03x19 - A Curious Thing

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Once Upon A Time". Aired October 2011 - May 2018.*

Moderator: baileybelle

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A woman with a troubled past is drawn to a New England town where fairy tales are to be believed.
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03x19 - A Curious Thing

Post by bunniefuu »

SCENE: Enchanted Forest. Past, one year ago. A rider hurriedly gallops through the forest.

SCENE: Enchanted Forest. Past, one year ago. The Dark Palace. Prince Charming and Snow White have an argument with the Evil Queen. Aurora and Prince Phillip are present.

Evil Queen: You’ve gathered the entire kingdom for this? There’s a Wicked Witch out there, just waiting to pounce. And pretending otherwise would be dangerous.

Prince Charming: There’s nothing dangerous about rallying our people.

Evil Queen: You’re announcing you’re pregnant. It’s not like you invented the wheel. (The rider previously seen enters.)

Prince Charming: What’s this? (The rider pulls back her hood showing her face.)

Snow White: (joyfully) Belle!

Prince Charming: Are you okay? When you and Neal disappeared, we feared the worst.

Belle: We went off to see, if we could revive the Dark One.

Evil Queen: What happened?

Belle: Neal was able to resurrect him. (sighs) At the cost of his own life.

Evil Queen: (pleased) Rumple’s alive.

Snow White: (shocked) Neal is dead.

Belle: I think so.

Evil Queen: (to Belle) To which?

Belle: Both. You see, when Rumple saw that Neal was dying— (gestures descriptively) —he absorbed him, and Zelena got ahold of the dagger. Now, she controls Rumple. (Aurora gives Prince Phillip a worried look.)

Aurora: Maybe, now isn’t the time to announce the pregnancy. Regina is right. It’s too dangerous.

Snow White: No, if we don’t, we give into fear. But, if we do, we give the kingdom what they need: Hope.

Prince Charming: We don’t even know what this Wicked Witch wants.

Aurora: Actually, we do. She wants your baby.

Prince Phillip: She came to us when you were gone. Threatened us and our unborn child, unless we told her when you arrived in our land.

Aurora: She thinks your baby could be important. I’m so sorry. She said she’d hurt us.

(Startled by a gush of wind all them turn around. Flying in the Wicked Witch descends on them.)

Wicked Witch of the West: And I make good on my promises. (Aurora and Phillip back away in fear. She engulfs both of them in green smoke transforming them into flying monkeys. Shrieking both monkeys take wing.)

Snow White: (to Wicked Witch) What do you want with our baby?

Wicked Witch of the West: Calm down, sweetie. You don’t want to go into early labor. (The Wicked Witch stuns Snow White in place.)

Prince Charming: (draws his sword) Stay away from my wife. (Turning the Wicked Witch freezes him in place as well.)

Wicked Witch of the West: Oh, someone’s testy.

Evil Queen: Enough, sis. This is between you and me. (The Evil Queen raises a hand intending to magically strangle the Wicked Witch. Quickly, The Wicked Witch stuns her in place. Then she walks up to Snow White.)

Wicked Witch of the West: Now, let’s see, if this was all worth it. Yes. Yes, it was. This child will do quite nicely. So, take good care of it for me. Don’t forget to eat well. I will be back for your happy day. And what’s yours will be mine. (Chuckling she releases them.)

SCENE: The Enchanted Forest. Past, one year ago. Eight months later. Dark Palace. Snow White, Prince Charming, The Evil Queen, Belle and Robin Hood discuss how to act on the Wicked Witch’s threat. Granny is also present, knitting a blanket. Grumpy enters.

Prince Charming: Grumpy, tell me, you found something.

Grumpy: I’ve been to Blue, Tink, all the fairies. They’ve been scouring the forest for enchanted items to destroy her, but they got zilch. They say, she’s just too powerful.

Snow White: It’s happening again. I’m about to give birth and an evil sorceress is threatening the future of my child.

Evil Queen: To be fair, the first time, I was threatening you. Everyone else just became collateral damage.

Grumpy: Remind me again why we forgave her?

Evil Queen: Because I’m helping. (Robin Hood chuckles) Frustrating as it is for me to remember, Snow, you had a head start to defeat me last time. How?

Prince Charming: We were warned.

Snow White: By Rumplestiltskin.

Evil Queen: Maybe he can warn you again.

Grumpy: Wait. You wanna sneak into Rumple’s castle, where he’s held c*ptive by the Wicked Witch? Name is Grumpy, not Stupid.

Snow White: You’re right. It is stupid, but for our child-

Prince Charming: We’ll do whatever it takes.

Evil Queen: Heartwarming. He’s trapped in his own castle. (to Belle) Belle, you were prisoner there?

Belle: Yes, but breaking in? I would have no idea how.

Robin Hood: Luckily, I do. I broke in there once before.

Evil Queen: (scoffs) Why are we even listening to him? He’s a thief, which means he’s not to be trusted. What are you even still doing here?

Robin Hood: (to The Evil Queen) What I’m doing here, is saving your ass. The castle has traps and deadly ones.

Evil Queen: Not more deadly than my magic.

Robin Hood: They are, if you don’t see them coming.

Evil Queen: Maybe I’m okay with taking my chances.

Snow White: (interrupting) Alright. You may be, but we’re not. He’s coming.

SCENE: Storybrooke. Present day. Granny’s Bed and Breakfast. Kissing Regina Mills and Robin Hood stand in the hallway. After a moment Regina frees herself from Robin’s embrace.

Regina: What do you see in me?

Robin Hood: Hopefully, the same thing you see in me. A second chance. And you’re quite a good kisser. (chuckles)

Regina: (chuckles) Just wait, ’til I actually have my heart back.

Robin Hood: What is that like? I mean, can you …

Regina: Feel? (nods) Yes, I can. Just not (pausing she gropes for the right word) fully. It’s difficult to explain.

Robin Hood: Then don’t. (takes her hand placing it over his heart) Use mine for the both of us. (Regina leans in and kisses him again. A door opens and Henry Mills walks past them. Henry clears his throat. Turning around Regina faces him.)

Regina: Henry. Good morning. (smiles)

Henry: (unable to recognize her) Morning. Um, excuse me, Madame Mayor. (Stunned Regina watches Henry as he walks away)

Robin Hood: Are you alright?

Regina: No, I’m not alright. But they’re waiting for me. I should go.

Robin Hood: Wait. (kisses her) Good luck. (kisses her again. Smiling Regina exits.)

SCENE: Storybrooke. Present day. Granny’s Bed and Breakfast. Regina joins Mary Margaret, David Nolan and Emma Swan.

Mary Margaret: (turning around as Regina enters the room) Regina. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you look smitten.

Regina: (scoffs) If I didn’t know any better, I’d say Häagen-Dasz is smitten with your stomach.
Can we get started?

Emma: We were waiting for Hook.

Regina: I don’t have time to wait for the handless wonder. We have to figure out how to destroy my sister.

David: For once, I agree with Regina. Stopping her plan is the priority.

Emma: There’s something about this plan that doesn’t fit: Regina.

Regina: I’m the point of it. So she can take my life for herself.

Emma: Yes, but why bring you back to Storybrooke? Why bring any of us?

Regina: Well, no one’s ever succeeded at traveling through time. Perhaps something from this world makes it possible. But, what’s almost as troubling is that she was able to cast the curse, to bring us all here in the first place.

Emma: Why is that?

Regina: To do it you have to give up the thing you love most. From what I gather Zelena doesn’t love much.

Emma: Neither did you. You managed.

David: Zelena is smart. Strategic. Perhaps we discovered something in the missing year to stop her.

Mary Margaret: And then, the only way to stop us from interfering was to bring us back here and wipe our memories. So, if we get our memories back, we might already know how to defeat her.

David: We just need to break this curse.

Mary Margaret: Well, thank goodness we have a savior.

Emma: I would love to, but there’s one problem. Last time, all it took was me believing in magic and kissing Henry. Since I’ve been back, I’ve done both and nothing.

Regina: It’s the belief. Henry. He needs to believe. In this new life he doesn’t. We have to get him to believe again.

Emma: So, what? We put on a magic show?

Regina: How did you believe?

Emma: (shrugs) The book. The storybook.

Regina: That’s what started Henry on his original path. And what got you to believe. (excited) It’s the key. In him believing. In him remembering.
Remembering everything.

Emma: That’s not necessarily a gift. He’s been through a lot of tough stuff.

Regina: And some good stuff. Either way it’s our best bet.

Mary Margaret: She’s right.

Emma: I know. Let’s find it.

SCENE: Storybrooke. Present day. Somewhere in the woods Mr. Gold drives down a path and then parks the car. Zelena is waiting for him.

Mr. Gold: (notices that Zelena holds a red rose in hand) A rose. How lovely.

Zelena: Have you earned it? (In answer to her question Mr. Gold opens his car’s trunk) It appears you have. (Hook, tied up and gagged, lies inside. Zelena removes the gag.)

Hook: We’re in Storybrooke. You’ve never heard of a telephone?

Zelena: (chuckles, brushing his lips lightly with the rose) Such pretty lips. And so wasted. Why haven’t you used those luscious lips and kissed Emma?

Hook: A fellow likes to be courted.

Zelena: This isn’t a joke. I need to have her magic removed. If Snow’s baby is born before you kiss, I’m going to have no other option. I’m going to have to start k*lling people. People that Emma loves. Starting with her son. (throws the rose down at Hook) Take away her magic, Captain, or the next rose will be on her little brat’s grave. (shuts the trunk)

SCENE: Enchanted Forest. Past, one year ago. Dark Castle. Robin Hood, Prince Charming, Snow White, Belle and The Evil Queen enter the castle. The Evil Queen walks up to a door intending to open it.

Robin Hood: Your Majesty, I wouldn’t. (Quickly, he nocks an arrow aiming at the door. Hood successfully hits his target. The impact disarms a trap the door was provided with.)

Evil Queen: (gasps) That arrow almost took off my head.

Robin Hood: Well, that door almost took off your arm. Where I come from, a simple thank you would suffice.

Evil Queen: (scorning) Where you come from, people bathe in the river and use pine cones for money.

Snow White: Come on. Let’s go. (They enter. Inside an imprisoned Rumplestiltskin spends his time spinning.) Rumplestiltskin?

Rumplestiltskin: (giggles) Rumple, Bumple isn’t here. Rumple, Bumple gone, my dear.

Evil Queen: He really is back from the dead.

Rumplestiltskin: Dead. Dead. So much better. Dead.

Prince Charming: He’s lost his mind.

Rumplestiltskin: On the contrary. Now I have two. Two minds. Mining time. Digging deeper in the grime.

Belle: What is she doing to him?

Snow White: Nothing that can’t be undone. Rumplestiltskin, we need your help? How do we stop Zelena?

Rumplestiltskin: Round and round, the circle of time, racing towards the finish line.

Evil Queen: This is pointless.

Belle: Let me try. (approaches the cage, speaking softly) Hey. Hey Rumple. (reaching with one hand through the bars she touches him lightly. Startled Rumplestiltskin faces Belle) Hey. Hey. I know you’re in there. I know you can hear me. How do we stop Zelena?

Rumplestiltskin: (whispering) Light.

Belle: What?

Rumplestiltskin: Light magic. The Good Witch of the South. Glinda.

Belle: Glinda, but south of what? Oz?

Rumplestiltskin: No. Banished. Here. The Good Witch of the South was banished north. North of the Dark Forest.

Snow White: How do we find her? Rumplestiltskin. In the Dark Forest, how do we find her?

Rumplestiltskin: Through the door step inside, if pure of heart, then she won’t hide. (giggles)

SCENE: Storybrooke. Present day. Granny’s Bed and Breakfast. David ends a telephone call.

David: Gold’s was a dead end. That was Belle. No book in the shop.

Mary Margaret: Regina, you said the last place you saw it was Henry’s room.

Regina: Yes, but it’s not there. Swept away by the last curse.

David: A book can’t just disappear.

Mary Margaret: But it can just appear. The first curse. It just showed up in my closet, when I needed it. Or more accurately, when Henry needed it.

Emma: What do you mean?

Mary Margaret: He was going through a rough time. He was realizing he had been given up. He didn’t feel like he had a real family.

Regina: He did.

Mary Margret: That may be. But, Regina, he wasn’t feeling that way with you or with anyone. He needed to believe in happy endings again. That’s what the book gave him.

Regina: Well, he needs to believe again. In fact, I think we all do. What do you think we go check your closet?

SCENE: Storybrooke. Present day. Regina, Emma, Mary Margaret and David enter Granny’s Diner. Emma approaches Henry.

Emma: Hey kid. I got to run. I got to check on a lead. You’re okay to stay here longer? I’ll call you later. (Henry watches Emma leaving and then decides to follow her outside)

Henry: Where are you really going?

Emma: (turns around) I told you.I’m following a lead.

Henry: What lead?

Emma: It’s my job. It’s complicated.

Henry: Is this about the person who k*lled my dad?

Emma: (reluctant) Y…Yes.

Henry: Then, tell me.

Emma: It would just be easier once it’s all solved, Henry.

Henry: You’ve been lying to me ever since we got here. I deserve to know everything.

Emma: No, you don’t! I’m your mother and I know best. So, you just gonna have to deal with this for now, okay? Understood?

Henry: Yeah, I think I do. (Emma starts to walk away.) Wait. I need your keys. I left mine in the room and if I’m gonna be a prisoner I’d like to have my Game Boy. (Emma hands him her keys. Henry enters Granny’s Diner again. Quickly walking past the guests he exits the house through the rear entrance. Using the keys he then unlocks Emma’s parked car. Henry’s unaware that Hook stands behind him watching)

Hook: Where are you off to there, mate?

Henry: (turns around) Uh, nowhere.

Hook: You’re quite in the rush to go nowhere.

Henry: Fine. I’m going home.

Hook: Mm. You’re running away.

Henry: Whatever.

Hook: So, you’re planning on driving all the way back to New York? One lesson and you think you’re ready for that?

Henry: No, just to the nearest bus station.

Hook: I’m afraid I can’t let you do that. It’s too dangerous.

Henry: I don’t care what you think. (Henry opens the car’s door)

Hook: (closes the door again) Well, you should. Cause I’ve got a better way.

SCENE: Storybrooke. Present day. Blanchard Apartment. Emma, Mary-Margaret, David and Regina are looking for Henry’s storybook. David and Regina search the bedroom, Mary Margaret and Emma another. Regina opens one suitcase and looks inside searching for the book. It’s empty. David opens a chest. Shoe boxes are stored inside.

David: (picks one shoe box and sets it aside) Why do women keep their shoe boxes?

Mary Margaret: (overhearing the remark) Because after true love there is no more powerful magic than footwear. It has to be protected.

Emma: Any sign of the book?

David: (shuts the chest) No. I don’t think it’s here.

Mary Margaret: You don’t know that.

Emma: (carrying another wooden chest she joins David and Regina) Maybe it’s in this thing. (places the chest on the bed and opens it. Clothes are stored inside. Relieved) Some winter coats. Some scarves. The book is not in here. (Emma sighs)

Mary Margaret: Hang on. Let me check. (After a while of searching Mary Margaret is able to find the storybook.)

Emma: I don’t understand.

Regina: Can I see that? (Mary Margaret gives the book to Regina) I know there are chapters on Oz in here. I wanna know who’s heart Zelena crushed to enact this curse. Because if there’s something she loved, that’s her weakness. (Regina exits the room. David heads after her.)

Mary Margaret: Did you really not see it in there?

Emma: You think I’m lying?

Mary Margaret: No, of course not. It’s just- Emma, what’s going on? You’ve been anxious since we left Granny’s.

Emma: Nothing.

Mary Margaret: No, it’s not nothing. You yelled at Henry. That’s not like you.

Emma: None of this is like me. At least, it never used to be.

Mary Margaret: What are you talking about?

Emma: I’m talking about wicked witches and time traveling holy wars. I’ve forgotten what it was like here. I don’t want that for Henry.

Mary Margaret: So, you’re taking him back to New York after this is all over, aren’t you? You’re father said you’re thinking about it.

Emma: Yeah, I am.

Mary Margaret: And that’s why you looked relieved when we couldn’t find the book. You don’t want his memories back.

Emma: If getting his memories back is the only way to break the curse, then that’s what we’re gonna do. But I don’t want it to be any harder on him than it has to be. Our life in New York was really good.

Mary Margaret: Sure it was, but it wasn’t home.

Emma: It was for us.

Mary Margaret: That’s because you forgot about us. (Embarrassed Emma looks down. Mary Margaret stands up.) Let’s go get Henry.

SCENE: Enchanted Forest. Past, one year ago. South of the Dark Castle. Snow White, Prince Charming and The Evil Queen walk through the woods. Prince Charming stops to pick one snowbell.

Prince Charming: (gives the flower to Snow White) For luck. (Smiling Snow White takes them, then she turns to the Evil Queen) What?

Evil Queen: We’re at the edge of the Dark Forest, trying to find the one person who can stop our imminent doom and save your unborn child. And you two stop to smell the roses?

Snow White: Snowbells.

Evil Queen: I don’t care if they are dancing daffodils. I need to destroy my sister. And so do you. (walks on the other two following close behind) And if that babbling mad man sent us on a wild goose chase, I swear I’ll- (Amidst the path there’s standing a door) What’s that supposed to be?

Prince Charming: Well, it appears to be a door. (Prince Charming carefully approaches the door. He’s able to see that the path continues beyond it)

Snow White: Through the door step inside. If pure of heart, then she won’t hide. It’s Rumple’s riddle. It’s Glinda. (steps through the door and vanishes.)

Prince Charming: Snow! (follows Snow White through the door)

Evil Queen: (scoffs) A portal with a cheap clocking spell. (Stepping through the door as well The Evil Queen enters the path beyond the door. Realizing that she’s not allowed to use the portal, the Evil Queen briskly walks back and closes the door behind her.)

SCENE: Enchanted Forest. Past, one year ago. Glinda’s Pocket Dimension. Snow falls.

Snow White: I thought she was supposed to be the Good Witch of the South.

Glinda: (magically she appears) I was. Before I was banished here.

Prince Charming: Where’s Regina?

Glinda: I’m afraid your traveling companion has a heart heavy with vengeance. Only a good witch may pass through my door.

Snow White: I’m not a witch. My name is-

Glinda: (interrupting) I know who you are. I’ve heard many tales of your bravery, and now you hold not one pure heart, but two. I sense powerful magic there.

Snow White: That’s why we’re here.

Prince Charming: We were told your light magic could help defeat the Wicked Witch. We’ve come to ask for your help.

Glinda: I’m sorry. My magic is not powerful enough to defeat Zelena. It never has been.

Prince Charming: You know her?

Glinda: We were friends long ago, when things were different. But she made her choice. She gave into her dark magic. I tried to stop her. I failed.

Snow White: There must be some way to defeat her.

Glinda: There is. She was born with great power. Long ago I gave her a pendant to help focus it. He magic has resided inside of it ever since.

Prince Charming: So, if we can remove it, she’ll lose her power and we can defeat her?

Glinda: But, only a purveyor of the strongest light magic will be able to accomplish such defeat.

Snow White: Light magic?

Glinda: Magic created from love.

Snow White: (in realization) Emma. Our daughter. She’s the product of true love. She’s the savior.

Glinda: If she is as pure and powerful as you say, then yes. She - and only she - can defeat Zelena.

Prince Charming: But she’s not in this land and we can’t get back to her.

Glinda: Then I’m afraid your quest futile.

Snow White: Actually, there is a way. But there’s a steep price.

Prince Charming: No, Snow. You can’t mean…

Snow White: Yes. We must enact the Dark Curse.

SCENE: The Enchanted Forest. Past, one year ago. South of the Dark Castle. Snow White and Prince Charming discuss their plan with The Evil Queen.

Evil Queen: Are you out of your minds? Even, if I believe this Glinda, which I don’t, to cast the Dark Curse I’d have to destroy the heart of the thing I love most, which - for me - is Henry.

Snow White: There has to be another way to enact it.

Evil Queen: If there were, do you think I would have k*lled my own father?

Prince Charming: What about a magic bean? If we had one, we could open a portal. Or Jefferson’s hat?

Evil Queen: There are no more portals. Not for us. Not for anyone the curse brought back. When I undid the first curse to escape Pan to bring us here, it divided our realms. It placed a wall between them.

Prince Charming: The Dark Curse is the only way.

Evil Queen: Haven’t you been listening? I can’t cast it.

Prince Charming: But someone else can.

Snow White: Who?

Prince Charming: You. (crouches down besides Snow White) It’s the only way. You can use my heart to cast the curse. We have to think of our child.

Snow White: Our child needs you. I need you. We’ll find another way. We always find another way.

SCENE: Storybrooke. Present day. Granny’s Diner. Entering the diner Emma approaches Mary Margaret, David and Regina.

Emma: He’s gone.

Regina: What do you mean, gone?

Emma: I mean he's not in the room. He's not in the parlor. and my keys are gone. My car keys.

Regina: Give me something of his. I’ll try a locator spell.

Emma: I’m way ahead of you. I’ve got GPS on his phone. He’s at the docks.

SCENE: Storybrooke. Present day. Storybrooke Dock.

Hook: Henry, this is a friend of mine. Mr. Smee.

Henry: Like from Peter Pan?

Smee: You remember?

Henry: I’ve seen the movie a million times.

Hook: It’s quite a common name in the seafaring world. As luck would have it he’s making sail to New York and would be happy for the company.

Smee: I am? (he quickly exchanges glances with Hook) I mean, I am.

Henry: (doubtful) Really? Where is your ship?

Smee: (turns around) Um, (notices a small boat moored behind him) there she is.

Henry: You’re stealing it, right?

Hook: You wanna go to New York or not?

Henry: Why are you helping me? (The distant sound of flapping wings gradually gets louder.)

Smee: (uneasy) Captain?

Hook: Mr. Smee, we need to get the lad to the boat house.

Henry: Why? What’s going on? (Up in the cloudy sky a flying monkey circles above them. Descending the monkey att*cks the group.)

Henry: Killian, what is that?

Hook: Now! (Running Hook, Smee and Henry enter the boat house.)

Smee: (locks the door behind him) What now, Captain?

Hook: (to Smee) Take the boy there. Far exit. Find a new boat. I’ll stay here to deal with our winged friends. (to Henry) Henry, go with Smee. Don’t stop, no matter what you hear. (Smee exits. Henry briefly stops once again, watching the flying monkey descending) Henry, go! (Hook fires his p*stol twice, k*lling two flying monkeys. Henry trips over a coiled rope. A third monkey descends attacking the boy) No! (Aiming Hook fires his p*stol once again, but the p*stol magazine is empty. Fired from behind another b*llet hits the third monkey directly in the chest. Running Emma, David and Regina enter the boat house. David throws his sword at another winged creature.)

Regina: I never liked pets. (launches a fire ball at a monkey sitting above. Two surviving flying monkeys remain. Emma sh*ts one of them and Regina launches a fire ball at their last opponent.)

Emma: (helps Henry to his feet) Henry, are you okay?

Henry: Y… Yeah. What were those things? (David sheathes his sword.) Why does he have a sword?

Emma: It’s all gonna make sense in a minute, I promise.

Henry: (confused) What are you talking about?

Emma: I’m sorry I was keeping things from you. You were right. You deserve to know the truth. (shows Henry his storybook)

Henry: About fairy tales? I don’t understand.

Emma: Do you trust me?

Henry: Yes, of course, I do.

Emma: Then I need you to believe.

Henry: Believe in what?

Emma: Believe in magic.

Henry: (doubtful) From a book?

Emma: It’s more than just a book. Do you believe in me?

Henry: Yes.

Emma: Then take it.

(Emma hands Henry the book. As soon as he takes it Henry remembers visiting Emma in Boston, both of them sitting together at his castle, Emma breaking the curse, using pixie dust to fly in Neverland, practice sword fighting with his father, leaving Storybrooke)

Henry: (to Emma) Mom? (Emma smiles. to Regina) Mom? (Regina hugs Henry) I remember. (to Emma) I remember.

Regina: Do it, Emma. Break the curse. (Emma leans forward to kiss Henry but he disappears)

Zelena: (trapping Henry in her arms) So, sorry to interrupt. Now, who wants to say good-bye first?

Henry: (struggling to break free) Who are you?

Zelena: You can call me Auntie Zelena.

Regina: Enough of this. (Regina takes a step towards her Zelena. Raising a hand Zelena magically pushes her sister backwards.)

Emma: Let him go. He had nothing to do with this.

Zelena: Don’t blame me. The captain failed me.

Hook: Damn you, Zelena.

Emma: Hook, what’s she talking about?

Zelena: He knew what the price of that failure was: Your son’s life.

Henry: (with a strained voice) Mom. (Emma focuses her magic on Zelena freeing Henry)

Emma: Run! (Henry hugs Emma)

Zelena: (frustrated) Enjoy this moment together because you don’t have many left! (disappears in a cloud of green smoke)

Emma: Henry, are you okay?

Henry: Yeah. Yeah. (Henry kneels down beside Regina. Gently shaking her he tries to awake Regina) Mom! Mom! Mom!

SCENE: Enchanted Forest. Past, one year ago. Dark Palace. The Evil Queen, Snow White and Prince Charming watch the Dark Curse boiling in a great cauldron.

Evil Queen: It’s ready.

Snow White: No. There has to be another way to get to Emma.

Evil Queen: There isn’t. You know if there were, I’d have gone back to Henry. This is it. This sacrifice.

Prince Charming: Snow, we have to do this. You have to do this.

Snow White: I can’t. I can’t crush your heart. I can’t lose you.

Prince Charming: You’ll never lose me. But this… this is our only chance. Think of our baby. Think of being a mother.

Snow White: Our child will never know it’s father.

Prince Charming: Of course, it will. Through you. We’ve always shared one heart. It'll only grow stronger when you look at that baby's face and see the love I have for you in its eyes.

Snow White: (crying) I’ve loved you since the first moment I saw you.

Prince Charming: And I love you until my last. (They kiss. to Evil Queen) Okay. Do it.

Evil Queen: I won’t lie. This is going to hurt. But it will work. (The Evil Queen thrusts her hand into Prince Charming’s chest and takes his heart out.)

Snow White: Charming?

Prince Charming: Don’t say good-bye.

Snow White: I love you. I love you more than anything.
Prince Charming: Which is why you have to crush it. (The Evil Queen hands Snow White Prince Charming’s heart. Crushing the heart Snow White adds the last ingredient to the Dark Curse. Prince Charming falls dead to the ground. Snow White sobs.)

Evil Queen: This won’t be in vain. We will get back to Storybrooke. We will defeat… (The Wicked Witch of the West flies in on her broom and descends on them. Hovering above the cauldron she adds an green potion and lands soon after. The Evil Queen faces her sister.) Zelena.

Wicked Witch of the West: Did you really think you could enact Rumple’s Dark Curse and I wouldn't know about it?

Evil Queen: No, but I didn’t really care? You’re too late.

Wicked Witch of the West: Actually, I’m not. (to Snow White) I’m afraid you sacrificed your charming husband for nothing.

Snow White: Regina, he can’t die in vain.

Evil Queen: She’s bluffing. Once the curse is enacted it can’t be stopped.

Wicked Witch of the West: I may not be able to stop it, but that doesn’t mean I can’t spice it up a bit. How does a forgetting potion sound? (They all look over to the cauldron as the curse cloud begins expanding. Snow has a look of shock on her face whilst the Evil Queen's is cold with annoyance. Zelena gloats.) Mm, sorry. Did you need your memories in the new land? Were you planning to stop me? Or, for that matter recognize me.

Snow White: (defiantly) We’ll find a way.

Wicked Witch of the West: Without knowing any of this? I doubt it. You’ll be too busy looking for your husband. You won’t even know about his sacrifice. Just endlessly wondering where he could be, always fearing the worst. (to the Evil Queen) Pay attention, sis. This is how you take away a happy ending. (The Wicked Witch flies off. Snow and the Evil Queen look to Charming's body, devestated.)

SCENE: Storybrooke. Present day. Storybrooke Dock. The boat house. Henry still tries to awake Regina.

Henry: (shaking Regina gently) Mom! Mom, please. Wake up! Mom! Mom!

Regina: Henry.

Henry: Mom. (Regina stands up and hugs Henry.)

Regina: (relieved) Henry. Oh, Henry. (smiles) I will never let you go away again. I promise. I love you, Henry. (Regina kisses Henry lightly on the forehead. The Dark Curse breaks. Mary Margaret hugs David.)

Emma:(to Regina) It wasn’t me. It was you. Mary Margaret. David, did it work? Do you remember the missing year?

Mary Margaret: Yes, everything.

Emma: How did Zelena cast the curse?

Mary Margaret: (shaking her head) She didn’t, Emma. We did.

Emma: You cursed yourselves?

Mary Margaret: Zelena’s weakness is light magic. I mean, it’s clear now, more than ever. You’re the only one who can defeat her.

David: That’s why we paid the price for Regina’s curse. To find you.

Emma: The price of the curse is the heart of the thing you love most. If one of you cast it, how are you both still here?

SCENE: SCENE: Enchanted Forest. Past, one year ago. Dark Palace. Snow mourns her husband as the curse cloud continues to expand above them.

Snow White: Regina, I need you to rip out my heart. (Evil Queen looks confused) Charming’s right. We have been of one heart since the day he woke me from the sleeping curse. If you split my heart in half, we can both survive.

Evil Queen: Snow, I know your love is strong, but this isn’t like plucking a flower. How do you know it will work?

Snow White: (desperate) Faith. Belief. I believe. I believe my heart is strong enough for both of us.

Evil Queen: (concerned) But, if you’re wrong, you’ll die.

Snow White: Please. Please, Regina. Do it. (Snow places her arms on the Evil Queen's shoulders as she thrusts her hand in Snow’s chest and rips out her heart. Carefully, she breaks the heart into halves. She plaes the two halves back into Snow and Charming as they both anxiously wait for Charming's revival.'After a moment Prince Charming inhales deeply. Relieved the Evil Queen smiles.)

Prince Charming: (surprised) Snow? Snow, what’s happening?

Snow White: (teary-eyed) You’re okay. We’re both okay. (They kiss as the Evil Queen smiles. They look up as the Dark Curse slowly spills from the cauldron and begins to surround them. The rest of the cloud soon collapes on top of them.)

SCENE: Storybrooke. Present day. The boat house. Henry tells Regina about the year he spent in New York.

Henry: New York was awesome. The pizza. The Yankees. My school.

Regina: (chuckles) Slow down. I wanna hear it all. The entire year.

Henry: I found an apple tree in Central Park that looked exactly like the one by your office. Of course, I didn’t know back then, but now I do. And guess what…

Regina: What?

Henry: I got pretty good at math.

Regina: No.

Henry: Pretty good. Not Stephen-Hawking-good, but good. What did I miss here?

Regina: Nothing much. Nothing that matters now.

Henry: Not even that guy that was kissing you?

Regina: Let’s stay focused on New York. Tell me about the pizza.

Henry: Come on, mom. Who is he?

Regina: (clears her throat) His name is Robin. Hood. We just started seeing each other.

Henry: Wait. Robin Hood? (Robin Hood enters the boat house)

Robin Hood: At your service. (They shake hands.)

Henry: Awesome.

Regina: So, the curse is broken.

Robin Hood: (nods) Indeed. And the missing year? Things a bit rocky between us, yeah? (He gives Regina a smile.)

Regina: (chuckles) For some reason you’re so much more likable here in Storybrooke.

(Laughing Robin Hood puts an arm around her. The three of them leave the boat house.)

Emma: (approaches Hook) Are you gonna tell me what Zelena was talking about? She said you failed her.

Hook: Don’t listen to her.

Emma: Killian, what’s going on? Were you working for her?

Hook: The witch tried to back me into a corner. I did everything I could to resist her plans.

Emma: So, whose idea was it to kidnap Henry and stick him on a boat?

Hook: It was mine. I was trying to save him.

Emma: From what? What is she doing?

Hook: She cursed me. My lips, actually.

Emma: Your lips? Why?

Hook: She wants to steal your magic. She thought I was the best way of doing that. She knows what we all know: That you can defeat her.

Emma: It should have been my decision to protect Henry. Whether she forced your hand or not, it doesn’t matter. I can’t trust you now. How can I?

David: She’s right not to. He has lied about more than just this.

Mary Margaret: You said you brought Emma to Storybrooke because you received a message from us with a memory potion.

Hook: Aye, what of it?

David: We didn’t send you any message.

Hook: Well, I got one. It’s the truth. Somebody bloody well sent me the message. Who else would have an antidote? Who else would have known where to find the savior?

SCENE: Enchanted Forest. Past. Dark Castle. The Wicked Witch of the West prepares a memory potion. Rumplestiltskin watches her.

Rumplestiltskin: (giggles) Wolf’s blood. Dragon’s scale. I’ve tasted this brew before.

Wicked Witch of the West: We’re about to take an unplanned trip, my pet. The curse is coming.

Rumplestiltskin: You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. (chanting) You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed.

Wicked Witch of the West: Don’t be so dour. What I need to do (opens the cage’s door) can be done from any land. I will succeed in changing the past. My spell will work.

Rumplestiltskin: But only, if you remember it.

Wicked Witch of the West: Which I will. (shows him the memory potion) With this. To keep my valuable recollection safe and sound. (The Wicked Witch drinks up the potion. She hands the second bottle to Rumplestiltskin.) Here. Drink it. Dump it out. Sing it a song. Your brains are still mine. If you want to remember the loss of your son, so be it. But, if you prefer to stumble about blind and stupid with the rest of them, be my guest. (The Wicked Witch exits taking the Dark One’s dagger with her.)

Rumplestiltskin: (wanders around the room) Memories are pain. Pain is strength. (He removes the bottle’s cork.) For vengeance. (He raises a hand to drink the potion. Uncontrollable spasms shake Rumplestiltskin's body and he trembles violently. Breaking free from his father’s body Neal comes alive. Rumplestiltskin loses his consciousness.)

Neal: (staggering to the table) We don’t need to remember. Emma does. (He tears a piece of cloth from his sleeve and hurriedly writes a note on it. Whistling he stubles over to the window. A pigeon lands on the sill and he ties the note abd bottle to its leg.) Find Killian Jones. On the Jolly Roger. Find Captain Hook. Go! (he lets the bird fly. Neal falls backwards and re-merges with Rumplestiltskin’s body. Rumplestiltskin awakens.)

SCENE: Storybrooke. Present day. Storybroooke graveyard. A tombstone reads: "Beloved Son Neal Cassidy". Henry, Emma, Mary Margaret and David mourn him.

Henry: He really was a hero.

Emma: He was, Henry. He didn’t give a second thought to sacrificing himself for you. For all of us. (Henry places a red rose on the tomb stone.)

Henry: Yeah. Was it hard? Coming back to Storybrooke, when you knew it’d be dangerous? I mean, life in New York was pretty good.

Emma: It was better than good. But I had this voice stuck in my head that I couldn’t shake.

Henry: Whose?

Emma: Yours. I knew how you would have voted on this.

Henry: (nods) Yeah. And you know what this means? Operation Cobra is back on.

Emma: I’m not sure it ever ended. (Mary Margaret gasps in pain)

David: Hey.

Emma: (running towards her parents) Mary Margaret.

David: Hey. Hey. Deep breaths. Take deep breaths. I’ll get the truck.

Emma: Mary Margaret, you’re okay?

Mary Margaret: It’s the baby. It’s coming.

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