09x18 - The Tell

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "NCIS". Aired: September 2003 to present.*
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The cases of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service.
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09x18 - The Tell

Post by bunniefuu »

That's one, two, three solid leads.


We'd need 30 private contracts to make up the kind of revenue we're out.

Hey, we're doing our best here.

You got 80% of the company in bed with the Navy, and...

And what, Ron?

We need that military contract.

Not gonna happen.

Navy wants to go light. Steel is out, poly-fiber is in.

Dalton, did the contract expire, or did it expire?


And are we gonna get it back?

Don't see it happening.

Legal doesn't see it happening, Ron.

Maybe we should stop yapping about a Navy contract we don't have anymore and figure out how to sell some damn steel!

I have to go.

Give our best to the Secretary of the Navy.

And good luck with the speech.

As President and CEO of Wickes Steel & Shipbuilding, I'm proud of the work my family has put into building these great machines.

They're an unshakable foundation upon which the Navy can take her fleet to new heights.

How was that?

That was perfect, sir.

Was I loud enough?

Always are.

Mr. Secretary, I...

I feel sorry for you having to follow that.

I was going to have you take a look at my speech, maybe do a little punch up.

Like old times, huh?

We made a great team.

I mean, older and wiser shows me how to hit the books.

Younger and more handsome shows you how to win the hearts.

Ah, that was a long time ago.

A less complicated time.

You know, we have business to talk about, Clayton.

Sure. Well... we'll do it privately. I'll come over to the house.

Better hurry, I may not own the place much longer.

Get down! Falcon down!

He's been hit in the chest.

Stop him!

NCIS Season 9 Episode 18 The Tell

Vance is not here, either.

Doesn't his son have a soccer game in Alexandria?

No, that is next week.

Tony's ignoring my calls, and it is very unlike Gibbs to just disappear like this.

Something is going on.

Actually, I think Tony said something about being on SECNAV's PSD today.

That's probably a cover.

I think they must be at some kind of man day.

You know, when men take a day to do man things together.


And just because I am a woman, they do not have the courtesy to tell me where they are going or when they come back.

I'm a man.

That's right!

Which makes this even worse. I'm gonna call Tony again.

We're doing our best to keep the investigation closed.

No update yet, Mr. Wickes.

We're trying to keep this out of the press.

The less the sh**t knows, the better off we are.

Okay, we're asking these people to not say anything about what they saw.

I saw a man with a g*n.

Right, I got that. So you're going to be in this group.

You will answer questions, then you're gonna go home.

You're going to lay low and tell your people that you need some personal time.

No, I don't want that. I want him kept separate from the group.

He was standing next to Jarvis. He had a better view than anybody.

The gunman, he was wearing a blue hat. I saw him.

We're going with a sketch artist, You write down everything you remember.

Of course, anything.

Massive blood loss, doesn't look good.

His family's been notified. Agent Gibbs, follow me to the hospital.

You put him in a car back to headquarters. I'll meet you there.

Gentlemen, welcome to the party.

It's BYOS: Bring Your Own sh**t.

I brought mine, Tyler Elliott, my lead investigator.

Agent Gibbs, Bravo!

Big doubts about you going in, but you were way better than expected.

Meryl Streep better.

Take that as a compliment.

This one tells it like it is, to a fault.

Been there for the real thing.

Are you confirming that all our marks were hit, Doctor?

On the money, Leon.

Break open the champagne.

Opening night was a success.

Well done.

Where you been, we've been calling?

What's going on?

Man day is over, and he's still ignoring us.

I am not going to be ignored.

Glenn Close, Fatal Attraction. It's a good one, Ziva.

Your impression of

"hot lady with crazy eyes" is dead on, by the way.

You are a sphinx of a minx.

Game time fellas, just like we planned it.

Tony, do not try to talk your way out of this by calling me hot.

He also called you crazy, Ziva.

I will unleash crazy on him if he does not apologize for leaving me out of the loop.

That won't be necessary, Special Agent David.

Today was phase one of a joint PsyOps/NCIS directive, a staged assassination attempt of yours truly.

So that's where you were.

Welcome to the need to know.

Target is Phillip J. Wickes of Wickes Steel & Shipbuilding.

I want it known that Phillip Wickes is a personal friend.

I signed off on this op under the condition that we look just as hard for his innocence as we do for his guilt. Understood?

One week ago, a page from a highly classified file surfaced online.

That same day, SECNAV got a love letter demanding that he put the brakes on the Navy's green initiative which is to build all new subs and ships with lighter, alternative materials.

If the SECNAV refuses to play, the e-mail threatens to release more pages from the file.

It's straight-up blackmail.

What is in this document, Director?

The file was remotely lifted from a database at AUTEC.

That's the the Atlantic...

Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center.

It's a facility where they test military technology.

Unmanned submersible drones, Mk-48 torpedo simulators...

Easy, McBradbury.

The file details a simulated warfare test done at AUTEC.

First page, no context, but you throw in a couple more, suddenly announcing the weaknesses of every port on the Eastern seaboard.

Cyber division couldn't ID the source of the breach in AUTEC's firewall, but they did tell us the blackmail message was e-mailed from...

Wickes Steel.

Last month, the Navy said that they were done with Wickes.

Good-bye government contracts, hello bankruptcy.

So, the blackmailer is Phillip Wickes?

It's his company. He's got a pretty good motive.

But how is pretending to sh**t SECNAV going to lead us to our blackmailer?

Seeing his childhood friend shot, Wickes is highly vulnerable.

The idea is to tell him that we've connected the sh**ting to Wickes Steel and AUTEC.

If Wickes is part of this blackmail, he's going to want to know why his people pulled the trigger.

Eyes and ears on this guy 24/7.

Anyone he connects with is a suspect.

What if Wickes isn't involved?

He'll tell us something, even if he doesn't intend to.

Got your earpiece.

I don't need you in my ear, Doc.

You don't know what you need.

Oh, yes I do.



You think you don't need me, Agent Gibbs, but you're wrong.

But now I'm curious.

What do you need?

Well, that question works both ways.

I need you to go in there, and man-to-man, establish a bond with Wickes.

I need you to say what I tell you, when I tell you.

I need to study Wickes' language, his body, and most importantly, his limbic, physical response the first time he hears the word AUTEC.

And from that, I need to decide whether or not he's involved.

Usually I just get 'em to say they did it.

It's easier.

Breakfast the other night, did I or did I not deduce that you like powdered sugar and not syrup on your pancakes before the pancakes were ordered without you saying one word?

I rest my case.

His hat was definitely blue.

I wrote in my notes, more royal than navy.

I think that's correct.

Don't tell me you can't last longer than this.

We've been at this a long time, Mr. Wickes.

It's unfair to see
a guy go through this for over two hours with nothing in return.

I want to help all that I can.

See, he's a giver.

Okay, keep 'em rolling. Repeat after me:

how many employees from your company were aware of today's symposium?

A lot of your people know about this thing today?

Yes. Why?

Are you suggesting that someone from my company could be involved?

No, tell him it's unlikely.

Make him your friend first. We'll get to that later. Tell him.

Not likely.

Wickes Steel is going through a... pretty tough time.

But we'll push through, I mean, this company was built on simple pride.

My grandfather started with an idea.

My father worked there till the day he died.

The old man loved his female employees.

I have more relatives and half-relatives working for me than you can imagine.

What am I talking about?

This is about Clayton.

Even though I was older, he always looked out for me.

We use to call him the Mayor.

I just want to see him pull through this.

It's okay, let him go.

Gibbs, Gibbs, let him come back to you.

Just be patient.

Think about something else.

The sweater I wore to your house the other night, what color was it?

I know you remember.

We think the sh**t has a connection to AUTEC.

You know what AUTEC is, Mr. Wickes?

I do.

A lot of unhappy folks from your company knew exactly where SECNAV was gonna be today.

Do any of them have a connection to AUTEC projects?

Lawrence Ridgeway.

He wasn't the man with the g*n, but...


Wickes built something for AUTEC back in the '70s.

Before my time.

Ridgeway was the only one still around that worked on it.

Last month, I had to lay him off, two weeks shy of retirement.

Lawrence did not take it well.

What the hell was that?

Doc, I don't have all year to figure this out.

I told you I needed to study Wickes.

You just watched him for two hours.

And then you blocked my view at the critical moment.

First mention of AUTEC, all I saw was the back of your big fat head.

I can't even confirm now that he was involved in the blackmail.

Looks like Ridgeway might be.

You think Wickes was rattled enough to give up a partner just like that?

Or he's just telling us what he knows, and he's innocent.

I didn't try to block your view.

I didn't try to ruin anything.

That's it? Is that all you have to say?

Lawrence Ridgeway.

Say hello to Lawrence Ridgeway.

A spry 62, and loving it.

Third-generation steelworker, hired at Wickes Steel when he was just a kid.

Dedicated employee, sort of like yours truly.

I want to thank you for allowing me to participate in the SECNAV op.

Thank the Doc. She's the one who chose you.

Yeah, I thought your game show host quality would be good for the stage.

Ridgeway has had a rough year.

Lost thousands in company stock, he was recently laid off, and if Wickes Steel goes under, he will likely lose his pension.

SECNAV's green plan ruined this guy.

Sounds like a motive to me.

If Ridgeway did it, he had help.

There's no way he's got the skills to break through AUTEC's firewall.

I found a post of his on a PC forum asking what a cookie is.

Old people.

Old people entertain me.

I can tell you Wickes didn't have the know-how to pull off this AUTEC job.

We're looking at a team.

So you determined from the interview that Wickes is involved?

My findings were inconclusive.

Any contact between Wickes and Ridgeway?

Not a peep out of Wickes since we let him go.

Wickes is a chess player.

It doesn't surprise me that he's taking some time before he makes his next move.

McGee, get me a location on Ridgeway.

On it.

DiNozzo, Ziva, get going.

Instead of Wink Martindale here, I think I'd like to send Elliott.


Come on, at least go Chuck Woolery.

No, let me at him. I'm the king of non-verbal indicators.

Yes, he is. Unless, of course, somebody blocks his view.

Ziva, take Elliott with you. Come on.

Game show host.

Did you see that?

Is she serious about this whole game show host thing?

The doc does not mess around when it comes to people's personality traits.

Gibbs smiled at her.

I saw it. And the way he walked to the elevator, it was...

It was what?


Gibbs' walk definitely had a bounce to it.

Yeah, happy feet. I saw it.

Feet are the most honest part of a human's body.

Eyes are not bad indicators as well.

I saw Ryan's dilate when Gibbs walked into her office the other day.

What do you think this means?

Interest, excitement, you know.

It's a neurovascular response.

The only one who knows, what a person is thinking is the person who's thinking it.

I thought you could interpret everything.

And even if we could, we wouldn't tell you.

Dr. Ryan... is she...?

The best.

The annoying big sister I never had. I'd do anything for her, and if Gibbs hurts her, I'll k*ll him.


I sh**t straight, and hope that it'll be tempered by my teddy-bear cuteness.

b*llet hole through the window.



That's Ridgeway.

Looks like he's been dead a few days.

What else do you see, Mr. Observant?

This guy's not gonna be painting anytime soon.

He's not gonna be answering any questions, either.

From the moment Jethro first mentioned your name and told me of your passion for the inner workings of the human mind, I knew I had found a kindred spirit.

That's exactly what I was gonna to say.

Plenty of time for spirits later, Duck?

Thank you.

Ever diligent in the w*r on small talk.

Single g*nsh*t wound to the chest.

The b*llet pierced the sternum, headed straight through the dorsal side, and lodged itself in an adjacent wall.

Happily, it is now in the capable hands of Miss Sciuto.

That it?

Based on the rate of decomposition, he expired approximately, 72 hours prior to discovery.

Before we started playing Wickes.


Mr. Ridgeway. Do you mind if I call you Larry?

I like this woman.

Elliott tells me you never saw the b*llet coming, and that you were getting ready to paint.

Let's just say you were involved in a plot to blackmail the Secretary of the Navy.

You with me, Larr?

Is brightening up the den really the top of your priority list?

I'm pretty sure that Larr-bear here wasn't involved.

I think he just knew something that someone didn't want him telling us.

She's phenomenal.

But can she make assumptions like this?

She just did, Duck.


In my lab.

I'm on my way.

"w*r on small talk". Classic.


I know that McGee thinks that AUTEC is just a military facility, but I have possible proof of an actual sighting of a USO.

That's an Unidentified Submerged Object.

I'm Dr. Samantha...

Ryan. I know.

So, what am I thinking?

You're thinking I can't possibly know what you're thinking.

You're good.

Abby. Come on. What do you got?

A lot. AUTEC is, like, crazy amazing.

You've got your Bermuda Triangle, your wormholes, you've got your magnetic field deviations.

Just wish there was a way to contain it all.

You're a mapper.

I'm warning you.

You should get out of my head while you still can.

Can you map the b*llet back to the sh**t?

Slug that k*lled Ridgeway, it's 30-caliber, definitely unusual.

The one thing I do know is that it's not military specs.

I'm still trying to track it back to the exact w*apon it was fired from.

Track faster.

You know why you're so gruff all the time? You need more sex.

I'm not answering that.

You just did.

I am telling you, I saw a bounce in his step.

Elliott was sure about Ryan's pupils, as well.

How am I gonna survive Gibbs dating a woman who thinks I'm a game show host?

What does that even mean? Does she think I'm cheesy?

That I like pencil-thin microphones?

I don't buy it.

Gibbs is a lone wolf.

You have to be observant.

Next time they come in here, you need to open your eyes and really look.

Okay, what are we looking at?

Updates on Ridgeway's sh**t.


Ridgeway was shot three days ago.

Ryan's had eyes on Wickes for the last week.

He wasn't the trigger man.

He could have ordered it earlier.

McGee, e-mails?

Wickes has contacted three people since we suggested the AUTEC connection to the SECNAV's sh**ting.

Bob "Smitty" Smith, Ronald Ostrowski, and Vice President Frank Satner.

All haunt the Wickes Steel boardroom.

Whole lot of motive going on.

Working to clear their backgrounds, but so far, all talks have been work-related and clean.

Look for codes.

And cross-reference keywords with recent e-mails.

Whoever shot Ridgeway wanted to keep him quiet for a reason.

Could be this.

Report detailing the project Ridgeway worked on for AUTEC.

It's been redacted.

Can we get access?

Won't be a cakewalk.

Leads on the AUTEC hacker?

Whoever he is, he's good.

Hid his IP behind a wall of alternating secure servers.

We need to get in this report.

Bad news.

There's more red tape around that thing than I have ever seen.

The good news is, I have a talent for badgering people until they give me what I need.

Hard to believe.

Wickes is lying low for a reason.

I think he eliminated the only remaining connection between his company and AUTEC.

I think he saw us snooping around.

I think he sent us straight to Ridgeway's door.

I mean, who would suspect him?


Your son?

You're not the only one who can spot a tell, Doc.

Parker's a funny kid. He's trying to wrangle fast food out of my sister.


You got pictures?

Your surveillance pictures weren't good enough?

By the way, bad of me.

That's not the kind of Kodak moment I was thinking.

He was just little when he gave it to me.

He used to love boats almost as much as you do.

He said it was the two of us, and that we were on this boat, sailing away, happy.

He wanted to take you away.

Who's playing doctor now?

Boss, I finally got the IP for the computer used to hack into AUTEC.

Belongs to a government consultant named Amanda Baylor.

So that's our computer genius?

An encryption specialist.

And you are never gonna believe where she works.

Yes, I can confirm that one Amanda Baylor is in the hiz-ouse.

Very unattractive, in case you're wondering.

By the way, are you aware of a little film called The Graduate?

Mike Nichols. Fantastic.

"Would you like me to seduce you?"

Wait, what?

Were you quoting the movie or was that real?

Where's Baylor?

Secure encryption room.

She's in the middle of a 72-hour shift.

Logged in 14.5 hours ago, before I got here.

Once an encryptor goes in, they don't come out, department policy.

Probably well on the way to being ripe in there.

Did you know that your hair sparkles under these fluorescents?


How much does it sparkle?

So much.

So much?

So much.

Open it.


No in, no out.

Encryptors even have their own private commode.

There's a lot of confidential crap in there.


I can make sure you don't lose your job, but there might be something else we could talk about you losing.

I've decided to open it.

Thank you.

Where is she?

This did not happen on my watch.

When she clocked in, I was still in my PJ's, jamming to Luther Vandross.

This is a beautiful setup.

They're running themselves?

No, Mrs. R.

They're being run remotely.

Amanda Baylor.

Are you there?

Amanda Baylor, 28, unmarried, freelance encryption specialist, graduated from MIT with a degree in applied mathematics.

What else?

That's pretty much it, Boss.

With the exception of a few personnel files from the Iron Crypt, it's like she doesn't exist.

She existed enough to have stolen that file from AUTEC and set up a pretty good alibi.

How often was she logged in at work when she wasn't actually there?

Can we link her to Wickes?

We have not been able to tie Baylor to anyone at Wickes Steel.

Not even the board stooges.

Wickes is still only talking to them and only about pushing paper.

What about a line from Amanda Baylor to our dead guy?

Baylor does not have a history with firearms, but it is still possible that she shot Ridgeway.

Tell her you're on your way.

I'm on my way.

There, there it is.

I don't see it.

She's right. There was a bounce.

Damn it.

Welcome to AUTEC and the surrounding areas of the Caribbean.

What is this?

The Bermuda Triangle.

And an ode to my inner mapper.

I'm marking the site of each and every amazing thing that happened here.

You can't just say that and not give us a little taste.

I wouldn't dream of it.

This b*llet marks where the USS Cyclops vanished in the Triangle, and this b*llet is the Bimini Wall.

It's a possible location for Atlantis.

And this b*llet, Gibbs, this is the Tongue of the Ocean.

It's like an underwater Grand Canyon, and we think that AUTEC is running cables down more than 6, 000 feet.

To what we don't know.

Any of these b*ll*ts have a point?

The b*llet that k*lled Ridgeway.

I traced that back to a company called Vita Foras.

Vita Foras.

It's Latin. Rough translation, "Great Outdoors".

I'd guess we're looking at hunting weapons?

You would guess right. More specifically, extremely rare hunting r*fles, the kind that, crazy hard-core collectors would trade.

Hard to track.

Love your triangle, Abs.

I just have to ask.

You're in the business of proving things with science.

Why this need to chart the unexplainable?

Wait, you're in my head, right?

I'm just going to answer you in my thoughts.

I get it.

You are a trip, Ms. Sciuto.

That's a good thing, right?

What now?

Where is Baylor and who shot Ridgeway?

Wickes might be able to tell us if we ask nicely.

I'll ask.

I've seen your nice.

I'm going with you.

You said man-to-man.

Right, I'm sorry, we haven't met.

I'm Elizabeth Brighton, SECNAV's public affairs officer during this time of crisis.

Wickes and I are going to form a special bond of our own.

We think she might have a connection to whoever shot the Secretary.

You know her?

I don't recognize her.

Did you talk to Lawrence Ridgeway?

He's dead.

He was m*rder*d?

m*rder w*apon was a hunting r*fle.

It's rare.

You know anyone with something like that?

Yeah, it's Gibbs.

Do you think she shot both of them?

We don't know.

As I mentioned I am serving as the Secretary's public affairs officer and he asked me to thank you for your help with all of this and he wanted me to pass on a message that the Mayor was sorry that he missed your birthday last month.

I don't know what to say.

There were complications with the second surgery.

Nothing more they can do.

An interesting day on the World Wide Web.

A second helping of the AUTEC file has been leaked.

Page is a table of contents listing all the ports analyzed in the file.

They're toying with us.

Second leak has got to be Baylor too.

So let's grab her.

Working on it.

Work harder, I'm about to go down as the ass who took a fake shot for nothing.

I think "nothing" would be stretching it, sir.

Where'd you get this?

Borrowed it from Wickes.

He took a good look at it right after Gibbs updated him about your condition.

That makes sense, picture of the two of them together.

He also looked at it directly after he heard that Ridgeway was shot with a rare hunting r*fle.

Can you think of any possible connection between that photo and that w*apon?

Picture was taken at his family's cabin. We were on a hunting trip.

Are you gonna try to tell me that Wickes was implicating himself?

He didn't pull the trigger but the r*fle could've been his and so could the hire.

The plan was to monitor Phillip's communication after the mention of AUTEC. You did that, you came up with nothing.

Sir, there is a good possibility that Wickes looking at this picture was a tell.

I suggest that you press him further, search his house...

If he's involved...

I said no.

I'm not going to rest this entire investigation on a glance.

Maybe he was looking past the photo, through the wall, down the street to a church to ask God what in the hell he did to deserve this t*rture.

What then, Dr. Ryan?

I'm done.

Get Wickes in here.


Agent Gibbs, why am I here?

My God.

Bad information, Phil.

They got it wrong. I'm sorry.

No, no, I'm just so...

Someone is trying to blackmail me.

Blackmail the United States Navy.

Phil, they think it's you.

Are you involved?

He believes him.


Wickes say anything else?

He signed a nondisclosure agreement.

So he's being cooperative?

Is that why you came down here?

No, I came to see what you were doing.

You mean you came to gloat.

Come on, Gibbs, don't make me do it for you.

You thought Wickes was innocent the minute you left that first interview and based on the lack of evidence we have against him and the indicators in the room with Jarvis, you were right.

We need to focus on Baylor.

You need to say it.

We all thought he might be clean, none of us knew for sure.

I knew for sure.

That's why you need to say it.


That I was wrong, Gibbs, and I'm never wrong.

And today of all days, I was wrong.

Today, Doc, is as good a day as any.

No, it's not.

I keep telling myself Wickes looked at this picture for a reason, but he didn't.

Not once have I thought this man anything but guilty.

What kind of person does that make me?


Hey, Doc, your black belt in badgering people pays off once again.

Ridgeway's AUTEC report sans redactions.

You find anything?

In the late '70s, Ridgeway was paid to keep quiet about a classified technology he inadvertently saw while at AUTEC.

The report says the government paid dozens of people off.

Cash makes people forget.

For 500K, I'd keep quiet, too, even if I did see little green men on a destroyer.

Anyway, Ridgeway knew the money came from a pool of government funds used for AUTEC payoffs.

A off-books account that hasn't been touched in decades.

But this money has been accruing interest?

How much money?

$327 million and change.

I'm seeing multiple attempts to hack into this account over the last week.

It's got to be Amanda Baylor.

Baylor was hired to steal the AUTEC file and this money?

Blackmail was a diversion.

It explains why they never said anything hurt us.

We're watching the AUTEC files they have a better shot getting in and out of the bank account undetected.

It's all about the Benjamins.

It looks like Baylor's taking another s*ab right now.

She's accessing remotely, and she didn't bother burying her IP so deep this time.

She didn't expect us to look for her there.

Right, I got her. Getting a Wi-Fi ping.

She's just off the I-95. I'm texting you the coordinates.

Are you sure this is the place?

Well, what happened?

You don't trust the authority of McMaps?

All right.

It's like Silence of the Lambs meets Scooby-Doo.

Freeze! Hands up!

Do I look like I'm running?

Amanda Baylor, you have the right... to take a bath.

You smell like a wild goat.

I've been busy.

Too busy for personal hygiene?

When I am focused, I am focused.

McGee like them gamey, but I'm not sure he'd go for this one.

I clean up nice.

Why don't you put the computer down and step out here?

Let's go, Animal Kingdom. Come on.

Who are you working with?

I don't know.

We know some stuff about the blackmail and about the AUTEC account.

We also know you're in cahoots with someone inside Wickes Steel.

Did you just use the word cahoots?

I did.


All right, somebody hired me, through Wickes, but I don't have a name.

Didn't want one.

Was it Ridgeway?

Did you k*ll him?

I don't k*ll people.

I hack.

I haven't really left the van.

No kidding.

Next time, hacker, why don't you crack a window?

This is all of Baylor's computer hardware.

No sign of the r*fle used to sh**t Ridgeway in her van or in the apartment.

Abby, you do know that AUTEC is just a facility where they run tests, right?

No, Tim, it is a potluck of the unexplained and this scientist is eating it up, you know why?

Because there's a lot of really important things that can't be explained.

Like what?

Like Atlantis.

Like the disappearance of the Lady Hampshire.

Like love.

I don't have anything yet, Gibbs. The computers just got here.

Maybe this stuff will help. It's all the files we've compiled so far.

What are you doing?

I'm taking a picture of you with my map.

Trust me, you will thank me later.

I know that look. I like that look.

The photo of Jarvis and Wickes, where is it?

Right here, why?

What just happened?

Another unexplained phenomena.

Sometimes you just have to believe.

Who took the picture?

Haven't we already done this?

Be careful.

The tell.

He looked at the picture because of who was behind the cam, not in front of it.

Who took the picture, sir?

Carl Dalton.

Used to go hunting with us.

Does he have a connection to the company?

He's Wickes' half-brother and in-house counsel for Wickes Steel.

What's going on?

You said you were in trouble?

I'm not in trouble, Carl, you are.

Please tell them they're wrong.

Did you k*ll Lawrence Ridgeway?

I'm sorry.

You shot him?

It's my job to look out for you.

To look out for this family.

People depend on me.

When they told me about the r*fle, I thought... but I didn't want to believe it was you.

Ridgeway told me about the account.

If that money disappeared, and they came asking, he would have pointed to me.

He was a loose end.

I had to protect us.

And why not blackmail the Secretary of the Navy while you're at it.

That was nothing, an empty threat. It was a diversion.

Man is still dead.

But that AUTEC money is just sitting there, and we're about to lose everything.

I did this for both of us.

We needed it, Phillip.

Didn't we?

Didn't we?

Vance nails you with the shredding detail.

Yes, from redacted to unredacted to recycling to...

Tell me, I have a question.

Do you believe?

Believe in what?

Unexplained things, secrets, occurrences that we're really not supposed to talk about?

I believe that there are moments, experiences that someone like McGee, with his trusty computer, couldn't justify.

When Gibbs left tonight, I... thought I saw it again.

Saw what?

The bounce.

I've been thinking about that.

Boss don't bounce.

You cannot expect a person to keep things bottled up inside forever, can you?


Let's play.


It's as good a time as any.


Why not?

Because I don't play games, Doc.

Like hell you don't.

You know, people keep looking at their watch, usually means they're worried about something.

You got to run?

I've been running.

Maybe it's time you stopped?

I wish I could.

You can.

Parker can.

You have no idea.

You still want to play charades?

I got to go.


You know, I can help you, Doc, with your ex.

No, you can't.

Yeah, I can.

I need to go home and check my judgment.

It's about Wickes again?

You were right about the tell.

He looked at that photo for a reason.

Yeah, he did.

That's not enough.

So, you were wrong about the guy.

No one here likes you any less.

I want to stop running, Gibbs.

See the people around me and not just blurs as I fly by.

Really see them.

I just don't know if I can.

Not yet.

I'm here, Doc.

I know.
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