10x07 - Shell Shock (Part II)

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "NCIS". Aired: September 2003 to present.*
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The cases of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service.
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10x07 - Shell Shock (Part II)

Post by bunniefuu »

They took him, and I have to get him back.

He's dead.

Where is my brother?

Shut up!

Randall Kersey. They followed him, Boss.

I pushed as hard as I could to get away, and...

That's when Torres went down?

I know what I saw!

Post-traumatic stress is a complicated disorder.

Something happened to me that night.

Torres was never dragged away, it was one of my men in the ambush.

I was back in Arghanda all over again.

And I was convinced that guy on the tape was there.

It means something to Captain Westcott. Find out why.

After-Action Report of the Arghanda ambush ID'd the group responsible, the Ijil Rebels.

Randall Kersey really was fighting with the enemy.

What is that?

A building blueprint.

Looks like our John Lindh was planning something.

Not was. Is.

Find him.

See that, McCartney?

You losing to yourself again?

No, man.

She's looking at me.

Yeah. With her sexy little robe, and her big ol'bedroom eyes.

Oh, yeah. This girl wants me bad.

Are we going on patrol tonight, Captain Westcott?

Well, if Hall can tear himself away from his new girlfriend.

Sir, she's got nothing on my Sara.

Before I left, her belly was out to here, but my Sara was still...

"The prettiest girl in the Sunshine State."

My baby girl wants to be a ballerina?

Daddy's gonna buy her a tutu. She wants to play football?

I'm gonna teach her to throw a spiral.

Move! Move! Move! Move!


Looks good on me, Captain?

You were right about Kersey being in Arghanda.

With the enemy?

Yeah, he's planning something here.

Gone off-grid.

We need your help to go find him.

NCIS Season 10 Episode 07 Shell Shock, Part2

Sorry, but I don't think I have anything else for you.

You had contact with Kersey here... and in Afghanistan.

Any detail could... give us something.

He talk to anyone at the convenience store?

But it didn't seem like he was there for a pack of gum, either.

I tried to track everything he was doing, but... it was too much.

The After-Action Report says that you and Torres were inside enemy headquarters during the ambush.

Honestly, sir, I only put that in there because Torres said we were inside.

I don't...

I only remember the ambush in pieces, and that's not one of them.

Anyone else file a report?

No, I was the C.O.

Far as Kersey...

I clocked him deep into the ambush.

He was attempting to capture PFC Hall.

But I didn't see anything else.

Any of your other men see him?

There was only one other man McCartney.

I'm sorry.

His real name is Paul Patterson.

Moved back home after he got out.

Virginia, I think.

This kid... superhuman.

Okay, Captain, you up for taking a little trip tomorrow?

Maybe the two of you can put your heads together.

He'll do whatever you need, Agent Gibbs.

No doubt, sir.

Look, I know you need to get well.

And I won't keep you any longer than I have to.

It is a little cramped in here.

Be glad to get you guys another room if it'll help.

You feel like you need watching, son?

No, sir.

But if you want to stay...

Oh, no.

I need to get back to Ohio.

Come on, a few more days won't hurt.


You heard what he said, he said he's okay.

Got it.

No, I need to get back to work.

This time of year is brutal.

I'd like someone here.

I'll stay.

What do you mean it's sold out?

It has to be Saturday night.

Yes, it has to be the opera.

Okay, do not tell me that I'm out of luck, because I think it's...


Big three of romantic dates: beach picnic, impromptu dancing in the rain and the opera.

Who is he?

He is no one.

You're serious about this guy?

I'm serious about my guy. Where's Kersey?

Current location still unknown. BOLO went out wide.

Neighbors last saw him driving a blue Sedan.

Still looking for the plate numbers, but there's nothing with wheels registered to his name.


Randall J. Kersey. 25 years old.

Born in the City of Angels.

He started a degree in Philosophy at the University of Maine, but a semester abroad in India sent him in another direction.

Yeah, the t*rror1st direction. Hooked up with the Ijil Rebels somewhere along the border, then he followed the pied piper across Pakistan, into Afghanistan.

CIA only knew him Sulayman al-Janfi.

They did not connect that name to Kersey.


No living relatives, but he does list a girlfriend by the name of Brooke Fenten as an emergency contact.

You were right, Boss.

Abby confirmed that the paper found in Kersey's basement was part of a building blueprint.

Does she know which building?

Not yet.

But she did say the expl*sive remnants suggest that Kersey likely has two Ieds.

Probably small in size, but they'll pack a big punch.

Must be quite the building he's got his heart set on.

Talk to the girlfriend.

Girlfriend experience coming up.

More than happy to wait here, sir.

So, where'd the nickname come from?


As in Paul. He had this old guitar.

There was always music coming out of this kid.

Crazy what that kind of thing means over there.

Good guy to have around.

He was the one.

Thanks to McCartney, Hall died looking at us instead of them.

You okay?

What are you doing here?

This is Agent Gibbs from NCIS.

Yeah, look, I heard about what happened to Torres, and that's really sad, but I hardly needed in-person notification, okay?

McCartney, can we just come in...

It's Patterson.

What do you want?

You recognize him?

This guy was in Arghanda.

He was there that night firing on us. Do you remember him?

He grabbed Hall.

He was one of the ones that you...

I said no!

You know, I was actually having a pretty good day today.

Like, what the hell are you doing here?

Where were you before?

I needed you before.

This... this I don't need.

Bringing you here, that was my idea.

It's on me. That's my bad.

Captain, this must be their base.

Come on, Hall.

Joe, it's me.

I remember the headquarters!

Why are you running?

Captain W.

I'm here to help.

You must be Sergeant W.

I love brothers.

I just found my second one at this animal rescue...

Based on your After-Action Report, I was able to whip up our very own version of the Arghanda ambush using... virtual reality.

I'm more of a Super Mario guy myself.

Since VR is being used to treat soldiers with PTS, I think this will be better for your memory.

And it could help us find Kersey.

This Kersey's blueprint?

The watermark led me directly to the U.S. Register of Historic Buildings.

So I'm comparing your piece to all the registered blueprints.

But I haven't had a happy little ding yet.

Speaking of happy little dings, what's your oven situation for Thanksgiving?

'Cause I need, like, 40 minutes for my Aunt Gertie's caffeinated green bean casserole.

I'm really excited that you're letting us just invite ourselves over...

Lady Lab Coat, my brother just turned this thing on.

It was him, he did it.

No, you did it.

Excuse me.

Here we go.

Okay, this is Lady Lab Coat, and I'm just gonna walk you through what we have.

You and your men are on foot patrol, and you see some gear inside an abandoned building.

You and Lieutenant Torres move inside.

This is crazy.

That's the headquarters?

And your brother's gonna help me fill it in.

I saw a table... with a computer.

Some kind of satellite modem.

And the wall was covered... with documents, pictures, maps.

That's when I saw "Ijil".

I saw a picture of Kersey.

Clean-cut, like on his driver's license.

Plans for his mission here?

Could be, that's... that's all I got.

Let's move on then, to the ambush.

Move, move!

It might be worth getting to the end.

No, I know how it ends.

Maybe we can take a walk and try...

Damn it.

Look, Agent Gibbs, that's...

I gave you all I got. I'm done.

I'm sorry, good luck.

You're right... straight to voice mail.

Yeah, so, when was the last time you saw him?

Ms. Fenten, when was the last time you saw Mr. Kersey?

He's not on chat, either.

I mean, he's always on chat.

Even when he's at my place, he's on my laptop on chat.

So, who's he chatting with?

Phone people... he works at Bilson.

They're always helping each other with tech questions.

I can't believe he's not on chat.

Like I told you, he's got a few things going on.

So, when was the last time you saw Mr. Kersey?

Sorry. It was this morning.

He came over to say good-bye.

He said his business trip got moved up to today.

So, where was he going?

He was flying to Houston, but from there he was going all over.

Maybe even India.

They were rolling out this new...

He was lying?

We've been together eight months.

I thought I knew him.

We're gonna need your laptop, check out his chats.

Yeah, of course, it's at my apartment.

And, do you know anything about a blue Sedan?

Well, that sounds like his car.

Fantastic, you got the plates?

I think it ends with a nine... or a six.


Maybe you could find it through his uncle's name.

Randy's uncle left him that car when he died last year.

What's the uncle's name?

Kersey's only uncle, Daniel Kersey, died in 1989.

Randy lied to his girlfriend about where he got the car.

Got her permission to keep an eye on her communications but it's doubtful he'll contact her.


No hits.

Not surprising without a license plate.

We went back to the convenience store like you suggested, and the manager remembers Kersey but nothing fishy.

E-mail, cell phone, credit cards... all inactive.

He knows we're on to him. Search area, McGee?

Despite what Kersey told his girlfriend, he did not fly out this morning.

All airports, train stations and borders were secured and monitored beginning last night.

If he's behind the wheel, making minimal stops, driving the speed limit to avoid being pulled over, could be anywhere inside that 400-mile radius.

Lot of places to hide.

You know, the girlfriend's computer might help narrow it down.

She said Kersey used it, to chat up coworkers.

As a field technician, he had direct access to phone lines.

On it, Boss.

What about us?

Find where to look for a guy who knows we're searching him.

Just in time for The Ballad of Randall J. Kersey.

It's a tragedy, I'm afraid.

Yeah, always is.

Young Randall lost his parents to a car accident when he was just five years old.

Bounced from one foster home to the next ran away from six of the eight.

He give a reason?

After each escape, he was recovered from the home of one of his classmates, begging the parents to let him stay.

He wanted a permanent family.

Like many t*rrorists organizations, the Ijil foster unshakeable bonds.

Now that Randall Kersey has had a taste of such belonging, to return to a solitary life would be a sacrilege.

You think he's got help.


Where is he?

We're trying to find that out now.

No, I meant, where is Captain Westcott, other than at the forefront of your mind?

He's headed home.

Okayed me getting into the ambush and then I pushed.

Pushed too hard.

It's obvious that you feel a grave responsibility towards this young man.

I sent home plenty of Marines like Westcott, and I knew their heads weren't right.

I hoped that there would be someone on the other side to catch them.

You had no choice.

I mean, you had to stay behind.

It was your duty.

I'm on the other side now.

I tried to catch Westcott.

I didn't.

He wouldn't let me.

And when do you take "no" for an answer?

I'm angry, Ducky.

You can't fix the world, Jethro.

But you can call the boy.


Hey, it's Gibbs.

Agent Gibbs.

Where are you?

You knew that he was on meds and you bring him here?

Don't worry about it.

Let me guess, you're a scotch man, can you get him a scotch, neat?

Come on, let's go, bud.

Back off.

You're not my father.

He'd never come and check in on me. He's always got better things to do.


Sit down... The flight doesn't leave till noon.

Come on, let's get out of here.

You taking his side?

There are no sides here.

What are you doing taking his side, you're my brother.

Which is why I've let you beat on me last three days straight for no reason.

No, I got a reason.

Good, let's talk about it in the car, then.

You don't get what I've been through.

Don't try to act like you do.

I just got back from over there.

It's different.

I was in it out there, same as you, I saw guys die...

It's different!

How is it different?! It's the same thing!

Come on, that's enough.


Sit down.

It's different because you're okay.

Back up.


You're here early.

Been here all night.

Combing through Kersey's chats is a bigger job than I thought.

I swear, if I got to read one more thing about a malfunctioning VoIP system.

Did you find anything?

Chats are clean, just looking for any files he might have saved.

We're giving Kersey more hiding places by the minute.

Speaking of places, I hear you're going to the opera.

I'm not going to the opera, and that was the worst segue ever.

I know, it was forced.

Tony made me promise to ask you about it.

It's unbelievable, why can't he just leave it alone?

I think he thinks you're pretty serious about this guy.

The opera is one of the big three.

Why can't you just leave it alone?

Leave what alone?

What did I miss? Did you ask her?

Did you tell him?




Bingo is right, McVoyeur.

She's smoking in those shorts.

My Lord, there is something about a good strong ponytail, isn't there?

The car.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a plate.

Stellar work, McGee, just sh**t it over to me and I'll add it to the BOLO.

Did she say anything?

Leave it alone, Tony.

Agent Gibbs, I signed off on you exploring the ambush for good reason.

The only way to stop a traumatic event from taking over your life is to face it.

He is trying.

And failing, I'm sure.

Even with regular therapy at home, the healing process is going to be rocky.

What about his recent encounter with Mr. Kersey?

Asked him, got flustered, said there's too many details.

Hypervigilance, re-experiencing, they're both symptoms.

He spots Kersey, and he's overwhelmed.

He sees everything around him as a threat.

Would it help to get him back in the store?

Retracing his steps could help him isolate what's important.

I'm not asking about the case.

I'm asking about what would help Westcott.

I'm sorry, is there a problem?

Yeah, Doc, there's a problem.

You served, right?


Okay, then you know.

Kids are going over and we're expecting them to come back the same.

The experience changes everyone.

What are we doing?

What are we doing?

I would raise my hand all over again.

Yeah, so would I, so would Westcott.

But he is blaming himself for not doing more.

How do I help him?

Two objectives in the treatment of PTS.

Rediscover sense of purpose, rebuild trust.

Look, I get it.

You show up here, you offer me some ice cream and a balloon to stick around.

But I'm sorry, sir. I can't accept.

Case isn't closed. I still need your help.

I'm not staying in this room another day.

Okay, then you can bunk with me.

Rocky Road's in the freezer.

You're hilarious.

I know. Get in the car.

See you at home, kid.

Tell your dad I'm sorry about Thanksgiving.

You know, that was the first fight we've ever been in where we weren't on the same side.

I don't know what I was thinking letting him drink.

You weren't thinking.

It happens.

I knew it was wrong, but for a minute, I...

He was himself. I had my old brother back.

Find a way to love the brother you got.

Try to get him to sleep, will you?

You staying?

We'll go back together.

Whenever he's ready.

Can't believe the old bird just let you shut the place down so I could concentrate.

Amazing what happens when you don't give the bird a choice.

You are a badass, Agent Gibbs.

Okay, Captain, you're on.

No harm at all if we come out of here with nothing.

I was right here, Lieutenant Torres was to my left.

I first spotted Kersey at my one o'clock.

He's shifty.

He picks up a can of soup, but he doesn't look at it.

It's just for show.

The bell rings.

It's a girl with blue hair.

Torres is telling me that we gotta go.

Come on, man. Let's get out of here. He's the wrong guy.

Stay with Kersey.

He's on the move.

You got a problem, old man? What are you looking at?

Come on, Joe, let's go, man! Let's go!

Let the rest go.

Just Kersey.

It was a hand off.

That's good work.

You badass.

Hey, Boss, sketch artist said Westcott gave her a good amount of detail.

That's some hairdo.

She shouldn't be hard to spot.

We're thinking straight line from the Blue Bonnet to Kersey?

She knows something. Find out what.

Now would be nice.

Right. BOLO.

Taking it to the streets.

Change of plans.

Kersey's car just got spotted by State police on the G.W. Parkway.

Tell the police no one goes in till we get there.

The whole grid, he's still on the Parkway?

Randall Kersey!

NCIS! Keep your hands on the steering wheel!

Hands, Kersey! Hands!

Get out of the car.

Keep your hands up!

Please don't sh**t me!

Where's Kersey?

I don't know.

Car's clear, Boss.

Superbad here is all alone.

When did you last see him? Where was he?

Yesterday. Rock Creek Park.

He said I should get out of town right away, but I was so stoked to have the car, that I...

He paid me 200 bucks to take it and keep driving.

Please don't sh**t me.

Talk to me.

Kersey's whereabouts still unknown.

Ziva's talking to his hired driver.

Since he ditched the car, we're looking for something stolen.

Kid puts him in Rock Creek Park yesterday at 12:30 p.m.

That would adjust the radius to...

That's where he wants us to look. The bigger the better.

Shut it down.

Kersey was working a plan, he got spooked.

A little visit to Interrogation sent him running?

No, he's not running. Underground.

He wanted us to follow the car while he stuck to his plan.

He's still in the neighborhood.

Kersey's driver does not know anything. He's a runaway living on the streets.

Parents are addicts.

I do not understand why Kersey's using these children.

It's better for him if we pick up some kid who doesn't know anything.

Kids who want to belong, like he did.

He knows how to talk to them.

DiNozzo. Blue hair?

Canvass was a bust.

Convenience store manager was a little more helpful.

No name, but said that Marge Simpson is a regular.

You two, go.

Don't come back without her.

Hey, Gibbs, I heard McGee say that he would like to spend more quality time with Tony.

So I thought, how about a "boys only" stakeout?


I pointed to you and DiNozzo.

Cut the guy some slack, will ya?

It's the opera.

One of the big three.

Let's go!

Looked through this a few times, but nothing rings a bell.

My couch is a good bed.

I can't sleep.

I had a girl that smiled like that when I stood next to her.

She... wrote me letters, she kept me going.

And when I got back, I...

I cheated on her.

I really loved that girl.

Truth is, he and I... we're no different.

We run.

And we take down everybody else along the way.

You're nothing like him.

Torres was...

Gone when he hit the pavement.

There's nothing you could've done.

But Hall, Hall was different. He needed me, and I just, I ran.

You're alive. You survived.

For what? This?

My dad won't even look at me.

I can't even look at my brother.

This thing is just, it's just...

It's eating me alive.

Even Patterson. That kid was Superman, and now he...

The only way to beat this is to keep on fighting.

And it wouldn't hurt to let the rest of us have a few whacks from time to time.

I think the sun is officially up, so let me be the first to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving.

Gobble, gobble.

How about the boss playing the big host this year?

Turkey legs by the fire.

Shut up!

I'm sick of you sitting in this car being nice to me.

My deepest apologies.

You're nice because you want me to tell you what you want to know.

Then tell me and I'll stop being nice.

There's nothing to tell.

Fine. I'll make it up.

He's a veterinarian!

Stop raising your voice.

Can't be nice, I might as well be loud. Does he make you laugh?

You're such a child.

And then you wonder why I cannot talk to you.

So, he's a hilarious veterinarian who likes the opera.

Why do you care? I thought we were past caring about these things!

Past them?

Look, I don't care who this guy is.

I just thought we were, you know, telling each other things about things.

The things that... you know, matter.

There is no funny veterinarian. There is no one, actually.

Only Tali.

Your sister?

I think about her every day, but this week is... this week is the most difficult.

It's when you lost her?

It's a birthday.

Tomorrow, actually.

Tali used to sing Puccini, and even my father's eyes would get filled with tears.

You know, her dream was to be on stage.

So every year on her birthday, I go to the opera in honor of her.

But this year, this year was...

It's sold out.

And I know it sounds really... silly, but I feel like I'm... like I'm letting her down, and... the love of a sibling is...

Well, I'm lucky, lucky to have known it.

Got her.

What do you want?

NCIS. We need to talk.

Look, I didn't do nothing.

Lay off the double-negatives. They confuse her.

Randall Kersey. Where is he?

What are you asking about him for?

Why don't you tell us?

It's just some guy.

Come and bring us food sometimes. You know, odd jobs to make money.

He was nice.

He handed you something inside this store last Saturday night.

A piece of paper. What was it?


He didn't talk details in person.

But, look, the jobs were never anything bad.

You know what we're gonna ask you next.

We met at this coffee shop sometimes.

That note said I should be there today at 10:00.


He was gonna give me some box to drop off at Union Station.

It was nothing bad.

That's my girl.

On time as always.

You know where this is going... but I'd like to know when it's done.

I think we're pretty much done right now.

I'm sorry to cut your holiday plans short, Mr. Kersey.

Where's the other one?

We know there's two.

There's nothing at the train station.

So where did you send it?

Who are you working with?

Some other kid you bought?

What, that's it?

Where's he going?

Guy actually has a conscience. Gibbs is gonna take a hammer to it.

Boss doesn't let too many people back here.

He asked, and I said yes.

It's closure.

Private Gomez.


Left behind two little brothers and a mother.

The mom says that he took care of everyone.

k*lled in action by the Ijil Rebels.

You're not just k*lling blank faces, Randall.

Where's the b*mb?

Corporal Troy Baroni.

22 years old.

Gibbs has him.

Those are my men.

You okay?

Coward won't even look at them.

Look at them!

Look at him.

Private First Class James Hall.

Wife waiting at home, pregnant with a baby girl.

You remember him?!

No one else needs to get hurt!

Where is the b*mb, Kersey?

Where's the b*mb?!

My name... is Sulayman al-Janfi.

The Ijil are my brothers.

Today, I failed them.

But that night,

I got one more savage than I thought.

You son of a bitch! Say his name!

Get off him!

Get off me!

Let him go! Get off him!

Private First Class James Hall!

She was in the headquarters on the wall! She's part of it!


His girlfriend!


Doing fine. Dorneget dropped him off with his brother.

Let's go.

Brooke Fenten, age 29. Never been to Afghanistan.

Ponytail played us.

Said the car came from the uncle.

Told Kersey what was up, he hired a driver.

She threw his chats in my face.

I hate her, no matter how good she looks in those shorts.

It's unclear how she's linked to the Ijil...

I don't care. Skip it. Where is she now?

Didn't answer her cell, nobody's home.


Work schedule on her computer has her catering a Thanksgiving event tonight.


Working on it. No address listed.

Gibbs trifecta. Nice.

I finally got a match on the blueprint from Kersey's basement.

Was on the historic register.

This home belongs to Senator Geoffrey Roberts.

Senator Roberts is hosting the members of the Joint Economic Committee and their families for Thanksgiving. It's all over the news.

Take a big bite out of Congress with one hit.

Saddle up.

Event security has to be U.S. Capitol Police.

Call on the way.

Abs, get me the address.

Okay, but... you'll be back by turkey time, right?


In the kitchen, it was found in one of the food storage bins.

b*mb squad already has it disarmed, but...

Boss, they lost Fenten.

Do we know she was here?

Multiple witnesses saw her.

No sightings after the police entered.

Her staff doesn't know anything. They all look clean.

Roadblocks are out.

She's got to be on foot.


I found this stuffed in a closet.

She could be hiding inside the house.

No, she always had a plan to get out.

I'm glad you came back.

I saw what happened through the window.

I wanted to come out, but...

I don't blame you. I'm...

I must've looked like a deranged Forrest Gump out here.

My head's messed up, McCartney.

It sucks saying that, but...

Maybe you should think about talking to someone, too.

See about picking up that guitar again.

I don't know if I have it in me.

You already ran head-on at the enemy once.

Yeah, you got it in you.


He means how you got Hall and brought him back to us.


That wasn't me, Captain.

That was you.

Okay, I'm here.

Come on, Hall.

Come on.

I didn't run away.

You didn't run.

Forgive yourself for the rest.

I just wish it would've mattered.

The general never ran from anything.

It mattered.

To us.

Are you heading over?


Abby was so excited Gibbs moved Thanksgiving to tonight.

Listen, I told the boss that you're gonna be a little late.

Come on, Tony, you've seen me drive. I'm never late.

Did you know that McGee installed a crazy surround sound system in here?

I came in one night, and he was playing video games wearing a cape.

I know it's not the same, but... maybe if you closed your eyes, it'd be like you were at the opera.

And maybe even like...

Tali's there with you.
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