank you.

Look, I'm sure business is gonna pick up eventually!

I'm just happy to be rid of that awful television.

Lou: What's this? Nicole: It's a sales report.

Not only have food and beverage sales increased twenty-two percent in the last week, we've actually moved more merchandise in the tack store.

Do you remember what we used to do back in the day, when some young, hotshot junior associate would join the firm?

We would try to destroy them.


But every once in a while, they'd come up with a good idea.

And if we couldn't destroy them, we would join them and help each other to the top.

I know things are different with you and your dad, but his ideas aren't terrible.

Tim: Lou was acting like a spoiled brat.

I'm just glad I watched the game at home.

Yeah, well, you'd think she'd be a little more grateful for all the business that I brought in.

You know what you need, Tim?

A hobby!

Go on.

You're bored!

You've got too much time on your hands.

You need a hobby.

Personally, I enjoy tying flies.

But some men your age, they take up woodworking or golf.

Try ballroom dancing, I don't care!

Anything except for messing around in your kids' lives!

Well, thanks for the advice, Jack.

I don't need a hobby.

I'm lousy at golf, anyway!

(Birds chirp)

Amy: I just feel so betrayed.

That doesn't sound like Ty at all!

Well, the worst part is, I was so mad I didn't even tell him before I accepted Ahmed's job offer.

You took the job?


Amy, I could be way off, but I've been around long enough to know that when Ahmed looks at you, it's with more than professional admiration.

What? Lou, that's crazy!

I might be wrong.

But in case I'm not, just... be careful.

Georgie: Hey. Lou: Hey, Georgie.

How was school?


Lou: Good. Oh hey, don't eat too much; dinner's almost ready.

Okay, Lou, can I have a friend over after school tomorrow?

Yeah, sure. What's her name?

His name is Stephen.

Uh... Stephen. Y-yes. For sure.

I look forward to meeting him.


Caleb: I feel like this is all my fault.

Ty didn't have to invest in that horse and he definitely didn't have to keep it from me.

Believe me, I mean, come on, you know Ty would never do anything to hurt you.

I mean, not on purpose.

Charger's a great horse.

We could make a k*lling at the futurity race, I know it, just... not without you.


Look, I know what Ty did was wrong, but maybe we can make it right together.

What do you say?

We need you!

So this is Phoenix.

Hey, buddy.

Man, he's huge.

Yeah, you should see him jump.

He's amazing!

Hey, Georgie.

I thought I would just come by and see how you kids were doing.

Are you guys hungry? Did you want a snack or...

Um, I think we're okay, thanks.

Lou: Well, how about I help you saddle up Phoenix?

Actually, we can handle it on our own.


Well, I will be in the office if you guys need...




Oh, yeah. Bye.

Georgie: (Sighs)

I got your message.

Thanks for coming to meet me.


There's something I wanted to show you.


More complaints from the "feedback box"?

Lou: No. It's a sales report.

Thanks to your ideas, business has been booming.

And I want you to know I took down the big screen TV, but then I put it back up because...

You were right.

Dad, I'm ashamed of the way I acted last night.

Don't be.

I've forgotten all about it.

Look, Nicole's going back to New York for a couple of weeks and I could use an extra set of hands.


You have good instincts about running the diner and maybe we should do it together.


Excuse me?

You were right, Lou.

The diner was your dream, not mine.

I'm confused. You seemed so into it before.

I was into it before, but for all the wrong reasons, and I'm glad that you used some of my good ideas, but let's face it...

You're really the one that's qualified to run that business and the last thing you need is your old dad cramping your style.

You weren't cramping my style!

Tim: Yeah, I was cramping your style, Lou.

So how about I just go back to being your silent partner?

How about instead of being a silent partner, you speak up when you have an idea, and this time I promise I'll listen.

A silent partner with a voice?

I like it!

You sure you'll like that?

Yeah, I am.

Tim: I love you. Lou: I love you, too.

♪ Are we waiting

♪ on what may never come?

Ty: I thought you were working at Hillhurst today.

Amy: I left early.

We need to talk.


I've been thinking a lot about Charger, and I'd like to take a look at him, see if there's anything that I can do to help.

I can come by the arena tomorrow morning.

I don't understand, Amy. What about your job with Ahmed?

You let me worry about him.

Okay. Well, what about us?

♪ Where do we go from here?

One thing at a time.

♪ When we're just so far from home ♪
♪ All we know is the unknown

(door slams)

♪ Where do we go from here?

(Truck rumbles away)

Announcer: Next Sunday...
[Horse neighing]

Announcer: On the season finale.

Amy: Ahmed offered me a job on his team.

Announcer: A proposal, a new beginning that may change everything.

What do you want to do?

Announcer: Don't miss the season finale.

Heartland, next Sunday at 7:00 on CBC.
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