02x02 - Letting Go

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Heartland". Aired: October 2007 to present.*
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A multi-generational saga set in Alberta, Canada and centered on a family getting through life together in both happy and trying times.
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02x02 - Letting Go

Post by bunniefuu »

Amy: Previously on "Heartland":

Ty: Hey, check out that one.

Amy: See those markings?

Classic Appaloosa mustang.

Come on, let's go!

Go on!

Jack: It's a wild horse, Amy. Not easy to gentle.

Amy: Let me at least try.

My own corporate equine retreat.

In other words, a dude ranch.

Crowd: Surprise!

(surprised laugh)

Happy birthday, honey.

I wanted to thank you for giving me a chance.

Now, I got a lot of years to make up for...

Dad, it's okay...

Dad: Honey...

I do and I will.


Hey, Jack.

Why did you bring him here, grandpa?

(Amy and Caleb chatter, horse neighs)

Caleb: I'm trying but somebody put this tree in my way.

(Amy:) (laughing)

Oh come on, Caleb, there's no way..

(indiscernible banter continues outside)

Amy: You got him?
Caleb: I got him.


(Horse whinnies)

(Birds chirp)

(Horse whinnies)

Caleb: That's it, just keep moving.

I got him cornered.

Amy: Oh yeah?

Like you had him cornered when you let him out of the pen?

Caleb: I thought I had him settled.

Amy: Well, you were wrong.

Ok, I'm sorry.

(Horse whinnies)

Mallory: Go left!

No, go right!

Do you want me to help?

Mallory, stay right there.

Come on.

Amy, I don't think he likes you.



(Horse whinnies)

Figure we could use another hand Okay, Mallory, if you want to do something...

Just... go get Scott.

Well what did you expect after four months?

Welcome home?

I guess I better get to work don't want to wear out that welcome.

Lou: Aren't uh...

Aren't you supposese to be doing something with that mustang?

I'm off the clock.

Oh, really?

And how long do you think that is gonna last?

How long have you got?

Mallory: Hey, Scott?

Amy needs you in the field.

I'd say about five seconds.

Wait here. I'll be back.


Mallory: (Sighs) While you're waiting, what're we gonna do about the Ty-Caleb situation?

Jack: What are we gonna do about the what?

You know. Ty's back and...

Caleb doesn't know about... You know.

The only thing I know, is if I was hoping to stay somewhere all summer, I might consider doing something useful instead of wasting other people's time with a bunch of...


I was just getting to that.

You know, she's got a point, grandpa.

Are you sure bringing Ty back here was such a good idea?

I made him a promise, Lou.

I'm gonna stick to it.

Easy, boy!

(Truck horn blasts loudly)

(Horse whinnies wildly)

Tim: Hey! Amy!

Why did you have to go and honk, dad?

We just about had him in the pen.

Tim: Well, I just couldn't wait to show you what I got here.

Guy's name is Storm.

He's a six year old, Dutch warmblood, that's what the papers say anyway.

He's beautiful.


Well, what's wrong with him?


Well, except he's a day late for your birthday.

My birthday...?


You want me to tie a big red bow around his neck?


You got me a horse for my birthday?!


Happy Birthday.

Amy: Wow. Thank you.

He's incredible. (Laughs)

Tim: Yes, he is.

(Coos to horse)
Hello, hello...

♪ and at the break of day ♪
♪ you sank into your dream ♪
♪ you dreamer... ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ you dreamer... ♪
♪ you dreamer... ♪

Don't stop on my account.

Oh no, I was uh...

We were done anyway.

That horse looks good on you.

Amy: I can't wait to try him over fences...

I-I-I don't know, I want to but-

Caleb: But you just don't want to rush things?

Amy: Yeah. Yeah, exactly.

I just want to have a feel for him, before...

Ty: So, how's Spartan been doing?


Well, he looks great.

Why wouldn't he?

Okay, I'm sorry I asked.

Oh good.

Well, at least you're sorry for something.

Amy, come on.

Just turn him out, okay?

Looks like you're not the only one who's been replaced.

So what did that guy used to do around here?

It's complicated.

There's a lot you need to know.

Jack: So are you settling in okay?

Yeah. More or less.

Leaning towards the less.

You met Caleb.

(Chuckles softly)

I don't know what I'm doing here, Jack.

You're working...

Unless you've got a better offer; Someplace you'd rather be.

As for Amy...

Well, don't let her run you off.

(Engine rumbles)

Hey, Lou.


Missed you this morning. How you doing?

Uh... busy, dad.

What about Amy?

She's good.

Well, I just, you know...

I wasn't sure...

Is everything okay with Storm?

Are you kidding, dad?

She's thrilled. I mean, come on, a present like that, who wouldn't be?

Well, I got something for you, too.

Oh my God...

Is that...?

I just picked them up at the post office.

Oh dad!

Thank you!

Thank you.

(Spartan pants and snorts)

Caleb: What are you doing with that horse?

Trying to take the edge off.

Caleb: Why don't you ride him?

Ty: He's Amy's horse.

Easy, easy, easy.

I'm betting you're not much of a rider.

Haven't done much lately.

Caleb: And you obviously don't know too much about horses.

What brought you back here?

Fresh Mountain air?

Yeah, that's it.

It's too bad, though.

'Cause all I'm smelling right now is a whole lot of bull.


(Spartan snorts and pants)

Caleb: So it's gotta be something happened between you and Amy.

Yeah, you've been gone for awhile, huh?

Guess things sorta changed since you left.

Ty: Look, here's the deal, man.

You wanna give me advice about horses?

I'm good with that.

But you telling me what's going on with Amy?

Fair is fair.

I figure she's capable of doing that all on her own.

Well, I take it you're inviting yourself for supper?

No. Not at all.

I'm just trying to be helpful.

I assure you there's no downside to me staying here.

Mallory, I figure I ought to know your upsides and your downsides by now.

I made a promise to your folks and I'll more than likely be keeping it.

More than likely?

How much more?

(Door closes)

Lou: Hey, everyone!

Good news.

The architects' plans have finally arrived!

For the equestrian retreat?

Did you get any orange juice?

Mallory'll be eating with us so...

You might want to double up on...

Well, pretty well everything.

Oh, I get it.

Nobody gives a damn.

What was I thinking?

You know, Jack, Lou didn't just stay in Hudson so she could buy groceries and wash dishes.

Jack: Oh, well, I'm wonder what she thinks she'll be doing if she gets that dude ranch up and running?


(Horse whinnies and grunts)

I guess it's true.

That horse really doesn't like me.

No, it's not that.

(Distant whinny)

There's another one out there.

Amy: Or another ghost horse; One only you can hear.

It's weird, though.

What is?

I mean, did you ever think we'd see him again?

You put your life on the line to set him free.

That was different.

Yeah, a lot of things are different.

And whose fault is that?

(Horse neighs)

Scott: That's great, Lou.

Lou: And each unit has its own washroom with its own eco-toilet.

Scott: Wow. Awesome.

Excuse me.

Go ahead.

Jack: Don't forget that baling twine in town.

Caleb: What about that mustang?

You need any help getting those antibiotics into him?

Jack: Well, I figure me, Ty and Scott, we can handle it.

Yeah, Ty's the real expert at mustangs.

(Door slams shut)

Hey Jack, have you seen these plans?

Grandpa's not interested.

I never said that.

Oh really? My mistake.

All right, Lou, I'll take a look.

Sorry. Not now, grandpa.

I have a very busy day ahead of me.

Okay, then.

When would be convenient?

I'll um...

I'll have to get back to you on that.

(Horse snorts)

Ty: Man, I don't get it.

Amy gets near this horse and he freaks out.

Stallions don't like to be bossed around by mares.

Are you saying my granddaughter's bossy?

Runs in the family.


Scott: I don't see any signs of infection, but better safe than sorry.

Jack: Still, you got to wonder...

Each day he's handled, he's gonna be a little less wild than he was the day before.

And a lot less likely to survive on his own.

Let him go.

My God, how am I gonna remember all this?

It's called studying.

You do it at home before a test.

Mitch: Ooh, let me guess. Chemistry?

Yeah, I failed that one back in the day.

So tuna salad times two?

I did okay with math.

Then make that three.

Light dressing, extra dressing, dressing on the side.

I get that right?

Always do.

I love her.

Ever since she started working here, I actually have free time.

If she ever left, my life would totally suck.

So, Amy, now that Ty's back, what's the deal with you and him?

No deal. He's just working at our place.

It's so unfair.

How come all the hot guys work for you?

Oh, until you hook up with them?

And then they disappear.

Ben went to university.

So I can hardly call that disappearing.

Hey Amy.

You skipping school again?

Amy: No, um...

It's lunchtime, so...

Caleb: Hunh.

You're drooling.

I am not!

Ashley: He's totally droolworthy.

But he's not your type.

And more importantly, you're not his type.

But I definitely am.

Amy: Ashley, what about school?

Don't wait for me.

I'll get a ride with Caleb.

So we're gonna lay the foundations right here.



Dad thought this was...

The architects really like the site.


It's exactly what you wanted.


It meets all of your conditions: You can't see it from the house or the barn.

What're your plans for these bunkhouses?

Oh, we're gonna tear those down.

My grandfather built these with his own hands.

Grandpa, they're practically falling down already.

No one's tearing down those bunkhouses.

But I can't build my guest cabins with those shacks in the way.

Then I guess you just can't build 'em, Lou.

Ashley: Amy!

Where'd you get that horse?

My dad; He was a birthday present.

Wow! Sweet!

Yeah, yeah, he's a great mover.

He doesn't really respect the jumps, though.

That's because they're too low.

That's Storm, isn't it?

Yeah. How'd you know?

I saw him at the international ring last year.

He was awesome!

So all you have to do is crank up the jumps and that's it!

Caleb: Hey.

Ashley: I would help you but I...

Ashley, he's working.

Well, so am I.


Hi, Caleb.

Caleb: How're you doing?

(Grunt) Ah!

(Storm snorts)


We should go out.

Tim: Hiya! Hiya!


Jack: I was hoping to see your boss.

Heard he was out of the hospital.

Well, right now, he's in the city, to see his lawyer.

He said he hasn't rewritten his will since his wife passed away.

A couple of us could probably say the same.


What, you still got something in there for me, Jack?

I see Ray's still running those longhorns.

You know, it's a funny thing, Ray and those longhorns.

He's got a thousand head of whiteface, and he cares more about those two...

A pair of longhorns...

The horns are worth more than the cow.

It's not so much the money with him; It's more their symbolic value.

Like that horse you bought Amy?


Uh-uh. No. That's all about the money.


I missed a lot of birthdays, Jack.

And that's how you're gonna make up for it?

What about you?

Why don't you go look at your attitude, huh?

Why don't you ask yourself why you're stopping Lou from tearing down those shacks.

Maybe you wanna mind your own business.

No, it's my business, Jack.

It is my business; It's my daughter.

It doesn't look good, you letting your misguided sentiment get in the way.

The last time I checked, Heartland wasn't a dude ranch; It's my ranch.

So I get the final say in what gets built and what gets torn down.

You're the boss.

At least he got something right.

So, Jack said no?

I'm not taking it as an actual no.

More of a maybe.

I don't know, babe.

Have you ever notice the ranchers around here, they never tear down their old buildings on the spread?

They just let them rot back into the ground?

Okay. So it's gonna take a little rethink.

Did you know that the rack of long horns over the bunkhouse door has been there since it was a working cattle ranch?

We'll repurpose them.

They would look really interesting over one of the beds.

You know, recycle, reuse, repurpose.


He's never gonna change his mind, is he?

Soraya: I'm sorry for the wait. I am so totally stressed!

What happened to Mitch?

Can you believe it?

She's barely been here a month and she's already taking a week off!

And my mom's out of town.

My life totally sucks.

I'll be back in a second.


There it is! My mechanical pencil.

How am I supposed to do my geometry homework without it?

I suppose you could do it at home.


Your name is Jackson?

Who calls you Jackson?


Especially nobody who expects to spend the summer in my house.

Keep the pencil, Jack...son!

I called him Jackson!

Not once. Not twice. Three, four times.

Jackson! Jackson! Jackson!

I couldn't stop myself!

Oh my God, that is serious.

Mallory: It's not funny. I plan to spend the summer here.

Ty: The whole summer?

Yeah, and how's that gonna work out when Jack hates me?

Ty: Ah, it'll work fine;

Amy hates me and I'm still here.

She doesn't hate you.

It's the opposite of hate.

Oh yeah?

She seems pretty friendly with that Caleb guy.

What's his story?

He lives in a trailer, he has a great big truck, and his nickname is Odellicious.

How much time have you got?

Lou: Ready?

Stand back!

Jack: What's the occasion, Lou?

I would like to propose a toast...

To the future!

To the future.

A future where nothing ever changes.

Where day after day, we all know exactly what we'll be doing.

Cooking meals and cleaning up after a bunch of people who's only concern is, what's for dinner, Lou?

Did you buy any juice, Lou?

A future with a bunch of old shacks happily rotting away in a clearing somewhere that you can't see from the house and can't see from the barn, but they gotta be there forever because they've always been there and nothing but nothing is ever gonna change that!


Sorry I asked.

You seen Lou around?


Seen my truck?


Maybe she decided to go for a drive...

All the way back to New York.

Well, I'm glad you survived the first couple of days back with your sense of humour intact.


Jack: For what it's worth...

That hat I gave you is hanging right there, if you still want it.

I found it in the garbage.

I guess we both got a pretty good idea who put it there.

But you never asked him why he didn't call.

'Cause I don't care. Why don't you ask him?

I already did.

What'd he say?

See? You do care!


I was lying; I didn't really ask him but that doesn't change a thing.

Amy: Don't get me wrong, dad, I love Storm.

But, I mean, what about this guy?

He's a champion, too. Aren't you, boy?

Well, Spartan's a good horse, but Storm's a great horse.

That's the problem.

It takes a lot of commitment to show a horse at Storm's level.

I don't know if I can handle it.

I'm already falling behind at school and at the ranch.

Amy... Amy...

I can help you.

I can help you and we can do it together.

You're talking about professional show jumping.

Yes. Professional show jumping, and you're a natural.

You could be a champ, Amy.

You want to take this to the next level, you've got the horse that can do it now.

You've got a horse that can take you all the way.

Lawyer: And you'll see here, here and here, I've removed any mention of your son-in-law Tim Fleming as a beneficiary.

Ex son-in-law.

Can I borrow your pen?

Lou: You fellas need a hit of Java?

Joe? Rocket fuel? Black gold?

How 'bout I give you a few more minutes to look at the menu?


Uh... that's what it says.

Excuse me?

Lou, what are you doing?

Sorry grandpa, I can't talk right now.

When I was in business school getting my MBA, one of the first things they taught us is that the customer always comes first.

Are you still working on that?


(Foot thumps loudly on door)

(Dishes crash)

(Horse grunts)


Good boy...

(Horse whinnies wildly)

Ty: Amy, get outta there!

(Agitated snorts)

Ty: Get outta there, Amy!

Amy: Oh! Ungh!

Back off!


You all right?

One of these days, that horse is gonna k*ll you.

Caleb: Well, breaking a horse, it's not exactly rocket science.

A lot of different ways of doing it, but this here is the tried and true.

Well, have you done this before?

A few times, yeah.

With a mustang?

Well, you gotta catch 'em first.

Given you manage to rope that mustang and get him into a pen, you tie a leg up... Like so.

Then you just sort of get 'im down to the ground.

Lay down, lay down, lay down.

Easy, brother.

(Coos softly to horse)
Easy... easy...

Lay down.

Once you've got him on the ground...

Well, there's no doubt about who's boss now.

Then, you let him up...

Easy... easy...


Well, you got yourself a fully broke horse, never look at you with evil intentions ever again.

Is that what you want, Amy?

A mustang for a house pet?

I didn't mean to offend anybody, but I think your friend there might not be cut out for working with livestock.

I know it seems harsh, but that's how cowboys break horses around here.

It's just one way, Ty. It's not my way.

But we've gotta do something.

We can't just let him sit in that pen.

You're right, Amy.

We can't just leave that horse in the pen.

What if he can't survive on his own in the wild, huh?

What if he gets rounded up? Sold for meat? Shot?!

Maybe it's not for you to decide what happens to him.

Why do you have to fight me on everything?

This isn't about me, or you, or that cowboy.

It's about the horse and what's best for him!

Yeah. Yeah, exactly.

What makes you think you know what's best?

Hey, Jack.

How's it going?

Can I get you a cup of coffee?

'Fraid I'm all coffee-ed out.

Well, I figured there had to a be a reason you're being so pigheaded about the dude ranch thing.

You're right, there's a damn good reason.

Tim: Yeah, and I'll bet it's got nothing to do with those bunkhouses.

It's probably got something to do with me, huh?

Come on, let me buy you a coffee.


I understand if you don't want to talk about it in front of the new waitress.

Oh, you know, do you?

Which is why I'm willing to take a backseat, become a silent partner, let you and Lou work things out.

Well, that solves one of my problems, right there.

Good. Good.

Well, I still have a problem.

I used to like to go in there and have a quiet cup of coffee.

Now, with Lou working there...


Caleb: Hey.

Ty: Yeah?

Look, I didn't want to say anything with Amy around, but you know how girls get about horses.

But that mustang?

Well, he'd sooner k*ll her than look at her twice.

Yeah, that's what I told her.

So you understand then.

I mean, you either break a horse to ride him or you let him go.

And uh...

Well, personally speaking, I'd be letting him go.

(Door closes)

Lou: Hey.


Ah, thank you.

Those aren't for you.


I warned you.

They're day-olds for the horses.

I'll bring you some fresh ones tomorrow.

You can't actually be serious about working at Maggie's.

Why not?

The hospitality industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in today's economy: Hotels, bars, restaurants, equine retreats - or as this family likes to call them, dude ranches.

So yes, I am very serious.

Okay, we need the money and I need a challenge.

So, if grandpa can't see that, then everyone else will.

Oh my God, I smell like a BLT!

I gotta take a shower.

(Horse neighs)

Promise you won't hate me?

Why would I hate you?

I read Jack's will.

I had to!

It was just sitting there, almost out in the open.

So, are you in it?

No. Don't get too excited.

You aren't either.

Let me guess. It's all Lou and Amy?

Yeah, that's what I don't get.

Lou's gonna get her dude ranch anyway, so why doesn't he just give it to her now?

Maybe he likes the way things they are, or the way they used to be.

Mallory: You mean he's stuck in the past?

Oh my God, should I talk to him about that?

Ty: Yeah, right.

Tell him you read his will and have some suggestions?

Would that be before or after you ask him if he's still good with you moving in for the summer?

(Distant whinny)

Ty: There it is again.

You really think he has a mate?

Yeah. Listen.

(Distant whinny)

Mallory: Wow.

Sounds really lonely.

(Distant whinny)

You know... You and Amy, I really think you should get back together.

It's not that simple, Mallory.

Never is.

(Distant whinny)

I see you finally made a decision about that mustang.

What? What're you talking about?

These are good.

Ty! Ty!

Ty, quick!

It's Ghost!

Ty! Come on, we have to find him, he's gone.

I'm not gonna help you find him.

Why not?

I let him go.

You what?

Ty: I set him free.

Amy: Who do you think you are?

You don't even care about that horse!

I care about you, Amy, and I don't want to see you hurt.

Caleb: Hey Amy, I'll help you find that mustang.

I'm betting he's most likely headed up the river valley, towards the mountains.

If some rancher puts a b*llet in his head, I am never gonna forgive you!

Yah, yah, yah!

Caleb: Hiyah! Hiyah!


You know, Lou, I thought it was tough getting time with you before, but this is ridiculous.

How about romantic?

Tall, dark, stranger. Hot waitress.

I've got sensible shoes, I have a little apron, a name tag...

So, uh, tell me about your specials.

Well, the um... Veal scallopini is very tasty.

Sounds good.

But a lot of the regulars are going for the chicken pot pie.

I'll take 'em both.

Finshed off with a hot fudge sundae?


You gotta stop working here, Lou.

You're driving me crazy.

Well, I gotta do something.

That equine retreat means a lot to me.

So, until I can come up with another plan...

Well, if this keeps up, I'm gonna have to trade my truck in for a double wide.


Caleb: I gotta admit, I was pretty impressed back there.

That's some temper you got.

You and Ty, I'm betting there's a lot of history there.

Amy: Yeah, history.

That's a good way of putting it.

You seen Caleb around?

He took off with Amy.

They went after the mustang.


Last I saw, he was in the pen.

He can't jump that fence.

He didn't jump it; I left the gate open.

Well, that was a damn stupid thing to do!


When you truck a horse like that out of here, he's got a good chance of making it somewhere.

You just let him loose, he's gotta cover a lot of miles, get past a lot of cattle ranchers, and plenty of them would just as soon sh**t a stray as keep him moving.

Okay. Maybe it was stupid.

It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Yeah, well, the stupid ones always do.

Amy: Okay, I think we should split up; I'll go along the ridge and you stay along this way.

Caleb: Well, there's not much point.

What? You want to give up, just like that?

We don't know where he is; He could be anywhere!

No, all I'm saying is unless that horse can cross rivers or jump fences, there's only one way for him to get back up there.

Okay, we'll go this way.

Amy: Yah! Yah!

Caleb: Hiyah! Hiyah!

look, over there, just down by the trees.

Ty was right!

He's with another horse, a mare!


(g*nsh*t, horses whinny)

Amy: Someone's sh**ting!

Caleb: They're just over there!


They're gonna k*ll them!


Amy! Amy! No!







No! Stop! Stop!


We're not sh**ting to k*ll him, Amy, but someone else most likely will.

We're just hoping to keep him moving.

We could still catch that horse!

You could help instead of chasing him away.

Ty, why don't you take that in the truck?

What're you doing, grandpa?

Listen, Amy, I uh...

I know you got this thing with Ty and that mustang all mixed up.

What're you talking about?

You try to hold on to something like that horse and you end up squeezing the life out of it, so you gotta let go.

And until you do, you're not doing yourself or anyone any favours.


You go on home now.

Me and Ty, we'll keep pushing those horses a few more miles 'til they're good and safe up in the mountains.

Let's go.

(Truck engine starts)

(Horse neighs)

(Wincing from pain)

Um... I was just wondering, did you see Ghost again?

Yeah, a couple of times.

Him and that other one.

Yeah, it was a mare.

You were right.

So, how far did you get?

All the way past the logging road till we couldn't go any further.

That's good.


Someone's been doing a little dumpster diving.

Okay, maybe I was wrong about that horse.

That still doesn't mean what you did was right.

You mean letting him go?

Sort of...

I just wanna know why you didn't even try to call me or anything!

Amy, I don't know.

I wanted to.

I didn't know what to say...

Amy, I just...


You're gonna need this if you're staying.

(Door squeaks shut)

(Storm snorts)

Tim: Bring him around.

Atta girl.

That's it, that's it! You got it!


Amazing, he's-he's incredible, he just jumped that like it was nothing.



Tim: So do you think you can win a few ribbons with that horse?

Amy: (Chuckles) Maybe.

Tim: Let me see; Do it one more time.

Amy: Okay. Yeah.

(Truck engine rumbles)

Man: Oof!

Watch it!

Hey, Lou, perfect timing.

You got a minute?

Not now, grandpa.

Well, it's about your equestrian restrooms, haven, cure thing.

Dude ranch, grandpa.

Let's just call a spade a spade, okay?

Okay, then... Dude ranch.

It's uh... Gonna take us awhile.

Want me to clear it with Maggie?

I'm sure she wouldn't mind you slippin' out.

Yeah, I'm sure she won't either, probably, grandpa, because she just fired me, so...


She said I was under-qualified!

No! (Laughs)

He looks ready to go.

Amy: Yeah...

But the only problem is the jumps.

Want me to put them down a notch?

No, the opposite; Let's go for it.

Yeah, that's good.

Uh... just one.

Go big or go home.

♪ Walking out in the freezin' rain ♪
♪ I feel nothin'
'cause I numb the pain ♪
♪ I'm lookin forward I'm lookin' back ♪
♪ on this day ♪

My grandfather built these bunkhouses.

I've heard.

So no one's tearing them down.

You brought me all the way out here just to tell me that... again?

Thing is Lou, they're solid as a rock.

(Loud thump)

(Loud crash)

I get it, grandpa!

We're not tearing down you're damn bunkhouses!

Well, that's right because...

We're fixing them up.

New roofs, new windows, new porches...

What about my eco-toilets?

Could put in an outhouse behind that treeline there?

An outhouse!

Ecologically friendly and authentically Western!

♪ Walking out in the freezin' rain ♪
♪ I feel nothin'
'cause I numb the pain ♪
♪ I'm lookin' forward I'm lookin' back ♪
♪ lookin' forward I'm lookin' back... ♪

Mallory: I still don't know what I'm doing here.

You're earning your keep.

You expect to stay here for the summer or not?

Start digging.

Who knows?

You do a good job, I might find it in my cold heart to leave a little something for you in my will.

♪ I'm lookin' forward I'm lookin' back ♪
♪ lookin' forward I'm lookin' back ♪
♪ on this day ♪
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