07x12 - Walking Trail

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Heartland". Aired: October 2007 to present.*
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A multi-generational saga set in Alberta, Canada and centered on a family getting through life together in both happy and trying times.
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07x12 - Walking Trail

Post by bunniefuu »

Lou: Previously on "Heartland:"

Amy: Zeus! Whoa!


Everybody knows he's not your real dad.

[Fighting grunts]

Georgie: I'm sorry I punched you.

Can't we just consolidate and move forward from here?

You're giving me your bracelet?

Lou: Keep it for me 'til I get back.

Peter: So I should tell her that I threw away her to-do list because I couldn't possibly do everything that she does?


[Spartan snorts threateningly]

[Truck rumbles]

[Trailer rattles]

[Brakes squeak]

[Door slams]


[Flies buzz]

[Horse whinnies weakly]


[Heaving breaths]

Hey, boy.

What happened to you?

Whoa, hey.

[Horse snorts]

Good boy, good boy.

[Horse snorts]

Seriously, Amy, it's great that you're going riding again.

It's almost like the accident never happened!

Today's the day, I'm feeling really good.

So now that you're all better...

And everything, when do you think Ty's gonna move out of the attic?

You're not asking 'cause you want the attic space for yourself, right?

Because Ty and I discussed it, and we think that maybe he should just stay.

Are you kidding me?!

Katie has been crying all night long, ever since Lou left for her book tour, and I can't get any sleep!

Georgie, I'm kidding you.



Why don't you go help him pack up?

Yeah, sure.

Okay, boy.

[Sighs heavily]

Let's do this.

[Sighs heavily]

[Panicked breathing]


Amy, what's wrong?

You know, on second thought, how about you ride spartan, and I'll go help Ty.

Georgie: But I thought you were-

Georgie, I just don't feel up to it, okay?

It's fine, no big deal.

Ty's not supposed to leave until you're better!

Amy: Georgie, are you going to ride him, or not?!

Yeah, sure.

Come on, let's go.

[Ty sighs]

Hey, are you moving out?

Hey, yeah.

But you're not making it any easier for me.

Are you feeling better?

'Cause I can stick around if you aren't.

Ty: That was the deal. Amy: No!

I'm fine. You have exams, and Scott needs you at the clinic.

So you best get going.

Although I am going to miss this.

It's been nice having you under the same roof.

I can't wait for the day when all this leaving stops.

Amy: Me too! Ty: Yeah.

Oh, I love this space!

Look at this window!

Oh, you can see for Miles up here!

Excuse me? Georgie?

What happened to riding spartan?

I'm going to, I just wanted to come up here and...

Say goodbye to me because you're going to miss me so much?

Yeah, something like that.

[Cell phone rings]

Ty: Hey, Scott, what's up?


Uh, sure. Yeah, I can be there right now.

Okay, I'm on my way.

What did Scott say?

He got a call about an abandoned animal over at the ardett? Ranch, so I'll be back later.

Hey, Georgie, can you do me a favour and not say anything to Ty?

You're not really all better, are you?

I'm getting there, but he needs to move on with his life.

Get back on track.



Oh, look at these!

Are they yours?

Yes, they were!

Wow! I didn't even know they were up here.

Oh, can I have them?

What for?! They're not gonna fit you!

I know, but they'd look cool on my desk.

'Cause like, they're vintage!

Oh, come on, I'm not that old!

[Both laugh]

[Truck rumbles]

[Keys jingle]

[Door slams]

[Horse snorts]

[Flies buzz]

[Horse whinnies weakly]

[Horse snorts]


What do we have here?

A young gelding.

Looks like a Tennessee walking horse.

Wow! Not good.

Yeah, I got a call from the farmer next door.

He said he saw headlights, and heard a lot of horses in the middle of the night.

Like someone was leaving in a big hurry.

So he came by in the morning and found him.

Take a look at that.

Ty: Are these burns on his pasterns?

Scott: Yeah, we'll need to get a better look at that, but I need you to look at this small incision here.

Someone cut the microchip out.

So now there's no way to trace where the horse was registered.

I'd like to get him into the clinic.


But I think this guy needs more than medical attention.

Why don't we bring him to heartland, Scott?

I can do the exam there, and then Amy can work with him.

That's a long road back. Is Amy up to it?

[Horse snorts]

Look at the condition he's in, poor guy.

No one's gonna hurt you anymore, okay?

Yeah, he's one lucky horse.

Amy: Yeah, you sure did luck out, didn't you?

Maybe that's what we'll call you.

"Lucked out."

You like that?

Ty: Scott says he's a Tennessee walking horse.

Yeah, I think so.

And... it looks like he's been sored.

Ty: What is that?

It's one of the cruelest things you could ever do to a horse.

♪ And at the break of day

♪ you sank into the dream

♪ you dreamer

♪ oh, oh, oh

♪ you dreamer

♪ you dreamer

Amy: You see these burns? That's soring.

They take acid, gasoline - all kinds of just horrible stuff - and put it on the poor horse's legs!

They're in constant pain!

Why would anyone do that?


It makes them walk in this really weird way.

You know, they jerk their front hooves up really high, sorta like they're dancing.

It's this thing they do down South called "the big lick."

"The big lick?"

Amy: There's a competition called "celebration," and if you can get your horse to walk like this, there's a lot of money in it.

Ty: That is weird... and unnatural.

Amy: I know, I can't even watch it!

You know, every step those horses take they're in agony.

And look at this: Announcer: Sam handler was indicted, in a Tennessee court today, on multiple charges of equine cruelty and banned from owning horses-

Ty: It's hard to believe something this inhumane is even legal.

It's not!

The competition is legal, but soring isn't.

There's a ton of people on both sides of the border who are totally against it, but...

There's always gonna be someone out there who's willing to do anything for money.

Announcer: Mr. handler will be ordered to return all of his prize winnings over the last several years, an amount totaling close to one million dollars.

Ty: They don't do that up here, do they?

No way.

But lucked out was definitely sored, so we have to figure out why.

Tim sure picked a good time to head off to moose jaw, leaving me high and dry to round up all those lambs by myself!

Lambs? We have lambs?

Well, more than I care to count.

Well, I've got a few hours on the weekend, Jack, if you need a hand.

Can I have one?

What for?

The 4h club school program!

I was in 4h when I was your age.

I loved it!

Oh, yeah, yeah! So was I, actually.

I had a goat named "snowy" and I raised it from a kid all the way to an adult.

I did! We had a very special bond, thank you very much, until I had to sell it to auction, though.

You know what I like about goats?

What's that?


[Ty laughs]

They're actually very affectionate animals.

Okay, well, let's try to stay on track here!

Please, please, please. Please, can I have a lamb?

Fine with me. Peter?


Okay, yes, you can, but you understand Georgie that you can't keep it, right?

I know how attached you get to new animals when the get here.

Georgie: I can handle it.

It's not like I'm some little kid!

Jack: Oh, speaking of new animals,

I see there's a new one in the barn.


Well, are you sure you should be taking on another rescue horse right now?

I'm a hundred percent, grandpa.

I'm fine.

Ty, tell him.

She's doing much better. She really is.

Okay, just don't push it.

I won't.

I'm not making a mistake, am I?

Are you sure you're okay?


No dizziness? More headaches?

No, Ty!

Dr. verani, checked me out last week, and she said I was good.

What about nightmares? Or visions?

Ty, stop it, I'm fine!

Okay, Amy, I just wanna make sure you're okay.

I know, I know.

And I appreciate it.

You know, you're the reason I got through this.

So thank you.


If you need anything at all, I'm just a short drive down the road.

I know.


I love you.

I love you too.

[Truck starts, rumbles]


[Katie wails]

Yeah, nobody panic! Daddy's here!



Okay! What's happening? Yes, are you okay?

What's going on?

Katie's crying and I can't get her to stop!


You almost gave me a heart attack!

You almost gave me a heart attack!

Do you always wake up all weird like that?

I don't know, I'm not usually scrutinized in my sleep like that!

Peter, now that Ty's moved out of the attic and everything, do you think that I mi-


Well, it looks like high hat has an abscessed canine tooth.

We'll drain it and give him some antibiotics.

Hopefully we won't have to pull it.

Aw, poor guy.

I mean that's got to be painful.

Mr. Drake, I just need to get some information from you.

Hey, sure. What kind of information?

Ty: Just the usual: High hat's age, his previous medical history.

Have we met before? You look really familiar.

No, I-I don't think so.

Anyway, I'm afraid I can't be much help there, I picked him up at a farm auction in consort a few weeks ago.


Did anyone tell you what breed he is?

You know, I don't even think I asked.

I mean, I'm not much of a horse person myself, but he looked pretty good to me.

Scott: You did well, Mr. Drake.

You have a fine looking young Tennessee walking horse.

Oh, you don't say!

Well, I'll have to do some reading on that.

Now, what time do you think you'll be done?

Ah, should be a couple hours or so.

Well, thank you, Dr. cardinal.

I'll be by to pick him up.

Two Tennessee walking horses in two days.

One of them sored and abandoned...

Yeah, it is a coincidence, isn't it?

Just let me check something out.

[Machine beeps]

Well, that's interesting.

What is it?

Well, any identification number that starts with "900" means the horse was registered in the U.S.


Come on, boy.

That's it, nice and slow.

It must feel good to have some fresh air, huh?

Amy: You're a good boy.

All right, I know.

That's enough for today, huh?

I know exactly how you feel.

You just need some more time.


[Screen door creaks, slams]

Hey, kiddo. Hey, what's up?

You won't believe what happened at school today!

You know the 4h club?


Well, guess what?

I got paired up with Olivia wheaton!

My absolute Nemesis!

And now she's coming here in one hour!

Oh boy.

I can't believe our teacher just paired us up like that!

I am so mad, I just feel like quitting!

Well, I'm sure your teacher had her reasons.

And maybe it's time for you two to bury the hatchet.

Bury the hatchet?!

Yeah, get over yourselves.

Do you really wanna quit without even trying, honey?

Maybe it'll work out!

But Olivia is the last person I wanna work with!

Peter: Well, that's life, kiddo.

Sometimes you don't get to choose, okay?

Thanks for being so sympathetic.

Honey, you're the one who's always saying you're not a little kid anymore, right?

So stop acting like one!

You can handle Olivia.

I've seen you do it.

Okay, I get your point.

Without punching her in the face, though.

If you say so.

[Keys click]

Ty: Hey, Scott?

Come check this out.

High hat was registered in shelbyville, Tennessee, and it's also giving me the name of his sire and dam.

Caliban and hyacinth.

Well then, the seller up in consort should've had papers on him.

Otherwise, how did they get the horse across the border?

Ty: Yeah!

Like an import permit, or a health certificate.

Breed information, or even medical history.

You bet.

So how come eldon Drake doesn't know anything about his own horse?

Good question.

But with or without papers, there's no way you could pick up a purebred like that for so cheap!

[Car rumbles]

[Sighs heavily]



[Sighs heavily]

How come your bedroom looks like a nursery?

Georgie: Because it is a nursery.

I share with my little sister.

How do you ever expect to have sleepovers if you sleep in a nursery?

Well, not that it's any of your business, but maybe I don't want to have sleepovers.

Fine, be unpopular for the rest of your life.

Oh, look. A charm bracelet.

How retro.

Don't touch my stuff!

Okay! So snarky, jeez.

You know what? We're done here.

Get out of my room! Out!

Nice manners, too.

Jack: How 'bout this one?

Georgie and Olivia: Aww! He's so cute!

Look at the little ears!

And his nose!


Actually, hold on a sec.

His eyes are crooked.

Georgie: Oh... yeah.

She's right.

They look okay to me!

Well, Jack, it's a competition.

We have to have the perfect lamb if we want to win.

Olivia: How about...

That one over there?


Jack: Which one?!

Georgie: That one!

[Lambs bleat]

Jack: Oh! Ah!

[Olivia chuckles]

Pick something else!

That one, over there.

No, no, that one, over there!


Georgie: No!

[Jack groans]

Olivia: We need that one, over there!

Georgie: No, we don't! Olivia: Yes, we do!

Amy, you're not going to believe this.


I came across this online footage of caliban in a Tennessee walking horse competition, that's him, right there.

That's high hat's sire?

The horse with the infected tooth?

Yeah, and there was a link to another video we saw earlier.

[Computer beeps]

The Sam handler video.

That's right.

Announcer: On multiple charges of equine cruelty.

Now, watch this: That's him, right there!


Eldon Drake, the guy who brought high hat over to the stable this morning!

I knew I'd seen him somewhere before!

Amy: Okay, but why would your client be involved with someone who's soring horses?

Ty: Good question.

Peter: Oops! Okay...

Uh, no, Nicole, you know what?

Katie: Dada! [Cries]

I can't make it into the diner right now!

This last minute, I can't-be-

I'm sorry, the deep fryer burst into flames?!

Okay, um... Any casualties?

Well, that's good.

No, look, I don't, uh- can you just look on the Internet yourself maybe and try to find a repairman?

That'd be great, thanks.


I got a postcard from mallory.

Says she's in London visiting soraya and having a great time.

Oh, that's great, I'll let Lou know.

She'll be very pleased to hear that.

You know, I don't know how you get any work done in here.

You need more space.

Yeah... really?

The thought never occurred to me.

Jack: Why don't you move out to the office in the barn, then?

Uh, I...

I'd just be too far away from Katie there, you know, I can't single parent from the barn, so.


Well, you know, there's a desk in the attic.

Ty's gone, why don't you spread out up there?

Peter: It's okay, honey, it's okay!


Amy: Okay, so it said at the corner of 288 west and 330.

There it is. Slow down, slow down!

So it should be somewhere right around here.

[Engine revs]

[Truck rumbles]

Are you sure that was the address on eldon Drake's intake form?


Obviously, it's a fake.

Okay, so what now?

'Cause we obviously can't save a horse we can't find!


I should've known this would happen.

Wait, Ty.

Do you have a phone number for him?

Yeah, and I know it's real, because I had to call eldon to let him know that high hat was ready.

Okay, I think I have an idea.

Ty, what if I was to call him, and pretend I was looking to buy a Tennessee walking horse?

I don't know, Amy.

If it gets me into the stable, I can at least see firsthand what's going on!

It was a total fluke that you guys found that horse alive.

We can't let another horse end up that way!

Georgie: Uh, "Once the lamb is weaned, mix the drench..."

With equal parts water, and apply to the back of the tongue."

Olivia: What's it for?

"Proper usage will inhibit..."

Infestations of parasites such as blow fly larvae, "tape worms and lung worms."

Ew! Gross.

Our Beyonce couldn't possibly have worms!


When did we decide to call her that?

I don't know, I just thought it was kind of a cool name.

You do not call a lamb "Beyonce!"

The kids in 4h are going to think we're total dorks!

News flash, 4h club is for dorks.

In case you haven't noticed.

Really?! Then, why are you here?

Because my mom is a complete 4h club fanatic, okay?

She made me, I hate her.

Whatever, but we're not calling the lamb "Beyonce."

Okay, what would you call it?

Well, something normal.


Clover. [Scoffs]

[Lucked out snorts]

Ty: Looking good.

The infection's clearing up.

How's his appetite?

Amy: Better.

We'll get there eventually, won't we, hmm?


[Cell phone rings]

I don't recognize this number.


Mr. Drake. Yes, this is Amy.

Okay, great!

Yeah, when can I come to your stable?

Oh, okay.


Yeah, I'll see you then.


He's meeting me with his horse at the Hudson rodeo grounds.

Well, that doesn't help much, does it?

I still have to go!

No Amy, you don't. Not alone.

I'm coming with you.

You can't, he already knows you!

Well, what do you expect to accomplish with this?

We need to get to his stable, right?

That's what I was hoping for, but I just really wanna find out if he's up to something.

No way, Amy. You're not doing this alone.

Ty, all I'm doing is meeting a guy about his horse, okay?

You don't have to be so overprotective!

Although, but I have to say it's kind of...





[Desk creaks]

[Peter sighs]


[Claps hands]

[High hat snorts]

[Amy takes a deep breath]

Mr. Drake?


Amy: Hi, I'm Amy.

Pleased to meet you, Amy.

You too.

So? Yeah.

You're looking for a Tennessee Walker?

Well, this here is high hat, and you won't find too many horses around here with his pedigree.

Well, he's a beauty.

Yeah, I'd be willing to pay top dollar for him, if he checks out.

I can tell he's in good shape.

Thank you.

How much do you know about Tennessee walking horses?

Well, I've been riding for as long as I can remember, but I've never really placed first.

So I thought with a horse like this...

Well, what were you...

Planning on riding him in?

Well, there's this competition in shelbyville, Tennessee.

The only problem is if I were to buy him, I'd have to ship him all the way down there, and it's awfully late in the season to find a trainer.

You want him trained?

Yeah, definitely, yeah, if I'm gonna compete in August.

Well... I'll think about it, and I'll be in touch.

You know, why don't you uh...

Why don't you train him here?

There's really no one up here that knows how to train for what I want him to do, anyway.

Well, the thing is, I might know someone.

Well see, I'm talking about a very specific method.

Listen, I know someone with some expertise with the breed.

He's been training prize winning Tennessee walking horses for years.

I can set something up, if you want.

Yeah, maybe.

Well, you wanna take high hat for a ride, get a feel for him?

I'll get him tacked up in no time.


No, I-I can see that he's a beautiful horse and I'm sure he rides well.

I'll be in touch.

[Door slams]

[Sighs shakily]

[Buttons beep]

Ty: This is Ty borden, please leave a message.

Ty, we were right about eldon.

He is definitely involved in soring horses, I just get that feeling!

I don't have any proof though, so I'm gonna stick close and follow him, hopefully, to his stable.

[Sighs nervously]

Okay, he's on the move.

I gotta go!

[Lamb bleats]

Would you hold still?!

Olivia: So...

I guess they stuck you in that icky little room 'cause you're adopted.

What are you talking about?

The nursery.

If you were really part of the family, wouldn't you at least get your own bedroom?

Obviously, they don't really like you.

You know what?

I'm just gonna ignore you completely, because I know exactly what you're trying to do and it's not gonna work.

Did you know that, statistically speaking, adopted children grow up to be social misfits?

Not listening!

Olivia: And criminals, and mentally unstable.

Would you shut up?!

You're such a witch!

Someone can't handle the truth.

Someone is really asking for it!

No, no, you don't!

Not this time!

I have an intervention whistle!

[Whistle blows shrilly]

[Whistle blows repeatedly]

Olivia, get back here!

You're gonna be sorry for this!

Olivia: No way! I'm going home!

[Lamb bleats, whistle blows repeatedly]

[Truck rumbles]

[Truck's suspension creaks]

[Truck shuts off]

[Sighs heavily]

[Door slams]

[Garage door rattles]

[Horse whinnies]

Ty, hey. Did you get my message?

Ty: Yeah.


Yeah, I followed eldon to his stable, it's on highway 107a, past that old stone quarry.

Are you still in the truck?


But, Ty, this is a lot bigger than we thought.

Judging by the size of his stable, he could have a ton of horses in there!

Ty: Okay, Amy, I need you to stay in the truck, okay?

I'm serious!

I'm gonna be there as soon as I can.

Just don't-
don't do anything, all right?

Amy: Okay, but hurry!

Georgie: Oh no!



Where are you?

[Peter snores]




Am I interrupting something important?

Peter: No, I was just redrafting this taxation initiative proposal.

I must've dozed off.

Jack: Yeah, I can't imagine why.

[Both laugh]

Peter: Is everything okay? Katie all right?

Nope, she's fine. I set her down for a nap.

So how's the office working out?

Oh, great. Fine, yeah! Good, thanks.

I'm thinking about throwing a filing cabinet up here, maybe a dry erase board.

Yeah, I see you're all set up for darts.

Peter: Yeah!

Well, you know, they say a good dart game helps focus the mind.


Best two out of three?

You're on!

Georgie: Jack! Peter!

Peter: In the office! Jack: In the attic!

The lamb, it's gone!

Olivia and I got in a big fight and she forgot to close the gate!

Or I did, I don't remember!

And then I went back...

What are you doing up here?!

Well, I decided to-no, never mind that. Are you sure?

Did you check the yard?

Yes, I looked everywhere!

What if the coyotes get her?!

Not on my watch!

[Sighs heavily]

[Door rattles]


[Sighs heavily]

[Door slams]


[Handle rattles]

[Door slams]

[Horse whinnies]

[Horses whinny and snort]

[Horses nicker]

[Horse squeals]

Oh my God!

Oh no!

[Chains rattle]

[Camera clicks]

[Camera clicks]

[Camera clicks]

[Camera clicks]

[Camera clicks]

[Truck rumbles]

[Horse whinnies shrilly]

Sam: I got a phone call...

[Sam and eldon talk, unclear]


Come on, Ty. Pick up, please!

Ty: This is Ty borden, please leave a message.


Hi, it's me.

I'm in the barn and they're both here - eldon Drake and Sam handler!

[Sighs nervously]

[Horse snorts]

Amy: [Grunts with effort]

[Chains rattle]

Now listen, you had no business showing that horse!

I keep telling you, we gotta keep a low profile up here!

It's an easy twenty grand!

Amy: Okay...


[Horse nickers]

[Amy gasps]

Yeah, I got overhead too, you know.

I got expenses of my own!


If anyone catches wind we're training Tennessee walkers north of the border, there's a world of pain waiting for us stateside!

[Horse squeals]

Oh yeah, come on!

[Horses whinny]

Come on, boy! Come on, now's your chance!

Come on, we've gotta hurry!

We already had to move the damn horses once, and you, like an idiot, left one behind!

It didn't have what it takes.

There was no reason to bring it along!

Which is why I told you to sh**t it and bury it!

But you messed that up, too!

You know what?!

[Horses whinny, squeal]

That doesn't sound good!

Come on, we've gotta go!

Come on!

[Door rattles]

[Door creaking]


[Panicked whinnies] Eldon: Agh!

[Nervous sigh]

Eldon: Hey!

You! What are you doing here?!

Get away from that horse!

[Amy's heartbeat echoes]

Amy: Come on, boy! Let's go!

Ah! Oof!

Sam: Stop her! Run her down, if you have to!

[Truck rumbles]

Watch him!

Back off!


[Fighting grunts]

You ever been struck by lightning, boy?

[Electricity crackles]

It should give you a real big taste!




[Fighting grunts]

Don't move, or so help me God, I will ram this down your throat!

[Buttons beep]

[Fighting grunts]


Emergency operator: 911, what is your emergency?

Georgie: Clover!

Where did you find her?

Oh, about a mile west.

Georgie: Ohhh!

Now, you listen up.

She was a long ways away.

You're responsible for a small life, but you let your differences with this girl get in the way of that and look what happened!

I did kinda mess up, huh?

You bet you did!

Now, I suggest you focus on what you're supposed to be doing, so we don't have any more lamb catastrophes.



Let's go, clover.

[Hoof beats thunder]

[High hat snorts]

[Horses whinny]

[Hoof beats thunder]

[Katie cries]

Peter: Shh, shh, shh, shh! Okay, okay, okay, okay!

[Crying stops]

[Relieved sigh]

[Door creaks]

Peter: Oh! Agh!

[Georgie groans]

Is it breakfast yet?

No! What- what are you doing in here?!

What does it look like I'm doing?

I'm trying to sleep!

Katie keeps waking me up!

I really, really need my own bedroom!

Okay, well...

There are no more rooms, honey.

Yes, there is!

The attic.


Georgie: It could count as a bedroom, couldn't it?

I mean, if I moved up there?

It's perfect, don't you think?


Okay! Hey, listen!

We'll talk about it in the morning.

Okay? How about that?

We'll both just get a good night's...

[Katie cries]


[Shower curtain rings rattle]

Now, I'm not going to lie to you, this is bitter, horrible medicine.

But that's life, so get used to it.

[Lamb bleats]


How's it going?

Well, solo lamb parenting is a lot harder than I thought.


I'm sorry it didn't work out with Olivia, but I do have something that might cheer you up a little bit.

You wanna come and see?

Yeah, sure.

Okay, you can open your eyes.


Georgie: Is this...? Peter: It's your bedroom.

I know it doesn't look like much right now, but you know, when Lou gets back, we can- oh, it's perfect, I love it!

Okay! Thank you!

Peter: Don't mention it.

Georgie: But I thought you wanted the attic to yourself?

Oh no. Gosh, no.

Georgie: Are you sure? Peter: Yeah. Yeah.


Tell me about what happened with Olivia.


I hate Olivia, and Olivia hates me.


And if it weren't for that stupid intervention whistle, I probably would've punched her lights out.


Intervention whistle? Okay...

I'm not gonna touch that.

Here's the thing: I think that you and Olivia have a lot of similar qualities.

Are you kidding me?!

Now, now, hold on, just hear me out, okay?

You're both super competitive.


So maybe if you work together, you could bring out the best in each other, rather than the worst.

So what should I do?

You should...

Give her a call, pitch her on the idea of you guys working together for the sake of the project.

Okay, I'll try, but it'll never work.

[Peter chuckles]


Georgie: So just call me back or whatever.

We need to talk.

Hey. So, is he better?

Yeah, he's really come a long way.

His weight's back up, and his legs are healing nicely.

And... what about you?

Ty told me you rode those horses all the way home.

Were you scared?

Actually, yeah.

A little, at first.

But then it went away.

All on its own.

And I was okay.

I'm glad.

Me too.


Amy: Hey.

Well, he's looking good!



I'm gonna just leave you two alone.

I'm worried about him, though.

I don't know what's going on in his head.

He's like the saddest horse I've ever seen.

Well, wounds can heal.

Psychological scars, on the other hand, they take a bit of time.

Why do I get the feeling you're talking about more than just a horse?

You never have to pretend with me Amy, okay?

You knew I wasn't ready to ride.

I had a feeling.

Just like I had a feeling you wouldn't wait for me at the stables.

Which we can discuss later.

I know, I know, I should've waited.

I totally get that.

But I guess sometimes I can be...

A little stubborn.


Okay, most of the time.

Well, that I can deal with.

Although I do find it kind of...




[Both laugh]

[Lamb bleats]

I got your message.

Now what do you want?

I know you wanna win the 4h competition.

And what makes you so sure?

Because I wanna win the 4h competition!

And you know what?

If we could just get over ourselves, without having to be friends...

What happens in the sheep pen, stays in the sheep pen?

Yeah, something like that.

But we have to work as a team, for the sake of the project.

For the sake of little...




♪ Oh nothing beats those moments oh so rare ♪
♪ Poetic and so true

[Georgie sighs]

All right.

[Lamb bleats]

Alighty, let's do this.


♪ And it's taken me so long to realize I don't have me ♪
♪ If I don't have you
♪ if I don't have you

[Amy sighs heavily]

[Lucked out nickers]

♪ 'Cause I'm right where I wanna be ♪
♪ What I'm looking for is in front of me ♪
♪ It's taken me so long to see ♪
♪ That I'm right where I wanna be ♪

♪ Oh...
♪ Right where I wanna be
♪ oh...
♪ Right where I wanna be
♪ oh...
♪ Hey...
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