01x03 - Betrayal

All episode transcripts (season 1-4) for the TV show "Revenge". Aired: September 2011 to May 2015.*
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The daughter of a framed executive makes it her mission to infiltrate upper Hamptons society and exact revenge on the people who set her father up.
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01x03 - Betrayal

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "revenge"...


(Emily) When I was a child, my father was framed for a crime he didn't commit.

(David) You're making a mistake!


Amanda Clarke no longer exists.

Before he died, he left a road map for revenge that led me to the people who destroyed our lives.

Why are you so interested in this girl?

Because she's interested in my son.

(Adam) Stay away from Charlotte.


What do you think you're doing, bringing Jack here?

It's nice to see you again.


I want you to start following her.

Something's not right here.

(Helicopter blades whirring)

(Man) Freeze! Don't move!

(Man) FBI!

Let me go! Show me your hands!

Stop resisting!

Let go!
(Man) Hands up!

Check the upstairs!

(Whirring continues)

Amanda Clarke.


How long did you really think you could fool me?

You must be as stupid as your father.

(Man) Get on the ground!



(Footsteps fall)

(Emily exhales)

(Objects clatter)





(Sammy whines)


What are you doing here?



What's that? What's this?


You're such a good boy.

(Cell phone beeps)


Oh, good boy.

Good boy.

Ciao, Margaret. How's Italy?

Weren't you on the landmark preservation committee last winter with Michael Davis?

Yes, just before he split with Lydia.

Come on.

Do you remember a lovely young woman by the name of Emily Thorne?

She paid obscenely for the Davis cottage next door, and you know how I can be about that kind of thing.


(Lid clatters)


No, I don't want to keep you. You run.

All right, darling. Bye.



(Sun Kil Moon's "Blue Orchids" playing)

♪ The ancient streets so crowded ♪

I made you breakfast.

♪ And narrow ♪

No. Uh, I'm not hungry.

♪ Up, up, high ♪

You gotta eat, Declan.

♪ The air tonight ♪

Did you get any sleep?

Barely. Uh...

You know, every time I drifted off...

(Taps bar)
Dad was there.

And I'd get up to tell you the good news.

I stayed up till dawn...

Looking over dad's will.

The stowaway's all ours now.

And he didn't want a funeral.

He just wanted us to scatter his ashes at sea.

You know the last thing dad heard was me calling him a loser?

We both had a lot of fights with dad.

He knows you didn't mean it.

Yeah, I did mean it.

♪ Out there... ♪

Scatter him without me.

♪ Halo of the skyline ♪
♪ my guardian angel ♪
♪ looks down upon me ♪

(Knock on door)

♪ Fall tonight ♪
♪ sweet Paris rain ♪

(Emily) Morning.

(Sammy whines) Hey.

I found this old-timer at my door last night.

Oh, wow.

(Sammy whimpers)

I didn't even realize he was gone.


I'm a little distracted.

My dad just passed away from a heart attack.

Oh, my God.


That's awful.

Is this him?

I lost my dad suddenly, too.

I'm so sorry.

I appreciate it.


Let me, uh, let me make you some breakfast.

Oh. It's the least I can do.

No, I-I would... I would love to, um...

But I have this thing that I have to go do, so...

Maybe next time.


Take care of yourself.


You, too.


(Fruit bats)
♪ somebody needs to tell me ♪
♪ what I'm supposed to do ♪

(Person grunts)

♪ Say that I'm not supposed ♪
♪ to be in love with you ♪

What the hell are you doing here?

Risking death to prove I'm still into you and reminding you, you should still be into me.

You are so full of yourself.

Come on. I could've broken my neck climbing up here.

The least you could do is put on a bikini and come watch me play volleyball.

(Knock on door)

(Whispers) Get down.

(Victoria) Charlotte, it's 11:00.

(Normal voice) Yeah, mom. Happens twice a day.

Well, my meeting's starting right now, and it'd be nice if you would put on one of the dresses I bought you and made an appearance.

Sorry. I already made plans.

(Sighs) Outgrow this, please, I beg of you.

Oh, and you might want to let Adam know that the drainpipe he scurried up is in full view of the conservatory.

♪ And I'm the only one ♪

Good morning, Adam.

Believed in you ♪

Morning, Mrs. Grayson.



And in keeping with your husband's image, we're planning a sort of upscale barbecue.

A-are you sure the courtyard can hold a hundred guests plus media?

I mean, the senator loves his media.

Mm. I know how much he covets the spotlight, but I promise you, there's enough room for everyone.

And if Victoria says "don't worry," you can take that to the bank. Mm.

Speak of the devil. Senator Kingsly.

Thank you.

How was the golf game?

Daniel spanked us old-timers.

Ah, lucky round.

Steve, are we done here?
'Cause I'd like to get back to the hotel for a shower.

You should stay here.

Oh, no. We'd... we'd hate to impose.

Nonsense. That's why we built this home.

Isn't that right, Victoria?

Well, all right, then. Perfect.

(Conrad) All right.

All right. I'll send for your bags. And here.

I took another pass at your candidacy speech.

Thanks, Steve.

Mrs. Grayson, I'm so sorry I'm late.

Hey. Hi.

I know you were counting on some of my ideas.

Well, we've already just wrapped, Ms. Thorne.

We managed to get it under control without you.

Emily Thorne.

It's nice to see you again, senator Kingsly.

(Senator Kingsly)
What a small world.

Conrad, Victoria, why didn't you tell me you knew Emily?

Well, we've only just met.

How do you two know each other?

Ms. Thorne was a senior volunteer in my first campaign.

And what was the name of the organization you believe David Clarke was laundering money for?

The same Americon initiative that claimed responsibility for blowing up flight 197 last summer?

Did you come here to help me finish what I started?

Well, I'm a big believer in finishing what you start.

Then you have to stay for dinner.

(Victoria) Well, it's summer in the Hamptons.

I can't believe the young lady doesn't already have plans.

Actually, she does.

With me.

Well, there you have it.

(Chuckles) Excuse me.

(Woman) Moments ago, a jury found t*rror1st conspirator David Clarke guilty on all counts.

The case, spearheaded by federal prosecutor Tom Kingsly, was a big win for both the United States and the young attorney.

Rumors are circulating that a political career is in the not-too-distant future for Kingsly.

(Clicks keyboard key)

(Cell phone beeps)

(Cell phone rings)


Well, well, well.

If it isn't the Thorne in everyone's side.

To what do I owe the pleasure?

Is it possible to hack a computer tablet to run a powerpoint presentation?

Possible for you or possible for me?

Can you do it or not?

With both hands tied behind my back if you tell me why.

You don't need to know why.


Get me the tablet's IP address and I'll make it so you can run whatever program you want.

I already sent it. Check your in-box. (Beep)



You're welcome, Mary Sunshine.

(Sighs, clicks keyboard key)

(Tom) Today I am just grateful that justice prevailed and that this terrible man has been held accountable for his crimes against the American people.

As for the future, I have always planned to serve my country however and wherever it needs me most.

(Reporters shouting indistinctly)

(footsteps approach)

Do you like the necklace?

What woman wouldn't?

I'm just curious as to why you're angrier today than you were yesterday.

Because yesterday, I didn't have a house full of unwanted guests.

Wear the teal.

Fine. You don't like Tom's politics.

Oh, I couldn't care less about his politics.

It's him I don't like.

Well, he's done more for us than we'll ever be able to do for him.

How could I ever forget?

Come on.

This will all be over before you know it, and then...

We can go to Paris for a few days, you know?

Whatever you like.

I want to make this right.

Then you never should've slept with my best friend.

(Clicks keyboard keys)


Just a second.

(Clicks keyboard keys)


Hey. Oh, you look lovely.

Thank you. You're punctual.

Is that a bad thing?

No, not at all. I'll just grab my stuff.

All set.

Well, aren't you full of surprises?

What can I say? I live alone.

We should go sh**ting sometime.

We definitely should.

Shall we?

We shall.

(Jack) My dad always said that an empty bar is a sad bar.

He'd be happy to see you all here today.

He might not have wanted a funeral, but he didn't say anything about a wake, so, everybody, drink up.

To Carl Porter.

(All) To Carl Porter.

And, uh, in honor of Jack and Declan's father, next round's on me.

(All cheer)

You didn't have to do that. You didn't even know my dad.

No, but...

Obviously, he's a... he's a good guy... all these people drinking here to honor him.

When my dad bites it, people will be drinking to celebrate.

What can I get for you, man?

Uh, you know to make a Malibu Bay Breeze?

I do.

I would strongly advise against it.

It's more of a whiskey and beer crowd.


(Clears throat)
When in Rome...

Ah, hey, sporty.

Whose fist did you walk into?

Oh, some rich jerkwad.

There's a lot of 'em around this time of year.

You, uh, planning on getting even?

Considering I'm half the guy's size with half the friends, no.

v*olence is only one way to take someone down.

(Indistinct conversations)

That's what I've been saying.

The family values crowd would eat that up.

Well, then here's to family values.

(Clears throat) And the passage of the Kingsly finance bill.

When I'm reelected, it's my first order of business.

All this talk of politics.

(All laugh)

Believe me, I'm used to it.

What a lovely necklace, Victoria.

(Tablet chimes)

Thank you.

Excuse me.

I'm expecting an e-mail from the majority leader.


It'll just...

I'm sorry. (Clears throat)

Steve, please come with me.

Excuse me.
(Clears throat)



(Steve) Oh, man. You've gotta be kidding me.

Find out where this came from.


Everything all right, senator?

(Man) ♪ was looking for his mother ♪

(Turns engine off)

(Man) Welcome to Tuscany.

Thank you.

What is this place? Looks interesting.

It's an Italian steak house. Ashley turned me on to it.

(Indistinct conversations)

Red leather booths and everything.

Too old-school? Not at all.

Just... Would've guessed you more Sushi bar than steak house.

The bloodier the better.

Could you excuse me for a second?


(Indistinct conversations continue)

Excuse me.

Hi. Um, I'm at that table over there in the middle, and I don't have a steak knife.

I'm sorry. I'll bring you one.

Okay. Thanks.

(Indistinct conversations continue)

Hey, can we get a bottle of sparkling water, please?

What the hell are you doing here?

Patrick, I-I had no idea...



(People speaking indistinctly)

Whoa. Wait here. Patrick.

Patrick, stop.

Stop! Patrick!


Look, I know how pissed you are, okay?

And you have every right to be.

But you have no idea how sorry I am about everything that happened.

You happened, Grayson.

And if you were man enough to take responsibility for what you did, you wouldn't be apologizing to me.

You'd be apologizing to my sister.

(People speaking indistinctly)

It's a video of you walking into a building.

What's the big deal?

(Lid clatters)

(Tablet chimes)


You've got another one.

(Sets glass down)

I gather that's not your niece.

(Door slides open)

What on earth is going on here?

Oh, more politics, I'm afraid.

Ah. Trouble with the majority leader?

I didn't want to bore you with this.

David Clarke is innocent, and I can prove it.

Tell the judge and have him call back the jury.

They're already in deliberations.

And now you're telling me, you committed perjury?

Don't believe her. She's in love with him.

What the hell is going on here?

What's going on here is, you've just argued an airtight case against the most hated man in America and when the jury convicts him, you're gonna be an instant national hero.

Your political future, Tom, is wide open, and you have a powerful supporter in me.

Now if you decide to listen to my wife, who's foolishly fallen in love with that monster, you're gonna throw all that away.

It's your call.

What's the crisis?

(Steve) There is no crisis.

Just a little situation.



You and Diane go ahead and finish dinner without us.

It might take a little while.

Rest assured, we're gonna take care of it.

Don't you always?


I'm... I'm sorry you had to see that.

But in a way, I'm also glad it happened.

You have a right to know what you're getting into.

Well, what am I getting into?

I mean, who was that guy?

Patrick Munello.

I dated his sister last summer.

Her name's Sara.

So you break the sister's heart, and then big brother breaks your car?

Actually, I broke her spine.

Oh, my God.

She wasn't paralyzed, thank God, but, you know, it's still a struggle for her.

How did that happen?

My mom, as you know, has a lot of expectations.

Her son dating a cocktail waitress from Portsmouth not one of them.

So towards the end of the summer, my mom made her feelings public at one of her parties.

And I took off with Sara, drunk.

Wrapped my car around a utility pole, and... they had to cut us both out.

So where is she now?

Still in rehab last I heard.

I haven't spoken to her since that night.

My parents covered Sara's medical bills and set her up so she wouldn't have to worry, paid a judge off to keep me out of jail, and in return, I had to swear I'd never see her again.

It sounds like you regret that now.

Every day.

Do you think I'm a bad person?

I think...

People who make mistakes should own up to them.

You should go talk to her.

Tell her what you're telling me now.

When did the affair end?

February, but on good terms.

I don't believe she'd be behind this.

Then it can be managed.

If it comes out, you both deny it.

Candidates survive this sort of thing all the time.

You're not telling us the whole story.

(Tom) Shortly before we decided to move on, Erin got pregnant.

We talked about it, and she decided not to have the baby.

I sent her the money to take care of it.

You know the senator's politics on the issue.

If it gets out, he's done.

More importantly, my wife would be devastated.

Well, then we have to make it so that it doesn't get out.

Every bait and tackle shop needs a web site, brother.

Uh, hey, uh, Jack, could... could we get another round over here?

I'm uploading this gentleman into the 21st century.

The only thing I'm uploading is you into a cab.

No, that's okay.
(Declan) You know what?

I'll throw my bike in the trunk and I can drive him home.

All right.

Thanks, friend.

(Nolan chuckles)


This is a cool place.

Be it ever so humble...

What do I owe you for this random act of kindness?

And I never carry cash, by the way.

Man, I don't want your money.


Maybe you could tell me what you meant earlier.

You know, about, uh...

Ways to get even.

An emerging specialty of mine.

Allow me.

Mm. What's the guy's name who trashed your face?

Adam something.

He's a friend of Charlotte Grayson's.

(Clicking keyboard keys)

Watch and learn, grasshopper.


Adam Connor?


(Clicking keyboard keys)


I just accessed his webcam, and...

Now you're free to record his most... intimate moments, and use them as you will.

(Declan laughs)

Charlotte Grayson.

And it seems we have struck gold our first time out.

Yeah, um, she had nothing to do with it, right?

(Closes laptop)

Whatever you say.

Can I borrow that?

Keep it.

(Chuckles) It's yours.


(David's voice) "The night after Kingsly "presented his closing arguments, Victoria managed to get a note to me."

(Victoria's voice) "My dear David, "I am so horrified by what's happened to you, "and I know how betrayed you feel.

"I can't tell you everything in a letter, "but I'm going to Kingsly in the morning "with evidence that will exonerate you.

"By this time tomorrow, "the judge will have declared a mistrial, "and this nightmare will be behind you, "behind both of us.

Forgive me."

(David's voice) "Whatever Victoria said to Kingsly, "it didn't change his mind.

"After only one day of deliberations, "the jury convicted me on all counts.

"With friends like the Graysons, Kingsly will probably wind up president someday."

(Clicks keyboard keys)


No, no, no, no, no.

The large arrangements go on the bar, and the smaller ones go on the table.

Has anyone seen the AV guy?

Is everything under control?


Good. I want to check the seating arrangements.


(Indistinct conversations)

Did I make a mistake?

Oh, no, no. I'm just always changing my mind.


(Doorbell rings)

(Speaks indistinctly)

Thank you. You're welcome.

Please tell me you're the AV guy.

I wish I could.

Tyler Barrol, Daniel's roommate at Harvard.

Now I see why he comes home for the summer. (Chuckles)

(Victoria) Tyler.

Well, it's finally nice to put a face to the name.

You must be Charlotte.


You're cute.

Daniel didn't mention that you were coming.

Oh, total impulse. I hope it's not too much of an intrusion.

Well, he took off early this morning, God knows where, but you're perfectly welcome to make yourself at home at the pool house if you wish.

Thank you, Mrs. Grayson.

Would you be a dear, and show him the way?

Of course.

(People speaking indistinctly)

I'm sorry, but I didn't catch your name.

I didn't give it to you.


The pool house is that way, next to the pool.

(Lesser Gonzalez Alvarez's "A Twist in the Sky" playing)

♪ And someday she might ♪
♪ wave him good-bye ♪
♪ from a twist in the faraway sky ♪



Just, uh, yeah, just leave those right there.

Your tips from last night are in that envelope.

Nolan was extra generous.

Yeah, tell me about it. He gave me, uh...

He gave me a laptop for driving him home.

He's big into buying friends.

He's got the money. He might as well use it.

Hey, listen, I was, um, I was thinking of closing up early and...

I'm gonna go pick up dad's ashes.

You should come with me.

No, no. I already told you, no.


I don't get it, man.

Dad broke his back for both of us his entire life, and he loved you, Declan.

You already made one mistake you're gonna regret for the rest of your life.

Do you have to make it two? You know what?

Just 'cause he's dead doesn't make you my father.

(Beads clatter)

You have a minute?

I do.

Aren't you busy cleaning up after the senator?

Daniel went to see Sara at the rehab center today.

(People speaking indistinctly)

He knows he's forbidden.

Why I thought you might like to know.

Strange thing...

Is that Emily drove him.

What is this girl up to?

You really don't trust her, do you?

Trust is the one luxury I cannot afford.

I think she's the reason that Michael left Lydia.

And I intend to prove it tonight at the fund-raiser.


By putting Emily next to him.

One look at the two of them together, and I'll know.

Clearly, someone has to step in before my son makes another mistake.

Is it done?

(Nolan) This is some of my best work, if I do say so.

Uploading the program to the good senator's tablet...



The second he opens that God-awful speech, the program will initiate.

You better be right.

(Cell phone beeps)

I thought you were in Italy for the summer.

I was, but my parents were all over me about my resume.

I gotta get serious about an internship.

Well, in the meantime, you're welcome to crash here for a bit.

You sure your parents won't mind?

His parents won't mind at all.

But it's nice of you to ask.

Thanks, Mrs. Grayson.

Daniel, a word?

Uh, I'll go see if your party planner needs a hand.

(Chuckles) Her name's Ashley, in case you were wondering.

You broke our agreement.

You went to see that girl Sara.

How do you know that?

Well, at least you're not denying it.

I went to apologize, mom.

Something I should've done a long time ago.

And for what it's worth, she wasn't exactly forgiving, so... at least now I can move on.

With Emily Thorne?

You got a problem with her, too?

At least you know she's not a gold digger.

The only thing we know for sure is that you're a bad judge of women.

I'm asking you to take it slow till we know more about her.

No one's ever gonna be good enough for you, are they?

Nonsense. I want you to be happy.

Oh, like you and dad?

It's for your own protection.

(Indistinct conversations)

(Conrad) Daniel tells me you're at the top of the class.

You play golf?

Uh, yeah, well, I've been giving it my all, sir.

I can certainly put you in touch with a good pro. Emily.

You look stunning.

Thank you, Mr. Grayson.

Hello, Emily.

Mrs. Grayson. Have either of you seen Daniel?

Oh, I'm sure he's around somewhere.

Have you met his roommate from Harvard?


Nice to meet you. Pleasure.

That's a beautiful dress, Charlotte.

It's total Kate Middleton.

Oh, what could be wrong with that?

Excuse me.

(Cell phone beeps)

(Woman) ♪ and in the background, baby ♪

(Sighs) What are you doing here, Nolan?

Evening, kitten.

As you know, I'm a big contributor to the good senator's campaign.

I just thought I'd show up and...

See what I'm contributing to.


The fun police.

Is he bothering you again?

Like a swarm of gnats.

So what'd you think of Daniel's friend Tyler?

I think you're clearly interested.

Why should you get to have all the fun?

Hey. Could we take a walk?

Yeah. Is everything okay?

Yeah. I'll see you in a bit.

(Mouths word)

Hello again...



Where are you?

I'm dying over here.

I'm not big on politics.

Adam, these are the sacrifices you make when you're trying to win someone back.

Call me as soon as it's over.




(Girl laughs)

(Adam) Mmm.



(Girl moans)


(Girl laughs)

(People speaking indistinctly)

So what's up?

You didn't happen to mention to anyone about Sara?

No, not at all. Why?

I swear, my mom's having me followed.

What? That is... that's so creepy.

Listen, I'm sorry if I overstepped or... no, no, no. I'm glad that you did.

It was the right thing to do.

You know, seeing Sara again made me realize that I have to start taking control of my life again, standing up to my parents.

Well, in that case, I'm glad I could help.

Look... (Sighs)

No matter what happens between us, or what my mother says or does, and if me and you last a week, a year, ten years, forever... (Chuckles)

I'll always be honest with you.

Next to Candace and Bob, over there.

Okay. Have a wonderful time.

Michael. (Laughs)



Oh. Well, how fit you look.

Thanks. I, uh, finally got back to the gym.

Victoria, I was surprised to get your call.

I figured Lydia had successfully poisoned the well with you.

Our divorce has really brought out the worst in her.

Well, it's brought out the worst in both our spouses, I'm afraid, but...

It's water under the bridge, right?

Right. Mm-hmm.

Lydia isn't here, is she?

Heavens no. (Laughs)


But there are a good number of people that I know are going to be thrilled to see you.

As a matter of fact, I've seated you next to someone I believe you know very well.


You remember Emily?

You do look familiar?
(Camera shutter clicks)


You were on the landmark preservation committee together.

That's right. Of course. It's good to see you.

And Emily bought your beach house.

Yes, I did.

Emily Thorne. Right, of course.

There you are.

Hey. I got lost coming back from the bathroom.

Cameron, hi.

Emily. Wow.

It's been ages.

I'm sorry. We haven't been introduced.

Oh, I'm sorry. Victoria, Cameron Lang.

She's, uh... my plus one.

Cameron also worked on the preservation committee.

Technically, Emily was the one who introduced us. (Chuckles)

Did she now?


I'd like to introduce you to a man I've been proud to call my friend for the past 15 years.

He's a man who represents everything this country should be... honorable, passionate, and conservative.

(Guests laugh)

Please welcome senator Tom Kingsly.

Thank you, Conrad.

And thank you, Victoria, for hosting this auspicious event at your home.


(Guests speaking indistinctly)

(Applause continues)

(Tablet beeps)


(Camera shutter clicks)


(Guests speaking indistinctly)

(Camera shutter clicks)


(Guests continue speaking indistinctly)

What's going on?

I don't know.

(Guests continue speaking indistinctly)

(Camera shutters clicking)

Oh, my God.

(Guests continue speaking indistinctly)

(Camera shutters clicking)

(Clears throat)

I, uh...

(Clicking continues)

I came here tonight to announce that I will not be seeking reelection this fall...

(Camera shutters clicking, guests murmuring)

As I am retiring from public life.

(Clicking continues)

I'll see to it your contributions are returned.

(Clicking continues)

I'm very sorry.

(Murmuring continues)

(Clicking continues)

(Murmuring continues)

She claims that you invited her, senator.

That's a lie.

Where is she?
(Steve) With security.

She said you've been texting and e-mailing her for the past month, wiring money to take care of the baby, even told her you'd leave your wife.

Then she said you sent her a red dress and a plane ticket to be here tonight.

That doesn't make any sense.

What does she stand to gain by forcing my resignation?

Your opponent could've paid her.

Or a jealous staffer with access to your correspondence could've set the whole thing up.

What? That's insane.

Tom, I have dedicated my entire career to you.

Tom. What's going on?

Oh, you have no idea how much work I put into this event.

I'm so sorry.

But it was a really great party, considering.

Speaking of parties...

Believe me, I would like to hammer all of those, but I have a major mess to clean up.

Rain check?

Count on it.

What about you two lovebirds?

Oh, no. Don't tell me you're gonna bail on me, too.

You know I don't drink anymore.

Oh, come on.

I mean, after tonight, you can make an exception.

I-I don't think so.

But look on the bright side... you can party all summer, and I'll be your designated driver.

Yeah? Well, then let's get started. Where to?

Actually, I'm exhausted, but you guys go.

Have fun.

You sure?

Mm-hmm. Okay.

See you soon.


Let's talk.

Drive safely now.

Well, I'm stunned.

You never can tell with people, can you?


Good night, Emily.

Good night, Mrs. Grayson.


Would you mind terribly if I started calling you Victoria?

Of course.

Then good night, Victoria.

Go away, Nolan.

I have to know. How did you do it?

How'd you get your hands on a sex tape?

I bought the building that his mistress lives in.

As part of the renovations, I had cameras installed.

Uh... wow.

That's commitment.

Uh, and now?


I release the videos to the press.


You already got what you wanted.

You destroyed a man's career.

I want to destroy his life.

If he had done the right thing, he would've saved my father.

He chose not to so down he goes.

Along with his family.

You scare me.


(Door opens)

(Door closes)

(Cell phone chirps)

(Computer chimes)




Hey. (Chuckles)

Uh, check out that sunset.

Only thing missing is you.

Call me sometime.

Okay. Uh...







(Chuckles) I'm so sorry.

Maybe he's trying to tell me something.

Maybe he's... Worried about you after what happened to your father.

Maybe, yeah.

I wish you could've met him.

It's his final request.

Where's your brother?

Didn't show.

I'm on my own.

Well, not entirely.


The "Amanda"?

Yeah. Sammy named her.

(Sammy whines)

Thanks for bringing him back to me...



(Sammy whines)

Sammy. (Clicks tongue)

Come on. Come on.

(Motor starts)

(Emily) For the innocent, the past may hold a reward.

But for the treacherous...

It's only a matter of time before the past delivers what they truly deserve.

The Kingslys have decided to avoid the spotlight for the time being.

That's probably best.

You should know that I located the IP address all those e-mails came from.

Unfortunately, it's a little late.

The damage has already been done.

They came from right here.

My laptop?

Well, I sure as hell didn't do it.

Not you.

Someone with real motive and access.


(Necklace clatters)


I got you something.


(Exhales deeply)


I love them.


(Whispers) Hey.

(Normal voice) Hey.

You promise me, when you wear them, that you think of me.


(Whispers) Let me see.

(Normal voice)
God, you're so beautiful.
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