01x03 - Breaking Free

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Heartland". Aired: October 2007 to present.*
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A multi-generational saga set in Alberta, Canada and centered on a family getting through life together in both happy and trying times.
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01x03 - Breaking Free

Post by bunniefuu »

Have you seen these bills?

Oh, your mom took care of all that.

Grandpa, these are all unpaid.

I hate to say it, I truly do, but I telling you, Heartland's days are numbered.

Look, you could have the best business plan in the world, but with you in New York who's gonna impellent it?

You mean they want me to stay?

Well, I hope this doesn't mean you're gonna stop competing.

My Mom just bought me a new jumper, Apollo, he's amazing.

But don't worry, second place isn't so bad.

We should have rates and stick to them. Everyone else does.

We're not like everyone else.

I just set it up so you can practice jumping.

So Spartan doesn't have to be trailered. lt's amazing.

The problem is grandpa. He's never gonna forgive you.

And Amy. . .

I don't think she's ready to see you yet.

Stop spreading nasty rumors about Heartland and mind your own business.

Besides, it's kind of difficult to sling mud and keep your own hands clean.

Hey, boy.

[ Horse neighs ]

[ Horse neighs ]

Oh, Pegasus.

Oh, please, pick up, Scott. Please, pick up.


Scott! Amy Fleming. lt's Pegasus. Can you come over now?

And at the break of day You sank into your dream You dreamer You dreamer You dreamer Well, thanks for coming out so late, Scott.

No worries.

And don't you stay up all night.

His breathing has improved.

I don't think he's sick.

No? Why?

I think he's missing mom.

Aromatherapy might soothe him a bit.

Amy. . . Pegasus is not as young as he used to be.

I know, but think about it.

I mean, without any warning she's just gone.

He must be totally confused. They were really close.

They had a connection, that's for sure. I'll stay with you for a while if you want.


Couldn't sleep. Figured I'd get these done.

There's fresh coffee.

How's Pegasus?

Oh, Scott and Amy have the situation in hand.

Well, I hope he's better in time for that Open House.

I need Amy to help me.

She can't be spending all of her time with a horse.

Don't look at me like that, Grandpa. lt's in five days, and I can't cancel it.

Well, what can I do to help?

The barn door could use a coat of paint. lt's looking really tatty.

The sheds could really use a coat too.

Look, Lou, a ranch doesn't run itself.

Now, if you wanted the whole place spiffed up in time for this Open House thing, you should've given me a little notice before you decided on a date.

I know, I know. And I'm sorry.

But I couldn't put it off. We need the business now.

Grandpa, if enough people come and see what we have to offer, I know our stalls will be full of paying customers.

Well, then, I hope you're right.

By the way, Val Stanton offered to lend us a big tent if we want it.

She must be having a rare attack of generosity or something.

Probably trying to make nice for slandering us.

But you know, pick up that tent while her mood lasts, 'cause we could definitely use it.

Boy, this takes me back.

Here's something she wrote about Pegasus, after the accident.

Your dad's accident.

Geez, I'll never forget that.

I was living here, upstairs in the loft.

Tim was bull dogging at the Stampede.

He missed his steer and. . .

. . .got out of control and crashed into the hazer horse.

Pegasus went over and almost crushed Tim.

He was in terrible shape. Pegasus was pretty messed up, too.

The vets wanted to put him down, but your mom. . .

. . .she could communicate with him. lt's almost like she could get inside of his head.

She had the gift. lt worked on Pegasus.

Too bad it didn't work on my dad.

Let's see.

[ Horse grunts ]

Sure doesn't like that.

How about some Yarrow?


[ Horse whinnies ]

What about some of this? Hmm?


All right. Bergamot oil. lt's an immune system stimulant. lf that's what he chooses, that's what he gets.

Your mom always said you have to allow a horse to choose its own remedy.

We had a few arguments about that one.

[ Horses whinnies ]

Well, you're in good hands now, pal. I'll come by and check on him later.


He'll be good until morning.

Thanks for coming, Scott.

I was just so. . .

[ Gasps ]

No problem.

Thanks, Scott.

Good night.

Hang in there, buddy.

Sleeping in the barn again, huh, Scott?

Just for old times' sake?

There's coffee. Do you want any?


But I have a surgery first thing.

I should get a few hours sleep.

Coffee probably wouldn't help much with that.

Rain check. lf there's anything I can do to help with the Open House. . .

Hand out flyers to my clients?

Since you mentioned it, I just happen to have some on me.

[ Chuckles ]


See ya.




[ Horses whinnies ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Horse grunts ]

[ Gasping ]
You scared me.

I was just trying to be a nice guy. What's with you? I'm sorry. I'm just a little jumpy.


Pegasus was sick in the night. Scott had to--

Didn't you hear anything?

No, I can sleep through an earthquake.

[ Sighing ]
Well, he's still not eating.

Can you help me mix up some feed?

No, I can't. Jack and I are picking up a tent at Briar Ridge.

For the Open House.

You don't think I need veggie burgers?

[ Door opens ]

Yes, I am aware this is cattle country.

Okay. You're right. I'll pick up everything that morning.

Great. Thanks.



We can't do the Open House.

Why not?

Well, with Pegasus as sick as he is, I think it's crazy. lt'll raise awareness.

Oh, how New Age of us.

You know what, Amy?

There are a lot of skeptics out there, and this is our chance to show what we do here. I'm not going to argue with you anymore. lt'll be exciting. You can demo a join up.

Yeah, that'll put 'em to sleep.

For someone who's never seen it before, it's magical. lt'll be amazing.

I gotta go. I'm meeting an old friend for lunch.

Remember Marnie Crocker?


Went to high school with her.

Anyway, she calls me up out of the blue and offers to make food for the BBQ.

Apparently, she's an amazing cook.

Hmm. Maybe she can give you some lessons.

Very funny. At least someone is willing to help. I'll help you.

Thank you, Mallory.

Where's Ty?

[ Sighing ]
He's at Briar Ridge.


He's picking up a tent.

What for?

For the Open House.

When's he gonna be back? Did he say?

I hope he comes back soon because I rode my bike all the way out here and almost passed out because of the heat.

And he promised to--



[ Sighing ]

Hey, Jack.

MAN: Let's work on your combination.

[ Horse snorts and neighs ]


Take him around again.

I paid a $100,000 for that beast, and it won't jump.

What good is it?

Hey. lt's my brother's birthday present.

Like it?


Wanna take me for a ride?

Hold on.

To what?

You figure it out.

MALLORY: I told you he was depressed, didn't l?

I knew it. I could see it in his eyes.

But it's so weird he's not eating, though.

When my mom gets depressed, she doesn't stop eating.

Hey, boy.

How you doing? Hm?

[ Footsteps ]

Hey, Scott.

How's the patient?

He's still not eating.

Well, the blood tests came in normal, so that's a good sign.

Sign that he's depressed. Not sick.

I also have some good news. Uh, Nick Harwell called me.

He passed your name on to Lisa Stillman.

Yeah, the breeder?

Yeah. Her thoroughbreds are world-famous.

She has a mare that's gotten real aggressive.

Lisa's at her wits' end. She wants to meet you.

That would be great.

Could be good for business.

Yeah. I mean, we sure need it.

And it would definitely shut Lou up, right?

Only kidding.

No, you're not.

Hey. You look nice.

Thank you.

So, how's he doing?



Well, sorry I can't stay and overhear more of your true feelings for me, but I'm running late.

See you later.

[ Horses whinnies ]

So, uh. . . I'm going over to Fairfield. You wanna come?

I can't. I've gotta watch him.

I can horse sit. I'm gonna wait for Ty anyway.

All right.


She's been at two stables already, including Briar Ridge.

No one's been able to do a thing with her.

Well, what if I can't either?

Relax. Just don't let Lisa intimidate you.

She can be. . . Well, she's a bit of a thoroughbred herself.

Whatever you do, just stand up for yourself.

Thanks, Scott. Now I'm nervous.

Pffft. ldiot.

[ Sighing ]
I can't believe it.

You haven't changed a bit.

You have. Look at you.

You're gorgeous.

Where are the braces and the bangs? They were always just too short.

Oh, my God. My bangs.

My mother would cut them up to here so that they would last.

Here you are, ladies.

Thanks, Soraya.

Hold on a second. What is this? I'm an old married lady.


Three years this September.


Who else?

Not Jerry Gordon.

He got lucky.

You were dating him in, like, grade ten!

High school sweethearts. lt makes you want to gag, doesn't it? We even work together.

Doing what?

Weddings. I do the catering. He does the videos.

That's great.

But, hey. Tell me about you.

New York! Big high-powered job. . .

[ Grunting ] Getting there. lt's a bit of a grind.

You seeing anyone?

I am.

His name is Carl.

Let me guess.

Football star? Hockey player?

You always went for the jocks.

No. He's a financial analyst at the same company I work for.

We've been together about a year.

I don't know.

He's great.

So he's there, and you're here.

That's sad.

Yeah. I miss him.

A lot. lt must be weird to be back.

I still can't believe it.

Your mom was so amazing.

Yeah, she was.

She'd love that you're doing this Open House. if you need any more help. . .

You'll wish you never said that.

[ Both chuckle ]

LlSA: How old are you?

AMY: I'm almost 16.


Promise is a very valuable horse. I'm afraid I can't let her go to a 15-year-old. I've treated valuable horses before, Mrs. Stillman.

Um, I just worked with Star, Nick Harwell's horse.

I did speak with Nick. He did sing your praises, but. . .

My mother taught me. She was a horse trainer.

Yes. Your mother, the horse whisperer.

My mother didn't whisper to horses. She listened to them.


Okay. I like your attitude.

Do you want to see her?


She doesn't look aggressive.

No, she doesn't, not until you try and ride her.

[ Horse grunts and neighs ]
Whoa! Easy there. Easy, girl.

Easy there.

Was she fine at her last home?

Absolutely. I bought her about six months ago from an elderly friend of mine whose grandson rode her -- who was blind -- and she couldn't say enough about how gentle Promise was.

But she is just the opposite of gentle here.

Briar Ridge already gave up on her, said that she's a rogue horse.

And I just don't believe it.

Harry! Let's stop.

Let her calm down.


So what do you think? Can you help her? I'd love to try. I just don't know how long it would take.

You know what? I don't care how long it takes.

I just want the horse to be all right. So, yes?



So, seven o'clock?

That would be great. I'm so glad that we got together.

Me too.

See you later, okay?



Daddy? I've been calling you. There was no answer.

Ah, I got some ranch work. I've been thinking of you guys, and I meant to call, but. . .

. . .the reception with cells isn't so good in the foothills.

Aren't you going back to New York?

I will be. I mean, I intend to. lt's-- lt's just it's too soon.

There's too much to do.

We're having an Open House.


Hey, you should come. lt would be good.

No, Dad, you should. Pegasus is sick.

Lou, please.


Come. lt would be a good time for you to see Amy.

And if you could talk to grandpa, maybe the two of you guys could patch things up.

Well, I wouldn't count on that happening anytime too soon.

That old man would just as soon sh**t me as see me.

Please, Dad. For Amy.

I think she's ready.


You promise?

I promise.

Take my number. Call me at the ranch.


Okay. Bye.

Get your coffee off my truck.

TY: Okay. What are you so ticked off about?

I was gone for, like, 15 minutes, Jack. lt wasn't even that long.

[ Sighing ] You were gone for nigh on a half hour.

I was not--

I didn't take you over there to load this tent myself.

While you let yourself get led around by your. . .

By his what?


Can we clip Copper now? I've been waiting for you for ever.

Not now.

Why not? You promised.

So what? I can't. I got other things to do. Okay?

That stinks.

Get over it.

What's this?

A horse from Fairfield stables.

Have a good ride?

He's still not eating.

He's in a bad mood, and so is Ty. He totally ditched Copper and me.

I can help you with Copper if you want.

No. lt's okay. I really didn't need help. lt's just. . . I wanted to. . .

I don't know. Boys suck.

Where are you going?


Well, thanks for helping me with Pegasus.

Hi, Mallory.

Grandpa said we got a new horse.


Yeah, her name is Promise. She's really beautiful, but. . .

. . .she's got a real temper when it comes to saddling her.

Mom had a list of clients here somewhere.

I thought I'd sh**t them out some invites.

Lisa Stillman is famous. lf I can fix Promise, we're well on our way.

I just need to figure out if we need more tables and chairs.

Do you think I'm gonna need to rent some?

I have so much to do.

Lou, I don't think you heard me. I'm bringing in business.

Good. lsn't that what you want?

I mean, this stupid Open House is totally stressing you out, and we don't even need it.

I am bringing in clients, Lou. Can't you just cancel?

Cancel? No.

Why not?

Because l. . . I invited. . .

I can't, okay. Not now.

The reason this isn't working is I don't have the right tools.

You need the right tools to do the job right.

These are the right tools, Jack.

No, they're not.

I need a half-inch socket on a three eight's drive and a chain wrench.

I need the right tools.

Fine. I'll go look for whatever it is you think you need.

A can of gas and a match would be good. lf she's frightened of the saddle, why stick it in her face?

Well, I just want her to get used to it, see that it's not going to hurt her.

You know, it's weird. I didn't see any fear in her eyes.

[ Horse grunts and neighs ]

[ Clears throat ]

Lisa Stillman must be crazy.

Her horses are worth so much money.

Why would she send one here?

Because she heard that we actually can cure horses, Ashley.

Which is more than you apparently managed when Promise came to Briar Ridge.


So it's Promise.

Okay. Now I get it.

Get what?

Well, it's not like she gave you one of her valuable horses.

Everyone knows Promise is a hopeless case.

She's savage.

My mother tried everything with her, but she never gave in.

She just fought like crazy.

The kind of treatment your mother gave her, she didn't need.

You're right.

What that horse needs is a b*llet through its head.

And that's what's going to happen when your little faith healing act doesn't work.


When you finish, do you want to come over? I'm busy. I'm around if you change your mind.

Has your grandfather ever put up a tent like this before?

I don't know.

'Cause I swear to God, I'm gonna hang him from the tallest tent post if he doesn't lay off.

Hey, what's that?

Uh. . . Valerian. lt's a calming extract. I'm putting some in Promise's food just to help her relax a little bit.

Hey, don't listen to Ashley.

She's just spoiled rotten. lf anyone can fix that horse, you can.

Would you hate me if your grandfather went missing?

Hey, boy, brought you some supper.

[ Horse snorts ]

Come on.

You've got to eat.

I can't lose you too.

[ Horse snorts ]

What's the matter?


Hi. lt's Amy, isn't it?

I haven't seen you in years.

Oh, my God. You've grown up.

Are you okay? lt's my mom's jacket.

Lou said I could borrow it.

You just look so much like her in this light.

Oh, Amy, I'm so sorry.

Amy. . . What's the matter? lt's the jacket. lt must smell like mom!

I think you're right.

I am gonna take that damn tent, I'm gonna bury it where the sun don't shine.

I swear that Val left parts out just to get my ass bent out of shape. . .

Not bad. Not bad.

'Cause you have the right tools!

[ Laughs ]

[ Horse neighs ]

Come on, Promise. lt's okay.

No luck?

Oh, no.

I was thinking it was just fear of the saddle, but. . .

. . .now, I swear, with the risk of sounding like Mallory, I can see resentment in her eyes.

Your mom used to say that the answer to any horse riddle always lay in the past.

You're a genius.

You could say that. . .

[ Rods banging ]

. . .or not.

Hey, there, girl.

How're you doing?

You remember me, don't you?

Sure you do.

She's looking good.

A little tense, maybe. More than usual.

Hey, now, young lady, are you being difficult?

That's not like you.

So, how was she with you?

Perfect. A horse in a million.

She was my seeing eye horse, she sure was.

She guided me.

AMY: Really?

Yeah, she wanted to. You could feel it.

So why did she go to Lisa?

I changed schools. You know, new city.

Lisa was the perfect buyer. She really loves her horses.

But I guess, whoever rides Promise has to remember it's like dancing with a girl who's way better at the steps than you. . .

. . .she leads.

No mistake. She's the boss. lt's funny, when I was riding her, it was almost like I should be asking her permission.

Like it was a favor she granted me.

That's amazing.

So what do you say? May I saddle you now?

Oh, no saddle. I rode her bareback, with just a halter.

Promise was used to a gentle rider.

A rider without sight.

She fought against firm handling with aggression, and the stronger people got with her the more aggressive she became. lt was just her way of saying she wanted to be treated better.

The way she was used to. ln less than one week, Promise has gone from unridable to the perfect horse.

And that's all because here at Heartland we believe in listening.

No, we don't whisper things to horses.

We just let them speak to us.

Well, I'd say the horse is drugged.

Oldest trick in the book.

Get a rogue horse, sedate him, make it look like you've worked a miracle.

I would never drug a horse.

There were no dr*gs used, I can vouch for that.

Amy's just a very talented young woman with a special gift.


Tell you what, Amy, I paid top dollar for a horse that refuses to jump.

Why don't you show us how you can fix him? l. . . I can't just. . .

Come on. You say you can fix behavioral problems.

Show us.

LOU: Val, this is ridiculous.

You can't ask her to work miracles in two seconds in front of a crowd. lsn't that what horse whisperers do? I'm not a horse whisperer. I've never claimed to be.

Okay. I'll ride him.

Tsk-tsk. Come on.

Amy! Amy, you okay?

Amy! I'm okay.

[ Horse grunts ]

[ Horse grunts ]

I think the horse is afraid of you guys. . .

. . .not the jump.

How were you training him?

Rapping poles. Standard practice.

Two guys either side. They use lunge whips too.

Okay. Clear the field. lt's okay.

JACK: Okay, everyone, we need to back up.

Give this horse some space. lt's okay. They're gone.

They're not gonna hurt you. lt's just you and me now.

We're going to do this.

Together, okay?

[ Crowd cheers ]


I think you'll get your money's worth now.

Come here, Amy!

Okay, these are the best burgers I've ever had.

Seriously. They're so good.

My pleasure. l, uh, I did wanna thank you for standing up for Amy.

Well, who needs to stand up for her? She does fine just by herself.

You're doing a really good job with her, Jack.

[ Laughs ]
Oh, I don't know. I'm. . . I'm trying.

Well, I'm kind of in a similar situation.

My sister just went through a nasty divorce, and. . .

. . .l have taken on my nephew.

But I don't seem to have the same knack for it that you do. I'm sure you're just fine.

But if there's anything l. . . or we can do. . .

Yeah? Well, I might take you up on that.

I think every boy needs a good man in his life.

Heck, who doesn't, hey?

Hey, Jack.

Well, hello, Marnie Gordon.

Marion would have loved this. She sure liked a good party.


Yeah. She did.

[ Mumbling ]
Geez. . .

We're out of burgers. And we can't have that, can we? I'll be right back.

Scott, will you take over there?

No problem.


MARNlE: Hey.

SCOTT: How is it going?

MARNlE: Good.

So, it was a success.

I have to admit, your ideas aren't always bad.

And I have to admit that you do have a way.



That was super, Amy.


So. . . uh. . . Lou. Do you want to dance?

You can't dance.

I can too. I've got moves you wouldn't believe.

All right, this I gotta see.

Have fun.

Ashley's mom's a piece of work, eh?


My mom never let it get to her.

Can I ask you a question?

Yeah. lf you think Ashley's such a spoiled rotten brat, why did you have a ride on her stupid bike?

Stupid bike? Amy!

That was a Ducati. That's, like, my favorite bike. lt was a Ducati Multistrada 1100s. Like I wouldn't take it for a ride?


Who knew?

You can put some of that Valerian stuff on your burger.

You need to chill out.

You weren't jealous, were you?


Come dance with me, Ty! You promised.

Not that your promise is worth anything.

What's on your mind? My moves putting you to sleep?


I know it was stupid, and I probably shouldn't have, but I invited my dad to this.

[ Sighs ]

I know. What was I thinking, right?

'Cause, of course, he didn't show.

How you doing, boy? Hm?

Long time no see.

I heard you weren't doing so well.

[ Horse grunts ]

You look pretty good.

[ Sniffling ]

I know, I know, I know.


Can I help you?

Um, I'm just visiting.

Nice horse.

How's he doing?

You know, I mean, I heard that he was sick.

A lot better. He's doing a lot better.

Well, that's good. That's real good.

So, who are you?

Ty Borden. I live here.

You do? Where?

Just up there.

Lucky guy.

Nice meeting you.

Scott needs you at the grill.

What the hell are you doing here?

Lou invited me.

This is my property, and I want you off it.

Easy, Jack. I'm just here to see my daughters. That's my right.

Don't talk to me about your rights.

Why don't we deal with this like adults? Man to man.

Tim, if I saw a man, I'd deal with it like an adult.

But I don't see a man.

So I suggest you leave. . .

. . .now.

I don't want you ruining a perfectly good day for Amy.

I don't wanna fight you.

Not now.

So I tried before To make things up with you I fouled my way through life For far too long I am... I'm a coward I am... I'm a coward
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